HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of March 8, 1996 Special and March 19, 1996 Regular City Council Meeting ROSMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 8, 1996 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Friday, March 8, 1996, at 9:00 a.m. at the Rosemount Community Center. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderso n, Wippermann, Carroll and Edwards present. The following city staff members were present: City Administrator Burt, Administrative Assistant Walsh, Public Works Director Osmundson, Finance Director May, Community Development Director Rogness, Police Chief Knutsen, Fire Chief Aker and Parks& Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer. The purpose of the special meeting was to conduct a goal setting session for city council and staff members. City Administrator Burt reviewed issues and goals that were discussed at a 1994 goal setting session. It was also noted that goals set by city councils in years prior to 1994 did not differ greatly from current issues and goals. The following issues and goals were discussed at the meeting: Economic Development: c (a) MIRTS: Rosemount is now considered the best location. Positive reasons for having the business are: (1) use of nonproductive land on U of M property; (2)possible increase in tax base and employment opportunities; (3) possibly eliminate downtown railroad lines; (4) possible reconstruction of 160th Street; (5) container fees city would receive. Council directed staff to continue this project, explore positive and negatives of the project; and to estimate costs for providing city services to the site. (b) Business Park Development: Discussion was held on the Cannon project and other companies who have indicated interest in the business park. Discussion was also held on expanding the business park, and whether the city should be involved in future buying and selling of land for business park properties. Downtown Redevelopment: Within the next few weeks, Council will be provided with time lines for implementing and completing redevelopment of the downtown area. Staff recommended that a consultant be hired to put together the plan. Items that can be identified in the plan are streetscapes, lighting, reducing access points, off street parking or close off streets, parkways or a possible theme. Some of the funding could be through utility franchise fees or street light fees. The Council agreed the plan needs to be completed as soon as possible, utility franchise fees are a viable way to help fund the project and implementation should begin in the near future. Council were opposed to any extreme theme styles for the downtown and felt more traditional styles would be the most appropriate. ROSMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 8, 1996 Airport Relocation: City Council unanimously reinforced their opposition to the relocation and Aup ty land banking. Responsive Government: City administrator was directed to put together costs for providing recorded meetings to the residents by cable. Concerns were expressed that in the very near future cable will be outdated. City staff is working on developing a homepage on the Internet. It was the general consensus of the city council that customer service at city hall has greatly improved. Fiscal Responsibility: City staff is working on obtaining a certificate of achievement for the city's financial statements. Staff has begun working on a ten year CIP and financial forecast. Finance Director May explained a proposed restructuring of the following funds: severance and retirement fund; paid-up debt service bond fund; and CIP fund. Managed Growth: Discussion was held on the cost for expanding MUSA to industrial areas. Water towers and infrastructure would be expensive. Council agreed expansion of MUSA for industrial development would have to be weighed against cost for providing city services. Discussion was held on the Kelly Trust property and the need to have it rezoned from AG to R-1. Council agreed this area should be developed with more expensive or"executive" priced homes, and minimum lot standards need to be reviewed in the near future. Code Enforcement: Council agreed that code enforcement of home and businesses need to be done on a uniform basis throughout the city. New businesses need to be informed of code regulations. Discussion was held on the sign ordinance, and the need for it to be updated. Public Safety: Police Chief Knutsen updated the city council on the department's emphasis on community policing, continued participation in the East Local Collaborative program and continued participation in the Safe and Sober Program. Council concurred the recently adopted policy on use of city vehicles was appropriate. City Elections: Discussion was held on changing the city's election from odd year to even year. The advantages are cost savings, staff time, voter convenience and higher voter turnout. Disadvantage is the possibility of the voters not being aware of the city election during state and presidential elections and not being prepared to vote for city offices. Scenarios were reviewed on how the transition from odd year to even year could be accomplished. Discussion was also held on changing the mayoral term from two years to four years. Council requested additional information. Special Events: Discussion was held on funding and staff time allocated to the various special Haunted Woods, Halloween events; i.e. Leprechaun Days, Taste of Rosemount, Share the Spirit, , Party, Easter Egg Hunt, Spring Clean-up, Sand Box Days, Miss Rosemount Pageant, etc. The question uestion was raised as to which events are city sanctioned events and which are not. It was noted that