HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Gambling Premises Permit Renewal Application - Rosemount JayceesCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JANUARY 2, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: GAMBLING PREMISES PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION - ROSEMOUNT JAYCEES AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AGENDA ma. if ATTACHMENTS: APPLICATION; RESOLUTION APPROVED BY: V Rosemount Jaycees has submitted its Gambling Premises Permit Renewal Application for the period of April 1, 1996 through March 31, 1998. Rosemount Jaycees organization leases space at Shenanigan's. They have paid the $100 investigation fee which is a requirement of the new gambling ordinance adopted by the City Council in July, 1995. Since the 80 percent annual expenditure requirement takes effect January 1, 1996, this requirement will not have to be met for this renewal application, although the affected organizations need to keep this in mind beginning with their 1996 expenditures. Approximately a month ago, the local charities and businesses connected with charitable gambling were provided with the new ordinance and a memorandum explaining the 80% donation requirement and other conditions of the new ordinance. Staff recommends adoption of a resolution approving this application. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A GAMBLING PREMISES PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR ROSEMOUNT JAYCEES { CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1996- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A GAMBLING PREMISES PERMIT RENEWAL FOR ROSEMOUNT JAYCEES NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Gambling Premises Permit Renewal Application submitted by Rosemount Jaycees to conduct lawful gambling at Shenanigan's, 14605 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN for the period of April 1, 1996 through March 31, 1998. ADOPTED this 2nd day of January, 1996. ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Cathy Busho, Mayor JQ"O 1-- `11' I c9.1 d 1 3 Northwest LG214PPR PRINTED:10 /11/95 STATE OP' MZ2WZSOTA GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD - PPEZ4ISES PERMIT RINILTZAL APPLICATION IFOR BOARD USE ONLY IAMT PAID I CHECK NO. DATE LICENSE NUMBER: B -02381 -001 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/01/94 EXPIRATION DATE: 03/31/96 NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Jaycees Rosemount GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT WHERE GAMBLING WILL BE CONDUCTED Shenanigans Pub 14605 8 Robert Tr Rosemount MN 55068 COUNTY Dakota IS THE PREMISES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS ?: Y LESSOR INFORMATION DOES YOUR ORGANIZATION OWN THIS SITE ?: No IF NO, LIST THE LESSOR: Fritz Dolejs 12756 Denmark Ave Apple Valley MN 55124 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (WHEN NOT LESSOR): SQUARE FEET PER MONTH: 72 AMOUNT PAID FOR RENT PER MONTH: 1000 SQUARE FEET PER OCCASION: 0 AMOUNT PAID PER OCCASION: 0 BINGO ACTIVITY BINGO IS CONDUCTED ON THIS PREMISES: No IF YES, REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR REQUIRED ATTACHMENT STORAGE ADDRESS 14525 S Robert Tr Rosemount MN 55124 BANK INFORMATION lst State Bank 3025 145th St W Rosemount MN 55068 GAMBLING BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 091909217 ON THE LINES PROVIDED BELOW LIST THE NAME, ADDRESS AND TITLE OF AT LEAST TWO PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHECKS AND MARE DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWALS FOR THE GAMBLING ACCOUNT. THE ORGANIZATION'S TREASURER MAY NOT HANDLE GAMBLING FUNDS. PIJIRK D el3 e-141.4TOieS 4125 /53C° SCw. R SEVhowa Mlle. 65068 (C.44 fo( a-80 2;c. 3G3o (20 STS - goSemotalrl Id 5506 e (C66)) C 1-Hn Bvtsjno (?.cos S.1o5ERi i . R6se mold /Yid 55oba (Meiv) Mem L SCfIW - . /53 OW cikeJtecl - 55/Z6 (BE SURE TO COMPLETE TEE REVERSE SIDE OF TRIS APPLICATION) THIS FORM WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATIVE FORMAT (I.E. LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE) UPON REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGMENT GAMBLING PREMISES AUTHORIZATION I HEREBY GIVE CONSENT TO LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD, OR AGENTS OF THE BOARD, OR THE COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE OR PUBLIC SAFETY, OR AGENTS OF THE COMMISSIONERS, TO ENTER THE PREMISES TO ENFORCE THE LAW. BANK RECORDS INFORMATION THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD IS AUTHORIZED TO INSPECT THE BANK RECORDS OF THE GAMBLING ACCOUNT WHENEVER NECESSARY TO FULFILL REQUIREMENTS OF CURRENT GAMBLING RULES AND STAruTiS. I • • • • DECLARE THAT: • I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL ALL INFORMATION IS TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE;; ALL OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION HAS BEEN FULLY DISCLOSED; I AM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF THE ORGANIZATION; I ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FAIR AND LAWFUL OPERATION OF ALL GAMBLING ACTIVITIES TO BE CONDUC SD; I WILL FAMILIARIZE MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA OF THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AND AGREE, IF ISSUED A AND RULES, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS TO THEM; ANY CHANGES IN APPLICATION INFORMATION WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE CHANGE; I UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION OR PROVIDING INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN THE DENIAL OR REVOCATION OF THE PREMISES PERMIT. BOARD; GOVERNING LAWFUL GAMBLING AND RULES PREMISES PERMIT, TO ABIDE THOSE LAWS GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AND FALSE OR MISLEADING SI(:NATBROF eo:O. ski IVE OFFICER LOCAL GOVE rr ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1. THE CITY* MUST SIGN THIS APPLICATION IF THE GAMBLING PREMISES IS LOCATED WITHIN CITY LIMITS. 2. THE COUNTY ** AND TOWNSHIP ** MUST SIGN THIS APPLICATION IF THE GAMBLING PREMISES IS LOCATED WITHIN A TOWNSHIP. 3. FOR TOWNSHIPS THAT ARE UNORGANIZED OR UNINCORPORATED, THE COUNTY ** IS REQUIRED TO ATTACH A LETTER TO THIS APPLICATION INDICATING THE TOWNSHIPS STATUS. 4. THE LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT (CITY OR COUNTY) MUST PASS A RESOLUTION SPECIFICALLY APPROVING OR DENYING THIS APPLICATION. 5. A COPY OF THE LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT'S RESOLUTION APPROVING THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION. 6. IF THIS APPLICATION IS DENIED BY THE LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT, IT SHOULD NOT BE SUBMIr1 TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD. TOWNSHIP: BY SIGNATURE BELOW, THE TOWNSHIP ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE ORGANIZATION IS APPLYING FOR A PREMISES PERMIT WITHIN TOWNSHIP LIMITS. DATE CITY* OR COUNTY ** TOWNSHIP ** CITY 5axemenic NAME , TOWNSHIP NAME Rosemount, Minnesota NA• SIGNA 0 PERSON CEIVING APPLICATION I SIGNATURE OF PERSON RECEIVING APPLICATION 1 NA TITLErt DATE RECEIVED 1 TITLE �01 -46 -9S 1 NA REFER TO THE CHECKLIST FOR REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (') ° � MAIL TO: GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD jtC,cR- �` �-{ C/ �'e�s 1711 W COUNTY RD B - SUITE 300 S DO ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 DATE RECEIVED 'NA LGZOZ (o9im/95) Minnesota Lawful Gambling LEASE AGREEMENT FOR PULL -TAB, PADDLEWHEEL, TIPBOARD, AND /OR RAFFLE ACTIVITY AT A PERMITTED PREMISES Name of Legal Owner of Property Street Address City Zip Daytime Phone Fritz Dolejs 12756 Denmark Ave. Apple Valley 55124 612 - 423 -4767 ( ) Name of Lessor Street Address City Zip Daytime Phone (This may or may not be the same as the Legal Owner of the Property) 74 (07 Fritz Dolejs 12756 Denmark Ave. Apple Valley 55124 5125423 -4- i Name of Leased Premises Street Address Shenanigan's Pub 14605 S. Robert Tr. City Zip Daytime Phone i � R3 Rosemount 55068 612- 423 — a ( ) Name of Lessee (Name of Organization Leasing the premises) GCB License i! of Organization Daytime Phone 612 - 953 -1814 Rosemount Junior Chamber (Jaycees) B- 02381 -003 ( ) Type of gambling activity (check all that apply) that will be conducted at this gambling promises. Q Raffles Q Paddlewheels Pull-tabs E Tipboards Total rent cannot exceed 81,000 per month for all non -bingo lease agreements with your organization for this gambling premises. An organization may not pay rent to itself or to any of Its affiliates for space used for the conduct of lawful gambling Rent to be paid per month S1 ,000.00 List dimensions of all areas leased by your organization for the conduct of gambling activity checked above, including storage. The leased areas are: 4 feet by g feet for a total of / F square fed. 4 feet by 9 feet for a total of 36 square feet feet by feet fora total of square feet feet by feet for a total of square feet. Storage feet by feet for a total of square feet Storage feet by feet for a total of square feet Combined total 72 square footage 1 Submit a sketch (drawing) of the gambling premises. This must show the location of your organization's leased areas) for the conduct of lawful gambling, including areas leased for storage of your gambling product on this gambling premises. Be sure to write the dimensions of the lease] areas on the sketch. THE