HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. City Elections ,, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCII.MEETING DATE: APRII. 16, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: CITY ELECTIONS AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGENDA NO 7 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ITEM # ( A ATTACHMENTS: SURVEY APPROVED BY- At the last regular city council meeting, the council agreed to pursue the options to hold city elections on even- numbered years and extending the mayoral term to four years. It was also agreed that citizens should have input on whether they felt it was appropriate to change our election process. The attached survey is worded similar to the one Cottage Grove provided to its residents when its city council proposed changing election years. The survey could be included in the city's quarterly newsletter which will be mailed to residents and businesses on May 15th. It could also be included with the city's"May Madness" flyer which informs residents about Spring Cleanup Day, Rabies Clinic, City Hall Garage Sale, etc. which will be mailed to residents on April 19th. The survey proposes that terms of incumbent mayor and councilmembers will be extended by one year. Mayor Busho and Councilmembers Anderson and Edwards' terms would be up for election in 1998 rather than 1997. There would not be a city election in 1997. Councilmembers Wippermann and Carroll's terms would be voted on in the year 2000 rather than 1999. If the mayor's term is changed to a four year term, the full four year term would begin in the year 1999. A transition from odd year to even year could also be accomplished by shortening terms of incumbents or electing candidates to three year terms or five year terms. Extending terms of all incumbents on the council would realize immediate cost savings. The $7,000 cost figure cited in the survey flyer includes staff time. •Residents will be provided the proposed survey two times. Residents could also express their opinions by calling city hall. Administrative Secretary Jentink would answer these calls. If the city council wishes to pursue changing the city's election process, recommended action would be authorize staff to provide the attached survey to residents. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO MAIL THE ELECTION PROCESS SURVEY TO RESIDENTS AND TO REPORT THE FINAL RESULTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MAYOR AND COUNCIL WHEN DO WE ELECT? SHOULD MAYORAL TERM BE EXTENDED FROM TWO YEARS TO FOUR YEARS? The City of Rosemount is considering an ordinance amendment to extend the mayoral term from two years to four years and to place Mayor and Councilmember elections on the even-year general election ballot. But first we would like to know what you think! The primary motive for changing election years is financial. It costs the city approximately $7,000 to run a special election in odd years, when only the Mayor and Council races are before the voters. Other advantages include voter convenience and a higher participation rate in city elections when they are tied to other elections. In the metropolitan area, 103 cities have even year elections and 31 have odd year elections. The primary disadvantage is that local offices can get lost in election year campaigning for higher levels of government. Voters who go to the polls to cast their choice for President, Governor or Legislator may be surprised and unprepared to have to make an informed decision on the local race. The primary advantages for extending the mayoral term to four years are greater stability and continuity on the council, fewer distractions from constant campaigning, and an improved quality of decision-making. Since the Mayor has no real additional authority or power, why should the mayoral term be any different than that of a councilmember? The majority of cities in the metro area, similar in size or larger than Rosemount, have four- year mayoral terms. Converting to even-year elections means that the terms of office for the incumbent mayor and all councilmembers would be extended by one year. The next election for the seats held by Mayor Cathy Busho, Councilmembers Joan Anderson and John Edwards would be extended from November 1997 to November 1998, and the seats for Councilmembers Dennis Wippermann and Kevin Carroll would be extended from November 1999 to November 2000. The four year mayoral term would begin in 1999. This change to even-year elections and the four-year mayoral term would be made by ordinance passed by the Mayor and Council. State law provides a reverse referendum provision, such that if a significant number of voters disagreed with the even-year change, they could petition to have the issue placed on a ballot at a general or special election. We would like to know what you think. If you have an opinion on this matter, either pro or con, please feel free to return this postage-paid survey or call any member of the City Council or Administration Department at City Hall, 322-2003. ❑ I prefer 2 year mayoral term. ElI prefer 4 year mayoral term. ElI prefer even-year Mayor and City Council elections. ❑ I prefer odd-year Mayor and City Council elections. (Please add comments on reverse side.) Additional Comments Please.fold PJease.fold From NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. ROSEMOUNT MN CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 - 145TH STREET WEST P. O. BOX 510 ROSEMOUNT,MN 55068