HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Spectro Alloys Corporation Administrative Plat, 13220 Doyle Path City of Rosemount ' Executive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Date: March 6. 1996 Agenda Item: Spectro Alloys Corporation Administrative Agenda Section: Plat, 13220 Doyle Path New Business Prepared By: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner Agendas TE M # 7 Attachments: Draft Resolution, Spectro Alloys Addition Approved by: Plat, Planning Commission 2-27-96 draft meeting minutes. �- In ':7, e City process- I a request or ng t-o -way (ROW) vacation or Spectro • toys, 13220 Doyle Path north east of Th 55 in the General Industrial (IG) District. The portion of Doyle Path to be vacated separated two lots owned by Spectro from the remainder of their property which is occupied by buildings, parking and outdoor storage. After a public hearing, the City tabled action on the request which was conditioned on some street improvements including a cul-de-sac, conveyance of easements for the cul-de-sac and combination of the two previously isolated lots. The City accepted the street improvements as required. In addition, easement documents were drawn up for the cul-de-sac. However, the process stopped prior to all of the documents being recorded by the County. Recently, representatives of Spectro Alloys have requested that the process be reactivated. The request has been reviewed by staff as well as the previous actions researched. Staff has concluded that the ROW vacation and cul-de-sac creation require a replat because the property is already platted and simple metes and bounds legal descriptions are not appropriate. Upon review, it also became apparent that the building is located on four lots, crossing three lot boundary lines (lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 1). This situation causes a multitude of setback encroachments that are non-conforming with the building code as well as the zoning ordinance. The solution is to replat the entire site, absorbing the vacated street ROW and combining the original six lots into one. This is exactly what has been provided by the survey consultant as "Spectro Alloys Addition". The plat eliminates all interior property lines and thus, eliminates as many of the encroachment issues as possible. The remaining encroachment is with the railroad right-of-way along the eastern property line at the location of a rail loading dock attached to the building. The plat drawing does not include a drainage and utility easement along the north west property line adjacent to lot 5, block 1 and lot 3, block 2 that had previously been platted. In addition, there are power lines in the Doyle Path ROW that should be protected by an easement after the ROW has been vacated. These easements should be added to the plat. On February 27, 1996, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required by ordinance. No one appeared to testify for or against the proposal. Mr. Dan Hoklas, Plant Engineer representing Spectro Alloys answered the technical questions posed by the Planning Commission. Subsequently, the Planning Commission unanimously passed a motion to recommend approval of the administrative plat. Recommended Action: MOTION to adopt a resolution 96-_ approving the administrative plat for Spectro Alloys with two conditions. City Council Action: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1996- . A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ADMINISTRATIVE PLAT FOR SPECTRO ALLOYS ADDITION 13220 DOYLE PATH WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has received an administrative plat for the following legally described property: Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 1, Lots 4 and 5, Block 2, and that part of vacated Doyle Path accrued thereto, all in HOLLENBACK & NELSON, INC. FIRST ADDITION. WHEREAS, on February 27, 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to receive public comment regarding the administrative plat for Spectro Alloys Addition, in accordance with the City's Zoning and Subdivision