HomeMy WebLinkAbout9. Discussion on Proposed 1996 Operating Budget {_ MEMORANDUM DATE: August 15, 1995 TO: Mayor& City Council FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator SUBJECT: 1996 Budget Draft#3 The draft budget before you this evening continues to remains very conservative. The operating budget has a proposed increase of 5.52%, however, the total funding requirements have increased by 8.04%. The most significant part of the increase is due to CIP items. , The budget as presented, without CIl', would have resulted in a decrease to the City's portion of the property tax. However, a commitment to reinvest in Rosemount and the reconstruction of infrastructure and streets have caused a modest increase for 1996. As the budget is now presented, the average $110,000 home, with no change in the market value, would have an estimated increase of 1.19% or $6.00. Besides the addition of CIP (street projects) items, other changes were made from the last draft. FAST COP funds have been added for the additional police officer. The transfer to the Community Center was increased due to 1/2 of a Building Attendant being inadvertently left out. Park and Recreation/Community Center Committee members compensation was added. And the LGA amount has been increased slightly. Other issues that need to be addressed this evening are: -Add $5,000 for SOAR lobbying. -Recycling: Knutsons no longer will provide the service for free. The budget must be increased or the ordinance changed to require all haulers to collect recyclables. - Code enforcement: Continue with an intern, hire someone full-time or add duties to other employees. If there are other questions you have as you spend more time going through the budget, pleaselet me know. The proposed levy will be certified at the September 5, 1995 meeting. Once this is done the budget can no longer be increased. The public hearings (Truth in Taxation) meetings will be held on November 29, 1995, with a reconvening meeting, if needed, on December 8, 1995. �s000 �` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT !��'i� WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMATING PROPERTY TAXES(ISD#196 FIGURES) , Market Value 68,000 72.000 110,000 150,000 _ ..� _..�_------- ----------- -------- -------- ----------- ------------ ------------ -------------- Year 7994 1995 1996 Est 1994 1995 1996 Est 1994 1995 7996 Est 1994 1995 1996 Est --------------- ------------- -------- ------------- --------------- ----------__ _.___-_--- -------------- ------------____� _-- Tax Capacity 680 680 680 720 720 720 1,480 1.480 1,480 2,280 2280 2.280 Tax Capacity Rates: City 32297% 35.778% 36.258% 32297% 35.778% 36.258% 32.29796 35.778% 36.258% 32297% 35.778% 36.258% County 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% SchooF DisVict 60.933% 62.348% 64.218% 60.933% 62.34896 64218% 60.933% 62.348% 64.218% 60.933% 62.34896 64218% Miscellaneous 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% 4.964% 4.70296 4.843% 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% Adjustment ------__..� ....____._--- ------------- --------------- ------------- ----------- --------------- --------------- ------------ Total 125.668% 130.82296 134.153% 125.66896 130.622% 134.153% 725.668% 130.822% 134.153% 125.668% 130.822% 734.153% ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ __=___ ______ ______ _______ _____=_ ______ ______ ProPer►Y Taxes: C��y 22p 2q3 2q7 233 258 261 478 530 537 736 816 827 Gounty 187 190 196 198 202 208 407 414 427 626 638 657 School District 414 424 437 439 449 462 902 923 950 1,389 1,422 1,464 Miscellaneous 34 32 33 36 34 35 73 70 72 113 107 110 Adjustment �_.._-------- --------�-- ------.__---- ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- -------------- ------- - 855 890 972 905 942 966 1,860 1,936 1.985 2.865 2.983 3,059 �` 1.342��:#►,���:`:,�.�:�'�:,�:��me Market Value 200,000 250,000 History of Actual Tax Capaciry Rates(Using ISD#196 Rates) ...___------- ------- ----------- ------------- --- --- ---------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- Year 1994 1995 1996 Est 1994 1995 1996 Est 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Est --.-___- -------------- --------- Tax Capacity 3,280 3,280 3,280 4,280 4,280 4,280 Tax Capacity Rates: City 32297% 35.77896 36.25896 32297% 35:778% 36.258% 27.705% 29.224% 29.810% 32297% 35.778% 36.258%(1) ' County 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% 22.542% 25.536% 26.558% 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% (2) School District 60.933% 62.348% 64218% 60.933% 62.348% 64218% 48.559% 55.681% 60.188% 60.933% 62.348% 64.218% (2) Miscellaneous 4.964% 4J02% 4.843% 4.964% 4J02% 4.843% 3.477% 5.060% 3J03% 4.964% 4.702% 4.843%(2) Adjustment -------------- ------------ ---------- ------------ ---------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------- -------- Total 125.668% 130.822% 134.153% 125.668% 130.822% 134.153% 102.283% 115.501% 120.259% 125.668% 13Q.822% 134.153% Property Taxes: City 1,059 1,174 1,189 1,382 1,531 1,552 Net Tax Capacity Percentages County 901 918 946 1,176 1,198 1,234 For Residential Homesteads School District 1,999 2,045 2,106 2,608 2,668 2,749 First$72,000 1.0 1.0 1.0 Miscellaneous 163 154 159 212 201 207 $72,000-$115,000 2A 2.0 2.0 AdjustmeM Over$115,000 2A 2A 2.0 ------4,122- ----- 4291 -------4,400 5,379 5,599 5,742 (1) This Figure Derived Using: (a)1996 Preliminary Levy Less Fiscal Disparities 3,386,756 / 9,340,719 = 0.3625798 (b)Net Tax Capacity Figure as of 6/4(95 11,241,306 (c)Captured Tax Increment Tax Capaciry as of 1/1/95 {411,869) (d)Contribution to Fiscal Disparities as of 1/1/95 (1,488,718) 9.340,719 (2} These Figures Derived Using a 3%Increase from the 1995 Tax Capacity Rates `��o,00a - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ���� WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMATIN(i PROPERTY TAXES(ISD#196 FIGURES) , Market Value 68,000 72,000 110,000 150,000 --------- - ------------- --------------- -__------ ------- ------- --------------- ----------------- Year 1994 1995 1996 Est 1994 1995 1996 Est 1994 1995 1996 Est 1994 1995 1996 Est _-_.---� .____._�. �___-_ -----------" ----__� ..------------ --------__. _._______._ ------------ Tax Capaciiy 680 680 680 720 720 720 1,480 1,480 1.480 2,280 2,280 2.280 Tax Capacity Rates: C�►y 32297% 35.778% 36.31296 32297% 35.778% 36.312% 32•29796 35•778% 36.312% 32297% 35.77896 36.312% County 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% 27.47496 27.994% 28.834% 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% School District 60.933% 62.348% 64.21896 60.933% 62.348% 64218% 60.93396 62.348% 64218% 60.933% 62.348% 64218% Miscellaneous 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% Adjustment ----_..---- ------- ------------ ------------ ----------- --�--------- -------------- -------------- ------------------ ------- Total 125.66896 130.822% 134.207% 125.668% 130.822% 134207% 125.668% 130.822% 134.207% 125.668% 130.822% 134207% Property Taxes C�ty 220 243 247 233 258 261 478 530 537 736 876 828 County 187 190 196 198 202 208 407 414 427 626 638 657 School District 414 424 437 439 449 462 902 923 950 1,389 1,422 1,464 Miscellaneous 34 32 33 36 34 35 73 70 72 113 707 110 Adjustment .�_�.____ -___._._- .----�..----- --------------- ------------- -------------- --------- --------------- ------------ 855 890 913 905 942 966 1,860 1,936 1,986 2,865 2,983 3,060 r 1.491%i+�.�.'1�:�;�`..�..��:�'z,,.�:.�me Market Value 200,000 250,000 History of Actual Tau Capaciry Rates(Using ISD#196 Rates) _..___----- --___.-_--• -----__----- ------------ -----_---- --_------ --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------ Year 1994 1995 1996 Est 1994 1995 1996 Est 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Est �___.____� ._----------- -- Tax Capacily 3,280 3,280 3,280 4,280 4,280 4,280 Tax Capacity Rates: City 32.297% 35.778% 36.312% 32.29796 35.778% 36.312% 27.705% 29.224% 29.81096 32297% 35.778% 36.31296 (1) County 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% 22.542% 25.536% 26.55896 27.474% 27.994% 28.83496(2) School District 60.933% 62.348% 64218% 60.933% 62.348% 64.218% 48.559% 55.681% 60.188% 60.933% 62.348% 64.218% (2) Miscellaneous 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% 3.477% 5.060% 3.703% 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% (2) Adjustment ------------ -------------- --------------- ------------ -------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- --___ Total 125.668% 130.822% 134.20796 125.668% 130.622% 134.207% 102.283% 115.501% 120.259% 125.668% 130.822% 134207% Property Taxes: City 1,059 1,174 1,191 1,382 1,531 1,554 NetTaxCapacityPercentages County 901 918 946 1,176 1,198 1,234 For Residential Homesteads. School District 1,999 2,045 2,106 2.608 2.668 2,749 First$72,000 1.0 1.0 1.0 Miscetlaneous 163 154 159 212 201 207 $72,000-$115,000 2A 2.0 2.0 Adjustment Over$115,000 2.0 2.0 2A ------------ ------------ ----- 4,122 4,291 4,402 5,379 5,599 5,744 (1) This Figure Derived Using: _ (a)1996 Preliminary Levy Less Fiscal Disparities 3,391,756 / 9,340,719 = 0.3631451 (b)Net Tax Gapacity Figure as of 6/4/95 71,241,306 (c)Captured Tax Increment Tau Capacity as of 1/1/95 (411,869) (d)Contribution to Fiscal Disparities as of 1/1/95 (1,488,718) 9,340,719 (2) These Figures Derived Using a 3%Increase from the 1995 Tax Capaciry Rates t _ SCHEDULE I-II FOR LUMP SUM PENSION PLANS � STATE FIRE AID YEAR 1996 Firefighters Relief Association of Rosemount County of Dakota SCHEDULE I Computation of benefit of relief association special fund(at$2000 per year of service)for all members based on their years of service as active fire department members. 1 2 3 4 5 6 � ' 1995 1996 F.D. To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Entry Date Years Active Accrued Years Active Accrued I Mont Year Service Liabili Service Liabili ! 1. Aker,Scott 43 4 ' 82 14 23680 15 26080��I 2. Anderson,Robert 45 4 ' 83 13 21400 14 23680'�:I 3. Baile ,Dave 25 4 ' 89 7 9840 8 115201i 4. Burkhalter,B an 30 11 85 10 15200 11 171601� 5. Corri n,Dan 29 4 ' 84 12 19240 13 21400 i,!� 6. Evenson,Mark 37 4 ' 86 10 15200 11 17160 i' 7. Ford,Ja 33 . 7 > 91 4 5200 5 6680'il � 8. Gardinier,Scott 30 1 ' 92 4 5200 5 6680':I!i 9. Gerrits,Joe 28 7 - 86 9 13320 10 152001i 10. Hae ,Mike 38 4 82 14 23680 15 26080'••; 11. Hel eson,Scott 38 7 91 4 5200 5 6680 I 12. Hill,Shawn 22 11 : 92 3 3800 4 5200� 13. Kornovich,Ashle 42 9 ' 82 13 21400 14 23680.I 14. Lon ,Pat 33 12 ' 94 1 1200 2 2480�i� 15. Lundell,Pete 49 10 69 26 52000 27 54000 � Total from Pa e 2 132360 154720 i� ** DEFERRED � Total of Defened Pensions, � If An , Total from a e 2 34035 35�36 i Total Unpaid Installments, �I If An , Total from a e 2 � Total of Early Vested Pensions If An , Total from a e 2 `145`!�4 44544I A. Accrued Liability Through Next > ' ' ; ' i 4986801 Year 1996 total,column ------------ —l------ ------ B. Accrued Liability Through This ; , Year 1995 total,column5 --------------------> 446499 ------}' 446499� G Subtract Line B from Line A normal cost 52181� Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest full year. Do not enter liability in Columns 5 or 7 for any person who will receive entire pension during this year. Enter this pension amount on Schedule II,Section 1,Line h. For installment liability,enter amount which will be payable after end of this year in both column 5 and column 7. If interest is to be paid on unpaid pensions,add interest for 1 yeaz in column 7. A copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Council before Augusf 1 each year. Page 1 � SCHEDULE I - ADDITIONAL MEMBERS ' � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 � 1995 1996 � F.D. To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Ent Date Years Active Accrued Years Active Accrued Month Year Service Liabili Service Liabilit Re lar Pensions 1. Moone ,Te 31 8 >' 90 5 6680 6 8200 2. Nelson,Edward 35 12 '- 93 2 2480 3 3800 3. Paulson,Wa e 40 7 '' 86 9 13320 10 15200 4. Rambo.Kevin 28 12 94 1 1200 2 2480 5. Reis.Mike 36 4 '< 82 14 23680 15 26080 6. Smith,Gre 35 4 ' 89 7 9840 8 11520 7. Snyder,Glenn 25 1 ' 92 4 5200 5 6680 8. Stauffer,Dou 26 4 `>>' 90 6 8200 7 9840 9. Strese,Steve 36 2 >> 78 18 33960 19 36880 10. Tucker,Kevin 28 4 `,>' 90 6 8200 7 9840 11. We er,Paul 30 12 < 93 2 2480 3 3800 12. Zwart.Harold 39 4 87 9 13320 10 15200� I13. Anderson,Lei 30 11 `<' 92 3 3800 4 5200 I 14. 0 0 0 � 0� � 15. � 0 0 0 ' OI 16. 0 0 0 j 0! 17. ' 0 0 0 0 18. 0 0 0 0 19. � � � � 20. 0 0 0 O I 2L 0 0 0 0 22. � � � � 2; 0 0 0 OI 24. 0 0 0 0 25. , 0 � � 0 Subtotal of Re lar ension liabili 132360 :;'"':�;::;�:;:�:�::;�:;�'?:�:<: 154720 Separation Accrued Accrued Name A e Ent Date Date Liabili Liabilit Defened Pensions 1. J Walsh 34035 35736 2. 3. 4. Subtotal of Deferred Pensions 34035 35'736 Un aid Installments L 2. Subtotai of Un aid installments 0 0 Eazl Vested Pensions 1. J Anderson 17952 17952 2. M McDonou 9792 9792 3. B Szczensniak 8400 8400 4. J Oxborou 8400 8400 Subtotal of Earl Vested Pensions 44544 44544 Page 2 .. " Schedule II $eCt10II 1 Determination of Projected Net Assets for the year ending December 31, 1995 Special Fund Assets at December 31, 1994 1 $ 462,823 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Form — 1994) Projected Income to December 31, 1995 a. Minnesota State Aid $ 25,999 (Use 1994 amount,exclude supplemental) b. Municipal(independent fire) Contributions $ 26,000 c. Donations (List ) $ 960 d. Investment Income $ 19,000 e. Realized Gains (losses) $ � f. Unrealized Gains(losses) $ 26,000 g. Other income (Includes Supplemental) $ 0 (List — ) Total 2 $ 97,959 Projected Assets plus Income December 31, 1995 (line 1 + line 2) 3 $ 560,782 Projected Disbursements through end of year h. Pensions $ 157,000 i. Other benefits $ 37,000 j. Administrative � $ 5,624 Total 4$ 199,624 Projected Assets at end of year(line 3 minus line 4) 5 $ 361,158 SeCt10II 2 Determination of Projected Surplus(Deficit) as of December 31, 1995 Projected Assets (line 5) 6 $ 361,158 Accrued Liability (line B,Schedule 1) 7$ 446,499 Surplus (deficit) (Subtract line 7 from line 6) 8 $ (85,341) " Go to Sectioa 3 if Surplus " Go to Section 4 if Deficit SectioII 3 Determination of Municipal Contribution (ifSurplus) Normal Cost(Line C,Schedule 1) 9$ 0 Calculated Administrative Expense(1994 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. $ 5624 x 1.035) 10 $ 0 Less: k. Minnesota State Aid $ 0 1. 5% of line 5 $ 0 m. 10% of line 8 $ 0 Total Subtractions 11 $ 0 Municipal Contribution (line 9,plus 10 minus 11) 12$ 0 If $1.00 or greater, certify to municipality before August 1, 1995, If negative number, no contribution is due. GO TC) SEC`I'IOlti S _ _ _ __ __ Page 3 . / $CCt10II 4 Determination vf Municipa! Contribution (if Deficit) Amortizatioa of Deficits. Year Incurred Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 ount ReCved in Prior Amount Left to Ori inal Amount Years Retire 19 93 44042 5614 38428 19 19 19 n. 85,341 (section 2,line 8) S�btotal � ' o. 38,428 (Column 3 Subtotal) New add'l De6cit(94) 46913 46913 p. 46,913 (n.minus o.) Totals 90955 5614 85341 Step# 1 If line p is positive,enter line p in columns 1 and 3 of New additional Deficit(95)line. (This is your New additional Deficit for 1995.) Step#2 If line p is negative,reduce columns 2 and 3 according to Deficit Reduction in the instructions,page 6. Amortiza.tion of Deficit (Total from Column 1 90955 x_10) 13 $ 9,096 Total from line C, Schedule I,Normal Cost 14$ 52,181 Calculated Administrative Expense (1994 Reporting Form g dm.Exp. 5624 x 1.035) 15$ 5,821 Subtotal Lines 13+14+15 16$ 67,098 Less: q. Minnesota State Aid $ 25,999 r. 5% of line 5 $ 18,058 Total Subtractions (subtotal of Lines q and r) 17$ 44,057 Municipal Contribution (line 16 minus line 17) 18$ 23,041 (If 0 or negative, there is nv municipal contributioa) Yon must certity to municipality before An�ust 1, 1995,even if no contribution is due. $eCt10II 5 Calculation of Average special fvnd income per member A+B+C D A B C D E State Municipal 10% of Acrive Aid Su rt Su lus MembeYs Avera e last year 1994 25,999 26,000 0 30 1,733.30 2 years ago 1993 23,634 26,000 0 34 1,459.82 3 years ago 1992 24,563 28,607 0 34 1,563.82 Tota1 column E divided by 3 F. $ 1586 Masimum Pension Benefit under G. statute$ 2900 T Look up the result of F on the table(page 7 in the instructions)to obtain G. T This is your maximum bene�it this year.You cannot increase benefits beyond this amount Page 4 .