HomeMy WebLinkAbout9. Appeal to Variance Decision for Ralph Hanson - Pablic Ndatce - . APPEAL OF BOARD OF APPEALS `,: dt ADJUSTMENTS'VARIANCE DECISION FOR VARIANCE PETITION-HANSON PROPERTY. Rosemount Town Pages ��ga�a�ofF�������� AFFIDAVIT UF PUBLICATION Q���30�3��»����. Bssgrrl Arenru a�d T30tJft Sdxat Wut Kristin Franck,being duly sworn, on oath says that she is an authorized - ����� – _, ; agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The `• Rosemount Town Pages, and has full l�owledge of the facts which are 1'°w�M'T"'nY`'°Ncsu�v' . stated below: rio�rics�s�xssY crvsN,wa c,�,�cwaa�r� (A)The news has com hed with all of the uirements constitutin °t�'°`�°°`�°°°`"�1idda�°w"�`°`°°°�`'` PaPer P� recl � g ma��a m�.�,,,�9.��,�_��m u„ qualif'ication as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues ����f�csry x.v,z�s�as�n s�« Wa4 be8i�ing at 8:00 p.m..or as saon therasfter as 331A.02,331A.07 d ther,applicable laws,as amended. �a,�. on�y,Septem6ar 12,1995 the Pl� /�Q �le t� �a ' Commission,aeting as We Board of Appaals and � lL� p�n Y�f�. � �(' (� � � A�apmwts.held a publio he�o6 md Bamd�a vadmae� ;. . � . � mqoaled bY t6e praperty owosr fa�opeiq�mtuaied m tl�e wrwt side of 130th Way,half-way bcnreen Bwgai 1t�enue and 130[h Sueet West.kgally described a� ,�: which is attached, was cut from the columns Qf said newspaper, and was ' ���,��,,,,x���,b,��„ printed and published once each week for \ successive Qti�(�1/4 of 51V114)oP Sedion 16,T� �liS..RanBP t9.DaloonComryc�Mimesou.deam'6od w e s; it was f'�blished on Friday, the day of ..ra�.� c��u�.W��� , 1 and was thereafter printed�a"n� d published on �a s���Qa��csE��a�:u�o�n�m�o e�gr.y�..,F iday to and i cluding Friday, �L � y ��������g�p�� � )e�. � 19� �e �� da of lhereof a distanx of 733.10 feet;Wenoe noxth 00 o and rinted below is a co of the ��""�°�s'��""°°°°°"'''� , —�'�' ..; 1� PY ;ae�,oe ffiook.ax,u�a.�u:a��� lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby ���a���s�f 8���� acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition � ���`�`°`.,,�An��r�8��` and publication of the notice: ���°�°w'°"�°°�'"°�°'�''�''� `deg�x,52 mimas.a dumoe of 9a31&e6 u�eme naath 16 deg�ees 14 mnatea 42 seconds wat,taogent b asid cane,a dia400e of 51.81&e5��+�� � a�fP,�l�aP4��o�Ys t SJ degiees 36 mim�0es 40�eoonds weri a d'utame of . . � � � � � � '"" . ::.84A8 feet:tLeoce sooth.07 degoes il minnks 4Q� . . � B .����..t)/'�t1����"�1i�1�1� � � �e000da au a distaux of I05A3 6ee1:tfieoae�ooth ' � � y�--�� 26 degea 16�nuw 03 eeconds esu a diatmca of T'itle:Typesetter s�.s��u���o-s�a��ss�onu.�o � � aecmd�wt a distame of 109.65 6eet w the poim of� . ' Subscribed and sworn to before me on this �� day �� � �,. � 'Aie iffiad�eho L�g a..Lala ecrore Np soera ce Of��b'7� � 'AppaaL and Adjasmeou ou Taadsy:May 9.1995 and ! 19�• _�ru �ontinoed to �ereral meetinas beFore flwt ; :eTetamimtiam and deddon wn declared in tavor ot a i , ,�uLnae. I . . . . � :`�1Le paq+oie ot this 6eeing is to owrider a�Rriuon ot . . . Notary Public -���,�wa s�u���,ts�s a��r� � '�Bwed of AppaL a nd�umnens thac�vauanoes w �idmum aetbaet wd bt di�roiaohrea apnderds a i �� ,•IDA`J�` ow�hudiw aE a msie tm7�dettt]�e8 dwelliot as '�in Seaim 7.t of O�nmux B-CUY e�RouneanN ��� . '�..,; �wisLiag to oommeot ou Wis iswe ue imited to CONNIE E. FIFAREK :`r�ena.oaee�ra u we sn�.a..o�eon�i�.i�s NOTARY PUBLIC—MtNNESOTA 'pahlia Learing at 8:00 p.m.az u soon fs poaibie ��Oimeadec Fotmsl vrciaen oamm�b wiII aLo 6e aooap�ed MY COMMISSIQN EXPIRES 1-31-00 p�bt6¢mx�d�e,pkuefasw�cdalloammeyn�d Ihqdru W the Plamins DIviaion of tLe Commoni(y ''..;1�eloPmeotDepm�menG �babd�Lis 3rd dap.o[Oaa6er.i995. `' �: ; " ` h/ Smm M YYaLh.�y.Qedc �iry d Ra�emowt : �� z DalcolaCaonty.Mimewta �6 .�- ti . * - � arr wA�� � ` C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT Z8�5-T45thSt��tW�t ` P.O.Box 510 Rosemount.MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 5so6a-os�o Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:512-423-52o3 Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice `7ARIANCE PETITION APPEAL: HANSON PROPERTY (130th WaY) STATE OF MINIV�SOTA ) COUNTY OF DAgOTA ) ss CrrY oF Ros�ourrr ) Susan M. Wa1sh, being first duly swom, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the Ciry of Rosemount, Minnesota. On October 5, 1995 acting on behalf of the said Ciry, I posted at the Ciry Hall,2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United 5taxes Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice�of a Public Heari.ng for consideration of a request for an appeal of the Board of Appeals & Adjustments approval for variances to minimum setback and lot area standards on a metes and bounds lot of record located on 130th Way, enclosed in sealed _ envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United Staxes Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. Su M. Wal ity Clerk City of Rosemount � Dakota. County, Minnesota. � ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this �day of , 1995. , .. � �<��d--- DONNA L QU�NTUS �o Public NQi'ARY PUBItC—MINNESOTA � OAKOTA COUNTY MY Canm.E�ires Jan.31,2000 ����i�a � . . . . . . . � P Pn -c++n�mM 30� ;wst�p�wmrr mNerrals. ., CiTY HALL `` C l TY O F RO S E M O U N T �a75- �45th S��W�t _;� P.O.Box 510 �;:� Rosemount,MN g ROSeR70U►'lt�� 55a68-0510 Everything's Comin Up -;� ?hone:512•423-4411 Fax:612•423-5203 Public Notice AppEAL OF BOARD UF APp�S &�'NSTMENTS' VARIANCE DECISION FOR Vt1RIANCE PETITION-HANSON PROPERTY consistin o a roximately 0.36 acres located Concerning tt parcel of property g .f PP on the west side of 130th Way »udwaY ben''een Bengal Avenue and 134th Street West in the City of Rosernount, Dakota County, �nnesota TO WHOM IT 1'IAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN,the City Council of the Ciry of Rosemount will hold a public hearin�to consider the item listed below on'"__..�a.... n�r��er 17. 1995 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 28'75 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. On T'uesday, September 12, 199� the pl��g Commission, acting as the Boazd of Appeals and Adjustments.held a public hearing and granted a variance requested by the propert� owner for property situated on the west side of 130th Wa�•, half-way between Bengal Avenue and 130tti Street West, legally described as follows: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter(Svs`�4Cf��enc g at th south�est comer of 11�,Range 19,Dakota County,Minnesota,descnbed as follov said Southeast Quarter(SE'/d);thence north 90 de,rees East(assumed bearing)along the south line thereof a distance of 733.10 feet; thence north 00 degrees f�to�ebce of�0 f af���t al c�o the degrees 06 minutes 42 seconds west a distance of 256.92 �ence�westerly along said curve right,radius of 185.41 feet,and to the actual point of beginning; which is concave to the northeast central angle of 28 degrees 52 minutes,a distance of 94.31 feet,thence north 16 degrees 14 minutes�2 seconds west,tangent to said c�e�cdistan�ce0o�5�1�.ees 11�minutes 40� 87 de�rees�6 minutes 40 seconds west a distance of 84.48 feet, seconds east a distance of 10�.�3 fee�thence south 26 degr� a�.�uce of 109 6�feet to the point of 81.61 feet;thence north 61 de�rees �6 minutes 10 seconds beginning• 'The initial public hearing was held before the Board of Appeals and Adjustments on Tuesday, May 9', 1995 � and was continued to several mestings before final determination and deeision was declared in favor of a variance. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a Petition of Appeal to reverse the September 12, 199� decision . e Board of Appeals&Adjustments that granted variances to minimum setback and lot dimension/area of th standards to allow construct►on of a single family detached dwelling as required in Section 7.1 of Ordinance B-Ciry of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Persons wishing to comment on this issue are invited to attend and be heazd at the T���dav October 17. 5 ublic hearing at 8:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter. Formal written comments �vill also be �_P accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the Planning Division of � the CommunitY Development Department Dated this 3rd day of October, 1995. � + g an M. Wals rty Clerk ' ity of Rose unt ���,�«� ����� Dal:ota Co ty,Minnesota � .`�.��•,�.,,. 34-01610-015-85 34-01610-014-85 34-01610-012-85 RICHARD W WINKLER JOSEPH S& BARBARA H LAPE/OR JEFFREY A WILCZIEK/OR 7300 147TH ST W APT 403 CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT ST PAUL MN 55124-7580 12780 BACARDI AVE 12800 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 RQSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-01610-010-75 34-01610-010-70 34-01 b 10-010-60 ARTHUR MCMENOMY ALICE V GENZ/OR DONALD H&JOANNE A VAREY/OR 2204 DAYTON AVE CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT ST PAUL MN 55104-5705 2397 130TH ST W 12920 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 550b8 34-01610-140-59 34-01610-110-59 34-016 i 0-090-59 - BRUCE C &MARCENE PYLKAS/OR TIMOTHY W&PATRICIA BAKER/OR RICHARD& RUTH ANN BACK/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 12995 BENGAL AVE 12930 BENGAL AVE 12895 BENGAL AVE S ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-01610-070-59 -060-59 34-01610-050-59 -030-59 34-01610-040-59 DONAL E&DONNA F NELSON/OR RONALD R&JOAN A GOE?TSCH/OR EUGENE A&SHIRLEY BARTHEL/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2141 130TH ST W 2 T 13 130TH ST W 12962 BENGAL AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 550b8 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-01610-020-59 -020-55 34-01610-100-59 � 34-01610-019-55 PAUL&MARY K SCHMIDT/OR JOHN D &CAROL BECKMAN/OR WILUAM C JR&�MARY UNDELL/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 12965 BENGAL AVE 2090 130TH WAY 2261 130TH ST.W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-01610-120-59 34-01610-014-55 34-01610-012-55 EUGENE D &RUBY V QUINNELL �ONARD/KATHY PETERSON/OR TIMOTHY W& DAGMARJERW/OR 25873 DODD BLVD CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 12781 BACARDI AVE 12795 BENGAL AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3620 34-01610-130-59 34-01610-018-55 34-68300-010-01 DANIEL LOCKLER-BARBARA.KALDAHL RAY A& PHYLUS C BARTON/OR THOMAS&BARBARA MURPHY/OR /OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2175 128TH ST W 12865 BENGAL AV 2�8� �28TH ST W ROEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3618 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-68300-020-01 34-68300-030-01 -051-01 34-68300-010-02 ROBERT&JEANNE BOCHE/OR TIMOTHY W&DAGMAR JER1N/OR DANIEL J JR LOCKLER CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT BARBARA J KAIDAHL 12845 BENGAI AV 12795 BENGAL AV 2187 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3618 ROSEMOUM MN 55068-3620 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3620 34-68300-020-02 -030-02 34-68300-041-02 34-68300-050-02 RAY A&PHYWS C BARTON/OR GREGORY&DEBRA CYSIEWSKI/OR RALPH H&DEBORAH HANSON/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURREM OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT : 2175 128TH S7 W 2159 128TH ST W 2135 