HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Dakota County HRA Concept Residential Planned Unit Development, Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, Preliminary Plat and Rezoning � + DRAFT �� � ��� C I�TY O F RO S E M�O U N T � � z8�5-`;�t"�eet West� � � ��s �. x� P.O. Box 510 EV2C t�'I/Cl s Comin U Rosemount!! Rosemount,MN y g� g p 55068-0510 �,g,� � Phone:612-423-4411 � `�=���"� � fax:612-423-5203 Planning Commission REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - JULY 25, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, July 25, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. Chair McDermott called the meeting to order with members DeBettignies, Tentinger, Ingram, and Droste present. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Andrew Mack, Assistant Planner Rick Pearson, Civil Engineer poug Litterer, and Council Member Joan Anderson. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the July 11, 1995 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes as presented. Secondby Droste. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. Vice-Chair DeBettignies recessed the Regular Planning Commission Meeting and opened the Board of Appeals and Adjustments to hold a public hearing scheduled at this time. Pnhli� HParing (cr�ntinued from 5J9/95 & 6/13/951• Ralnh Hanson Variance Petition: Chair McDermott reconvened the public hearing continued from May 9th and June 13th for a variance to lot area and setbacks requested by Mr. Ralph Hanson for property located on 130th Way between Bengal Avenue and 130th Street West. Tfie recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavits for Mailing & Posting af Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson presented an overview of the events that led to the continuance of this public hearing. Ralph Hanson has submitted a lot survey containing building footprint and drainage design, septic system layout with alternate site, and building blueprints. However, the building inspector has requested the petitioner to submit additional information regazding area and structure correlations for further clarification. Mr. Gene Barthel, 12962 Bengal Avenue, questioned the alternative septic location and stated his belief that this site was too close to his well. Staff advised that the placement of the septic system exceeds the minimum 50-foot State Code for separation of well and septic system. MOTION by McDermott to continue the public hearing of the Ralph Hanson vaziance request to the August 8, 1995 meeting to prouade the applicant with time to submit additional clazification of the site plan. Second by Droste. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste,DeBettignies. Nays: 0. R,hlic Hearing,� Cr�gory & Debra Zi�gel, 14300 Cameo Avenue: Chair McDermott opened the public hearing at 7;05 p.m. to hear public testimony regarding a request for a variance to rear yard setback requirements. The recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavits for Mailing & Posting of Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Zippel, 14300 Cameo Avenue, were in attendance to request a variance to the required 25-foot rear yard setback ordinance requirement to permit construction of a detached gazage. Lot 1, School Addition, is a corner lot, platted in 1921 and measuring 73' x 142', is a legal non- conforming corner lot with a width of 73 feet and substandard to the current 95-foot corner lot width requirement. � . . � Printed on sxydedpaPer . contalnin,q 30°, post-consumer materia;.. • Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 25, 1995 D�A�� Page Two Mr. & Mrs. Zippel stated that the proposed location represents a safe alternative to the existing conditions which includes an alleyway in the rear yard that abuts churchJschool property. Access would be adjusted to exit onto 143rd Street instead of the current access into the church parking lot and school playground. Planning staff recommends that the subject property meets the required findings for the granting of a variance and suggested several conditions for maintaining green space and assurance of minimum construction standards for the new access to a City street. There were no comments from the audience. Chair McDermott closed the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. Discussion ensued regarding specific conditions surrounding the variance petition. MOTION by Droste to grant a ten-foot variance to rear yazd setbacks for 14300 Cameo Avenue, legally described as Lot l, School Addition to Village of Rosemount, subject to: 1) the driveway shall be no less than ten (10) feet from the rear property line adjacent to church property; 2) the width of the driveway from curb to right-of-way line shall not exceed twenty-two (22) feet; and 3) the existing unsurfaced parking area of the lot shall be restored with black dirt and sod. Second by Ingram. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. Public Hearing: Dale & .Tay Burns�,12465 Chinchilla Court: Chair McDermott opened a public hearing to hear public testimony for a variance to front yard setback requirements at 7:15. The recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavits for Mailing & Posting of Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson presented an overview of a request from Mr. &Mrs. Dale Burns, property owners, for a variance to minimum front yard setback standards to allow the construction of a single family residence on a 3-acre parcel, located on Chinchilla Court and abutting the Wilde Birch Addition, to within thirty-four (34) feet of the front property line. The subject property is zoned RR Rural Residential which has a requirement for forty (40) feet set back from the front yard property boundary. Mr. E. Wright, contractor for Mr. & Mrs. Burns, stated that this variance will facilitate an alternate septic site adjacent to the proposed site. It was further noted that the lot is wooded and also encompasses an approximate 2l3-acre pond. Granting of this variance will provide maacimum use of the lot while limiting loss of trees, risk of pond contamination, and allowing room for an alternate septic system site. Planning staff advised that several nonconforming setbacks exist in this Rural Residential District and the findings as required in Section 15.2 of the Zoning Ordinance have been determined. There was further discussion regarding city engineer recommendations. There were no further comments from the audience. Chairperson McDermott closed the public hearing and opened up the floor to Board discussion. MOTION by DeBettignies to grant a six-foot variance to front yard setback requirements for the subject - lot situated on the west side of Chinchilla Court conditioned on the lowest floor elevation being above the 936-foot elevation. Second by Tentinger. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. Chair McDermott closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reconvened the July 25, 1995 Regular Planning Commission Meeting at 7:30 p.m. � Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes ����� July 25, 1995 Page Three Public He�ring• Wensmann 9th & lOth Addition Residential Concept PUD Chair McDermott opened the scheduled public hearing for review of a concept for a residential planned unit development(PUD) as submitted by Wensmann Realty, Inc. The recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavits for Mailing & Posting of Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. The concept PUD consists of two types of attached single family housing proposed for 18.5 acres of land situated between Dodd Boulevard, Shannon Parkway, and 145th Street West. This proposed townhouse project is consistent with ordinance requirements for the R-2 Attached Single Family Zoning District with a density of six dwelling units per acre. The development, consisting of 111 residential units including 60 three-story townhouse units (deck homes) and 50 single level units arranged in "quads", also includes a 1.5-acre park. Terry Wensmann, Wensmann Realty, Inc., stated that the modified sketch plan reflects Planning Commission comments and input. Additional discussion included access and drainage, as well as proposed park use. Douglas &Julie Grage, 3815 147th Street West, expressed concern regarding park design with reference to pedestrian access, safety, and security. They stated that their property backs up to the proposed development and access to the area is currently directed abutting their property. Ms. Renee Stevenson stated her opposition to the proposal because it was her understanding that the property would be developed for low-income housing. The Planning