HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Water Ordinance AdoptionCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 19, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: Water Ordinance Adoption AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA ffEM City Engineer/Public Works Director #7 L ATTACHMENTS: Water Ordinance APPROVED BY: This item was on the last Council agenda for its first reading and discussion purposes. Attached is the "cleaned up" version (without the strike -outs and hi -lights) of the ordinance as discussed at the last meeting. At the last meeting Council Member Edwards was concerned with whether or not private telephones could be tapped or accessed in any way, to listen to private phone conversations. I have talked to representatives from the manufacturer and have been assured that the only communication through this system is by tone and does not allow in any way anyone to listen to phone conversations. I have found out furthermore that there are over 1,000 of these systems in cities across the United States and Canada already in place which further insures that there is not a problem in this area. Therefore, unless Council has any other questions or changes, Staff recommends adoption of this Ordinance after publication in the official paper. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT THE ATTACHED REVISIONS TO THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS ORDINANCE AND ADOPT IT AFTER IT HAS BEEN PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL PAPER. I COUNCIL ACTION: 4 CHAPTERI WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS ARTICLE A. SYSTEM REGULATION AND USE SECTION: 4 -IA -1: Utility Established, Administration 4-lA-2: Billing Regulations 4-1A-3: Use Restrictions 4 -IA -4: Private Systems Restricted 4 -IA -5: Waste Restrictions 4 -IA -6: Violations; Penalty 4 -IA -7: Storm Water Utility 4-lA-1: UTUffrY ESTABLISHED, ADNMI41STRATION: A. Operation and Administration: The Municipal water and sewer systems shall be operated as a public utility and convenience from which revenue will be derived, subject to the provisions of this Article. The general operation and administration of the water and sewer systems shall be under the direction and control of the Utilities Commission.' B. Liability and Responsibility: 1. City Liability Limited: The City shall not be held liable at any time for any deficiency or failure in the supply of water or to provide sewer service to the customer whether the same be occasioned by shutting off the water for repairs or connections or any cause whatever. 2. User Liability Established: After the initial connection has been made, the applicant, owner, occupant or user of such premises shall be liable for all repairs (including frozen lines) required to any water fine from the curb stop to the premises or sewer line from the main to the premises. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant, owner, occupant or user to maintain the stop box at such height as will insure that it remains above the finished grade of the land or property. I See Title 2, Chapter 4 of this Code. C. Implied Consent to ' Regulations: Every person applying for water or sewer service, every owner of property of which any such application is made, every person accepting water or sewer service and every owner of property where such service is accepted subsequent to the passage of this Article shall be deemed, upon making such application or accepting such service, to consent to all rules, regulations and rates as established by this Article and as may hereafter be set forth and adopted by the Council by resolution or ordinance. D. Right of Entry: The City shall, by any authorized employee or agent, have the right to enter and be admitted to any lands and property in the City for the purpose of inspection of materials, plumbing work and fixtures of all kinds used by or in connection with the water and sewer system. 4 -IA -2: BILLING REGULATIONS: The Utility Commission shall have the authority to prescribe by resolution the date of billing and such further rules and regulations relative to the use and operation of such system as it may deem necessary from time to time. A. The Utility Commission may provide a system of water meter reading by postcard, meter man, or any other method deemed suitable to the purpose by the Commission. The Commission may also establish billing areas or districts and provide for the reading of meters and billing charges by calendar quarters or monthly quarters or such periodic intervals as the Commission shall determine suitable and necessary from time to time. B. In the event a water or sewer bill, whether incurred prior or subsequent to the passage of this Article, is unpaid at the end of the calendar quarter or the billing period under which the billing is sent out, the bill shall be considered delinquent and the service may be discontinued as previously provided or the City Council may cause the charges noted in such billing to become a lien against the property served by certifying to the County Auditor the amount of said delinquent bill in accordance with the Statutes of the State.' 