HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Budget Amendments CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 2, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: Budget Amendments AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA LifEM C it 4 E ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: Council Memo, Resolution, Donation Worksheets This item is on the agenda for Council to formally amend the 1996 General Fund budget by resolution for donation items that Council has previously authorized, covering expenditures made during the first quarter of 1996. This is also to amend the budgets to reflect the changes we made in the CIP budget, splitting it into three new funds: (1) Building CIP Fund; (2) Street CIP Fund; and (3) Equipment CIP Fund. Rather than bringing a resolution before the Council each time there is a need to spend money from donations previously received, we have developed procedures that allow us to have you authorize the expenditure and amend the budgets at the time the expenditure is made and then periodically bring to you a resolution that formally amends the budgets for a number of these donation expenditures. The attached memo and donation worksheets support the figures given in the resolution. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1996 BUDGET ITEMS for the General Fund, the Building CIP Fund, the Street CIP Fund and the Equipment CIP Fund, as outlined in the attached memo. COUNCIL ACTION: MEMORANDUM DATE: March 27, 1996 TO: Mayor Busho Council Members Anderson, Carroll, Edwards &Wippermann FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: Budget Amendments This is a request to amend both the revenue and expenditure budgets for the General Fund and to formally approve the expenditures of donations previously received. This is also a request to formally amend the budgets to reflect the changes we made in the CIP budget, splitting it into three funds/budgets: (1) Buildings; (2) Streets; and (3) Equipment. The net effect of the changes to the three CIP funds is zero as budget areas are being decreased in some areas and increased in others. This memo is to show the line by line detail of the actual changes to be made to the budgets, of which the totals are summarized in the Resolution before you. GENERAL FUND DETAIL Detail for Revenues: 101-36230-00-000 (Donations) $13,474.80 Total Revenues $13,474.80 Detail for Expenditures: 101-42110-01-208 (Miscellaneous Supplies) 5,874.51 101-45100-01-439 (Other Miscellaneous Charges) 7,600.29 Total Expenditures $13,474.80 Page 2 CIP FUNDS DETAIL Details for Revenues: 202-31010-00-000 (Current Ad Valorem Taxes) ($460,100.00) 202-34150-00-000 (USPCI User Fees) ( 44,000.00) 202-34151-00-000 (Koch Bauxite User Fees) ( 4,000.00) 202-36265-00-000 (Use of Reserve Funds) ( 58,000.00) 203-31010-00-000 (Current Ad Valorem Taxes) 304,000.00 203-34150-00-000 (USPCI User Fees) 29,000.00 203-36265-00-000 (Use of Reserve Funds) 58,000.00 207-31010-00-000 (Current Ad Valorem Taxes) 156,100.00 207-34150-00-000 (USPCI User Fees) 15,000.00 207-34151-00-000 (Koch Bauxite User Fees) 4,000.00 Total Revenues -0- Details for Expenditures: 202-49002-01-530 (Improvements Other than Bldgs) ($ 29,000.00) (Gravel Roads) 202-49002-01-531 (Improvements Other than Bldgs) ( 261,000.00) (Lower 147th Street Project) 202-49002-01-532 (Improvements Other than Bldgs) ( 43,000.00) (Cameo-145th to Lower 147th) 202-49002-01-533 (Improvements Other than Bldgs) ( 58,000.00) (Erickson Park Line Relocation) 202-49002-01-550 (Motor Vehicle Purchases) ( 19,000.00) (1 Police Squad Car) 202-49002-01-601 (Principal on Lease Payments) ( 100,500.00) 202-49002-01-611 (Interest on Lease Payments) ( 55,600.00) 203-49003-01-530 (Improvements Other than Bldgs) 29,000.00 203-49003-01-531 (Improvements Other than Bldgs) 261,000.00 203-49003-01-532 (Improvements Other than Bldgs) 43,000.00 203-49003-01-533 (Improvements Other than Bldgs) 58,000.00 207-49007-01-550 (Motor Vehicle Purchases) 19,000.00 207-49007-01-601 (Principal on Lease Payments) 100,500.00 207-49007-01-611 (Interest on Lease Payments) 55,600.00 Total Expenditures -0- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1996 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1996 BUDGET ITEMS WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the need to amend certain items from the 1996 General Fund Operating Budget, the 1996 Building CIP Fund, the 1996 Street CIP Fund and the 1996 Equipment CIP Fund, the totals which are as follows: (1) General operating revenues, the total which reflects an increase of$13,474.80; (2) General operating expenditures, the total which reflects an increase of $13,474.80; (3) CIP expenditures,3 IP funds revenues and enditures the totals which reflect a net increase of zero(reallocation of funds only); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the amendment of the above listed budget items for the 1996 General Fund Operating Budget, the 1996 Building CIP Fund Budget, the 1996 Street CIP Fund Budget and the 1996 Equipment CIP Fund Budget. ADOPTED this 2nd day of April, 1996. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted Against: %r:iv-•`-:'''''.4'71:-74 "%s'Vezi'l 1 zU''":11 . .1-1:5:75ii:.'::,......4;,17";;.7!:,41i51,7•41.44:41 ,;-.-4";.:"*.i-',.'-5',':,.'4.:i`e.,:irtt-1:41/14:,4-.Pt-f S.W.."'i.tk.',,e:,1:•4.,,,(;/itit-.2'"(..;?!.,.,";;.,;•,?ty,-ilr-. ,, -7;".7%-.7.-1:-:z, ,`,.-,a.,:- Pl.:45;12t".77-ttiell'i)'::::':':":(it '-.::-:::::'? ' :--,..--:-!11:::-...:::;"'...'t":.:'::',:i:'.::;.;:-':'::-. 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'. ;-.;„-..:: -. . .7.;-: ;,--- - .....'.,:-...;-;:,•.,,...„....;i.;_:..., .,,,c, ..,....,.....A.....;,....--- . -;,. - RECEIPT OF DONATION .,.• . ...7: .-:-...,, • . -.--.7-, .- . :. ...• .?.. 7, , . - . . . .. . ' - - - • Donation Received on: . Amount Received: $ . . • • Receipt # for Donation: . . - _ Purpose of Donation: .D.A.R.E. PROGRAM -, - - • Account # for Donation: 101--22221 • - • - . • (Must be Liability # assigned for each Individual Department) EXPENDITURE OF DONATION . . • Amount to be Spent: $ IGiel oif -. . To be Spent from Acct #: 101-42110-01-208 . (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) • . Purpose of Expenditure: O4Re _scotercier AMENDKENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ 14. 0 ti Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 • . $ (;(f• 01/ (The two dollar amounts should be the same) c=ci....)..)6 GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101-22221 (Donation Liability #) $ 1;4i• oy t Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ tJiov • . .$ 124- 03(/ C01230-- .. • , Jo al entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase - donation revenue to actual per council action on /-/4 - 9& . 11:11rOi, irt: [3 s.......w..■..'"''''''" • ±9-1151`,"le:4W _.• it4,;!.)g.4!•, ! ,"y ;5. .............. •* ,•• :27,A '.•4•1•-.4:';■- f. • I; : • ' " ' ' '`"`` ' ' ' ;• :4;.":": - DONATION...REVENUE WORKSHEET • 7.. ..•" •..• 2-:•• = .• 7;: : :‘ : '4 ; RECEIPT OF DONATION . • . !. , • ." -• • Donation Received on: Amount Received: : Receipt # for Donation: --.Purpose of Donation: D.A.R.E. PROGRAM - _ : • • • • :Account # for Donation: 101-22221 : . _ (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) • • EXPENDITURE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 3.5-0. 0 0 • To be Spent from Acct #: 101-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: Dfige 77A.4NM& Re‘t57e, 7704/ AMENDMENT OF BUDGETS • Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ 3c0 00 Amend Expenditure Acct • # 101-42110-01-208 $ 3S-o • 0 0 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101-22221 (Donation Liability #) $ 3 ro• o Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 3.5-b•a o _ $ rb o • Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase • donation revenue to actual per council action on /•1"/6 - 9 . _r—f -1q-c1ce;V—', I , DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET - RECEIPT OF DONATION -- Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for Donation: purpose of Donation: POLICE EQUIPMENT FOND Account # for Donation: 1(31-22222 (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) EXPENDITURE OP DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 3 PC. 01 • To be Spent from Acct #: 101-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: Qo Ltc a 5/lot l de,t t7ics AMENDMENT OP BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ 3 FC •0 Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 : $ 3 Ft• O 7 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) �3) GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADSZST DONATION LIABILITY $ Debit: 101-22222 (Donation Liability #) $ 381.. 07 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 3r4 .07 ;;r ini-243A0.� $ 2ei• O7 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase' donation revenue to actual per council action on / - /1 - 9` . �--( 751(E -5ffT17F9) I - Vim_ • I DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET • RECEIPT OF DONATION - Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for Donation: purpose of Donation: POLICE EQUIPMENT FUND Account # for Donation: 101-22222 (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) r EXPENDITURE OP DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ J/ /84P. sy • ,� 101-42110-01-208 To be Spent from Acct is (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: 5714o60 girt - it ,r, % .ma i AMENDMENT OP BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ //8r. (V Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 : $ //Si'. ry (The two dollar amounts should be the same) a y GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY $ • �� D Debit: 101-22222 (Donation Liability #) $ 1114'. ry Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $, ffer. rr t 4 Z`3 S 3.041.