HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Tower Antenna Application PolicyCITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 3, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: Antenna Site Application Policy AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA ITEM EM City Engineer/Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Policy & Application Form APPROVED BY: The attached Policy is being brought back to the City Council for your consideration. It was on the agenda on August 20th and since that time it has been modified so that it can be used for other properties other than specifically water tower sites. Also additional language was added to clarify and improve the Policy. As stated previously, the Policy will ensure that each company is treated fairly and that the City does not take on additional expenses without entering into a lease. The $2,500 application fee is non-refundable and will be paid with the application prior to negotiating a lease. In the future this fee would be set annually in the fee resolution. Staff recommends adoption of the Policy. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT THE ANTENNA POLICY FOR INSTALLATION ON CITY -OWNED PROPERTIES. I COUNCILACTION: 4 PUBLIC WORKS POLICY NO. ANTENNA POLICY ADOPTED BY COUNCIL FOR ON: INSTALLATION ON CITY -OWNED PROPERTIES PURPOSE: The City -owned elevated water tanks are ideal sites for the installation of antennas for private company communication systems. Other City -owned properties may also be considered for communication facilities. The City may be required to contract with a professional consultant to review technical specifications of the communication equipment. The City also requires the City Attorney to review and/or negotiate antenna lease agreements. In each such instance, these expenses should be borne by the party that has expressed a desire to place an antenna on a City -owned property, even if a lease agreement is not ultimately achieved. II. STATEMENT OF POLICY The City shall charge potential users a fee to offset the cost of retaining professional engineers and attorneys to review the technical data associated with each potential user and to review lease agreements. The fee amount should be reviewed from time t0 time and stated in the yearly fee resolution. This fee shall offset City costs prior to an applicant entering into a lease agreement with the City. In some cases, these costs may be more than the initial fee amount, in which case the applicant would be required to pay the additional costs. III. PROCEDURE 1. The application form fees and all pertinent information shall be submitted to the City Administrator (or his/her designee), who will review the information, discuss it with the City Attorney, determine if a consulting engineer is required, and hire a consultant if necessary. 2. After the application information has been reviewed and approved, the lease agreement shall be negotiated by the City Administrator (or Designee), the City Attorney, and the applicant. 3. Upon agreement on the lease details, the lease shall be brought to the appropriate City Commission for its approval. 4. If the Commission so recommends, the lease agreement, signed by the applicant, shall be brought to the City Council for its approval. (The City Council meets the first and third Tuesday of each month.) Last Revision: --8-30-96 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WATER TOWER ANTENNA SITE APPLICATION FORM Please provide the following information: Which Tower Site: Chippendale (#1) Connemara (#2) 1. Name of Applicant: 2. Address of Applicant: 3. Contact Person for Applicant: 4. Telephone and Fax Number for #3: 5. Proposed Radio Band: 6. Proposed Radio Frequency(s): 7. Technical Advisor (if any): 8. What type of Service: Proposed Base Station(s): Mfg.: Model: Power Output: Antenna Type: 9. Mfg. and Model of Pertinent Equipment: (Attach addl pages as necessary) 10. Desired Date of Facility Operation: 11. Describe Space and AC Power Requirements: (Attach Site Drawings) 12. -Signature: Date: The Application Form requires a non-refundable application fee of $2,500.00 (Payable to the City of Rosemount). In the event that the City Consultant and Legal costs are more than $2,500, the applicant is responsible for those additional costs. After all pertinent information is assembled, return the Application Form and submit to: Public Works Director City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West P. O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068