4 -IA -3: USE RESTRICTIONS: A. Leak in Lines to be Reported: Any owner, occupant or user of a premises who shall discover a leak in a water service line to the premises shall notify the City within twenty- four (24) hours. Any water wasted due to failure of such person to comply with this regulation shall be estimated by the City and be charged for against the owner at such premises at the established rate. B. Sprinkling and Other Limitations: In order to conserve our potable water supply, each water customer is required to abide by an odd/even sprinkling system. On odd days of the month, only odd numbered addresses shall water lawns and/or landscaping and on even days, even numbered addresses. This limitation shall not apply for the first 30 days after establishment of new lawns and landscaping. I M.SA. §§5 14.01 et seq. C. Water for Air Conditioning: All air conditioning systems which are connected directly or indirectly with the public water system must be equipped with water conserving and water regulating devices as approved by the Utilities Commission. Permits shall be required for the installation of all new air conditioning systems to the public water system. Said permit shall be on forms as provided by the City. D. Use Confined to Premises: No person shall permit water from the water system to be used for any purpose except his own premises unless written consent is obtained from the Public Works Director. 4 -IA -4: PRIVATE SYSTEMS RESTRICTED: A. It shall be unlawful for any person to install a private water or sewer system in the City except in such cases as the public water or sewer system is not accessible to the premises where such private systems are requested. To determine whether or not such public water system is accessible to the premises, the property owner or his agent must first make application for connection to a public system. Upon determination by the Public Works Director that it is not feasible to connect the applicant's premises to the public water or sewer system, the applicant shall be granted a permit to install a private water or sewer system, upon compliance with the conditions in subsection D of this Section. B. Whenever any premises with an existing private water system is connected to the Municipal water system, there shall be maintained a complete physical separation between the Municipal water supply system and the private water supply system so that it is impossible to intentionally or unintentionally allow any water produced by a private system to be introduced into the City system. C. If the private well is not continued in use at the time a Municipal water connection is made, the following shall be completed: 1. The well pump and tank shall be disconnected from all internal house piping. (Ord. M- 1,8-15-72) 2. The well casing shall be filled, plugged and cut off according to the most recent rules and specifications of the Minnesota Department of Health, the Dakota County Environmental Department and the Building Code. D. All private sewer systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of City Ordinance B-6 1. 4 -IA -5: WASTE RESTRICTIONS: A. Prohibited Wastes: Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful to discharge any of the following described waters or wastes into the Municipal sanitary sewer system: 1. Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than one hundred fifty degrees (1500) F. 2. Any water or waste containing more than one hundred (100) parts per million by weight of fat, oil or grease. 3. Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other inflammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas. 4. Any garbage that has not been properly shredded. 5. Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, plastic, wood, paunch manure or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage system. 6. Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process or which constitutes a hazard to humans or animals or creates any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant. 7. Any waters or wastes containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the sewer treatment plant. 8. Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance capable of creating a public nuisance. 9. Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Building Official, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amount, or any inflammable wastes, sand or other harmful ingredients; except that such interceptors shall not be required for private dwelling units which discharge only normal wastes therefrom. Such grease and oil interceptors shall be of substantial construction, watertight and equipped with easily removable covers which, when bolted in place, shall be gas-tight and watertight. All grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times. B. Surface Waste Discharge Prohibited: No person shall cause to be discharged into the Municipal sewer system, either directly or indirectly, any roof, storm, surface or ground water of any type or kind, or water discharge from any air-conditioning unit or system. C. Industrial Waste Restricted:' It shall be unlawfal to discharge into the Municipal sanitary sewer system any industrial wastes unless the prior approval of the Utilities Commission is obtained. 1 Industrial waste charge provisions are contained in Article I C of this Chapter. 4 -IA -6: VIOLATIONS; PENALTY: A. Discontinuance of Service: Water service may be shut off at any stop box connection whenever: 1. The owner or occupant of the premises, or any person working on any pipes or requirement thereon has violated or threatens to violate any of the provisions of this Article. 2. Any charge for water or sewer service or any other financial obligations imposed on the present or former owner or occupant of the premises served is unpaid. 