Commission, developer, and staff assured those present that the property is not publicly subsidized for low-income housing, but will, in fact, be listed €or sale to individual homebuyers which traditionally means that the units will be owner-occupied The previous rezoning to a lower density residential district addresses several issues of security and should provide a deterrent to the current safety issues regarding of this property. Chairperson McDermott closed this public hearing at 8:00 p.m. and opened discussion for the Commission. It was the consensus of the Commission that this residential planned unit development is an enhancement for this area. There was also agreement that the park should remain as green space with no provisions for a parking lot or building(s). MOTION by Ingram to recommend to City Council approval of the concept plan for the Wensmann Homes, Inc. Residential Planned Unit Development subject to: 1) incorporation of engineering recommendations relative to grading and utilities plans and ponding capacity in the final development plan; 2) enhancement of emergency vehicle access consistent with recommendations made by the fire marshal; 3) City Council acceptance of 1.5 (as proposed) or up to two (2) acres for park development with the balance of the park dedication being in the form of cash conttibution; 4) conformance with Section 12.2 of the City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance for PUD final development plan review requirements, as well as platting requirements specified by the Subdivision Ordinance; and 5) that the pazk consist entirely of green or open space. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram. Nays: 0. P»hlic Hea�rin�• Dakota Countv HRA Senior Housing.Project Chair McDermott opened a public hearing to hear public testimony for the review of the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Senior Housing Project at 8:10 p.m. The recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavits for Mailing & Posting of Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. . � Regular Ptanning Commission Meeting Minutes July 25, 1995 Page Four (����� W Senior Planner Andrew Mack advised the Commission that the Dakota County HRA has submitted several required applications to initiate the approval process for the redevelopment of property situated on the west side of Cameo Avenue, south of 146th Street West and north of Lower 147th Street West. This project is a joint undertaking by the City of Rosemount, Rosemount Port Authoriry, and Dakota County HRA. Mr. Mack summarized each application which support the intent of the HRA to complete acquisitions of property and combine multiple parcels under single ownership, while proceeding with the preliminary land use and zoning approvals necessary to authorize development of a 40-unit senior housing project. Planning staff has determined that the proposed project meets the intent of the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan objectives, serves to enhance the supply of senior housing within the community, commits a substantial investment in the redevelopment of the core area, and provides future senior residents with a location convenient to retail goods and services. Diane Nordquist, HRA project supervisar, gave a slide show presentation of other HRA senior housing projects in area communities illustrating the quality of the product that Rosemount can expect to see. Ms. Nordquist and the HRA's architect expressed a willingness to respond to and work with neighborhood design issues/concerns as well as staff recommended project approval conditions. Neighborhood residents in attendance included Ms. Judith Heimer, 3135 Lower 147th Street West, Gerald Stoffel, 3100 146th Street West, Donna McDonough, 3215 Lower 147th Street West, Colleen and John Oxborough, 14690 Cameo Avenue, Ms. Renee Stevenson, 14600 Cameo Avenue, and Ms. Lynn Kitzro, 3120 Lower 147th Street West. The following list includes several concerns identified by this group: 1) minor discrepancies between the legal notice map and the legal description and the actual property that will be acquired for the project were identified; 2) concerns were identified regarding the alignment of the southern driveway with the northern driveway to the Methodist Church; 3) a property owner adjacent to the northwest corner questioned why his properry was not acquired or was not proposed to be acquired as part of the project and also questioned if he would have an opportunity to acquire property from the HRA to expand his rear yard; 4) a concern was identified regarding a perceived loss of privacy in their backyazds that would be theoretically visible from upper stories of the proposed structure; 5) a potential for increased traffic was identified as a concern; 6) the proposed land use was questioned on the basis of incompatibility with existing land uses; 7) safety issues were raised regarding the potential for pedestrian access to the downtown central business district; 8) objections to the location of the parking lot and security lighting were expressed by adjacent residents; 9) confusion regarding land use classifications and related compatibility issues resulted from questions directed to inappropriate and uninformed third parties; and 10) In addition, further questions were raised regarding adequacy of parking, storm water ponding, and the impact of the proposed building on prevailing breezes. There were no further comments from the audience. Therefore, Chairperson McDermott closed the public hearing at 9:45 p.m. Lengthy discussion ensued by the Board regazding the issues presented by those present. Several questions were directed to and answered by staff and Dakota County HRA representatives. � Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes � July 25, 1995 ��A� Page Five MOTION by McDermott to recommend to City Council approval of a Minor Comprehensive Guide Plan _ Amendment by re-guiding approximately 2.45 acres from Urban Residential to Multiple Family Residential, subject to review and approval by the Metropolitan Council. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste. Nays: 0. MOTION by McDermott to recommend to City Council approval of rezoning approxirnately 2.45 acres from R-lA Single Family Residential to R-4 Multiple Family Residential. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Tentinger, McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. MOTION by McDermott to recommend to City Council approval of a Planned Unit Development Concept Plan as requested by the Dakota County HRA for approximately 2.45 acres of land located along Cameo Avenue, between 146th Street West and Lower 147th Street West subject to the following conditions: 1) a review of the underground parking.driveway access design and a redesign of the parking/circulation setback which eliminates the setback variance and provides a detailed plan for screening the driveway and parking lot from property to the west; 2) submission and approval of a detailed landscaping plan for the entire project with the final development plan; 3) submission and approval of a revised final building design which architecturally softens the three-story design features of the entire building; 4) full compliance with all requirements of the Rosemount zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, except as may be approved through the PUD process; and (added by the Planning Commission) 5) submission and approval of a detailed lighting plan; and 6) restricting building design to two stories. Second by Ingram. Ayes: McDermott, Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger. Nays: 0. MOTION by McDermott to recommend to City Council tabling of the administrative plan subject to: 1) receipt of a written request by the applicant for an indefinite tabling of the request prior action on the above motions by the City Council; and 2) submission of all required data and supporting information for an administrative plat approval. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: Ingram, Droste, DeBettignies, Tentinger, McDermott. Nays: 0. MOTION by DeBettignies to adjourn. Second by Droste. There being no further business to come before this Commission and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus Recording Secretary / M � t � JuTy 30, 1995 City of Rosemount, Planning Dept. RE: August 1 , 1995 �s!b�ic Hear. i.ng:'I-�RA Ser.ior Hcusing Project, addition:al questions to corresgon��nce of �u:.y 17, I9a�:. And acidi�ional crimjnal , complain�s CU:ICZY'A11'2 j i.his grcjec�. Quest�ons; 1 . i�Til� �.h� crir�inal comp�a�. .r��s aga�ist num�rous public officals for the Cwt� a� R�ser,�o�.n+� cor.