• �� O�'FICER'S CER'i'IFICATION (Form must be provided to municipal clerk on or before August 1, 1995) We, the officers of the Rosemount Firefighters Relief Association, state that the accompanying schedules have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. §69.772, subd. 4. The average amount of available financing per member of the special fund for the past three years is$ 1586 . Further, benefit levels have been established in accordance with the average amount of available financing, as is required by Minnesota law. We certify that the financial requirements of the relief association special fund for 1996 purposes of required municipal contribution is $ 23,041 � Y..�SJ �'oZ� " CI, Signature of President Date ' �-��qs ignature of Se tary Date ���� � -2�- 9.�" Signature of Treasurer .� Date CLERK'S CERTIFICATIQN I am the clerk of C� o�t- a,sd.��w • I have received the completed Office of State Auditor Schedule I&II from Rosemount Re 'ef Association on , 1995. I have reviewed Section 2, line 8, 12 and 18 of Schedule II. If line 12 or 18 reflects a required municipal contribution, I certify that I will advise the governing municipal body at it's next regularly scheduled meeting. If the Certification of the Officers discloses that the By—laws have been amended or benefits have increased and Iine 12 or 18 reflect a required municipal contribution, I ce.rtify that the governing municipal board passed a resolution approving of the increase or change in by—laws. I have attached the Board resolution, if required. Date ���� I " /Z 2.2-zoa 2 : o� ,�maw�� Si ature of erk us' ess Pho WARNING:This document must be fully complete�cerCfied by the re/ief association o�cer� certified by t6e municipa! cler$and 61ed wit6 the Office of State Auditor reporting form as requirad by Minn. Stat. �69.77L subd. 3. Failure to 61e this document, whether or not a municipal cont�ibution is due, will result in ineli�libility of state 6re aid, as required by Minnesota state law Page 5 6.18 7.1 _ the Official Zoning Map must meet the Federai Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) technical conditions and criteria and must receive prior FEMA approval before adoption. The Commissioner of Natural Resources must be given ten (10) days written notice of all hearings to consider an amendment to this Ordinance, and said notice shall include a draft of the ordinance amendment or technical study under consideration. All requests to change a special flood hazard area designation shall meet the criteria established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (Ord. 8-25, 2-2-93) 7: DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: 7.1: DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS: Minimum Minimum Lot Size (ft) Yards (ft) Other Standards Maximum Max Bldg Ma7c GUOS/ DisWcts Zone= Width(ft) Area Depth Froot Side10 Rear � Ht(ft) Lot' Unit(sn Density Cover AG N!A 300 2.5 AC 50 30 30 1/10 AC 50 N/A N/A AG-P N/A 300 40 AC 50 30 30 1/40 AC 50 N/A N/A ' RR N/A 200` 2.5 AC` 40 30 30 1/5 AC 35 N/A N/A RL N/A 110 20,000 180 30 15 30 N/A 35 3035 N/A R-1 N!A 80 10;000" 125 305 10 30 N/A 35 30% N/A R-lA N/A 80 10,000" 125 305 5'Z 25 N/A 35 30% N!A R-2(S� N/A 100 12,000 120 30' 10 30 6/AC 35 30% N/A (3+� N/A 120 18,000 150 305 30 30 6/AC 35 75% N/A R3 N/A 150 22,500 150 305 30 30 jB�AC �a 35 75�0 500 R-4 N/A 150 22,500 150 30' 30 30 40/AC 35 75% 500 Gl 1 AC' 150 15,000 125 305 10` 10` N/A 35 754'o N/A G2(CBD) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 35 N/A N/A C-3 .5 AC 120 0.5 AC 305 106 10° N/A 35 75%a N1A C-4,BP-2, 1 AC 120 20,000 305 106 10` N/A 35 75% N/A BP-4 BP-1,BP-3 5 AC N!A 0.5 AC 30 30' 30' N/A 40 75% N/A WM 10 AC N/A 5.0 AC 75 50' S0' N/A 75 50% N!A IG 10 AC N/A 5.0 AC 75 50' S0' N/A 75 503'o N/A P N/A N/A N/A 30 30' 30' N/A 40 75% N/A FP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ' For additional requiremenu refer to Section 7.2,Supplementazy Regulauons;Secdon 8,Off-street Pazldng;and Secuon 9, Special Overlay Regulations. 2 Unless contiguous to an eusting such district. ' Three(3)acres maximum zone size. 394 City of Rosemount � � , r ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 15, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: BUDGET WORKSHOP AGENDA SECTION: WORKSHOP PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGENDA N(�,�.� � � APPROVED BY: ATTACHMENTS: THIIZD DRAFT OF 1996 BUDGET � A "Workshop" will following the City Council meeting to allow staff, City Council, and residents to exchange ideas on priorities and recommended changes. Please review this information prior to Tuesday evening . - RECOMMENDED ACTION: For Discussion. COUNCIL ACTION: ,r Cit of Rosemount Y � l 6 B ud et Pro osed 99 p g DRAFT # 3 August 15, 1995 � , Page�One • September 5,1995 REVENUE SOURCES � 1995 Adopted 1996 Proposed +/- � Ty�y Budget Budget Difference Percentage Loca1 Goverment Aid 5384,888 $385,706 5818 0.21% Homestead 8t Agricultucal Credit Aid $562,494 $533,760 (a28,�34) -5.11% Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits S268,400 $267,900 (5500) -0.19% Intergoveramental 5270,500 $341,800 $71,300 26.36% Charges for Services 5370,275 $329,400 ($40,875) -11.04% Fines and Forfeits 580,000 $100,000 $20,000 25.00% Recreadonal Fees 5202,130 $169,510 ($32,620) -1614% Misceilaneous Revenues 561,600 $38,000 ($23,600) -38.31% Transfers In 53,400 53,500 $100 2.94% Total Internal Revenues $1,25d,305 $1,250,110 ($6,195) -0.49% I,evy Sources: Special L.evies 5815,337 $676,454 ($138,883) -17.03% General L.evy 52,408,062 $3,017,459 $609,397 25.31% Total Levy 53,223,399 $3,693,913 $47Q514 14.60°l0 ----s------------- -------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- TOTAL REVENUE SOURCES 55,427,086 $5,863,489 $436,403 8.04% �_________� ___________ ___________ ___________ r � , Page�'wo � September 5,1995 F[JNDING REQUIREMENTS „ � 1995 Adopted 1996 Proposed +/- Departments Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget $96,500 $80,200 ($16,300) -16.89% Administration Budget 5211,760 S7A4,900 533,140 15.65% Election Budget $5,800 $9,100 $3,300 56.90% Finance Budget 5121,389 5134,500 513,111 10.80% General Government Budget $221,000 5197,200 ($23,800) -10.77% Community Development 5322,300 $331,200 $8,900 2.76% Government Buildings Budget $94,700 593,500 ($1,200) -1.27% Police Budget $967,825 $1,119,500 $ISi,675 15.67% Fire Department Budget $181,300 $181,300 $0 0:00% Public Works Operating Budget 51,003,500 $1,045,300 $41,800 4.17% Paved Streets Budget $99,900 $104,400 $4,500 4.50%a � Unpaved Streets Budget $57,200 $59,200 $2,000 3.50% Ice&Snow Budget 522,300 $23,000 $700 3.14% Street Lights Budget 572,500 574,000 51,500 2.07% Signal Lights Budget $8,b00 $8,600 $0 0.00% Parks Maintenance Budget 563,300 563,800 $500 0.79% Park&Rec Budget-General Operating 5581,700 $578>800 (S2,900) -0.50% Park&Rec BudgetSpecial Programs � 567,675 577,535 59,86Q 14.57% Other Financing Uses-Transfecs 595,500 5105,900 $10,400 10.89% TOTAL OPERATING BUDGETS � 54,294,749 $4,531,935 �237,I86 5.52% Frve(�Year CIP Requirements 5127,000 5470,100 E343,100 270.16°rb Insurance Budget Requirements 5190,000 5185,000 (55,000) -2.63% Bonded Indebtedness $631,610 $490,344 ($141,266) -22.3'J% Certificates of Indebtedness 551,692 $49,518 (S2>174) -4.21% Armory Andcipatory Levy(Value 12J31/94) S132,035 5136,592 54,55'7 3.45%a •595,000+($521,200,800 x.00798%)' TOTAL FUNDING REQUIIZEMENTS E5,427,086 55,863,4H9 5436,403 8.04% _______-'__ _____�_____ ___________ ____�_____= . 1995 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 1996 GENERAL LEVY GENERAL FUND $2,362,359 5-YEAR CIP PROGRAM FUND $470,100 INSURANCE FUND $185,OOQ 70TAL GENERAL LEVY $3,017,459 BONDEDINDESTEDNESS G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1987A (Authorized -$319,945) $� G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1991 A(Authorized-$0) $0 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992A{Authorized-$0) $� G.O. COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS 1992C (Authorized-$105,452) $105,452 C.O.JMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D (Authorized-$5,488) $� G.O. MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS 1992E (Authorized $343,232) $0 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1993A(Authorized-$2,653) $� G.O. IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS 1993B (Authorized-$345,213) $0 G.O. MUNICIPAL BLDG REFUNDING BONDS 1993D (Authorized-$146,872) $146,872 G.O. BONDS 1993E{Authorized-$64,990) $��� G.O. BONDS 1994A(Authorized -$173,030) $173,030 TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $490,344 CERT(FICATES OF INDESTEDNESS G.O. E�UIPMENT CERTIFICATES 1991C (Authorized$49,518) $49,518 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS $49,518 PRINClPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($95,000 + $521,200,800 x.�0798°h) $136,592 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS $136,592 GRAND TOTAL 1994 PROPERTY TAX LEVY �3,693,913 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMATINCi PROPERN TAXES(ISD�196 FIGURESy Market Value 68,000 72.000 110.000 150,000 --------------- ----------- ---------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------- ----------_ _.._--------.. .______...------ - Year 1994 1995 1996 Est 1994 1995 1998 Est 1994 1995 1996 Est 1994 1995 1996 Est --------------- ---------- -------------- --------------- ------------ ------------- _.------- --___._------ ---- Tax Capacity 680 680 680 720 720 720 1.480 1,480 1.480 2.280 2,280 2,280 Tax Capacity Rates: C�hr 32297% 35.77896 36204% 32.297% 35.778% 36.204% 32297% 35.778% 3620496 32.29796 35.778% 36204% County 27.47496 27.994% 28.834% 27.47496 27.99496 28.834% 27.474% 27.994% 28.834% 27.47496 27.994% 28.83d% School District 60.933% 62.348% 64.218% 60.933% 62.348% 64.2t8% 60.933% 62.34896 64.21896 60.93396 62.34896 64.21896 Miscelianeous 4.96496 4J02% 4.843% 4.964% 4.702% 4.843% 4.964% 4.70296 4.843% 4.964% 4.70296 4.843% Adjustment ----------- -------------- --------------- --------------�- --------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- ----------------- _..._ Total 125.668% 130.822% _134.100% -125.668% 130.822% 134.10096 125.668% 130.82296 --134-10096 -_125-668% 130.82296 134.10096 Properly Taxes: C��y 220 243 246 233 258 261 478 530 536 736 818 825 CouMy 187 190 196 198 202 208 407 414 427 626 638 657 Schooi District 414 424 437 439 449 462 902 923 850 1,389 1,422 1,464 Miscellaneous 34 32 33 36 34 35 73 70 72 113 107 110 Adjustment ------------- -------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------ ------------- -------- ------------- ---------- ------------------- 855 890 912 905 942 966 1.860 1.936 1,985 2,865 2.983 3,057 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ___=__ ____=_ _�---__ _���__� �__��: aas�z= 1.19 ,� me Market Va�ue 200,000 250,000 History of Actual Tax Capacity Rates(Using 13D�198 Retes) ------------- ---------------- ------------- -------------_ ..------------- ---------------- _....___.._.__.._ ....�......_._....�.____...... ... --------------- ------------- --- Year 7994 1995 1996 Est 1994 1995 1996 Est 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 Est --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- Tax Gapacity 3,280 3,280 3,280 4,280 � 4,280 4,280 Tax Capacity Rates: C��y 32297% 35.778% 36.204% 32.297% 35.77896 36204% 27.705% 29.224% 29.81096 32.29796 35.77896 36.20496(1) Counly 27.474% 27.99496 28.834% 27.474% 27.994% 28.83496 22.542% 25.536% 26.55896 27.47496 27.99496 29.83496 (2) School District 60.933% 62.34896 64218% 60.933% 62.348% 64218% 48.55996 55.681% 60.188% 60.933% 62.348% 64218% (2) Miscellaneous 4.96496 4.702% 4.84396 4.964% 4.70296 4.943% 3.477% 5.O6U% 3.70396 4.96496 4.702% 4.84396(2) Ad�ustment --- ---------------- ------------- ------------------- --.__-----------__. ---- -------------- --------------- ----------- - --------------- ---------------- ---------- - - Total -125.668% 130.82296 134.10096 -125.668% -130.82296 134.10096 -102.283% 115.501% --120259% _-125�668% 130.822% 134.100% Property Taxes: ���y 1,059 1.174 1,188 1,382 1,531 1,550 Net Tax Capacity Percentages County 901 918 946 1.176 7,198 1,234 For Residential Homesteads: SchoolDistrict 1,999 2,Od5 2,106 2,608 2,668 2,749 First$72,000 1.0 1.0 1.0 Misceilaneous 163 154 159 212 201 207 $72.000-$115,000 2A 2.0 2A Over$115,000 2.0 2A 2A AdjustmeM --------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- 4,122 4,291 4,398 5,379 5,599 5,739 (1) This Figure Derived Using: (a)1996 Preliminary Levy less Fiscal Disparkies 3,381,756 / 9,340,719 = 0.3620445 (b)Net Tax Capacily Ffgure as of 614/95 11,241,306 ' {c)Captured Tax Increment Tax Capacity as of 1/1/95 (411,869) (d)CoMribution to Fiscal Disparities as of 1/1p95 (1,488,718) 9,340.719 ; , (2) These Figures Derived Using a 3%increase from the 1995 Tax Capaciry Rates . , , SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET 1996 1993 1994 1995 (Proposed) Total Funding Requirements 4,429,363 4,834,607 5,427,086 5,863,489 I.ess:Internal Revenues 1,219,450 1,057,062 1,256,305 1,250,110 I.ess:Use of CIP Reserves 0 175,Q00 0 0 Equals:Revenues Needed 3,209,913 3,602,545 4,170,781 4,613,379 (City Ad justments-Subtractions) Local Government Aid(LGA) 296,512 380,794 384,888 385,706 (2) Homestead&Agriculturai Credit Aid(HACA) N/A 555,804 562,494 533,�60 (4) Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 2,913,401 2,665,947 3,223,399 3,693,913 (County Auditor Ad justments-Subtractions) Fiscal Disparities Distribution Levy(Metro Area) 302,808 314,358 312,157 312,157 (3) Certified Homestead&Agricultural Credit Aid(HACA) 525,257 N/A N/A N/A Equalization Aid 82,973 N/A N/A N/A Disparity Reduction Aid N/A N/A N/A N/A Spread Levy(Used to Compute Locat Tax Rate) '` 2,002,363 2,351,589 (1) 2,911,242 (1) 3,381,756 Increase from 1'revious Year in Spread Levy 17.44% 23.80°!0 16.16% (1} Actnal Spread Levy Based on Numbers from County (2) 1996 Numbers Provided by Minnesota DeQartment of Revenue (3) 1995 Number Provided by Dakota County Auditor's Office -8/19/94(Using Same Number for First Draft for 199� (4) 1996 Estimated Numbers Provided by I.eague of Minnesota Cities Last Update-7/19/95 . , Page One . 