3. Fraud or misrepresentation by the owner or occupant of the premises served in connection with any application for service. (Ord. 3U-1, 8-15-72) B. Penalty: Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the County jail for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. (Ord. M-1, 8-15-72; amd. 1983 Code) 4 -IA -7: STORM WATER UTILITY: A. Utility Established: The City does hereby establish Rosemount Storm Water Utility for the purpose of managing City -owned storm water facilities, the collection of storm water connection charges, utility user fees and expenditures necessary to own and operate this utility as expressly allowed under Mmesota State Statues 412.321 through 412.391. B. Operation and Administration: The operation and administration of the Rosemount Storm Water Utility will be the responsibility of the Rosemount Utilities Commission as established in Title 2, Chapter 4 of this City Code. C. Rules and Regulations: Establishment of operational standards, user fees and other rules and regulations established for the purpose of operating this utility are established in the "Storm Water Utility Policy" adopted here by reference and may be amended by City Council resolution as is deemed necessary by the Council. D. Effect, User Fees: This Section shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. The Rosemount Storm Water Utility will be established on April 1, 1992 with the first user fees collected in July of 1992. (Ord. M. 18, 3-17-92) CHAPTERI WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS ARTICLE B. CONNECTIONS SECTION: 4 -IB- 1: Installation and Piping Requirements 4-lB- 2: Water Meters 4 -IB- 3: Tapping of Mains Prohibited 4-lB- 4: Supplying from One Service 4-111- 5: Water Stop Box Location 4 -IB- 6: Water Turn -On 4 -IB- 7: Abandoned Services 4 -IB- 8: Fire Hydrants 4-1B-1: INSTALLATION AND P11PING REQUIREMEENTS: A. All connections to the water or sewer systems shall be performed by a plumber licensed by the State of Minnesota. (Ord. )G-1, 8-15-72; amd. 1983 Code) All water and sewer piping and appurtenances installed in the City shall meet the requirements of the most recent adopted provisions of the Minnesota State Plumbing Code, unless otherwise specified in this article. B. All applications for water, sewer and storm sewer service installations shall be made by the owner or agent of the property to be served and shall state the size and location of service connection required, and the applicant shall at the time of making application, pay to the City the amount of fees, assessments or deposit required. All installations shall meet the requirements of the most recently adopted provisions of the Minnesota State Plumbing Code, the Standard Utilities Specifications of the City Engineers Association of Minnesota and the City of Rosemount Standard Specifications. C. The Municipal Water System shall be fully and continuously protected from contamination or possible water backflow in accordance with the most recently adopted provisions of the Minnesota State Plumbing Code in all private or public buildings. D. All water service pipes connected to the Municipal system shall be a minimum of I inch (I ") inside diameter in accordance with the most recently adopted specifications of the Minnesota State Plumbing Code. 4 -IB -2: WATER MEETERS: Before any water conveyed through the City water system shall be used or utilized on the land or premises of any person, there shall first be installed a water meter that will accurately measure the water consumed on the premises. (Ord. M-1, 8-15-72) A- All meters for any use shall be furnished by the City. (Ord. Xl- 1, 8-15 -72; amd. 1983 Code) The City shall charge the cost of the meter and automatic meter reading equipment to the applicant for the plumbing permit. This cost shall be set and amended by City Council resolution as is deemed necessary by the Council. B. No other person other than the City or its designee shall maintain or repair any water meter within the City limits. Every water meter connected to the water system shall be sealed by or under the direction of the City, and no other person shall break or remove such seal; provided, however, that a plumber licensed to do business in the City may break such seal to remove such meter for necessary repairs. In all cases where a seal is broken or a meter is removed by a licensed plumber, such plumber shall notify the City of the fact within twenty-four (24) hours after the seal is broken or the meter is removed. Whenever any seal attached to a water meter by or under the direction of the City is found broken, the broken condition of such seal shall be prima facie evidence that such seal was broken contrary to the terms and provisions in violation of this Article. C. Said meters shall be repaired from time to time as is necessary to insure accurate measuring of the flow of water; except that whenever a meter has been damaged due to negligence on the part of persons other than the employees of the City, the owner, occupant or user of the premises or such other persons desiring the use of the water shall reimburse the City for expense of repairing any such meter. Upon failure to reimburse the City within a reasonable time and upon demand therefor, the water services and supply to said premises may be shut off or discontinued as determined to be in the best interests of the