HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Accept Resignation of Community Development Director/Approve Hiring Process -' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 1, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF AGENDA SECTION: COl�ZMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR/APPROVE NEW BUSINESS HIRING PROCESS PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, CITY AGENDA NO. ADMINISTRATOR �'f� � Q � V ATTACHMENTS: RESIGNATION FROM RON WASMUND APPROVED BY: AND BRIMEYER PROPOSAL / Attached for City Council formal acceptance is a letter of resignation from Ron Wasmund, Community Development Director. His resignation is effective August 4, 1995. Because of the importance of the Community Development Director position in the organization, we feel it is appropriate to use the services of The Brimeyer Group which does executive recruitments. Attached is a copy of Jim Brimeyer's proposal. Staff met with Jim Brimeyer and discussed ways to limit his costs. His proposal has been reduced by city staff working with Jim on the announcement, city profile and interviewing. He will predominately be responsible for recruiting and reference and background checks. There are funds available for the search costs. In the interim Public Works Director Bud Osmundson will be over the Community Development Department and Paul Heimkes will serve in the capacity of Interim Building Official until the position is filled. Ron's been a very valuable employee for the city of Rosemount, and I know he will be missed by many staff inembers. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MO 4N T A C THE R SIG A O O WASMUND EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 1995 AND TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDED HIltING PROCESS. COUNCIL ACTION: .Y . ��nO .. � . � Ta; Mayor McMenomy Council Member Andereon 8ueho Staats wippermann Frow: Ran Wa�mund Community Development Director Dat+e: July 24, 1995 Subject: Resignation I �rould like to thenk each of yau f or the oPpartun3ties that I have had during my empla�yment Nith the City af Rosemount. There have Y�een msny since tr,at snawy morning of April 4, 1985 when I d�eove in 8 inches of snow from Mankato to Rosemount, a c3ty I knew very little aDout. When I asked a fr3end vrhat� he knev of Rosemount he replied with equal knowledge to mine " its a little to�n east of the zoa and west of the Mississippi". And so it �ust under e12000 the City grow from �ust under 6�00 people to � people. A city that is gaining prominence and recognition in the 7 county metro area. I am proud ta have been part of the growth. I have learned a lot about growing communities. I em fortunate to heve worked with so many dediaated peaple. firom staff who greeted me an that first day as if I was extended family, to the volunteers who devote their time to help shape the community through the various committees and commissions. Each election of council hrought new ideas and nex opportunities. I have learned a lot about local politics th8t I had no previous concept of. After 10 years of service to the community I now feel the urge to move on. I have been offered and accepted a positiax� with the City of Edina as Gh3ef Building Official. This Nill provide me vith the apportunity to campare the operations of a fully developed city ta that of a developing one. My last day of employment with the City x311 be August 4. I will take a two rreek vacation and begin work in Edina on August 24, 1995. I haye en�ayed my time in Rosemount and in na way feel forced or coerced to look else Nhere. It is a care�o�Ssi nal texperience.a$ very positive for the broadening of my p I rrish you all well. I will watch Rosemount grow with particular interest. Thank you: � w • � The Brimeyer Group, l�. EXECUTIVE SEARCH CONSULTANTS July 25, 1995 904 Mainstreet REC�IVED suite 2os Hopkins, MN 55343 Mr. Thomas Burt �JUL 2 8 1995 City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 CITY Ut ksuat,�wuiv� Rosernount, MN 55068 Dear Tom: Thank you for inviting The Brimeyer Group to submit a proposal to assist you in the recruitment and selection of a Community Development Director. Our firm and the staff are well qualified to help you in this endeavor. Responsibility for the search will be under the direction of James Brimeyer. Within the last year we have had the opportunity to work on three similar assignments which greatly enhances our pool of candidates far this position. Our UnderstandinQ of Your Assignment Your Community Development Director has recently resigned to take a position with another community. The Community Development Director is responsible for the functions of community development, planning, and building inspection and supervises a staff of seven. It is your intention to complete some of the assignment with your own staff and you are requesting the assistance of an executive search firm ta assist you in other phases of the assignment. The salary range is anticipated to be $48,000 to $54,000. pur Ap�roach to Your Assi n� ment We propose a phased approach to this project with the opportunity for us to assess progress at the end of each phase. This approach anticipates substantial staff involvement from the City of Rosemount. PHASE I We will work collaboratively to develop a Position Profile. We will use the City information we have gathered from previous Rosemount assignments as well as information gathered by your staff for the job description. At a minimum, we would like to meet with the City Administrator, Personnel Department, and members of the Community Development Department to verify the items in the job description and to establish priorities for the position. How that Profile is prepared and presented is subject to further discussion. 'The Profile will be used as a recruiting tool to interest qualified candidates for the position. We will jointly prepare the job announcements and you will take responsibility for placing those announcements. We anticipate piacing the announcement in the Public Sector Job Bulletin, the League of Minnesota Cities bulletin, various minority newspapers within the Twin Cities, the newsletter for the Economic Development Association of Minnesota, and the American Economic Council Newsletter. (612)945-0246 • fax(612)945-0102 s� —2— PHASE II We will actively recruit candidates on a regional basis. These candidates will be identified through professional associations, sourcing of qualified individuals, and other sources available to us to interest qualified candidates in the position. All resumes and applications will be submitted to our off'ice. PHASE III Our recruiting efforts and the announcements will produce a number of candidates for the position. We will review the resumes of both recruited candidates and candidates who respond to the announcement and screen those candidates against the Profile. We will conduct personal interviews with as many candidates as possible and conduct extensive telephone screening for candidates outside the area. From this process we will present to you our progress report outlining the qualifications, experience, and background of the most qualified candidates. From this review, you will identify the five candidates you wish to interview. PHASE IV Prior to the interviews, we wilf investigate the backgrounds of the �ve finalist candidates through discreet telephone and personal reference checks. We will talk with peers and former associates of these finalist candidates. it is our practice to speak directly with individuals who � are, or have been, in positions to evaluate the candidates' job performance. We will verify the finalist candidates' credentials through an educational, criminal, and credit check. Material gathered during background and retierence checks will be provided on each candidate to the City prior to the final interviews. Interviewing Assistance At your request, we would assist you in developing interview questions, evaluation forms, and develop an interview schedule. We anticipate your staff will be responsible for contacting the candidates to arrange the interview schedules. We will take responsibility for notifying the finalist candidates and advising them that future contacts will be made from City staff. Total Fee for All Phases: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not to exceed $5,000.00 Expenses (mileage, meals, copies, courier, etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not to exceed $250.00 We look forward to workin; with the City on this very interesting assignment. Very truly yours, � ��� James Brimeyer President Approved: