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West Ridge 5th Addition Street & Utility Improvements Assessment Hearing, City Project #242 and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements Assessment Hearing, City Project #248 CC�NA�eetWest Za�5�oSgoX 510 RoSem°u 05 ON 0��� 55�6a' � . 0��� PhOne'61Z�23 5203 � . � 0� Rose�'Ounti i Fax:6�z' � �.,� ,5 �omin9 Up ,`,CE E�erythin9 ED HEARING N� ND p�s� R�NG �N PR�vEMEN?S ,,� �F N1A�S��ENT N&V'C11.�'�Y 1M AFF�DpV FpR p`S�,ON STFtEEG #242 1DGE 5?H ADDC��Y PROJE WEST R 1 OF M�NNE O�A �SS� STA�N,�Y pF D��VN� 1 Ses a�d says' o{ Rosem°���' C�TY OF R�SE U,y s�o�n� deP° C1erk �f the C�ty first d au y q�aiifiied Ha��� h� be�n9 e � at the C�t un;ted �San M, W a,s a�d �'h 1 P°s�'ed d in the ofi .ted tes en Sa�d City� osite not�ce e g U�1 Sta Cit�2 ha�{ o{ the 29� �g95 a e a.ttache o� ���b a�d �n a ota� � a,��es � 5� a�t�n9 °o�Septert'ot.a� coP�es �� th stc��tw� t services� M �g 9 a�a ,�n e s n t s �or co� a nd vvate Addit�o� tember 2 9� et West, ount� M assess�`e Wate�n'ai n t R�d9e 5 t h �e,oPe s, �� SeP th Stre Rosec'� osed ����es� e We� �eci e� hed �5 �45 pi���e °fi the Pr°P �eC se n {or th ed �� sea the a�'a� 28 Post a�d�n9 �ta�y Se torat�o �ios listed °n State� hearin9 �e9 san d �es #242� e� ons Ub, et S��ac�n9street tights anPCo�ect to the pe�s and p ��e�' st in� s�de`Na\Koveme�ts� a d�a�d�es ames la�e °� R'a�1ir9: 9 Cm dra CeP their n �he P Sto Ut�e�t� e eo� f���y p d �ith St�eet &ta9 sses�iste �es Mai1 betW ee� �ith P°at the addce v�ited Sta t�st�n95 service by he�e is de1�o addressed- 1sh T ,a�es s �sa�` M' the p Ci� o{RoSeR'�u Niinnes°ta p�a ota C°�nty� September, �gg� � ,�.�'L�►' day °f re �e th�s �� • � a�d sWorn t� bef� CtNOpU��aMNQ$0 p Nota�y vb�ic S�bs��ibed t t�►opPKp'f P���.�20a°. : My Gomm.ExPi � • ___. ....� _.:�:. � � Cl"t`< <{plL -- " 2875-145�hSaeecWest • � x �� p.p.Box 5�� . n /{O U Rosemaunc.MN C ROS�,,,► 55o6a•a510 �� Phone:612-423-44U Ct O` R�SempUptll Fax:612-423•5203 "�� E�erythin9�s �Orr'ing up T TY �F RpSEM 1N�ESpTA C1 M pAKpTA C�UNTY. TS AS IMpR�VEMENTS SESgN1EN FtING �N UTiLITY NpTiGE �F HEA STR�ET $` Ap�p No,ECT N�_ 242 oR WES-� RIDGE 5TH C� , F TO� that th e C►tY iven ou�t� the Cifi/ �{ Notice is herebY 9 of Ros�he C�.ry Ha11 �� ount� C�ty osem D PLACE Co��cil of thWill meet �n Street West�19g5 at $:0� - TIME ANL NATURE �F M�nneSOta� 2875 145th pctober, conside� GENERA TS; Ro$emo��t' the 17th daY °as poss�b�e, tOentS for . �MPRpVEMEN Min�esota�s Soo� theteaftoposed aste emsurfa�in9� p,m., �r a the P d 9utter� S vices, to and Water ser �'� ob�ections of �Urb a� terma��s a�d Cestoration for �onstru�tion vices,Wa & UtilitY Sanita�Y SeWer Se�valk� street I�gh gtreet eredbY side e 5th pdditio� drain� �d9 242�heretofore ord stor►�' R Proj��t# W est C�� the �eme�ts, therCity Coun�il. oil is o� file to pub�ic assessr�1ent r he Proposed ity Clerk and °pen NT qpLL ,Nith the C ASSESSM1NSpECTiON: inspeCtion. consists Said assess N S� to be ed be�efited bY �PE roposed of land e and is as The area P 1e�e °r has been ordered asd ots 1 _ 11, 1ot, P eve Y described glo�k 3' REA PR�P�SE p: �f ro�eme�ts� area 9e�era11y2� �Ots �. ' �4ToW�sh►P TO BE pSSESSE fopo`Ns: a��that� _ 20, BIoGk $e�tion 31 � on , Lots With�� M;nnesOta� as Bto�k 1� Addition� ount� ecorder, VVestRid9e 5�9, C�� °{ R°Sem CountY R 15� Ran9e the off�ce of the 1 of record in file ana Co��ty, MiMesota� pak°t � � ' � d to be asseSsed unt propose The to�.a1 am° AM�UNT �S S2C6,6g4' . OF P�PpSED• ob�e�tions W�il be or oral aY apPeal the RA� won dered at the hearin9• �R p be assessed makota COu�ty, rt 8'► by wRJE T pNs� oWner of Pr°he a�trict �O s Se t°n 429 Clerk of �B F pPPEA�: assess�1ent Minnesota Statu�on the aaop or of the HT O t to eal up tion RtG purs�an of the app er the u� notice daYs aft district co servin9 on the MaY C�erk• with�n 3� �h notice with t e or or the SS ent and filin9 serv+ce up mo o f asse daYs after as to the a unt With�n ten be taken Councii un�ess a rnaY the C�� ertY o`Nner aPpeasm adopted b the affected pren hearin9 �r No ent TION �N anY ass ob�ection sig�ed or,to the ass t th hearin9• h�e UM1TA �vritte� Clerk P o.ff�cer a APPEA�' isfiled with oh�he presid��ments nOt received at by t o the assess �e manner preScribed prese�ted t t � are wa�ved� ob�eCtions hearin9 in 42g.06 e�thearing �S assessment tes� Section ssessm esota Statu ob�ect at the a Mt�� failure to se• unless taeeasonabie �au d�e to City ►�nay� o{ Minne 435.195�the to ts for Under the PrO��sio 435.193 ears me�t o� assessmen gections the Pay erson 65 Y T pF Statutes� � P oPertY o`Nned by a P a hardSh�p tO pEFERN1EN at its dis�retion, Wo��d be etected n°t ASSESSMENTS. anY for the homestea Whom ►t CitY has wever� �rsuant tO th�se o{ age °r °�der aYn'ents• H° ro�e�ure p make th�ish anY deferment p to estab Sections- assessed be Specifica��Yece �f ou�t to ��on phe a���hed The am our particular pECIFIC AM�uN� To a aa�elt�f tand is Sh°W S SSESSEp: p e Treasurer BE A Exh�bit A• entto th the entire assessm �Sto rtifiedCountY Yo�may prepa;tt e assessment ro�� th� the C►tY u�t after certification pREP AYMENT� CountY Aud'tor� 2 Auditor, prepayments of the entire amount remaining due may be made to the County Auditor at any time prior to November 15 in the year this assessment is adopted. NO PARTIAL: The City Council has not authorized the partial prepayment of assessments prior to certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor. PREPAYMENT WITHOUT No interest shall be charged if the entire tNTEREST, OR WITH assessment is paid within 30 days from INTEREST TO END OF the adoption of the assessment roll. At YEAR: any time prior to November 15 of any year following the year the assessment is certified, the owner may prepay to the City Treasurer the whole assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which the prepayment is made. INTEREST RATE: If the assessment is not prepaid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment roll, interest will accrue on the assessment at the rate of 7.4534%. Interest accrues from the date to be specified in the resolution levying the assessment, but not earlier than the date of such resolution. Assessments shall be payable in equal . annual installments extending over a period of up to 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1995, collectible with such taxes during the year 1996. Dated this 19th day of September, 1995. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. S an M alsh City rk City of Rosemount Dakota County, MN 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXH�B�T "A" ASSESSMENT ROLL/MAILING LIST PROJECT NAME : West Ridge 5th Addition Street& Utility Improvements PROJECT NO. : 242 ASSESSMENT NEARING DATE : October 17, 1995 ASSESSMENT DUE BEFORE : November 16, 1995 ASSESSMENT TERM iYEAR) : Ten (10) PARCEI.NO MAILIN(i TOTAL CC PLAT NO LOT BLOCK LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ASSESSMENTS 34 83704 010 01 Construction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 020 01 Broback Homes, Inc. 