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES Sepiember 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 � 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed ` Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 3101Q 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 51,090,326 $1,482,477 $1,968,905 $2,050,202 From County 101 31010 00 000 Cuaent Ad Valorem Taxes(� SO SO $89,000 $90,000 Included in Debt Levy Figure 101 31010 00 000.1 MSABC Armory Payments $90,000 101 31020 00 000 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes(� 520,184 549,972 S20,OOU $Z0,000 From County 101 31030 00 000 Mobile Home Taxes(I) S8>388 $1,003 $9,000 $1,000 From County 101 31040 00 000 Fiscal Disparities 5302,808 5314,358 $312,157 $312,157 From County 101 31710 00 000 Gravel Taxes(I) 53,520 53,381 $4,000 $4,000 From County 101 31810 00 000 Franchise Taxes(n 522,944 $26,918 SZ5,000 $28,000 From Cable Company 101 32110 00 000 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses(L) 511,919 $11,469 $13,000 $13,000 101 32160 00 000 Licenses to do Business(L) 516,600 $18,955 $17,000 $17,000 101 32161 00 000 Licenses to do Bus-Kennels(L) $0 $0 $100 $100 101 32162 00 000 Licenses to do Business-�(L) 5100 $50 $100 $100 Splatball Permits 101 32180 00 000 Cigarette Licenses(L) 5200 5206 5200 $200 101 32210 00 000 Building Permit Revenue(L) E194,318 $200,241 $190,000 $190,OOQ 101 32211 00 000 Coates Bldg Official Remib(L) $355 $16' $S00 $0 101 32212 00 000 Mineral Extraction Permit(L) $250 EO $0 $0 101 32220 00 000 Electrical Permit Revenue(L) 513,854 $12,580 $10,000 $10,000 101 32230 00 000 Plumbing Permit Revenue(L) 512,514 $18,949 $iQ000 $10,000 101 32240 00 000 Animal Licenses(L) $1,930 S2>983 $1,900 $1,900 101 32250 00 000 Sewer Permit Revenue(L) 511,430 $14,945 $8,000 $8,000 101 32255 00 000 County Recording Fee-City's(L) $290 $230 $200 $200 101 32260 00 000 HVAC Permit Revnue(L) $17,907 $21,786 $17,000 $17,000 101 32290 00 000 Other Non-Bus Lic&Permits(L) 5450 $450 $400 $400 101 33100 00 000 Federal Grants&Aids(� i $0 $0 $0 $68,300 Cops Fast Grant(2 Officecs) 101 33401 00 000 Local Government Aid(LGA) $296,502 $380,794 $384,888 $385,706 From State 101 33402 00 000 Hstd 8c Ag Credit Aid(HACA) 5525,257 $555,804 $562,494 $533,�60 From State 101 33403 00 000 Mobile Home HACA(I) $21,977 $22,091 $21,000 $21,000 From State 101 33416 00 000 Police Training Reimbutsement(� 559,615 S67,674 E60,000 $67,000 101 33416 00 0001 Post Board Training Reimb 560,000 101 33416 00 000.2 State Aid(Tied to PERA) ��0� 101 33418 00 000 MSA for Streets-Maintenance(n S21,555 522,005 $22,500 $22,500 From State 101 33424 00 000 Equalization Aid 582,973 $0 $0 SO With LGA Beginning in 1994 101 33620 00 000 Other County Grants&Aids(� $0 53,277 $0 $0 101 33630 00 000 Police Services I.evy-ISD#196(� $16,089 $28,016 $18,000 $20,000 101 33630 00 000.1 Dare/I.iaison Levy Funding $16,000 101 33630 00 000.2 Diff from Cops Fast Grant 54,000 101 34103 00 000 Zoning&Subdivision Fees(C7 511,591 S20,945 55,000 $5,000 101 34104 00 000 Plan Checking Fees(C) S12Q607 $119,131 $125,000 $125,000 65%of Building Permit Fees 101 34105 00 000 Sales of Maps&Publications(C) 5349 $700 5500 5500 101 34106 00 000 Deputy Registrar Fees(G7 524,010 524,211 525,000 $25,000 101 34107 00 000 Assessment Searches(C� Si,473 $472 51,000 $1,000 101 34108 00 000 Admin Fees-Other Funds(C) 5138,566 $97,566 $128,875 $138,000 101 34108 00 000.1 All Funds Except Construction �3>� 101 34108 00 000.2 Construction Funds S?5,000 101 34109 00 000 Other Charges for Service(G� 52,940 54,452 51,500 51,500 101 34110 00 000 Service Chg on Returned Chks(C) 5224 5�85 E200 5200 101 34111 00 000 Service Lookup Check(B(dg)(C7 51,543 $1,405 51,500 $1,500 101 34112 00 000 Utility Permit Appiication Fee(C) 5100 52,350 5200 5200 101 34150 00 000 User Fees-USPCI(G� 535,588 582,576 538,000 SO 101 34151 00 000 User Fees-Koch Bauxite(C7 550,400 S4,'152 512,000 SU 101 34160 00 000 National Guard Maint Fees(C� �0 SO $16,000 516,000 Pymts From the Nat'1 Guard 101 34202 00 000 Fire Services-Burning Permits(G� 5620 5775 S4Q0 $400 101 34203 00 000 Accident Reports(� E'754 5649 $600 5600 101 34204 00 000 Day Care Inspection Fees(C� 5400 54611 5200 S�� 101 34206 00 000 Other Police Services(� $0 $70 $0 S(1 101 34207 00 000 Other Fre Protection Services(C) 519,248 S8,065 511,000 $11,000 101 34207 00 000.1 U of M&Coates Conuacts �9,000 101 34207 00 000.2 Other Fire Calls a2,� 101 34303 00 000 Mow Weeds(C) 5532 5878 $500 $500 101 34305 00 000 Culverts&Accessories(G� 5700 SO $0 SO 101 34306 00 000 Other Highway&Street Rev(C� 5526 S705 51,000 51,000 101 3440? 00 000 City Share of Metro Sac Chgs(C� S2,510 $2,072 $1,800 51,800 PAGE TOTAIS 53,166,937 53,632,949 $4,135,619 $4,22Q925 Page Two � � � 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS " GENERAL REVENUES September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed . � Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actua( Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 34720 00 000 Park Reservations(R) $0 $0 SO $1,100 101 34721 00 000 Softball Revenues(R) 537,308 531,585 537,500 a37,500 101 34722 00 000 Volleyball Revenues(R) 511,711 $0 59,700 59,500 101 34724 00 000 Tennis Revenues(R) 51,405 51,438 $1,500 $1,300 101 34725 00 000 Tiny Tot Revenues(R) 510,431 $0 $10,000 $10,900 101 34726 00 000 Pom Pom Revenues(R) 53,053 $0 $3,000 �3,600 101 34727 00 000 Field Trip Revenues(R) �2,688 $104 $2,500 $3,500 101 34728 00 000 Broomball Revenues(R) E3,165 51,839 $3,200 $3,400 101 34729 00 000 Skating Lesson Revenues(R) E'123 $0 SO $1,300 101 34730 00 000 Fun Runs,Walks&Bike(R) $Z,O55 $1,4'72 $1,050 $1,000 101 34731 00 000 Soccer Revenues(R) 55,630 �0 $0 �0 101 34732 00 000 Adult Basketball Revenues(R) 5735 $0 $750 E800 101 34733 00 000 Other Programs Revenue(R) 5785 $860 $600 $1,000 101 34790 00 000 Other Recreation Revenues(R) SO $0 $0 $1,000 101 35101 00 000 Court Fines(� $60,960 $100,074 $80,000 $100,000 101 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments(n 54,606 512,409 $2,000 $0 101 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A(� $482 $2,509 $0 $0 101 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments(11� $24,051 $2b>755 $22,000 $24,000 101 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings(M) $3,053 $775 $2,000 $1,000 Checking Account 101 36220 00 000 Rents&Royalties(11� 52,600 $3,120 $2,600 $3,000 US West Antenna Rent 101 36230 00 000 Contributions/Donations(M) $26,964 $78,491 $0 $0 101 36260 00 000 Other Revenue(M) 580,836 $48,577 $35,000 $10,000 101 38080 00 000 Banquet Fees(R) $0 $0 $62,334 $45,000 101 38081 00 000 Auditorium Fees(R) � $0 $0 $21,700 $14,700 101 38082 00 000 Gymnasium Fees(R) $0 $0 $3,700 $12,110 101 38086 00 000 Classroom Fees(R) $0 $0 $12,000 $12,000 101 38087 00 000 Fitness Room Fees(R) $0 �0 $2,500 $1,600 101 38092 00 000 Food Service(R) $0 $0 $5,000 $0 101 38096 00 000 Liquor Provider Fees(R) SO $0 $0 $1,500 101 38097 00 000 A./V Rentai Fees(R) $0 $0 $0 $600 101 38150 00 000 Open Crym Fees(R) �0 $0 $6�`�00 �1>200 101 38151 00 000 Ftness Program Fees(R) $0 $0 $1,000 $800 101 38152 00 000 Jaalercise Fees(R) S(1 $0 $1,800 $1,400 101 38153 00 000 Gymnastics Fees(R) $0 �� $��2� $� 101 38154 00 000 Karate Fees(R) $0 SO �8,700 $2>700 101 39101 00 000 Sales of General Fixed Assets(IVQ $300 $2>469 $0 $0 101 39203 00 000 Transfer from (T) 521,734 5191,612 $3,400 $3,500 Arena-Bldg&Grounds Maint 101 39207 00 000 Transfer from Port Authority('1� S50,000 SO SO S0 101 39209 00 000 Transf from Bonds Paid Up('1� 5100,000 �45,000 $0 $0 101 39310 00 000 I.oan Proceeds(M) SO $0 $0 $0 PAGE TOTALS N 5455,273 5549,089 $349,130 5311,010 GRAND TOTAI.S 53,622,210 54,182,038 �4,484,749 $4,531,935 INTERNAL REVENUES 51,324,344 51,448,605 51,345,305 51,250,110 Grand Total Less: ______ ______ _____� ______ _____= Ad Valorem,LGA,HACA &Fiscal Disparities Page Three � � 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ' GENERAL REVENUES September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 , 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed _ Fund Account Obj# Description Actuai Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 34108 00 000 General Fund Admin Fees 101 34108 00 0001 Fund Administrative Fees 558,500 $58,500 558,500 $63,000 101 34108 00 OOO.a Fund 102 $1,125 Paid-Up Debt Serv Bond Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.b Fund 201 55,625 Port Authority Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.c Fund 202 S2>250 5-Year CIP Program Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.d Fund 203 $1,125 Capital Projects MSA Fund 101 34108 � OOO.e Fund 204 $1,125 Severance 8c Retirement Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.f Fuad 205 52,250 Park Improvements Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.g Fund 206 $1,125 Insurance Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.h Fund 220 $1,125 Crime Reduction Project Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.i Fund 230 $1,125 Diamond Path Project 101 34108 00 OOO.j Fund 301 $1,125 G.O.Community Center 1992C 101 34108 00 OOO.k Fund 302 $1,125 G.O.Bldgs Refunding 1993D 101 34108 00 000.1 Fund 304 $1,125 GA.Equip Certificates 1991C 101 34108 00 OOO.m Fund 321 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1992A 101 34108 00 OOO.n Fund 322 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1993A 101 34108 00 OOO.o Fund 323 $1,125 G.O.Impr Refunding 1993B 101 34108 00 OOO.p Fund 324 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1994A 101 34108 00 OOO.q Fund 325 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1987A 101 34108 00 OOO.r Fund 328 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1991A 101 34108 00 OOO.s Fund 329 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 19918 101 34108 00 OOO.t Fund 330 $1,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1992D 101 34108 00 OOO.0 Fund 331 $1,125 G.O.MSA Street Bonds,94C 101 34108 00 OOO.v Fund 381 i $1,125 G.O.Municipai Bldg 92E(P/A) 101 34108 00 OOO.w Fund 382 . $1,125 G.O.Tax Inc Bonds 1988A 101 34108 00 OOO.x Fund 383 $1,125 G.O.Bonds,93E&94A(P/A) 101 34108 00 OOO.y Fund 601 $5,625 Water Utility Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.z Fund 602 �3,625 Sewer Utility Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.aa Fund 603 $5,625 Storm Water Utility Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.ab Fund 605 $1,125 Water Hook-Up Core Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.ac Fund 606 51,125 Sewer Hook-Up Gore Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.ad Fund 607 $1,125 Storm Water Core Fund 101 34108 00 OOO.ae Fund 6ll $1,125 G.O.Storm Water Bonds 94B 101 34108 00 OOO.af Fund 612 a1,125 G.O.Water Bonds 1989A 101 34108 00 OOO.ag Fund 613 51,125 G.O.Storm Water Bonds 92B 101 34108 00 OOO.ah Fund 650 55,625 Arena Fund Admin Fee Breakdown Totals $58,500 S58,Sd0 a58,500 $63,000 $63,000 ______ _____� ______ _-'___ -_____ Page One � ' ' 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COUNCIL-41110- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 _ 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed - Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 41110 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $23,738 522,308 S27,000 $27>000 101 41110 Ol 302 Acctutects'Fees 58,42b SO $0 SO 101 41110 Ol 307 Management Fees $92,483 $65,424 $27,000 $27,500 101 41110 Ol 307.1 Nerovsletter �>� 101 41110 Ol 307.2 Spring Cleanup $5,000 101 41110 Ol 307.3 Fireworks 51,500 101 41110 Ol 307.4 Recycling Contract-Knutsoa 510,000 101 41110 Ol 307.5 Senior Citizen's Center �+�� 101 41110 Ol 307.6 Chamber of Comm Directory $500 101 41110 01 307.7 City Maps $1,500 101 41110 Ol 319 Other Professional Services 52,753 $3,496 $4,000 $4,000 Education Reimbu�ement 101 41110 O1 331 TravelExpense �� $� �� �� 101 41110 O1 369 DtherInsurance $319 $638 $400 $400 101 41110 Ol 369.1 Council8c Committees � $400 Accidental Insurance 101 41110 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $7,490 $11,319 $8,400 $9,1W 101 41110 Ol 433.1 LMC Dues $5>�� 101 41110 Ol 433.2 AMM Dues $2�� 101 41110 Ol 433.3 NDCC Dues $5� 101 41110 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets S31 $0 $100 $100 101 41110 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars $435 5938 $2>300 $2,300 101 41110 Ol 437.1 Registration&Hotei-LMC $1,800 101 41110 Ol 437.2 Miscellaneous LMC Events $500 101 41110 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $4,000 $52 $0 $0 101 41110 Ol 598 Council Designated �i,879 $17,010 $9,500 $9,500 Contingencies 101 41110 Ol 601 Principal on Loans 517,500 $17,500 $17,500 $0 PAGE TOTALS 5166,353 5138,760 W 596,500 $50,200 DEPARTMENT TOTAIS $166,353 5138,7b0 596,500 $80,200 ______ �_____ ______ ______ ______ , Page,One _ 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT-41320- _ September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed � Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actuai Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------ -------------------------------- — -------------- --- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41320 101 Salaries&Benefits 5201,608 5197,744 5197,360 5230,100 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101 41320 1011 City Administrator 101 41320 101.2 Administrative Assistant 101 41320 101.3 Administration Secretary 101 41320 101.4 Econ Dev/Personnel Secretary 50%Gen'1 Fund-50%P/A 101 41320 101.5 Receptionist 101 41320 102 Full-Time Overtime 53,354 $2,659 S3>500 $3,600 101 41320 Ol 207 Training&Instructnl Supplies 5550 S1,351 51,600 $1,900 101 41320 Ol 207.1 Safety Committee �� 101 41320 Ol 207.2 Right to Know $1,300 101 41320 Ol 2073 Random brug Testing $3� 101 41320 A1 209 Other Office Supplies $195 $419 $300 $300 Miscellaneous Purchases 101 41320 Ol 305 Medical&Dentai Fees $84 $0 $0 $0 101 41320 Ol 307 Management Fees 510,140 $8,461 $3,500 $3,500 Labor Consultant 101 41320 Ol 319 Other Professional Services S2b4 $13,756 $0 $0 101 41320 O1 331 Trave!Expense 5205 $99 � �� 101 41320 Ol 331.1 State Conference-LMC �� 101 41320 Ol 331.2 State Conference-MCMA $50 101 41320 Ol 331.3 Persormel Workshops $100 101 41320 Ol 331.4 ICMA Conference $400 101 41320 Ol 339 Other Transpoctation Expenses $211 $92 $0 $0 l01 41320 Ol 353 Ordiaance Pubiication $1,662 $1,059 $1,500 $1,500 Codification of Code 101 41320 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $75 $771 $900 $900 101 41320 Ol 433.1 MCMA Dues " $50 101 41320 Ol 433.2 MAMA Dues $50 101 41320 Ol 4333 MCFOA Dues $100 101 41320 Ol 433.4 IIMC Dues �� 101 41320 Ol 433.5 IF'MA Dues $50 101 41320 01 433.6 ICMA Dues �� 101 41320 Ol 435 Books 8t Pamphlets 5500 $670 5300 $300 101 41320 Ol 435.1 Fl.SA Handbook $�� 101 41320 Ol 435.2 Miscellaneous Purchases �� I01 41320 Ol 437 Conferences 8t Seminars 52,425 5993 $2,200 $2,200 101 41320 Ol 437.1 Registration&Hotel-LMC 5300 101 41320 Ol 437.2 Registration&Hotel-MCMA a2� 101 41320 Ol 4373 Personnel Conferences �400 101 41320 Ol 437.4 Staff(i)Each $200 101 41320 01 437.5 Miscellaneous Seminars al� 101 41320 Ol 437.6 MunicipaPs Banquet $3� 101 41320 Ol 437.7 ICMA-Registration&Hotel S'700 101 41320 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges �0 $73 SO $0 PAGE TOTALS 5221,213 5228>146 5211,760 $244,900 DEPARTMENT TOTAIS S221,273 5228,146 5211,760 5244,900 ______ ______ ___�__ ______ ______ Page One 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS . � � ELECI'IONS-41410- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# De.acription Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 41410 Ol 103 Part-Tlme Salaties 52,098 E4,573 52,200 $5,000 Election Judges 101 41410 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper 52,122 S0 52,300 SO Ballots&Programming 101 41410 O1 208 Miscellaneoas Supplies 5170 5157 5200 $300 Election Purchases 101 41410 01 219 Other Operating Supplies S52 5146 $100 $300 Rolls for Electioa Tudges 101 41410 Ol 242 Minor Equipment SO SO $100 $200 Ballot Machine Equipment 101 41410 Ol 319 Other Professional Services SO SO a300 $0 ProBrammin8 101 41410 Ol 321 Telephone Costs SO SO $300 $300 Costs for Precinct Phones 101 41410 Ol 351 Legal Nodces Publishing SO S80 $100 $0 Electioa Publications 101 41410 Ol 409 Other Contracted Repair&Main $0 52,640 $0 $2,700 96-97 Contract 101 41410 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges S80 S160 5200 $300 Janitorial Services 101 41410 Ol 580 Other Equipment Purchases $1,050 SO $0 $0 PAGE TOTALS $5>5'72 57,756 55,800 59,100 DEPARTMENTTOTALS $5,572 S'7,756 $5>SW $9,100 z Page One � � 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS " FINANCE DEPAR'TMENT-41520- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 , 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed . Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments -_------- -- ---------------------------------------- Ali Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41520 101 Salaries&Benefits 5108,733 5117,967 $98,789 $103,000 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Bene�ts 101 41520 1011 Finance Director 75%-101;17.5%-601;7.5%-602 101 41520 101.2 Payroll Gerk 50%-101;17.5%-601;7.5%-602;25%-650 101 41520 101.3 Accounts Payable Clerk 50%-101;35%-601;15%-602 101 41520 101.4 Utility Billing/Dep Reg Clerk 70%-601;30%-602 101 41520 103.5 Deputy Registrar Clerk Part-Time Position 101 41520 102 Full-Time Overtime 52,191 $1,446 $2,000 $Z,U00 101 41520 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees S84 SU SU SD 101 41520 Ol 319 Other Professional Services 51,800 S0 $0 $2,900 Fixed Asset Reporting Services 101 41520 Ol 331 Travel Expense $106 $60 $1,000 $1,000 101 41520 Ol 331.1 Finance Director $800 National Convention&Misc 101 41520 O1 331.2 Staff �� 101 41520 Ol 341 Employment Advertising 5378 SO $0 $0 101 41520 Ol 391 P.C.Maintenance $9,534 59,954 $12,500 $19,000 101 41520 Ol 391.1 Micro System Maintenance $4,400 101 41520 Ol 391.2 Micro Software License $3,200 101 41520 Ol 3913 General Network Support $5,000 100 Hours of Support Time 101 41520 Ol 391.4 Motor Vehicle S/W Maint �500 101 41520 Ol 391.5 Fixed Asset Maint ContracL $1,000 101 41520 Ol 391.6 LaserJet IIIsi Maint Contract $600 101 41520 Ol 391.7 Miscellaneous P.C.Repaics E1,000 101 41520 Ol 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies 5208 $1,349 $2,000 $1,500 City System Supplies 101 41520 01 393 P.C.Hazdware Purchases $0 $282 $0 $0 101 41520 Ol 394 P.C.Software Purchases 54,6(�7 SO 51,000 $1,000 101 41520 Ol 409 Other Contractd R&M 5262 $254 $300 $300 Cash Register Maint Contract 101 41520 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions 5509 5452 $700 $'700 101 41520 Ol 433.1 MDRA Annual Fees 5200 101 41520 Ol 433.2 MGFOA-Finance Director $50 101 41520 Ol 433.3 MGFOA-Staff $100 101 41520 Ol 433.4 GFOA-Finance Director $150 101 41520 Ol 433.5 GFOA-Staff $200 101 41520 Ol 435 Books 8c Pamphlets 5150 5212 5200 $200 101 41520 Ol 4351 Accounting Related Books $100 101 41520 Ol 435.2 Finance Related Books $1� 101 41520 Ol 43'7 Conferences&Seminars 52,453 51,774 $2,400 $2,400 101 41520 Ol 437.1 MDRA Conference(For 2) 5200 101 41520 Ol 437.2 MGFOA Annual Conf-F/D $300 101 41520 Ol 437.3 MGFOA Annual Conf-Staff $500 101 41520 Ol 437A GFOA National Conf-F/D $1,000 101 41520 Ol 437.5 Miscellaneous Seminars $� 101 41520 02 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 5170 5819 5500 $500 Contingencies 101 41520 Ol 570 Office Equipment Purchases 5656 S0 SU �0 PAGE TOTALS E131,842 5134,570 5121,389 $134,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 5131,842 $134,570 5121,389 S134,500 _ Page One • 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT-41810- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 " 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed , Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Aciva! Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 41810 Ol 202 Duplicating&Copying 510,247 �8,449 a12,400 $12,000 101 41810 Ol 202.1 Microfilming $3+� 101 41810 Oi 202.2 Copying Costs $9�� 101 41810 Ol 203 Priated Forms&Paper 58,185 �7,613 $9,200 $9,200 101 41810 Ol 203.1 Copy Paper ��1� 101 41810 Ol 203.2 General Receipt Books $750 101 41810 Ol 203.3 Purchase Orders $850 101 41810 Ol 203.4 Payrol!Checks $1,100 101 41810 Ol 203.5 A/P Checks �2+� 101 41810 Ol 203.6 Greenbar Computer(30 Boxes) $1,200 101 41810 Ol 204 Envelopes 8c Letterheads 52,085 $1,018 $3,100 $3,100 101 41810 Ol 204.1 Letterhead $1>� 101 41810 Ol 204.2 Plain Envelopes �0 101 41810 Ol 2043 A/P&Payrolt Envelopes 5400 101 41810 Ol 204.4 10 x 13 Tyvek Envelopes $750 101 41810 Ol 204.5 10 x 15 Tyvek Envelopes $350 101 41810 Ol 208 Miscelianeous Supplies 59,512 $11,965 $9,500 $1Q000 Janitorial&Misc City Hall 101 41810 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $21,280 513,24G $16,000 $15,000 General Office Supplies 101 41810 01 221 Equipment Parts 5436 $717 $500 $500 City Hal(Equipment Repaits 101 41810 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies E(1 $72 $300 $300 Flags 101 41810 Ol 242 Minor Equipment $0 $586 $0 $600 101 41810 Ol 242.1 State Purchasing Program $350 Yearly Fees for Program 101 41810 Ol 242.2 Fax Mach Maint Agreement $250 Lease Machine Purchased in'95 101 41810 Ol 301 Auditing&Accounting Services $1'�933 $18,643 $19,000 $20,000 '95 Audit&General Consulting 101 41810 01 302 Architects'Fees 52,100 $0 $0 $0 101 41810 Ol 304 I.egai Fees S6Q810 557,827 $31,000 $40,000 General City Legat Fees 101 41810 Ol 319 Other Professional Services 526,327 $29,744 526,000 527,000 101 41810 Ol 319.1 Fire Relief Association $�,�0 101 41810 Ol 319.2 Flex Admin Plan Fees $1+� 101 41810 01 321 Telephone Costs 528,573 535,372 $30,000 $30,000 Monthly Billings 101 41810 Ol 322 Postage Costs 512,782 512,302 a13,000 513,000 101 41810 Ol 339 Other Transportation ExPeases 5185 5751 5300 $900 Genezal Costs 101 41810 Ol 351 I.egal Notices Publishing Si,199 $2,339 S3,200 $3,200 Notices Costs-All Departments 101 41810 Ol 352 Generat Notices&Public Info S(1 56,244 $U $0 101 41810 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 5229 $20,594 $0 SO 101 41810 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs SO SO 535,000 $0 101 41810 Ol 580 Other Equipment Purchases SO $7>148 $12,500 $12,400 Copy Machine Leases-Al1 Bldgs PAGE TOTAL.S $201,882 S?.34,630 5221,000 �197,200 DEPARTMENT TOTAIS 5201,882 5234,630 $22i,000 $197,200 ______ ____�_ ______ _____� __---_ Page One _ , , 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT-41910- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 - 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed . Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------- --- ---------------------------------------ww� __________---- --------- --------- All Salary Gosts Inclusive of 101 41910 101 Salaries&Benefits 5128,541 585,399 $286,600 $293,300 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Bene�ts 101 41910 101.1 Comm Development Director 50%Gen'i Fund-50%P/A 101 41910 101.2 Ptanner 101 41910 101.3 Assistant Planner 101 41910 101.4 Building Inspector • 101 41910 101.5 Building Inspector 101 41910 101.6 Planning Secretary 101 41910 101.7 Building Secretary 101 41910 102 Fuil-Time Overtime 55,846 $5,940 $7,000 $7,000 101 41910 99 103 Part-'T'�me Sataries&Benefits 54,038 58,874 $14,000 $14,600 Code Enforcement&Building 101 41910 99 103.1 Intems $10,100 101 41910 99 1033 Planning Commission Members ��5� 101 41910 Ol 201 Office Accessories SO $0 $600 $600 101 41910 Ol 202 Duplicating&Copying �0 $65 5300 $1,000 Annual Codification-Zoning Ord 101 41910 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper SO $0 $1,000 $1,200 Forms,Stickeis,Tags,etc. 101 41910 Ol 205 Drafting Supplies 5207 $129 $400 $100 101 41910 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $0 $74 $500 $200 101 41910 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $0 $0 $200 $400 Fiim and Development 101 41910 Ol 2A1 Small Tools $125 $0 $200 5200 101 41910 Ol 242 Minor Equipment 5412 $0 5200 $0 101 41910 O1 304 LegalFees $42 $0 $0 $0 101 41910 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees $0 $90 $0 $0 101 41910 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $8,763 $15,939 52,000 $1,800 101 41910 Ol 319.1 3rd Parting Testing 1 $800 101 41910 Ol 319.2 Contracted Plan Review $S� 101 41910 Ol 319.3 Planning Consultant �� 101 41910 Ol 329 Other Communication Costs SO $0 $1,000 $1,000 Cellular Phone&Pagers 101 41910 O1 331 TravelExpense $27 $92 $900 $900 101 41910 Ol 341 Employment Advertising S0 51,161 $0 $0 101 41910 Ol 351 Legal Notices Publishing SO 5213 $0 SU 101 41910 O1 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies SO 5106 $100 $100 101 41910 Ol 394 P.C.Software Purchases $255 $194 $1,500 $1,000 Bldg Needs&GIS Needs 101 41910 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions 5814 5217 $1,600 52,000 101 41910 Ol 433.1 APA/AICP $400 101 41910 Ol 433.2 ICBO $100 101 41910 Ol 433.3 NFPA a120 101 41910 Ol 433.4 North Star $100 101 41910 Ol 433.5 Lake Country $100 101 41910 Ol 433.6 IAPMO-National&State $120 101 41910 Ol 433.7 Trade Magazines a� 101 41910 Ol 433.8 Planner's Advisory Services �� 101 41910 Ol 433.9 Seasible Land Use Coalition al� 101 41910 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets 5127 S46 b1,300 $800 Manuals&References 101 41914 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars 51,393 51,525 52,600 54,100 101 41910 Ol 437.1 State Bldg Of�cial School $390 101 41910 Ol 437.2 Spring&Fall Code Updates 5210 101 41910 Ol 4373 ICBO Seminats(3) �� 101 41910 Ol 437.4 Computer Training �� 101 41910 Ol 43�.5 Clerical Seminais a� 101 41910 Ol 437.6 ICBO Annuat Meeting(2) � 101 41910 Ol 437.7 ISTS Training(2) � 101 41910 Ol 437.8 State Planning Conference(4) $500 101 41910 Ol 437.9 Planning Commissioner Tmg � 101 41910 Ol 437.10 Gen'1 Seminazs(Motivational) � 101 41910 Ol 439 Other Misceilaneous Gharges S262 5187 E300 $300 Coatingencies 101 41910 Ol 574 Office Equipment&Fumishings SO b0 $0 $600 Repiacement Chair,Files PAGE TOTAIS ' 5150,852 $120,250 5322,300 5331,200 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 5150,852 5120,250 5322,300 E331,200 _ , Page,One 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS-41940- ' September5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 " 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 41940 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies SO 5135 5300' $300 Ice Control Chemicals 101 41940 Ol 223 Building Repair Supp6es 58,359 $9,221 �4,800 54,800 101 41940 Ol 223.1 Miscellaneous Bldg Repairs �+�� 101 41940 Ol 223.2 Electrical Repairs � 101 41940 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials $631 �290 51,000 $1,000 101 41940 Ol 225.1 Timbers,etc. $400 101 41940 O1 225.2 Trees&Shrubs � 101 41940 Ol 241 Smali Tools SO $0 $100 $100 101 41940 Ol 242 Minor Equipment $0 $0 $0 $700 Used Carpet Cleaner 101 41940 Ol 302 Arc6itects'Fees $0 $222 $500 $500 101 41940 Ol 319 Other Pmfessional Services $4,070 $6,754 $9,100 $10,100 101 41940 01 3191 Elevator Maintenance • $1,000 101 41940 Ol 319.2 Heating/Gooling Maintenance $3,600 lOT 41940 Ol 319.3 Garage Door Inspection-Fire Hall $500 101 41940 Ol 319.4 Annual RPZ Inspection $1,500 101 41940 Ol 319.5 Pest Control $1,500 101 41940 Oi 319.6 F'�re Extinguisheis $1,000 101 41940 Ol 319.7 Fire Suppression System Check $1,000 101 41940 Ol 381 Electric UtiliGes 525,856 $22,103 $26,000 $28,000 101 41940 Ol 383 Gas Utilities 513,576 510,010 �14,000 $15,000 101 41940 Ol 384 Refuse Disposal S11,384 $14,188 $12,000 $12,000 General Buildings&Parks 101 41940 Ol 389 Other Utility Services 51,295 $1,295 $1,200 $1,200 Floor Mats-Monthly Charges 101 41940 Ol 401 Contracted Building Repaus $F;136 $3,221 $12,500 $6,000 Paint 2 Bays in the Shop 101 41940 Ol 412 Building Rental 512,000 $12,000 $12,300 $12,300 U of MStorage 101 41940 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental 51,000 $0 5400 $1,000 Shop Scaffolding 101 41940 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges S24 $0 $S00 $SQO Contingencies 101 41940 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $0 $15,000 $0 $0 PAGE TOTAIS �79>331 �594,437 A N$94,700 593,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 579,331 $94,437 $94,700 $93,500 ______ ______ �_____ ______ ______ Page One � � . 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE DEPARTMENT-42110- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed . Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Gomments ------------------------------------------------- _____ ------------ ------ ~ �� All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 42114 101 Salaries&Benefits 5672,385 $755,524 $793,425 $939,500 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101 42110 101.1 Police Chief 101 42110 101.2 Police Lieutenant 101 42110 101.3 Police Sergeant 101 4Z110 101.4 Police Sergeant 101 42110 101.5 Police Secretary 101 42110 101.6 Police Secretary 101 42110 101.7 PatrolOfficer 101 42110 101.8 PatrolOfficer 101 42110 101.9 PatrolOfficer 101 42110 101.10 PatrolOfficer 101 42110 10111 PatrolOfficer 101 42110 101.12 Patrot Officer 101 42110 101.13 PatrolOfficer 101 42110 101.14 PatrolOfficer 101 42110 101.15 PatrolOfficer 101 42110 101.lb PatrolOfficer 101 42110 10117 PatrolOfficer 101 42110 102 Overtime 55,600 $17,319 $29,000 $29,500 101 42110 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $0 $0 $8,500 $9,500 101 42110 99 103.1 Community Service Officer(CSO) $9,500 56.50/Hour-25 HoucslWeek 101 42110 Ol 202 Duplicating&Copying 5584 5616 $500 $500 F'ilm Developing Costs 101 42110 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper SO $0 $200 $200 101 42110 Ol 204 Envelopes&Letterheads $0 $0 $200 5200 Police Stationery 101 42110 Ol 207 Training&Instructnt Supplies �5818 $847 $1,500 $1,500 Practice Ammunition 101 42110 Ol 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 53,351 515,023 $0 $0 101 42110 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $1,441 $1,637 $1,600 $1,600 101 42110 O1 211 Cleaning Supplies S52 $63 $200 $Z00 101 42110 Ol 211.1 Blanket Cleaning $1� 101 42110 Ol 211.2 Squad Interior Cleaning al� 101 42110 Ol 217 Clothing Ailowance-Police 51,000 $0 S� � 101 42110 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies SZ76 5481 $400 $400 Service Ammunition 101 42110 Ol 221 Equipment Parts Si>0'1$ $1��23 $2+500 $2'S00 101 42110 Ol 241 Small Tools 5118 $58 $100 $1d0 101 42110 Ol 304 Legal Fees E51,900 $54,996 $53,500 $53,500 Prosecution 101 42110 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees �667 $843 $1,000 $1,000 101 42110 Ol 306 Pecsonnel Testing&Recruitmat 53,700 $279 $0 � 101 42110 Ol 312 Contract Inspection Fees 57,500 $7,500 $0 $0 CSO Repiaced Position in 1995 101 42110 Ol 319 Other Professional Services 526,954 531,144 539,000 $43,900 Dispatch Service&Spec Phones 1Q1 42110 Ol 321 Telephone Costs 53,466 54,226 $4,200 53,800 Cellular Phone Bills 101 42110 Ol 323 Radio Units 53,002 $2,040 $3,000 53,000 Radio&Radar Repairs 101 42110 O1 331 Travel Expense 5257 S105 $675 $700 101 42110 O1 3311 Conference Expenses � 101 42110 Ol 331.2 Outstate Investigations �� 101 42110 O1 333 Freight&Express Expenses � �0 a� �� 101 42110 Ol 349 Ather Advertising SO $0 $0 5700 L-E.A.N.III Promotion 101 42110 Ol 396 Computer Maintenance 514,511 $13,672 $14,200 513,500 101 42110 01 396.1 ENFORS Maintenance 511,000 101 42110 Ol 396.2 CJDN Hook-up Charges a�� 101 42110 Ol 409 Other Contracted Repair&Main 51,471 S56b 51,500 $1,500 Outdoor Siren R&M 101 42110 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental 52,889 53,191 54,800 54,800 Animal Care,ShamroclE,eta 101 42110 O1 433 Dues&Subscriptions E585 5185 5725 5800 101 42110 Ol 433.1 Mutual Aid Assistance Group �� 101 42110 Ol 433.2 IACP Chiefs Dues ai� 101 42110 Ol 4333 MN Chiefs of Police Dues $150 101 42110 Ol 433:4 Dakota Cty Chiefs of Police �5 101 42110 Ol 433.5 Dakota CtqChiefs of Police S15 Subordinate Dues 101 42110 Ol 433.6 Wakota CAER Dues � 101 42110 Ol 433.7 Metro Emergency Managers S25 Association Dues 101 42110 Ol 433.8 MN Sex Crimes Investigators $30 AssociationDues PAGE TOTAL.S 5803,604 E912,636 5961,025 � $1,113,200 Page Two ' ' 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � POLICE DEPARTMENT-42110- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 _ 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42110 Ol 435 Books 8c Pamphlets 5161 SO $300 5300 101 42110 O1 436 Towing Charges S53 S43 SZ00 $200 101 42110 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars 55,183 55,126 $5,800 $5,800 101 42130 Ol 437.1 DCTC Contracted Training S4>000 101 42110 Ol 437.2 2/95 Frearms Training $275 101 42110 Ol 437.3 5/95 F'u�earms Training $275 101 42110 Ol 437.4 9/95 Firearms Training ��5 101 42110 01 43T.5 Chiefs Spring Traiaing 5490 101 42110 Ol 437.6 Chiefs Fall Conference 5155 101 42110 Oi 437.7 Seminar-Gangs a'70 101 42110 Ol 437.8 Seminar-Civil LiabiGty �0 101 42110 Ol 437.9 Seminar-LMCTT $30 101 42110 Ol 437.10 Speciai Seminars SSQ 101 42110 Ol 437.11 Seminars Not Scheduled � �160 101 42110 O1 560 Furniture&F'vcture Purchases SO 5202 $500 $0 PAGE TOTALS 55,397 �5,391 $6,800 $6,300 DEPARTMENTTOTALS 5809,001 $918,007 $967,825 $1,119,500 s Page One , 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS • FIRE DEPARTMENT-42210- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed , - Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Gomments ------------ -__---------------------- ry All Sala Costs Inclusive of 101 42210 103 Salaries&Benefits 5116,590 $117,444 S12A,200 $140,500 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101 42210 103.1 Fire Calls,Training,etc. 5119,800 b New in'95 8t 3 New in'96 101 42210 103.2 P/T Fire Macshai $20,700 1/2 Time Position 101 42210 Ol 202 Duplicating&Copying 5193 5181 $500 $200 101 42210 Ol 202.1 Xerox Dry Image $50 101 42210 Ol 202.2 Xerox Copy Cartridge 5100 101 42210 Ol 202.3 Laser Printer $50 101 42210 O1 204 Envelopes&Letterheads S98 SO $100 $50 101 42210 Ol 211 Cleaning Supplies 5238 $69 5200 $200 101 42210 Ol 2ll.1 Soap S35 101 42210 Ol 211.2 Chamois $100 101 42210 Ol 211.3 Sponges $� 101 42210 Ol 211.4 SCBA Cleaner � 101 42210 Oi 218 Fire Department Clothing S93 5239 $1,300 $400 General Uniform Costs 101 42210 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies 5701 $532 $700 $700 101 42210 Ol 219.1 Gloves(Medical) $200 101 42210 Ol 219.2 Bandages $130 101 42210 Ol 219.3 Equipment(Medical) $i� 101 42210 Ol 219.4 Tyvek Suits $�� 101 42210 Ol 219.5 Consummable Medical $200 101 42210 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 