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 34-68300-071-02 34-68300-080-02 -090-02 34-68300-100-02 DONALD & DONNA BERG/OR GLENN L LARSON/OR GARY J & KIM M VWJE/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2119 128TH ST W 2075 128TH ST W 2025 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 ROSEMOUM MN 55068-3904 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3904 34-68300-110-02 34-68300-020-03 34-68300-030-03 WIWAM D &SUSAN STILLWELL/OR HOWARD R FOSTER/OR THOMAS T&HELEN MCDONALD/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 12785 BACARDI AV 2192 128TH ST W 2168 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3734 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 34-68300-040-03 3468300-061-03 34-68300-070-03 BRUCE W&DIANE GARBRECHT/OR DENNIS K&PAULEiTE ABBOIT/OR WM J &LEONA K KATZENMAIER/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2152 128TH ST W 2118 128TH ST W 2100 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 34-68300-080-03 34-68300-090-03 34-68300 100-03 DAVID&MARY KAY JOHNSTON/OR BRUCE NELSON/ N ALEXANDER JANEf MCNAMARA/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2086 128TH ST W 2076 128TH St W 2056 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3905 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3905 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-39�5 34-68300-110-03 34�i8300-120-03 34-84000-010-02 MICHAEL&SUZANNE MORTENSON OR CHRISTOPHER & KAREN GORDON ROBERT G& MARGAREf NAGEL/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT OR CURRENT OCCUPAN7 CURRENT OCCUPANT 2026 128TH ST W 12865 BACARDI AV 2400 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3905 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3732 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3944 34-84000-020-02 34-84000-030-02 34-84000-040-02 BRADLE`(D &SUSAN L WISHERD ROBERT&CAROL J SCHWIETERS OR RONALD B&CLARITA GONZALEZ OR OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT - 12890 BISCAYNE AV W 12820 BISCAYNE AV W 2416 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3936 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3936 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3944 ` 34-84000-050-02 34-84000-060-02 34-84000-070-02 ROBERT W SIME/OR PHILIP R&JANE7 L HOLMES/OR DAVID &C ROBIN SCHMITZ/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURREM OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT ', 2300 126TH ST W 2200 126TH ST W 15645 CORNELL TR ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3943 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3900 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-1556 34-84000-080-02 34-84000-020-00 34-32950-010-01 NORMAN H &JULIE A ZURFLUH/OR C�Ty OF ROSEMOUNT MICHAEL L&LISA M HINZMAN/OR GURRENT OCCUPRNT 2875 ���.���y CURRENT 4CCUPANT 2038 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 2305 130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3900 ROSEMDUNT MN 55068-3918 34-32950-020-01 34-02110-011-01 34-02110-011-29 DAVID J &DAWN D BOLL/OR SHADOW DEV INC JAMES A&DIANE M ERTL/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT ATfN:BART WINKLER,STE 406 CURRENT OCCUPANT 2345 130TH ST W 7300 147TH ST W 13217 BACARDI AV ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3918 Sf PAUL MN 55124 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3400 - 34-02110-013-29 CONNY R WENZEI/OR 34-02 1 1 0-01 0-25 CHRISTOPHER&KAREN GORDON OR CURREM OCCUPANT BETfY JANE NIEtAND CURRENT OCCUPANT 13075 BACARDI AV 7700 CAHILL RD.APT 106 12865 BACARDI AV ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3002 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55439-2752 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3732 34-01610-016-55 AUGUST R&MARJORIE HANSON 12790 BLANCA AV W P O BOX 66 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-0066 " Y � City of Rosemount , , �. " Executive Summary for Action ; Ci Council Meetin Date: October 17 1995 Agenda Item: Public Hearing: Appeal to Variance Agenda Section: Decision for Ra1ph Hanson Petition PUBLIC��ING Prepared By: Rick Pearson Agenda No: ` Assistant Planner �T E M # � Attachments: Letter of Appeal;PC Reviews&Minutes; Approved By: . Board of Appeals & Adjustments Findings; Public Notice;Mailin List. O�i September 12, 1995 the Planning Commission, acting as the�Board of Appeals and Adjustments, gra.nted variances to lot area.and front yard setback to Ralph Hanson for property owned by his father along the west side of 130th w�e few remaining vacant p els in the Rural n e a r t h e J a y S i m o n s A d d i t i o n. T h e p a r c e l i s o n e Residential (RR) District that is considered by the City to be a lot of record and is non- conforming with current RR dimensional standards. T he attac h e d le tte r i n d i c a t e s o b j e c t i o n s o f the decision by three adjacent property owners. - ' .3� The City has an established practice of considering variances for e�sting non-conforming parcels that 1) front on a public street; 2) meet minimum requirements for private or public utility services; and 3) where the lot or parcel meets minimum requirements for the division of property under ordinance regulations in effect at the time of the di'vision of property. 'I'he thus a decision was made determining that Hanson property meets these esta.blished criteria and, , the property in question is a buildable lot even though it is non-conforming with the current lot area or dimensions required by the (RR) district. � <,; The Petitioner was required to show how the property would support an on-site private septic system with an alternative location and a well meeting all separa.tion criteria. After a series of delays, this was accomplished to the satisfaction of the City's Bu�lding Official. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments was then able to gra.nt the variances bas`edFupon the attached findings as required in Section 15.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Recommended Action: A MOTION to uphold the decision by the'Board o£Appeals and Adjustments to grant a variance as requested far property owned 6y August Hanson and legally ic�.entified at Dakota County Recorder's Ofl'ice by PID #34-01610=016-55. :;. :� Council Action: , 10-17-95.001 ::�;, , , , HANSEN,McCANN & O�CONNOR,P.A. A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LA W DAKOTA CENTRAL OFFICES 14450 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA 55068 REID J.�1NSEN TELEPHONE:(612)423-1155 MICHAEL C.McCANN FAX:(612)4231157 RICHARD L.O'CONNOR September 21, 1995 Andrew Mack HA�1D D$LIVE�ED Rosemount Planning Department, City of Rosemount Rosemount City Hall 1367 145th Street East Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Re: Hanson Variance Petition Dear Mr. Mack: - I write as attorney for William and Mary Lindell (2261 West 130th Street, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068) , Eugene and Shirley Barthel (12962 Bengal Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068) , and John David and Carol L. Beckman (2090 130th Way, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068) , all of whom are adj oining land owners to the parcel for which the Planning Commission granted a variance. Please be advised by this letter that the above-referenced parties do hereby appeal the decision of the Rosemount Planning � Commission on September 12, 1995, which action granted several variances from the City of Rosemount's zoning and subdivision ordinances to Ralph Hanson. Very trul u s, FOR T FIRM �r Reid Hans n �x:nmi cc: Bill Lindell � September 12, 1995 Findings of Fact Ra.lph & August Hanson Variance Peti�ion 34-01610-016-55 (130th Way) The Board of Appea.Is and Adjustments and the City Council, upon appea.l, must find as follows in the granting of a variance fram this Ordinance: 1. Granting a variance will not adversely affect the public health, welfare and safety and will not be detrimenta.l or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood. The Petitioner provided technlcal information in support of thrs finding with the septic system design and alterrrative location that met all applicable criterla and standards Z. Strict interpreta.tion or enforcement would result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship inconsistent with the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The ordinance provides the mechanism for the development ofnon-conforming lots with the applicatlon of three criterra in Section 4.2 A Lot Provisions The - Comprehensive Guide Plan land use deslgnation for the proper�yis Rural Residential RR � 3. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumsta.nces or conditions applicable to the property, use or facilities that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. Most if not all of the lots that front 130th Way,Bengal A venue and 128th Street West are non-conforming with current standards for lot area and dimensions 4. Strict or literal interpretation would deprive the applicant of the use and enjoyment of his property in a manner similar to other owners in the same district. The developed properties fronting 130th Way, 128th Street and Bengal Avenue would need slrrular varrances for building permits if current standards were in effect at the time of construction. 5. Granting of the variance will not allow a use which is otherwise not a permitted use in the zoning district in question. The Intended principal use for the pro�nerty in question is residential which is conslstent wlth the Rural Residential Dlstrict, albeit non-conforming with area and dimensional standards .. � City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Board of Appeals &Adjustments-Date: September 12 1995 Agenda Item: Ralph Hanson Variance Perition: Public Hearing Agenda Section: Continued from August 8, 1995 Pt�LIc HEaRu1G Prepared By: Rick Pearson Agenda No.: Assistant Planner ITEM NO. 7A. Attachments: Revised Septic System Design; Correspondence. Approved By: �•� On August 8, 1995, the Planning Commission acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments again continued the public hearing for the variance requested by Ra1ph Hanson to construct a house on a non- conforming lot of record on 130th Way in the Rura1 Residential District. The continuance came at the request of the Petitioner for addirional time to provide evidence of a feasible septic system and alternative septic system location. Mr. Hanson has responded to previously identified concerns regarding the proposed lot development: 1. The proposed house has been reduced in size from 1568 sq. ft. to 1344 sq. ft. which resulted in additional space for septic system design. 2. The septic system has been redesigned with the benefit of additional space created by the house reduction to be consistent with a11 current septic system setback requirements. 