a great deal of staff time, including overtime pay, and use of city equipment are involved with II 2 ROSMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 8, 1996 most of the events. Requests have been made from organizations to have fees waived or reduced for community-related events at the community center. Council agreed that the organizations sponsoring events need to be notified of the cost involved and it was suggested that the city begin phasing out its assistance, when appropriate, in these events. Assessment Policy: Council agreed a special work session should be held to review the existing policy and to look at possible revisions. Staff will prepare options for consideration. Sidewalks: Council generally agreed that sidewalks should not be installed on every new street but certainly on the main streets. Staff should continue following the parks master plan for bike and hiking trails. Parks: Council reconfirmed their decision to pursue acquisition of the Kelly property for the prairie area. Council agreed the park structure at Erickson Community Square should be a shelter but more upscale because of its location to city hall. Discussion was held on a family resource center in the triangle area of Shannon, 145th Street and Dodd. The proposed site was identified, and it was suggested that staff look at other sites in the area. Concerns were expressed about future funding for maintaining the facility. It was felt that over time, the city should phase out of operating or maintaining the center. Citizens' Opinion Survey: It has been several years since a public survey on city services was done. Council agreed a survey should be done. Septic System Ordinance: Informational meetings for owners of septic systems are being conducted, and staff will present the final ordinance for council adoption in the near future. Revise Zoning& Subdivision Ordinances: Discussion was held on the need to update the two ordinances. The current zoning ordinance does include the conditional use process. Council was in favor of incorporating the conditional use process in the zoning ordinance. Although the subdivision ordinance is older than the zoning ordinance, Council felt that the zoning ordinance should be revised first. Upgrade of Software: Council were informed of the need for the city's financial software to be updated. The current software is out of date and designed for smaller cities. Staff has reviewed LOGIS software which several cities in the metropolitan area use. Staff will continue to contact software companies. Space Needs: Staff has begun looking at the appropriate use of the current fire station. It was agreed the facility needs study is a good tool for determining the city's space needs. By a unanimous vote of the city council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 19, 1996 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, March 19, 1996, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Edwards, Wippermann, Anderson and Carroll present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, Administrative Assistant Walsh, Senior Planner Andrew Mack, Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson, Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer. Brownie Troop 1245 led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance with a flag ceremony. Cub Scout Den 9, Troop 295 and Boy Scout Troop 270 were also in attendance. No changes were made to the Agenda. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Senior Planner Mack gave an update on the Dual Track Airport Planning. Since 1989 many volumes have been written about this. Now both the Metropolitan Airport Commission and Metropolitan Council have voted to recommend against relocation of the airport. Senator Mondale has written a bill that would end site preservation(land banking)in Dakota County but this has not been passed yet. Councilmember Carroll reported on a hearing on this bill on March 15th where it was explained t a that it will be passed to another committee, the Senate Transportation Committee. Senator Carol Flynn is chair for this committee and delays could continue it to 1997. Updates will continue as needed. Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson introduced the request by American Portable Telecommunications (APT) to place antennas on the Connemara Water Tower No. 2. The Utilities Commission reviewed and approved this request. Glenn Wolff and John Barstow gave a presentation showing the size and appearance of the antennas. APT requested a fifteen year agreement for the purpose of a new personal communication service similar to cellular phones with added features. Osmundson showed a site plan for the blacktop and fenced area required for ground receptors. Osmundson noted that further negotiations are needed and requested no action be taken tonight. Utilities Commissioner Mulhurn and Osmundson noted that water towers are a high maintenance facility and requested that the funds received from any antenna fees be placed back into the water tower maintenance fund. Councilmember Wippermann expressed concern if it would be appropriate to designate funds to specific items and asked for further discussion on this. Councilmember Carroll requested that surrounding home owners be notified of the possibility of antennas on the water tower. Osmundson agreed. There were no announcements for upcoming events. Mayor Busho thanked the Brownies, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts for attending and participating in the meeting. ti ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 19, 1996 MOTION by Wippermann to adjourn the meeting. Second by Carroll. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1996-12. 2