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 66068 $5,927 34 83704 030 01 Rowley Stephen& Linda 15445 Darling Path Rosemount MN 56068 S5,927 � K 34 83704 040 01 Conetruction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 �. 34 83704 050 01 Janaszak Donald F 15437 Derling Path Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 Carlson Sandra J 34 83704 060 01 Broback Timothy T& 4195 157th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 ' Patricia 34 83704 070 O1 Wilson James D& 15429 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 Diane M 34 83704 080 01 Construction Woodview 3480 Up 749th St W Rosemount MN 55088 $5,927 34 83704 090 . 01 Mussell Shannon L& 15421 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 Michael 34 83704 100 01 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Roaemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 110 01 Bullock Gary F&Judy 15413 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 Ann 34 83704 01Q 02 M Chae 15454 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 Kim Hyo Soon 34 83704 020 02 Broback Homes 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 030 02 Johneon Sasha A 15446 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 040 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 050 02 Timm Matthew P& 15438 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 Jamie L CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXHIBIT "A" ASSESSMENT ROLL/MAILING LIST � PROJECT NAME : West Ridge 51h Add'rtion Street& Utility Improv�nents PROJECT NO. : 242 . ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE : October 77, 1995 ASSESSMENT DUE BEFORE : November 16, 1995 . ASSESSMENT TERM (YEAR) : Ten (10) PARCEI NO MAILING TOTAI CC PLAT NO LOT BLOCK LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ASSESSMENTS 34 83704 060 02 Fieher Connie S Lauer 15434 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 070 02 Fairfax Construction 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 080 02 Development Co RosemouM 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 $6,927 34 83704 090 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 34 83704 100 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 34 83704 110 02 Broback Homes 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 120 02 Crouse Curtis R& Karen 4173 156th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 M 34 83704 130 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 140 02 Brobacic Homes 3480 Up 149th St W RosemouM MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 150 02 Maloney charles H& 4191 156th St W Roaemount MN 55068 $5,927 Cathleen ' 34 83704 160 02 Fairfax Construction 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 170 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN . 65068 55,927 34 83704 180 02 Lauer Joel J & Kali A 4221 156th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 H3704 190 02 Construction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 200 02 Development Co Rosemaunt 348q Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 34 83704 O10 03 Haneon Terri L& 4242 156th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 Thomas D 34 83704 020 03 Construction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 030 03 Development Co Rosemount 3480Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 � 34 83704 040 03 Broback Nomes 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 . a CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXHIBIT "A" ASSESSMENT ROLL/MAILING LIST �' PROJECT NAME : West Ridge 5th Add'rtion Street& Utility Improvements PROJECT NO. : 242 , ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE : Oc�ober 17, 7995 ASSESSMENT DUE BEFORE : November 16, 1995 ASSESSMENT TERM (YEAR) : Ten 110) PARCEL NO MAILING TOTAL CC PLAT NO LOT BLOCK LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ASSESSMENTS 34 83704 050 03 Construction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 O60 03 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 070 03 Heule Matthew J & 4186 156th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 Valerie 34 83704 080 03 Henderson Louis V&Tessie 15615 Danville Ave Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 M 34 83704 090 03 Bachelani Mohamed A& 15619 Danville Ave Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 Yasmin M 34 83704 100 03 Broback Homes 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 65068 $5,927 34 83704 110 03 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 749th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 120 03 Johnson Scptt B& Lisa A 15631 Danville Ave Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 130 03 Kioch Lars 15635 Danville Ave Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 740 03 Broback HomQe 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 U'[Y Hp��tWesc Z875_1458 X 510 NT P.o. N O� Rosemount,10 S�p n 55p68-OS ' � � RO `v� mOuntll P Faxe•6 2'4235�03 _ �,"C`� O u Rose az3- Z thin9�s �Orr"ng p pT10E E�erv }� ��:. RING HEA M EN --� p pN� p�STpRING'�N � PR�VEM TS �F NIA��E S�ENT HE &UT11.�TY AFF��AV1T FOR ASSET ON STREE#248 SHANN ON p�N� 3RD A CD Y pRO3ECT 1 TE �F M1N1`�K�'f A �SS� C�NTY RpS MpUNT � es and $ays• Rosem°Unt' CI'f Y �F St SW orn� deP°S Cle�k °f the City °f d��y w aish� bein9 f�r d the d��y Q�a�ified at the C�� Ha��� Susan M� Citizen an � posted the Unitea united States f o{ the Said City� aeposited �n �otice °f 5 ed � a�nesota. �tin9 �� beha tember 29� �gg o.� the a�a�h o f �urb and M 29� �9g5� a and o� Sep esota� �°P`es �onstr��tion ter ser�ices� be� ond n SePtem gtreet westsemou�t' Md assesSmentWate�r'nain asha�non p Sea ed �$�5 �45th R° e fiO#Zqh.8� en��OSed m �ce °� rop°s Services�tion pfE' the P States P°S�� re9ardin9 SanitarY Ses ana resto�P�o,e�t the persons ►isted °� public hear 9 S�rfia��n9� t ��9ht ts� ��� dcessed t� �� et S�deWalk� stree ro�en'en a�d� ad mes. d stce 9to m d�ain� et & Utilie t ereo� fue�s`Ste with the�r �a e p1ace of ma;1in9 a� Add�tion Stre oSta9 address elopes, �`►ith n9s at the es Mail betWeen th the a�a�hea ��st e by U��ted Stat Servic There �S des�o add�essed� sh the p�a�es S an M w Cler C��! of R°u�u Minnes°ta pakota C° September� �gg5� . ��`� day °� ' fore me th�s �� ��� ribed a�d sW�`n tO be iNOY�RM���� NotarY �btic SubsC 4 p?ARY��U C�VI� • pAK���aan•s�,2a°°• wh►c°'�"' • �°.