— $ i/V P. / Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase - donation revenue to actual per council action on /—/4 ' 9b . -EDD, CCD,--C19771 711 s • DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATION _• Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for Donation: purpose of Donation: D.A.R.E. PROGRAM Account # for Donation: 101-22221 (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) EXPENDITURE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ Re. At To be Spent from Acct #: 101-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: DARE Sul pPLIEc AMENDMENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ S8- Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 $ c'- (9- (The two dollar amounts should be the same) (];;D GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101-22221 (Donation Liability #) $ $'• a`Z Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ - a Credit: 101-29300 $ (Pe' a Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on A- 6- - L ice' • DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET • RECEIPT OF DONATION _ Donation Received on: Amount Received: Receipt # for Donation: purpose of Donation: POLICE EQUIPMENT FOND Account # for Donation: 101-22222 - ()lust be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) •ERPEBDITffRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ /, 6 - ; To be Spent from Acct #: 101-42110-01-208 (Dust be Expenditure 4 corresponding to individual Department) Puroose of Expenditure: ' E O G ego i S • 1 OP BUDGETS • Amend Donation Revenue Acct #/01-36230-00-000: $ /,2 6. - (05— Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 : $. /01-6 - (� (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LIABILITT # Debit: 101-79992 (Donation Liability #) $ 4/6• 65- Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ /a6- wS� Credit: 101-29300 $ Scu-�-nal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on A- 6 - 67 � ,(�o • • DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for Donation: purpose of Donation: D.A.R.E. PROGRAM Account # for Donation: 101-22221 (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) EXPENDITURE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 01-0- `38 • To be Spent from Acct #: 101-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: DAR-r SLt 1jpL,es AMENDMENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ 010.98 Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 • $ oto. `3 8 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) (� GENERAL JOIIRNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101-22221 (Donation Liability #) $ 18 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ `„LO- 98 323yo $ - Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on A- °le 0 0ST D .)-a3-9Lo , DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET I RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ • Receipt # for Donation: purpose of Donation: D.A.R.E. PROGRAM Account # for Donation: 101-22221 - (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) II EXPENDITURE OP DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 76 • oZ6Z • To be Spent from Acct $: 101-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: D. A. g. E. S tA rr Lc ee AMENDMENT OP BUDGETS • Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ 1716 Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 : $ 4/6 . (The two dollar amounts should be the same) ® GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # • Debit: 101-22221 (Donation Liability #) $ Credit: 101-3.6230-00-000 $ 16-vt•Z $ 44-67.." - Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and: increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 02 -010- . o'r(51R572Ff_j) .1—{ -a3-cko _ DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET RECEIPT OP DONATION Donation n Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for Donation: purpose of Donation: POLICE EQUIPMENT FUND Account # for Donation: 101-22222 (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) EMENDITDRE OP DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ /575-7 3 a 101-42110-01-208 To be Spent from Acct a (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Pu27mose of Expenditure: !SAajctcio-t �.e d-- act) rnac404 As . AICENDMENT OP =GETS • Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ /sr 3• Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 • $ 39 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) ( ) GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101-22222 (Donation Liability #) $ 13T- 3g Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ /sue• 3 9 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on A- .1-0- 9(0 . fUUVu '�-D • • DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET c RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for Donation: purpose of Donation: POLICE EQUIPMENT FUND Account # for Donation: 101-22222 (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) -EXPENDITURE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ oC, .9‘q q � To be Spent frail Acct #: 101-42110-01-208 (lust be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: T en.Gevci •cy:1, 50 AMENDMENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 $01, 9/+(_ 4 ( (The two dollar amounts should be the same) ell GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101-22222 (Donation Liability #) 0/ 54/(P// Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $,A19 `f'( q(( Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and. increase . donation revenue to actual per council action on 01 -01-0- 96' . ,-.