ordinance and State Statutes; and, WHEREAS, on February 27, 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount recommended approval of the administrative plat for Spectro Alloys Addition subject to conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves to Spectro Alloys Addition administrative plat subject to: 1) conveyance of an easement for electrical power transmission that are located in the Doyle Path public right-of-way to be vacated; and, 2) inclusion of ten foot wide drainage and utility easements along the northwest property lines (generally perpendicular to TH 55) as previously dedicated with the Hollenback & Nelson, inc. First Addition Plat. ADOPTED this 6th day of March, 1996. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: SPECTRO ALLOYS ADDITION KNOW AU.MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Spectra Alloys Corporation.a Minnesota 1 Woodrow A.Brown,Land SmNayor.hereby codify that I have surveyed and corporation.owner and proprietor of the losowing daaenhOd property,Mooted in platted the property beechnut on this plot as SPECTRO ALLOYS ADDITION,that this plot the County of Dakota and State of Mnlne.olo.to wit: is a correct repraeantation of the survey,that at distance.are comedy Moan on the plat in feet and hundredths of a loot,that at manumedte have been correctly pbesd in the ground as mown.that the outside boundary lines am correctly designated on that plat and that there are no wet tondo or public highways to be designated other than as shown. Lots 1.2.3 and 4.Block 1.Leda a and 5, Block 2,and that part of mooted Doyle Path ccrued tharato.all in HOLLENBACK&NELSON. Woodrow A Brown,Land Surveyor INC.FIRST ADDITION. Minnesota Lice.sa No. 15230 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing Sanya/.Certificate nos acknowedaed before e the day of ,199 by Woodrow A.Brown.Land Surveyor,Minnesota License No.15230. Notary Public, County.Mlnnuota. My Commission Expire. Nos caused the same to be&meyed and platted as SPECTRO ALLOYS ADDITION and dose Approved by lha Planning Canmie.ion of the City of Rosemount,M anuala.at a hereby donate and dedicate to the punk la public use forever the path and ado rogular meeWg thefedf,on the day of , 199__. dedicates the ede.rneats as Mown on tins plat for drainage and unity purposes any. Chairman Sacratory i Wa da Ninny certify that on the day of 199 W.City Council at Rosemount. Minnesota approved this plot. In witness whereof said Spectre Aloys Corporation.a Minnesota corporation, Mayor City Clerk has caused them presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of 199--• Pursuant to Section 3830.85,Minnesota Statute.,and the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance,this plat hoe bun approved this day d .199 SPECTRO ALLOYS CORPORATION By By: Greg Paton.C.E.O. Gory N.Simonson Dakota County Summar Plat Convniedon I hereby certify that the tam for the year 199_for the land described on this plat as SPECTRO ALLOYS ADDITION have bean paid and that them aro no delinquent taws due and tranefer entered on this day of ,199 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing kMtrument woos acknowledged before rho this day of 199_M.Grin Poen,C.EO.,of Coun Troasurer—AUtitor. Special Alloys Corporation,a Minnesota corporation,on behalf of the corporotbn. H Dakolo County.Minnewlo Docummnt Namaer Notary Public, County.Minnesota. 1 hereby certify this lnetrumant was tiled in too office of the County My Commission Expire. Recorder for record on this day of 199 at o'clock .M., was duly recorded in Book of on Pegs County Recorder Dakota County.Minnesota. W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 1 SPECTRO ALLOYS ADDITION • `' ~� is.., v. ----- CHICK k __� T— `` .s. �1 �s ----- I / \.,\. \\ s �� "I-- I \ 6 / \\ I / I / 1 / \\\ I / 5 \ _L_`\ / h� ' / \ \ �, ,_- ---ice_ �\� tie \ • \\J/ / / \\\\_\\\ 1 / 7�1 1 N. / /�\\\�\ V+ / \ Al 1 s. \s. / 3 w \\\\ / 2 / ,��\ "N / 1• J11 • / •N \ / I v \ I N. 14` \ ` // . I I I 2 I / o l I „y / / / / 100 0 100 ]00 IN• Denotes Found 1/2 Inch Iron Pipe. / / / sue— smmsesw r•s 1 Vet / // / Scale 1" = 100 ft o Denotes Set 1/2 Inch By 14 Inch Iron �' / / 1 / Monument With •Cop Narked R.LS. 15270. 4• / / . / The SW Line Of HOUENBACN &NELSON. INC. / FIRST ADDITION.Hos An Assumed awing of b / N5406'Of W Qk 6t3 /// , �...I. // / / W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: SPECTRO ALLOYS ADDITION 1 ', - . s!�s_....__,_Z . ,.....r c)--_____ __,-. ..2,77:,!,.. -,,,-..7,1 , _ _ I''........‘ ///'V p , , -.... „ i -�1CV �/ + ♦�I \(�i.. :� '\.. IIllI -....` �'i■w Lab I.3 5 a1 A s:a�tl1�.+.4 1 �,y NG . py( \ O / ,V- p / I,�'N (\`\ aW1YM YW.Y.all in MOLL.NN.'It6: ....1 i 440. 1:70 1. 4, .111117.1/ 411-' \\N-- .m.- NOON x / -.' N- v A \ 'N. - 3 ; i}� MC.MSI+OOIIWe.G�sfn fawq.Illnnrola. 4\ .1.fiy, Za.',1:ft k Tali -_,'',-i- .I 0 ��� \ 13 7/ / \ 1/// M.+41e,7012><y.y.IM•1112 iaaa I /A i ■kilt J., rkk v • A ' Scale 1 Inch .. 100 Feel■ ktI c ) fr +>r�r[annual. �i i.....arm.101 1M.ravor wa.a 1.400.p 10400046 h r 1 / Una S,.•ew e,4 4..41 10 sw a -a4/. 4e/ w.wo a wa wmsr�.00.,e, ,‘4.<te.,., _.., `__` 11e1WW a•� WA... en..,01.0. 01 MFG 15330 � \ 00 Meli 4433-2/05 W. DROWN LAND SURVEYING. INC. 1030 Caw....Sw 64.1.331 M• •w-sun 1•(113)434-4050 11.11131 104-4364 P'""13-98 Vr.Fw 13. z..on,w-r bae F 1011 13-98 48\34 c • Regular Planning Commission Meeting Proceedings 44 .t February 27,1996 DRAFT r `^ Page K 4 }4i. 3Y Vacation -~� Chairperson Droste opened the public hearing scheduled at this time to hear public testimony regarding the administrative plat and right-of-way vacation request of Spectro Alloys, Inc. The <.<: recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavits for Mailing&Posting of Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. Assistant Planner Pearson related the history of this right-of-way vacation request. He stated that staff concluded that a replat is necessary because the property is already platted and simple metes and bounds legal descriptions are not appropriate. The building on the site is currently straddling 3 lot lines causing many setback encroachments that are non-conforming. Mr. Pearson stated that this is basically a"housekeeping measure"which will solve many of these setback problems by combining the original six lots into one. He mentioned that the City Attorney has recommended this Iot combination. Dan Holkus, representing Spectro Alloys, Inc. and the surveying consultant for Spectro Alloys, Inc. were present to answer any questions. There being no comments from the audience, MOTION by McDermott to close the public hearing. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: Droste, Shoe-Corrigan,McDermott, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Pearson mentioned that he received one phone call regarding this item. He stated after he explained Spectro Alloys, Inc. request, the caller was comfortable with the request and decided not to attend the public hearing. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend approval of the Spectro Alloys Addition Replat to the City Council subject to conveyance of an easement for overhead power lines that are located in the right-of-way to be vacated and as well as the inclusion of ten foot wide drainage and utility . easements along the northwest property line (perpendicular to TH 55) as previously dedicated with the Hollenback&Nelson, Inc. First Addition plat. Seconded by Tentinger. Ayes: Shoe-Corrigan, McDermott, DeBettignies, Tentinger, Droste. Nays: 0. 'u lic earin 1 .e I • . . re'ate i ch Refinery Company-Mineral Extraction permit Renewals Chairperson Droste opened the public hearing scheduled at this time to hear public testimony regarding the mineral extraction permit requests of Solberg Aggregate. The recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavits for Mailing&Posting of Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. Assistant Planner Pearson explained that Solberg Aggregate was requesting approval of two mineral extraction permits-one located on the northeast corner of the intersection of STH 52 and CS AH 42, and one located on property owned by Koch Refinery on the west side of STH 52 approximately one