� ' CITY HALL C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T Z875—,45th Street West P.O.Box 510 ' EVef thin s Comin U ROSe17�0U►1t1! Rosemount,MN � ,�� , � � � Y 9� �9' P � � � � � ��o6a-os a o Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR SHANNON POND 3RD ADDITION STREET & UTiLITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 248 TO: ' TIME AND PLACE Notice is hereby given that the City GENERAL NATURE OF Council of the City of Rosemount, � IMPROVEMENTS: Minnesota, will meet in the City Hall in. the City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, on the 17th day of October, 1995 at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider objections to the proposed assessments for construction of curb and gutter, street surfacing, sanitary sewer services, watermain and water services, storm drain, sidewalk, street lights and restoration for the Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project#248, h8retofore ordered by the City CounciL ASSESSMENT ROLL The proposed assessment roll is on file OPEN TO INSPECTION: with the City Clerk and open to public inspection. AREA PROPOSED The area proposed to be assessed consists TO BE ASSESSED: of every lot, piece or parcel ofi land benefited by said improvements, which has been ordered made and is as follows: alt that area generally described as Lots 1 - 4, Block 1; Lots 1 - 8, B1ock 2; Lots 1 - 6, Block 3; Shannon Pond 3rd Addition, City of Rosemount, Minnesota within Section 31,Township 115, Range 19, as on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota. � � "'Y �b��:�- TOTAL AMOUNT The total amount proposed to be assessed OF PROPOSED: is 5148,369. _ WRITTEN OR ORAL � Written or oral objections will be OBJECTIONS: considered at the hearing. RIGHT OF APPEAL: An owner of property to be assessed may appeal the assessment to the district court of Dakota County pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such rtotice with the district court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. LIMITATION ON No appeal may be taken as to the amount of APPEAL: any assessment adopted by the City Council unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. All objections to the assessments not received at the assessment hearing in the manner prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061 are waived, unless the failure to object at the assessment hearing is due to a reasonable cause. DEFERMENT OF Under the provisions of Minnesota ASSESSMENTS: Statutes, Sections 435.193 to 435.195, the City may, at its discretion, defer the payment of assessments for � any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. However, the City has elected not to establish any deferment procedure pursuant to those � Sections. SPECIFIC AMOUNT TO The amount to be specifically assessed BE ASSESSED: against your particular lot, piece of parcel of land is shown on the attached Exhibit A. PREPAYMENT: You may prepay the entire assessment to the Treasurer of the City until the assessment roll is certified to the County Auditor; after certification to the County 2 � Auditor, prepayments of the entire amount remaining due may be made to the County Auditor at any time prior to November 15 in the year this assessment is adopted. NO PARTIAL: The City Council has not authorized the partial prepayment of assessments prior to certification of the assessment or the first instatlment thereof to the County Auditor. PREPAYMENT WITHOUT No interest shall be charged if the entire INTEREST, OR WITH assessment is paid within 30 days from INTEREST TO END OF the adoption of the assessment rolt. At YEAR: . any time prior to November 15 of any year following the year the assessment is certified, the owner may prepay to the City Treasurer the whole assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which the prepayment is matle. INTEREST RATE: If the assessment is not prepaid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment roll, interest will accrue on the assessment at the rate of 7.4534%. Interest accrues from the date to be specified in the resolution levying the assessment, but not earlier than the date of such resolution. Assessments shall be payabfe in equal annual installments extending over a period of up to 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1995, collectible with such taxes during the year 1996. Dated this 19th day of September, 1995. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. u an M. Wa h City Clerk City of R semount Dakota County, MN 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXHIBIT "A" ASSESSMENT ROLL/MAILING LIST ' PROJECT NAME : Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street& UUlity Improv�nents PROJECT NO. : 248 ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE : October 17. 1995 ASSESSMENT DUE BEFORE : Novembeir 16, 1995 ASSESSMENT TERM (YEAR) : Ten (70) PARCEL NO MAIUNG TOTAL CC PLAT NO LOT BLOCK LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADORESS CITY STATE ZIP ASSESSMENTS 34 67652 O10 01 Rautio Glen R& Carol 15732 Cryetal Ct Rosemount MN 65068 58,243 : A 34 67652 020 01 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 65378 S8,243 34 67662 030 O1 Hempton DevelopmeM 12433 Princeton Ave S Savege MN 55378 $8,243 34 67652 040 01 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 S8,243 34 67652 010 02 Nampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 88,243 34 67652 020 02 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 34 67652 030 02 Hampton Development t2433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 S8,243 34 67652 040 02 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 S8,243 34 87652 050 02 Hampton Development t2433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 34 67652 O60 02 Hampton DevelopmeM 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 34 67652 070 02 Hurt Stephen W& 15606 Danvilie Ave Rosemount MN 55068 58,243 Debora A 34 67652 080 02 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN . 55378 S8,243 34 67652 010 03 Hampton Oevelopment 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 58,243 34 67652 020 03 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 S8,243 34 67652 030 03 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 58,243 34 67652 040 03 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 S8,243 34 67652 050 03 Hampton DevelopmeM 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 S8,243 34 67652 O60 03 Hampton De�elopment 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 S8,243 . �_.f-�- 2- � 2-- Rosemount Town Pages � AFFIDA�IT OF PUBLICATI4N Kristin Franck,being duly sworn, on oath says ti�at she is an authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has full knowledge of the facts wluch are stated below: - (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualif'icaxion as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues 331A.42,331A.07 and other applicable laws,as amended. (B)The printed which is attached, was cut from the columns of said newspaper,and was � printed and published once each week for successive w ks; 't was fi st ublished on Friday, the day of �19��and was thereafter printed ublished on - v r Frid y, to and ' c ding Friday, the c��—day of , 19��; and printed below is a copy of tbe � low r case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition , and publication of the nodce: ,�xt'sy;,��,�n �. $y:�����v���\ ��' Tifle:Typesetxer Subscrib an s sworn to before me on this �9�' day of � 19 � Notary Public AFFIDAVTT DEANNE K. ELBERT NOTANY PUgLIC--MINNESOTA �; MY:pMMi$51bN EXPIRES t•3�-00 . ..