----..__-- . .--_—____ . _____ ___.__ ..-.... ..-.s..t.-■J.,,.■■■-x.■•-....■.■,..■-,..... ■ • j • 1 DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET 4i • RECEIPT OP DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for Donation: purpose of Donation: D.A.R.E. PROGRAM Account # for Donation: 101-22221 •- .(Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) - . EXPENDITURE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 3 6• Cr O ' To be Spent from Acct #: 101-42110-01-208 . (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: D- A-A E/Pa/Lc..� prt.1 G,,.., Coo ge,e r AWNDW NT OP BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: " $ 3 6 • 0 O • • Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 : $ 3 6- 0'0 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) - r 1O�%� GENERAL JODRNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # - Debit: 101-22221 (Donation Liability #) $ 3(0-(TO Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 36- o0 Credit: $ - Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 3- C - 9C, 1 n1)177,7*. c7'-'77-=q • y - - D02DiTION REVENUE WORKSEE$T RECEIPT OF D02ATIO2 Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for Donation: pciraose of Donation: POLICE EQUIPMENT FUND Account # for Donation: 101-29992 (Lust be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) •EnmIDITVR..► CP DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ i{O e• p O To be Spent from Acct =: 101 42110. 01-208 (-Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Pu_ ase of Expenditure: lee.^27 L c-4= 0�•�.•7'�-cat?- 1.. MMEENT OP 3ITDGETS Amerzd Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ % . 0 0 Amid Ex_end tune Acct # I0I-42110-01-208 • $ 1/0e •O a (The two dollar amounts should be the same) Glamm JOURNAL ENTRY TO AA InsT DC.2ATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101-7""f (Donation Liability 4) $ (740(F•07) Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ F-.0 O Credit: 101-29300 _ $ 4(0 -00 Souzal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action an y- 19-96 • P • DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: 1. /3/ /q5(0 Amount Received: $ 9071. Receipt# for Donation: Purpose of Donation: t1fj, Q qt AQ ld Account # for Donation: /4$/- 27,213 • l (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department.) EXPENDITURE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 2,476/. 0) To be Spent from Acct #: /,/_2 /(p3 )/_ 1/39 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department.) Purpose of Expenditure: -/e4,7“. /eLL/ 84114/elel AMENDMENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ 0 7q.p Amend Expenditure Acct # ► OA -`4 c J■ S x70/, (The two dollar amounts should be the same.) GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # )0 aa3 Debit:1.01-//675641-181 (Donation Liability #) • $ JOT?.Uv Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ `j'7q. Credit: 101-29300 $ 4e741,1?) Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on Life/It" Iaformsldonarev.wks - - - I: DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: February 5, 1996 Amount Received: $4,933.65 _ Receipt# for Donation: Purpose of Donation: Purchase of Arena Scoreboard & EIectrical Account # for Donation: 101-22226 (Must be Liability# assigned for each individual Department.) EXPENDITURE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $4,933.65 To be Spent from Acct #: 101-45100-01-439 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department.) Purpose of Expenditure: Purchase of Arena Scoreboard & Electrical AMENDMENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $4,933.65 Amend Expenditure Acct #101-45100-01-439 $4,933.65 (The two dollar amounts should be the same.) GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # )0 l— aaacaCo Debit: (Donation Liability #) $4,933.65 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $4,933.65 - 54,933.65 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 2/20/96 a DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET - RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: June 6, 1993 Amount Received: $600.00 Receipt# for Donation: 37667 Purpose of Donation: For T-Shirts Account# for Donation: 101-22223.6 (Must be Liability# assigned for each individual Department.) EXPENDITURE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $587.64 To be Spent from Acct#: 101-45100-01-439 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department.) Purpose of Expenditure: Purchase Staff T-Shirts AMENDMENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct#101-36230-00-000: $587-64 Amend Expenditure Acct #101-45100-01-439 $587.64 (The two dollar amounts should be the same.) 0-1 GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit:101-22223.6 (Donation Liability #) $587.64 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $587.64 Credit: - Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on Tuesday, March 5, 1996 I:\forms\donarev.wks i