HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.d. Contract Agreement for Yard Waste Removal � � a ' CITY OF ROS�OIINT LXSCIITIVS SIIbmtARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: �Dec. 19, 1995 AGTNDA ITLbt: Contract agreement for yard AG$NDA SECTION: waste removal Consent PREPARRD BY: Dean R. Lotter, Administrative AGENDA ��� � /, �"y Intern L�' U ATTAC�2ENTS: Cover Letter, Contract APPROVED BY: The following is a copy of the contract agreement to be made between the Cities of Lakeville, Apple Valley, Farmington and Rosemount and SKB Environmental, Inc. for the operation of the Yard Waste Compost Facility located on Pilot Knob Road in Lakeville. The Waste Ma.nagement Act of 1980, as amended, of Minnesota prohibits the disposal of yardwaste in mixed municipal solid waste, in a landfill, or in a resource recovery facility. Policies such as these are created to encourage reduction of waste. The above listed Cities, in an attempt to be consistant with these policies, find it necessary to contract composting services. These services are to be provided by SKB Environmental, Inc. ItFCOb�lENDED ACTION: Motion for approval of contract between the Cities of Lakeville, Apple Valley, Farmington and Rosemount and SKB Environmental, Inc. COUNCIL ACTION: a < I • ' December 8, 1995 Mr. Tom Burt City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Ms. Nelda Werkmeister Apple Valley Recyeling Coordinator 14200 Cedar Avenue Apple Va11ey, MN 55124 Ms. Lena Larson � Farmington Recycling Coordinator 325 Oak Street Farmington, MN 55024 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: Enclosed please find a redlined and clean copy of the contract agreement between the Cities of Lakeville, Apple Valley, Farmington and Rosemount and SKB Environmental, Inc. for the operation of the Yard Waste Compost Facility located on Pilot Knob Road in Lakeville. On November 13, 1995, I sent you a proposed contract agreement submitted by SKB Environmental. At that time, I asked you to contact me with any comments, questions and/or concerns. The attached contract agreement has the minor changes which were discussed and is now ready for Council approval. Please place this on your next available Council agenda. _ After the City of Lakeville executes and notarizes the contract agreement, I will forward the document to the City of Apple Valley for their execution of the contract. The last City to execute the contract should send the document back to me so I can obtain the appropriate signatures from SKB Environmental, Inc. Once the document has been fully executed, I will send you a copy of the ageement for your files. City of Lokeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue • Lakeviile, MN 55044 • (612)985-4400 • Fax 985-4499 Recycled paper,wy ink � Burt, Werkmeister, Larson December 8, 1995 Page Two If you have any quesrions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 985-4430. Sincerely John Hennen Administrative Assistant JFI/rrilc Enclosure ,__�. _„--.r _ CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF LAKEVILLE, APPLE VALLEY,ROSEMOUNT AND FARMINGTON AND SKB ENVIRONMENTAL,ING FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF YARDWASTE FACILITY This Contract is made and entered into between the Cities of Lakeville,Apple Va11ey, Rosemount and Farmington, hereinafter"Client"and, SKB Environmental, Inc. 251 Starkey Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55107,hereinafter"Vendor". WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota,through enactment of the Waste Management Act of 1980, as amended,has declared as stated policy the improvement of solid waste management through the separation and recovery of energy and materials from solid waste and through the reduction of indiscriminate reliance upon land disposal of solid waste; and WHEREAS,yardwaste may not be disposed of in mixed municipal solid waste, in a landfill, or in a resource recovery facility except for purposes of composting or co-composting; and WI�REAS,the Client, consistent with these policies,desired to ensure an alternative to the landfilling of Yazdwaste and Brush pursuant to Dakota County's Solid Waste Master Plan; and WHEREAS,the Vendor offers to opera.te and ma.intain a site for the receiving, stora.ge, transfer and processing of Accepta.ble Materials; and WHEREAS,the Client agrees to promote the delivery of Accepta.ble Materials to the Vendor, and the Vendor agrees to accept, store and compost or otherwise process Yardwaste, Brush, and Christmas Trees delivered to the Facility and the Vendor further agrees to market or 1 �- - ; ; ; , .�' �_.�rwise utilize or dispose of all�he compost and chips produced at the Facility; and .�,----, WHEREAS, the Vendor is a corporadon duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota and registered to do business in the State of Nlinnesota; and Wf-IEREAS, Vendor has the authority to execute this Contract as a binding legal obligation,fully enforceable in accordance with its terms and conditions. NOW,TI-�REFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements contained herein the parties agree as follows: 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1.1 Pur�ose. The purpose of this Contract is to define the rights and obligations of the parties with respect to the operation and maintenance of the yardwaste facility. 1.2 Recita:ls. The recitals set forth in the whereas clauses above are incorporated - by reference as if fully set forth herein. 13 Cooperation. The Client and Vendor shall cooperate and use their reasonable efforts to ensure the most expeditious implementation of the various provisions of this Gontract. The parties agree to, in good faith,undertake resolution of any disputes in an equita.ble timely manner. 1.4 Term. The term of this contract shall commence, January 1, 1996, and terminate on December 31, 1998,unless both parties agree to an e�rtension of this contract, or unless earlier tern�inated by law or according to the provisions herein. 