HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of February 20, 1996 Regular City Council Meeting ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1996 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, February 20, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Wippermann, Edwards and Carroll present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, Administrative Assistant/City Clerk Walsh, Administrative Intern Lotter, Community Development Director Rogness, Senior Planner Mack, Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson and Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer. Councilmember Kevin Carroll led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. Additional information was given to Council regarding the Encumbrance of 1995 Budget Items Forward to 1996 and the contract for Public Buildings and Parks Garbage and Recycling for 1996. Fire Chief Scott Aker presented the Rosemount Fire Department Annual Report to the City Council. Aker highlighted many points in the report including that there are now 33 members and there are plans to add five more members; the equipment is in good condition other than the aerial truck; the number of emergency calls has increased, about two-thirds are medical calls; and Aker noted that the Fire Educational Trailer has been very successful and used by 3,829 children. Council asked for some clarification on the ambulance services used. Mayor Busho thanked Chief Aker and all the firefighters for the excellent services provided. MOTION by Carroll to accept the Rosemount Fire Department's Annual Report. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson presented Council with a framed Certificate of Recognition from Governor Arne Carlson. This was in recognition of partnership efforts in the joint bidding by several cities in Dakota County for street maintenance materials to provide quality products at a lower cost. Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson updated City Council on the planning for City Well#9. The Comprehensive Water Plan denoted that this well would need to be on line by 1997. The recommended location is either in Jaycee Park or on the outlot owned by the City approximately two blocks north on the east side of Shannon Parkway. There will not be a water tower with this, it will be a low profile well station which may require a small building for controls. Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson gave a update on City Project#266 which is the 1996 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project. This is roughly a"L" shaped area from Cameo/147th Street east to Burma, and then north to Erickson Park. Staff is now gathering right-of-entry forms from all property owners. There are about twenty right-of-entries left to receive. They have received two letters of request and staff now recommends the process of eminent domain at an additional cost to be assessed back to the pr.ject area to assure that the schedule is not delayed. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1996 MOTION by Anderson to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Carroll. Discussion was held. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Fire Chief Scott Aker requested authorization to proceed with the purchase of an aerial platform fire truck. The current aerial fire truck did not pass the ladder certification test in August of 1995. Repair cost were estimated at $30,000. This vehicle has had chronic mechanical problems and a lot of money has already been invested into it. In order for Rosemount to maintain its good insurance rating (ISO)which saves taxpayer's dollars, an elevated water source, a ladder truck, and increased pumping capacity is needed. City Council discussed the need for continued dependable service, the possible ways to finance such a large amount, and possible participation by surrounding cities. The Fire Department estimated the cost of the fire truck at $500,000. MOTION by Carroll to authorize the fire department and staff to seek bids on the possible purchase of an aerial platform fire truck. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Edwards, Anderson, Wippermann, Busho, Carroll. Nays: None. Mayor Busho called for a five minute break at 10:00 p.m. Senior Planner Mack reported on the Metropolitan Airport Public Hearing. The financial analysis predicted that the cost for an expansion airport was $4.9 billion and a totally new airport $6 billion without land and utility costs and $5.8 billion and $8 billion with land and utility costs. Councilmember Carroll noted that a group called Minnesota Public Lobby has written currently about the"Rosemount Option" which refers to remote runways on the University of Minnesota property in Rosemount. Staff will keep you advised. Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer reviewed funding through the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR)to acquire a portion of the Kelley property for purposes of prairie restoration and preservation. Uses of the park include environmental education, passive recreation, conservation, and preservation. MOTION by Wippermann to proceed with a Request For Proposal with the stated criteria for Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources funding of the Kelley prairie acquisition. Second by Busho. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Administrative Assistant/City Clerk Walsh presented the City of Rosemount Personnel Policy. This will replace the policy from 1976 and includes many policies recently implemented such as the Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy, the Federal Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act and Related Regulation, and Workplace Harassment Policy. The City Attorney has reviewed the document and found it acceptable. MOTION by Carroll to adopt the City of Rosemount Personnel Policy. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Wippermann, Busho, Carroll, Edwards, Anderson. Nays: None. Mayor Busho announced that she composed a letter nominating Koch Refining for a Pollution 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1996 Prevention Award with the State of Minnesota. Council consensus was to go ahead and send the letter. The Mayor's Breakfast was attended by about 30 business people. Another Mayor's Breakfast is scheduled in six weeks. Tomorrow, February 21, there is a Septic System Informational meeting. D.A.R.E. graduations will be soon. Parks and Recreation Committee has an orientation meeting at 6:30 p.m. on February 26. The Goal Setting Workshop is March 8, 1996, at 9 a.m. MOTION by Edwards to go to Closed Session for the purpose of discussion on the Starks and Fields Lawsuit which is under attorney/client confidentiality. Second by Carroll. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Council retired to the Council Lounge at 10:34 p.m. Council returned to the Council Chambers to adjourn. MOTION by Busho to adjourn the meeting. Second by Carroll. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerks File 1996-09. 