HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Receive Plans and Spec's/Authorize Ad for Bid. Pumphouse for Well #9, City Project 273BCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 6, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Plans & Spec's/Authorize Ad for AGENDA SECTION: Bid, Pumphouse for Well #9, City Project #27313 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA IVEM#4-K City Engineer/Public Works Director &4 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and Plans APPROVED BY: le, \V/ — This item is for Council consideration to proceed with the second phase of constructing Well #9 and the associated pumphouse. Well #9 is under construction and should be complete in 3 to 4 months. This second phase of the project involves the construction of the pumphouse building and associated facilities. I have a set of plans and specifications in my office for your review and have attached some pages from the plans which show the building profile and layout. The Planning Commission approved the Site Plan on July 9, 1996. We are requesting that the Council approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for the pumphouse. The bid opening will be August 30, 1996 at 10:00 a.m. and will be brought to the City Council on September 3, 1996 for awarding of the contract for the construction of the pumphouse. The pumphouse then should be complete by the spring of 1997 and Well #9 will be online to provide water to our system. Staff recommends the action as stated below. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR WELL #9- PUMPHOUSE FACILITY, CITY PROJECT #273B. COUNCIL ACTION: 2 U CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1996 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR WELL #9 -PUMP FACILITY CITY PROJECT #2738 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote have ordered the preparation of plans and specifications for Well #9 Pumphouse, City Project #27313 and such plans and specifications have been presented to this Council for approval: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1 Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official City newspaper and the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications for City Project #27313 3. The advertisement shall be published in each of said publications at least once not less than three (3) weeks before the date set for opening bids, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened on August 30, 1996 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at Rosemount City Hall in said City and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk for five (5%) percent of the amount of such bid. ADOPTED this 6th day of August, 1996. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: gap a am mom =2 WWI nnr I r n ap WELL NO. 9 PUMPING FACILITY ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 1996 finT u- Cffy OMCIALS CATHY BUSHO MAYOR COUNICL ROJEqT LOCATI��, Ir JOAN ANDERSON �11 14 1 --* KEVIN CARROLL COUNCL I! DENNIS WIPPERMANN COUNCL THOMAS BURT CITY ADMINISTRATOR BUD OSMUNDSON ENGJNEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR MIKE WIDSTROM PUBLIC WORK EXRECTOR LOCATION MAP DRAWING INDEX GENERAL SHEETS 1. TITLE SHEET AND INDEX 2. SITE PLAN 3. MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS 4. ARCHITECTURAL AND SUBCUT ELEVATIONS 5. ARCHITECTURAL PLAN 6. STRUCTURAL FOOTING PLAN AND PRECAST PLAN 7. ARCHITECTURAL SECTION 8, ARCHITECTURAL SECTION 9. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 10. PIPING PLAN ". PIPING SCHEMATICS 12. MECHANICAL PLAN 13. ELECTRICAL PLAN 0 -6-0 98fi. 0 x z z t; Z IL T :) a to 06 tj Z cn ow w 40 It SHANNON PARKWAY '.4 . ........... ..... .................... .. ... ......... . ....... ...................... .............. .......... 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It rn I- 10 0 z 0 z 41, ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Bonestroo WELL NO.9 PUMPING FACILITY K32 Rollene Anderilk A ARCHITECTURAL AND SUBCUT ELEVATIONS M Associates .93 M 0 4 c kil Ln ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Boneefroo —I — WELL NO.9 PUMPING FACILITY M30 A derlik 6 �71 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN ftpw.��- rill I " Agnsociales v -------- --------------------- ------------ ------------- .............. ilia! )JAR - --- — ---- .................... . ................... . ..................... 0 ALI-11 "L:j 0 ;S9 9 JP C&VW.IX Ma I"/Z/ Z Z . . . . . . Ln ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Boneefroo —I — WELL NO.9 PUMPING FACILITY M30 A derlik 6 �71 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN ftpw.��- rill I " Agnsociales v