2. DEFII�IITIONS. . Unless the language or context cleazly indicates that a different meaning is intended,the ' 2 _ _ _ _ _ .. _ -- --. _ ,;;... .,t�_.,,v *' ;�*� .jv�r . . .r��✓ CT', '�yi�� A y � � ' _ds,terms and phrases stated below,when capitalized, sha11 have the following meaning: 2.1 Accenta.ble Materials. Yazdwaste, Brush, Clean Soils, Pallets, Christmas Trees and the bags in which they are delivered, or other approved Accepta.ble Materials. "Brush" shall mean shrub and tree waste. "Christmas Trees" shall mean fresh-cut coniferous or evergreen trees or boughs,used for Yuletide decorations but not such trees or boughs which contain wire or other contamination. "Yardwaste" sha11 mean lawn cuttings, leaves, garden waste, weeds and sod strippings. "Clean soils" shall mean soils that consist of sand, clay or topsail that are uncontaminated to be used for making soil amendments and high grade topsoil by mixing with compost. "Pallets" shall mean porta.ble wood platforms on which material as cargo or freight, can be stored or moved which are free of paints, oils, acids or other contaminants. 2.2 Commercial Entitv. Any person, or public or private entity, delivering Acceptable Materials to the Facility, other than an Individual delivering Acceptable Materials from his/her own residence. 2.3 Facili . The following site used for the receiving, storage,transfer or processing of Accepta.ble Materials. Lakeville Com�ost Site. The Client's yardwaste compost site located at 17750 Pilot Knob Road in Lakeville,Minnesata.. 2.4 Finished Products. Compost,topsoil,wood chips and mulch in marketa.ble condition. 2.5 Individual. Any person who delivers Accepta.ble Materials to the Facility from his/her own residence. 2.6 Processing. Changing Acceptable Materials, as delivered to the Facility, into 3 �_ � ;� . y il products,through the natural process of composting, or the mechanical process of , ,..:=. chipping, grinding or mixing and the preparation needed for these processes to occur. 2.7. Receivin�Time. That time during which Acceptable Materials are received at a Facility. 2.8 as n. January 1 through December 3 L 2.9 Ti Fee. A fee chazge to Commercial Entities and Individuals for delivery of Accepta.ble Materials to the Facility. 2.10 Unacceptable Materials. All materials except Yardwaste, Brush, Christrnas Trees, Clean Soils, Pallets, the bags in which acceptable materials are delivered, and other approved Acceptable Materials. 2.11 User. Commercial Entities or Individuals delivering Acceptable Materials to the Facility. 3. VENDOR'S RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. 3.1 Ca aci . The Vendor shall operate and maintain, in each season(January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998)the Facility at a capacity sufficient to handle Acceptable Materials generated by the Client's communities. Unprocessed pallets on site at any given tixne sha11 not exceed 1000 cubic yazds. 3.2 Receivin�. The Vendor shall aecept Accepta.ble Materials generated in the Client's communities from Individuals and Commercial Entities,based upon policies which the Vendor sha11 set for the Facility. Such policies sha11 be submitted to the Client by February 1st of each year and ten(10)days prior to the effective date of any changes thereto. Such policies shall include: 4 * Types of mdterial that may be accepted at the Facility; * Condition of Accepta.ble Materials when delivered; * Bagged vs. Debagged materials; * Parties who may deliver Accepta.ble Materials; * Fees chazged to dispose of Accepta.ble Materials; * Prices charged for Finished Products; and * Acceptance of Christmas Trees. , 3.3 Waste From Other Areas. Vendor may receive Acceptable Materials generated outside of Client's communities so long as sufficient capacity is retained for Acceptable Materials generated by the Client. 3.4 Tip Fees. Vendor shall charge a Tipping Fee to Users sufficient to cover costs of the Facility. Vendor sha11 submit a fee schedule to the Client by February l st of each year and ten(10) days prior to the effective date of any changes thereta. Notwithstanding the above,the Cities may deliver without cost to the Cities,the following quantities per year of Acceptable Materials by making deliveries to the Facility in City vehicles: Lakeville - 320 cubic yards Rosemount - 200 cubic yazds Farmington - 200 cubic yazds Apple Va11ey - 320 cubic yards And the cities may receive,in city vehicle,without costs to the cities,the following quantities per year of finished compost: Lakeville - 100 cubic yards Rosemount - 60 cubic yards 5 Fazmingtori - 60 cubic yards Apple Valley - 100 cubic yards 3.5 Receivin,g;Time. Subject to applicable Client and municipal ordinances,the Vendor shall keep the Facility open for the receiving of Acceptable Materials for a minimum of 1200 hours per Season. Vendor shall submit a schedule for the Facility to the Client by February 1 st of each year and ten(10)days prior to the effective date of any changes thereto. 3.6 Vendor's Rejection of Deliveries. The Vendor may reject Accepta.ble Materials delivered at hours other than the Receiving Time. A vehicle shall be denied entrance if the Vendor has reasonable basis to believe it contains any amount of Unacceptable Material. Upon request,the Vendor will provide the User and the Client with the documentation of the rejection and the reasons thereof. The Vendor shall be responsible to obtain landfill capacity and to properly dispose of Unacceptable Materials,which ha.ve been delivered and which the Vendor is unable to have removed at the expense of the Individual or Commercial Entity delivering it. The Vendor sha11 pay a11 costs for removing and properly disposing of Unacceptable Materials. 3.7 ProcessinQ. Vendor sha11 process a11 Accepta.ble Materials received at the Facility. Acceptable Materials shall be composted, except for Brush and Pallets which may be chipped or ground, and clean soils which may be mixed with finished compost to make top soil or soil axnendments. 3.8 Finished Products. The Vendor sha11 develop a policy for distributing finished . compost, soil amendments and woodchips. Vendor shall submit said policy and any changes thereto to the Client. 3.9 Closure of Facility. The Vendor shall not accept any Materials after February 6 15, 1998,at the Lakeville Compost Facility. During the period of February 16, 1998,through December 31, 1998,Vendor sha11 have exclusive access to the Facility for the purpose of processing on site materials, selling or otherwise distributing finished products and site clean up. 3.10 Clean-u�of the Facility. All chips, finished compost, unprocessed Acceptable Materials and Unaccepta.ble Materials present at the Lakeville Compost Facility sha11 be removed and the portion that has a gravel surface sha11 be graded to ensure proper drainage and any soil portion of the parcel disturbed by grading activities shall be seeded such that the re- established vegetation is sufficient to control erosion by the Vendor on or before December 31, 1998. 