3. The alternative septic system location is of sufficient size and meets all criteria previously mentioned. The original variance request involved three variances: 1)lot area; 2) side yard setback; and 3)front yard setback. The abovementioned modifications eliminate the need for the side yard setback variance. The variances required now include lot area of 15,870 square feet instead of 2.5 acres and a front yard setback variance of siY feet. The house, as shown, is 34 feet from the right-of-way at its closest paint instead of the required 40 feet. It appeazs that existing houses in the vicinity were constructed according to standards that pre-date the existing Rural Residential District requirements. The reduced front yazd setback is consistent with the established pattern created by the average front yard setbacks in the neighborhood. Planning Staff is now of the opinion that the variance request is supported by all findings required of Section 15.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Specifically, the on site septic system and alternative site support the finding that granting the variance will not adversely affect the public health, welfare and safety and will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood. Recommended Action: A MOTION to grant the variances for front yard setback(six feet) and lot . azea for the properry identified by PIN# 34-01610-016-55 owned by August Hanson conditioned on: 1) conformance with a11 applicable building and fire codes; 2)the house must not exceed 1344 sq. ft. per level or have in excess of three bedrooms; and 3)dedication of drainage, utility, and roadway easements for 130th Wa as shown on the attached surve . Planning Commission Action: 09-12-95.004 C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T Z875 C145tHSt eet West P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U ROSemOu►11'!! Rosemount>MN y g� g p 55068-0510 Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:61 Z-423-5203 TO: Board of Appeals and Adjustments FROM: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner DATE: May 5, 1995 SUBJ: May 9, 1995 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item 6(n 6(n. PUBLIC HEARING: RALPH HANSON VARiANCE PETITION (To Pe»nit Construction of a Single Family Home on 130th Way) PETITION Mr. Ra1ph Hanson is requesting a variance to construct a single family house on a lot owned by his father, August Hanson on 130th Way. The lot is about 15,870 sq. ft. in size and is non- conforming with the minnnum 2.5 acre lot size in the Rural Residential District. DISCUSSION The parcel is considered to be a lot of record that e�sted prior to the merger of the township with the village in 1972. Similar to the adjacent Jay Simons Addition, the lots are a.lmost urban in size but have private septic systems and wells. The non-conforming lots have typically been examined via the variance procedure to prove that they are indeed, buildable. The Zoning Ordinance allows for lots of record that are non-conforming with dimensional standards if: 1. The lot fronts a public street; and 2. The lot meets minimum requirements for private or public utility services. Since the lot in question fronts 130th Way, then the Petitioner is required to show how the lot can support private systems with a septic system layout, alternative site and a well. The variances needed to develop the lat are then discussed and attempts are made to reduce the scale of any variances wherever possible. VARIANCES The proposed house depended initially on three variances: l. Lot area - 15,870 sq. ft. vs. 2.5 acres amounts to a variance of 93,030 sq. ft: 2. Side yard setback - has been el'uninated on the south side of the lot by shifting the house "footprint" narth. 3. Front yard setback - 40 feet is required and the house is shown to be 35 feet from the right- of-way (ROR� at the closest point. Printed on recyded paper mMaining 30?'0 . � � . . � P°saconsumermateriais . � May 9, 1995 Board of Appeals & Adjustments Ralph Hanson Variance Petition Page Two FINDINGS The Board of Appeals and Adjustments and the City Council, upon appeal, must find as follows in the granting of a variance from this ordinance: 1. Granting a variance will not adversely affect the public health, wedfare and safety and will not be detrimental or anjurious to property or amprovements fn the neighborhood. 2. Strict interpretation or enforcement would result in a practical di,�culty or unnecessary hardship inconsistent with the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property, use or facilities that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. 4. Strict or literal interpretation would deprive the applicant of the use and enjoyment of his property in a manner similar to other owners in the same district. 5. Granting of the variance will not allow a use which is otherwise not a permitted use in the zoning district in question. The attached sketch of the lot includes the septic system layout, house foot print and the building setbacks. The variances have been minimized or eliminated wherever possible. The septic system was drawn by the builder and not a certified designer. While the design is in all likelihood a good one, Staff feels that it should be endorsed by a certified professional. Such proof will then provide for the first finding relative to proteeting public health, welfare and safety. The lot has some unique qualities and challenges. In addition to being small for Rural Residential, it is shallow at 109.65 feet at the longest side property line. Considering the front yard setback standard of 40 feet and the rear yard standard of 30 feet, the resulting building envelope is less than 39.65 feet wide because the lot narrows as it extends to the north. Mr. Hanson has chosen a narraw "tuck under" rambler to take advantage of the length of the lot and the frontage of almost 150 feet. The