�e�ning this groject be fully judicated before the Cii�r Cc�_r�cil ap�roves any furth�r aspects of this pro- ject? If no� , why nct and when? 2. Exact�_y khat action has the City Prosecutor taken concerning the complaint:= t� �a�e? I� none, why? Why doesn 't the City Prosecutor comply with Rules �-3 . 8, su�d .a, 1 . 3, 4.3, subd. b, l .7, subd.a, 1 . 13, subd. b, items' 2s3 or MinnesGta �ui.es o� Prcfessior:al� Conduct�and Minr:- esota St�te St.atttR-�4$7. 25, subd. #l�� 3. What proof af. findi.ng did the Plann�ng Comr�ission fin� to sho•�a . - that this �ro�ec-c is _ ,properly located, fill market ni�t�es, entail a hi;h�r level of amenity and/or satisfy a need for afford- able housing? (Ca;r�prertensive Guide Plan 2000-Housing an� Neigh�or- hoods/high De�sity �esid�ntia2(HR? . ) ' 4. Is tY:i3 praj�c�: lo�a*�ed within th� desigr�atP� Planned Developre�.� Area? I� n�L, wn�� i.s this pr:�jec� being de�e�oped as a P�.azzr_e� tlnit r�:;.e'�P-:"x'-�' 5. Does t�r�s gro-�ect zequire anl e:�a.�g� i� st�Q�t anu/or �a��.I.i�ies exist�.r.g cap�city? 6. What �roGf of finciirA� t3i.d t�ie P�.�nrting Cc�tnmission f�:�,� ta sho�z that tnz, prc�e�:t. k�Gs',�xtraor�ina�y set�acks�►at ne�.�hhor�oc�� -��?�es to =.mini��ize _��3Q im��a�t of ccr���:�r}ing land use�? ��acrly wllat �4kes these� setr��:�:� �'�3:i.SdO�s3in�ry°� �t�O1Li;32.e'�er.sit�e GiIICIE ;P�.c^.Z3—;{��15:ii?y and Nie�r���r:�cods/Ger�era7. Housir.g �o?icies,�G) 7. Is this deve'ap:n�r,� cansidered ��,w or moderate income hcusinc? What is �.�e de�ir�i�ion �� lora a;�� n�ode=ate ,incom�? iCor���rehens�ve Guide P�an, 2£��t;--Hausirzg and T�TFigh�aarhoods/General H�using Pol�.cies #3 ) ` S. Wha� usable apen �iaee daes the FIa.^. pr�vide and were �t�y vari- - ances grante� t�rou�h ti-;e PL!D? yf so, what wYere they? 9. What praof o� fin�ing ciic� tre Piannir.g Cornmission find to show n.._ . ' ,.. . that this development would not be detrimental to the surrounding � properties? (Ordinance B, Section 12 . 2, subd. D. , Item#3 ) 10. What increase will this development cause to the City' s tax base? r If so, what evidence does the City have to show and substantiate any claims of an increase? ll . Is this project a redevelopment project as defined in Section 469. 002, subd. 14 of the HRA Act? 12. What proof of finding did the Planning Commission find to show that ' this project plan is consistant with the Parks Master Plan section of the Com�rehensive Guide Plan? Additional Criminal Complaints concerning this project- � Item #1- Fa2lure to ro erl canduct the S ecial Sessio � P P Y P � � n meeting ot the �P;;A, on November 17, 1993 . Rosemount Port Authority-Standing Rule.s, I. , �� subd.D. , Item#1 . , II. , subd.A. , Item#2c. . City Code-Chapter7, Section 1-7-4, Section 1-7-5,:s�.��d.. A. . Officals involved-City Attorney/ Port Authority Attorney,Mike Miles,all members of the Port Author-= � ity, Acting City Administrator: �on Wasmun.d. Item #2- Providing false statements to the public concerning the HRA Senior � Housing project at the Special Session of the Port Authority on November 17, 1993 . City Code-Chapter 7, Section i-7-4. Officals involved-Same as above Item #1 . � . r . � ... � . ' . . . . . � . . . . . . _ . � . Item ,#3- Failure to submit ,HRA Senior : Housing Deyelopment project plan and �� �� _` -' =.� ` ��and tiud�et �'plan to the `Planning Commission for revi'ew and comment: ��.�4�� fi ,,- `� �= ;�Resoiu��.on,�i99.1-53,Section l0;item #1 and -or` Section 10A,�tem #2• �" ' ,����'� ,���� � �.City -Cade=Chapter. ;7,-Section �1-7-4 and Section i-7-S,�subd. A:. , �"Officals involved-Members :of the Port Authority, Members of the City Councii, Executive Director `for : the Port Authority. _ � f , , . . _ _ _ _ .._ .: :� : . . ,- �,_. _. _ _ . , ..�-� �-__ � . _ _ .. _ . .; , .,. - - _ . , _ _ . � :. ._ Thank you, � Larr Waisn 305 L. 147th. St. W. Rosemount, Mn. 55068 -. • ' Page 2 4 F • C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T Z875 C145tHSt eet West P.O.Box 510 Ever t�'IICI s Comin U ROsemOunt►! Rosemount,MN y 9� 9 p 55068-0510 Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice Pnone:6,z-423-44„ Fax:612-4Z3-5Z03 DAKOTA COUNTY HRA SFNIOR HOUSING PROJECT x MINOR COMI'REHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT REZONING CONCEPT RESIDENTIAL PLANNED U1�TIT DEVELOPMENT& PRELINIINARY PLAT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Wa1sh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualif'ied Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On 7uly 14, 1995, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the Umted States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing for consideration of a Dakota County HRA Senior Housing Project Minor Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, rezoning, Concept Residential Planned Unit Development, and preliminary plat, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. ,f �` , Su M. Wa . City Cler City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � Subscribed and sworn to before me this da.y f 1995. !)C3NN;? g !�UlNTUS � �1Aifi1NESOTA -� :f)tJNTY otai Public Yy . �: .;an.31,2000 � • D�WNA L.t�lNTUS NotARv P�-�Th ww7e11I•�� Printed on recYded paper , . W��`„�� � containing 30% . . r ��7 ��� post-consumermaterials. � ! , ` � ��� C1TY OF ROSEiV10UNT "'� "A" , 2875-145th Street West P:O.Box 510 � Rosemount,MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55o6g•os�o �,- � ��� . • Phone:612-423-4411 °������ PU.�lIC NOtICe Fax:612•423•5203 DAKOTA COUNTY HRA Senior Housing Development PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE: The public and all interested parties are invited to a Public Meeting held by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount on Tuesday, July 25, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, at 6:30 p.m., or as soon therea.fter as possible. This Public Meeting provides an opportunity for initial public comment regarding an application from Dakota County HRA for a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, Concept and Preliminary Plat, and Rezoning for senior housing as listed below. � � '� Offcial Notice '� � * TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE'v, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a Public Hearina to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, August 1, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 28�5 145th Street West, beginnin� at 8:40 p.m., or at a time and date as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearina will be conducted for the applications as list'ed below: ApP�.tCAN1': Dakota.County HRA REQUFST(S): 1. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment 2. Rezoning 3. Concept Residential Planned Unit Development 4. Preliminary Plat LoCATION: Approximately 2.45 acres west of Cameo Avenue between 146th Street West and Lower 147th Street West. I,EG,�t, Lots 1-8> Lots 29-30, and Lots 55-57,Block 2;and Lots l�lS�and Lots 36�1 Block 3, Rose Park DESCRIPITON: Addition to Rosemount along with vacated street right-of-way. Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend and be heard at either or both of the above two (2) meetings. Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting dates. Please forward all written comments and/or inquiries to the Planning Department of the City of Rosemount or call 322- 2451. Dated this 1 lth day of July, 1995. �Z��� Su n M. W , City Clerk � City of Rosemount ' Dakota Counry, hiinnesota � .b .:::� DaKOTa CouNnrHRa 340370001041 340370002041 SeNioR Hous�Nc PRwecT THOMAS G EGAN JOAN W ERICKSON MaiuNc Lis-r 3090 145TH ST W 3100 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 340370001039 340370001042 340370001043 ALBERT J TSTE EHLEN RICHARD J HEINEN RICHARD J HEINEN 1504 CEDAR ST BX 37 3110 145TH ST W 3110 145TH ST W ALEXANDRIA MN 56308-0037 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 340370002043 340370001038 340370001044 RICHARD J HEINEN ALBERT J TSTE EHLEN JEFFREY W &DENISE A SEEGER 3110 145TH ST W 1504 CEDAR ST BOX 37 3150 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 ALEXANDRIA MN 56308-0037 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 340380001004 346470034001 340380002006 DORIS J LOFTUS LAWRENCE &HELEN STOFFEL RICHARD J HEINEN 14540 CAMEO AVE BOX 155 14575 CAMEO AVE 3110 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-0155 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4443 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 340370001047 340380001007 KEN ROSEMOUNT PTNRS 346470014001 SHERRI R 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CREAMERY-SUITE 370 3215 146TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4443 P O BOX 595 