3.11 Cost of Removal. If the Vendor does not remove Materials and Finished Products as required under 3.10,the Client may remove them and charge the Vendor for its removal. 3.12 Labor and Equipment. The Vendor shall provide a11 labor, equipment, tools, supplies,and other materials necessary to operate the Facility. The Vendor shall maintain, repair and replace a11 equipment as necessary to ensure continued compliance with a11 requirements of law and other obligations as set out in this Agreement. 3.13 Roads. The Vendor sha11 be responsible for maintaining all roads within the boundaries of the site required for continued operation as contemplated by this Agreement. The Vendor shall be responsible for connecting such roads to the access roads or drives at the boundaries of the site. 3.14 Draina�e. The Vendor sha11 provide and maintain an adequa.te storm and surface water drainage system during the period of operation. 7 3.15 Vendor's Information Svstems. The Vendor shall establish and maintain an information system to provide storage and ready retrieval of Facility da.ta. No later than twenty (20)days after the close of each calendar quarter,the Vendor shall provide the Client with a report for the previous quarter,presented in a form acceptable to the Client,including,but not limited to ,the following data on Yazdwaste, Brush, Clean Soils,Pallets, and Christmas Trees received by the Facility. A. City/township of origin by weight or volume; B. The total weight or volume; C. Assessed Tipping Fees; D. The weight or volume of residues and Unaccepta.ble Materials delivered to a sanitary landfill for disposal; E. The use of conversion factors, as described below, by materials; F. Quantity of Yardwaste, Christrnas Trees, Clean Soils, Pallets and Brush not generated in Dakota County; G. Breakdown by weight or volume by individuals and commercial entities; and H. Other information which the Client may reasonably require. 3.16 Product Distribution Re o�rt. The Vendor shall report quarterly the volumes and the type of use intended by the end users. 3.17 Convertin,e Volume to Weight. The Vendor shall esta.blish a factor for converting cubic yazds of Yardwaste and Brush received to tons of materials received. This conversion factor sha11 be based upon test weights for each material received. - 3.18 Hazardous Waste. If any hazardous waste,as defined by any federal or state 8 law or regulation, is received at the facility,the Vendor shall within 24 hours notify the Minnesota.Pollution Control Agency(M.P.C.A.)and the Client Coordinator. 3.19 h ne. The Vendor shall maintain a phone service to answer questions about its facility. An answering machine shall be used when no one is available to answer the phone. 3.20 M.P.C.A. Rules. Vendor shall comply with the M.P.C.A. rules attached hereto as "EXHIBIT 1," and any subsequent amendments to the Rules. 4. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIQNS OF THE CLIENT. 4.1 Commitment to Promote the Deliverv of Acceptable Materials. The Client shall promote the delivery of Accepta.ble Materials to the Facility. The Client will meet and confer with the Vendor on publicity of the Yardwaste program. The Client,jointly with SKB - Environmental, Inc. shall develop a program and materials for promoting the yardwaste management program and Facility. 4.2 ermit. Notwithstanding Section 5.2 of this Contract,the Client shall obta.in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Permit by Rule and other land use or conditional use permits. 4.3 Site. The City of Apple Va11ey shall provide the site legally described on the atta.ched "EX�IIBIT 2" for the Lakeville Yardwaste Compost Facility. 4.4 Tours. At any time during the term of this Agreement and upon reasonable prior notice to the Vendor,the Client, its elected officials, employees, agents, . representatives or guests, shall have the right to tour the Facility in order to observe and to perxnit others to observe the various services wluch the Vendor performs. The Vendor my take 9 reasonable precautions to protect�roprietary equipment and processing procedures. Such scheduled tours shall be conducted in a manner so as to comply with the Vendor's safety standards and shall not interfere with the Vendor's ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Tours shall occur during regular operating hours,unless otherwise agreed to by both parties. 4.5 In�s ection. The Client, its elected officials, employees,agents or representa.tives, and employees of the M.P.C.A. and Dakota County,may inspect the operation of the Facility at any time for the purpose of verifying compliance with the terms of this Agreement. The Vendor shall cooperate fully with the inspection. The Client, its elected o�cials, employees, agents or representatives shall have complete right and access to the Facility so long as it does not interfere with the normal operations of the Facility. 4.6 Lakeville,Apple Valley,Rosemount and Farmington("the Cities")acknowledge that they are individually and collectively "arranging for" and "generating" delivery of materials to the site and that they are "owners or possessors" of the property from and after the date of this Contract. The Cities further agree that should a determination be made by the M.P.C.A.,the Environmental Protection Agency(E.P.A.),their successors or assigns, or any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the site and the processes occurring thereon,that any one ofthe Cities is liable with respect to the activities performed under this Contract,thax all of the Cities sha11 share: the costs of defense,including reasonable attorneys'fees; all damages, claims, awazds,penalties and the like; clean-up costs,remediation costs and administrative costs or other similar costs in the proportions as follows: Apple Valley-35%; Lakeville-35%; Farmington- 15%and Rosemount- 15%. 10 This Agreement and the associated allocation of costs hereunder do not release or waive the Cities' rights against prior owners,possessors or operators,nor waive or release any other persons, including Vendor, from any legal responsibility. 5. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS/STANDARDS. 5.1 eneral. Vendor shall abide by all Federal, State or local laws, staxutes, ordinances,rules and regulations now in effect or hereafter adopted pertaining to this Contract or to the Facility,programs and staff for which Vendor is responsible. This includes, but is not limited to all Standard Assurances,which are attached as Exhibit 3. 