HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. S.O.A.R. Update by Kevin Carroll CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 15, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: S.O.A.R. UPDATE BY KEVIN CARROLL AGENDA SECTION: Dept. Heads Report/Business PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGENDA NO. ����n ,µ � A �vi tt' Ij APPROVED BY: ATTACHMENTS: Memo Kevin Carroll would like to update the City Council on the recent conclusions of Metropolitan Council Airport Commission and request consideration of funding for lobbying efforts, consultants, and informing residents. RECOMMENDED ACTION: For Discussion. COUNCIL ACTION: . 08i11i95 10:26 CARROLL �AW OFFICE LTD y 1 612 423 52�3 D�1 s M�MG�AATDU� Tp: Mr. Tom Burt, City Administrator FROM: Kevin Carrol.l, l3UAR Board of Directors RE: City Sudget/Airport Isaues DATE: �ugust 1I, 1995 Tom, Thi� Memorandum will �ummarize my� recent telephone conve�rsa�ian wa.th yau regarding the Dual Track Airport P�az�ning Process and the City of Rasemount' s budgeting pracess. A� you know, I have �uggested (on SOAR' s behal�) that the City coneider the possibility of includi.ng a "line item" in the budget for airport i.saues. Other nearby cities and townships ,have done �o, or are currently in the procass of daa.t�g so• EarTier this week, Denmark Tawnsha.p (in W�shington County, just north of Aas�inqs) allocated a total of $1p,pp0.Q0 (55000.00 in 1996 and 55000.�0 in 1997 ) fQr airpo�t issues. Marshan Township ( just south o� Hastingg) has set as�.de 520,0�0.00 for the eame purpose. It i� my underatanding tha� a member af the Hastings City Council (with the support af the City' s sta�f) has proposed that Hasti.ngs earrnark $25,OOQ.00 in 1996 and another $25,QOO.Od in 1997 fo= aiz�port issues. p�ny fundg that the City af Ra�emount ICl1�Jklt BZI.bCA't@ �ox airport issueca could be used (individually or in conjunction with other citiss or townshipe� in a variety of w�ys, includiz�g the fo�lawing; 1. The City could hire or retain consultants to provide advice and direction with regpect to any ��chnica]. ar speca.alized issu�s that cannot be handled by City �taff. 2. The City could ha.re ar retain labbyiete ta keep the City informed regarding relevant legislative developments and to convey the City' g opinians and conoern� to nur elected represeatatives. 3. The Gity could enter into contracts with other organizations, such as BaAR ox Land Steward�hip, to perform specified ta�ks or servicee �fax example: canduct surveya�, pr�pare and distribute informational. newale�ters, establish and maintain com}auter databax��s, prepare document$ ar exhibits for public o� legislative � hearings, etc. � . 1 08i11i95 10:27 CARROLL LAW �FFIC� LTD � 1 bi2 423 5203 D0� , . Z canta.nu� to believe that the City c�f Ra�emount must be an active participant in the airport planning process, for reasona that include the �ollowin9- 1. Of all the iasuee tha�t the City wi7.1 be facing in the next two yea=s, the airport igsue has the greatest potential for adve�sely affecting the City' � quaJ.it�r of life and the Ci�y' s long-ternn plans �or ozderly econvmic and residential develapmen�. 2 . The "remote runway" concept is not dead. Tts proponentg wi1]. probably continue to prdmote it despite anything that the MAC' s cvnsultants may ��y about its re].ative7.y � high cost. 3. Tnareasing attention has been (and w�.11 be) devo�ed to the topic of "land banking" or "si�e preservation" . In other words, "L�t' s buy up (or tie up� as much land as we can, so that we've got a place to put a new airport if we decide tc build one later. " � You have indicated a willa.ngne�g to put this item on the agenda for next Tuesday' s City CounciJ. meeting, and I 1o4k forward to discuesing �hese matters with you and with the City Council at that time. . 2