HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. Community Center Concession Contract • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 6, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Communiry Center Concession Contract AGENDA SECTION: CONSEN PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks and Recreation and AGENDA NO. Community Center Director. ���� � � � ATTACHMENTS: Draft of Rosemount Community Center APPROVED BY: Concession Contract. / The Community Center is entering into the second year of a partnership with Rosemount Youth Hockey ' Boosters Association (Boosters) in the operation of concessions. Last ice season the Boosters operated the arena. concession stand independently. The City received 25% of gross revenues, yielding a $7,000 income for the arena with no d'uect expenses. In addirion, the Boosters have donated approximately $3,000 back into the azena with the purchase of safety railings in the bleacher area. The Boosters have demonstrated the knowledge and expertise in operating a quality concession service. Needless to say, we have a good situarion with this partnership. I am recommending to continue this partnership into next year. I have attached a draft agreement with the Boosters, covering the period of June 1, 1995 to June 1, 1996. New to the agreement is the opportunity for other Rosemount agencies which serve youth sports to participate. In exhibit A, other Rosemount agencies serving youth sports may participate under the following options: Option 1 The participating organization is given full use of the Arena. Concession Stand under subcontract with the Boosters Association and agrees to pay 25% of gross sales to the City of Rosemount and 35% of gross sales to the Rosemount Youth Hockey Boosters Association. Option 2 The participating organization operates a concession on their own and does not utilize the Arena Concession Stand, subject to rules and regulations of the Community Center. Oprion 3 Boosters serving ice sports of Rosemount aze integrated into the current operation of the Rosemount Youth Hockey Boosters Association on an hourly rate. Payment will be submitted directly to participating organizations with the stipulation that it be used to purchase ice at the Rosemount Community Center. The City Attomey and the Parks and Recreation Committee have reviewed this agreement and recommend it for your approval. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Concession Agreement between the City of Rosemount and the Rosemount Youth Hockey Boosters Association for the period from June 1, 1995 to June 1, 1996. COUNCIL ACTION: ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY CENTER : CONCESSIONS AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this day of , 19 , by and between the Ciry of Rosemount ("City") and Rosemount Youth Hockey Boosters Association ("Boosters"). WITNESSET�I: The following terms and conditions constitute an agreement between the City and the Boosters to operate the arena concession stand at the Rosemount Community Center located at 13885 South Robert Trail, Rosemaunt Minnesota, for the period commencing 7une 1, 1995 and ending June 1, 1996, to wit: 1. The City and Boosters mutually agree for the Boosters to manage and operate the arena concession stand. Boosters agree to invite other Rosemount organizations which serve youth sports, to participate in the arena concession stand in a manner outlined in Exhibit A. 2. The Boosters will manage and provide adequate staffing for the operation of the arena concession stand. 3. The Boosters agree to compensate the City twenty five percent (25%) of the gross sales made during the Boosters' operation of the arena concession stand. The Boosters wili provide the City an accounting of sales and inventories on a monthly basis. The accounting shall be in such a form as the City may reasona.bly agree and shall be submitted for each calendar month with payment during the term of this Agreement on or before the fifteen (15th) day of the month succeeding the period for which accounting and payment of fees are made. 4. The City agrees to provide all utilities for the operation of the arena concession stand and the equipment set forth in E�chibit B. The Boosters are responsible for repair and maintenance of equipment set forth in E�ibit B. The Boosters agree to return all equipment provided by the City at the commencement of the term of this Agreement, reasonable wear and tear excepted. 5. The Boosters agree to maintain the arena concession stand in a clean and orderly manner, and in accordance with procedures for the safe handling of food as directed by any applicable local and State health agency. 6. The Boosters will provide liability insurance in the amount of $300,000.00 naming the City as additional insured. 7. The Boosters shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, all its officers, agents, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of actions of whatsoever nature of chara.cter arising out of or by any reason of the services and obligations provided for herein and further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claims of whatsoever character arise hereunder. t 8. The Agreement may be terminated by either parry hereto by thirry (30) days written notiee to the other party. 9. The Boosters are retained only for the purposes and to the extent set forth in this Agreement, and its relationship to the City shall be that of an independent contractor. As such, the Boosters shall not be entitled to any pension, health or.similar benefits which are available to employees of the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Boosters have hereunto affixed their signaxures this day of , 19 . _ _ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT YOUTH HOCKEY BOOSTERS ASSOCIATION Arena Manager Boosters Chairperson Director of Parks and Recreation/ Community Center ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY CENTER CONCESSIONS AGREEMENT EXIiIBIT A In conjunction with the Concessions Agreement between the City of Rosemount and Rosemount Youth Hockey Boosters Association, other Rosemount organizations which serve youth sports are hereby offered participation in concession operations at the Rosemount Community Center under a choice of the three options: Option 1 The participating organization is given full use of the Arena Concession Stand under subcontract with the Boosters Association and agrees to pay 25% of gross sales to the City of Rosemount and 35% of gross sales to the Rosernount Youth Hockey Boosters Association. Option 2 The participating organization operates a concession on their own and does not utilize the Arena Concession Stand, subject to rules and regulations of the Community Center. Option 3 Boosters serving ice sports of Rosemount are integrated into the current operation of the Rosemount Youth Hockey Boosters Association on an hourly rate. Payment will be submitted directly to participating organizations with the stipulation that it be used to purchase ice at the Rosemount Community Center.