HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.b. Oak Wilt Grant + � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 6, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Oak Wilt Grant AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA��� � � City Engineer/Public Works Director � � ATTACHMENTS: Application, Maps & Other Info APPR�VED BY: The City has been contacted by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry (DNR) for interest in participating with the DNR in the Minnesota Cooperative Suppression Program for Oak Wilt. Mr. Tom Eiber from the DNR discussed the Oak Wilt Program with myself, Mark Joosten the City Forester and Lacelle Cordes, Park & Rec Department. The City has received a number of calls from residents regarding Oak Wilt. The Program works on a 50% cost share agreement with the DNR. The Program that Staff is suggesting and which is used by many cities does not actually include any City costs except some Staff time. The City utilizes residential payment for half the cost of the treatment of the diseased trees. The purpose of the Program is to coratrol Oak Wilt in the City of Rosemount, and to educate the Community of the problem and to promote a healthy environment to all citizens. The DNR has 510,000 available for the City residents who wish to pay 50% of the cost of the treatment. There are a number of "Shade tree professionals" who have the expertise and equipment necessary for treatment of the Oak Wilt disease. The main treatment is to actually plow a 48" deep furrow around the drip line of the infected tree. Oak Wilt is passed from tree to tree through the roots and this process cuts off the co- mingling of the roots and therefore the Oak Wilt is not passed on further. The initial Staff time will include mailing of information to a targeted area, then receiving calls and directing the residents to the vendor who would perform the treatment. Mark would be available to answer specifics if needed. The initial target area is the northwest corner, including Country Hills, Amberwood Estates and Danbury Way neighborhoods. More information will be provided at the Council meeting. Staff recommends the authorization to proceed with the Program. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO APPLY FOR THE OAK WILT SUPPRESSION PROGRAM GRANT. COUNCIL ACTION: 5 � o�' ST.ATE OF UVUV��JD�Q DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RES�URCES FILE NO. PMONE NO. , DNR-Forestry, 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN, 5�106 Mark Joosten, Forester City of Rosemount 2675 145�` Street, West Rosemount, MN 55068 15 April 1995 Dear Mark, I would like to inform you that the Fedecal Assistance for the Oak Wilt Cooperative Suppression Program has been made available for this year.The President has now signed the Emergency Authorizarion releasing funds to the Forest Service for distribution. I am enciosing with this letter a copy of the 1995 Oak Wilt-CSP Grant Application Package for your use. As we enter this final phase of the program, the number of dollars have decreased from last year. In order to process the requests for this first phase of funding, I will need to have your application by June 1, 1995. Thank you for your interest and efforts. Please feel free to call me if I can be of service at (612) 772-7567 or Dan Gillman at (612) 296-0592• Sincerely, � Thomas G. Eiber, Ph.D., C.T.I. Forest Health Specialist Voice (612) 772-7567 FAX (b12) 772-7599 4 AN ECIUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPl.OYER , � � �_ Minnesora. Oak Wilt 1995 Coopesat�ve Suppression Pro�cam (CSP� Application For Cost Shaxe Assistance w.