City. D. It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with, alter, by-pass, or in any manner whatsoever interfere with the proper use and functioning of water meters within the City E. All water meters shall be and remain the property of the City. F. Installation of the horn, raising the curb box to finished grade, and flushing of the lines shall be the responsibility of a plumber duly licensed and registered according to the Minnesota State Plumbing Code Rules. City personnel will install the water meter, remote, remote wire, meter interface unit and will turn on the water when an appointment is made with the City 24 hours in advance of installation. The meter setting shall be provided as follows: 1. Meter settings shall be located in the utility, laundry or furnace room and in every case shall be located no more than eight (8) feet from the nearest floor drain on the same floor level. 2. The setting shall be installed to provide that the meter be between six (6) and twelve (12) inches from a wall and between eighteen (18) and thirty-six (36) inches from the finished floor, and shall be rigidly supported with a permanent support. The water meter shall be readily accessible with a minimum clear space of two (2) feet in aH other directions. 3. Each meter setting shall be provided with an approved valve on the street side and the house side of the meter. Such valves shall be well protected from freezing. 4. Meter setting devices (meter horns) shall be used for installation of one (1) inch or smaller meters. 5. All vertical piping extending from the water meter up to the horizontal run shall be no smaller than one (1) inch. 6. Meter Interface Units (MIU): Meter Interface Units shall be securely installed on the wall closest to the water meter. A single RJ 11 telephone jack receptacle shall be wired into the existing active telephone circuit and shall be located no more than 18" from the water meter. The water meter shall be connected to the MIU with three wire conductor type as specified by the City. The MILI shall be connected to the Telephone jack with telephone wire and a RJ1 1 jack plug. All wires shall be secured by use of wire ties or clips. 7. Remote reading devices: Remote touch pads shall be installed in the area of other utility meters three (3) to four (4) feet above finished ground level, on the finished exterior wall. Typically, the remote shall be installed on a side wall within twelve (12) feet of the front line of the building. In no case shall the remote be allowed on the front or rear of the building without prior permission from the City. The wire to the remote may not be exposed on the exterior wall. The wire must be of the three wire conductor type as specified by the City, and all three wires must be hooked up at the Meter Interface Unit. 8. Section 4-113-21' of the Ordinance shall take effect on all Plumbing Permits applied for on or after January 1, 1997, on all newly constructed homes or other buildings. G. If a meter fails to register or accurately measure the water, the charge for water consumed shall be paid for at the established rate based upon past average billings as determined by the City. 4 -IB -3: TAPPING OF MAINS PROHIBITED: No person except persons employed by the City shall tap any distributing main or pipe of the water supply or insert stopcocks or ferrules therein, unless otherwise authorized by the City. 4 -IB -4: SUPPLY FROM ONE SERVICE: No more than one housing unit or building shall be supplied from one service connection except by special permission of the Utilities Commission. 4 -IB -5: WATER STOP BOX LOCATION: Water curb stop boxes will be installed at a point on the property tine most suitable to the property and shall be left in an accurate vertical position when backfilling is completed. A minimum eight inch (8") concrete block shall be placed under each curb stop. Before any grading or excavation is started, the water shut-off box shall be located and checked for damage by the contractor. If available, location ties will be furnished by the Public Works Department at time connection permit is issued. If the shut-off box cannot be located or is found bent or in a damaged condition, the Public Works Director is to be called at once. The contractor assumes all responsibility for damage to the curb box. 4 -IB -6: WATER TURN -ON: No person, except an authorized City employee, shall turn on or off any water supply at a curb stop, gate valve or fire hydrant without permission from the Public Works Director. 4 -IB -7: ABANDONED SERVICES: All service installations that have been abandoned or have not been used for three (3) years shall be disconnected at the main by the City and all pipe and appurtenances removed shall become the property of the City, and any expenses of the City shall be charged to the property. When new buildings are erected on the site of old ones, and it is desired to increase or change the old water or sewer service, no connections with the mains shall be made until all the old services shall have been removed and the main plugged by the City, and any expense of the City shall be charged to the property. (Ord. M-1, 8- 15-72) 4 -IB -8: FIRE HYDRANTS: All fire hydrants shall be inspected periodically by the Public Works Department whether on private or public property to ensure that they are in good working order. The owners of privately owned hydrants that require repair shall be notified immediately and shall repair the hydrants within 5 working days.