remainder of the lot does provide some opportunity to utilize the northern side yard for septic use. The public hearing notices resulted in several comments and questions by the recipients. The ability of the lot to support on-site septic systems was questions as well as the apparent ponding that occurs in the southeast corner. The Petitioner should be prepared to respond to these and other questions at the public hearing. CONCLUSION Planning Staff believes that the petitioner has presented information in support of findings 2-5. Endorsement of the septic system and the alternate site by a certified professional supported with soil boring data will be needed to support the first finding. RECONIlNENDATION MOTION to continue the public hearing until May 23, 1995 so that the Petitioner can provide evidence of a septic system design that meets applicable standards and is endorsed and approved by a professional, certified septic system designer. � ���� .. � ; City of Rosemount N°: VARIANCE PETITION � Date: 7 / ��.� , Appl icant: �G.� 1 :r�x� ro� Phone: y� °l —� � � �� Address: .� 3 f ' � .S� � �r� v �.-�.. -- �' ., . S`3-� �� STATUS OF APPLICANT: Owner �' Buyer Lessee OTHER: LOCATION: Lot , Block , Addition� �.� �+-�� %��-��A�'r '�4�� Street Address• Metes & Bounds•Description Attached: v Survey or Plot Plan Attached: v ' "` 1 � 9� .� �- id�- �.� l� ��- _����� r,� Vari ance Requested: So+�� s,�o � o�, a y��`�� �4--r►�-c��'.. Proposed Zoning: iP���, 1 kf��r���t ti�r�r � REASON FOR REQUEST: 1. �b � ��o w �R- ��t� �'�r"� ��t�►� � � �1r���� �� D� ldv`� s 5 � /' iY'ec� �•S ccC.r'Q. � ' �c.�. c c,, f:� . ` 2. L.A� .e r ! �A� � 3. � Signatu e of Applicant FOR ICE US ONL � Date: /1 � Application receoived by: — d Fee: 31�D — How Paid: '� Date: � Planning Commission Action: - � , �1�r►1i�'� l��'� �.:H4;,�� . C � �;I�� I�I • .. � ��I.I'"N:���'�� � l�t yi I��I.� ��. - �� i � ''I I � i�i q�:i � � I' ��� �'I.�;.'.. „ I t li �{������) .i ;:�I!I • � ., I i ,lili 4 ':�„iuidtl„�� � �"'��� '��' � �— ... ,, �ir ����N� ;!��a I� � .■► . , � r�'��,,;, ,�, : � r ■ � ,� � �� � � � �r � � ,'++�flril � i�,,r' 'iii iI�' � I't;j�i ��'���i r� ;��I� . � �� �- � ,i � � r l�� r �.�� , � �i � � ■ ` � ���'�''' , �� ,� f' ; � �`'`'`v, �' � la,i i ' �� ; ■ � � ' � , '; ■ � II ''' I,I'ii' �J � ,,;�, �,, ��. . � � � �. ; S� � ��� ���� ,, , �� ■ � �',!;; �':!IiI C� �� 1 1'!� ■ /� :� ,� ` ►.� � . � � - . . �� � � '� �1�� �� � � �� �1 ' —_ =—...� ��,� �, ,�,,, ' r i • ..�'' / ���r ��'' I�ili�lili�l��I��''ll �..� I���II I� , � � � , ' ' �7j � t�I ,I';. �' ��� � � �i.M,..�j I,': ... � _ �'� I�!r.� �� I- :I {:�'n �'�'� I ����v � � � I�,il���� � � I:��'����;: � � I � I� � i i, , � ii S - • : i rlll\ i,I ' ' �'������ � I� �� ���. �������� �i � i��,��i ���i i�l:��,�wir � '' '"! 1�; "'�����_��!•� ;��� ' � � ,�.. _ ,� � . . � ,, ri ; ���� �•��. .0 .;,•,�� � �� �61'��!�il� -- , `�i� � .-� ���11����� �.--�J,�/ ` 1>>■ - ,`. � �� �1��� .'�������� �\� � ���ra !!jr �..' �!ii ' ��+, � =2l:�:��.��;r►�._�. � � ,��...•- � � . � � - - _ __�.._-- �� — �,,;� I ' 'i, �!� '' :,,� �� � �i�, I '.'�' �' � � � �. _ ����,r---' ', ��..�"...' �'i, ,','� �I �:I, , i � I�u � ''iliir �IiI,�,�i i � ,li� �I , _,� I ;II'J'� i � �� i.i,iq� � { .,i�llll �F � ��_�. �, �I�������^ ` I � ( ~ � � ,t � � I I I' � •� ' � i,�'i� � � ( � r�, � '�i:'ii�� '� .� r.-;;.•,,•��,fi �����,�,, �� ��� i ,,� I . 1 �����;�` �`� i - � � �I►Vi'i����� ��■ � IIl � �,�° � — — — — J ; �� ' — _. ... ._ � � r .��, ,;�,� ;:p ��� � i�I�, � �r. �. �Ili� �!.�' I :,,,I�� �1 ` � ,+.�• ' .._-� ' �\J�' . � , � ' `\ . - J f � j .... — _ � I � � � ,, `` .... � � y � -t.�•. 11 � , / � � � � 1 �� ��ii,,-980 � �� ��ii �^ = � = _���� ` � � -.��� � / 1 \�� \ � '�/ % � � � 1 ) / � � ' .— ' ^` \ ` V � ..� _ �-. �� � ,i�� � � �'� �/ ^ � � � �� �� ,�/�r' � � �' � /� \ � �^-v�� , ��. f" `_ ;� �- � /� , / / � �l �l i� '. � \ 'f � st �' �'`-�� �1i / / �/�� � � � � � , , J r r--� , ` ---- _ ---� -, '� �� � i wE / � � / g 8 0 � 1' ,,... -- -�--+�--�; � �. �� �. � // �, . .. - � /^ `� �/ - � � / ; \ 1� � r,r.{-�'' ; � � )/� / -' � �� '� �� J� < < . 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' �p �" �� . �n 6i '' ,G � •• \ / ,�o �, d,, �6 b�Sv .�-z+"`;' � 9C' � .' � :> > � - � tis c�� � \ . d� . �s� � , 't Qfo�sed 1 �. �� �,1'�1 �ItOUS^V �1'rOr� I 5��� P�� ��; -SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION- I hereby certify that this survey, pian or 11� • Mr, �R1C. �1�/�tSON ```o��un�uumnnun�,;' :� � `NNES ���. report was prepared by me or under my ;��`��• •:-;<-, direct supervision and that I am a duly �y��,,,�� M N ;',�;:�wAYNE D.''s�:'� Registered Land Surveyor under the 1 aws of og �� i . . o n ' : CORDCS � = the State of Minnesota. , 2 ; � - `E -14675 ' � `,� `z�, _fQ� _Date: � ; �u�'���� '4y�SUR`���o� Wayne . Cordes, Minn. Reg. No. 14675 ' ���' � nn,�n�m�Mmm�m '-,�h�� . � - - � . �� -� N 9tl'UO�UtI'�E -133.ib - - ---- - ------_ � _ _._. ._.. . r p _... . _ . _ i i - --i So��. LT..c,, n't" SE.Yy o� Sl..)��a� o�f� Sre�la.... (�a� , lwr IIS/�� . � IX'SG��n� I'� erl fl/t'd � � � v"`:"„ °�.e/L,J�Gs.,� C.� �� , � ' �,s,8�9 �g.�, ,��d� � N�,� flma C.t�ss �a:! �s�;� �9-.5^—qS� Co„,�,. su�.�-r Y�LIae tH,os3 �iy.r�F, : � � BOHN WELL DRILLING CO., INC. 16550 Baseline Avenue Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 612-445-4809 • Fax 445-1439 Sept. 5, 1995 Ralph Hanson Const. 2135 128th. St. W. Rosemount, Mn. 55068 To whom it may concern; I reviewed the redesign of the drainfield layout that you faxed me, and everything looks good to me. Since ely, , �,'����h-'� ���e�' -��i Gary M. Bohn Bohn Well Drilling Ca. Inc. Ah f j CITY HALL C I TY O F R�S E M O U N T z8�5—,45ih st�eet West P.O.Box 510 Rosemount,MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!? 