+�.uarc...W:n c«.rr CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA . .. � - Comact Penon � � � . � � Tdeplwne Nmtier � . . . . . � � � .. MARK JOOSTEN 612-322-2022 . - - � Addrna(erber ood iaee�) qry�S�e.R Tap Cade � � _ � � . . � . . . 2874 145th STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 1. General Description: (p�a�.�i�,s�) TO CONTROL OAK WILT IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. TO EAUCATE THE COMMUNITY OF PROBLEM AND TO PROi40TE A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT TO ALL CITIZENS. TO START OUR PROGRAM TARGET AREA ON NEW CONSTRUCTION SITES. TO WORK WITH AND COOPERATE WITH CONNECTING CITIES TO PREVENT THE SPREADING OF OAK WILT. OUR LONG RANGE GOAL IS TO CO�ITROL OAK WILT IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UNTIL ALL INFECTION CENTERS ARE MINIMAL. 2. Project Budget: $ 20,000 (Total Cost) � - {I,ocal Unit Share: Cash} $ ' (Local Unit Share: In Kind) Year 1995 � 10,000 (Assistance Requested) (not to exceed 50% of Total Cost) 3• Personnel involved: Name Position Phone Address Manager BUD OSMUNDSON 322-2025 SEE ABOVE TO BE DETERMINDED Shade Tree Professional Certified MARK JOOSTEN 'j're� 322-2022 S�E ABOVE Inspector � 4. ; Additional Information: _ : a. Does the comrnunity meet TREE CITY USA standards? x Yes No b. Does the community have a Community Forestry Plan? x Yes No c. Does the community have an Oak Wilt Plan? Yes X No d. Does the community have: Community Forester x Yes � No Certified Tree Inspector X Yes No Private Sector Forester Yes x No I certify that this information is va.lid and that program funds allotted to my communiry will be used to control oak wilt in a manner consistent with state guidelines. Date: (Signature of communiry official) CITY ADMINISTIRATOR (Tide) ; Return apglicarion to: Oa.l�Wilt Gooperat�ve;Suppres�on Frcagra.m : D��ision of ForestrX ; ' Minnesota Department of�atural Resaurc�s: ; 12Q0 WariYer Raad ,; ` , �t. Paut, Mi�nesota 5�1�� <; Mia�esoU 1V�innesota Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry IE111t11fIT IF �rnui �ncE: April 1995 c�oakwilt\csP95•aPP NR-MI-3174-S Reviewed 1989 Management Strategies � Stopping spread of the fungus through common MINNESOTA EXTENSfON SERVICE root systems is most important and can be done by mechanical barriers using a vibratory piow with a �.`�;d� ° 5-foot blade.Barrisrs in the soil must be positioned b.p UNIVERSITY(TF NIINNESOTA outside of trees with the fungus.Often two lines are - .,:,,,_, o��� . I�AruR,a�REsouaces recommended:a primary line outside of apparently � a � heaithy trees and a secondary barrier outside of 1 � `. :;.:;.�' a° � O�� ��'� every obviously infected tree(figure 5).The fungus �° • �! �g can be in a tree for 2-3 weeks without symptoms � .�� � ` � � d• a p pearin g.Barrierplacementrequiresexperience.lf � 1 ��'�� a�a'o �n buried utilities are a factor,the soil sterilant,Vapam, � o����, can be used, but it is not nearly as effective as the _ r�;�;.:;�;,` � a � Mi nnesota mechanical barrier. Q. � Overland spread by insects can be prevented by d, �� �I o�'d not wounding trees in May and June. Because a�•�6p � aa�;a,���`'� ae4;p D.W. FrenCh weatner varies from year to year,wounding should �°a� ,a'0 0 � q,�, be avoided from April 15 to July 1. If wounding is � i➢4°�' o��y`b,• .�: � �a' unavoidable, nontoxic tree wound dressing should a. ° �e a a° , , �'? -' "� be applied immediately after wounding.Tree ciimb- �,�1 � �,. 5econdary a• , .� � ' � ��, '`� . . p^. . � ��' barr�,er,�,e' � 5� .' �.. �0 a . � �,� "� r� � : ing irons should never be used on living oak trees. .. �� ��s. ;::,.- .d' g' ° .,:" �'�` $: �� Tree wound dressings could be used to offer addi- �.� �eb�o a a bo � ��; � x"'�'" .