DIMENSIONS ON nu SKETCH MUST BE THE SAME AS moss USTED ABOVE. MN Statute 349.18 Subd 1 states that the term of the lease may not begin before the effective date of the premises permit and must expire on the same day that the premises permit expires. ONLY write an effective date in this area of the lease if this is a renegotiated lease agreement occuring during the term of your current premises permit Effective Date for Amended Lease Agreements 2 /29 / 96 12:01 am By agreeing to the terms of this lease, it is mutually agreed that: The owner of the property or the lessor may not manage gambling at the pre- mises; The lessor of the premises, his or her immediate family, and any agents or employees of the lessee may not partici- pate as players in the conduct of lawful gambling on the leased premises; The lessor and the lessee do not have a tired or indirect financial interest in the distribution or manufacture of gambling equipment The organization must obtain an organi- zation license, gambling manager license and a premises permit from the Gam- bling Control Board. The organization will be responsible for complying with the laws and rules of lawful gambling; The term of the lease shat be concur- rent with the premises permit The lessor of the premises will allow the Board or agents of the Board, the Commis- sioner of Public Safety or agents of the com- missioner, or the Commissioner of Revenue or agents of the commissioner, and law en- forcement personnel to inspect the premises at any reasonable time, and permit the organization to conduct lawful gambling at the premises according to the terms of this lease. The lessor may not impose any con- ditions on the organization regarding dis- tributors of gambling equipment, services, or the use of profits; The lease shall be terminated for any illegal gambling violations- occurring on the pre- mises; The organization will be responsible for en- suring that the lessor's business activities are not conducted on the leased premises; The lessor of the premises shall provide the lessee access to the permitted pre- mises during any time reasonable and necessary to conduct lawful gambling on the premises and as agreed upon in this lease; The lessor shal not molly, terminate or refuse to renew this lease in whole or In part because the organization reported to a state or local law enforcement au- thority or the Board the occurrence at the site of ilegal gambling activity in which the organization did not participate; and The organization must have, at the gam- bling premises, a current inventory of gambling equipment, a sketch with di- mensions of the premises available for review, and a clear physical separation or divider between the lessee's gambling equipment and the lessor's business equipment List any other conditions or restrictions that will be included as part of the lease. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Be sure both parties date and initial any attachments to this lease. This Lease may be cancelled and camblina terminated with a 30 day written notice by and to each of the following; the Minnesota Gambling Control Board, the lessor (Fritz Dolejs) and the lessee (Rosemount Jaycees). This notice to be signed and dated with copy to each of the above mentioned. This lease is the total and only agreement between the lessor and the organization conducting lawful gambling activities other than bingo and pull -tab dispensing devices. There is no other agreement and no other consideration required between the parties as to the lawful gambling and other matters related to this lease. Any changes in this lease must be submitted to the Gambling Control Board within 10 days of the c)ngF. Signature of r Date 11 t!" `GG �Signa of ' • Lion Official (lessee) Date Title of Lessor Signatory cites, Title of Lessee S ., story Gambling Manager A copy of this lease and a sketch, with dimensions must be submitted with the premises permit application or premises perndt application renewal or when any changes in the lease agreement occur. This publication will be tnade available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. Questions on this form should be directed to the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at (612)639 -4000. Hearing impaired individuals using a TDD may call the Minnesota Relay Service at 1400- 627 -3529 in the Greater Minnesota Area or 297 -5353 in the Metro Area. The information requested on this form will be used by the Gambling Control Board (GCB) to determine your compli- ance with Minnesota Statues and rules governing lawful gambling activities. All of the information that you supply on this form will become public information when received by the GCB.