�/ �- . . � . . . . . . � . . . . , � : � - . • � � A CITY OF ROSEMOUNT OAKOTA COUNTY.MINNESOTA � . . NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS � FOR WEST RID(iE 5TH ADOITION STREET&U77LITY IMPNOVEIYIENTS . : C1TY PROJECT NO.1A2 : . . �.._� .. . ;; . ,.. ....' ' � . ' :::'4.. � ,. � � . . . � I.� . � .. � . . :. :. .e, . ' ::;t=.' ' TO VYHOM IT MAY GONCERN: . - b�* - �, - _. , .._ _ = _., - _- - •° � ` TIME AND PLACE Notice is hereby given that the Gty ,-GENERAL NATURE OF - Gouncil of the Chy of Rosemount, . _.. _. , _. . �,.�, ,,, � � � � , . : INIPROVEMENTS: , � Minnesota. will meet io the City Hall in the C'ity of , ' � , _ ' ; RosemouM. 2875 145th Street West. Rosemount, - ' ,_ � � ' ' Minnesnta,on ffie 17th day of October,1995 at 8:00 . ,�, . p.m., or as soon thereaftbr as possible, to consider � _ ...;: , '.. :' '. - . _ . , . . .. .- . , . _ ` � objections to ths proposed assessments for . . _ consuuction of curb and gutter, street surfacing, , _ � :,� ' sanitary sewer services,watetmain and weter services. ' r: -' � � stwm drain,sidewaik,street lights and restoraoon for : .�' _ tde West Ridga. 5th Addidon Street & Utility ` .�<r� � _�.. � ' . , Improvements.City Projecti�242.heretafore oadered by - _ � .the City Council. - _ , , .. , ,,,. ;r ' -:, _ _ . :' .-;ASSESSME1Vl'ROLL ,;; . -The proposed assessment roll is on flle - OPEN TO INSPECTION: with the City Clerk and open to pubiic inspec8on: . AREA PROPOSED ` The area proposed to be assessed consists TO BE ASSESSED: of every tot,piece or parcei of land benefited by said :improvements,which has been ordered mad�a�d is as follows:alt that area generally described as Lots 1-11; , � Biock 1: Lots 1 -20, Biock 2: lots 1 - 14,Block 3: - West Ritlge 5th Addition,within Sectiort 3t,Township 116.Range 19.City of Rosemount,Minnesota,as on L fNe and of record irr ffie bffice of the County Recorder, ! - - - Dakota County.Minnesota. � _,. . • , , I _ : TOTAL AMOUNT The mtal amount proposed ta be assessed ' , . ; ; - ..;, . " =: ,c.,; ,. .``OF PROPOSED: is l266,694. r . ' `,�� . n�; ' WRITTEN QR OAAI . Written or orai objections wi{i be � "'OBJECTIONS: ' considered at the hearmg. s:R{GHT OF APPEAL: An owner of property to be assessed may appeal ttie { .. _ '' - ,;; ,• ;, .. ,, assessment to the disirict court of Dakota County � __ . . ,.,� � � t- �. . ' . � pursuant to Minnesota Stawtes. Section 429.081 by ° �� j 'asrving notice of tfia appesl upai the Mayor or Clerk of � ` ; . -. ' -. . ' ' : ." . the City within 30 days afUaz ffie adoption of the � __ - , - ' � .assessrnent and tiling such notice with the district court -. � . _ .;r, . within ten days after service.upon tfie Mayor or Cierk. , �:. ,�, , .:- _, • �r : :t-tiMRAT10N ON ,•�_ '.' ,No appeal may be taken as to the amount of ` r � � ,.., > AJ'PEAL: :any assessment adopted by the City CouMcii unless a : `-. ,: : `, written objection signadby the affected proparty ownev ' - t - �'ia filed with the Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or . ; : , _ ' 4.. • . . , -- ` 'prasented to the presiding offiaec at tha hearing. Ali .. s,.objections to:the assessments not received at the _ _ _ . �.:. .. r, . ., ., -. ,_ ;.. -. "assessment hearing in the manner ptescribed by ` ; _ - ` , _ '' ' ; . Minnesota Statutes. Section 429.061 are waived, _ -. • , ' . ,unless the fa0ure to object at the assessmeM hearing is .+ - s due to a�easonable c�use: - _ _ . , ' . -�, �.;DEFERMEM OF ....-v�>��; Under the proyisions of Minnesota , '- ._ . _. --. � '` ASSESSMENTS: � Statutes.Sections 435.193 to 435.195,the City may, ' ` at its discretion,defer the payment of assessments fur - - .='.>i` ¢anyhomestead property owned by a person 65 years ' ��'ot age or oider for whom ii would be a haMship ta � � - s �,,�., ; make the payments. However,the City has elected not � - t s_.•< • . -_; ,. -: .. . . ��. ' _ .. , ... .::: to estab{ish any deferment procedure.pursuant to those �� _.:, � . . . ; Sectio�s. . _ , , , .,-.,:. - - . . �,;, �._ .: -. _ . i. . ._ , rv , ,- _ _ . � .✓ Dated this 19th day of September. T995. ' - . " ' -- ` � ` � _ .' ' ; �.BY OROER OF THE C�COUNCiI. ,. ,� � _ �_,� � �,._ ,. - ., - _ . . :: :. � - /s/ Susan M.Walsh City Clsrk � City of RosemouM • _ ' , Dakota Cou�ty.Minnesota T j 1 . . . �"`�. . . . � Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBI,ICATION Kristin Franck, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is an authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newsPaper, known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has fuil i�owledge of the facts which are stated below: (A)The newspaPe�'has complied with all of the requirements consfltuting q°��cation as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues 331A.02,331A.07 and other app• b e la,ws,as amended. B)The printed which is attached, was cut from me col�of said news printed and published once each week for � p�r� �d was we ks; ' was fi�st ublished on Friday, �e successive 9� and was thereafter �a� day of ever Fri a p��d���shed on y, to and including Friday, the , 19� day of low r case alphabet from A to Z both inc nsivewwh ch is he eb e �owledged as being the Size and kind of type use������sition and publication of the nocice: � �rgm,��„� By' �_���_�___�`.'�A�l.. Titie:'Type �.� � Subscr' ed d sworn to before me on this�_da 19 y Notary Public AFFIDAVIT DEANNE K. ELBERT �, NOTARV PUBUG-MINNESOTA _.... MY COMMISSION EXPIRES t-3t•pp . • ...•. _ � . � `, �. . .f � . . . . � . � . 'E!7'Y OF ROSEMOUNT OAKOTA COUMTY.MINNESOTA NOTiCE OF HEARING 1DN ASSESSMENTS '�OR SHq�yNON POND 3RQ AD017'ION S'fREET& � CITY PROJECT NO.ZqgUTILITY IMPROVEMENTS ' , . _ �WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: , . ; :,,, . _ � TIME AND PLACE _ , GENERAI NATUI2E OF. NO�ce is herebY 9wen ffiat the Ctry � .: ,, . ��. ,�. , �MPROVEME(YTg; F Council of the C'ity of Rosemount � , � , �''§ ' Minnesota, wiU meet in the CitY Hail in the Ci � - 'Roaemount, 2875 145t1i Street We�, p � •_` ' _ . - - - ., . ._ ., • , - , Minhesota,on the t�th day of October. 