� �c �'' tional protection to trees pruned at other times of .�. .,.::;': o ��,. ''' �o ,,a�.� w +,, � , �>;;� �,. �,�Y-�, � ;�, t*, year.There is no need to aint wounds durin winter � ' � ' � � iD`;�•' "''��,,e` ' � ,� �t' � � � � P 9 r,,;:. �� e � Q�� �ti �. . • months from November 15 to March 15. � � , a a �' � ������ � ��` � '� � � �� A ° "�, As a further recaution infected red oaks on �� � � °� a ������ � � P � �;,, `��,� . �a�� �� �� P " ' which spores may form in spring should be elimi- � � ° *�y��� '}},.;�T �� ;1 , , ,� �° t� nated by debarking, burning, burying,or wrapping � • '��� ��``t. ` ~"� s��'` in 4-6 mii plastic until July 1.Experience is needed to . ` ' r• � detect these trees before spores are produced.The �"` ' ' �} � � �` ' , s� +. • ,C.. r,- � �,' ` �^ 4; ,,,� �a..+ spores are carried by the picnic beetles to wounded „� rt °'`�;� ;,�, � c, . h �- oaks during May and June. ' �`�,,,k�'�';.� � '� +��� < Wilting, or recently wiited trees should not be ��•;,s r�' .r ,,�• —�—���''� �-��� �,+� � �,� moved in any form, including firewood, to areas ��-'..,'�".�'' ;� E� '= `' .;�.',.. • ...,: where oak wilt is not present.This has happened in . � ` � , � „� x' �, • several instances in the past and accounts for the ti: . � �,-�w ,,�;;��*' � . r�, �; - (Oftg diSt811Ce Spt'28d Of the fUngUs. ftgure 5.Diagram ofbarden around infected trees. ._..�' " �r � � :.�, ��n . � � �r �.r�:, r� W �,,, ,��.. ���a � Printed on Recycled Paper � . ."����! '� � � � � � � � �.�' � �.,�, � �..� " �.�; .,,� D.W.French is a professor of Plant Pathology,Porest Resources,and Forest Products at the University of Minnesota. , �f� x �.fn� '.,`X The information given in this pubiication is for educational purposes only. Reference to commerciai products or trade names is made with F ���' � � the understanding that no discriminatiort is intended and no endorsement by the Minnesota Extension Service is implied. �4, ,, �• ;� , . . �.,Y �:� f �T . ?�� . . . . � .J� {w��� � t issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics,acts of May 8 and June 30,1914,in cooperation with the U.S. - � 'n , � ' .� Department of Agriculture,Patrick J.Borich,Dean and Director of Minnesota Extension Service,University of Minnesota,St.Paul,Minnesota 55108. `�, � , �� � � ,� ts I �1 The University of Minnesota;including the Minnesota Extensio�Service,is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its � �,.��� � � programs,facilities,and employment without regard to race,religion,color,sex,national origin,handicap,age,veteran status,or sexual orientation. a r . Oak wilt, caused by a fungus Ceratocysiis faga- Infection Process • cearum, is responsibie for killing large numbers of The oak wilt fungus spreads in two ways. Most oaks annually in Minnesota. Oaks are undoubtedly new infections are the result of the fungus moving the most valuable and plentiful of our shade trees.In ""�'" from infected to healthy oaks via grafted root sys- contrast to Dutch eim disease,which has been very �� ,,, tems,which are common.Trees as much as 50 feet difficult to control,oak wiit can be greatly reduced to * apart may be grafted together. Root grafts may ,. .; , . save this valuable resource. , � r; {� ' �". occur occasionally between different species of Oak wilt,present in many of the eastern states,is ' : � oaks. most common in the Upper Midwest,including Min- R The only waythatthe fungus can cross highways, nesota. It has spread very slowly north to approxi- ;. � rivers,and open fields is by insects,primarily Nitidu- mately North Branch and St. Cloud and west to ��...