HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.l. MVTA - Joint Cooperative Agreement with Suburban Transit Association s City of Rosemount
' Executive Summary for Action
Ci Council Meetin Date: November 7 1995 —
Agenda Section:
-;.__ p�genda No:
Prepared By: Rick Pearson ���p� � )� �
Assistant Planner tYl �'i'
NiVTA Correspondence; Joint and Approved By:
Cooperative Agreement.
ount has been asked to participate with the other cities of the Nlinnon includes
The Crty of Rosem
Transit Authority(MVT'A) inlo�g the Suburban Transit Association. The assoc
other transit opt-out cities and transit authorities and is int�e ndedis�uss ons and rela d egislation.
responding to issues of mutual concern such as transit fun g
bli ations relative to the association will be the responsibility of the MVTA with no
; Financial o g
' impact on Rosemount's budget.
mmended Action: A MOTION to authorize execution of the Joint and Coopera.tive
Agreement with the Suburban Transit Association.
Council Action:
� •
/ • •
Burnsville Transit Station _
100 East Highway 13 •Burnsville, MN 55337
Ph. (612) 882-7500•Fax: (612) 882-7600
TO: MVTA Area City Managers
FROM: Robin Selvig, MVTA
RE: Opt-out Association
DAT'E: October 13, 1995
At its September 27th Board Meeting,the MVTA Board of Directors adopted a resolution
joining the Suburban Transit Association. Board members were asked to follow through
with their local city councils regarding the City's participation.
The Suburban Transit Association is a cooperative association among and between the
opt-out member cities of MVTA, SWMTC,Plymouth and Shakopee. (At this time,
Maple Grove has not expressed an interest in being part of the association.) The purpose
of the association is to cooperatively address the transit-related issues that are of mutual
interest to all opt-outs and their respective communities. Membership dues would be
passed through the MVTA.
Enclosed please find a copy of the Joint and Cooperative Agreement for city adoption. If
you have any questions,please contact Beverley Miller at the MVTA- 882-7500.
Public transportation for Apple Valley, Burnsviile, Eagan, Prior Lake, Rosemount, Savage
• i
- 9aptember�p, iB96
The P�rtiea to ttus Agreement aro gover�mental unita aF the Sta.te of l�li.nnesota.
Mln.n�aota SCatute $471.b8 permit� two or mare sub-unit�, by �gre�ment of their governing bodie�,
to join��y and cong�ratively exercise any power commoa to each of them. Fursuant to atatu�ry
authorization, the Partfes to thiR Agreen�ent have choeen to execute �joinc powers agzeement
pxavid#ag, in esRence, for t�ae development of pro�ra�a� an matters oi'z�utual concera and
A1�TICLE 1, .
E Th� primatq purpose of tlus Agxeement is for the member municipaliti�e and ��Ifate
me�mber�, euch as trausit commisaiona ar e�g�ociations previoualy cr�ated by a joint power�
agreem�nt, tr�jointly �nd c0operatively develop progre�ts an matters of mutual concern and
fntere�t, and identiFy, review, and t� actively oppa$e propo�ai� which may b� in conflict w{th the
interest$ of the m.e�bers.
Tl�.e brganization formed pursuant to t�i� Agreemsnt will �e funded by meznber
m�unicip�►Iities' Coritribution� tv be used f�r th�:retentiort �f profe9sfonat assistance, information
, preparation and dieaemina�ion, r��earch, �nd other activitiQa thae may fram time to tizna �a
sutharized by the �emDershlp.
N� n
�he Paz�i�e hexeto agree �o establish an arganization to be known ae th� Suburban Transit
Assaaa�ion to carry aut the ob�ectives of this Agreement.
11i02i95 15:25 $612 882 7600 M1NN VALLEY TRAN [�002
1�R'�'IfiI.L S.
For tha purgose of this A,�re$msnt� f,he terms defined in this Articte aY�All. }�av� the
mea�ainqs given them by t,iyi� Articl�.
