HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. HRA Cooperation Agreement for Community Development Block Grant Program ` CTTY OF ROSEMU� ACTION EXECUTIVE SLrn✓�R CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: NNB 6, 1995 NT FOR AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: HRA COOPERA'1'ION AGREEME CONSENT CO1��M�TY DEUE�'�p�N� BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM AGENDA���� � �� pg�pAgED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, , CITY ADNIINISTRATOR ATTACIiMENT5: LETTER �F MAY 15, 1995 APPROVED BY: CON'�CT Coo eration Agreement for the Dakota Co trie DBG p g� Attached is Supp le m e n t #3 t o t h e E x i s t m g P t Block Grant Program (CDBG). Thi-s is the amen d m e n t t o r e q u a h f y f o D e v e l o p m e n -19 9 8. T 1 us i s n e c e s s a ry t o i n�l ude the HONIB Investment Partnership for federal fiscal years 1996 and Urban Deve lo p m e n t (I 3 U D)• pro ram w h ic h w a s a u t h o r i z e d throu gh the Dep��g by P°�u.c P a t i o n i n a C onsortium of m�n�Po�� g ualifies for an annual HOME a lications for HONIE Dakota. County q g�sey, and Washington• Funding PP re ared for area counties, inc lu d i ng Ano�� lication in t he Consolidated Plan" p P submitted to HUD each year along with the CDBG app these programs• Su lement #3 must ontinue articipation in the Dakota. County Entitlement CDBG Program� Pp In order to c P d return� to the Dakota County Board of Commissioners no later than be approved by City Counc�l an u�'ication schedule. June 21, 1995, in order to meet HLTD's req • MOTI4N to approve Supplement #3 to the E�sting Cooperation RECOP/IlV�N�ED ACTION. Ag reement for the Dakota County Cammunity Development Block Grant�ogra�• COUNCII� ACTION: ' '' �/ Housing &Reaevelopment Authc�rity 6iz-4z3-4aoo �4N6-14�th Sc:W.• IZ��semuunc,ylN�i068•T.D.L�.612-�23-�132•FAX 612-�F23-8180 DAKOTA COUNTY May 15, 1995 ��������`� ��AY 17 �g��- �.;ii"Y �r �L���u�.: Tom Burt, City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West P.O. Box 510� 55068 Rosemount, reement for the Su lement #3 to the Existinq Cooperation Ag RE: PP Co�unity Development Block Grant Program Dakota County 1'��'"'� Dear M�•-��� eration Agreement Coop Enclosed is Supplement #3 to the Exist rticipation in the County and Rosemount for P program. This is the between Dakota Co�ent Block Grant (CDBG) Community Develop t to the Cooperation Agreemen alifi ti n off Dakot County a�en�en ou regarding requ April 26th letter to y ears 1996-1998• essary in order to includ b the CDBG for the CDBG Pn�gris fne federal fiscal Y am �overed Y This Suppleme program as a progr Investment Partnership ram, authorized through the reement. The HOME Prog HUD) , was created . Cooperation Ag and Urban Development ( Department of Housin of Dakota County's CDBG qualification for after the beginning pakota County qualif ies for an ears 1993-1995. a Consortium of federal fiscal y by participation in Ramsey, and annual HOME funding including Anoka, metropolitan area counties, Funding applications for cationu in the "Consolidated Washington. With the CD�3G aPP1 Ht,,'D eacn year along ro rams. Plan" prepared for these p g to continue your participation in the �OVed by°your In order ra�� gupple�annent #3 must be aPP The Entitlement CDBG Proq the chief executive of f iceH� f or governing body and executed by �or its ag reement should then be ret�neBoard tof Commissl n rsy o ou. forwarding to the Dakota � executed copy will be returned Y approval and execution. � ave this agreement returned to us no lates th If yo ehave We must h � alification schedule• or the HOME 19g5 in order to meet HIID s =e� the CDBG Program, any questions about this document, ou during the ease call Lee Smith at 423-8h1 allr of y Gill at 423- Program, pl wit 8111. We look forward to working upcoming years. "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EtitPLO��ER" , �, For your �.nformation, the latest .news we have received Washington, D.C, indicates that the 1995 CDBG Program fundin wil� not be reduced. However, there is a ve g 1 program will be ahanged or have its funding Ievel redu ed b ginn ne in federal fiscal year 1996. We will kee receive reliable information on this issue. P y°u informed as we Sincerely, V"`� Mark Ulfers . Executive Director e�' '���� Di��re; Dakota Count_y physical Development ��� �� � � ��� �- ������ C�l ��� �: _ � �l� C c.� fz-����1 � . `�r�,.;��- �= �- r _ � ; � �<<� SUPPLEMENT#3 TO THE DCISTING COOPERATION AC.-,REEMENT FOR THE DAKOTA COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT,made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF DAKOTA,State of Minnesota,and the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ,(hereinafter'Couniy"and'Cooperatlng Community",respectiveiy)said parties to this Agreement each being governmental units of the State of Minnesota,and is made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59. _ WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,Tdle il of the Cranston—Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.127U1 et seq.as amendec�provides for a program known as the HOME irnestment : Partnership Program;and, WHEREAS;Dakota County,Minnesota qualifies under said law as a member of the HOME Consortium formed by Anoka,Dakota, Ramsey,and Washington Counties;and, WHEREAS,part 92 of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations sets forth regulations governing the applicability and use of funds under Title II;and, WHEREAS,the goveming regulations require that units of local government enter into a cooperation agreement with the County for participation in the HOME Program,which shalt be the same cooperation agreement governing participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program; NOW,THEREFORE,the parties mutually agree to the following terms and conc5tions. I. The foliowing terms defined in the Cooperation Agreement for the Dakota County Community � Development Block Grant Program shall have the meaning contained herein,in addition to the meaning given in that agreement . . A."The Act"means the HOME Investment Partnership Act,Title II of the Cranston—Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act,42 U.S.C.12701 et seq.,as amended. B."Regulations"means those regulations found at 24 CFR Part 92,as amended. il. The definitions contained in the Act and in the Regulations are incorporated herein by reference and are made a part hereof. IIi. The purpose of this agreement is to authorize the County to cooperffie with the Cooperating Community to undertake,or to assist in undertaking,the activities as authorized in the Act and in the Regulations. IV. By executing this agreement,the Cooperating Community understands that it: A. May not apply for grants from appropriations under the Small Cities or State Community Development Block Grant Programs for fiscal years during the period in which it participates in the County's Community Development Block Grant Program;and, B. May participate in a HOME Program only through the County,and cannot form a HOME Consortium for participation in the Program except through the County,during the period in which it participates in the County's Community Development Block Grant Program. The parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed. GOUNTY OF DAKOTA,STATE OF APPROVED AS TO FORM ANO IXECUTION: MiNNESOTA By: Assistant County Attorney Its: Co�miy Board Chairperson Date: Date: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Its: Date: .