79 5 at ;pp p.m., or as soon thereaher as � . ' cb)ections ta �e Possible, to consider � construction Proposed assessments fo� of curb and � ' - � aanitarysewerservices.wa 9utter, street surtacing, �, ., , . . stomn drain,sidewalk,streette ghts a d restora on for . Improvements,C�nPro'rd Addition Street & Utility � , tde Ci � 1�#2�,�eretoforeorderedby _ - ry CounciL ASSESSIIIIEN'r ROU, The proposed assessment roll is on file � OPEN TO INSPEC770N: , � ' w�the City Clerk and open to Public tnspection. t � �: I - �R�FROPOSED The area Proposed to ba assessed consists TO BE ASSESSEp: � . of every lot,pieoe o►parcel of land benefited b - improvements.which has been ordered_ Y�id : . � ' fopows:alY�at area generallY described asdLo��j�4 Block 1: Lots 1 -8. Biock 2; Lots 1 . g, Block 3; Shannon Pond 3rd Addition, City ot RosemaunL _ Minnesota within Section 31,Tow�ship 115.Range 19, `as on file and of record in Ure office of the Cou�ry r Recorder,pakota County.Minnesota. I ' TOTAL AMOUNT �. � OF PROPpSED• me��i amount proposed to be assessed . _ -__..:" . � - ;. � -. • � � is 0148.369. � " , ,. ; , VyRITTEN OR ORAL � �� 06,►,ECTIONS: W�e�or oral objections vin'll be consideted at the hearing. , RIGHT pp qp ; � PEAL: An owner of prop ` � � , �, � . . �Y m be assessed may aPPeal the '� essessment to tha dtstrict court of Dakota County ff � Rursuarat to Min�esota Statutes. Sec' _ ��og notice of ffie a tiO^429.081 by PPea!upon the Ilqayor or Clerk of '�• `' . the City withim 30 days after the adopdon of the - � � � ` �; >_ -assessmerttandfilin �� � .,, , • vWthtn tert da s 9 such notice wkh the distrlcYcourt � . � Y sher seroice upon the Mayor or Clerk. ' UMITAT►ON ON � APPEAL: � � aPPeal maY be taken as m a^N�sessment ad �e amount ot - � � ` written oh. QFted by the City Councii unless a �; : {: lection signedby the affected ro e . . ' . !s fited with the CIeHc Prior tp the asse P P rcy owner �- presented to the presidi� �enthearingor - j: � objections to the a 9 officer ati the hearin9• All � '� � - t S� �`"� ,_assessment� �ssments�not received�at the� �. - -�` Minna hearin ,manner Prescribed by � � S�tutes. Sectlon 429.061 are waived, f:. ' ` ,' '1{`due to a reasonable cauese�the assessment hearing is - : DEFERMfNT OF • - • ASSESSMEIVTg; . V���e provistons of Mln�esota . S�tutes.Sections 435.793 to 435.i95,the City ma at its discrevon,defer the lsaYment ot asse Y' � any homestesd prcPerty ovmed b . ssments for - . ,�- af age or o►der for whom iY wou)d be a�6�years � 1'. � • -�nake the Payments. However,ffie C �rdship � � i _ .�osstablish an y d e f e r m e n t procedure�has elect e d n o t � - , 3ectfons. P rsuant to those . .: � . - Dated this igth � -: �~ �Y of Sep�ber, 1995. ` : BY ORDER OF 7'HE C1TY � I .. COUNCIL. F . , � , . /n/ .: : ; Susan M.Walsh ChY Clark _ C�tV of Rosemount Dakota CowN.Minnesota • � , � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 17, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon AGENDA SECTI()N: Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, Public Hearing Assessment Hearing, City Project #'s 242 & 248 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO��EM � City Engineer/Public Works Director � ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions, Assessment Rolls, Map, APPROVED BY: Spreadsheet At the September 19, 1995 meeting, the City Council declared cost and called for the public hearing for West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #`s 242 & 248. The total project cost was 5266,694 for the West Ridge 5th Addition and $148,369 for the Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. The total cost is assessable to the West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. This cost is distributed over 45 lots in the West Ridge 5th Addition which amounts to 55,927 per lot and 18 lots in the Shannon Pond 3rd Addition which amounts to 58,293 per lot. The Feasibility Report estimate was 5355,000 for the West Ridge 5th Addition and 5213,000-for the Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. The owner and cost to each lot has been provided with this Executive Summary packet. SEH was the engineering firm used for this project. If required, Staff will provide a brief overview of the project and answer any questions that you or the public rnay have regarding this item. _ Staff recommends that the Council adopt the Assessment Roll as presented. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL, WEST RIDGE 5TH ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #242. MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL, SHANNON POND 3RD ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #248. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOWTION 1995 - A RESOWTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL WEST RIDGE 5TH ADDITION STREET & UTILlTY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #242 WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given as required by law, the City Council has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for West Ridge 5th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #242, and has amended such proposed assessment as it deems just. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: (1) Such proposed assessment, in the amount of 5266,694.00, a copy of which is in Clerk's File 1995-24 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement. (21 Such assessments shall be as follows: a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1995, collectible with such taxes during the year 1996. b. To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of 7.4534% per annum on the entire principal amount of the assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31 of the year in which such installment is payable. To each subsequent installment, when due there shall be added interest for one year at said rate on the unpaid principal amount of the assessment. c. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior to the certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and such property owner may at any time prior to November 15 of any year pay to the County Auditor the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which said payment is made. > Resolution 1995- (3) The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate copy of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the tax list of the County. ADOPTED this 17th day of October, 1995. ,� E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Votedagainst: 2 CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Z8�5-`;TMthAeetWest P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U Rosemount!! Rosemo�nt,Mrv Y g� 9 P 55068-0510 Phone:612•4Z3-4411 Fax:612•423-5203 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR WEST RIDGE 5TH ADDITION STREET & UTILITY 1MPROVEMENTS ClTY PROJECT NO. 242 TO: , T1ME AND PLACE Notice is hereby given that the City GENERAL NATURE OF Council of the City of Rosemount, IMPROVEMENTS: Minnesota, will meet in the City Hall in the City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, on the 17th day of October, 1995 at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider objections to the proposed assessments for construction of curb and gutter, street surfacing, sanitary sewer services, watermain and water services, storm drain, sidewalk, street lights and restoration for the West Ridge 5th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project#242, heretofore ordered by the City Council. ASSESSMENT ROLL The proposed assessment rolT is on file OPEN TO INSPECTION: with the City Clerk and open to public inspection. AREA PROPOSED The area proposed to be assessed consists TO BE ASSESSED: of every lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by said improvements, which has been ordered rnade and is as follows: all that area generally described as Lots 1 - 11, Block 1; Lots 1 - 20, Block 2; Lots 1 - 14, Block 3; West Ridge 5th Addition, within Section 31, Township 115, Range 19, City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota. � . ��Pnnred on recK'led PaPer . containin¢30w oost<nnsumer matrnai�. TOTAL AMOUNT The total amount proposed to be assessed OF PROPOSED: is $266,694. WRITTEN OR ORAL Written or oral objections will be OBJECTIONS: considered at the hearing. RIGHT OF APPEAL: An owner of property to be assessed may appeal the assessment to the district court of Dakota County pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clsrk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. LIMITATION ON No appeal may be taken as to the amount of APPEAL: any assessment adopted by the City Council unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. All objections to the assessments not received at the assessment hearing in the manner prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061 are waived, unless the failure to object at the assessment hearing is due to a reasonable cause. DEFERMENT OF Under the provisions of Minnesota ASSESSMENTS: Statutes,�Sections 435.193 to 435.195, the City may, at its discretion, defer the payment af assessments for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. However, the Cityhas elected not to establish any deferment procedure pursuant to those Sections. SPECIFIC AMOUNT TO The amount to be specifically assessed BE ASSESSED: against your particular lot, piece of parcel of land is shown on the attached Exhibit A. PREPAYMENT: You may prepay the entire assessment to the Treasurer � of the City until the assessment roll is certified to the County Auditor; after certification to the County 2 Auditor, prepayments of the entire amount remaining due may be made to the County Auditor at any time prior to November 15 in the year this assessment is adopted. NO PARTIAL: The City Council has not authorized the partial prepayment of assessments prior to certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor. PREPAYMENT WITHOUT No interest shall be charged if the entire WTEREST, OR WITH assessment is paid within 30 days from INTEREST TO END OF the adoption of the assessment roll. At YEAR: any time prior to November 15 of any year following . the year the assessment is certified, the owner may prepay to the City Treasurer the whole assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which the prepayment is made. � INTEREST RATE: If the assessment is not prepaid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment roll, interest will accrue on the assessment at the rate of 7.4534%. Interest accrues from the date to be specified in the resolution levying the assessment, but not earlier than the date of such resolution. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of up to 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1995, collectible with such taxes during the year 1996. Dated this 19th day of September, 1995. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. S an M alsh City rk City of Rosemount Dakota County, MN 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXHIBIT "A" ASSESSMENT ROLL/MAILING LIST � PROJECT NAME : West Ridge 51h Addition Street& Utiliiy Impmvements PROJECT NO. : 242 ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE : Octc�ber 17, 1995 ASSESSMENT DUE BEFORE : November 16, 1995 ASSESSMENT TERM tYEARI : Ten 110) PARCEL NO MAILING TOTAL CC PIAT NO LOT BLOCK LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ASSESSMENTS 34 83704 010 01 Construction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosamount MN 65068 55,927 34 83704 020 01 Broback Homse, Inc. 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 34 83704 030 Ot Rowley Stephen& Linda 15445 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 $6,927 K 34 83704 040 O1 Conetruction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 . 34 83704 050 01 Janaszak Donald F 15437 Darling Path Rosemount MN 65068 $5,927 Carlson Sandra J 34 83704 O60 01 Broback Timothy T& 4795 167th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 Patricia 34 83704 070 O1 Wilson James D & 16429 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 Diane M 34 83704 080 01 Construction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 65068 55,927 34 83704 090 01 MueseU Shannon L& 15421 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 Michael 34 837Q4 100 01 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 34 83704 110 01 Bullock Gary F&Judy 15413 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 Ann 34 83704 010 02 In Chae 15454 DarlingPath Rosemount MN 55068 56,927 Kim Hyo Soon 34 83704 020 02 Broback Homes 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 65068 85,927 34 83704 030 02 Johneon Sasha A 15446 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 34 83704 040 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 050 02 Timm Matthew P& 15438 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 56,927 Jamie L CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXHIBIT "A" ASSESSMENT ROLL/MAILING LIST � PROJECT NAME : West Ridge 51h AddGon Street& Utility Improvements PROJECT NO. : 242 ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE : October 7 7, 1995 ASSESSMENT DUE BEFORE : November 16, 1995 ASSESSMENT TERM lYEAR1 : Ten 1101 PARCEL NO MAILING TOTAL CC PLAT NO LOT BLOCK LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 21P AS5ESSMENTS 34 83704 O60 02 Fisher Connie S Lauer 15434 Darling Path Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 34 83704 070 02 Falrfax Construction 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 65068 56,927 34 83704 080 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Roaemount MN 55068 $5,927 34 83704 090 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 