HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Fire Department Annual Report CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS PREPARED BY: SCOTT AKER,FIRE CHIEF AGENDAM # 3 A ATTACHMENTS: FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT APPROVED BY: This item will be the presentation of the fire department's annual report. It will be in both written(see attached) and oral form. If there are any questions which you would like addressed at this council meeting or at future meetings,please let me know. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ACCEPT THE FIRE DEPARTMENT'S ANNUAL REPORT. COUNCIL ACTION: ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL MARCH 1996 Respectfully Submitted by Scott Aker, Fire Chief City of Rosemount INTRODUCTION The Annual Report is intended to be very statistical and brief. If additional information would be helpful in giving you a more complete picture of Fire Department's operations, please indicate what that would be and future reports could be tailored to include that information. MEMBERSHIP A breakdown of the number of members that the fire department has had over the past years is indicated below. The current number is 33 members. We reached a high of 36 members for a brief time during 1995, but have since lost members and dropped to the current level. Last year's low of 29 was the lowest since 1973. We are pleased to be making a turn around in these numbers. We need to continue to increase those numbers as we respond to an increasing number of calls, and will soon be operating from two fire stations. 1988 38 1989 40 1990 39 1991 33 1992 36 1993 35 1994 31 1995 29 Current 33 FIREFIGHTERS 45 43 • • 41 N 39 u 37 m _._ .•b 35 . • e 33 r 31 • T 27 25 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Year *Firefighters The hiring process is currently underway to add five new members the close of 1996. The 1996 goal is based on the budgeted amount, and to current recruitment predictions, along with the needs as previously n identified. 1996 Goal----38 Firefighters EQUIPMENT / CONDITION, The fire department currently has twelve (12) vehicles. Twelve vehicles includes the Fire Education House which is a trailer. Specific information on each vehicle is listed below. This number has decreased by one as a pumper was taken out of service during 1994 and not replaced. Vehicle Model Year Condition / Status, Aerial 3 580 1972 Poor, Not Used since 10/95 Pumper 3581 1978 Good, Needs Refirbishing Pumper 3583 1986 Very Good 2 1989 Good, Pump Needs Replacing Grass Rig 359 Grass Rig 3594 1991 Good Tanker 3595 1973 Good (New Transmission) Hose Truck 3596 1992 Excellent Rescue Truck 3590 1990 Excellent Rescue/Utility 3591 1978 Fair Officer Vehicle 3599 1989 Excellent Officer Vehicle 3598 1990 Excellent Safety Trailer 1994 Excellent FIREFIGHTERS 45 43 41 N 39 u 37 i m _. . b 35_ • e 33 . . . 29 27 25 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Year *Firefighters The hiring process is currently underway to add five new members prior to . the close of 1996. The 1996 goal is based on the budgeted amount, and current recruitment predictions, along with the needs as previously identified. 1996 Goal----38 Firefighters EQUIPMENT / CONDITION The fire department currently has twelve (12) vehicles. Twelve vehicles includes the Fire Education House which is a trailer. Specific information on each vehicle is listed below. This number has decreased by one as a pumper was taken out of service during 1994 and not replaced. Vehicle Model Year Condition / Status Aerial 3580 1972 Poor, Not Used since 10/95 Pumper 3581 1978 Good, Needs Refirbishing Pumper 3583 1986 Very Good Grass Rig 3592 1989 Good, Pump Needs Replacing Grass Rig 3594 1991 Good Tanker 3595 1973 Good (New Transmission) Hose Truck 3596 1992 Excellent Rescue Truck 3590 1990 Excellent Rescue/Utility 3591 1978 Fair Officer Vehicle 3599 1989 Excellent Officer Vehicle 3598 1990 Excellent Safety Trailer 1994 Excellent EMERGENCY CALLS A detailed breakdown of calls was not included in this report. It would be the same as the one you are receiving on a monthly basis. If you would like a complete packet of the monthly reports one can be provided to you. A summary of 1995 calls is on the next page. Total Calls by Year 1982---163 1990---330 1983---187 1991 ---384 1984---215 1992---355 1985---217 1993---396 1986---189 1994---422 1987---264 1995---432 1988---269 1989---270 EMERGENCY CALLS 450 420 . . . 