HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Interim Use Permit for Splatball, Inc. ' City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Couacil Meetiag Date: March 21, 1995 Ageada Item: Splatball, Inc. : Interim Use Agenda Sectioa: Permit Renewal - 1995 NEW BUSINESS Prepared By: Richard Pearson Agen����_1V1 � � A Assistant Planner Attachments: 1994 IUP Conditions; Approved By: Correspondence; Application. Mr. Jim Lathrop, owner of Splatball, Inc. , is requesting renewal of the IUP that was granted in April 1994 for the operation of an outdoor recreational use in the Agriculture District, west of Fahey Avenue, approximately .5 miles north of STH 55 . On March 14, 1995 the Planning Commission recommended approval of the IUP renewal, The attached IUP Conditions for Splatball, Inc. have been modified for the new season(s) and are in conformance with minor changes discussed by the Planning Commission. The site has been inspected and found to be in compliance with the requirernents of the 1994 2nterim Use Permit Conditions. Erosion in the parking area has halted with the importation of crushed rock for the driveway and parking. Some evidence of debris and litter existed at the site which Mr. Lathrop has since remedied. The discussions that created the IUP included the suggestion that the period of the IUP would be expanded to a multi-year review of two, three, or even five years before it would have to be renewed again. One concern of staff is that the aggregate surface of the driveway and parking area ma.y need occasional maintenance over time. Such maintenance could include blading the aggregate to smooth ruts or erosion rills that occur over time, or the aggregate itself may degrade over time and may need "top-dressing" and compaction with additional material . Planning staff does not believe that such measures are necessary at this time. However, the site should be monitored periodically to assess the relative need for maintenance. At this time, a two-year renewal period for the IUP is recommended with staff monitoring on a bi-monthly basis to see how the improvements are holding up. Recommended Action: A MOTION to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1995-1996 SPLATBALL INC. INTERIM USE PERMIT WHICH SETS OUT THE CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION OF THE PAINTBALL RECREATIONAL USE IN THE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. City Council Action: 03-21-95.002 CITY OF ROSBA�SOIINT DAROTA COIINTY, MINNL�SOTA RSSOLIITION 1995- A RESOLIITION APPROVING THE 1995-1996 SPLATBALL INC. INTF�RIM IISE PSRbIIT �BICH SETS OIIT THL CONDITIONS FOR OPLR.ATION OF THL PAINTBALL RECREATIONAL IIS}3 IN THE; AGRICIILTiTRAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has received an application for an Interim Use Permit from Mr. Jim Lathrop, Splatball, Inc. , pertaining to property generally located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Range 18, Township 115 lying north of the right-of-way for State Trunk Highway 55 and west of Fahey Avenue; and �HEREAS, Mr. Lathrop operated the Splatball Interim Use in conformance with the required conditions of the 1994 Interim Use Permit; and WHEREAS, on March 21, 1995 the City Council of the City of Rosemount formally reviewed the conditions in consideration of the 1995-1996 Splatball, Inc. Interim Use Permit; and �PHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount has reviewed and approved the Splatball, Inc. site plan subject to conditions as stated in the 1995-1996 Interim Use Permit Conditions for Splatball, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the 1995-1996 Interim Use Permit for Splatball, Inc. subject to the conditions hereby attached as Exhibit A. ADOPTED this 21st day of March, 1995 . E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against• � Exhibit A 1995-1996 Interim Use Permit Conditions for Splatball, Inc. A Commercial Outdoor Recreation Use locaxed in the Agricultural District This Interim Use Permit (NP) is valid only for that part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Range 18 West, Township 115 North lying north of the right-of-way for 5ta.te Trunk Highway 55 and west of Fahey Avenue. l. This permit allows the operation of an interim use with modifications to standards specified by the City of Rosemount Zoning Regulations as approved by resolution adopted by Ciry Council on March 21, 1995. 2. This permit shall be reviewed prior to renewal in 1997 for conformance with these conditions. Thereafter, the City Council will determine the appropriate time interval for the subsequent renewal procedure. 3. Violation of any specified IUP condition or otherwise unlawful activity including violations of Section 4.9, the outdoor storage section of the zoning ordinance, may result in immediate revocation of the IITP. 4. Site unprovements, as required, must be completed and accepted by the city engineer within sixty (60) days of the da.te of City Council approval. 