5.2 Licenses. Vendor shall procure, at its own expense,alllicenses,pernuts or other rights required for the provision of services contemplated by this Contract including the Dakota County Yardwaste Compost Facility License. The Vendor shall inform the Client of any changes in the above within five (5) days of occurrence. 5.3 Violations. Any violation of Federal, state, or local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, or regulations, as well as loss of any applicable license or certification by Vendor shall constitute a material breach of this Contract,whether or not intentional,and sha11 entitle the Client to terminate this Contract upon delivery of written notice of termination to Vendor. 5.4 Minnesota Law to Govern. This Contract sha11 be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive and procedural laws of the Sta.te of Minnesota,without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws. All proceedings related to this Contract sha11 be venued in the Sta.te of Minnesota.. 6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS. Vendor is to be and shall remain an independent contractor with respect to any and a11 11 work performed under this Contract. It is agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or should be construed in any manner as creating or establishing the relationship of agents,partners, joint ventures or associates between the parties hereto or as constituting Vendor as the employee of the Client for any purpose or in any manner whatsoever. Vendor acknowledges and agrees that Vendor is not entitled to receive any of the benefits received by Client employees and is not eligible for workers' or unemployment compensation benefits under the Client. Vendor also acknowledges and agrees that no withholding or deduction for state or federal income taxes, FICA,FUTA,or otherwise, will be made from the payments due Vendor and that it is Vendor's sole obligation to comply with the applicable provisions of a11 federal and state t�laws. 7. RENT. Vendor shall pay the City of Apple Valley$900.00 per year rent for the Lakeville compost site. The first rental payment sha11 be due within ten(10)days after the effective date of this contract and shall be due annually thereafter on the anniversary date of the first payment. 8. INDEMTTIFICATION AND INSURANCE. 8.1 �ndemnification. The Vendor will indemnify, defend and save hazmless the Client, its elected officials, employees,agents or representa.tives from any and all claims, damages,lawsuits, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses arising out of any act, omission or equipment failure on the part of the Vendor or its subcontractors, agents, servants or employees in the performance of any of the work or services to be performed ar furnished by the Vendor under the terms of this Agreement. Such indemnity sha11 include,but not be limited to,property 12 damage,personal injury,bodily injury and death,punitive damages or any combination thereof. The Client shall indemnify,defend and save harmless the Vendor, its employees, agents or representatives from any and all claims, damages, lawsuits, losses, liabiliries, costs and expenses arising out of any act or omission or commission of the Client, its elected officials, employees, agents or representatives in connection with work or services to be performed by the Client under the terms of this Agreement. 8.2 Insurance. In order to protect itself and to protect the Client under the indemnity provision set forth above,the Vendor shall, at Vendor's expense,procure and maintain policies of insurance during the term of this Agreement as set forth below. Such policies of insurance sha11 apply to the extent of,but as a limitation upon or in satisfaction of,the indemnity provisions herein. All retentions and deductibles under such policies of insurance shall be paid by the Vendor. Each such palicy of insurance and insurance certificate sha11 not be canceled, non-renewed or materially changed by the issuing insurance company,without at least thirty(30) da.ys written notice of intent to cancel to the Client. Concurrent with execution of this Agreement and as necessary to show continuous coverage,the Vendor shall file acceptable certificates of insurance with the Client. All insurance sha11 sta.te that the insurance broker through which this insurance was purchased has errors and omissions insurance. 8.3 Covera�e. The policies of insurance to be obtained by the Vendor pursuant to this Article sha11 be purchased from a licensed carrier, shall name Client as an additional insured, and shall include the following: 13 A. Com,prehen'sive General Liabilitv. including Contractual. Occurrence-based single or combined limit comprehensive general liability insurance with the minimum limits of Two Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollazs ($200,000)per person and Six Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars($600,OQ0)per occurrence. B. Automobile Liability. Automobile liability insurance if any vehicles aze used in connection with this Agreement which sha11 include the following minimum coverages: (1) Bodily Injury and Property Damage: Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollazs ($250,000)per person and Five Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($500,000)per occurrence. (2) Hired, owned and non-owned vehicles. C. Umbrella Liabilitv. Umbrella Liability insurance in the minimum amount of$2,000,000. It is the responsibility of Contractor to maintain a11 underlying insurance in accordance with the terms of the Umbrella Liability policy. D. Worker's Compensation. The statutory minimum. 8.4 Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance. This Agreement will not be executed until proof of insurance consistent with the insurance requirements herein has been submitted to the Client. 8.5 Excessive Premiums. If the premium for any liability insurance more than triples from one year to the next during the term of this Agreement, the Vendor may terminate this Agreement effective upon cancellation of insurance coverage and ten(10)da.ys notice. In the event Vendor gives notice to terminate under this paragraph,Vendor and Client agree to meet and confer on payment of Insurance premiums and continuation of this Agreement. 