HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of March 7, 1995 Regular City Council Meeting .�-' ' ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS I T�i V i # �C.�. � �GULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Ciry Council was duly held on Tuesda.y, March 7, 1995 at 7:34 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor McMenomy called the rneeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Busho, Staaxs and Wippermann present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, Community Development Director Wasmund, Senior Planner Mack, Assistant Planner Pearson, Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson, and Fire Chief , Aker. ' ;� Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. , One item was pulled from the Consent Agenda, Item 4.f. Kelley Trust Prairie Acquisition � and moved to Item 8.c. for discussion. No further changes were made to the agenda, ;,.��however some additional information for clarification was added to the Clerk's File; a Y revised Keystone Development Agreement, a revised resolution for access on Highway 3, _'-.and revised minutes of February 21, 1995. �"'S�nior Planner Mack has been active in following House File 385 which is in support of the "i�mote runway option° that Metropolitan Airport Commission has showed interest. Kevin �roll also attended the public hearing for H.F. 385 and noted that Rasemount is mentioned y times and the University of Minnesota land in Rosemount when speaking of location. eems that the metropolitan area is attempting to move their noise problem with the airport n to Rosemount. S.O.A.R. is against remote runways in Rosemount as aze many surrounding cities in Dakota County. If no further public hearings are set for this, H.F. 385 will likely die. Council thanked Carroll and Mack for their involvement and requested updated information when it is available. Ed Howard, from the Fire Task Force, presented four recommendations: 1) a minunum of two fire facilities are necessary for cunent and future fire needs of the city; 2) construct a new functionally designed and equipped facility that will last at least 50 years that should not exceed 14,000 square feet at a cost of appro�mately $1.7 million based on architectural projections and current costs. The location should be on the North East corner of Shannon Parkway and Dodd Blvd. This facility should contain six bays, administration area, general areas, support areas and assimilate with the surrounding neighborhood; 3) build a fire facility on the eastern side of the community as soon as it is feasible and until that time maintain the current fire facility on Brazil Avenue; and 4) City Council should start the process of planning a referendum for the fall of 1995 and select an architect to begin finalization of plans as soon as possible. Councilmember Busho asked if the Fire Task Force was prepared to support and "sell" the fire station recommendations. Howard confirmed he and the group support the building of a fire station and they would like to keep involved when the architectural drawings are firmed up and a marketing plan is ready. Mayor McMenomy thanked Ed Howard, the four members present, and all the remaining Fire Task Force members for their direction and told them the City Council wants and appreciates their future involvernent in the process for purchasing and building the fire station. City staff will keep them advised. ROSElVIOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS �- REGULAR MEETING �� MARCH 7, 1995 Karen Griffm, 3786 145th Street West, spoke in support of the fire station. Griffin said she had visited several fire stations and found by saving two minutes in the response time much ' property damage and often lives can be saved. The location proposed is near 145th Street West and Shannon Parkway and study showed that two minutes would be saved in response time. She urged City Council to accept the recommendations of the Fire Task Force. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the Consent Agenda without Item 4.f. Kelley Trust Prairie Acquisition. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson. Nays: None. Item 4.f. Kelley Trust Prairie Acquisition was discussed. Councilmember Busho felt th� "other donations" should be confirmed for the funding. The azea is 15.6 acres north c Carrolls Woods which would connect with Schwarz Pond Park to the east. '� MOTION by Busho to authorize an offer of$200,000 for the purchase of a 15.6 ac.`�`� of Kelley Trust property, $100,000 from park improvement funds, $50,000 from tt •� and pending documentation of other donations. Second by Wippermann. Ayes McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. �.�: �.� � Mayor McMenomy called for a short break at 7:57 p.m. The meeting was reco?;,;��: 8:00 p.m. for three public hearings. Mayor McMenomy opened the Public Heari:ng for Lance Johnson Mineral Fxt '" Renewal for 1995. The recording secretary noted that the �davits of posted „} ` notice were on file. Mayor McMenomy reviewed the public hearing process �,;.v; �I Assistant Planner Pearson presented Lance Johnson's request for renewal of a j' II F.�ctraction Permit in which the operator will continue to be Friedges Landscap� , � additional condition is recommended for placement of temporary fencing arou� processing equipment in use for a safety barrier. The location is approximately north of CSAH 38 and three eights of a mile west of CSAH 71. The Ciry ha$ any complaints or calls on this operation. The Planning Commission and staff : ��; ; approval. . MOTION by Busho to close the Public Hearing for the Lance Johnson Mineral � Permit Renewal for 1995. Second by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. �� I � � MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1995 :; EXTRACTION PERNIIT REN�WAL FOR THE LANCE JOHNSON PROPF.� Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staq Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy opened the Public Hearing for Solberg Aggregate Mineral ExtractioY. Permit Renewal for 1995. The recording secretary noted that the affidavits of posted and mailed notice were on file. 2 - ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS '� REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 1995 Assistant Planner Pearson presented Loren Howard's request for Solberg Aggregate, Inc. to renew the 1995 Mineral Extraction Permit. It is located on Koch Refining property just south of the flare towers on the west side of T�i 52. There have not been any complaints filed regarding this permit. On January`24, 1995 the Planning commission reviewed the - permit renewal request and recommended its approval. MOTION by Anderson to close the Public Hearing for Solberg Aggregate Mineral F�ctraction Permit Renewal for 1995. Second by Staats. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, `5 McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. � t MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1995 �'� l�s[N�RAL EXTRACTION PERMIT RENEWAL FOR SOLBERG AGGREGATE INC. 1�Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson. Nays; ;�Tone. l�.�ayor McMenomy opened the Public Hearing for Mallard Pond Administrative Plat. TTl'aae recording secretary noted that the affidavits of posted and mailed notice were on file. As�istant Planner Pearson reviewed the mapped area described as Mallard Pond. Rezoning is n�t necessary given the balanced density of the two lots at the one per ten acre agricultural residential density. Mr. Winkler has meet with staff and agreed to move the septic system to the north or east for correct drainage and held discussion for wetland easernents. A lot divisi�n in 1988 for this property has complicated the plat preparation and further research is needed to properly address this matter. MOTION by Wippermann to close the Public Hearing for Mallard Pond Administrative Plat. Second by Busho. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. MOTION by Busho to table action on the Mallaxd Pond Administrative Plat subject to resolving underlying property parcel information. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Anderson. Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson gave an update of the Wachter 186A Outlet, City Project 257. This is the storm drain overflow outlet for the Carrollton 4th Addition east of Colorado Avenue and adjoining areas west of Cimarron Avenue. Staff has been trying to acquire an easement from the Chippendale 42 Partnership, south of CSAH 42 so that the project can go forward. Any future agreement will be brought to City Council for approval. Dan Hanscom, 14866 Colorado Avenue, represented Carrollton IV Neighbors and thanked Osmundson for helping to find a solution. The Neighbors requested to meet with the contractor who will be doing the work before the work is started. Community Development Director Wasmund presented the redevelopment contract between Ron and Rich Carlson of Keystone Properties, Inc., and the Rosemount Port Authority. Council discussed points in the contract. This development would provide a 25,000 square 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS - REGULAR MEETING '' MARCH 7, 1995 foot hotel and a farnily style restaurant in Phase I and additional commercial improvements in Phase II. MOTION by Anderson to approve the contract between Keystone Properties, Inc. and the Rosemount Port Authority for private redevelopment on land owned by Keystone. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, Staats. Nays: None. Abstain: McMenomy. Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson researched and recommends the City , consider entering into a Municipal Services Partnership, a division of Honeywell Corpor,ation for an energy audit. The initial procedure includes Honeywell personnel surveying eac�i building, including all park and well house facilities and analyzing the efficiency of tb� motors, lights, windows, insulation and anything that will improve the efficiency of�1ie building. A list of recommended improvements will be collected for Council and la�fidget review. A savings of 30% is usually realized. Erik Froehlich from Honeywell Corporation, Municipal Service Partnership, explained the energy efficiency survey, reporting, maintenance agreement, and that 30 other ci�ies, counties, and school districts have used this approach to save energy and money. There is no cost to the City now and in the long term there maybe hard savings. MOTION by McMenomy to send a letter of authorization for Honeywell Corporation to proceed with the Municipal Services Partnership. Second by Staats. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. Community Development Director Wasmund presented Bob Guetschoff and Ron Carlson's request for City Council's help in trying to obtain direct access to Highway 3 with a private drive from the Minnesota Department of Transportation(I�Il�TDO'I�. Staff at MNDOT has denied direct access on Highway 3 on three different occasions based on the safety and function of the highway. City Administrator Burt noted that access onto Highway 3 will be limited and it would be appropriate to have a comprehensive study for the area on Highway 3 from CR 42 to 160th Street to see where the best placement of an access may be for all businesses. Councilmember Staa.ts inspected Highway 3 and the theater area and said there is a blind spot on the curve and that safety should be a prime factor. Council consensus was to direct staff to do a comprehensive study of Highway 3 from County Road 42 to 160th Street and give MNDOT a message that Rosemount is growing and additional accesses may be necessary. MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn the meeting. Second by Staa.ts. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson. Nays: None. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1995-7. 4