HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. S.O.A.R.Update on House File 385 + City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Couacil Meetiag Date: March 7, 1995 __ Ageada Item: SOAR Update Ageada Section: Department Head Update Prepared By: Andrew Mack Ageada No: Senior Planner 1TCn� � ! 1 CIVI Attachmeats: Excerpt on Airport Study from Approved By: 2/24/95 House Session Week7:y �� On Tuesday night Mr. Kevin Carroll representing SOAR has requested to provide Council with an update regarding the remote runway study proposal now before the Legislature. On February 23, 1995 the House Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs Committee conducted a hearing on HF 385 introduced by Representative Dee Long described as the "remote runway option. " The committee approved the bill and forwarded it on to the Transportation and Transit Committee. As of this date no committee hearing has been scheduled for the next stop of this bill. A copy of the Session Weekly which summarizes the hearing on February 23rd is attached for review. Mr. Carroll will provide additional information concerning the hearing and communicate further insight surrounding this bill from SOAR.' s perspective. City Staff is continuing to monitor activities pertaining to this bill and other related activities of the Dual Track Process. Recoamnended Action: NONE REQUIRED City Council Actioa: a • HF395 now moves to[he Economic De- sionstudyhascostaboutS83millionthrough veterans oE World War II and the Vietnam velopment, InErastructure and Regulation 1994. War. A constitutional amendment to sell Finance Committee Eor consideration. The 1989 law says the commission must bonds went before the voters both dmes.The � report its Findings to the Legislature before state did not put a canstitutional amendment � . at�Ort SfU�/ July. 1,1996.The remoce runway scudy also before che people co pay Worid War t veter- must be finished by that date under HF385. ans'bonuses.The decision remains contro- The Metropolitan Airports Commission versial.Korean War veterans were paid by a would study whether the Minneapolis-St. $15 million state appropriation.The state did Paul Intemaaonal Airport's runways should Hats cnd driver�s licenses not bond for the money,so it did not put a be moved to Rosemount, Minn. — while constimtional amendment before the voten. A bill on its way the govemor's desk would Rep. Tony Kinkel(DFL-Park Rapids) in- leaving the terminal at its present Blooming- �ow those suffering hair loss due to illness �oduced che first proposal for a Gulf War ton site — under a bill approved by �e or head in'u to wear a head coverin in House Local Govemment and Metropolitan � �' g bonus in 1991, but it did not pass. Three Affairs Committee Feb.23. their driver s license photograph. more attempts have since been made. Under a plan proposed by Rep.Dee Long The House approved the bill Feb.23 on a HF530,sponsoredbyRep.BettyMcCollum (DFL-Mpls), air passengers would drive to 129-0 vote. (DFL-Nonh S[.Paul),contains no provisions the present Bloomington airport terminal to House sponsor Rep. Jeff Benram (DFL- for how the bonus paymenc would be appor- check their baggage. ?hey would then be Paynesville)proposedthebill(HF52/SF33*) doned. If the constitutional amendment is shuttled by commuter train to the Rose- after learning oE a consticuent who was told approved,the 1997 Legislature would sec the mouncsite.TheUniversityofMinnesotaowns she had co take oEE her turban before her bonus amounc and eligibility guidelines, a parcel of land of about 7,000-acres in driver's license photograph could be taken. McCollum said. Rosemount that is accessible by railway,Long She wore the turban to cover up hair loss due Thesecond bill,HF566 sponsored by Rep. said. to chemotherapy treatmen�For cancer. Mike Osskopp (IR-Lake Gity), does detail "This would involve much less than build- 4i� °f� very traumatic to her," Benram how che bonus would be paid. ing a full new terminal,"Long said. said. Under the bill, about 12,600 veterans In 1989,the Legislacure charged the com- �blic safery employees now use their dis- would receive a one-time bonus of up to mission with studying the feasibility and cost cretion in letting people wear hats or a head $600 if they received a Southwest Asia Ser- of relocating the airport. The commission covering for photographs.The bill also would �ce Medal between August 1990 and July also was to look at the cost of adding addi- apply to state-issued idenafication cards.(See 1991:Veterans who received the medal served tional runways at the existing airpon. Feb. 17, 1995,Session Weehly,page 12) �Iraq or Kuwait during the war. � The commission has since specified three Additionally,the bill would allow Minne- Around 28,600 other Minnesota veterans parceLs of land, each around 9,500 acres, 5O�"'ich religious objections to leave their Would receive up to�300 if they were in the near Hastings,Minn.,as acceptable sites for a Photographs offtheirstate idenaficationcards. armed services from August 1990 to July Current law allows the practice for a state 1991,were ready to be called to war,but did new airport. driver's license. not serve in Iraq or Kuwait. But Long said expanding the airpon by The Senate approved che bill Feb. 9 on a In total,HF566 could cost the state about relocating only the runways makes sense. 60-0 voce. Critics of relocating the entire airpon have $16.1 million,which the state would bond maintained the Hastings site would be incon- for,Osskopp said.His bill specifies no overall veniently located for Twin Cities residents. dollar amount to be spent on che bonus.The And incoming business people would face a V ET E RA N S $16.1 million figure is"very preliminary,"he longer commute to area business hubs. added. The plan—which Long called the"remote The proposed bonus amounts are thesarne Persian Gulf bonus as those paid to Vietnam War veterans in runway option"—must address phasing out some or all the nznways at the present airport. Minnesotans who served in the Persian 1974,Osskopp said.For the state to adjust The study would determine how many run- Gulf Warwould receive a Financial thankyou �e Vietnam War bonuses to keep up wich ways should be built in Rosemounc and how from the state under avo bills heard Feb.20 �flation would ha��e been too e.�pensive,he much the remote runways would cost. before the House General Legislation,Vecer- added. The bill includes no cost estimate Eor the a�p,f{airs and Elections Committee's Sub- Roben David,veterans'service officer for stud ,thou h Lon said che cost would be Goodhue County,said the bonus would show y g g committee on Veterans Affairs. the state's appreciation to its veterans. addressed at the bill's nexc stop,the Trans- Both bills call forvoters in che 1996 general portacion and Transit Commiuee. election to vote on a constitutional amend- "Nobody is going to get rich oEf chis.But it Dave Osberg,Hastings city adminiscrator, ment authorizing the state to sell bonds to m�y Pay Eor some schoot books or some said Dakota County residenu don t want to pay a bonus to GuIE War veterans.Voters Sroceries,"he said. _ see the ai ortnearHastin s.He s oke a ainst The subcommittee will discuss the two rp g P S must approve the state's intent to borrow bilis further and may include one or the other Long's proposai,saying it would lengthen an money long-cerm through bonding if che already lengchy and costly relocation study. state uses the money to pay indi�zduals. in some form in the omnibus��eterans ser- The commission's relocation and e.�cpan- Such bonuses were paid by the state to �ces bill it is assembling. � _ _. . __ _ - - i