3.Z} "Baard" means the �overnit��b�ciy af the Aseoriati�r�.
3.2) "Association" means the or�s�ai�a�ivn created pursuant ta thie Agreement.
8.3) "Autl�ority" meaua the governin�ba�y af�Parttiy.
3.A�) "$oard 1Vlembers" mean� the perso�s appcu�t�d purau�rit to t�si�
Agre�cnent t,o serve as Members of the Baard. � . .
3.6) "Party�� ��ns a municipality whi�h has ent8red iato Chis Agreemen�
3.8) "APFitiate Member" means an or�ni.zat�on, cnmmissian, as�oci�tion ox
municipali�Cy which hes entered intc� t3zi� Agreement, but dpes not have
the game votiri�ri8hta and privile�es e�� a Party.
- ADDIZ`�UNAL PA�7,'LE9 - _
Any otlaer organization, cnmau$eioa, �s�►oCiati.aa ox' mtzniefp�lfty maq be�ome a Party ox .
Affflfate Member uv�r� approval by a ma4�arity of the then Partfes and upon full p�ym�nt of the
annual due�. �
ARTIC�..� b.
A muz�it�p�lity ahall enter into th.is Agreem�nt by duly executin�� copy of this Agreem.eat
and by filing �uch copy, tagether with a certified copy of the authoriz�ng resolutioa, with the .
Asaoafatfo�. Cbair, Thia Agreem.en� shall becoma efP�ative upon approval by at taast tw� (2)
Pa�rties, or on Oc�cb�r 1, �99�5� wh3ch�ver is sooner.
Pt�V�ERS ANf3 D[3'I'Y�S OF T�i:E A980CIATIO1wF
The pawera and duties of the Association shall includ�the pawers set forth in thia artfcle.
6.1� �t may eatabli�h legislative programs emboc�ying graposed tegisiation
' ax�d po�i.tions on proposod 1e�i$latian.
2 .
11i02i95 15:26 $612 882 7600 M[NN VALLEY TRAN �003
' �.2) It taay talca �uch action a� it deems necesaary and apprapxit�te tp
aacompiish the ge�zeral purposas af thi� Asaacifltion.
s•s� It m.ay cUnsult with pergons kaowiedgeabie in thE tegi�letive proeess
and per�ous h�ving a �pecial ixrtere�t therezn, such a� legislators,
reaearch or�ttniz�tiona, educational instftutions, oth�r palitical
�ubdivi�ions, municfpal argani��,�ions, regulatory organfzxtians
technica� experta, and a�}r other pereons who caz�provide pertinent
informatioa concerning legiglation of interest to the A�aociation.
s.4? �t may provfde for thv prosecutinn, defense, or other part�cipatian in
action$ or praaeedings at law in whic� it may h�ve an interost� and
cna�r �mpIny counsel for that purpoe�.
6.5? it may cnnduet such r��e8rch and in.veatigatian and take such actian
a� it deems �ece��arY, iriCludul� p�ltiCiA�tiOn and &gpearenc� in
proceeding� a;f any metropolita�, atate� f�dera�, regulatory, o�
1�gi91A�iv9 Or at��7lini8tra'tiv� kl�diAB, tu� ax�y propo�ed. or agistin� Iaw,
bill, or r�crnm.,mendatian related ta or ai�ecting any or aIl menabers.
6.61 It may Qnter into any cnntracts deemed necessary by the�oaz�d to
c�rry aut ita po�avere an.d dcttie�, �uk�ject to the pravisio�s o�P this
. Agreeme�t.
fi.7) It may contract with any of the Pa�tie� or othvrs to provide �psce,
services, ar matierials an i� behalf, A�,y cantr�c�s let or Aurchases
made �hall canfarm to th� r�quirement� applicable ta Minna�at�
�It�tutory �ities.