55o6s-o5�o Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice VARIANCE PETITION APPEAL: HANSON PROPERTY (130th Way) STATE OF MIN1�T�SOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CrrY oF Ros�ovrrr ) Susan M. Wa1sh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United 5tates citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the Ciry of Rosemount, Minnesota.. On October 5, 1995 acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the Ciry Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice�of a Public I3earing for consideration of a request for an appeal of the ; Board of Appeals & Adjustments approval for variances to minunum setback and lot area standards on a metes and bounds lot of record located on 130th Way, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with posta.ge thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so � addressed. Su M. Wal ity Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota , � Subscribed and sworn to before me this�day of , 1995. , <<�__-__--- . NOTARY UBLICQMilNNESOTA ,�� Pt1bI1C DAKOTA COUNTY � MY Comrt�.Fxpires Jan.31.II000 ��Printed on recycled P� containiiw 30m nost�consumer materiaL<. . �, ` �=h C1TY OF ROSEMOU NT �8�5°TMthAeetW�t ;� P.O.Box 510 Rosemount,MN : :�� Everything's Coming Up Rosemounr!! ssoes-os�o `��� ?hone:612-4Z3•4411 Fax:612-423-5203 Public Notice APPEAL OF BOARD OF APPEALS &ADNSTMENTS' VARIANCE DECISION FOR V�IRIANCE PETITION-AANSON PROPERTY Concerning a parcel of property consisting of approximately D:36 acres located on the west side of 130th Way midway beiween Bengal Avenue ttnd 134th Streer West in the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERi�t: NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN,the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing to consider the item listed below on Tuesday. October 17, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 3:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. On Tuesday, September 12, 1995 the Planning Commission, acting as the Boazd of Appeals and Adjustments, held a public hearing and�ranted a variance requested by the property owner for property situated on the west side of 130th Way, half-way between Bengal Avenue and UOtti Street West, legally described as follows: - That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter(SE`/4 of SW'/4)of 5ection 16,To�r�nship 11�,Range 19,Dakota County,Minnesota,described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of said Southeast Quarter(SE'/4);thence north 90 degrees East(assumed bearin�)along the south line ; thereof a distance of 733.10 feet; thence north 00 de�ees East a distance of�L�6 feet;thence north 45 degrees 06 minutes 42 seconds west a distance of 256.92 feet to the beginning of a tangential curve to the righ�radius of 185.41 feet,and to the actual point of beginning; thence northwesterly along said curve which is concave to the northeast central angle of 28 deg�-ees 52 minutes,a distance of 94.31 feet,thence north 16 degrees 14 minutes 42 seconds west,tangent to said curve,a distance of 51.81 feet;thence south � 87 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds west a distance of 84.48 feet;thence south 07 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds east a distance of 10�.�3 feet: thence south 26 degrees 16 minutes 03 seconds east a distance of . 81.61 feet;thence north 61 degrees�6 minutes 10 seconds east a distance of 109.6� feet to the point of beginning. The inirial public hearing was heid before the Boazd of Appeals and Adjustments on Tuesday, May 9, 1995 and was continued to several meetings before final determination and decision was declared in favor of a variance. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a Petition of Appeal to reverse the September 12, 1995 decision of the Board of Appeals&Adjustments that g�ranted variances to minimum setback and lot dimension/azea standazds to allow construction of a single family detached dwelling as required in Section 7.1 of Ordinance B-Ciry of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Persons wishing to comment on this issue are invited to attend and be heard at the Tuesday. October 17, 99 public hearing at 8:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter. Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting daxe. Please forwazd all comments and inquiries to the Planning Division of - the Community Development DepaRment. . Dated this 3rd day of October, 1995. � S an M. Wals ity Clerk ' rty of Rose unt . . �. Prinrea on rccrckd aaPcr Dal:ota Co ty, Minnesota ��^�•�^•�� ,�,�.��,�„�,��,,. ' -. 34-01610-014-85 34-01610-012-85 34-01610-015-85 JOSEPH S&BARBARA H IAPE/OR JEFFREY A WILCZIEK/OR RICHARD W W�NKLER CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 7300 147TH ST W APT 403 �2780 BACARDI AVE 12800 BACARDI AVE ST PAUL MN 55124-7580 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-01610-010-70 34-01610-010-60 34-01610-010-75 ALICE V GENZ/OR DONALD H &JOANNE A VAREY/OR ARTHUR MCMENOMY CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2204 DAYTON AVE 2397 130TH ST W 12920 BISCAYNE AVE ST PAUL MN 55104-5705 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-01610-110-59 34-01610-090-59 34-01610-140-59 �MOTHY W&PATRICIA BAKER/OR RICHARD &RUTH ANN BACK/OR BRUCE C &MARCENE PYLKAS/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 12g30 BENGAL AVE 12895 BENGAL AVE S 12995 BENGAL AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-01610-070-59 -060-59 34-01610-050-59 -030-59 34-01610-040-59 DONAL E&DONNA F NELSON/OR CURRENT OCC�UPANTGO��H/OR C RRENT OCCUPqN BARTHEL/O CURRENT OCCUPANT 2113 130TH ST W 12962 BENGAL AVE W 2141 130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 _ 34-01610-100-59 34-01610-019-55 34-01610-020-59 -020-55 �OHN D &CAROL BECKMAN/OR WILLIAM C JR&�MARY LINDELL/OR PAUL&MARY K SCHMIDT/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2090 130TH WAY 2261 130TH ST.W 12965 BENGAL AVE RpSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-01610-014-55 34-01610-012-55 34-01610-120-59 LEONARD/KATHY PETERSON/OR TIMOTHY W&DAGMARJERIN/OR EUGENE D&RUBY V QUINNELL CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 25873 DODD BLVD 12781 BACARDI AVE 12795 BENGAL AVE W Lq{(EVILLE MN 55044 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3620 34-01610-130-59 34-01610-018-55 34-68300-010-01 DANIEL LOCKLER-BARBARA KALDAHI. RqY A&PHYLUS C BARTON/OR THOMAS&BARBARA MURPHY/OR /OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2175 128TH ST W 12865 BENGAL AV 2�g7 12gTH ST W ROEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3618 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-68300-030-01 -051-01 34-68300-010-02 34-68300-020-01 �MOTHY W&DAGMAR JERIN/OR DANIEL J JR LOCKLER ROBERT&JEANNE BOCHE I�R CURRENT OCCUPAN7 BARBARA J KALDAHL CURRENT OCCUPANT 12795 BENGAL AV 2187 128TH ST W 12845 BENGAL AV RpSEMOUNT MN 55068-3620 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3620 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3618 34-68300-041-02 34-68300-050-02 34-68300-020-02 -030-02 GREGORY&DEBRA CYSIEWSKI/OR RALPH H &DEBORAH HANSON/OR RAY A&PHYLLIS C BARTON/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2159 128TH ST W 2135 128TH ST W 2175 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 34-68300-080-02 -090-02 34-68300-100-02 34-68300-071-02 GLENN L IARSON/OR GARY J&KIM M VINJE/OR DONALD &DONNA BERG/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2075 128TH ST W 2025 12$TH ST W 2119 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3904 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3904 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 .-._. 34-68300-110-02 34-68300-020-03 34-68300-030-03 WIWAM D&SUSAN STILLWELL/OR HOWARD R FOSTER/OR THOMAS T&HELEN MCDONALD/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 12785 BACARDI AV 2192 128TH ST W 2168 12$TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3734 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 ROSEMOUNT MN 550b8-3922 34-68300-040-03 34-68300-061-03 34�8300-070-03 BRUCE W&DIANE GARBRECHT/OR DENNIS K& PAULEITE ABBOIT/OR WM J & LEONA K KATZENMAIER/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2152 128TH ST W 2118 128TH ST W 2100 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 34-68300-080-03 34-68300-090-03 34-68300-100-03 DAVID& MARY KAY JOHNSTON/OR BRUCE NELSON/ N ALEXANDER JANET MCNAMARA/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2086 128TH ST W 2076 128TH ST W 2056 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3905 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3905 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3905 34-68300-110-03 34-68300-120-03 34-84000-010-02 MtCHAEL&SUZANNE MORTENSON OR CHRISTOPHER& KAREN GORDON ROBERT G & MARGARET NAGEL/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2026 128TH ST W 12865 BACARDI AV 2400 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3905 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3732 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3944 34-84000-020-02 34-84000-030-02 34-84000-040-02 BRADLEY D&SUSAN L WISHERD ROBERT&CAROL J SCHWIETERS OR RONALD B&CLARITA GONZALEZ OR OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 12890 BISCAYNE AV W 12820 BISCAYNE AV W 2416 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3936 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3936 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3944 34-84000-050-02 34-840�0-060-02 34-84000-070-02 ROBERT W SIME/OR PHILIP R&JANET L HOLMES/OR DAVID &C ROBIN SCHMITZ/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT 2300 126TH ST W 2200 126TH ST W 15�i45 CORNELL TR ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3943 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3900 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-1556 34-84000-080-02 34-84000-020-00 34-32950-010-01 NORMAN H &JUIIE A ZURFLUH/OR CIN OF ROSEMOUNT MICHAEL L& USA M HINZMAN/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT 2875 ����w CURRENT OCCUPANT 2038 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 2305 130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3900 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3918 34-32950-020-01 34-02110-011-01 34-02110-011-29 DAVID J &DAWN D BOLL/OR SHADOW DEV tNC JAMES A& DIANE M ERTL/OR CURRENT OCCUPANT ATTN: BART WINKLER,STE 406 CURRENT OCCUPANT 2345 130TH ST W 730Q 147TH ST W 13217$ACARDI AV ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3918 ST PAUL MN 55124 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3400 34-02110-013-29 CHRISTOPHER&KAREN GORDON OR CONNY R WENZEL/OR 34-02110-010-25 CURRENT OCCUPANT CURRENT OCCUPANT BETTY JANE NIELAND 12865 BACARDI AV 13075 BACARDI AV 7700 CAHILL RD,APT 106 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3732 ��MOUNT MN 55068-3002 MINNEAPOIIS MN 55439-2752 34-01610-016-55 AUGUST R& MARJORIE HANSON 12790 BLANCA AV W P O BOX 66 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-0066