9. PERFORMANCE BOND. The Vendor shall furnish to the Client a bond in the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand 14 and No/100 Dollars ($25,000.00): If the Vendor fails to perform the obligations required by this Agreement, and the client is required to spend monies or labor or materials to remedy such nonperforrnance,the Vendor and sureties on the bond will indemnify and save the Client hamiless from a111osses, costs, and charges that may be incurred by the Client because of any failure by the Vendor to comply with the terms of this Agreement. The Client may approve and irrevocable letter of credit in lieu of a performance bond. Although the Vendor is required to have a bond or letter of credit in place for the entire term,bonds or letters of credit for sharter terms will be accepted provided they aze replaced or renewed by the Vendor before they lapse. 10. SUBCONTRACTING. Parties shall not enter into any subcontract for the performance of this Contract nor assign any interest in this Contract without prior written consent of all parties and subject to such conditions and provisions as aze deemed necessary. This limitation shall not apply to subcontracts so long as SKB Environmental, Inc. retains managerial control of the Facility. All parties sha11 be notified of subcontracts as soon as reasonably possible regardless of their dollar value or nature. Any agreement between Vendor and any subcontractor sha11 obligate the subcontractor to comply with the general terms of this Contract. The subcontracting or assia 1ng party shall be responsible for the performance of its subcontractors or assignees and their compliance with the Contract terms. 11. DEFAULT. 11.1 Force Majeure. No party shall be held responsible or subject to damages for delay or failure to perform when such delay or failure is due to any uncontrollable circumstance 15 unless the act or occurrence could have been foreseen and reasonable action could have been taken to prevent the delay or failure, including but not limited to: A. Riots, insurrections, waz or civil disorder affecting performance of work, blockades, sabatoge, and acts of God(including tomadoes, lightning, earthquakes, fires, explosions and floods,but not including typical seasonal weather conditions for this geographic area). B. The adoption of or change in any federal, state or local laws,rules,regulations, ordinances,pernuts, or licenses or changes in the interpreta.tion of such laws, rules,regulations, ordinances,permits, or licenses by a court or public agency asserting jurisdiction after the date of the execution of the Contract, except a change in federal, state or local tax law. C. The suspension,termination, interruption, denial or failure of renewal of any pernut, license, consent, authorization or approval essential to the operation, management or maintenance of the Facility. D. Orders and/or judgments of any federal, sta.te or local court, administrative agency or governmental entity. The Client and the Vendor agree to attempt to resolve quickly all matters related to uncontrollable circumstances and use all reasonable efforts to mitigate its effects. If a matter arising under this paragraph is unable to be resolved wit.hin sixty{60)days the non-defaulting party may term.inate this Contract upon ten(10)days written notice. 11.2 Inability to Perform. Vendor shall make every reasonable effort to maintain staff, facilities, and equipment to provide the services to the Client as required by this Contract. Vendor shall immediately notify the Client in writing whenever it is unable to, or reasonably believes it is going to be unable to,provide the agreed upon quality and quantity or services. Upon such notification,the Client shall determine whether such inability requires a modification or cancellation of this Contract. 16 11.3 Default b,y Vendor: Unless cured or excused by the occurrence of Force Majeure or Client default, each of the following sha11 constitute default on the part of the Vendor: • The written admission by the Vendor that it is bankrupt; or the filing of an involuntary petition under the Federal Bankruptcy Act against the Vendor unless dismissed within ninety(90)days. The Notice of Default and cure provisions of this Contract do not apply to this pazagraph. • The making of any arrangement with or for the benefit of Vendor's creditors involving an assignment to a trustee,receiver or similar fiduciary. The Notice of Default and cure provisions of this Contract do not apply to this pazagraph. • Making material misrepresenta.tions either in the attached exhibits and documents or in any other material provision or condition relied upon in the making of this Contract. • A court or administrative body having competent jurisdiction finds that the Vendorpersistently disregazds laws,ordinances,rules,regulations or orders of any public authority. • Failure to perform any other material provision of this contract. 11.4 Default by the Client. Unless cured or excused by the occurrence of Force Majeure or default of the Vendor,each of the following sha11 constitute a default on the part of the Client: • Making known material misrepresentations either in the attached exhibits and documents or in any other provisions or conditions relied upon in making this Contract. • Failure to provide the site indicated in paragraph 4.3 or the equivalent. • Failure to perform any other material provision of this Contract. 11,5 Written Notice of Default. Unless a different procedure and/or effective date is 17 provided in the article or paragrap'h of this Contract under which the default,failure or breach occurs,no event sha11 constitute a default giving rise to the right to terminate unless and until written Notice of Default is given to the defaulting party, specifying the particulaz event, series of events or failure constituting the default and cure period. 11.6 Cure Period. If the party in default fails to cure the specified circumstances as described by the Notice of Default within twenty(20)days or such other time as may be specified under the terms of this Contract,then this Contract may be terminated. 12. TERMINATION. 12.1 Duties of Vendor upon Termination. Upon termination, except as otherwise requested,Vendor shall discontinue performance of this Contract. Within one (1) yeaz of termination, Vendor shall remove all chips, Finished Products,unprocessed Acceptable Materials, Unacceptable Materials and the portion that has a gravel surface sha11 be graded to ensure proper drainage and any soil portion of the pazcel disturbed by grading activities sha11 be seeded such that the re-esta.blished vegetation is sufficient to control erosion. 12.2 Duties of Client upon Termination. Upon termination, and except as otherwise provided, the Client sha11 not be liable for any services provided after termination, except as ' authorized by the Client in writing. 