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4425 FARIBAU�T MN 55021-0595 340380002002 340370005261 340380001001 JAMES E JR &JEANNE DUFFY FRANCIS C&PATRICIA DOLEJS RENEE C STEVENSON 1567 ULUEO ST 12756 bENMARK AVE 14600 CAMEO AVE KAILUA HI 96734-4408 APPLE VALLEY MN 55124-8748 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4442 346470056002 346470030002 346470034002 DAKOTA COUNTY HRA WAYNE R WEIERKE GERALD R STOFFEL 2496 145TH ST W 3090 146TH ST W 3100 146TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4441 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4427 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4427 346470037002 346470040002 346470043002 PATRICIA L MCQUISTON DANIEL P&SUSAN VORWERK FRANKLIN R &MARY WASCHEK 3110 146TH ST 3130 146TH ST W 3150 146TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4427 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4427 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4427 346470045002 346470049002 346470054002 BLAINE W &SHERRIE M BEELER KEITH G ROGERS CHARLIE H KUNESH 3160 146TH ST W 3180 146TH ST W 3200 146TH ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4427 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4427 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4424 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BAPTIST CHURCH GERALD M ANDERSON WESLEY A&DELROSE PEGORS 14400 DIAMOND PATH AV W 3115 LOWER 147TH ST W 3125 LOWER 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4132 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4419 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4419 346470044003 346470048003 346470050003 STEVE L&JUDITH HEIMER DANIEL J MILLER ROGER J ANDERSON 3135 LOWER 147TH ST W 3155 LOWER 147TH ST W 3165 LOWER 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4419 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4419 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4419 346470055003 346470058003 340380018014 VIRGiL C&WANDA J FELMLEE BERNARD &F SZCZESNIAK PAUL E &ROBERT Ca OSBORNE 3175 LOWER 147TH ST W 3195 LOWER 147TH ST W 14670 CAMEO AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4419 FiOSEMOUNT MN 55068-4419 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4442 .' • � 346470006003 340380019014 346470009003 DAKOTA COUNTY HRA JOHN M &COLLEEN A OXBOROUGH DAKOTA COUNTY HRA 2496 145TH ST W 14690 CAMEO AVE 2496 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4929 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4442 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 340380005013 344740027000 MATTHEW J DOWELL 340380006013 TOMMY R &ANITA B CARR BRANDY M DEVEREAUX JOEL 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BX 152 14730 CAMBRIAN AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4448 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-0152 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4404 344740002000 344740101001 344740102001 LARFiY D &SHARI M LEE HARLIN G &NANCY L SEVERSON SYLVIA PERRON 14715 CAMERO LN 14725 CAMERO LN 14735 CAMERO LN ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4405 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4405 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4405 344740104001 JOHN A STEFANI 14755 CAMERO LN ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4405 � City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Ci Council Meetin Date: u 1 1995 Agenda Item: Dakota County HRA Concept Residential Agenda Section: Planned Unit Development, Comprehensive PUBLIC HEARING Guide Plan Amendment, Preliminary Plat, & Rezonin Prepared By: Andrew Mack Agenda No� Senior Planner ' ���A � � 1�11I1 Attachments: Memo to Council dated 7/28/95; Letter from Approved By: Dakota County HRA dated 7/28/95; Planning Commission Executive Summary&Report dated 7/21/95 ____ :.�. -SEEATTACHED MEMO- Recommended Action: I A MOTION to recommend to the City Council approval of a Minox Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment by re-guiding approximately 2.45 acres from Urban Residential to A�Iultiple Family Residenrial, subject to review and approval by the Metropolitan Council. II A MOTION to recommend to the City Council approval of rezoning for approximately 2.45 acres from R-la Single Family Residential to R-4 Multiple Family Residential. III A MOTION to recommend to the City Council approval of a PUD Concept Plan for the Dakota Counry HRA for approximately 2.45 acres of land located along Cameo Avenue, between 146th and Lower 147th Streets West, subject to the following conditions: 1. A review of the underground parking driveway access design and a redesign of the pazking/circulation setback which eliminates the set back variance and provides a detailed plan for screening the driveway and parking lot from property to the west; 2. Submission and approval of a detailed landscaping plan for the entire project with the final development plan; 3. Submission and approval of a revised final building design which architecturally softens the three-story design features of the entire building; 4. Full compliance with all requirements of the Rosemount Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, except as may be approved through the PUD; and 5. Submission and approval of a detailed lighting plan. IV A MOTTON to recommend to the City Council tabling of the administrative plat subject to: 1. Receipt of a written request by the applicant for an indefinite tabling of the request prior action on the above motions by the City Council; 2. Submission of all required data.and supporting information for an administrative plat approval. - or- A MOTiON to continue the public hearing for the Dakota County HRA Senior Housing Project to the S tember 5 1995 Re lar Ci Council Meetin . Council Action: OS-01-95.001 July 17, 1995 City of Rosemount, Planning Dept. RE: July 25,August 1l1995 Public Hearings/HRA Senior Housing Project. Questions; 1 . Who owns the properties listed under "Description"? 2. As called for in the Comprehensive Guide Plan 2000, Housing and neighborhoods, Objectives-#l , What showing of need is there for this project? 3 . What is the :density per acre for this project? 4. Exactly what steps has the city taken to be"circumspect" about this project? And exactly what consequences are being considered? 5. What is�the park dedication for this project? And what evidence does the city have to show that the dedication complies with the Parks Master Plan? 6. What evidence does the city have to show the this project would comply with Item #16, General Housing Policies, Comprehensive Guide Plan 2000? 7. Same as Item #7 of Citizen Comment Card I submitted,January 15, 1995. 8 . Same as Item #13 of Citizen Comment Card I submitted,March 10, 1995 9. Same as Items #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #34, #35 of Citizen Comment Card I submitted, February 18, 1994. 10 . Sane as Item #11- of Citizen Comment Card I submitted, March 22, �994. 11 . Same as Item #5 of Citizen Comment Card I submitted, July 24;�3994. i2. When did staff recieve the Concept P�dR and S�upportive Information, and what recommendation di� the staff make to the Planning Commission Th k you, L rr Walsh 305 L. 147th. St. W. Rosemount, Mn. 55068 �. Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Krisrin Franck,being duly sworn, on oath says that she is an authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has full knowledge of the facts which are , stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements consdtuting qualif'ication as a legal newspaper, as grovided by Minnesota Statues 331AA2,331A.0 d o �pplicable laws,as amended. (B)The printed ��� . `��� � which is attached, was cut from the column�of said newspaper,and was printed and published once each week for` successive qvee s; it was fi st ublished on Friday, the � day of � , 19�� and was thereafter printed and published on eriery Fr ay, to and i c�► luding Friday, the ����day of � , 19�_; and printed below is a copy of the lower case habet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby aclrnowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the norice: ��;����n By:'��-��.��Ck.��� Tifle:Typesetter Su crib�d and sworn to before me on this�`-t�' day � � 19 _ � � � ;,�t�� �; : E_ ` � . 1t+�ii � _�� Y{ ����� �`T �.'� �..;�..wvzt�4�,f'�- . . f/�r7 r, Notary Public , ` $entor8beido8 µ � ':r � ,``�`� � • ![�iJCMBBrII�I6NOTIC�1Lepab6e�fiau�keakd� ' ae aaPaU� `�'� � AFFIDAVIT c��ruea�y���'n�.i.,t��s.�a; aa c� ��susm smeaw«�..ci�lpm..«a�,oaa-�sro�i6le•'tLis. e�F"�,i� "' `f�r' p�eha ����'�t��fiam DNoou tb�oqr�CA toc O�tde Plo Apeac� aod PleYmi�e�PLCaodRamooio�fanaaiorLo�oEa�li�Leto�r.