HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Payment #4 & Final, Schwarz Pond Outlet Improvements, City Project #259 - ~ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION UTILITY COMMISSION MEETWG DATE: October 3, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #4 & Finai, Schwarz Pond Outlet AGENDA SECTION: Improvements, City Project #259 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA ���M � ), � City Engineer/Public Works Director `� ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #4 & Final APPROVED BY: This item requests the fourth and final payment to Richard Knutson, Inc. in the amount of $52,929.33 for City Project No. 259, Schwarz Pond Outlet Improvements. The project also included Diamond Path Watermain Improvements (interconnect to Apple Valley) and Jaycee Park Parking Lot Improvements. The original contract amount was 5290,752.72. Total construction cost, including this final payment is 5228,729.62. The final payment is 21 % under the contract amount. The main reason for the cost under run was not paving Jaycee Park Parking Lot, per direction from the Park and Recreation Committee, Upon Final payment, A two year warranty period begins (until October 3, 1997) on the street and utilities. The City also accepts these facilities for perpetual maintenance. Attached is a copy of the pay voucher for your information. Staff recommends approval of this fourth and final payment request and acceptance of the utilities for perpetual maintenance. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #4 AND FINAL TO RICHARD KNUTSON, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF 552,929.33 FOR THE SCHWARZ POND OUTLET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #259 AND TO ACCEPT THE STREET AND UTILITIES FOR PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE. COMMISSION ACTION: 1 ,SEP z6 '95 14�24 OSM MPLS� MN P•Z � ' , . , 4 � + � � " CdNSTRLICTION PAY VOUCHF�L ' � � I . Se tember 15. 1995 ' Sstimate Voucher Humb�r: 4 � T�ate. September S5, 19�5 � ' OSIri Fraject Nu�ul�er. 54�98.OQ � Period. Ending: � Pro�ect: SCHWARZ PaND ST�RI�i DRAIN OUTLLT / F=NAL PAYMENT ; : UTILZTIES, LIFT sTATION & MISCLL�Eous IMP1�oVEMENTs ;, ' CI�Y OF ROSEMOUNT. 259 , � , . � RICAARD 'RNUTSON, INC. . . " ' • . ; .. Contx�ctor: , , 12585 RH4D� ISLANd AVE. SC�UTH , SAVAGE � , MN 55378 . . ' I '' War3c Sta=ter3= ` � Contract Date: . Work Completed: • : C'pmpletion Dat�: , ; , , , � . , ; • p=iginal Cantract Amaunt . 290,752.72 � • � Tofia2 Additiorss 0.00 • , � � � �• Total Deduct�.ons . , a.o v ' Total Funds Encumbe�ed 290,752.�2 ; Total Work Certified to D�.te , 228,"729.:62 • I,�ss Retai�ed Percentage t�•Ua� p..a0 : Less P�evious Payiaents � �'�''8��.'2� Total Payments ,Incl Tl�zi:s Vau.cher 228,729.62 Sa7.anca Ca�rried For*�rard 62,023.1U . : � � APPROVED FOR PAYMEN'I', THIS VOUCHER . 52,9�9�33 � , ; . � 1�PRQVA7,.5 , i , : . � � � � ORR-SCI3ELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES� INC. . , � • Ptxrsuant ta our field abservatiori, as" performed in accerdance with ouri � �entract, and based on os� professional opinj.ot�� materi.als are ' i : � . � �;atisfac�ory and the wark propex�.y performed 3.n accoxdanee wi.tb the pl�ns, . and, specifieations and �ha.t th+e total work is: ' � j,pQ$ completed as of September 15, 1995. . ; i � We herby recommend payment cf this v�cucher. � ' , � . ' � Signed: �. Signed:Canstruatian or,z�rver , Projec� Manager/Engineer I •� � i � . � . . � . �tICHARD I�iiJTSCN, INC. � � , � Thss i� to certify that to the best of my. kr�o�rledge. 3.r�►�ormation, artd : , belief, the quant�.ties and values o� wor]c cert3.fied herein is a fair � � � ' �pproximate estimate for tl�e period cove�ed by this voucl�er. • � . • � � Coritractor: Siqned By ' 4 � � . pate. . Title ' . , . T.,.... . . CITY �F R05EMOUNT . . � , • Checked By• Approved for .payment: - I . ' . I , I • . ' . . . . . . � ', � � • � . , Authorized Representative ; i � �Date: Date: , . �� PAGE l ; ; , � � " , , i � '