12.3 Effect of Termination. Termination of this Contract shall not discharge any liability,responsibility or right of any party which arises from the performance of or failure to adequa:tely perform the terms of this Contract prior to the effective date of termination. Nor shall termination dischazge any obligation which by its nature would survive after the date of termination, including,by way of illustration only and not limitation, Standard Assurances 18 attached hereto. ' 13. ('ONTR.ACT RIGHT FMEDIES. 13.1 Rights Cumulative. All remedies available to either party under the terms of this Contract or by law are cumulative and may be exercised concurrently or sepazately, and the exercise of any one remedy sha11 not be deemed an election of such remedy to the exclusion of other remedies. 13.2 Waiver. The waiver of any default by either party, or the failure to give notice of any default, shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequen�default or be deemed to be a failure to give such notice with respect to any subsequent default. Waiver of breach of any provision of this Contract shall not be construed to be modification for the terms of this Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Client and Vendor. 14. DAMAGES. 14.1 Dutv to Miti,�. Both parties sha11 use their best efforts to mitigate any damages which might be suffered by reason of any event giving rise to a remedy hereunder. 14.2 Cost of Defense. In the event the Vendor fails to opera.te the facility in compliance with all applicable local, sta.te and federallaws,permits,rules and regulations,the Vendor shall reimburse the Client for any civil or criminal penalties or costs of defense incurred due to such violations. 15. REPRESENTATIVE. 15.1 Authorized Renresenta.tive. The following named persons are designated the 19 Authorized Representative of parties for purposes of this Contract. These persons have authority to bind the party they represent and to consent to modifications and subcontracts,except that,as to the Client,the Authorized Representative shall have only the authority specifically or generally granted by the Client. Notification required to be provided pursuant to this Contract sha11 be provided to the following named persons and addresses unless otherwise stated in this Contract, or in modification of this Contract. TO VENDOR: Richard O'Gara SKB ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 251 Starkey Street ' St. Paul,MN 55107 (612) 224-6329 TO CLIENT: CITY OF APPLE VALLEY CITY OF LAKEVILLE 14200 Cedar Avenue 20195 Holyoke Avenue West Apple Valley,MN 55124 Lakeville,MN 55044 Attn: City Administrator Attn: City Administratar (612) 953-2578 (612) 985-4400 CITY OF FARMINGTON CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 321 Oak Street 2875 - 145th Street West Farmington,MN 55024 Rosemount,MN 55068 Attn: City Administrator Attn: City Administrator (612) 463-7111 (612) 423-44ll 15.2 Coordinator. To assist the parties in the day-to-day performance of this Contract and to develop service, ensure compliance and provide ongoing consulta.tion, a coordinator shall be designa.ted by Vendor and the Client. The parties sha11 keep each other continually informed, in writing,of any change in the designated coordina.tor. At the time of execution of this 20 Contract,the following persons aTe designated coordinators: Vendor Coordinator: Doc St. Clair Phone Number: (612) 224-6329 Client Coordinator: John Hennen Phone Number: (612) 985-4430 16. CONFLICT OF INTERE T. Vendor agrees that it will not contract for or accept employment for the performance of any work or services with any individual, business,partnership, corporation, government, governmental unit, or any other organization that would create a conflict of interest in the performance of its obligations under this Contract. ' 17. MODIFICATIONS. Any alterations, variations,modifications, or waivers of the provisions of this Contract shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, signed by Authorized Representa.tives of the Client and Vendor. 18. SEVERABILITY 18.1 The provisions of this Contract sha11 be deemed severable. If any part of this Contract is rendered void, invalid, or unenforceable,such rendering shall not affeet the validity and enforceability of the rema.inder of this Contract unless the part or parts which aze void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable shall substantially impair the value of the entire Contract with respect to either party. 18.2 T'he parties further agree to substitute for the invalid portion a valid provision that most closely approximates the economie effect and intent of the invalid provision. 21 19. MERGER. � 19.1 inal Ag�,eement. This Contract is the final expression of the agreement of the parties and the complete and exclusive statement of the terms agreed upon, and sha11 supersede all prior negotiations,understandings or agreements. There are no representa.tions,warranties, or stipulations, either oral or written,not herein contained. 19.2 Exhibits. Exhibit 1 - "M.P.C.A. Rules"; Exhibit 2 - "Legal description of Yardwaste Compost Facility Site"; Exhibit 3 - "Standard Assurances;" and are attached and incorporated herein by reference. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Contract on the date indicated below: CITY OF APPLE VALLEY CITY OF FA,RMINGTON By: BY� - WILLIS E. BR.ANNING, Mayor EUGENE "BABE" KUCHERA,Mayor By: BY� MARY MtJELLER, Clerk KAREN FINSTUEN,Acting Adxninistr'ator CITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: BY� . � bUANE R. ZAiJN, Mayor EDWARD B. McMENOMY,Mayor 22 By: . By. CHARLENE FRIEDGES, Clerk SUSAN M. WALSH, Clerk SKB ENVIRONMENTAL,ING By: Its By: Its STATE OF MINN]ESOTA) ) ss.. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1995, by WILLIS E. BRANNING and MARY ML7ELLER,respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, a Minnesota.municipal corporation,on behalf of said corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss.. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1995,by EUGENE "BABE" KUCHERA and KAREN FINSTtJEN the Mayor and Acting � Administrator of T'HE CITY OF FARMINGTON, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of said corporation, on behalf of said corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City CounciL NOTARY PUBLIC 23 STATE OF I�ZINNESOTA) � ) ss.. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1995,by DUANE R. ZAUN and CHARLENE FRIEDGES respectively the Mayor and Clerk of TI�CITY OF LAKEVILLE,a Minnesota municipal corporation,on behalf of said corporation, on behalf of said corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City CounciL NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss.. - COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1995,by EDWARD B. MCMENOMY and SUSAN M. WALSH respectively the Mayor and Clerk of THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation,on behalf of said corporation, on behalf of said corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA) } ss.. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) - The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1995,by and respectively the and of SKB ENVIRONMENTAL,INC. a Minnesota corporation,on behalf of said corporation. ' NOTARY PUBLIC 24 ��ESOT� POLLIJTION CONTROL AGEYCY RULES 7035.3�i5 COMPOST F�C'II��'s. Subparc I. Sca�e. 'I�ie requircmcau of subparts 4 to 9 appfy to the owner5 aad operators of fac�Iines used to campost solid waste, oce,�pt as provided m part 7035.2525, subpart 2 Thc rn+vncr or ap�rator of a yaz�d wastc comgost fa�ity musz �mp�'th sabparts 2 and 3 onIp. Bac3�yard compost fac�Iines aze ezempt from P Subp. 2 Notificario� Tlze owner or o�crator of a yard waste campost fa �i:s: �e�:.=y the corr�;«oner by lerter bc�orc be7nT�ing opera�on of the faes�i� T:� �c�carion mtist mc�ude tlse fae�ity location, the aame of ti�e wntact pe:son, t�e phone numoer oi the caatact pe:san, the address oi the c�ntact person, the faczZiry desi� capae'ty, tbe type of waste re�ive� aad the inunded dis�-ioution of thc fir�is.�c�produc � Ssbg.3 Ope�sioa re�cmenu for a yard waste com�o5t;ac�ty. ?�. Odors e�ir�.ed frQm the �ac.c�ty mt:sz noz ezc:�d tize �Zmiu spe�ncd ia pa.-�s 7QOS.O�QO to 70�S.Z400. B. Com�er.c3 ya:d waste oucrc3 for use mus: be grociuc:d by a proccss �at eacomnasses turamg of the yard wasze on a peric,�ic bas�s to acrdze the yard wastc, maintam te��e:atzaes, and reduc:: gathogcns. 'I'ae com�ostcd tirard waste must c�ntain no sbarp objeru greaLer than one inca m diameter. C- BY-�rodnc�, inciuc�ing residuaLs and reLyciabIcs, must be storc3 m a maaner that prcventz ve�or probicros and acsthctic dc�rada�on.. MatcriaLs that are not compcxstr.�musz be s��.ore�and remwcd at least wcr.3�y. D. Suria� watcr draina�e must be coatroIlui to prevent lcacbate runof Suriacr.water drainage must bc diverted from the comgost and storage arcas. E• T�e annual rc�ort rcquired under pa.*t 7dr5?585 must be submitsed w thc co**�,T►;«;oncr aad mvs mciude thc type and qua.nutv, by wcigat or vo�urac, of pard �v-as�e receive� at the con�ost facirity; the quantity, by wei�t ar whime, of com produc-3; the quantity, by wci�t or wiumc, of campc;st rc:nc�3 from the fa '. , 2nd a des�.iprion ai the c�d-product distriou�ion and di.��pcsai system. . �3iT I 11� ,1s H U� UI :!' (1 ^� n O N t/1 UI �.i N ft 7j � u f► Cf [L '.1.�� UI 1� H N t!) p ►�+ N A (: ;l l.� ;J U :1 '�O P� O N• :�' O '�' IC :►' N tD 4 �-' r �-' � O' N�c1 G� �t1 �: :fm �., ro +1 �ur� c: t.. �� Nmn � C ;cn� �Ani� i� H �., �p i,. �t n. I - ( .l i �� t� N �t �t (� :7 ►�t H rr .�s 1-� ' M ' '�' o �,. � t� :�' �� :��..-:�� rn :,� c� a' ro z a' a' a n ��• � a' ��r � r y cn 7 ro n� rn �� n� ��� � cn o � o � F �r ru •s ro --.a a' d n ft 1-'�l� 1-' /h 1-� U1 �I �[y N ft Q UI W N• N U! i'• O n� 1-� 1'h 1-' (-' 1U N �t n �'1 N � K � UI !-'� � N M '* o �,w i•. �p �ID (I N �:� :� � (D � .�7 iy YI� Ph (D 1 1+ f t 1 h UI 111 (l (D f t UI �1. ( (� ��. �r Ul rt .n �� ;j m N � �r � ro c� G +A �cl ro �A �n �c •�� �; �� �r �-� :�' n H rn �n o rt � � 4 � p a a ro rr ct rt (u �3 rr i�• a � � rr N O �� O i� O �-�• N a io O �A r�► W N ra'd Q 1-� � 1J• :� �"' 0 (� il� :7� � Q� �t i7� �i (1�� 1'►� �� hl� 1� n � N li� N n {L r+ �'' � ►7 p (p 'O r b l•+ (J fr r h O t p N ra 1 D G � (D P� (p N N �•U � �n ►'• O �i '1 7 rr p �Q (11 �1 b pl O ID ti► O i3 1p :) p 1�• U► (p M �-+ ;1 IA fP N O U1 � �♦ n :1 �1 IU � O �h fD (0 f+ H N N• cn �-� rt cn N u, i*� n� n. a � a � H�d rt N :� m r�► a -- �y �-� �� :� � a N• a f,• r+ -� o ,f (� tn rt :�' H O N N N W �t Ui � � �C i�.(D ►.,..• i�.•• ID N O CJ N rfi � :I fr (A N �3 rt O � �t tl � N 'Y 1p IJ G � n IA N rt W t0 � N F-�• ( A. �y a n� �y � O �t �r W iA �' • N �: ►�'• M �..�.' 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O W a rr O ro � �'• N C �t t'n� N � :1 (n t�• u► O � N G L i 0 E � (D <<1 t n 1 v t n O t n N '..y, u► F :y N ��•�A t 1 O �e N tr h � aowro �t � ~' u�iA��dau@i � t �� � �'' �'• �rrr ;� rrHrr �nooN �nrrtna :� :7 �1 � :+' M � n •J ')' (�. �1 tl tt G 1'• H• J� (0 f► (t ID 1'* •�•-• N. �. � '1 �i � � «�� n 1D r t r r ;J Si k n tn :Y 10 �' M t� N O (� � :r n, �� n. �- u� rt �� � a 7, rr E ►� �n . �. �n r•• :�' i�• A '�.rr a' a �t O p' .. �� M � i-• �o G 'd G c: �♦ .Y a' � �r m �r � tn � u► (� N O N ►'] O d W rt tn 1n �1� A lp (D N tr W +i n N• �p N :�� '1 (D N W N N M 1-' N �G � �" � � .,, ��� � M ~� N r� 1-� r t t i F••N h� rt � n N n N �A i ►i �i I y 1--� ��1 'C O �1 4 1 ft O 1 ^►'• N .e� �' 1 k1 N � i� N N• (U U) U N Z i a i s 1-� i�� ►i i�� UI ►,d � � f t N f t O t r :1 ;-+ 1'h r h ►`� R M (� :] (D U ` ►7� 0 n H p. :Y � � (p H�k O (D fl N '.3 H Gl ID ID H N :ti lU N 10 �C N•1� ID ,7' �L tA H N (A bd N () tD f1 1) rt ID F-�^ID r• W hd O ct p �Y I-• �i �Q �Y 1-� 1 In C C: 1-J t1• ln rt �' t�+ O N H � H ft ID ID �t tf1 N 1t O N Ii 1l1 ;7 y C :J� ft (D U '�� N N N N N h J F'• M N ID � 1'A H �� � 1�• � (-� ►'T� M � � N � H (D i� '�1'��..���r r.�7 (L �J 1J� f1 '� � .p UI 1�• N �i � '►i M � N a N O tl� O O n O ti► w ,P O 1� O �y :l 1n !� 1 �' ��q 1-+ O t� N !t w • 1'h F-�• N n !A O �+ H a, �t li� rh :] rt � N rr t� � th . (p ;�, :l f l t t I D I h � :� (P � w O (r � M � tfi H O ID rr 1�•�L1 \;i' t,s ��.� th �I� •• �:1 (p �1-� O F-� F-� rr �tl UI � �1 �^ � � '�. � N ►'• �''• '',� 1� :�' w N O N N ln tn �I tti cD r\ '�..i�.:�' p � fD w+f C� 1 b''J r* N (D �t � (D W N 7 f�' tt :i1 N .h ID C� r/..� N �t N (D N ID t h IA C: tn � � � tq O U' N :3' H Q IA (D U1 �� �J' O UI th iJ' P� 1-�• . IA fh O U1 ;7' IA N tf N U! n N ►b rt N• H� (p t1 n (D k M � �1 J ! r1� 1-� N taO ID (0 :� l�. w u► H .lO N O ct O cn u� F�• a' C � N U� ro :�' �i N � H .P O m rt N � 1D �q (n �► .h ra ri. N. O N W E (e • tn 10 O tn ft N lD uI H f�• • h �D a• tn rr �t rr 7 ro (r� rh p r .J' • cn �-� G �'. m :7 � rl • rr G p a �• u� o N :f w rr rt N N O :t' �7'-• O N ID C �t w IA O (n ��• (� rt p� h) tri ( '�N O� tn ��•►-+• � � � y rt N :1' -• a C: N E �t ► () N N � rt ' � G �: :l r, :�' N ��� cr � N - r� w � a� rt► �: rt M �• r� r�� n A• rt N �r rt z cr rr �i m U � �� m c n �n. ro •.