` �t�» '�,' , �.'X'' �. a� � •• � ,� '� ��� GONNIE E. FtFAREK "'• ''� � '•` ' `` ��� � '"'- � � NOTARY PUBLiC—MINNESOTA iq�HOM1T�tAYE7DTFCERPk '�"�.,' � _'*�":�?y � � ;i MY COMMISSION EXPIflES 1•31-00 �]g�qG�������������������� Ywd tielow as'Q�X Aoprt 1.1113s in brC7c�on1 Ch�m6as ol,ths QqH��}75,��S1b.�t N�,�at kNp.m.,ara/a_A�mddYer�oan�rpu�o'6M.71t �dil�I0 I�s' as � ��6bdbsbwe � ';- ' r��.a ,qz :B `�c��x',1�. ,�+ `i�+;..ae����, .. 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' - '� �, � ;�Y'e- ..r ",� . � � '�c` ` �d.WaW.f�41i Qulc m ,� ����� �~ z , � ��r � � a, ����� �n4 �,��• _�.� -,��-�, � ,�,�'�"'�.-'.t�o�'°" r .,, �.�,.., _..�;,�., . _ . C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T z875 C145tHSAt eet West P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U ROSemOu►�tl.► Rosemount,Mrv ��� v 9' 9 P Ssoba-o5,o Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 TO: City Council FROM: Andrew Mack, Senior Planner DAT'E: July 28, 1995 SUBJ: August 1, 1995 DABOTA COUNTY HRA SFIVIOR HOUSING PROJECT Attached for review by Council is the Planning Report for the Dakota County HRA Senior Project. On July 25, 1995 the Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on the above requests for this project. There were a substantial number of neighborhood residents in attendance at this hearing, many of whom spoke and presented their concerns regarding this project. At the conclusion of the hearing,the Planning Commission expressed its appreciation for those in attendance and their contributions to the review/issue identificarion for the project The Planning Commissioners all unanimously voiced their support for the project and the location which has been selected for the senior housing development. The Commission then proceeded to approve the Staff recommended motions in the form of a recommendation to the City Council for the HRA requests with the following changes and additions: MOTION I - No changes MOTION II - No changes MOTION III- I. Re-worded condition to require elimination of driveway set back variance. 2. No changes 3. No changes 4. No changes . Added following two conditions: 5. Submission and approval of a detailed lighting plan. 6. Limit height of structure to two(2) stories. MOTION N- No changes The HRA has indicated they will deliver a site survey on Tuesda.y to complete the PUD submittal. This submittal should aid in answering questions raised in the public forum at held at the Planning Commission regazding proximity of adjacent structures to the property boundaries. The survey submittal combined with modifications to recommended approval conditions will serve to provide sufficient direction to the applicant for design and preparation of the final development plan. Planning Commission added a condition regulating the height of the building to two stories. This condition was placed based upon continued concern of the neighborhood regazding the overall height of the proposed building. The HRA has reiteraxed that unless the additional cost of two- story construction is bome by the City the construction budget doesn't allow this design consideration . �� PnntedonrecYcledPaper containing30% � . postconsumer marenan. DAKOTA COUNTY HRA SF.NIOR HOUSING PROJECT ' City Council Review August 1, 1995 Subsequent to the September 7, 1994 tour of the HRA senior project the three-story designs observed were generally acceptable to all attendees of the tours based.upon budget considerations. Staff believes with the conditions for architectural design features that a revised building design can result in achieving acceptable appearance of the structure in keeping with the residential character of the neighborhood. Staff feels that this will result in the acceptable design withi.n the esta.blished budget for a demonstrated need for senior housing in Rosemount. RECOMMENDATTON I. A MOTION to recommend to the City Council approval of a Minor Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment by re-guiding approximately 2.45 acres from Urban Residential to Multiple Family Residential, subject to review and approval by the Metropolitan Council. II. A MOTION to recommend to the City Council approval of rezoning for appro�mately 2.45 acres from R-1a Single Family Residential to R-4 Multiple Family Residential. III. A MOTTON to recommend to the City Council approval of a PUD Concept Plan for the Dakota County HRA for appro�mately 2.45 acres of land located along Cameo Avenue, between 146th and Lower 147th Streets West, subject to the following conditions: 1. A review of the underground parking driveway access design and a redesign of the parking/circulation setback which eliminates the set back variance and provides a detailed plan for screening the driveway and parking lot from property to the west; 2. Submission and approval of a detailed landscaping plan for the entire project with the final development plan; 3. Submission and approval of a revised final buildi.ng design which architecturally softens the three-story design features of the entire building; 4. Full compliance with all requirements of the Rosemount Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, except as may be approved through the PUD; and 5. Submission and approval of a detailed lighting plan. IV. A MOTION to recommend to the City Council ta.bling of the admi.nistrative plat subject to: 1. Receipt of a written request by the applicant for an indefinite tabling of the request prior action on the above motions by the City Council; 2. Submission of all required data and supporting information for an administrative plat approval. - or- A MOTION to continue the public hearing for the Dakota County HRA Senior Housing Project to the September 5, 1995 Regular City Council Meeting. : t ' • � � DAKOTA COUNTY Housing &Redevelopment Authority 6iz-4z3-�soo 2496-145th Sc.W.• Rosemount,MN�5068•T.D.D.612-423-8182•FAX 612-423-8180 July 28, 1995 Rosemount City Council 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Dear Rosemount Council Members : This letter is to express a concern about the Planning Commission' s recommendation to the City Council regarding the HRA senior housing development . As you know, the City of Rosemount and the HR.A worked together for several years to seleet a site for a 40 unit senior housing development . After numerous public meetings the Cameo Avenue site was selected and approved in the Cooperation and Development Agreements dated January 4, 1994 . At that time the HRA was given approval to proceed with a 40 unit development . Subsequent to the site selection, the Port Authority and City Council asked the HRA to research the costs of providing a two story building which would exceed the budgeted costs for a three story building (see attached memo) . As in other communities, any costs above and beyond the HRA budgeted construction costs must be provided by the City. Based on these cost estimates, the Council and Port Authority determined the City can NOT provide such funding. Again, the HRA was given approval to proceed with the standard 40 unit development, which does include some two story elements. Last Tuesday, the HRA submitted a PUD application along with several other required applications to start the City approval process for this project. After the public meeting, the Planning Commission made a motion to recommend the project and attached several conditions pertaining to the design. The final motion recommending PUD approval had six conditions attached, the sixth of which was to restrict the entire building to two stories. Again, I would like to emphasize that an entire two story building is not a financially feasible option unless the City can provide funds for the additional land acquisition and construction costs. It was the HRA' s understanding that the three story building with some two story elements was acceptable and are concerned by the last condition set forth by the Planning Commission. "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER° Rosemount City Council July 28, 1995 Page 2 For this project to move forward the condition of requiring an entire two story development must be modified to reflect what the HR.A can afford. We can assure you that this development will be extremely attractive and consistent with the high quality of our other senior housing projects. We look forward to working with you to move this important effort forward. Sincerely, � �v` ��e�-- Mark S. Ulfers Executive Director cc: Steve Loeding, Dakota County Commissioner � �/ � .:�' � I�AKOTA COUNTY H�'��s�n�� �«icvel����nent Authc�rity �i?-aZi-�++uo '_i�)G-145th tit.W. • R�,sctn�mnt.h1N 5506tt•T.D.I).612-423-til�i2 •FAX bi?