55,193 $15,526 $15,500 $10,900 101 42210 Ol 229.1 Aerial Truck(Outside) �>5� 101 42210 01 229.2 Pumper Trucks(Outside) $1,800 101 42210 Ol 2293 Other � $300 101 42210 Ol 229.4 Vehicle Modifications $3� 101 42210 Ol 230 Equipment Repair Materials 5614 5372 $300 $4(1� 101 42210 Ol 2301 Light Bars $100 101 42210 Ol 230.2 Smoke Machine $50 101 42210 Ol 230.3 Lanterns S50 101 42210 Ol 23U.4 $200 101 42210 Ol 241 Small Tools 5438 �444 5400 �500 101 42210 A1 241.1 Axes,Bars&Othez $150 101 42210 Ol 2A1.2 Gcass Fire $�� 101 42210 Ol 241.3 $100 101 42210 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees 53,450 52,625 55,000 $2,800 Aanuai Stress Tests 101 42210 Ol 306 Personnel Testing&Recruitmnt 54,918 51,657 �3,500 $1,500 101 42210 Ol 3061 New Physicals(3) $900 101 42210 Ol 306.2 Hepatitis Shots(3) �50 101 42210 O1 306.3 Background Checks(3) $150 101 42210 Oi 308 Insiructo�s'Fees S3,265 $3,055 59,000 54,600 101 42210 Ol 308.1 Fire Fighter 1&2 ' $755 101 42210 Ol 308.2 First Responder $1,410 101 42210 Ol 308.4 State Fire School $1'75 101 42210 Ol 308.5 Sectionai Schools $950 101 42210 Ol 308.6 Haz-Mat Training(2) 5410 101 42210 Ol 308.7 All Other Training Costs $900 101 42210 Ol 310 Testing Services SO 51,013 �1,100 S250 Pumpers 101 42210 Ol 313 Temporary Service Fces 51,034 5639 51,000 $1,000 101 42210 Ol 313.1 SCBA Contract&Maintenance S'750 101 42210 Ol 313.2 Xerox Maintenance Contract �� 101 42210 Ol 319 Other Professional Services 52,003 53,941 a1,8W 51,500 101 42210 Oi 319.1 Fire Prevention Mat�ials a� 101 42210 Ol 319.2 Training Budget �1,250 101 42210 Ol 321 Telephone Costs S56'7 $545 5600 5600 101 42210 Ol 321.1 Chief's Phone al� 101 42210 Ol 3212 Assistant ChiePs Phone 5130 101 42210 Ol 321.3 Rescue Phone a150 101 42210 Ol 321.4 Numeric Pagets $1� PAGE TOTAIS 5139,395 � 5148,279 E165,200 5162,600 $166,100 Page Two 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS . ` � � FIRE DEPARTMENT-42210- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed - Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42210 Oi 322 Postage Costs $3 $3 $100 $100 UPS Costs 101 42210 Ol 329 Other Communication Costs 51,300 5687 $1,000 $1,000 101 42210 Ol 329.1 Pager Repairs 5300 101 42210 Ol 329.2 Hand Held Radio Repaus $300 101 42210 Ol 329.3 Mobile Radio Repairs $300 101 42210 Ol 329A Base Repairs 5100 101 42210 Ol 331 Travel Expense 52,053 51,216 53,600 $2,900 101 42210 Ol 331.1 Minn Chief's Conference $750 101 42210 Ol 331.2 State Fire Conference $1,200 101 42210 Ol 331.3 Sectional Schools $950 101 42210 O1 433 Dues&Subscriptions $446 $593 $600 $600 101 42210 Ol 433.1 Magazines $1� 101 42210 Oi 433.2 VFBA Insurance $Z00 101 42210 Ol 433.3 State Fire . $90 101 42210 Ol 433.4 State Chiefs �5 101 42210 Ol 433.5 DCFC $30 101 42210 Ol 433.6 WAKOTA Mutual Aid $15 101 42210 Ol 433.7 Purchasing Consortium S35 101 42210 Ol 433.8 Capital City $35 101 42210 Ol 433.9 FIAM $5 101 42210 Ol 437 Conferences 8c Seminais $700 $401 $700 $700 101 42210 Ol 437.1 State Fire Confecence $490 101 42210 Ol 437.2 State Chief's Conference $210 101 42210 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $1,516 $943 $1,100 $1,100 101 42210 Ol 439.1 Food&Coffee 1 $95 101 42210 Ol 439.2 Oxygen $145 101 42210 Ol 439.3 Extinguisher $�� 101 42210 Ol 439.4 Plaques $Z� 101 42210 Ol 439.5 Paint $50 101 42210 Ol 439.6 Miscellaneous $5� 101 42210 Ol 580 Other Equipment Purchases 51,000 516,423 $9,000 $8,800 101 42210 Ol 580.1 Bunker Gear $5,500 101 42210 Ol 580.2 New Pagers 52,500 101 42210 Ol 580.3 Miscellaneous 5800 PAGE TOTALS �57,018 S20,Zb7 516,100 $15,200 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 5146,413 5168,546 5181,300 5181,300 ______ ______ __�=_= __=__= _=____ Page One - 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS . � � PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING-43100- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 - 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed � Fuad Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments --------------- --------------------------------__ _�___ � All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 43100 101 Salaries&Benefits 5559,009 $765,321 5761,900 $744,300 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101 43100 101.1 Public Works Director 50%-101;35%-601;15%-602 101 43100 101.2 Parks Supervisor 101 43100 1013 Public Works Secretary 50%-101;35%-601;15%-602 101 43100 101.4 Engineer Technician 101 43100 101.5 Public Works Supervisor 101 43100 101.6 Civil Engineer 101 43100 101.7 Environmenta!Engineer 100%-603 101 43100 101.8 Engineer Technician 101 43100 101.9 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 101.10 Maintenance Worker 70%-601;30%-602 101 43100 101.11 Maintenance Worker lOT 43100 101.12 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 101.13 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 101.14 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 101.15 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 101.16 Maintenance Worker 70%-601;30%-602 101 43100 101.17 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 101.18 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 101.19 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 101.20 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 101.21 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 101.22 Maintenance Worker 101 43100 102 Full-Time Overtime $'t,398 516,409 $19,300 $19,300 Reduced for One-Lane System 101 43100 99 103 Part-Time Salaries 8c Benefits $17,925 $13,133 $71,000 $71,000 101 43100 Ol 201 Office Accessories 5923 5258 5700 $700 101 43100 Ol 201.1 Assorted Dept Supplies $640 101 43100 Ol 201.2 100'Tape � 101 43100 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper 51,403 51,695 $700 S7W 101 43100 Ol 203.1 R/W Permit&Inspctn Forms $5� 101 43100 Ol 203.2 Work Orders $200 101 43100 Ol 205 Drafting Supplies Sl,l?A 5721 51,300 $1,300 101 43100 Ol ZOS.1 Paper for Plan Repmduction � 101 43100 Ol 205.2 OEf-Site Reproductions $350 101 43100 Oi 205.3 Miscellaneous Tools $350 101 43100 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies S3S 5116 $200 $200 Door Knockecs 101 43100 Ol 211 Cleaning Suppiies 5335 $302 5400 $400 Shop&Vehicies 101 43100 Ol 212 Motor Fuels �33,695 538,389 $37,500 $38,600 101 43100 Ol 213 Lubricants&Additives 54,691 55,395 56,000 56,000 101 43100 Ol 215 Shop Materials S'7,613 512,154 59,500 $9,800 101 43100 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies S8 S60 5100 5100 Fiim&Misceilaneous 101 43100 Ol 221 Equipment Parts 545,739 548,474 545,000 $45,000 101 43100 Ol 222 Tires 56,625 56,675 56,500 57,000 101 43100 Ol 241 SmaII Tools 54,700 $4,814 �i,500 53,800 101 43100 Ol 2A2 Minor Equipment E342 5230 52,000 SZ,OOU Barricades,Cones,Vests 101 43100 Ol 303 Engineering Fees 511,922 52,632 $10,000 $10,000 101 43100 Ol 303.1 Gen'1 Non-Project Related $8,000 101 43100 Ol 303.2 Transportation Plan Update �,� 101 43100 Ol 304 I.egai Fees 5490 $0 SO 51,000 Appeals of Closed Projects 101 43100 Ol 305 Medical&Dentat Fees 5158 5524 a:i00 5300 Employment Physicais 101 43100 Ol 312 Contract Inspection Fees 51,088 SO SO S� 101 43100 Ol 319 Other Professional Services 52,000 52,239 51,000 $1,600 101 43100 Ol 319.1 Plan Review a5� 101 43100 Ol 319.2 3rd Party Testing 5500 101 43100 Ol 319.3 Random Drug Testing a�� 101 43100 Ol 323 Radio Units S'L,399 51,092 51,300 51,800 Repair Units 101 43100 Ol 324 Messenger Services SO SO SO $100 Appeals of Closed Projects 101 43100 Ol 329 Other Communication Costs 5860 51,415 51,200 51,200 Cellular Phones 8t Pager Rentais 101 43100 Ol 331 Travel Expense S35 S23 S700 $�00 APWA($550)&Misc($150) 101 43100 Ol 339 Other Tcaasportation�penses S9 S15 E100 5100 Personal Vehicle Mileage 101 43100 Ol 341 Empioyment Advertising 5938 S3>386 S500 E500 101 43100 Ol 384 Refuse Disposal S1,470 $2,086 S'L,000 $2,000 Hazardous Waste PAGE TOTAIS Y 5712,935 5930,560 N $982,700 51,019,500 Page Two � - ' 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING-43100- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 ` 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed " Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 43100 Ol 391 P.C.Maintenance 52,800 SO SZ,000 52+000 101 43100 Ol 391.1 Gopher One-Call ai+� 101 43100 O1 391.2 State Aid al+� 101 43100 O1 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies 51,066 5319 5100 5300 101 43100 Ol 394 P.C.Software Purchases 5200 5195 $300 $600 General Software Support 101 43100 Ol 404 Contracted Mach&Equip Repair 54,296 �25,883 $11,000 $12,000 101 43100 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental 5230 51,007 $0 $3,SQ0 Mower Lease 101 43100 Ol 416 Machiaery Rental SO SO $2,000 $2,000 101 43100 Ol 417 Uniforms Rental $852 3'73 $0 SO 101 43100 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions S1,112 $834 $600 $600 101 43100 Ol 4331 APWA $2� 101 43100 Ol 433.2 RMAA $10 101 43100 Ol 4333 City Engineer's Association $150 101 43100 Ol 433.4 Professional Secretaries $� 101 43100 Ol 433.5 ASCE $1� 101 43100 Ol 435 Books 8c Pamphlets 51,502 SS82 $S00 $800 101 43100 Ol 435.1 MLJTCD $Z� 101 43100 Ol 435.2 MN Dot Updates �� 101 43100 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars 52,177 $3,029 $4,000 $4,000 101 43100 Ol 437.1 Management Academy 51,050 101 43100 Ol 437.2 Computer Training $500 101 43100 Ol 4373 Clericai $150 101 43100 Ol 437A Gravel Road Maintenance $150 101 43100 Ol 437.5 APWA s $500 101 43100 Ol 437.6 CEAM 5500 101 43100 Ol 437.7 MN Pavement Mgmt,Signage,Traffic Control $400 101 43100 Ol 437.8 MN Dot a3� 101 43100 Oi 4379 Miscellaneous Training 5450 PAGE TOTAIS 514,235 532,223 � S20,800 525,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $727,171 5962,782 $1,003,500 51,045,300 ______ ______ ______ ______ _�__-_ Page One - , , 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PAVED STREETS-43121- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed _ ' Fund Account Ob}# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 43121 Ol 22A Street Maintenance Materials 544,903 552,674 �42,000 $20,500 101 43121 Ol 2241 Bituminous Patching $15,000 101 43121 Ol 224.2 Striping �+2� 101 43121 Oi 27A.3 Gravel Shouldering 53,300 101 43121 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials $687 5990 $3,000 $3,000 101 43121 01 225.1 Sod $1+� 101 43121 01 225.2 Seed �� 101 43121 Ol 225.3 Black Dirt �� 101 43121 Ol 2Z5.4 Trees �� 101 43121 Ol 1A2 Minor Equipment $267 $0 �300 5700 Template Mat'I&Testing Equip 101 43121 Ol 303 Engineering Fee.s $0 SO $0 5500 101 43121 Oi 310 Testing Services SO $0 $100 $700 Core Samples 101 43121 Ol 319 Other Professiona!Sen+ices 532,804 E45,053 $50,000 $74,500 101 43121 Ol 319.1 Seal Coating • $��� 101 43121 Ol 319.2 Traffic Markings $13,1Q0 101 43121 Ol 319.3 Street Sweeping 55,000 101 43121 41 319.4 Bituminous Overlays $�+� 101 43121 Ol 319.5 Crack Sealing �+� 101 43121 Ol 384 Refuse Disposal $3,250 $827 $2,000 $2,000 101 43121 Ol 384.1 Hazardous Waste Disposai $1>� 101 43121 Ol 384.2 Roadside Garbage $l,l?00 101 43121 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental S46 $2,358 $2,OU0 $2,000 101 43121 Ol 439 Other Miscetlaneous Charges $0 $216 $500 $500 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS ----$8�,956 $102,117 �---$99,900 -----wM $104,400 DEPARTMENT TOTAIS 581,956 5102,117 $99,900 $104,400 ______ ______ ______ ______ �_-___ ' , Pag�One • 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS UNPAVED STREETS-43122- _ September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed � Fund Account Obj# De.acripcion Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 43122 Ol 224 Street Maintenance Materials 529,034 540,738 552,200 $52,200 101 43122 Ol 224.1 Gravel Repairs �>5� 101 43122 Ol 224.2 Chloride $15,700 101 43122 Oi 225 Landscaping Materials S31 5715 $2,700 52,700 101 43122 Ol 2251 Sod $1+200 101 43122 Ol 2Z5.2 Seed �� 101 43122 Ol 225.3 Black Dirt al.� 101 43122 Ol 310 Testing Services SO SO S500 S500 Road Failures,Density 101 43122 Ol 384 Refuse Disposal 51,248 52,583 a600 $600 101 43122 Ol 384.1 Ha�ardous Waste Disposal $3� 101 43122 Ol 384.2 Roadside Garbage �3� 101 43122 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental 5164 $0 51,000 $3,000 101 43122 Ol 415.1 Grader • $2,500 101 43122 Ol 415.2 Miscellaneous Equipment �«1 101 43122 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $9,000 5200 $200 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS 530,476 $53,03� �57,200 $59,200 DEPARTMENT TOTAI.S 530,476 $53,037 �57,200 $59,200 s Page One _ , , 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ` ICE&SNO W REMO VAL-43125- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed . � Fund Account Obj# De.scription Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 43125 Oi 216 Chemical&Chemical Products 511,025 510,575 512,000 512,400 Salt(Approximately 400 Tons) 101 43125 Ol 224 Street Mainteaance Materials S1,526 E2,813 55,800 55,800 101 43125 Ol 27A.1 Sand �+� 101 43125 Ol 224.2 Nlail Boxes aZ� 101 43125 Ol 230 Equipment Repair Materials 53,053 54,593 SO S(1 101 43125 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental $2,030 S173 54,000 54,300 101 43125 Ol 415.1 Truck Rental ��� 101 43125 01 415.2 Gradec With Wing Rental al,� 101 43125 Oi 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 56,014 5500 5500 Contingencies PAGE TOTAIS 517,634 $24,168 $22,300 $23,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $17,634 S2A,168 522,300 $23,000 ; Page One _ , . 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ' STREET LIGHTING/SIRENS-43160- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed . " Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 43160 Ol 226 Sign Repair Materials 53,500 SU SO $0 101 43160 Oi 227 Utility System Maint Supplies SO 5593 51,000 51,000 Bulb Replacements 101 43160 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 552,167 556,942 S60,OW 561,500 Increased#of Lights 101 43160 Ol 403 Contracted R Fc M-0ther Impr 51,088 SO S0 $� 101 43160 Ol 409 Other Contractd Repair&Main 53,403 $1,111 511,000 511,000 101 43160 Ol 409.1 Repairs-Scattereci I.ocadons �>� � 101 43160 Ol 409.2 ��� 101 43160 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 5384 SO $500 $500 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS 560,543 558,645 S72>500 $74>000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS S60,543 558,645 572,500 574,000 s _ . Pag@ One - 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SIGNAL LIGHTS&SIGNS-43170- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 a - 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Descripcion Actuai Actuat Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 43170 Ol 226 Sign Repair Materials 53,595 52,957 53,500 �3,500 101 43170 Ol 226.1 Sign Inventory&Replacemnt �,4� 101 43170 Ol 226.2 Street ID Signs $1,100 101 43170 Ol 227 Utility System Maint Supplies SO SO $500 5500 Bulbs,I.eases,Signs,etc. 101 43170 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 53,707 $2,495 54,000 $4,000 Monthly Charges 101 43170 Ol 409 Qther Contracted Repair�t Maia SO $0 $500 $500 Repaiis Due to Auto Accidents 101 43170 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $76 $100 $100 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS 57,302 55,528 $8,600 $8,600 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 57,30'L 55,528 $8,600 $8,600 _____ ______ ______ ______ _�____ � Page One � � 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � PARKS&RECREATION DEPARTMENT-45100- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 , 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed ' Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenu ------------ ------------------------------- Ali Salary Costs Inclusiveof 101 45100 101 Salaries&Benefits 5354,233 $350,394 $253,700 5264,200 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101 45100 1011 Park&Rec Director 90%-101;10%-650 101 45100 101.2 Assistant Park&Rec Director 101 45100 101.3 Arena Manager 50%-101;50%-650 101 45100 101.4 Programmer 101 45100 101.5 Programmer 101 45100 101.6 Rental Coordinator 85%-101;15%-650 101 45100 101.7 Building Attendant(F/'T) 50%-101;50%-650 101 45100 103.8 3/4 P/T Secretary 101 45100 102 Full-Time Overtime 510,391 S8>037 $3,600 $4,500 101 45100 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits S44>485 $51,612 $108,900 $102,500 101 45100 103.1 P/T Receptionist $13,000 101 45100 103.2 Managets on Duty(M.O.D:s) $33,000 101 45100 103.3 Building Attendants(Cleaning) $29,500 101 45100 103.4 Piayground Recreation Leaders $16,000 101 451� 103.5 Warming House Attendants $8,500 101 45100 103.6 Pazk&Rec Committee $2,500 101 45100 Ol 205 Drafting Supplies SO $0 $0 $1,400 Film,Developing&Laminating 101 45100 O1 207 Training&InstructnlSupplies $471 $0 $0 $200 101 45100 Ol 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 51,354 �61 $1,900 $500 101 45100 Ql 209 Other Office Suppiies SO $32 $1,000 $1,000 101 45100 Ol 211 Cleaning Supplies SO $0 $2,500 $4,000 101 45100 Ol 216 Chemicals 8t Chemical Products SO $0 $1,000 $1,000 101 45100 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies 5�7,,483 $805 $2,500 $2,700 101 45100 Ol 2191 E1rts&Crafts Supplies $1,000 101 45100 Ol 219.2 Recreation Equipment �� 101 45100 Ol 219.3 Rec Repair Suppiies ��� 101 45100 Ol 219.4 First Aid Supplies $�� 101 45100 Ol 219.5 RCC Operating Supplies a3� 101 45100 Ol 221 Equipment Parts SO $0 51,500 $1,800 101 45100 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies SO SO $1,800 $2,000 101 45100 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 51,799 51,883 $1,500 $1,800 Recreation 101 45100 01 Zb5 Other Items for Resale SO SO $500 $0 101 45100 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees S77 S87 5300 $800 Empioyment Physicals 101 45100 Ol 315 Speciai Programs $11,155 S8,384 $5,800 $6,100 101 45100 Ol 3151 Sunday Speciais 51,700 101 45100 O1 315.2 Leprechaun Days $100 101 45100 Ol 315.3 Halloween $500 101 45100 Ol 315.4 Ground Pounders(Runninp� � 101 45100 Ol 315.5 Nature Programs/Arbor,etc. ��� 101 45100 Ol 315.6 Puppet Programs $1� 101 45100 Ol 315.7 Speciai Events(X-Mas,etc) ��� 101 45100 Ol 315.8 Adopt-A-Park Programs �1,400 101 45100 Ol 315.9 Miscellaneous Programs as� 101 45100 Ol 315.10 ADA Pmgrams 5400 101 45100 Ol 319 Other Professional Services 30 SO $500 E500 ADA Services 101 45100 Ol 321 Telephone Cosu SO $0 SO 5700 Pager&Cellular Phone Bills 101 45100 Ol 331 Travel Expense S13 SO $200 $2(►U 101 45100 Ol 341 Employment Advertising 5522 $1,286 5500 $1,600 General Employment Ads 101 45100 01 349 Other Advertising b1,247 58,564 58,200 S10,000 101 45100 Oi 349.1 Brochures ��� 101 45100 Ol 349.2 Flyers $1,000 101 45100 Ol 349.3 Yellow Pages $1,500 101 45100 Ol 349.4 Speciai Marketing a500 101 45100 Ol 381 Electric Utilities � a0 a��� �27+� 101 45100 Ol 383 Gas Utilities SO SO 514,000 517,000 101 45100 Ol 384 Refuse Disposai S� S� �+� �+� 101 45100 Ol 401 Contracted Building Repaits SO 5360 $1,500 $1,800 101 45100 01 404 Contract Mach&Equip R 8t M SO S273 S1>800 52+200 101 45100 Ol 412 Building Rental SO SO 517,000 517,000 Monthly Rent Pymts to Guard 101 45100 Ol 415 OtherEquipmenCRental S'7>000 57,618 58,500 59,000 101 45100 Ol 415.1 Portable Toilets $8,500 101 45100 Ol 415.2 Other Rentals a5� PAGE TOTALS 5435,230 N 5439,397 5468>900 5486,500 Page Two , 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � ' PARKS&RECREATION DEPARTMENT-45100- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed y - Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 45100 O1 433 Dues&Subscriptions 5451 5315 51,000 �1,100 101 45100 Ol 433.1 MRPA Dues $700 Minn Recreation&Parks Ass'n 101 45100 Ol 433.2 ASCAP Dues 5300 American Society of Composers, 101 45100 Ol 433.3 Miscellaneous Subscriptioas 5700 American Society of Composecs, 101 45100 Ol 435 Books 8c Pamphiets SS 5148 $0 $100 Authors&Publishers 101 45100 O1 437 Conferences&Seminars 5803 5328 51,100 $1,200 101 45100 Ol 437.1 MIAMA State Conference $300 Mina Recreation&Pazks Ass'n 101 45100 Ol 437.2 MRPA State Conference $'700 American Society of Composecs, 101 45100 Ol 437.3 Workshops,Schools,Tuition $200 American Society of Composecs, 101 45100 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Chacges S0 $865 $0 SO 101 45100 Ol 530 Improvements Other'Than Bldgs 58,860 55,783 $0 SO 101 45100 Ol 601 Bond Principal $0 $0 537,300 $21,800 101 45100 Oi 601.1 MSABC Payment(2/1) 521,800 101 45100 Ol 601.2 Master Lease Pymts(2J1&8/1) $0 Moved to CIP 101 45100 Ol 611 Bond Interest SO SO 572,600 $67,300 101 45100 Ol 611.1 MSABC Payments(2J1&8/1) ��>3� 101 45100 Ol 611.2 Master Lease Pymts(2/1&8/1) $0 Moved to CIP 101 45100 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees SO $0 $800 $800 MSABC Payments(2/1&8/1) PAGE TOTALS 510,119 Y 57,440 5112,800 $92,300 Gen'lOperating DEPARTMENTTOTALS $445,349 $446,837 $581,700 $578,800 � Page Three 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS . PARKS 8c RECREATION DEPARTMENT-45100- September5,1995 1995 1996,Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Y Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amouat Budget Comments - - 577,535 101 45100 81 Softball 538,7?3 575,911 536,475 537,500 101 45100 82 VoUeyball 59,1?A S63 59,350 59,410 101 45100 84 Tennis 51,451 51,364 S1,600 f1,300 101 45100 85 Tiny Tob 59,688 SO 510,000 510,900 101 45100 86 Pom Poms 52,191 SO 52,800 S3,600 101 45100 8� FieldTrips 51,934 SO S2,160 53,500 101 45100 88 Broamball 52,8?A 52,080 53,175 S3,400 101 45100 89 Skating I.essons 5652 SO SO 51,300 101 45100 90 Fun Ruas,Walks&Bike 51,346 51,335 51,250 51,000 101 45100 91 Soccer �,� � � b0 101 45100 92 Adult Basketball � � � S�� 101 45100 93 Other Programs 5498 S45 SS?5 SI,S00 101 45100 95 Fitness Program SO SO SO 5800 101 45100 96 Karate � � � aZb� SPECIAL.PROGRAM TOTAIS 572,349 530,�97 567,675 577,535 977,535 101 45100 81 103 Part-Time Salaries 58,844 52,054 59,700 511,125 101 45100 81 219 Operating SuppGes 58,985 511,494 511,000 511,000 101 45100 81 311 Officiating Fees 512,277 510,211 S13,000 513,000 101 45100 81 319 Othe�Professional Services 52,015 52,073 52,500 52,200 101 45100 81 372 Postage Costs SO SO S75 S25 101 45100 81 359 Oiher Printing&Binding Costs SO SO 5150 5150 101 45100 81 409 Other Contracted Repair&Main 56,602 SO SO SO 101 45100 81 415 Other Equipment Rental SO S80 5100 SO 101 45100 82 103 Part-Time Salazies S2,2S9 S59 51,700 5810 101 45100 82 219 Operating Supplies 51,783 S4 52,000 S1,500 101 45100 82 311 OfficialingFees SM1,564 SO 55.000 56+�00 101 45100 82 319 Other Professional Services 5514 f0 SS00 5900 101 45100 82 322 Postage Costs SO SO S25 S50 101 45100 82 359 Other Printing&Binding Cosis SO SO SSO SI00 101 45100 82 415 Other Equipmemt Rental SO SO S75 S50 101 45100 84 103 Part Time Salariea 51,172 51,353 51,450 51,150 101 45100 84 219 Operating Supplies 5279 Sll 5150 5150 101 45100 85 103 Pazt-Time Salazies 55,473 SO 57,600 59,900 101 45100 85 219 Operating Suppfies 5396 SO S700 5700 101 45100 85 339 Other Transportation Chazges 5578 SO SO 5200 101 45100 85 412 Building Rental 53,291 S0 E1,700 5100 101 45100 86 103 Part-Time Salaries 51,364 SO 51,550 52,550 101 45100 86 219 Operating Supplies 5827 SO 51,000 51,000 101 45100 86 339 Other Transportation Charges S� SO f200 SO 101 45100 86 359 Other Printing&Binding C�ts SO SO S50 SS� 101 45100 87 219 Other Operating Suppliu 5159 SO SD SO 101 45100 87 339 Other Transportation Chazges 51,775 SO 52,000 53,500 101 45i00 87 359 Other Printing 8c Binding C:osts SO SO 5100 SU 101 45100 88 219 Operating Supplies S56 5164 5300 5400 101 45100 88 311 Officiating Fees 51,122 5660 51,300 51,400 101 45100 88 319 Other Professional Services 51,642 51,256 51,500 Si,500 101 45100 88 322 Postage Costa � � � �� 101 45100 88 359 Other Printing&Binding Cos1s SO S0 t5� S�Q 101 45100 89 103 Part-T'�me Salaries 5632 SO SO S1,240 101 45100 89 219 Operating Supplies S20 f0 S� � 101 45100 89 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SU SO SO S�� 101 45100 90 219 OperatingSupplies 51,346 51,335 Sl,?SO S1,Q00 101 45100 91 219 Operating Supplia 5386 SO S� � 101 45100 91 311 Officiating Fces 53,540 SO S� � 101 45100 92 219 Operating Supplies St) SO 5350 5600 101 45100 92 322 P�tage Costs SO S0 SO S50 101 45100 92 359 Other Printing Bc Binding Costs SO SO S� �0 101 45100 93 219 Operating Suppliea-0ther Prog i498 S45 f500 S1,450 101 45100 93 359 Other Printing&Bmding Gosts fU SO Su S�0 101 45100 95 219 Operating Supplia � � � � 101 45100 96 319 Other Professional Services S� IO S� M+� 101 45100 96 322 Paatage Cosu 50 SO SO S75 101 45100 96 359 Other Printing&Bindin6 Cosis f0 SO S?5 5150 SPECIAI.PROGRAM TOTALS f72,344 530,797 567,700 577,535 Grand Totat-ALL PARK&REC DEPAR'TMENI'S 5517,698 5477,634 5649,375 f656,335 ______ _____'_____�______________�� , Page One . 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS MAINTENANCE-45202- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 ` 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed y Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 45202 Ol 205 Drafting Supp6es 51,354 $384 5200 $200 101 45202 Ol 205.1 General Drafting $1� 101 45202 Ol 205.2 Fiim,Developing&Iamintng $100 101 45202 Ol 208 Miscellaneous Supplies SO Si51 $100 5100 101 45202 Ol 215 Shop Materials SO 58,222 SO $0 101 45202 Ol 216 Chemical&Chemical Products 512,580 $7,961 $12,800 $12,800 101 45202 Ol 2161 Herbicides(Gen'1 Pazk Use) 52,800 101 45202 Ol 216.2 Fertilizer $10,000 101 45202 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies 53,582 $805 58,000 SS+U00 101 45202 Ol 219.1 Seed,Sod,etc. $2>500 101 45202 Ol 219.2 Red Rock,Sand,Gravel,etc �,� 101 45202 Ol 219.3 Other Supplies $5� 101 45202 Ol 221 Equipment Parts 53,600 $3,932 54,600 $4,600 lOT 45202 Ol 221.1 Playground Equipment Repair $600 101 45202 Ol 221.2 Lighting Repairs $1,500 101 45202 Ol 221.3 Irrig Repair(Non-Contract) $1,000 101 45202 Ol 221.4 Misc/Split Rail,etc. $1,500 101 45202 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies $4,817 $2,636 $3,400 $3,400 101 45202 Ol 223.1 Paint,Brushes,Rollers,etc $i�� 101 45202 Ol 223.2 Shingies,Boards,etc. 51,000 101 45202 Ol 223.3 Miscellaneous $1�� 101 45202 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials $7,029 $1,514 $3,600 $3,600 101 45202 Ol 2251 Trees,Shrubs,Sod,etc. �; $1,600 101 45202 Ol 225.2 Timbecs,Fence,etc. a2,000 101 45202 Ol 22G Sign Repair Materials 5281 $0 5200 $200 101 45202 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies E1,798 51,883 S3>600 53,600 Paint,Chaik,Bases,Feid Dry 101 45202 Ol 241 Smail Toois 55,230 $1,738 $1,600 $1,600 101 45202 Ol 241.1 Hammers,Wrenches,etc. �� 101 45202 Ol 2i1.2 Saws,Drags,etc.(Larger) $1,000 101 45202 Ol 302 Architects'Fees 52,500 SO SU $0 101 45202 Ol 303 Engineering Fees 50 $875 SO $0 101 45202 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees S76 5174 SO $0 101 45202 Ol 321 Teiephone Costs SO $0 �ttl $500 Cellular Phone Bills 101 45202 Ol 323 Radio Units 5212 $362 $500 $500 Walkie-Talkies 101 45202 01 331 Travel Expense $13 $0 5100 5100 Seminars&Workshops 101 45202 Ol 341 Employment Advertising 5521 $1,286 SO SU 101 45202 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 510,543 $9,735 516,000 516,000 101 45202 Ol 381.1 Skating Rinks �+� 101 45202 Ol 381.2 Softball Fields �+�� 101 45202 Ol 381.3 Irrigation �+�� 101 45202 Ol 381.4 Other Areas a3� 101 45202 Ol 383 Gas Utilities 5295 5643 $S00 5500 101 45202 Ol 384 Refuse Disposal 536� $U $0 � 101 45202 Ol 409 Other Contracted Repair&Main S:i,438 522,886 �4+200 54+200 101 45202 Ol 409.1 Irrigation Repair $1+�� 101 45202 Ol 409.2 Electrical Repair 52,400 101 45202 Ol 409.3 Misceilaneous 5500 101 45202 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental. S3>145 57,618 52,500 $2,500 Equipment,Machines,eta 101 45202 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptiona 5450 5315 $400 $400 101 45202 Ol 433.1 Membecships-MRPA �3� 101 45202 Ol 433.2 Dues 5100 101 45202 01 435 Books&Pamptilets SS 5148 5300 �� 101 45202 O1 437 Conferencas&Seminars 5802 5328 �� �� 101 45202 Ol 437.1 Seminazs&Workshops � 101 45202 Ol 437.2 School&Tuition � 101 45202 Ol 439 Other Miscepaneous Charges �i34 5272 5200 E200 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS 562,967 573,778 563,300 563,800 DEPARTMENT TOTAI.S E62,967 573,7')8 563,300 563,800 Page One ' ' 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ` OTHER USES(TRANSFERS)-49300 September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 _ 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed " Fund Account Obj# Descliption Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 49300 Ol 710 Tranafers $6,048 �226,765 595,500 5105,900 For Subaidy of Ice Arena 101 49300 Ol 710.1 To Arena Fund $105,900 Operations and Debt PAGE TOTAIS 56,048 S'L26,7G5 595,500 5105,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $6,048 5226,765 595,500 $105,900 ______ __�___ _�____ ______ ______ s� Page One , • 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS • PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING BUDGET -REVENUES- September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 „ - 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 201 31050 00 000 Tax Increments E336,451 5389,774 a285,000 $285,000 201 33100 00 000 Federal Grants&Aids $0 $0 SO $150,000 Comm Development Block Grant 201 36105 00 000 Principal on Notes 54,044 a16,772 $18,069 $25,499 201 36105 00 000.1 Blake L/T Note $13,085 201 36105 W 000.2 Loch L/T Note 512,414 201 36210 00 000 Interest Eaznings-Investments 56,447 S4>270 $3,000 $4,000 Interest Earned on CD's 201 36211 00 000 Interest Eamings-Loch 552,442 551,92b $51,290 $50,586 Loch L/T Mortgage Interest 20T 36212 00 000 Interest Earnings-Blake E51,117 553,702 553,041 552,315 Blake L(T Mortgage Interest ZOl 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings 588� 5234 $Z50 $400 Checking Interest&Misc 201 36260 00 000 Other Revenue SO 51,355 $0 $0 201 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $0 $0 585,490 $35,004 201 39101 00 000 Sales of General F'ixed Assets $0 E6,251 $0 $0 201 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds $528,400 SO $0 $0 PAGE TOTAI.S $979,789 $524,283 $496,140 $602,800 FCJND TOTALS $979,789 5524,283 $496,140 $602,800 -EXPENDITCJRES- 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Accoant Obj# Description Act�ial Actuai Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------- ---------------------------_______-_------ --------- -----____-- --------------- -- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 201 463W 101 Salaries&Benefits $71,206 570,350 571,940 $53,800 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Bene�ts 201 46300 101.1 Comm Development Director 50%P/A-50%General Fund 201 46300 101.2 Secretary 50%P/A-50%General Fund 201 46300 102 Full-T'ime Overtime 5829 $413 $500 $500 201 46300 99 103 Part-Time Salaries 8t Benefits 56,094 56,109 525,200 $6,500 Port Authority Membe:s 201 46300 Ol 302 Architects'Fees a0 �6� � $0 ZOl 46300 Ol 303 Engineering Fees 536,137 $11,213 515,000 58,000 Business Park Development 201 46300 Ol 304 Legal Fees S2,025 545,210 530,000 $30>000 201 46300 Oi 317 Gen'1 Fund Administrative Fees 55,625 55,625 55,700 $5,700 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 201 46300 Ol 319 Other Pmfessional Services 522,669 513,536 535,000 $28,000 ZOl 46300 Ol 319.1 Consulting Fees E20,000 201 46300 Ol 319.2 Real Fstate Taxes ��� 201 46300 Ol 3193 County TIF Charges $Z+�� 201 46300 Ol 331 Travel Facpense $913 5362 $1,000 $1,000 Mileage Reimbuxsement 201 46300 Ol 349 Other Advertising SO 51,360 512,000 $10,000 201 46300 Ol 3491 Generai City Promotions $3,000 201 46300 Ol 349.2 Business Park Promotions 57,000 201 46300 Ol 351 Legal Notices Publishing $34 5160 5400 $400 201 46300 Ol 365 Workmen's Comp Insurance 51,669 51,816 52,000 52+000 201 46300 Ol 369 Other Insutance 58,398 SO 515,000 S0 Property Insurance 201 46300 Ol 389 Other Utility Services � si+� �� $1'� 201 46300 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions 5471 51,345 52,000 a2,00U Prof Organizations/7ouznals 201 46300 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets a� �� �� � ZOl 46300 Ol 437 Conferences Sc Semina:s 51,920 51,605 �i,000 53,000 Staz City,Chamber,6t Misc 201 46300 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges S22 5375 5500 $S00 Contingencies 201 46300 Ol 510 Land Purchases 5541,986 518,134 SO 5150,000 Senior Housing Site Acquisitions 201 46300 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bidgs $0 52,774 55+000 $5,000 Business,Park I?evelopment 201 46300 Ol 710 Transfets 5486,593 E308,396 5271,000 $295,000 201 46300 Ol 710.1 8/1�J6 Pymc-1988A G.O.'TIF 521,000 Interest Only 201 46300 Ol 710.2 2!1/97 Pymt-1988A G.O.TIF $151,OQ0 Principal&Interest 201 46300 Ol 710.3 8/i/96 Pymt-1992E G.O.Bidgs $9,000 Interest Only 201 46300 01 910.4 2/1/97 Pymt-1992E G.O.Bldgs SI14,000 Principal&Interest 201 46300 Ol 720 Transfets $50,000 SO SU $0 PAGE TOTALS 51,236,863 �494,850 5496,140 5602>800 DEPARTMENT TOTAI.S S1,236,863 S494,850 S496,140 $602,800 ______ ______ _�____ �_____ _=____ Page One . � 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ' S-YEAR CIP PROGRAM FCTND ' -REVENUES- September 5,1995 „ ' 1995 1996 Object 1996 1493 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 202 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $171,460 $279,717 $127,000 $470,100 202 34150 00 000 USPCI User Fees $0 SO SO $40,000 From Gen'1-Use for Equipment 202 34151 00 000 Koch Bauxite User Fees $0 $0 $0 $4,000 From Gen'I-Use for Equipment 202 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Invescments 520,318 519,795 SI0,000 510,000 202 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings $906 $274 $1,000 $1,000 202 362b0 OQ 000 Other Revenue �0 S4>550 $0 �U 202 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds $(1 $0 $0 $58,000 202 39203 00 000 TransferFrom SO $0 $0 $0 PAGE TOTAI.S $192,684 $304,336 $138,000 $0 $583,100 FUND TOTALS $192,684 $304,336 $138,000 $0 $583,100 -EXPENDITLTRES- 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detai( Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 202 49002 Oi 317 Gen'1 Fund Administrative Fees $2,250 $2,250 $2,250 $2,250 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 202 49002 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $194 $0 $0 202 49002 Ol 521 Building&Structure Purchases � $0 $0 $0 $10,000 Honeywell Program Yearly Pymt 202 49002 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bidgs $65,589 $140,825 $38,000 $29,000 202 49002 Ol 530.1 Gravel Roads $0 $0 $0 $29,000 Not Levy-USPCI Funds 202 49002 Ol 531 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $0 $0 $U $261,000 202 49002 Ol 531.1 Lower 147th Street SO $0 $0 $261,000 Levy Portion of Project 202 49002 Ol 532 Improvements Other Than Bldgs �0 SO SO $43,000 202 49002 Ol 532.1 Cameo-145th to Lower 147th SO $0 $0 $43,000 Levy Portion of Project 202 49002 Ol 533 Improvements Other'Than Bldgs $0 $0 $0 $58,000 202 49002 Ol 533.1 Erickson Park Line Relocation SO $0 $0 $58,000 Funded from Prior Year Encmb 202 49002 Ol 540 Heavy Machinery Purchases 511,694 $0 $0 $U 202 49002 Ol 550 Motor Vehicle Purchases 526,063 527,9'I6 E0 $15,000 202 49002 Ol 550.1 1 Police Squad $0 $0 $0 $15,000 Not Levy-USPCI Funds 202 49002 A1 560 Furniture&Fixture Purchases $0 516,049 $0 S� 202 49002 Ol 570 Office Equip&Furnishing Purch 53,350 S0 $0 $U 202 49002 Ol 580 Other Equipment Purchases 520,982 510,'742 �0 $0 202 49002 Ol 586 Computer Equipment Purchases 527,545 527,624 $0 SO 202 49002 Ol 598 Councit Designated $0 $936 $89,000 SO 202 49002 Ol 601 Principal on Lease Payments SO $0 SO $100,500 202 49002 Ol 601.1 1994 Community Genter Lxase $0 $0 SO $18,900 2J1&8!1 Paymeats 202 49002 Ol 601.2 1995 3-Year Equipment Lease SO SO SO $42,100 2/1&8/1 Payments 202 49002 Ol 601.3 1995 S-Year Equipment Lease �0 $0 $0 519,800 2/1&8/1 Payments 202 49002 Ol 601.4 199510-Year Equipment Lease SO $0 $0 519,700 2/1&8/1 Payments 202 49002 Ol 611 Interest on L.ease Payments S0 SO $0 SSS,60U 202 49002 Ol 6111 1994 Community Center Ixase S0 S(1 S0 $3,500 2/1 8c 8/1 Payments 202 49002 Ol 611.2 1995 3-Year Equipment Lease SO $0 SO $10,800 2/1 8r 8/1 Payments 202 49002 Oi 6113 1995 S-Year Equipment Lxase SO S0 $0 510,200 2/1 8c 8/1 Payments 202 49002 Ol 611.4 199510-Year Equipment Lease SO $0 $0 $31,100 2/1&8/1 Payments 202 49002 Ol 710 Transfers SO $364,057 SO a0 PAGE TOTALS ~ E157,4'73 w E590,653 �5129,250 5574,350 FLJND TOTAI.S 5157,473 5590,653 S129,250 E574,350 ______ ______ _�____ ______ ______ NOTE: 1996's Proposed Budget Iacludes 52,250 for General Fund Admin Fees Not Included in Levy Amount(Covaed by Interest Eamings) 1996's Proposed Budget has a Total of$470,100 for the I.E.wy Amount Page One 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS `" INSURANCE FUND • . -REVENUES- September5,1995 1995 1996 ObjecY 1996 � � 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 206 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 SO $190,000 5185,000 206 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments SO $0 $0 51,000 2(16 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings SU SS S� �200 206 36260 00 000 Other Revenue SO $11,505 SO $5,000 Insurance Refunds 206 361b5 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds SO $0 SO $0 206 39201 00 OW Traasfer From General Fund SO $100,000 $0 $0 PAGE TOTALS SO $111,513 $190,000 $191,200 DEPARTMENT TOTAIS SO $111,513 $190,000 5191,200 _____ ____�_ ______ �=____ ______ -EXPENDITCTRES- 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed ' Fund Accouat Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 206 49006 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees $0 $0 $0 $5,000 Work Comp Deductibie Pymts 206 49006 Ol 317 Gedl Fund Administrative Fees SO $0 $0 $1,125 Yeazly Fee Per Po6cy F-3 206 49006 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $2,667 $0 $9,000 ARS&Toombs Ins Agency 206 49006 Ol 365 Worker's Compensation Insurance 562�,856 $62,633 $9U,000 $75,000 Annual Premium ?A6 49006 Ol 369 Other Insurance 579,986 $65,600 $100,000 $91,000 General Liability&Auto 206 49006 Ol 409 Other Contracted Repair&Main $0 $0 $0 $5,000 Liab&Auto Deductible Pymts PAGE TOTALS 5142,841 5130,900 $190,000 $186,125 FUND TOTAL.S S142,841 $130,900 5190,000 S18b,125 NOTE: Levy of$185,000 coveis costs for deductible payments,agent#ees and insurance premiums. The General Fund Admin Fces covered through interest earnings. Page One - 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS , WATER UTII.ITY OPERATING BUDGET September 11,1995 -REVENUES- 1995 1996 Object 1996 . 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed � Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget AmQunt Budget Comments 601 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Asaessments S22,118 515,836 515,000 $15,000 601 36102 00 000 Penaities&Interest-S/A 5820 5438 SO SO 601 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments 515,655 522,715 $16,000 $16,000 601 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings E1,102 $223 $1,000 $1,000 601 36260 00 000 Other Revenue a0 5366 SU �0 601 37110 00 000 Residential Water Revenues 5253,963 5314,360 $320,000 5320,000 601 37120 00 000 Apartment Water Revenues 536,666 535,182 $50,000 $50,000 601 37125 00 000 Institutional Water Revenues 521,109 523,241 $25,000 $25,000 601 37130 00 000 Commercial Water Revenues E26,212 526,101 �34,000 534,000 601 37140 00 000 Industrial Water Revenues 54,602 54,480 $5,000 $5,000 601 37160 00 000 Penalties-Water Revenues S9,774 $9,111 $9,000 $9,000 601 37165 00 000 Meter Maint Water Revenue 58,900 $10,850 $10,000 $10,000 601 37170 00 000 Other Water Revenues SZS S42 50 $0 601 3T180 00 000 Water Meter Sales Revenue 520,519 527,131 $20,000 $20,000 601 39203 00 000 Transfer From SO 5116,662 $0 $0 PAGE TOTALS 5421,465 $606,737 $505,000 $505,000 FUND TOTALS 5421,465 $606,737 $505,000 $505,000 s � Page One � ' 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET � September I1,1995 -EXPENSES- 1995 1996 Object 1996 - 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments --------------- -----------------------------------_____�r All Salary Costs Inciusive of 601 49400 101 Salaries&Benefits S135,820 5139,801 $147,500 $ib7,800 Salary,Ta�ces,PERA&$enefits 601 49400 77 101.1 Public Works Director 35%-601;15%-602;50%-101 601 49400 77 101.2 Finance Director 17.5%-601;7.5%-602;75%-101 601 49400 78 1013 Payroil Cleric 17.5%-601;7.5%-602;75%-101 601 49400 78 101.4 Accounts Payable Clerk 35%-601;15%-b02;50%-101 601 49400 78 101.5 Utility Billing/Dep Reg Clerk 70%-601;30%-602 601 49400 78 101.6 Secretary 35%-601;15%-602;50%-101 601 49400 79 101.7 Maintenance 70%-601;30%-602 601 49400 79 101.8 Maintenance 70%-601;30%-602 601 49400 79 101.9 Maintenance 33.3%-601;33.3%-602;333%-603 601 49400 102 Full-Time Overtime $3,744 $2,162 $5,000 $S,Q00 601 49400 78 102 Clericai OJT $2,000 601 49400 '79 102 Maintenance O/T $3,000 601 49400 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits S3>333 $5,604 $26,700 $29,200 601 49400 99 103.1 Utility Comm Wages(70%) $1,200 70%-601;30%-602 601 49400 99 103.2 P/T Secretary $13,000 7d%a-601;30%-602 601 49400 99 103.3 Maintenance Labor $15,000 100%-601 601 49400 Oi 203 Printed Forms&Paper $984 $2,472 $3,000 $3,000 601 49400 Ol 2031 Inserts $Z+� 601 49400 Ol 203.2 Water Bill Statements $1,000 601 49400 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $0 $51 $500 $500 Disks,Ribbons,etc. 601 49400 Ol 212 Motor Fuels $0 $41 $1,500 $1,500 For#'s 103,107&114 601 49400 Oi 213 Lubricants&Additives $0 $0 $500 $500 Oil for Pumps 601 49400 Ol 216 Chemical&Chemical Products S12�78 $17,002 $16,000 $16,000 Chlorine,Flouzide,Polyphos 601 49400 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $1,051 $1,348 $1,000 $1,500 Maintenance Suppties 601 49400 Ol 220 Water Meter Purchases 533,138 $38,666 $46,000 $35,000 601 49400 Ol 220.1 For Replacements $10,000 $82 each Meters Only 601 49400 Oi 220.2 For New Homes $25,000 +CU Horns;2"Meters 601 49400 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 5771 $3,000 $3,000 601 49400 Ol 221.1 Vehicles&Equipment $2,000 601 49400 Ol 221.2 Well Motocs&Misc Equip $i>� 601 49400 Ol 222 Tires SO $0 $Z00 $200 Repairs&Replacements 601 49400 Ol 224 Street Maintenance Materials 51,529 $979 $1,000 $2,000 Patching from Breaks 601 49400 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials $1;534 $114 �600 $600 Topsoil,Seed&Sod 601 49400 Ol 227 Utility System Maint Supplies 5356 $1,834 $3,000 53,000 Raise 6 Hydrants Per Year 601 49400 Ol 228 Meter Repair Materials $0 $0 5300 5300 Miscellaneous Meter Parts 601 49400 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies S'L,I434 $7,432 59,300 $9,300 601 49400 Ol 229.1 Supplies for Hydrants ' $4,000 601 49400 Ol 229.2 Valve&Curb Boxes , $1,300 GV Factansions 601 49400 Ol 2293 Valve Replacements(2) �4,000 Sufficient for 2 Replacements 601 49400 Ol 241 Small Tools S20'1 $231 5500 5500 Wrenches,Shovels,eta 601 49400 Ol 242 Minor Equipment $364 ($63'n $3,000 $3,000 601 49400 Ol 2421 Locator,GV Wrench 51,500 601 49400 Ol 242.2 GV Fxtension Wrench ' $1,500 601 49400 Ol 302 Architects'Fees $164 SO SO � 601 49400 Ol 303 Engineering Fees SO $1,034 $10,000 $55,000 601 49400 Ol 303.1 Well Head Protection Plan ' $20,000 Required by State(b1}MDH 601 49400 Ol 303.2 Update Comp Water Plan ��>�� 601 49400 Ol 3033 GIS-Update of Asbuilts ���0 601 49400 Ol 303.4 Miscellaneous Fees ' $2+�� 601 49400 Ol 304 I.egal Fees SO St1 5500 $500 601 49400 Ol 310 Testing Services 513,159 a15,475 518,300 $19,000 601 49400 Ol 310.1 Bacteria&Water Quality ', 52,000 Radon 601 49400 Ol 310.2 V.O.G,Pesticides,eta , al,� 601 49400 Ol 310.3 CU-PB Tesdng ' $16,000 $5.21/Connection per Qtr(11� 601 49400 Ol 312 Contract Inspection Fees 52,7?3 51,981 53,000 $3,000 Gopher State One-Cal1(11� 601 49400 Ol 317 Generai Fund Admin Fees E5,625 55,625 55,625 55,625 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 601 49400 Ol 319 Other Professional Services 5520 53,136 �3,000 55,000 601 49400 Ol 319.1 Thaw Pipes,Check Leaks,etc. ' 51,500 601 49400 Ol 319.2 Supervisory Controls a3,� 601 49400 Ol 319.3 Hazardous Chemicai Permits 5500 MN Dept of Public Safety PAGE TOTAL.S S219,664 M �5,622 $309,025 $370,025 Page Two . � , 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET ' September 11,1995 -EXPENSES- 1995 1996 Object - 1996 _ 1993 1994 Adopted Detaii Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 601 49400 Ol 321 Telephone Costs $185 $0 $1,500 $1,5� Liaes for Te(emetry 601 49400 Ol 322 Postage Costs 51,458 $1,470 51,500 $1,500 Bii(ings with Inserts 601 49400 A1 323 Radio Units S1,328 $1,437 $2,000 $2,000 ReplacelRepair Radios 601 49400 Ol 331 Travel Expense �0 SO $1,000 $1,000 AWWA National Seminar 601 49400 Ol 333 Freight&Express Expenses $0 $0 $100 $100 Mail-in Repairs 601 49400 Ol 34T Employment Advertising $200 $0 $700 $700 P!'T'ers&Pecsonnel Changes 601 49400 Ol 349 Other Advertising $0 $30 $500 $500 601 49400 Ol 352 General Notices&Public Info $0 $1,718 $500 $500 Newsletters 601 49400 Ol 3S5 Workmen's Comp Insurance 53,798 S4,080 $4,000 54,000 Water's Share of Premiums 601 49400 Ol 369 Other Insurance E10,906 $11,085 $12,000 $12,000 Water's Share of Premiums 601 49400 Ol 391 P.C.Maintenance SO $300 5300 5300 Gopher State One-Call(14n 601 49400 Ol 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies SO $35 $200 $200 601 49400 Ol 393 P.C.Hardware Purchases SO $332 $0 $2,000 GIS Hardwaze 601 49400 Ol 394 P.C.Software Purchases S2G5 $580 $750 $2,000 GIS Software 601 49400 Ol 395 P.C.Repairs $0 $0 $500 $500 601 49400 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm 52,533 $2,502 $3,000 $3,000 601 49400 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental $814 $23 $1,000 $1,000 601 49400 Ol 416 Machinery Rental $361 $1,679 $3,0� $3,000 601 49400 Ol 421 Depreciation Expensc $296,816 $297,210 $0 $0 CRP Items(See 530) 601 49400 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions $662 $710 $600 $600 AWWA for 2 Members 601 49400 Ol 435 Books 8c Pamphiets S34 $0 $300 $300 Reference Materials b01 49400 Ol 437 Conferences 8c Seminars $425 $970 $1,500 $1,500 601 49400 Ol 437.1 MN Heaith Department School $1,000 (M) 601 49400 Ol 437.2 AWWA Conference $5� 601 49400 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $1,'L34 $915 $1,000 51,000 DNR Annual Water Use(M) 601 49400 Ol 450 Sales Tax On Purchases $0 Sll l $0 $U 601 49400 Ol 530 Improvements Other than Bidgs a� $0 $120,000 $260,000 601 49400 Ol 530.1 Cameo&Lower 147th $200,000 Reconstruction 601 49400 Ol 530.2 Rehab Well#8 $20>� 601 49400 Ol 5303 Water Tower#2 Maintenance �40,000 601 49400 Oi 560 Furniture&Fixture Purchases 5332 5165 $0 $0 601 49400 Ol 570 Office Equipment Purchases SO $0 $600 $600 File Cabinet,Chair 601 49400 Ol 586 Computer Equipment Purchases 53,500 SO $0 $0 601 49403 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $28 $287 $1,000 $1,000 601 49403 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies $810 5204 $S00 $500 601 49403 Ol 319 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 Independent Inspections 601 49403 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 56,216 $6,464 $7,500 $7,500 Pumping&Lighting 601 49403 Ol 383 Gas Utilities 5536 $424 5600 $600 Heat&Engine Backup 601 49403 01 409 Other Contracted R&M SO 5175 $300 $300 RTU's,Pump Motar,eta 601 494Q3 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 50 S75 5100 5100 Contingencies 601 49406 Ol 221 Equipment Parts SO 5105 $1,000 51,000 601 49406 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies S39 $0 $200 5200 601 49406 Ol 319 Ot6er Professionai Services SO SO $100 5100 Independent Inspections 601 49406 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $405 5435 $600 $600 Pumping&Lighting 601 49406 Ol 383 Gas Utilities 5303 $231 $400 5400 Heat&Engine Backup 601 49406 Ol 409 Other Contracted R&M $0 SO 5300 5300 RTU's,Pump Motor,etc. 601 49406 Ol 439 Other Misceilaneous Charges EO $75 5100 5100 Contingencies 601 49407 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 S25 $500 $500 601 49407 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies 5365 $148 $300 �� 601 49407 Ol 319 Other Pmfessional Services �0 SO $500 $500 Independeat Inspections 601 49407 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 512,142 57,669 $9,500 $9,SW Pumping&Lighting 601 49407 Ol 383 Gas Utitities SO $0 5400 5400 Heat&Engine Backup 601 49407 Ol 409 Other Contracted R&M SO SO $600 �600 RTU's,Pump Motor,etc. 601 49407 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges SO $'15 5100 $100 Contingencies 601 49407 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs SO SU �600 � 601 49408 Ol 221 Equipment Parts S50 b385 $1,000 �1,000 601 49408 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies S47 $101 5100 5100 601 49408 Ol 381 Electric Utiiities S12,331 513,833 $10,000 510,000 Pumping 8z Lighting 601 49408 Ol 383 Gas Utilities 5328 5280 $400 $400 Heat&Engine Backup 601 49408 Ol 439 Other Misceilaneous Charges SO $'75 SO �� PAGE TOTALS 5358,450 $356,415 W $194,250 M $337,500 Page Three • _ , 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET ' Septemtier 11,1995 -EXPENSES- 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed ' Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 601 49410 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $4 SO $1,000 51,000 601 49410 Ol 221 Equipment Parts S14 51,059 51,000 520,000 Water Hammer Repair 601 49410 Ol 223 Buiiding Repair Supplies 5167 $173 5100 5100 601 49430 Oi 321 Telephone Costs � �98 � � 601 49410 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 55,154 $4,635 $8,000 $8,000 Pumping&Lighting 601 49410 Ol 409 Other Conuacted R�t M SO $589 55,000 55,000 601 49411 Ol 221 Equipment Pacts SO $0 S1,W0 520,000 Water Hammer Repair 601 49411 Ol 381 Electric Utilities SO S0 $1,000 51,000 601 49415 Ol 2'll Equipment Parts SO $570 5500 5500 Touch-Up Paint 601 49415 Ol 319 Other Professionai Services SO $3,050 $500 5500 Tower Inspection 601 49415 Ol 381 Electric Utilities S� $0 $200 � 601 49415 Ol 409 Other Contracted R 8c M SO $130 $500 5540 601 49415 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges SO S0 $200 5200 Contingencies 601 49416 Oi 221 Equipment Parts SQ $393 $500 5500 Touch-Up Paint 601 49416 Ol 319 Other Professional Services SO 53,355 5825 51,000 601 49416 Ol 319.1 Cathodic Protection Services $5� 601 49416 Ol 319.2 Miscellaneous Services �� 601 49416 Ol 381 Elecuic Utilities 5682 $891 5200 $200 601 49416 Ol 409 Other Contracted R&M 5131 $0 $500 $500 601 49416 Ol 439 Other Misceilaneous Charges SO $200 $200 $200 601 49416 01 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs SO $0 $3,000 $3,000 Landscaping Around Tower �56,844 �$15,843 $24,425 $62,600 F[JND TOTALS 5584,�58 $617,880 $527,900 $770,125 WATER OPERATING FUND GENERAL�ADMINISTRATIVE • An Enterprise Fund consisting of revenues from water sales which provides for #he operation and maintenance of the City's weils, towers and distribution system. In 1996, $41,300 of the budgeted expenses are items that are mandated to the City by a higher authority. These items are marked with an (M) under the Comrnent section of the budget worksheets. 