HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Deputy Registrar Discussion CiTY �F R�SEM�UNT VE SUMMp`RY FOR ACT10N EXECUTi , ..--"""'� . pATE; June 6, 1995 NDPr SE� T10N: Y C�UNCIL MEETING AGE C�T Oid B�siness _ t Registrar Discussion pGEN�p` ►TEM� �ep u Y pGEN�A N���� � . f MaY� F'na��e pirector PRpVED BY� gy, Jef AP pREppRED peputy Re9►strar / o to Council, A.�.�pCNMENTs= M Transaction SurveY its ormation, Registrar office aesulted Survey lnf the �epUty that ardin9 2nd meetingar�Zed �n mY is information re9 at the May as sumn► staff`s our cons�deration uested oint, tions, ed for Y that Councii req osition at this P are tw° °p the office pttach ation gelow to keep ations• This is �nform �t �S St��l staff'R 9�strar office. S of the t action if the Counc�l chooses opef S that even►n9• peputY from discussion the operation to tha c�ose an alternative me1�,o, to ded action and recom+�en ope�• ount effective Fr�day� bY the City of R�s on and to notifiY th �itizens pC T t O N� o f f i c e r u n o f t h i s d decision a t C i t y Hall. R E C OM'MENDED p�Puty Re9istrar of M;nnesota Nlotion to close t h e to notifY t r e State ostin9 °f the 1995, and h �eWspaper releases an d P ,1une 3�' ount throug _ OR _ utv Registrar of Rosem of the DeP vertisin9 for the replaCement authorize the P°stin9 �nd ad """- Nlotion t� Clerk• .,. __----"' CT10N� ..�---"'"'"' ' CpUNCIL A _�--�'�' MEMORANDUM DATE: June 1, 1995 TO: E.B. McMen.omy, Mayor _ Councilmembers Anderson, Busho, Staats & Wippermann Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director _ SUBJECT: Discussion of the operations of the Deputy Registrar At the May 2nd meeting, Council directed me to release to the newspapers the possible closing of the Deputy Registrar and to ask for their comments. Attached for your review is a summary of the survey and the comments that were received(also attached is a comment card that one citizen filled out). There were a total of 36 citizens who chose to comment on the operations of the Deputy Registrar, 20 who felt that we should keep the service open, 11 who felt that we should close the service and 5 who would not respond to our voice mail. This is a small number of responses and a close call as far as whether to kesp it open or to close it. Also, staff conducted a survey comparing the number of transactions that occur and how many of those transactions are conducted by Rosemount citizens versus out of town people. The total number of transactions for the test period was 688 with 368 of those from Rosemount citizens and 320 from out of town people. This equates to 57% of the total transactions are Rosemount and 47% are out of town. At the May 2nd meeting, I used a number of between 30% and 50% that were probably Rosemount transactions. This number is higher than that and I think can be partly attributed to the newspaper releases that went out. Looking at the results of these two surveys and trying to make a decision is difficult. Another issue that I would like to address is budgetary. Tom and I have had discussions regarding 1996 budget issues and where we may be heading, and at this point it is very possible that even if we did elect to keep the office open at this time, we couid be seriously looking at closing the office next year because of budgetary reasons. If this is the case, the costs of hiring and training someone, only to lay them off and have to pay for unemployment, does not seem to be an appropriate decision. At this time, staff is still recommending that the Deputy Registrar office is closed. I went into great detail in my May 2nd materials the difficulties that the operations have on my department, but I believe that overall it is still the best decision for the City to make at this time. DEPUTY REGISTR�R SURVEY INFORMATION Comments and numbers were compiled from May 1, 1995 thru May 26, 1995 - Keep in mind that comments came only from Rosemount residents as the notice was only in our papers. 