HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.a. Charitable Gambling Ordinance - First Reading � • CITY OF ROSEMOONT EXECUTIVE 3UMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 6, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: CHARITABLE GAMBLING ORDINANCE - AGENDA SECTION: FIRST READING NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: SUSAN M. WALSH AGENDA N���n/� � � � � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT � � !YI ATTACHMENTS: DRAFT ORDINANCE APPROVED BY: At the March 21, 1995 City Council meeting, the City Council directed city staff and the city attorney to prepare a charitable gambling ordinance to regulate and control charitable gambling within the City. Attorney LeFevere has drafted such an ordinance for Council consideration. The ordinance addresses issues and suggested regulations the City Council wanted to see in the new ordinance. As a first reading of the ordinance, we consider this a first draft and subject to revisions. I have mailed a copy of this draft to the charitable gambling organizations and the businesses where gambling is being conducted in Rosemount and advised them discussion will be held at this council meeting and at least again at the June 20, 1995 Council meeting. The charitable gambling organizations have asked to be informed on the progress of the ordinance and some have expressed a desire to give their input on its contents. Staff recommendation at this time is to receive input and further direction from the City Council on this draft ordinance. RECOMMENDED ACTI�N: None ACTION TAREN: � cz�-� oF �osEMo�rrr C4�N"x'Y �F DA,�.QTA STATE UF.MII�S�IESt�TA (3RDIN.ANGE N+�}. AN URDXNANCE �2ELAT'Il�C� TO TX� RECxXSr.ATIUN UF C�TA�tSI'ABLE �AMBL�TG; ADDS�TG NE'V�" CNAP't"�R. 6 T4 'I'1"T'LE 3 Q� 'I'� ��SEMOUNT C�'F'Y C{3DE �P : 4nUIN.AI�TCES TE'�E CJ�"I'Y COUNCIL aF'�'I��YT'X'OF RQSEM4UNT,1V1�T�3E5t7T.A OR�.AJ�NS that 'Z'itle 3 a£ the 12asemount Ci�ty Code u� Qrdinances is 2�nlended by addiu�g new Chapter 6 as follor�vs: CHAPTER 6 CI�AR,�'TABY.E GAMBLTNC SECTIQN: 3-5-1.: Pur�►ose 3--6-2: L7efinitions 3-6-3: Lawful C�a.mbling 3�b-4. ,Additional �tegulatians 3-5-5: Gonsidexatian of Local Organizatians 3-fa-6: Penalty 3-6-l: PUR��SE: The purpose of this Cb�apter is to regulat� and co�trol ga�bling acti�vities aa�d ta prohib�t the corfux�erci,aiization of these activities. 3-5-2: D��'IlVI'�'�CJNS: The terms used herein have the meanin�s set�orth in Mu�nesot�, Statutes, sectia�,s 344.11 tk,�augh 349,22, and ix� the rules adopted pursuant ta rhe authority co�tained in t�e statutes. 3-6-3: �.A�GVFiIL GAMBLING: TheTe shall be no gamblix�g in the City except in accardance�ith the provisions of tk�is C'hapte��nnd the prov'is�ions of�Statutes,sections 3A�9.�.1 througk� 349.22, ine�u�ive, and arul.es adopted pursuaz�t thereto. 3-b-4: ,A�DDYT'IQN.A.L 1t��ITI�.A,'TYUNS: �addition xo the requireznents of N�innescxt� Statutes. secti4ns 349.X J� through 349.�2, inclusive, and zules adapted pursuat�t thereto, the followina regulations must be compued with: A. Commencin� on 7anuary 1, 1995, an org�nizauor� pern�ittted ta conduct lawful �arnbling within the Gity s�hall expend eighty (80) p�ccent o� its law€ul purpose expendittues an laruf'ul pu�poses conducted or located within the C�tY's trade a,rea, which shall inclnde CLL89653 RS215-1 g�� ��t,..t oit��/_�'F'7,t9�[iT N3At12I� '8 S31d'IOH°W0213 SL ° IZ 56—L0—NIl!' w;e 1 anly the Gity of �tosemouz�t and any city w�th a boundary contiguous ta Rasea�naun�. Each such organi.zation skzall subrr�.it an.annual re�ort to the Cxty Cler�c.,an farrr�s pr4vided by the C�ty, az�d shall pxavide such additzanal r�parts, recards, and inforix�atiari as the C'�erk shall deem�ecessary to dcmoz�stYate compliance wirh th�s parag�aph. Such repart and suppl�rnentary iz��armatioz� sha11 be provided no l.ater thaza, I20 da.ys prirnr to the anni�ersary date o£the organizatioz�'s prerrzzses penr�it B. No establisk�xnent shall allow ma�re than one oz�ganizaii.an to conduct J,a.wft�l gambling at vne time an its prez�nises or �ease to �nare than one �,censed org�,nization. : C. �n addition ta re�ulai�ans imposed by tk�e State of Minz�esota, all infonmacian and repoxts required to i�e submutted to the State sk;all.alsa be subr�nitted at the sa.zz�e time to th� Cxty. A. An applic�nt for an iniw�l pzemises pexmix ax a renewal prer�uses �e�.t sha��pay to the City an investi.�ation �ee of one hundred dollars {$IOO.UO). 3-6-5: CaNS�DER�4'T'YON �� LUCAL ORGA.i�YZA'I'�UNS: t?umezs of establi.sk�znents a�k vwhich �2�r�vful gambling xs eanducted sha]1 maintain a fiile �f q�lified organ�zaiians wk�a,ch have their pl,ace of busin�ess is in the City of Rasemount and which have expressed written iriterest to the owvner af the est�krlishment in vperating lar�fu]. gambling a�ctivi,tzes on t�e premises. Such �e s1�ll be a�va.il.�ble for inspection b�' the Cit� C1ezk vr the Cl�rk's designe� during z�ormal business �Zours. ]N'o �ease ta conduct lawful gambling ort the prernis�s shall be executed, renewed or extended by �he ownez without £`irst noti£ying all such organxzations �a writing tk�at the lease vvill expixe or has expired and�ivita�g such axganizaxaon an ogpartunity to discuss conducting lawful gazx�biing on the premises. I�o premises perrrut wall be aPPxo�ed by tk�e Council without adequa.�e pzdof of coz�xpliance with this Sectian. 3-6-6: PENALTY: A�y person violating an� provi�sion of t�,i.s Chapter is gua]�ty of a znisdemea�ar and upan convictian thereof sha11 be subject to a fine a� not naore than sev�n k�undred dallars (�700.00) or impr�sonment nat ta exceed ninety (90) days or both,plus in either ease the cast of prosecu,t�an. Prioz� violations af this Ck�apter s�all al.so be grounds, in the disc�'�uon of the Cauncil,fox refusal to approve a premises pemv.�. A�lditionally,rriolatio�x of this Chapter shall be reported to the Minnesora Ch�table Gamblxng �oazd and a recommendatian sk�all be rnade for suspensxan, r�voca�ion or cancellation of an organzzanon's lic�nse. Thi.s ordinaz�ce shall be effective �he day follor�vxng its adaprion and publicataon. Adopted by the city council of the cxty of Ras��nn.ount the�day o�_ , 1995. ayor A'ITEST: xty er CLAS4663 RSZ15-1 iT/fii 3�'a'd 0LE6LEEZL9'QI N3l�'d21� '8 S3N1'IOH'4�I0?13 SL ' It S6-L0-N11L"