6.8) It msY accept giPte� ap�ly far gr�nt�, enter into agreemex�ts r�quired i.�.
connsctaon th�rewith and hold� u9� �nd dispn$e of money ar pro�erty
received ae a ai#� or $rant in accard�nee �+vith th� terma thereaf.
B.9) It shsll caus� t� snnus�l t�udit of t�te b4o�cs of t�he Association �o be
m�d� by �n independex�t auditor, or an indepeudent auditor of a
mamber city, whichever the Board determ.ines. It shali �ake �n
annual financial accounting �.ntT repart fn writing ta the Partie�. Its
b��ks �nd rec�rds shaii be evailable for$nd ogen to the examinati+�n
by tttQ 1'arties at aIt re�sonsbie times. It �hall ast�bli�h the �nnu�l
budget for the A��ociation a� provided in this �r�mer�,t,
6.10) It �nay se�ablia�i and delegate authority tv a Cammitteets) between
Aasociation �eetir��s. $uch dele�ation vf authority �hall be by
resolution of the Bosrd a�sd may be reconditivned is� su�ch mannez as
the Board m�ty determine.
6,I1) It m�y sxercia� any other pawer ueces�ary and incidvntal to the
implementatioa of its power� �ad duties.
3 .
11i02i95 15:26 $612 8�2 7600 MINN VALLEY TRAN l�004
?.1) The gavernia�bodp of thc ABsoci�tion sh�li be its Board of Msmbe��.
Each Party ohatl be eutitlad to o�oe B��rd 1V�ember. Each Bogrd
Member shatl have o�e t 2} vote. The Autharity c,f each Party shall
a�p�oint its orte tl) Eo�rd �ember, who�hall be an ac�zve Council or
Authari�y membex. A prefe�e�n�� ehould be mad� by the Authara,ty to
appaint coua.cil m�mbers wlxo al.so st�xv8 can a tr�tasit commission ar
associatian prsviougly created b� a�of�at powers agxeement Ea serve oz�
#�te Boarti a�Members�, Bosxd MemiN� shsll �arve without
com.�ensatian fra�a �h�A$sociataion. '
� �.�) Praay vatin.g by a Board �remb�s ctesigne� eha1l be permit�ed. �
?.82 E�ch Board. Member sha�3 aerve uatil,that B�ard Memb�r'� �uccessar
is $ppainted and �sume� bis or her r�ponaibilitieg. Bosrd Me�tb�rs
shall set�ve at tlra pYeaAure of th� Part�y eppofiiting them. Wben a
Party appoir►ts a Saard Member, it shall�ive aotice o��uch
gppoix��ment to �h� A�a$ociativn's 8�xetatyrl'i'eaeturer. Such notice �
. ehgll include the mailing addresa of tha psrraon sa appointed The " _
nemes �nd �ddres�e�c shawn on. auch natices may be used as the
aPficiaa nameg �nd addre�ee� �or the purpa�e� o:F giuing notices of any
_ meetings of the Asaoclatioa. - -
?.4) A simple aaa,jority of t�e Boerd of Members ahall cvnstitutr3 a Quorwm of the
?.5� A vacancy on the 8aard shall be fil�d by the Authority af the Par�r
whose p�eition a� f,he Boartl is vacaAt.
8.1) The A�sociat�an �haA meet at"l�ast aemf-annua�ly and shall huld an
anaual organiza�iane.l raeetxng ia potAbsr.
8•2) The BQ�rd ahall a$opt Bylawe governirtg ita proceduree, including t}ae
time, plac�, and frequr�ncy of ita ragular mestings. Sct�h By1$ws may
be a�end�d tram 4,zne Co tim�.
$.�} Special meetings pf the Board nxay be ca�led (a? by the Chair or tb) by
�he Board upon written t'equest of the m�jarity of the Board IVlem,bers. �
Three t8) d�ye' writter� x�otice of epeciai mee�� shali be �iven t�the
$oard 112embera, $uch notice ahall i,nelude tha agex�da for the apeci�al
4 .