20 Keep Service 11 Close Service 5 Hang-ups Comments: � I use the service but if my ta�c dollars have to subsidize a State service I wouldn't miss it. • Not advertised enough, maybe if you were open on Saturdays. � Hours are convenient for me. � Business owner in Rosemount likes the convenience. • If we're losing money, dump it! • Likes convenience (is a retired individual) • Appreciates the service. • If it's not self-funding, get rid of it! • This community cannot afford to lose a service to Apple Valley. • Stay open at least one day a week, otherwise close it. • Per pon Ratzlaff - the off'ice was not designed to be a money maker when first opened. � Feels it would be a great loss of an excellent service. • Joe McNamara (lst Nat'1 Bank) - Unless you can have evening hours I'd like it closed. • Rosemount is convenient but always goes to A.V. - the money could be used elsewhere. • I don't use the service because hours are not convenient, maybe if you were open later in the day. Most people who work days have the same hours as you. • A.V. resident - quick service, likes to come here. • Likes the service but understands the city is growing and demands cha.nge. Would agree with whaxever sta.ff feels is best. � Don't believe we need this office:as A.V. is so close, please close. • Used frequently. � Kathy Larson (11 yr. resident) - was unawaxe the o�ce was here, might use it but not hard to go somewhere else. � Ed Barloon - Never used the service because of hours. If hours can't be changed, get rid of it. • Use the service but A.V. is so close it doesn't matter to me. If our tax dollars are involved in keeping it open, close it. . i ' , � ' e �� �.�g i .��J � 1 � _ � f n�e!et r.�:,�sc,�l�eou�u,�e c�l '�I/e�ry!��a��ro.�ic�e tl�re l�t��curc��a��Gle. .. -- : ;� : 'lt/e r�ise�o�r�c G��.rr��c�d.��u�r�P..l�i�s�d.. .:� _ ": I I rs��iyed s�r�ic� �ro►n tfie fo�l�a�ring �:fi� ds�a�r�er�#: . � ,�� Administration ,� rire P�otection -� ❑ Police ❑ Planning ( �' Animai Controi ❑ Snew�I�wing ° 4� . ;=; Water/Sewer ;�; Zonin�/Code cniarcement � �. Building lnspection C] Re�reation Programs - � I� r Street Maintenance �`. Other � � i� �o�v�ie�s�d 'N@''�,���.! ��vi�t� �� �a�'� ������� ��������� ��:��:� ���� 'n Pieased Satisfied Cisp�eased d : ..I� ,� cxceilenr ��cd �o�> �.� Ct�MiV1E���: _ _ _ �� Courteous�mpioyees = � _ �� Knowledgeable Employees .� � _ � Timely Service — -- — s �� Hcw de you perc�+ve �he value of the seri�ic��rr� :rcali�?�" ' ' � — �� Were you satisfied with the cverail resuits of�ur se�vic�% �c;rc.2 �nei 'fE� >>�� �. �� _ 1� ��qu�st ��r �r�������i�,� � I would like a city re�res2ntative t� contact me about the foilow;ng �e�v�ca or�oncz�n: I � �—_-_ - � ( C,� � - �!�;��,�.,� � �'` � . � � �Nc: � Comr�ents/Sugges�ions: r- ��� � 2 �,� �' o�:,� � r'- I � r �'� � I hank you for your feedbac�, we appreciate/our gges�s un ways �Ne can rmprove our serviczs. � � � �, J'/��"'��-2 .4G'�i�:G-8 /3 S /'�/Yi J C/`I.�c/ /L'�:�' .Q•e� .,lJls�l�iL���G�`' /�L /C"GS/�i�,�,JiJ ( � ' �I� ��. �P`� �f� ,q,,�i�.Px. �:� .�y �-. j� ��i��E. SP.�G�tGP� i . ( c,�4 �►'1� 6L� (Opt,onal) �2G /°l�Ji?i�: .�-c ., � Name: �,ZJ �L� �. S��c� -- : � Address: /�.�l��d �.^- -� �tc1�?� ��/'�- fi-i�� I Phone: �'�2.3` ���".2-- ��.-3 ��� � - ! � . T'RANSACTION SURVEY DATE RSMT OUT OF DNR TOTAL TOTAL TXN TOWN TXN CUSTOMER TRANS. 5-1-95 27 41 1 45 68 . 5-2-95 12 24 1 27 36 5-3-95 19 10 0 25 29 5-4-95 20 16 9 29 36 5-5-95 22 7 0 27 29 5-8-95 20 24 1 33 44 5-9-95 16 18 2 27 34 5-10-95 31 18 5 40 49 5-11-95 22 14 4 28 36 5-12-95 23 23 3 39 46 5-15-95 18 17 4 28 '35 5-16-95 15 12 4 23 27 5-17-95 8 11 1 18 19 5-18-95 15 15 6 18 30 5-19-95 19 10 2 28 29 5-22-95 12 7 3 19 19 5-23-95 18 12 4 24 30 5-24-95 13 11 0 22 24 5-25-95 17 10 0 22 27 5-26-95 21 20 7 28 41 TOTALS 368 320 57 550 688 The month of May is a "high-traffic" month for Deputy because of the fishing opener and Memorial Day. Volume is always slightly higher.