3 CITY PROCEEDINGS DRAFTROSEMOUNT REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1996 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, February 20, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Wippermann, Edwards and Carroll present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, Administrative Assistant/City Clerk Walsh, Administrative Intern Lotter, Community Development Director Rogness, Senior Planner Mack, Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson and Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer. Councilmember Kevin Carroll led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. Additional information was given to Council regarding the Encumbrance of 1995 Budget Items Forward to 1996 and the contract for Public Buildings and Parks Garbage and Recycling for 1996. Fire Chief Scott Aker presented the Rosemount Fire Department Annual Report to the City Council. Aker highlighted many points in the report including that there are now 33 members and there are plans to add five more members; the equipment is in good condition other than the aerial truck; the number of emergency calls has increased, about two-thirds are medical calls; and Aker noted that the Fire Educational Trailer has been very successful and used by 3,829 children. Council asked for some clarification on the ambulance services used. Mayor Busho thanked Chief Aker and all the firefighters for the excellent services provided. MOTION by Carroll to accept the Rosemount Fire Department's Annual Report. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson presented Council with a framed Certificate of Recognition from Governor Arne Carlson. This was in recognition of partnership efforts in the joint bidding by several cities in Dakota County for street maintenance materials to provide quality products at a lower cost. Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson updated City Council on the planning for City Well#9. The Comprehensive Water Plan denoted that this well would need to be on line by 1997. The recommended location is either in Jaycee Park or on the outlot owned by the City approximately two blocks north on the east side of Shannon Parkway. There will not be a water tower with this, it will be a low profile well station which may require a small building for controls. Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson gave a update on City Project#266 which is the 1996 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project. This is roughly a"L" shaped area from Cameo/147th Street east to Burma, and then north to Erickson Park. Staff is now gathering right-of-entry forms from all property owners. There are about twenty right-of-entries left to receive. They have received two letters of request and staff now recommends the process of eminent domain at an additional cost to assure that the schedule is not delayed. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS DRAFT REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1996 MOTION by Anderson to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Carroll. Discussion was held. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Fire Chief Scott Aker requested authorization to proceed with the purchase of an aerial platform fire truck. The current aerial fire truck did not pass the ladder certification test in August of 1995. Repair cost were estimated at $30,000. This vehicle has had chronic mechanical problems and a lot of money has already been invested into it. In order for Rosemount to maintain its good insurance rating(ISO) which saves taxpayer's dollars, an elevated water source, a ladder truck, and increased pumping capacity is needed. City Council discussed the need for continued dependable service, the possible ways to finance such a large amount, and possible participation by surrounding cities. MOTION by Carroll to authorize the fire department and staff to seek bids on the possible purchase of an aerial platform fire truck. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Edwards, Anderson, Wippermann, Busho, Carroll. Nays: None. Mayor Busho called for a five minute break at 10:00 p.m. Senior Planner Mack reported on the Metropolitan Airport Public Hearing. The financial analysis predicted that the cost for an expansion airport was $4.9 billion and a totally new airport $6 billion without land and utility costs and $5.8 billion and $8 billion with land and utility costs. Councilmember Carroll noted that a group called Minnesota Public Lobby has written currently about the"Rosemount Option" which refers to remote runways on the University of Minnesota property in Rosemount. Staff will keep you advised. Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer reviewed funding through the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR)to acquire a portion of the Kelley property for purposes of prairie restoration and preservation. Uses of the park include environmental education, passive recreation, conservation, and preservation. MOTION by Wippermann to proceed with a Request For Proposal with the stated criteria for Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources funding of the Kelley prairie acquisition. Second by Busho. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Administrative Assistant/City Clerk Walsh presented the City of Rosemount Personnel Policy. This will replace the policy from 1976 and includes many policies recently implemented such as the Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy, the Federal Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act and Related Regulation, and Workplace Harassment Policy. The City Attorney has reviewed the document and found it acceptable. MOTION by Carroll to adopt the City of Rosemount Personnel Policy. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Wippermann, Busho, Carroll, Edwards, Anderson. Nays: None. Mayor Busho announced that she composed a letter nominating Koch Refining for a Pollution Prevention Award with the State of Minnesota. Council consensus was to go ahead and send the 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS DRAFT REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1996 letter. The Mayor's Breakfast was attended by about 30 business people. Another Mayor's Breakfast is scheduled in six weeks. Tomorrow, February 21, there is a Septic System Informational meeting. D.A.R.E. graduations will be soon. Parks and Recreation Committee has an orientation meeting at 6:30 p.m. on February 26. The Goal Setting Workshop is March 8, 1996, at 9 a.m. MOTION by Edwards to go to Closed Session for the purpose of discussion on the Starks and Fields Lawsuit which is under attorney/client confidentiality. Second by Carroll. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Council retired to the Council Lounge at 10:34 p.m. Council returned to the Council Chambers to adjourn. MOTION by Busho to adjourn the meeting. Second by Carroll. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1996-09. 3