56,927 34 83704 100 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 110 02 Broback Homes 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 120 02 Crouse Curtis R & Karen 4173 156th St W Rosemount MN 55068 85,927 M 34 83704 130 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th Sr W Rosemount MN 55068 35,927 34 83704 140 02 Broback Homes 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 150 02 Maloney charles H& 4191 156th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 Cathlean 34 83704 160 02 Fairfax Construction 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 36,927 34 83704 170 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 180 02 Lauer Joel J & Kali A 4221 156th St W Rosemount MN 65068 55,927 34 83704 190 02 Construction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 200 02 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 010 03 Haneon Terri L& 4242 156th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 Thomas D 34 83704 020 03 Construction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 030 03 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 34 83704 040 03 Broback Homes 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXHIBIT "A" ASSESSMENT ROLL/MAILING LIST • PROJECT NAME : West R"idge 5fh Adc6tion Street& Utii'rty Improvements PROJECT NO. � �'2 ' ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE : Oc�ubet 17. 1995 ASSESSMENT DUE BEFORE : November 16, 1995 ASSESSMENT TERM iYEAR) : Ten 1101 PARCEL NO MAILING TOTAL CC PLAT NO LOT BLOCK LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ASSESSMENTS 34 83704 050 03 Construction Woodview 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 65068 55,927 34 83704 O60 03 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 070 03 Heule Matthew J & 4186 156th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S6,927 Valerie 34 83704 080 03 Henderson Louis V&Tessie 15615 Danville Ave Rosemount MN 55068 35,927 M 34 83704 090 03 Bachelani Mohamed A & 15619 Danville Ave Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 Yasmin M 34 83704 100 03 Broback Homes 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 110 03 Development Co Rosemount 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 55,927 34 83704 120 03 Joh�son Scott B& lisa A 15631 Danville Ave Rosemount MN 55068 S5,927 34 83704 130 03 Kloch Lars 15635 Danville Ave Rosemount MN 550&8 $fi,927 34 83704 140 03 Broback Homes 3480 Up 149th St W Rosemount MN 55068 $5,927 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1995 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL SHANNON POND 3RD ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #248 WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given as required by law, the City Councif has met, heard and passed upon ail objections to the proposed assessment for Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #248, and has amended such proposed assessment as it deems just. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows (1) Such proposed assessment, in the amount of $148,369.00, a copy of which is in Clerk's File 1995-24 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessmenfi against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement. (2� Such assessments shall be as follows: a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1995, collectible with such taxes during the year 1996. b. To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of 7.4534%o per annum on the entire principal amount of the assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31 of the year in which such installment is payable. To each subsequent installment, when due there shall be added interest for one year at said rate on the unpaid principal amount of the assessment. c. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior to the certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and such property owner may at any time prior to November 15 of any year pay to the County Auditor the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which said payment is made. Resolution 1995- (3) The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate copy of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the tax list of the County. ADOPTED this 17th day of October, 1995. E. B, McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Votedagainst: 2 CITY OF ROSEMO�i NT Za�S-`;TMthAeetWeSt P,O.Box 510 ° Ever thin s Comin U ROS211�ount!! Rosemount,MN �� Y g� g P 55068-0510 Phone:612-423•4411 Fax:612•423-5203 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR SHANNON POND 3RD ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 248 TO: TIME AND PLACE Notice is hereby given that the City GENERAL NATURE OF Council of the City of Rosemount, � IMPROVEMENTS: Minnesota, will meet in the City Hall in the City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, on the 17th day of October, 1995 at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider objections to the proposed assessments for construction of curb and gutter, street surfacing, sanitary sewer services, watermain and water services, storm drain, sidewalk, street lights and restoration for the Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project#248, heretofore ordered by the City CounciL ASSESSMENT ROLL The proposed assessment roll is on file OPEN TO INSPECTION: with the City Cterk and open to public inspection. AREA PROPOSED The area proposed to be assessed consists TO BE ASSESSED: of every lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by said improvements, which has been ordered made and is as follows: all that area generally described as Lots 1 - 4, Block 1; Lots 1 - 8, Block 2; Lots 1 - 6, Block 3; Shannon Pond 3rd Addition, City of Rosemount, Minnesota within Section 31,Township 115, Range 19, as on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota. � 'n����i�o�� ronrainin¢;0"'. JOS7K0/ISU'RM II1dfPIi.;�. TOTAL AMOUNT The totai amount proposed to be assessed OF PROPOSED: is 5148,369. WRITTEN OR ORAL � Written or oral objections wiil be OBJECTIONS: considered at the hearing. RIGHT OF APPEAL: An owner of property to be assessed may appeai the assessment to the district court of Dakota County pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessmentand filing such notice with the district court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. LIMITATION ON No appeal may be taken as to the amount of APPEAL: any assessment adopted by the City Council unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the p�esiding officer at the hearing. All objections to the assessments not received at the assessment hearing in the manner prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061 are waived, unless the failure to object at the assessment hearing