HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. Payment #2 & Final, Wachter 186A Outlet Improvements, City Project #257 . ~ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 3, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #2 & Final, Wachter 186A Outiet AGENDA SECTION: improvements, City Project #257 Consent ' PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA N��� City Engineer/Public Works Director # � ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #2 & Final APPROVED BY: This item requests the second and final payment to CECA Utilities, Inc. in the amount of S 13,402.42 for construction on City Project #257, Wachter 186A Outlet. The original contract amount was $90,100.70. Total construction cost, including this final payment is 596,820.50. The final payment is 7.5% over the contract amount. Additional topsoil and sodding contributed to the cost over-run. Upon final payment a two year warranty period begins (until October 3, 1997) on the utility. The City also accepts these facilities for perpetual maintenance. Attached is a copy of the Payment Voucher for your information. Staff recommends approval of this second and final payment request and acceptance of the utility for perpetual maintenance. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #2 AND FINAL TO CECA UTILITIES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,402.42 FOR WACHTER 186A OUTLET, CITY ' PROJECT NO. 257 AND TO ACCEPT THE UTILITY FOR PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE. COMMISSION ACTION: 2 SEP 21 '95 12�28 OSM MPLS, MN � P.5 •,� � CdNSTRUC�.'ION PAY Vt3BCHER Estimate Voucher Number: 2 D�tet Septemb�r 22, 1995 ' OSl�t Prcject Number: 541�.00 Period Ending: 3eptember 21, 1995 , , Project: WACHTER� 18+5A OUTLET / Y�INAL . , � � CITY OF ROSEM�DNT Z57 � , Contractar: CECA '�TIL�TIES, INC. . • 1.0884 WEST 1.757'I� STREET ��'VxY,� ' MN 55q44 ; . Contract Date: Work Started: . Completion Date: , Work Complated; , , � Qriqina� Gontract AmQunt ' 90, 10a.?0 , . Total Additions j � 4•�Q ' Total Deductions • ' p•�p Total Furlds Encwmbered 90,100.70 Total Work Certified�tc Date 96,820.54. . L�ss Retained Fercentage 0.80� ' 0.00 ' Less Previous Paymen�s 83,418.08 Tatal Payments Incl This Vaucher 96,8Z0.50 ' Balance Garried Forward -6.��9•$� • APP�iGVSD FOLt PAY.6t8N7.'� TH=8 VOOCSER • , 13,�02.4 a : � ; APPROVALS , ORR-SCHELEN--MAXERON ' & �SSdCI�iTES, I�NC. , ' " Puzsuant to our fie].d absexvation, 'as perfornied a.n accordance with. .our � � contrac��, and based on our grofess'ional opinion, materials are satisfactory and the work proper].y �gerfonaed in a�cordance with the plans � � and speci�ications and that th� total Work i,s: ' xqo�s campleted as af 8�ptember �1, :�995, We h�rby recommend payment of this voucher. 5iqned:. � Signed: ' , Ccnstruct.�Qn obsexver . PrQject Manager En ' �er � . � � � CFCA UTILZTIES', •ZNC. � This .is to certify tha� to the best of my knowledge, information, and , � belief, t2�e quantities .and values o�f wark certified herein is a fair _ , approximate estimata for the periodl covered by this voucher. . � . Contractor: � ` , s�gaed B�r , ' , �Dste: " � Ti:tle , . . �CITY UF RC�SFMOUNT . ' • . ' ' Checked By: i . Approved for payment: � ' � • - Authorized Representative: , ' : . . . ; . , Date: ; Date: , PAGE 1 . , ,