+' lidae, commonly known as picnic beetles, but this Mankato. The greatest concentrations are in and �'` method of spread is infrequent. Picnic beetles are adjacent to the seven-county metropolitan area sur- � not attracted specifically to oaks and they cannot rounding Minneapolis and St. Paul (figure 1). .��� �`' wound trees.They must visit fresh wounds that are less than a few days old and made between May 15 and June 15(figure 4j. Oak bark beetles,important in some parts of the country, are not known to be ' "" ngure 2.�en:Red osk ieaves in process ot wimng.Rtgnr.cross- vectors in Minnesota. � „ section ol White Oak branch shows discoloration oBen seen as small "^W dark dots fn the white wood just under the bark. "^".,.�� � fikely to be green at the base (figure 2). As with ., � Dutch elm disease, but less conspicuous,the outer " ring of springwood vessels will be ptugged with � " , ' '°` brown material (tyloses and gums) and streaks of �„ brown appear on the outside of the wood. Infected . •� white oaks die slowly, a branch at a time, often ..,, � Countieswithactive surviving for many years while leaf discoloration oek W�i� resembles sutumn colors (figure 3). The vascular "' discoloration is very easily seen in cross sections of �� infected branches (figure 2). �4 i' ;: ;� ;�y ��.� ��. ., �� �. , ,� � ��:� .. � RED OAK GROUP WHITE OAK GROUP � �. � Ngu►e 1.DlatribuUon of oak wilt fn Mlnnesota. � k S mptoms , Y � Oak wilt is easily identified in the red oaks by the rapid wilting of affected trees. After the#irst symp- ' '' toms appear a tree will wilt completely in two weeks. Often diseased trees occur in groups or centers of ttgure a.n sporu�aang mat produced tn aprii-May ny the oak wilt fungus between the bark and wood oi a tree infection. The trees wilt from the top of the crown Northem Red Oak Northem Pin Oak Bur Oak White Oak thatwilteddudngtheprevioussumme�.Theda►kareas down and individual leaves wilt from tips to bases, In the center of the mat are pressuro pads that crack tUf111�g dUll gfBBft dlldth811 bfOWfl.F811@ft 128V8S 8fB 1lgure 3.The fou�most common specles of oaks In Minnesota. open ihe barlc. x Risk of New Oak Wilt Infections Arising F�am Construction Du�ing May and June In Rosemount f'G � D � �O •�• ,,,,� e � • p . low Risk � ❑ Moderace Risk High Rlsk . c II Scale:l � I � J � 0 2.50m1 Smi Model depiats risk oi developing a new oak wift IrHeallon oenter.li Is based on dlslance ta an active Inteallon center and soll type. Minnesala Deparlmern oi Naturai Resouroes �/FH,OahW114ActivaBkes,1995 �M��� � DlVlsion of Fo�esiry,Fotesl Heaith UNt •' rr�,o�nvnn,isoa�w�e,.ua+esn�,ieas NAW�IIREI 4/11/1� • ' City of RosemouM's Forest Cover with Oak Wiit � Infection Centers and Hazard Zones 4. � ��•�' ;#• •�� � i • . . . �. . . :7i ►. ,a J� •� w _ f J � � � � � �� �! �Conlier , � `�. ► � �� y � � � ZI' �Wetlands .�''� f'' ,. `71 '}F, ' ��'� i. (� 3 ;� �'' ,�,; �r �,,` ,� L_J Shttublands . � ti �• t ji ��� ' ...�;+ �. � . . . . � , t',�t, ■Dsoiduous � . • ' �1r. t . � r �,� ..�ru . 'y ' ��,. = f�s Y�; � . '.'j� . ■W8191' . � '� , • � . • � Savenna Forest �t k�, • ; , : .forested Wetlands � • •�. � - � � � �7!J�!�t '���.� �y,, , � x �i • . �+Y . � . . � . � � . 1. 1 .1�•� ;.y ��"rr •� � � � �t � -� �, �*� �... 7r r� . �'k �'7 '�� " • M� . � . . T M }� " . .`q,� � . ... .. � •� � '► •+�'IF'.r] . . � •'�~�taR, . . � . � � : . - � • � t! �� � r 1�j,*4�. .�� •� � � �` {� ,R . '7 � . . , a,1 ' F �� � • .:. . �` . . .. . . ' . � . . � � � .. � . . � � . . � . . � � . . � � � � CJCa��:� 1 � .I � � . . � � . 0 2.50 rni S mi OWD: Pre-CSP = 2.6 1985 = 2.8 REI: Pre-CSP = 7B 1885 � 78 Map produ�llon and anatysis by EPIC Mlnnesoia Depanment ot Natural Resources /��+•o�xw�an�a�s�,,ges Oivis{on oi Fores1ry,FO�esl Neaflh Ufilt �/�,o�win,isoo•zo�e..�,crosaxea.iees N��I��Ei 4l11/1885