� ft -�a � r. U � �' O ►,. �P 1-� �r l0 1••�' tr1 tn :J' :7' (0 w• �C ►-� :7' r ►-+ N O rt �O :t ro 1n a r� [n O �� P• � ►'� a N �:�� (A O fY (p J O M W �► th'�. \O \N: (� � ff Q 1♦ H�ff N N ra h �1 fD H �Q f� N N 'Z �t 1^' C+ U 1-� tt ,.'l N :] �t ;]' ID .P W J� 11► .t� ;i �t N P� :J' r 1� H N r h t A f) O N t A • .. :7 n W 1�• fl N !� N•�C UI �1. :1� (P Ia ..� �.+...... ... (D ..1 N• If UI ��'i (D W N• ft UI � a (�' � O n �i :3 '►-) :1'\t0 :1 f� ff (G (1 :y IA E :l f i' tA r' � C t�J 1�•O N �* f. r�� � << n � � � �u2; � a �� �cs om � N « oNroru --aa n• �uaor. .. �� o ..t' :t' 1D 10 Ui N ID N n ro o rr :i ;x•�•. U rb u� �t 1-� H• ;f tA in � � o � roA tt l�1 O u� O O C� in N :f �t O �-'. p 1D O �'•t�+ �r rt � W I1• 0 ct �' r t :�' ; a A :1 ;3' tr N O rl. rt h1� � rb rr .; p, O �p ►7 rh �i rr on U ^ O G �' G w 0 n tD tn 1� H. rt (� In • r� {u �* rr Z p' N A (n O� U!'d �r H � ^ N � rr �r M t1 �r () �r N cn :s' cn•-• w y �' 1n `� O m l�• [: rr �; u► ID N a' t D A. :G N• tn �u � a, tA t0 � 1-� :.�'\10 (D A N W• O O N 1 �1 t�• D� ;�• • fI �t Ib ►i • r� � C N �1 .. ��.� r. �•m �� cn �� 11► HJtI' NO r000ro � a . � o �, w • �o �► � �� � o N ►-� n O C. N rn 1� 1� rt � tn ;i' ►•• U I {�i :7' :�' O !T; rt � - t�• N H. rr A. • ft t+• r+ �. H r��C rt o � o �a•K :r�- �•g u� c� a � �y c o �n .P--a ►-� :r i a��t � �G G �� :r :r w O rA O E .• p • �� � 7 N rr �t �t �-- � ro � O u� N � O M :r �. N 1� • �1 � N fD £ a► . A. O tC � �r �h N J G rn C �t �-' (D (D :f W tt ;1 IA ;i n� 11 £ ►% ^ O ID 1-� Ip IA - fD ct rt � . �i U1 t� � �' M t�• fh IA rh t: rh rt tD .� th ID N fr N M �' � N �I �r N t� .� m �o y• .�' u� � N O n� N � 0 '+ � ' v � � � � .. 11� . �n ��� ro m ' , , y ''Z' ST�wm •-_-�:.�4t5 `� � • wfaATlOa. Ourin� tnc pertera�r+ce ot tnis Contr�c:, !�e ContraCto� ar�ll net untwtullr ;. �o•-otstit nc b�eiuse et �scc, cotar� cr:ed, reti9�on, sei. dttCriwin�Cs •a�inc: •nY e�wlo�ee er •poliunL tor �lo�c �csistsKe st�tut. TR� ConLr�C20� vill iace • n�tio�al oriQiR, di u Dilit7. •V�. 'r�iL�l scstus o� p�+d �ttirw�ti�s ac:ion� to ensure Lh�c �OOlitinls. •re e+�olo7'�a. s�+d Lh�t e+�Olo�ees •re Tresied eu�inq e�top„�nt, rithout unlartul discri�ination Decsuse of 'MersL s+=. Ctuel�•���to^•snalt'�il+cluos Z�+�not^D� eri4in, dis��ility. �v�. �+ritat s:itus or puetie •csist li�iled to cAe totloring: eaalo7�nt, uo9rsdinp, a�tion, or Lrsnste�; reCruiLae*+t o� �etrv�Lsen� - t�Yaft or ter�in�ciort• rs�es e} p�r or eLrer teras oi co�aensation; ane! selec:ion tor tr�inin�. �avertisie+C. ' os: in conspicuous places, w�itaDts te eaDtorees +n< �M��qnp aop�entitesRip. TI+e ConLr�ctor ■a�eas co � rovisior+s of Lltis noedistriainssion ctsuse. �ppliesnts for eeroloywer+L. noticrs rhich set torLr the p SAe Cor.:r�c=or vitl, in �tl salicit�'C ntsovilld�ecsive eansioerst�n to� esator.en�vi�trout re9are o Ca�srsc;or, s.ite Lt+at •ll aw liti�a �Po� w riLsl sLstus, or puOtic aszisssnc rsee creeB, colo�, reliyion. se:, n�tion�t oripin. disabitity. s:s:uc. ' ro 4unas received �sr+der :lsis Cantr�c: sA�lt be us�d �° P�°vide reli0ious or set:srian srsininC e serricrt. Tbe Coe+crsc:or shstC enept7 riCA �nY a00�i��bie ledersl or s:ste !�� �=4srdt^Q ^a^"dtscrisin�tian. �' totlo�ie+q liss inctudes, Dut is not �ei�i Le tieiL. �a.rs r1�icl+ �ur be �pplicsble: �bich roAiDi- � �. Tne Eavst Enrot ov.ent O000rccx+i tv 1►c' et 197'2, as a�ended. G2 !l.S.C. 32000e eL ser,. P discrimin�zion in eaptoy.erst Decause o! race. calo�, �sliIIion, ssratedMAerrie+` l�,oreferencr, and prohibi• t. ° :ecv'i�e O��er 1:2L6, ss �mer+aed. vhich is incn�?� ,}.ist'iminj��Dn 5y tl.S. Go�ernaent c�n:rsc:ars �nd suDco�trac:ors Detwsr of cscn, cato�, retiyion, sez : nacianat oriqin. Tne Renabilsca:ion �c' of 19T3, ss swer+ded, 29 ti.S. C. 57D1 e. sez. and 45 C.F. R. bG.3 C.) snC ( i�olemen:inq Se_. 504 of :�e J�c: wni�t+ proni5its disarimina:ioio�ac�Ls= Ru+t�f�ed handiesFper� persa�t in : secass :o ar par:icipatio++ in federsll7-{�+�ed serYicss or emp 7"� t131.3?, ++•".`� D. ;tie J�ae Discrimins'ion in =�ole�ent Acz of 1967, as �menaed, and Minn. S:a:. 9eneratly ?rolsihi: Ciscrieina:ion Decavse ot �9�- u.5.,,. ;2�6, rehic:� provides .SfaL •n emOtoyer nay ' The Lre,tat Pav Ac: of 1963, as �ees+Ce�� 524 - cisc^iaina:e art tt+e �asis o� ses � paYinq emalo7ets of differen: sexes di�4eren:t7 for LAe samt vart. Y.inn. S:a:. CZ. 363, as sarcnded, vt+ic:s generalf7 prahibits disa.•inin�tion Detsusr of raea. ea:_ , __f• reli5ion� na:ionat origin, sez, a�ari:al s:atus, s:s:us vi;h reqard ..o puCtit sssis:snct, disa�it � ��• or sge. �tinn. S:a:. ��E�.59 visiCy �ronibi:s discrimination sSsins: anr ?erson by ressan o� rsts, eree=. color. in any s:ate or �oli:ieal ss:hdivision con:rse: tor ma:erivio`,=So `�of L1�ese�:erJ=s 'asay D�' e=Lser :�i s sec:i on i s s mi saemeanor snd an7 s=tond or su�setsuer+t �orfei:ure of atl scas aue ursCer ::se Cant-=e:. rective�, aain:ainec Z_ p�Ta pYfYA�T. For purposes of ;s+is Can=raeZ,alt da:a eattec:ed, cres:ed, dissemina:ed thall be sdoinisLereC eoasis:en^Y t� �° na��nofe�ervor herea4ser sGopLed ssAyeit„asnFece :1aOttr t3 snd :t►e M�ru+esals Rutes imDiemeni� 4 vi�� :�ess statuLes •rsd rutes. Atl su5con;r- isvs on ea:a privaeq. Sre C�^='��-or vill s:rie:t7 e�mPt7 shatl con:ain L>e ssue or siailsr dats proe:ices c�matiae�ee reqs�iremersts. � ers, ' �e=��� ' R�CJftDS DtS^L'SZIY£/R�TEYT2Q�I. Cants'aC:or's boeuts, reeare's, ooet:menLs, 7 D �roeeeu�es snd �rse:iess, ae�C o:set eYidenees releYsnt to Lhis Canttac: are suojec: :o t�e exam�rsa: Lhe Cours=7 at+d ���t�er :lse Leqistative or S:sLe Audi.or, pursuar a;s�lsca;ion,, ::artsc'ipcion s�� sudi: � :re CamaLrolter :enerst e. xirsr.. S:s:. �16's.C6, su:�C. L. Scself evideneas srt atso subjee: :o rerie�,re used for se� yor'r ts�e' '�nited S:a:es, or 'a cwlY su::+o�i.ed represrntstive. if f rd=ral funds � ��n;rae:. ��+e Contrae:ar a9rees :o aaintain SL7G3 evider+crs for r period of tAres (3) 7��rs trom :�e services or paYmersL vere las: praviaed or msde oc longer if snr +u�i: ir pr�gress reC�i.-es s �_. rCen:ion perioC_ onsible for lhe hesl:r � ;�OQ=�2 REA��R SxF=;, �ya TYAIYIYG. ConLrac:or shall be solelr res;. -'�._sc:or szat: salr:7 0` i:s emalo7e=s in aonnec:ion vi:� :t+e �ort perjora�eC under :his Can:rsc:. ar.•angemen:s :o ensure :ze real:h and sa:of7s°atl`e*+sure'atlapersan++! of C�ncrst�ryand�suDta�:'ae:�r ==nnee:ion vi:n :�is Cae+:rae:. Contrae. r- ria:e :o :�e prooert7 :rsined and suoerviseC anC. vl�en apptica5le, autY liernsed es ter:i{ied •RD -P engayed in vnCer ;�is Can:rac:. C�nLrac:or st+at6 eomair vi;t� ct+e 'Oe=uascionai Safe:r ar+d xesl:z •e: - �, xinn. S;a:. S:L'2-65 et. se�_, vnert aDDli uOle. :ie '°moloree Righ: :o rno� a.: EXHI3IT 3