11i02i95 15:27 $612 882 7600 MINN VALLEY TRAN �1005
� �
• meeting. Q�ly matt�r� set forth in the agenda �hali be considor�d at a
ap�cial meatin�.
8.4) Notice of re�ular meetings of the Board ahall be giv�n to the Board
Mamhars by the �ecretaryt'Treasurer at leasb geven (?? d&y� in
advance and the agenda far such meeta.ngs shall accompany the notace.
However, huein�a �t regu.lar meetings of the Board �,eec# not be
l�mited to matters $et fort;h i� the 8��enda. .
.9�TIC�E 9.
9.1) Number, Election, Qualific�tians • The offic�rs of the A�eoei�tian �hall .
canef8t of a Cha:ir, Vice Chair �,nd a Secrets�ry/'Treasurer. Eac�x af�icer
uh�ll be elected at the annual meeting by the Board. The Chatr �nd
Vice Cla�is ahsll hold �fY�ce un.til the next annuat eie�tion of o#�"icer�
and uatft hf�lla�r successor ahall have been ��ectad and have qualified
ar untft hislher earlier diequalif ca�ion, de�th, resi.gr��tion, or remo�ral.
'�he Secretary/`rreasccrer'a �erm gh�ll commence on J���uary �. af the
. followin� y�ar �nd end on Dacember 31 of that yoar. �i31 o#'�cera s�t��l
be Bn�rd 1lriemb�rs. riIQw officers shall take office at the�djournment
of the annual meeting af the Aasoaiatian at which they were elected.
with the exceptiau of the Sscretary�tkeasuarer whu shrzll tAke of.fce on _
ths fi.rst day of January of the following year. Not raare than one
Board Memb�r af� P�rty ahall be e�ected an o�`f�eer durin� the same
term. Any oY�"icer who ceases to be a Board Mem?�er �hali at che �ame
time cease tn be sn of�cer. If re-eleated, of'�cers may ��xv� �or mor�
th�n ane year.
9,2) Regignatiou - A�.y pf'�icex of the A�Bv�fativn may reaig� at any time by
giving written natic� of hisJher reaign�ttion ta the Board, to the Cha.ir,
or to the �ecrstary/`Tr�asurer of this Asaociation. The resign�tfon
�hall t�ke effect �tt the time, if any, �peci�ed thereiz�. or, if no ti,me is
apeci�Yed therein, u,Aon receipt thereaf by a�id $oard Cheir, or to the
Secr�t�,ry/Tree�urer. The acceptance of a rssig�nation sh�ll z�ot be
nece��ary ta make it ef'�ective. �
9.3) �moval - tLny af£'icer m�ay b� removad, with ar with�ut cause, by a
vote of four-fi�tbs E4/fi) of the totat number Qf Board 11+�embers, at any
meeting of tha Board, �rovided that such purp�se is stated in the
notice Qr waiver af notice of the meeting unle�e all of tl�� Board
Members of thi$ A,ssoc7ietfoz�. �re preaent at the meeting.
- 9.4) Vacs�aCies - A vpcancy in eriy ot�ee hecausa of disquali�cat,ion� de�th,
reaignativn� or removal sh�ll �e filled for the unexpired porl;io�. of Lhe
term in th� manner prescribed herain for eie�ioa tn �h�t offiCe.
11i02i95 15:27 $`612 882 7600 MINN VALLEY TRAN l�006
� . • . bair �hall rsaide at�ll msetings of the I
8,51 Cha�r,Vice Cha�r The C P
Association and shall t�erform a�i duties meident to the ot�ce of Ghair
aad �uc]� nther duties a� may be dele�ated by the Asgodatian. The
Vice Cheir ah8�I1 ��t a$ Chafr ia the eb�nce of the Ct�air.