is due to a reasonable cause. DEFERMENT OF Under the provisions of Minnesota ASSESSMENTS: Statutes, Sections 435.193 to 435.195, the City may, at its discretion, defer the payment of assessments for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. However, the City has elected not to establish any deferment procedure pursuant to those Sections. SPECIFIC AMOUNT TO The amount to be specifically assessed BE ASSESSED: against your particular lot, piece of parcel of land is shown on the attached Exhibit A. PREPAYMENT: You may prepay the entire assessment to the Treasurer of the City until the assessment rolt is certified to the County Auditor; after certification to the County 2 Auditor, prepayments of the entire amount remaining due may be made to the County Auditor at any time prior to November 15 in the year this assessment is adopted. NO PARTIAL: The City Council has not authorized the partial prepayment of assessments prior to certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor. PREPAYMfNT WITHOUT No interest shall be charged if the entire INTEREST, OR WITH assessment is paid within 30 days from INTEREST TO END OF the adoption of the assessment roll. At YEAR: any time prior to November 15 of any year following the year the assessment is certified, the owner may prepay to the City Treasurer the whole assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 0# the year in which the prepayment is made. INTEREST RATE: If the assessment is not prepaid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment roll, interest will accrue on the assessment at the rate of 7.4534%. Interest accrues from the date to be specified in the resolution levying the assessment, but not earlier than the date of such resolution. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of up to 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1995, collectible with such taxes during the year 1996. Dated this 19th day of September� 1995. BY ORDER OF THE CtTY COUNCIL. u an M. Wa h City Clerk City of R semount Dakota County, MN 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXHIBIT "A' ASSESSMENT ROLL/MAILING LIST . PROJECT NAME : Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street 8� Utility Improvements PROJECT NO. � 2� ASSESSMENT HEARING DATE : October 77, 1995 ASSESSMENT DUE BEFORE : November 16, 1995 ASSESSMENT TERM IYEAR) : T� !10) PARCEL NO MAILING TOTAL CC PLAT NO LOT BLOCK LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ASSESSMENTS 34 67652 010 01 Rautio Glen R & Carol 15732 Crystal Ct Rosemount MN 55068 $8,243 A 34 67852 020 01 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 34 67652 030 01 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 34 67652 040 Ot Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 66378 $8,243 34 67662 010 02 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 34 67852 020 02 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 58,243 34 67652 030 02 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 34 67652 040 02 Hampton DevelopmeM 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 34 67662 050 02 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 58,243 34 67652 060 02 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 88,243 34 67652 070 02 Hurt Stephen W& 15606 Danviile Ave Rosemount MN 65068 58,243 Debore A 34 67652 O80 02 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 34 67652 010 03 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 58,243 34 67662 020 03 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 65378 S8,243 34 67652 030 03 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 34 67652 040 03 Hampton Development 12433 Ptinceton Ave S' Savage MN 55378 58,243 34 67652 050 03 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 58,243 34 67652 060 03 Hampton Development 12433 Princeton Ave S Savage MN 55378 $8,243 � WE�TRID�E 5TM A►DDr � �MANI�C►N PQI�t� �RC� �. ,,, ',.\\` �'�`�,,� a�,�� ;L't.\ �\� 'e`.�, '� 't`�. ,� \ � �'� �, ''�� �ti. 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' . . • . � � ' 1• CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ASSESSMENT COST BREAKDOWN REPORT Project: West Ridge 5th Current Daxe: 9/12/95 Project #: 242 City Council Meeting Date: 9/19/95 CONST. COST `N�af COST per COMPONENT CONST. PROF. LEGAL BOND S% MATL. RECORDING PROJECT S OESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION COSTS ENGR. SERV�CES $LEGAL $OTICES 9 ISSUANCE g ADMIN. g TESTINCa S FEES g TOTAI UNITS UN17 � 756 8 1 939 9 405 S 36 S 53 694 45 S 1 193 Sanitar Core � ' S 17 S Sanitar Lateral S 39129 0°�6 � 11 373 8 39 S g $ _ g . � S - g • 0% 8 - 9 S S - Watermain Core � ' g �g g 869 S 2 230 S 466 S 41 S 60,845 45 S 7 352 A4 096 23°� 9 13 079 8 45 S Watermai�Lateral S . g - $ g g _ g . g S S Storm Core S ' Q��D ; � � 378 $ 969 9 203 S 18 3 27 299 45 9 607 20 016 10% S 5 887 S 20 S S 9 S g S g Storm Lateral ' 9 9 g g g MSA Storm 0 0� a a g 9 • 9 - S $ - S - Streot Coro 3 • 0% 1 4 i 90 830 47% E 26 727 4 92 S 9 39 9 1 776 S 4 556 ffi 952 g 86 � 124 8b7 45 $ 2 775 Str et Lateral � �% a a g g 9 � $ MSA Stroet ' ' � 193,870 100% 3 66,866 S 195 9 - 4 84 S 3,779 $ 9,694 S 2,025 180 3 266,694 45 S 5,927 Actual Total 8 Lesss Sanitary Core S Less Watermain Core S - Less Storm Core S - less Street Core 9 Total Assessment Amou�t 0 266.694 46 0 5.927 Feasibility 8 355,000 8 7,889 � YN.%�i:YI�tN.11� � . . � . . . . � . f CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ASSESSMENT COST BREAKDOWN REPORT Current Date: 9/12/95 Project: Shannon Pond 3rd Project #: 248 City Council Meeting Date: 8/19/85 CONST. COST %of COST er PROJECT COMPONENT CONST. PROF. LEGAL BOND 5% MATL. RECORDING P DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION COSTS ENGR. SERVICES LEGAL NOTICES ISSUANCE gADMIN. $ TESTING g fEES ' TOTAL UNITS 9 UNIT Sanitar Core S 0% S - 9 S 4 S ' ' � Sanitar Lataral � 14 712 13°k 9 4 025 S 25 S S 21 8 288 S 704 S 141 S 9 3 19 925 18 S 7 10� o $ S 9 9 _ g _ g . , � . 8 - Watermain Core S 0� 9 Watermain Lateral S 18 152 77% S 5 264 8 33 S $ 27 S 377 S 920 S 184 8 12 8 24 969 18 3 1 387 Storm Core E 0°� S 9 S 3 9 g _ g • S � - $ ' Storm Laterai 9 18 317 17% 3 5 264 g 33 s g 27 g 377 S� 920 $ 184 9 12 9� 25 135 18 s 1 396 MSA Storm 9 Do'6' g Stroat Core 3 0°,G 9 g � g g _ g - g - � - g ' g � Strest Lateral S 57 084 53°k ! 16 410 S 103 S g 86 $ 1 176 g 2 869 $ 573 $ 38 g 78 340 18 9 4 352 MSA Street S 0°!o S Actual Total ! 108,265 100% 0 30,962 S 195 B 16t 9 2,219 S 5,413 3 1,082 8 72 ! 148,369 18 9 8,243 Lass Sanitary Coro 3 Less Wata�main Core 0 - Less Storm Core 3 • Less Street Coro S Total Assessment Amount 0 148,369 18 0 8,243 Feasibility 1 213,000 i 11.833 � . M�rtll:fllYtM.Y�� . � � . . . � � . . � . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . � � � � � �4