HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.l. Wayne Transport Minor Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezononing Concept PUD and Preliminary Plat � � City of Rosemaunt E�cecutive Summ� for Actian City Council Meeting Date: Au�ust 1, 1995 Agenda Item: Wayne Transport Minor Comprehensive Agenda S+ection: Plan Amendment, Rezoning Concept PUD Consent and Preliminary Plat Prepared By: Andrew Mack Agenda No: Senior Planner ��C� � � C Attachments: Letter from Phil Kairis dated Approved By: July 17, 1995; I,etter from Andrew Mack to Phil Kairis daxed July 12, 1995 �� At it's meeting held on July 5, 1995 Council continued acrion upon the request by Koch Refining Company until it's August l, 1995 meeting. Council also directed Staff to prepare a letter for the Mayor's signature to Dakota. Counry appealing the determination of the Contiguous Plat Commission for temporary access to the property. Subsequent to this meeting Koch Refining Company has opted to pursue other options for the location of their fire station and has therefore stopped discussions with Wayne Transport for the proposed relocation of their offices and terminal operations. Koch has decided, however, not to withdraw their applications as of this time and has requested an indefinite tabling of the proposal. Please reference the atta.ched letter of request for ta.bling from Phil Kairis. Staff would recommend approval of Koch's request to table action upon their requests'. Although Koch Refining has pulled the plug on the Wayne Transport proposal, they have indicated a willingness to continue a dialogue with the City of Rosemount relative to economic development objectives for the east end of the communiry, and in particular the 52/42 corridor. Staff will keep Council updated on any continuing discussions with Koch as we continue to explore opportunities of mutual benefit to Koch and the City of Rosemount. Recommended Action: A MOTION to table action upon the applications of Koch Refini.ng Company for: 1. Minor Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment; 2. Rezoni.ng; 3. PUD; and 4. Preliminary Plat City Council Action: JUL-17-1995 15�2? FROM KOCH ENGINEERING TO 94235203 P.01 �����H �J��I� KG1CH RE�tNiNG Ct)MPANY Company N�me: City of Rasemaunt City, State: Rosemo�nt,MN Phone: 322��050 Attentian: Andrew Mack Fa%• 423�52�3 , Fro�n: Pbil K,�iris Company: Koc�.Re�ning Company-Engineering City, State: Pine Bend,MN F'�one: 612-438-1341 Fax: 6I2-43�-U50!4 �7ate: U'�l17/95 pagcs includin.g this cover page: 1 Andrew, Per our telephone conv�ersation an July 7, 1995, I �n reques�ng City Staff ta ta�,le crur applications for the Koch/Wayn� Trans�ort Develapment Proposai. Due to the sbrong opposition we received on the project as praposed from both I�akota County and neighboring residents, we decided to Io►ok far other alt�rnatives to meet our immediate need which is a lacatian for our fire fighting e�uipment. We�ave identifie�i a new site that appears to meet all af our needs and that we hope ta be abl� ta construct this season. We have no immediate plans for the 55 acre parcel cuYr�ntly wader application. Howerv+e,r, the patentiai.reraains for development of this site in the future. There£are, to save possible double wark for the City and Koch, we would I�ce to table the applications versus with�ra.wing them until such a time when Kacb identi�ies a need or appomwity to develop this parcel. I wou.ld like to thank you and Stafffor the support you gave this project and the work you all put into it, especially consid�ring the shott time-fr�me we seem to always be �rnder. Sincerely, Ad'�'�`� Fhii K.airis Koch Project En�ineer TOTAL P.�1 ;- ��- ��� 3 C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T 2875 C�45tHAL�t West a'�; P.O. Box 510 Rosemount,MN `��� Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55o6s-o5io ' '� Phone:61 Z-423-4411 �� �� `� � Fax:612-423-5203 7uly 12, 1995 Mr. Phil Kairis Koch Refining Company P.O. Box 64596 St. Paul, Mn 55164 Re: Koch Refining/Wayne Transport - Development Proposal Dear Phil, Please accept this letter as follow up to our phone conversations on July 7, 1995 regarding the disposition of Koch's development applications for the above referenced project. At this time it is my understanding that Koch would like to suspend efforts in proceeding with the approval of your applications based upon a variety of reasons. As you aze aware, the City Council continued action upon the public hearing for this project until August l, 1995 and directed Staff to prepare a letter for the Mayor's signature for the Dakota County Boazd in support of the interim driveway connection to 42. Although the letter for the County was not sent, we still must have the City Council take action upon your applications at the August lst meeting. Therefore, I would like to request that you write a letter to me asking for your applications to be tabled. Please send it to me no later than July 24, 1995 so I can prepare an item summary for the City Council agenda. Our cunent ordinances are silent on the amount of time this item can be left on the table. Further discussion at a City Staff level would need to occur at such time as the applications would be proposed to be reactivated. With certainty I can say that we would need to re- publish a notice and property owner mailing and therefore, additional fees would be in order to cover the costs of such an effort. This generally assumes that the proposal does not substantially change from the current PUD design. As promised, I checked the fees submitted for your applications and identified a single $1,000 escrow. A copy of the receipt has been enclosed for your file. This escrow will be kept on account until such time as you either chose to reactivate the applications or withdraw your request. At that time, further determination will be made as to the disposition of these funds. Please feel free to contact me should you have further questions and I will look forward to receiving your letter by the 24th. Thank you. Sincerely, ��'a^"'+ � Andrew Mack cc: City Staff Enclosure . � %inted on recKlcd paper . contxinin¢i(Y", prxttonwmi•r�n.)m•.. . � OFFICIAL REC�IP�- GENERAL FUND � ���erieoun� 6Y i � ' `�. � 13 �� �. � T � "�"�'�`C,J y ��/' ' , Date ��� 199 J Received Of S " • � FO / t / � ����� '✓' l� +/t 1 ' ( {./�� �L� �✓ (/f.� $ � � �� � �'w � '1j��1''-�G�.i;'• , ,,�' /�.�i..�OCI• v � r ,�, �`� �f,c ;; �� ` ,� (JUV.vC1Sep rate Deposit ❑ � ac�� � e`����� y<-z �.�/� � � .� -, ^ � _ 1 ��,,�.,u-- � /— � —Ou —vOC� % ��� i �� .,, � � , 1 � v i -� ���J 2�3 / �.;.;.�� 1 • �, ! . r 1 � � � � � �-_� � Account Number � F/C Amount Account Number F/C Amount � . �- _ . - - - � . � .: - • �� - . _ . - . _ _. . . . �