8.6? Secrete�ryJT�reasur� - The Secr�tary/'Treasurer ahall be re�po�.sibie for .
k�eping a recoxd af all af the pr�ceedi��a of�he A�saaatioa. The
�ecretiary/Treaaurer �ha�l s�nd written notice and �ati�vecustvdY f .
� to agenda ite�s to e��h Board Member. I3e/�he �ha�1
the Aesoci�tion'� fundx, �hhall pay it� hill�, en�keap its��nCi�l
recoz�, and�enerau�' conduct�he fina�ncial affeira af xhe Aasociation. .
'�he Secretary�Tre��urer shall,be rearponsibte for such oth�r ma�t�r� as
ahall b+� dele�ated t� him,/rner by the As��cia�ion. t}rders, chack�, and
dra£t� of the A�socfa�°n �ball be issu�d ia aec�rdance vaith the
i�a�cial practtce� applir,�ble to t�he mewher cit� from whi�h the
S�cretarYt'I`rea�ur�r i� al�cted. In cau.duc�iz�g�� all tiraes,�a,ct i�
financial sffairs, Ehe S�tary'�aaurer ahall, -
accardance with g+�ae�rrs►I accapted accauri�iag p��plee. T�e
� B�cretaryi"I'rea�urer's ��porta, inciudin� �ny billa or c�Aima to be ��ed
upon by tjs�Aaaociat.ian, �hall tte d.i$tributed ta all Board Members.
Any persona m.e�Y b� �aged t+�p�rfera� �uch servicsg under the
_ �ect'et�i'ytrl`reagtu'e+t''� Buperv��ion aad d�x�ction, when authori�ed by ,
.�he AesociatimQ. .
� 9.7) p�har offfcarg -The Asstkf ation maY apPomt �uch other oi'Ficere as it
� deema nece$sary. A11 such a�cers �h�tll b�So�rd Mem.bers.
$�$) �Olri�litt8@8 - Z'� t�sB�Ciation msy appoint euch Com�itteas aa i�
deems aec��eary o� desirable to aacompli�h its purpa�es.
AR't''iG� 10. .
id_1) Agsoci�tion fttnd� m�y be expended by the Board f.n acca�d�ce with
. tbe procsdures e�ablished by l�w for the exg�diture of t�wda by .
Mins�eedta eta�utory atiea. Legal inetruments shall be executed with
autho�'ity af t'►he Bocird,by aup two t�) o�F'icer�.
10.2) The financial co�tributions af the Partfes iz� support of the Aesociaticn
ahaA be pez� Cspita. EaCh af the Parties �h�ll pay t��� �sociation an
anaouz�t as detexmiu�d by the Baard at its annus� meetiag r�ot ta
exoeed $.2U pe�' capi'ta by Oct,r�ber i� of each ye�r ba�ed upon the m.oet
� rscent 1Yletro'golit,an Caunc�il populatian estam�teg. The financfe.l
cflntxibu�ione of A;f�iliate Membera �hall be deteruiined by tl�e Soerd.
�' y all le�al and
,�,�g� ��qa�nt$ xnay b�e u�ed b tha A.qeociet�an to p�Y roved b the
. consultant co�ta &t�d expenae� and ot�►�r egpenaeg aa app x
- $
a ...�. ..�.�-.
11i02�95 15:28 $612 882 7600 M1NN 4ALLEY TRAN l�007
. �
• Board. The Board may authoriae ch�nges i� the per capit& Charge fOr
all meutibers upon me�arity vate,
10.3) A�propo�ed bud�et shall be formulated by tha Bos�rd and grs�mitted to
#�he PArtiss on or before Au�ust 1 of ee►ch oalendar ye�'. �uuch budget
�hall be deemed app�ovAd by 8� 1'arty unless, prior to Septembex I5 of
the year fnvalved, th� Party givos aotics in wxiti�.g to the �oard that it
i� witl�drawin�from th� A�sociation. Final action adopting a budget
for the en�ui�i C81endQr yeer sh811 be taken by the Bv$rd an or hefore
tlze OCt4bei' Orgsnizat.ional meetir��Q#�ch ys&r•
�U.�) Aay Party ��y i.nspect and Copy the A�socfation books and rec�rds at
. be ke
t in
any and all reasonable times. All boo� and recard� �hall p
a�cord�pee with normal and�ccepted accauntsng proceduree and
principles used by Mix�esota �tatutozy c����.
AR'I`YCI,� 11
iN1''1'��AWAL - .
II.1) Wi�hdraw�l - An� P�:�ty 4� Af�iiate Member may withdxAw fr�rtz �his .�greement
9ffeCtivB oil t}Ctoh�r 7. of a�y year by giving no�ice pur�uant ta �ectfon 2 of this �
Ar't�iele priaar to July 15 of the preceding Year•
; 1I.2> Nat�ce - In arder to efPectu�te a withdrawal, a PaxtY or A�'iliate Member
�rithd�'8;vving frpm the Assooiation eha13 �ive w�`itti��. nt�tice to the Ch�ir of the
A,saoci�tion, eerved�ereaually va the Ch$ir ar addreesed ta the Chair at the addre��
ehOWn on the x�co�ds of Che Aasoa.ati�u, and by gtving ari.�h such notice, a copy of a
reaolution of i�$ Council atatin�ita decision to withdx'aw frdm th� A�ss�cietinn. The
�vitbdrawal ehall be effeative upon aetual receipt b9 the Chair and e��h o�F'=cer vf -
euch notice �nd resolution_ The withdrawing P�rty �ha11 have the respongibi�ity far
auch aetual receipt by the Chair �:nd e$ch off'icer. Upvn receipt of$u�h notfce and
ra�olutian, the Ch�ir of the Associa�ion shall �cYxward a copy af the ndtice and
resolution to ea�h Soard Membe�.
1I.S) F�rzancial EfP�ct of Withdrawal • Ntr fit�ancial b�ne�t sh�tll inure.to a Pe�'ty or .
A,�f�Iiata Member that wit.hdr�ws from th�s Aseaciation nar ehs�ll ther+e ba az�y
reimbure�went fur aay contribution m�de or required of the arithdrstwn
Farty'b3► this Agreemeut�
____ �__ _ .
11�02i95 15:28 $612 882 7fi00 MINN VALLEY TRAN 1�j008
�TIC� 1� .
12.1) Amendments - 'Tb�a A�ree�ent may be amended by a vo�Ge af�wo•thirdg t2/8) of the
aumb�r af Par�tie� �t any me�ti.�� o�'the Bo�rd, �ravided that �uch pus�pose is stated
in the natice of the mee�cing and the propaged �mendment i� prnvided in wrftiAg td
all Board Membera at loas� seven (7) daps in advance af the meating.
13.1) Duration af A�aociatian -The Associ,�t�fon shall be dissolved if lega than two E�)
Partiwa remain, or by opez�atian �f state pr fede�sl Iaw or r�gulation, naw or
hereafter en��ted, or by mut�al eigned agreement af aI� of the Par�iea.
18.2) Di�tributioa af Assets - Upon di�salution of�he �issocietian, all rewaining
asset� of the Associatian, af�xx paynaent of all obligstions, ahall �ie . .
di�tributed axaon8 the Farties that are P�rtiea to the Ag�'eeme�t at
the time c►f df�$olu�ion, in proportion to thair contributioas and in
accordanc� witl� procedures established by the Aseociatio�.. The
Asaociatipn ah�11 continue to e�st af'ter dissolut�an for euch perfod,na
lo�er thaa �� t$? months, as ia necess�ry ta cvind up ita �tffaira, but
far no uthes� purposes.
nv wiTr�ss w��aF, x�.� m,�ri���ty of �S
causcefl th�Agre�mant ta be signed on its behalf tlnis da� af -----, i9�,,,.
� By: � �