-�}23-81tiU MEMORANDUM TO: Rosemount Port Authority BROM: Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority DATE: June 21, 1994 SIIBJECT: Rosemount Senior Housing Development Costs For Two Story vs. Three Story Building At the request of the Rosemour�t Port Authority and Rosemount City Council, the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HR$J has put together information estimating additional costs for constructing a two story senior housing development located on the Cameo Avenue site. The Cooperation Agreement between the HRA, the Port Authority, and City of Rosemount approved on January 14, 1994, calls for the construction of a three story building. Should the City and Port Authority decide on a two story building, the additional cost for construction and land acquisition must be provided through city resources. The attached charts show estimated additional costs for site acquisition and construction. The estimated cost for acquisition, relocation, and demolition is based on assessed market value, maximum relocation benefits, and demolition of three additional single family residential properties. The additional construction cost estimates have been provided by BRW Elness Architects, designers of several Dakota County HRA senior housing developments. Construction costs are based on increased foundation and roof space at about $30 to $40 a sguare foot, or an overall increase of about $4, 000 to $5, 000 per unit. The IiR.A has addressed this issue for other senior housing developments. Several senior building have been designed with a combination of two and three stories. The combined two and three stories reduces the overall scale of the building giving it a more residential feel. The increased costs associated with a combination of two and three stories varies according to the overall percent of the building designed with two stories. This option can be explored further by the HRA. ".�N E(�I.�AL�>['I'c�RTt_tN1Tl' CI�1['LC�YER° BIID�3ET REVI8ION8 FOR ROSEMOIIId'1.' BENIOR HOIISINO DBVSLOP1rI8NT 11DDITIONAL C08T8 FOR TliO STaRY V8. THRE$ BTORY BIIILDINt� Below are estimated additional costs for development of a two story versus the three story senior housing building. _. 71PPROVED HIIDaET !OR LAND ACQIIIBITIOI�JR8LOC7�TIOI1/D82[OLITION THRBS STORY BIIILDIN3 Estimated Estimated Estimated Acquisition Relocation Demolition Total ��Y -__ $473, 000 $ 72,000 $ 35,000 $580, 080 II. ADDITIONAL C08T8 FOR T110 STORY B�ILDING LAND ACQIIIBZTIOi�1/RELOC7ITION/DEMOLITION Esti�ated Estimated Estimated Acquisition � Relocation Demolition Total ���_ $178,000 $ 55,000 $ 15,000 $248,004 III. ADDITIDNAL CONBTRIICTI0�1 COST 10R T1I0 BTORY BIIILDI�iG Based on information provided by BRW Elness Architects, designer of other Dakota County HRA senior buildings, additional foundation and roof space cost are approximately $20 to $30 per square foot. This increases the construction costs approximately 8 to 12$ or roughly $4,000 to $5,000 per unit. $4,000 to $5,000 x 40 units = $160,000 to $200,000 IV. TOT]�iL LAND AND CONSTR�CTION C08T ?OR TiIO BTORY HIIZLDI�d Additional land costs = $248,000 Additional construction cost = $200,000 Total additional cost for two story building = $448,000 � ORIBINAL ESTIMATED PROJBCT ACQIIIBITION C08T BCHEDtJLB T8R8E (3) BTORY BIIILDINa ource 1994 1995 1996 1997 o a s Rosemount TIF Funds 0 56, 000 55,000 55,000 $166,000 City CDBG Grants 264 . 000 0 150.000 0 5414 . 000 264, 000 56,000 205,000 55, 000 $580,000 . REYISED ESTIMATED PROJLCT ACQIIISITZON C08T BCHLDtTLB TWO (Z) BTORY BIIILDIN�3 Source 1994 1995 1996 1997 Tota s Rosemount TIF Funds 0 205,000 205,000 204,000 $ 614,000 City CDBG Grants 264 . 000 0 150,000 0 S 414.000 264,000 205,000 355,000 204, 000 $1,028,000 , � City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Plannin Commission Meet' Date: Agenda Item: Dakota County HItA Agenda Section: Senior Housing Project PUBLIC H[EARING Prepared By: Andrew Mack Agenda Nos Senior Planner 9b Attachments: Planning Report date 7/21/95; Loca.tion Approved By: Map; Concept Site Plan and Isometric Rendering Dated 8/1/94; Area Lot Map & /�� Lega1 Description; applications; Hearing �, �f l �� , �� Notice & Maihn List - PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PLA,NNING REPORT - Recommended Actions: I A MOTION to recommend to the City Council approval of a Minor Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment by re-guiding approximately 2.45 acres from Urban Residential to Multiple Family Residential, subject to review and approval by the Metropolitan Council. II A MOTTON to recommend to the City Council approval of rezoning for appro�mately 2.45 acres from R-1a Single Family Residential to R-4 Multiple Family Residential. III A MOTTON to recommend to the City Council approval of a PUD Concept Plan for the Dakota County HRA for approximately 2.45 acres of land located along Cameo Avenue, between 146th and Lower 147th Streets West, subject to the following conditions: 1. A review of the underground parking driveway access design including either a redesign of the parking/circulation setback which minimizes/eliminates the set back variance or to provide a detailed analysis in support of an effective means to screen the driveway from property to the west; 2. Introduction of landsca.ping to soften appearance of the structure massing along the entire west elevation of the west wing; 3. Further review and consideration of the building massing and design for the north wing along Cameo Avenue; 4. Full compliance with all requirements of the Rosemount Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, except as may be approved through the PUD. IV A MOTION to recommend to the City Council tabling of the administrative plat subject to: l. Receipt of a written request by the applicant for an indefinite tabling of the request prior action on the above motions by the City Council; 2. Submission of all required data.and supporting information for an administrative plat approval. Planning Commission Action: PLA,NNING REPORT To: Planning Commission & City Council From: Andrew Mack, Senior Planner Date: July 21, 1995 Subject: Dakota County HRA - Senior Housing Development Proposal BACKGROUND The Dakota. County HRA has requested approval of a Minor Comprehensive Plan Amendment; Rezoning; PUD Concept Plan; and Preliminary Plat for property loca.ted along the west side of Cameo Avenue, south of 146th Street West, and north of Lower 147th Street West. The applications support the intent of the HRA to complete acquisitions of property and combine multiple parcels under single ownership, while proceeding with the preliminary land use and zoning approvals necessary to authorize development of a 40 unit senior housing project. N�TOR COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AIV�NDMENT The area. in question is now guided for Urban Residential generally intending to accommodate densities between two (2) to six (6) units per acre. The proposed amendment to the Guide Plan is for a change from Urban Residential to High Density Residential allowing between six (6) to twelve (12) units per acre, with bonuses up to forty (40) units per acre for senior housing in the CBD. The proposal of 40 units on approximately 2.45 acres equates to a density of 16.3 units per acre. This is a slight increase over the densities anticipated for high density residential in the guide plan, but well under the density options of 40 units per acre for senior housing in and around the central commercial area. Specific density limitations then become a function of the zoning district to be discussed further under the analysis of the proposed zoning change. From an overall land use perspective, however, the concept of guiding the redevelopment of more intensive residential densities within and in close proximity to the central commercial area is appropriate. This allows residential uses to be concentrated in close pro�cimity, and with convenient access to a number of retail and other service uses within the community. It also serves to enhance the demand for a variety Dakota County HRA Senior Project Planning Report Page 2 of goods and services resulting through increased year round housing opportunities in the area. This is one common element that was found to e�cist amongst the successful communities, as toured by the Redevelopment Focus Committee, that have made substantial efforts toward enhancing their downtown area.s. There is also a substantial level of public improvements in place like streets, utilities, etc.; and which provide for the efficient use of existing infrastructure. These considerations, combined with the past history of support by the City for higher density housing in proximity to the community commercial center of Rosemount, support a basis for changing the future land use designation to High Density Residential. Approval of the Minor Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment in support of the project is recommended. Procedurally, the City would consider approval for the minor comp plan amendment conditioned upon approval by the Metropolitan Council. REZONING The properties in question are currently zoned R-la Single Family Residential. The requested zoning change is to R-4 Multiple-Family Residence District which will permit the intended use of the pmperty for a multiple-family dwelling. Land to the west is zoned R-la with single family homes along 146th and Lower 147th. Land to the north along 146th is zoned R-la with single family homes. Land to the south is zoned R-la with single family homes along Lower 147th with PB zoning and the Rosemount United Methodist Church further to the southwest along Canada. Ave. Land across the street to the East is zoned R-la with single family homes. The area d'u•ectly behind the single family homes is zoned G2 with businesses backing up to the single family residences along Cameo. The subject property is proposed to be re-guided to High Density Residential. When approved, the proposed rezoning to R-4 ill be consistent with the amended Land Use Plan. The simultaneous pmcessing of the requests will also ena.ble the zoning change to be made in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan as now required by State La.w. As previously identified, the proposal of 40 units on approxirnately 2.45 acres results in a gross density of 16.3 units per acre. The R-4 District Zoning request was determined to be the most appropriate based upon the proposal exceeding the maximum density of 12 units per acre in the R-3 District. At 16.3 units per acre, the proposal is well below less than half the maximum 40 units per acre permitted within the R-4 District. Dakota. County HRA Senior Project Planning Report Page 3 The R-4 District intent is to accommodate high-rise apartments and senior citizens housing within or adjacent to the Rosemount CBD. The project location, although not physically contiguous to the G2 Zoning District, is in fact at an immediate edge of the G2 Community Commercial District and is within immediaxe proximiry to the commercial area by it's geographic location. This is an important consideraxion of the district along with the potential residents who will ultimately occupy this development. Ba.sed upon the land use considerations, availability of public services, and intent of locating senior housing inside or within close proximity to the community commercial center area; support for the change af z4ning to accommodate the senior project is recommended. PUD CONCEPT PLAN In many respects, the site plan which is presented has good design characterisrics associa.ted with the overall la.yout. The buildings are well oriented towards the adjacent streets and balances the building massing nicely mid-block along Cameo between 146th and Lower 147th. The site layout of the buildings allows for an efficient organization of off-street parking with it's orientation internally located upon the site and under the building. This allows the surfaced parking area to be set back substantially from the residential streets while affording ample space to break up views of the parki.ng area with landscaping and other site amenities. Parking and circulation are generally found to be an efficient use of the property with a substantial amount of area dedicated to maintained open space. The only concern of significance relates to the proposed driveway setback along the west property line as detailed below. Further review of the site layout details involved in this request follows. Access & Circulation Three driveway access points are proposed for the site. These driveways focus all circulation and parking areas along the southern portion of the site with twa entrances along Lower 1"47th Street and one along Cameo Avenue appro�cimately 190 feet from the centerline of Lower 147th. These access points support the orderly and efficient use of circulation to and from the site, while at the same time concentrating trip generation movements to the lower 1/3rd of the property. This maximizes the sensitivity to the surrounding residential area by eliminating potential site traffic on the northern 2/3rds. Dakota County HItA Senior Project Planning Report Page 4 Parkin� A total of 19 surface parking spaces are proposed for the site. Additional underground parking spaces are intended to be provided for the project. Although it is not clear how many would be located under the building, we anticipate that there will be enough to accommodate 2/3rds of the units, or appro�nately 27 spaces. The 19 spaces are only 1 space short of the required nurnber of parking spaces required by ordinance. This requirement will be ea.sily satisfied with the provision of underground parking. The surface parking azea. is concentrated in one location upon the site, except as supported by the circulation & access points from the streets. This parking area is very sensitive to the character of the area by providing a sixty (60') feet set back, or double that required by ordinance. Ample opportunity exists to provide a combination of berming and landscaping to help break up the visual presence of the large surface parking area. etbacks The principal building locations shown meet required setbacks. No accessory building have been identif'ied upon the site plan. The pazking/circulation area adjacent to the west providing access to the underground parking area would, however, involve a ten (10') feet variance with no set back afforded. Although fmdings may be made in support of a deviation to set back standards with proper screening improvements, Staff feels that a redesign of the underground parking driveway should be considered to help minunize the unpact of a screening structure upon adjacent property. It may also reduce the cost of site unprovements and allow for the use of landscaping along the west side of the building as a more effective screening for property to the west. Site Coverage A significant portion of the site is dedicated to landscaping, open space and site amenities. The maximum lot covera.ge requirements of the R-4 Muitiple Family Residendal District are 75%. Approximately 37.5� of the site is covered with buildi.ngs and hard surface cover. This is far below the maximum standard. An engineering analysis of drainage conditions is not typically conducted at the Concept sta.ge of review, but will receive thorough review at the Final Development Plan stage. The City Engineer anticipates the ability to handle all surface runoff from the site within the existing storm sewer system. Dakota County HRA Senior Projeet Planning Report Page 5 Building Height & Design Ma.ximum height requirements for the R-4 District are 35 feet. Although the height of the proposed senior structure is not known, it is possible that it may slightly exceed this standard. Fmm a philosophical standpoint, the densities afforded by the R-4 District support the concept of mid to high rise multi-family dwellings and particularly where located in and around the community commercial center of the City. From a practical standpoint, other multi-family structures constructed in the R-4 District aze in excess of thirty five (35') feet as approved through the PUD process. This point alone supports the rationale for a slight increase, if required, to the maximum height standard. It should also be noted, however, that the conceptual building design affords a transitional height design with a single story entry way area and a three story dwelling area unmediately behind on both sides and stepping down to a two story dwelling area at the north end of the site. The massing of the structure's height from the south is nicely softened by a combination of substantial set back from Lower 147th and a variety of creaxive architectural features for the entryway and full vertical shifts in the facade capped with two gables along the north and south side of the west wing. Opporlunities to introduce landscaping along the west side of this wing would help to soften the massing of the building height for the single family residences to the west. The impact of the full vertical shift is minimi�ed along the three story portion of the north wing with a series of three dormers. The building massing for the three story portion of the east frontage along Cameo could be softened with the introduction of vertical shifts to break up the plane of the building, the addition of a decorative accent in this area or a combination of both. Staff would reserve the right to make further specific comments or conditions upon the height and design considerations at the time actual building elevation plans are prepared and submitted for review with the final development plan. FINDINGS In appraving the concept plan, the Planning Commission must find as follows and forward its fmdings to the City Council: 1. 