390 N 360 u 330 m • b 300 e 270 r 240 + 210 • 180 • 150 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Years o Em. Calls JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Incident _ Totals FIRE CALLS 4 1 3 12 10 4 4 0 6 2 6 5 59 Commercial I 0 0 2 6 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 7 _ , _ _ Residential 1 1 1 _ 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 2 3 13 Other Structure P 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vehicle 4 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 10 _ . -- Grass/Brush/Ag. i 0 0 7 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 .... Other 0 1 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 2115 RESCUE CALLS 20 3 A 18 15 23 24 38 15 27 21 30 28 292 Vehicle Accident 1 4 1 5 5 4 6 3 4 0 10 5 50 Commercial Med. 1 et, 8 4 1 2 3 9 2 4 2 3 2 56 Residential Med. 12 8 12 9 16 14 21 8 18 18 17 21 174 _ ..._.. Other 4 0 1 0 0 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 12 HAZARDOUS SITUATION 1 0 4 0 1 4 0 2 1 0 2 2 17 ___—_--- Spill/Leak 1 0 3 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 11 _., Power Line q 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 Other q 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 _ FALSE ALARM 4 2 5 1 3 4 8 2 2 2 9 47 Residential-Malfunction 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 2 12 Commercial- Malfunction 4 4 2 3 0 2 3 6 2 0 1 6 33 Residential-Unintentional 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial-Unintentional 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Malicious-Mischievous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 GOOD INTENT Q 2 2 2 0 0 2 1 2 2 0 1 14 Smoke Scare 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 6 Other 1--- 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 1 8 MUTU-A- __ - __ L—AID-- 0 1 M 0 __ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 Fire ---6-----6---6 -----1 —6 ----6-------i _ re 0 1 0 0 0_ _ Rescue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 Haz-mat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MONTHLY TOTALS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL 1995 45 28 30 ---34 -35 -m35 48 ---26- 38-—--28 40 45 432 TYPE OF EMERGENCY CALLS,1995 ~• ■ Medical Calls 67.6% ti.tif 1.• ♦S ti.•.K L•S r•f•rMM•1•r• 0 Fire Calls 14.4% tiK.tiK•tiK•ti• •ti.ti.ti.tK.4.ti•'Nti.ti.M ::ti':::rM:�: • Good Intent 3.2% LI Haz-Mat ▪ KK•titi.YhK• 3.9% .,.�.r.r.f.�.f. ■ False Alarms 10.9% Y1.ti.ti.ti.ti PUBLIC FIRE EDUCATION During 1995 the Rosemount Fire Education Trailer was on the road around the area from June to October. In that five month period we had 3,829 children go through the house and the associated fire survival lessons. We rented the House out to other agencies and collected enough money to take care of expenses. FIREFIGHTER OF THE YEAR For quite some time the American Legion Organization has been sponsoring a program to honor the Peace Officer of the Year. The Local American Legion recogniszes that person and then they move on to County, Regional, State, and National competition. In 1993 the Rosemount American Legion began to recognize the Rosemount Firefighter of the Year. They have been advocating that this progran someday evolve and be the same as the program for the police, but to date it ends at the local level. The Rosemount Fire Department has a committee set up to recieve nominations for this award. The committee reviews those nominations and makes thier choice. That name is passed on to the Rosemount American Legion and that person is honored at the annual legion banquet. The 1995 Firefighter of the year is Mike Reis. 1993 Scott Aker 1994 Gene Swanson 1995 Mike Reis GOALS, Most of the goals of the Fire Department, as you have seen over the years and by the nature of the service that the Fire Department delivers, are re- occuring goals each year. The goals for 1995, that were presented last year, are attached with an indication of the status of those goals. The Fire Department goals for 1996 are also attached. EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DRILLS The number of calls that the Fire Department responded to last year was indicated previously. To remain a member in good standing each person must respond to at least 30% of that number of calls. They must also attend at least 66% of the 36 scheduled drills. During 1995 the average for the Department was 93% attendance at drills, and 42% attendance at emergency calls. At first glance that 42% number may appear rather low but you must keep in mind that 9-11 hours of each day is spent at work at another job for most members and they are not available to respond. Take out personal demand time, vacations, sickness, and the like and that percent begins to look very high. You also must keep in mind that the members are on call 24 hours each day and 365 days of the year. Again this is an average so we do have some people who are responding 60%-70% of the time. FIRE STATION The members are very pleased that after several years of work and a number of setbacks the fire station will finally move forward. We know that the added location will greatly benefit the citizens of Rosemount. This project will undoubtedly occupy the major part of the station committee's time during 1996 and early 1997. FINANCE Probably the most difficult task involved with putting together the proposed budget for the next year is estimating salaries for the firefighters. In most budgets salaries is a fixed amount and probably the easiest to set. The Fire Department has a large number of factors in this area that vary the impact on the budget. The salary portion of the budget will change with an: 1. Increase or decrease in the number of firefighters. 2. Increase or decrease in the number of calls. 3. Increase or decrease in the percent of drills attended by each firefighter. 4. Increase or decrease in the percent of calls responded to by each firefighter. 5. Increase with the level of firefighter training. These factors along with the fact that one large incident could cost several thousands of dollars makes the budget process somewhat of an educated guess. By making calculations based on our track record of the past we have always managed to end the year a few hundred dollars under our salary budget. For the first time we exceded our budgeted amount, but we were only $137.00 over our $ 103,595.00 salary budget in 1995. THE ROSEMOUNT FIREFIGHTERS As usual, whenever I have the opportunity, I like to stress the fact that the services that the Rosemount Fire Department provides is possible by the combining of individual talents and the dedication of each and every one of its members. This highly dedicated group of individuals require very little leadership or motivation to accomplish their duties on the emergency scene, which they are daily called upon to do. They respond day and night under the worst possible conditions, leaving their families for extended periods of time, to provide this service to the citizens of Rosemount. Anyone would be very proud to be in the position that I am, as Fire Chief. As Fire Chief I am often the recepient of the numerous comments, phone calls, and letters praising the efforts of the Rosemount Fire Department. As the contact person for the Fire Department I am often referenced in newspaper articles and the like but, the firefighters themselves are the ones who deserve all the credit. CONCLUSION Again, as I have indicated in the past, should there be an instance or situation where Council feels that it would like more information , please feel free to contact me. I would welcome any input, suggestions, criticisms, or questions you may have. Rosemount Fire Department Goals 1995 GOAL SUB TARGET GOALS I STEPS TOWARD ACCOMPLISHMENT i j GOAL OF GOAL MET IMPROVED FIRE SERVICE IAlternative Delivery Systems Standard Operating Procedures i YES I Facility Relocation 1 Task Force, Council, Future Action I PROGRESS I Construction of Training/Education Facilities I Task Force, Council, Future Action 1 PROGRESS !Firefighter Fitness/Workout Area / Task Force, Council, Future Action I PROGRESS !Increased Number of Firefig hters i Eight to be hired in 1995 I YES 1 Equipment I Aerial/Pumper Replacement NO--CUT FIREFIGHTER SAFETY I Trainin g !NFPA Standards , YES I Firefighter Fitness I Equip Current Station ; NOT MET w Safety Awareness !Training Sessions I YES Monthly Safety Meetings !Implemented 1994, Ongoing YES PUBLICFIRE EDUCATION 1._._._._._._.-.-...._. .-._._...._._.-._._._._.-._._._.......-._...._._....�...._. .... ............. .. _ ': ;Expanded School Curriculum !New Lessons/ each grade level YES 4. 10- Open House IPlanning 3YES IAdult Fire Education _w µ Planning,Scheduling,Advertise, Conduct __ NOT MET Learn not to Burn Curriculum !Grant Applied for I NOT MET •Summer Safety Camps I Planning,Scheduling,Advertise, Conduct , NOT MET Fire Education House to Neighborhoods I Planning,Scheduling,Advertise, Conduct I YES I News Articles I City News, Local Paper I NOT MET TRAINING I f_._____._._.____w__ A.�� __ Officer Training Class ;Brought into Department I NOT MET Wakota Meetings ;Attendance by Capts., Lt., and FF I NOT MET ; b ;First Responder .-2yr. Requirement !Class offered and required YES `Large Scale Mutual Aid Drill ;Planned and Hosted by Rosemount Training Dept. 1 YES RECRUITMENT I I 1._...._......._. !Mailing to Homes in Rosemount zNewsletters, Water Bill 1 YES 150% of people hired to be day M/G Committee to Screen ? NOT MET Rosemount Fire Department Goals 1996 GOAL GOALS & SUB_TARGET GOALS STEPS TOWARD ACCOMPLISHMENT GOAL OF GOAL MET GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS I !Facility Relocation '{3 Task Force, Council,Future Action ; PROGRESS ;Construction of Training/Education Facilities I Task Force, Council, Future Action I PROGRESS Firefighter Fitness/Workout Area ! Task Force, Council, Future Action I PROGRESS ;Equipment I Aerial/Pumper Replacement S PENDING !Firefighter Fitness I Equip New Station ! PENDING PUBLIC FIRE EDUCATION ! 1 Open House Planning i PENDING !Adult Fire Education r--- Planning,Scheduling,Advertise, Conduct ; PENDING !Learn not to Burn Curriculum ! I PENDING 1 Summer Safety Camps I Planning,Scheduling,Advertise, Conduct j PENDING I Fire Education House to Neighborhoods i Planning,Scheduling,Advertise, Conduct I PENDING I News Articles i City News, Local Paper ; PENDING TRAINING i ' _.......... ....._..._....�. .. . . . 1 I Officer Training Class !Brought into Department PENDING I Wakota Meetings ;Attendance by Capts., Lt., and FF I PROGRESS I First Responder--2yr. Requirement Class offered and required ! PENDING I Large Scale Mutual Aid Drill !Planned and Hosted by Rosemount Training Dept. I PENDING I Increased Haz-Mat Awareness Haz-Mat Tech. Class into department i PROGRESS !Training I NFPA Standards W _._� wµPENDING x.. z!Safety Awareness ;Training Sessions PENDING I Outside Training Classes Sectional class brought into Department ! m.__. I i RECRUITMENT ' ! Mailing to Homes in Rosemount !Newsletters, Water Bill PROGRESS __ _« ._._. 180%of people hired to be day M/G Committee to Screen a__ PENDING