HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Fire Task Force Recommendation :. t CITY OF ROSLMOIINT RXECTJTIVE SIIb�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 7, 1995 AGEN'DA IT�: FIRE TASR FORCE RECOMNIENDATION AGBNDA SLCTION: TO THE CITY COUNCIL DEPT. HEAD REPORTS PRSPARED BY: THOMAS BURT, AGENDA��� � � CITY ADMINISTRATOR ATTAC�TS: RECONIl�IENDATION APPRO'VLD BY: Chairperson Howard and other committee members of the City of Rosemount Fire Task Force Committee will be present to answer any questions you may have regarding the attached recommendation. RSCObmlENDED ACTION: COIINCIL ACTION: . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FIRE TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS MARCH 2, 1995 MISSION: The mission statement from the council was re-focused by Rosemount City Proceedings Regular Meeting on September 6,1994 only to consider location,size and makeup of future fire department facilities. Fire Service Task Force members were directed to deal only with those issues. RECOMMENDATIONS: The City of Rosemount Fire Task Force recommends the following: I. A minimum of two fire facilities are necessary for current and future fire needs of the city; II. Construct a new functionally designed and equipped facility that will last at least 50 years that should not ezceed 14,400 square feet at a cost of approzimately�1.7 million based on architectural projections and current costs. The location should be on the North East corner of Shannon Parkway and Dodd Blvd. This facility should contain siz bays,administration area, general areas,support areas and assimilate with the surrounding neighborhood; III. Build a fire facility on the eastern side of the community as soon as it is feasible. Until that time maintain the current fire facility on Brazil Avenue. IV. City Council start the process of planning a referendum for the fall of 1995 and select an arc6itect to begin finatization of plans as soon as possible. RATIONALE FOR RECOMMENDATIONS: With the majority of current and future fire fighters residing in the western part of Rosemount, response time will improve thrnugbout the city with the new facility. The current facility has space limitations. A new facility will provide the additional space necessary. This space will also allow the Fire Department to effectively alloca�e its resources. � A.DDITIONAL CONCERNS: '� The implementation af pre-emption traffic control devices * Improved advanced life support response * Trat�ic control and the rail system * Additional firefighting personnel * Use of emergency lights on personal fiu�efighter vehicles for response to fire facilities * The long-term need of buildings for other city departments should be taken into account We will resume activities upon further direction from the CounciL i � �t,{���1��r�� --�`�c;�J Ed Howard Renee Stevenson Eldon Stau r , 1�,�. � teve orner Bill Davies