5. The hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. to sunset. 6. All permits required by other applicable agencies must be obtained and copies submitted to the City. 7. Conformance with setback and dimensional standards with variance to front yard setbacks granted only for the purpose of preserving existing vegetation. 8. Parking areas must consist of a minunum of six (6) inches of compacted, crushed limestone or other such material acceptable to the city engineer. 9. The entry drive must be twenry-four (24) feet wide, in conformance with City requirements and the culvert must be maintained to facilitate ditch runoff. 10. All structures must conform with the Uniform Building Code and City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance requirements for materials and aesthetics. 11. Conformance with Dakota County Health standards for portable sanitary facilities. 12. Conformance with the City of Rosemount Sign Ordinance. . :, , . � ' . � , � � SPL A TBA L L�` lN C. . . . _ i• ' ' ' � • •� M March 6, 19 5 Mr.Richazd Pearson � City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street Rosemount,MN 55068 Dear Mr. Pearson: Thank you for bringing clarity to what the necessary expectations were for my company to obtain the Interim Use Permit last season. The process was a less obtrusive than I expected it to be . As you know the Adventure Zone started this IUP process when it ask the city to be able to operate year round. The process began with the Planning Commission meeting on August 10, - 1993. When this request was made, Splatball Inc. was told it would be involved as well.. Conditions were made and approved by the City Council on April 19, 1994. Splatball Inc. has met all o�the requirements of the city to this point and had them accomplished by the June 15th, 1994 required completion date. I am somewhat confused however that the Adventure Zone was able to operate the entire year in 1994, without complying with its outlined conditions. I have now learned that the City Council is still considering approval of its ILTP. It was clearly stated to both companies in item 3 of the I994 IUP conditions from the city that, "Violation of anv s�ecified NP condition or otherwise unlawful activity may result in immediate revocation of the IIJP . To my knowledge none of the requirements for Adventure Zone have been met, 9 months after the required June 15, 1944 date. I feel that the city gave both companies ample time to complete this process. I know that the Adventure Zone is adversely affecting my business by dragging the City and the sport of paintball into the local newspapers regarding this process. I did not write this letter out of a fear for competition in the area, but out of fairness to like business Permit conditions and deadlines. Please share my sentiments with the City Counsel. Sincerely, SPLATBALL INC. y��� im Lathrop Owner 1955 Johnson St. N.E. • Mpls, MN 55418 • (612) 788-6392 " - �'.�� � :� ' _ . • Date Received: :� �� City of Rosemount � -., . P.O. BoX S10 _ Z87S 145Tx S'nt�Ec WFsr - > Ros�[overc.MN 5506&OS30 � .. (622)4?3�411 INTERIM USE PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATiON � �____----- �----_� �. S PLaT B�L Z �IG, <� �g'�s- �3�t2 %' Name of Applicmu (to be used on legal docu�nents) _ 2. I 955 �oHn�� 5T M p�5 .M�c1 SSo�I y 7g�S -� Address of Applicant ' Fax No. 3. � �rvi,�S �TFf t�.0 C' ?-I�� -S� 3� Name of G�C�W�V�(Z Telephone No. 4. 2 a��! � J�r�v��e �v� 1.�4�v�u� , I�� Address of Con.rulrant F a x N o. 5. �,�V ` ' ��C � r12G— Name of Properry Owrier 6. � y 37-g 7 q Address of Properry Owner Telephone No. �. l� GT���V�. 1�.�t2� C�.���g Proposed Zoning (if applicable} 8. R� C Q� I� 1 J�l�!� L Pro osed Use �.f aPPlicable) Presenr Use p 9. $ 25a• °� .. . . Received By 10. Location Map of Property(ies) Involved Attached? �N �l L.� Current Description(s) and Survey Attached? 1 J�J �l L� Revised Description(s) and Survey Attached? �R.� ��l.� 6. Project Description: FNLPLTAP.93 • I2. Planning Commission Action: Dare: 13. City Council Action: • Date: 14. Conditions or Requirements: AII applications must include a copy of the property owner's Duplicate Certi,fica#e of 1 rxle if the property is recorded under the Torrens system. NOTE: APPLICATIONS ARE NOT COMPLETE UNTIL ALL REQUIl2ED SUB;�IISSIONS HAVE BEE�t RECEIVED. ACRNOWLEDGE�YlENT AND SIGNATURE: THE i1NDERSIGNED APPLICANT EEREBY REPRESENTS UPON ALL OF THE PBNALTIES OF THE LAW, THE PURPOSE OF INDUCING THE C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT TO TARE ACTION HEREIN REQUESTED, THAT ALL STATEMENTS HEREIN ARE TRUE AND TAAT ALL WORR EEREIN MENTIONED WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDA�YCE WTlH TFiE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, AND TEE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, AND TAAT THE UNDERSIG,VED APPLICANT WILL PAY ALL FEES AND CSARGES INCURRED BY THE CTlY FOR THE EXAMINATION AND REVIEW OF THIS PETTTION. � Si ture of Apglicant Signature of Property Owner � - �� - �� Date Date FNLPLTAP.93-2 2