1'he Plan provides sufficient usable open space and evidences a substantial preservation of natural features to warrant the granting of variances through the Planned Unit Development. The plan has provided for substantial usable open space in support of this fmding. Dakota County HRA Senior Project Planning Report Page 6 2. The plan complies with the intent of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. A change in the Comprehensive Guide Plan land use designation has been recommended for approval in support of the rezoning and PUD for this property. This change, based upon the information received to date, is found to be consistent with the High Density/Senior Housing goals and policies of the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. The proposed development will not be detrunental to surrounding properties. The applicant has attempted to minunize unpacts of the development with surrounding dissimilar land uses by the placement of the building on the site; concentration and location of circulation and surface parking on the site; and building design. Impacts will be minunized for the east frontage along Cameo, provided further attention is given to the design of this building plane. Massing of the structure and visual impacts from the west elevation of the west wing will also be softened if landscaping can be introduced to help soften the appearance from the west. 4. The Plan is more creative and will provide a better living, working or shopping environment t6an is possible under strict ordinance requirements. The plan includes a creaxive design which includes substantial site open space, amenities, underground parking, an interesting arclutectural design and a very convenient location for senior residences in close pro�cimity to retail goods and other necessary services within the central community commercial area. The project also represents a solid commitment to redevelopment and revitalization to the central core of the community, while at the same tune providing a much needed increase in the availability of senior housing for Rosemount. PRELIlVIINARY PLAT Platting of the property is required due to multiple existing parcels upon the site and the need to re-subdivide land in order to eliminate the underlying property lines. As of the daxe of this report, no preliminary plat has been provided for review. The process for platting is essentially an administrative subdivision and can be adequaxely addressed in conjunction with, or prior to approval of the PUD final development plan. As such, Staff is comfortable with recommending a tabling action upon the plax without holding up an approval action upon the remaining applications of the request. A letter of request would be required fmm the HRA in support of a ta.bling action or withdraw for the incomplete administrative plat application. Dakota County HRA Senior Project Planning Report Page 7 SUlVIlVIARY The proposed project meets the intent of the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan objectives, serves to further enhance the supply of senior housing within the community, makes an important commitment to enhancing the overall chara.cter of the City by making a substantial investment in the redevelopment of the core azea, and by providing future senior residents with a location convenient to retail goods & services and conversely with additional population densities with a demand for such goods and services. Upon approval of the recommended acrion by the Planning Commission and City Council, then the necessary measures to proceed with the Minor Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment approvals with the Met Council can be initiated. RECONIlVI�NDATIONS I A MOTION to recommend to the City Council approval of a Minor Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment by re-guidi.ng approximately 2.45 acres from Urban Residential to Multiple Family Residential, subject to review and approval by the Metropolitan Council. II A MOTION to recommend to the City Council approval of rezoning for approxi.mately 2.45 acres from R-la Single Family Residential to R-4 Multiple Family Residential. III A MOTION to recommend to the City Council approval of a PUD Concept Plan for the Dakota County HRA for appro�nately 2.45 acres of iand loca.ted along Cameo Avenue, between 146th and Lower 147th Streets West, subject to the following conditions: 1. A review of the underground parking driveway access design including either a redesign of the parking/circulation setback which minimi�es/eliminates the set back variance or to provide a detailed analysis in support of an effective means to screen the driveway from property to the west; 2. Introduction of landscaping to soften appearance of the structure massing along the entire west elevation of the west wing; 3. Further review and consideration of the building massing and design for the north wing along Cameo Avenue; 4. Full compliance with all requirements of the Rosemount Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, except as may be approved through the PUD. N A MOTION to recommend to the City Council tabling of the administrative pla.t subject to: l. Receipt of a written request by the applicant for an indefinite tabling of the request prior action on the above motions by the City Council; 2. Submission of all required data and supporting information for an administrative plat approval. � � ~ nnemar Tr. • m �J � Q 138th C � � � 138th c� c 'i ' ' r �� C�' a,�r r�-;:"-:":•;:. 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ATTACffiKENT DAROTA COUNTY HRA Current Address Owaer/IIader Purchase Agreemeat s=axm==mmama===a=s�==mx�=x==e��aexaaxaoxeazasxaa=aesa=��saax�xs�=a� 14625 Cameo Avenue Dakota County HRA Rosemount, MN Owner 14645 Cameo Avenue Dakota County H�.A Rosemount, NII�T Under Agreement 14655 Cameo Avenue Dakota County HRA Rosemount, NIDT Under Agreement 14695 Cameo Avenue Dakota County HRA Rosemount, MN Owner 3105 & 3095 Lower 147th St . Dakota County HRA Rosemount, MN Owner 3115 Lower 147th Street Gerald M. Anderson Rosemount, MN Owner 3125 Lower 147th Street Wesley & Delrose Pegors Rosemount, NR�1 Owner 3090 146th Street Wayne R. Weierke Rosemount, NII�1 Owner JUL 19 1995 The undersigned property owner hereby agrees to allow the Dakota Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) to proceed with an appl.ication to the City of Rosemount for rezoning and replatting of this property. The undersigned also agrees to allow the HRA' s agents or contractors entry onto the property for the purpose of conducting a survey to be paid in full by the HRA. The HRA will indemnify and hold the undersigned harmless from any costs and/or claims associated with, occasioned by, or arising out of entry onto the property to conduct a survey. Signat e of Property Owner 3115 Lower 147th Street Address Rosemount MN 55068 7 /�s�9 � , Date � � __ _ _ _.. Y ` JUL 18 1995 The undersigned property owner hereby agrees to allow the Dakota Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) to proceed with an application to the City of Rosemount for rezoning and replatting of this property. The undersigned also agrees to allow the HRA` s agents or contractors entry onto the property for the purpose of conducting a survey to be paid in full by the HRA. The HRA will indemnify and hold the undersigned harmless from any costs and/or claims associated with, occasioned by, or arising out of entry onto the property to conduct a survey. iV�d � Signatur of Prope Owner 3125 Lower 147th Street Address Rosemount MN 55068 7-/8- 9.s' Date . , , ,1 UL � � 1995 The undersigned property owner hereby agrees to allow the Dakota Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) to proceed with an application to the City of Rosemount for rezoning and replatting of this property. The undersigned also agrees to allow the HRA' s agents or contractors entry onto the property for the purpose of conducting a survey to be paid in full by the HRA. The HRA will indemnify and hold the undersigned harmless from any costs and/or claims associated with, occasioned by, or arising out of entry onto the property to conduct a survey. �.�'�. � ���� Signa�ure of ProperL�—Owner 14645 Cameo Avenue Address Rosemount MN 55068 ��/7���� Date