5 Page One � ' � 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET ' September 11,1995 -REVENUES- 1995 1996 Object 1995 � 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 602 36101 00 000 Principat-Special A.gaessments 522,677 523,718 a15,000 $15,000 602 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A E729 5457 SO SO 602 36210 00 000 Intec�est Farnings-Iavestments 57,572 $9,944 58,000 $8.000 602 36215 00 000 Intere.at Earaings Sl>248 S3?7 $500 5500 602 361b0 00 000 Other Revenue SO S0 $0 �0 602 37210 00 000 Residential Sewer Revenues 5342,101 5456,098 5450,000 5450,000 602 37220 00 000 Apartment Sewer Revenues 558,557 $53,822 $60,000 $60,000 602 37225 00 000 Institutional Sewer Revenues 540,962 $33,515 $33,000 533,000 602 37230 QO 000 Commercial Sewer Revenues 534,351 532,611 $40,000 540,000 602 377A0 00 000 Industrial Sewer Revenues $�,171 $6,841 $7,000 $7,000 602 3� 00 000 Penalties-Sewer Revenues $12,954 $12,472 $10,000 $10,000 602 3'1270 00 000 Other Sewec Revenues SO $0 $0 $0 PAGE TOTALS $528,32T $629,854 5623,500 $623,500 FUND TOTALS 5528,321 E629,854 $623,500 5623,500 � � SEWER OPERATING FUND GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE • An Enterprise Fund consisting of revenues from sewer charges which provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's lift stations and mains for the collection and treatment of sewage. In 1996, $1,500 of the budgeted expenses are items that are mandated to the City by a higher authority. These items are marked with an (M) under the Comment section of the budget worksheets. Also, $416,000 covers one line item of the Sewer Fund budget. This amount is for the charges paid to the Metropolitan Council for the City's share of the operations and debt for waste water treatment plants within the metropolitan area. These charges, which cover approximately 52% of the Sewer Fund budget, are based on sewage flows into the Metropolitan Council's Rosemount treatment plant. s Page One • ` 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET ' Septemtier 11,1995 -EXPENSES- 1995 1996 Object 1996 , 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments --------- ------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 602 49450 101 Salaries&Benefits 558,668 $59,535 $63,500 $80,400 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefita 602 49450 77 101.1 Public Works Director 15%-602;35%-601;50%-101 602 49450 77 101.2 Finance Director 7.5%-602;17.5%-601;75%-101 602 49450 78 101.3 Payroll Clerk 7.5%-602;17.5%-601;75%-101 602 49450 78 101.4 Accounts Payable Cterk 15%-602;35%-601;50%0-101 602 49450 78 lO1S Utility Billing/Dep Reg Clerk 30%-602;70%-601 602 49450 78 101.6 Secretary 15%-602;35%-601;50%-101 602 49454 79 101.7 Maintenance 30%-6Q2;70%-601 602 49450 79 101.8 Maintenance 30%-602;70%-601 602 49450 79 101.9 Maintenance 33.3%-602;333%-601;33.3%-603 602 49450 102 Full-Time Overtime 51,606 $927 52,500 $2,500 602 49450 78 102.1 Clerical O/T $1,000 602 49450 78 102.2 Maintenance O/T $1,500 602 49450 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $9,784 $5,596 $19,100 $20,200 602 49450 99 1431 Utility Comm Wages(30%) $600 30%-602;70%-601 602 49450 99 103.2 P/T Secretary $5,600 30%-602;70%-601 602 49450 99 1033 Maintenance Labor $14,000 100%-602 602 49450 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper $0 $300 $600 $1,000 Inserts&Water Bili Statements 602 49450 41 209 Other Of�ce Supplies $0 $0 5500 $500 Disks,Ribbons,etc. 602 49450 Ol 212 Motor Fuels $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 For#'s 101,103,107&114 602 49450 Ol 213 Lubricants&Additives SO $13 $350 $350 Oii for Lift Stations 602 49450 Ol 216 Chemical&Chemical Pmducts $3'12 $0 5500 $500 Root Kiiler,Degreaser 602 49450 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $546 $367 $500 $500 602 49450 Ol 221 Equipment Parts �$0 $685 $5,000 $5,000 Pumps&Other Equipment 602 49450 Ol 222 Tires $0 $341 5500 5500 For#114 602 49450 Ol 224 Street Maintenance Materials $493 $0 $1,200 $1,200 Patching from Breaks 602 49450 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials 5125 SO 5400 $400 Topsoil,Seed&Sod 602 49450 Ol 227 Utility System Maint Supplies $0 5195 $1,000 $1,000 Manhole Castings 602 49450 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $57 $500 $500 Steeves,Wyes,etc. 602 49450 Ol 241 Small Tools S0 $842 5500 $500 Wrenches,Shovels,eta 602 49450 Ol 242 Minor Equipment 5364 S7'79 53,000 $3,000 602 49450 Ol 2A21 Tripod Replacement $Z,�� 602 49450 Ol 242.2 Harness �� 602 49450 Ol 242.3 Testing Equipment $500 602 49450 Ol 302 Architects'Fees S164 $0 $0 $0 602 49450 Ol 303 Eagineering Fees SO $0 S6>000 53,000 GIS-Update ofAsbuilts 602 49450 Ol 304 LegalFees SO $0 S500 $500 602 49450 Ol 312 Contract Inspection Fees 52,127 $1,753 51,500 $1,500 Gopher State One-Call(M) 602 49450 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $5,625 55,625 55,625 $5,625 Yesrly Fee Per Policy F-3 602 49450 OL 319 Other Professional Services $500 52,894 $6,000 $8,000 602 49450 Ol 319.1 Televising �+� 602 49450 Ol 319.2 Root Control $2,000 602 49450 Ol 3193 Supervisory Controls 53,000 SCADA System 602 49450 Ol 321 Telephone Costs 5185 SO 51,500 51,500 Lines for Telemeiry 602 49450 Ol 322 Postage Costs E1,458 51,470 51,100 $1,100 Billings with Inserts 602 49450 Ol 323 Radio Units 5415 5558 51,000 51,000 Replace/Repair Radios/Phones 602 49450 Ol 331 Travel ExQense S22 $0 5100 $100 602 49450 Ol 333 Freight&Express Expenses $0 $0 5100 5100 Mail-in Repairs 602 49450 Ol 341 Employment AdveRising $144 $0 5300 5300 PlI"ets&Personnel Changes 602 49450 Ol 349 Other Advertising SO S30 SS00 $500 602 49450 Ol 365 Workmen's Comp Insurance 51,628 51,748 53,000 53,000 Sewer's Share of Premiums 602 49450 Ol 369 OtherInsurance 510,832 59,052 512,000 512,000 Sewer's Share of Premiums 602 49450 Ol 391 P.C.Maintenance SO 5150 SO SU 602 49450 Ol 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies SO $'1 5200 $200 602 49450 Ol 393 P.C.Hardware Purc6ases SO 5332 SO $2>000 GIS Hardware 602 49450 Ol 394 P.C.Software Purchases 5360 5290 S750 52,000 GIS Software 602 49450 Oi 395 P.C.Repairs SO $0 5500 5500 602 49450 01 403 Contcacted R&M-Other Impivm a�xoo aa�a s�,000 aa,000 602 49450 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental 5228 SO 5200 $200 602 49450 Ol 416 Machinery Rental S34 SO 52,000 52+�00 PAGE TOTALS 596,881 � 593,960 E146,025 5166,675 Page Two � � 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET 'September 11,1995 -EXPENSES- 1995 1996 Object 1996 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Pmposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actuai Budget Amount Budget Comments 602 49450 Ol 421 Depreciation Expense 5690,523 $690,523 $0 $0 CRP Items(See 530) 602 49450 O1 433 Dues&Subscriptions $45 50 $500 $500 602 49450 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets SO SO 5300 5300 Reference Materials 602 49450 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars $555 $990 $600 5600 MPCA School8t Miscellaneous 602 49450 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $4 $100 $100 Contiagencies 602 49450 Ol 530 Improvements Other than Bldgs SO SO $250,000 5200,000 602 49450 Ol 5301 Cameo Ave 8t L.ower 147th St $150,000 602 49450 Ol 530.2 Misc System Impmvemenu $50,000 602 49450 O1 560 Furniture&Fixture Purchases $332 SO $SQO 5500 602 49450 Ol 570 Office Equipment Purchases $0 SO $100 5100 602 49450 Ol 586 Computer Equipment Purchases 53,500 $0 $0 a0 602 49450 Oi 602 Sewer Service Charges 5301,572 $352,308 $405,100 $416,000 MWCC Charges-See Note Below 602 49450 01 710 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $4 602 49451 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $0 $0 $100 S100 602 49451 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 $500 $500 602 49451 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Suppiies $0 $0 $200 5200 602 49451 Ol 381 Electric Utilities $510 $520 $600 5600 602 49451 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm $96 $0 $200 S200 602 49451 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $100 5100 Contingencies 602 49452 Oi 219 Other Operating Supplies $0 $0 $100 5100 602 49452 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $500 $500 S500 602 49452 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $0 $200 5200 602 49452 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 51,487 5505 $1,100 $1,100 602 49452 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Impcvm �SS $2>500 $200 5200 602 49452 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 SO $100 S100 Contingencies 602 49453 Oi 219 Other Operating Supplies $0 $0 $100 5100 602 49453 Ol 221 Equipment Parts SO $0 5500 5500 602 49453 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $0 $200 S2W 602 49453 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 5813 51,038 $950 $950 602 49453 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-0ther Imprvm 51,153 $1,153 $200 $200 602 49453 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 $100 5100 Contingencies 602 49454 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies 563 SO 5100 5100 602 49454 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $495 55,927 5500 $500 602 49454 Ol 229 Other Maintenance SuQplies $0 $250 �500 5500 602 49454 Ol 381 Electric Utilities S1,121 S1,275 $1,200 $1,200 602 49454 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm 5118 5486 5200 5200 602 49454 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges SO SO $100 S100 Contingencies 602 49455 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies SO SO S100 5100 602 49455 01 221 Equipment Parts SO SO �500 �� 602 49455 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $0 5200 5200 602 49455 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 51,052 51,144 51,100 51,100 602 49455 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Imprvm $0 $475 5200 5200 602 49455 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges $0 SO 5100 5700 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS """"' 51,059,597 5667,950 Sb28,850 FUND TOTALS "•""" 51,153,558 5813,975 S'795,525 NOTE: MWCC Chazges-1995 Invoice: 290 MG @ 51277/MG=5370,330 Estimated 1996: 320 MG @ S1300/MG=5416,000 � Page One 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS , STORM WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET September 7,1995 -REVENUES- 1995 1996 Object 1996 ` 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Descriptioa Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 603 36101 00 000 Prin«pal-Special Assessments 5774 $10,279 $1,000 $7,000 603 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A SO S27 SO $0 603 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments 55,176 511,937 $5,000 $5,000 603 36215 00 000 Intezest Earnings SS'7/ 5255 $1,000 51,000 603 37300 00 000 Stocm Water Utility Revenues aZ63,762 $276,204 $286,000 5300,000 603 37360 00 000 Penalties-Storm Water Utility a4,587 5453 $2,000 $2,000 603 37370 00 000 Other Storm Water Revenues SO SO $0 SO PAGE TOTAIS 5274,876 5299,154 $301,000 $315,000 FUND TOTAL,S 5274,876 5299,154 5301,000 �315,000 _____ _____ ______ ______ _�__-- � � Page One 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � ` STORM WATER UTILITY OPERATING BtJDGET September 7,1995 -EXPENSES- 1995 1996 Object 1996 v 1993 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ---------- --- -- ---------------------------------____.�_________w_---- -_______�--------- ----- All Salary Costs Inciusive of 603 49500 101 Salaries&Benefits SO E20,089 S49,200 $61,400 Salary,Taxes,PER?�8c Benefits 603 49500 78 101.1 Civil Engineer 100%-603 603 49500 79 101.2 Maintenance 333%-603;333%-601;333%-602 603 49500 102 Full-Time Overtime $0 S0 59,000 $9,000 603 49500 79 102.1 Mainteaance Overtime $9>� 603 49500 99 103 Part-Time Salaries 8c Benefits SO SO 59,400 $4,400 603 49500 99 103.1 2 P/'T'ecs to Clean CB's/Cuiverts $9,400 100%-603 603 49500 Ol 203 Printed Forms&Paper $0 SO 5500 5500 603 49500 Ol 205 Drafting Supplies $0 SO 5800 5800 Paper,Pens&Reproduction 603 49500 Ol 208 Misceilaneous Supplies $18 Sb0 �1,000 $1,000 Stakes,Ribbons,Level,etc. 603 49500 Oi 212 Motor Fuels $0 SO 53>500 53,500 603 49500 Ol 213 Lubricants&Additives $0 �0 5300 $300 603 49500 Ol Z15 Shop Materials S(1 S68 5200 $200 603 49500 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies $610 $775 51,500 $1,500 603 49500 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $0 $0 5500 $500 Filtets,Hoses,Lights,eta 603 49500 O1 222 Tires SO SO $500 5500 603 49500 Ol 224 Street Maintenance Materials $1,236 $2,340 52,000 $2,000 Blacktop&Gravel 603 49500 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials $284 $787 $4,000 $4,000 603 49500 Ol 225.1 Rip-Rap,Matting,Rock,etc. $3,000 603 49500 Ol 225.2 Black Dirt,Seed,Sod,eta $1,000 603 49500 Ol 226 Sign Repair Materials $0 SO 5600 5600 Advance Warning SignRental 603 49500 Ol 230 Equipment Repair Material $75 SO �1,000 $1,000 Due to Breakdowns 603 49500 01 241 Small Tools y $0 $461 $1,000 $1,000 Shovels,Rakes,Picks,etc. 603 49500 01 242 Minor Equipment $0 $6,'738 $2,000 $3,500 Hose for Pumping Ponds 603 49500 Ol 303 Engineering Fees $14,804 $13,957 $95,000 530,000 603 49500 Ol 304 I.egal Fees S315 SO 52,000 , SZ,000 603 49500 Ol 310 Testing Services SO SO $1,000 $1,000 Water Quality Tesu(1� 603 49500 Ol 312 Contract Inspection Fees $0 SO 5500 $500 3rd Party Inspection Program(I� 603 49500 Ol 317 Gen'1 Fund Admin Fees 55,625 SS>625 S5,625 $5,625 Yearly Fee Per Policy F3 603 49500 Ol 322 Postage Costs S1,154 51,470 51,500 51,500 Billings&Info Mailings 603 49500 Ol 323 Radio Units SO SO $1,200 51,20Q Replacements&Repairs 603 49500 O1 331 Travel Expense $0 SO 5200 5200 603 49500 Oi 352 General Notices&Public Info $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 Public Info Brochure 603 49500 Ol 365 Workmen's Comp Insurance 5774 $1,132 $2,000 E2,000 Storm's Share of Premiums 603 49500 Ol 369 Other Insurance $253 51,749 $500 S500 Storm's Share of Premiums 603 49500 Ol 384 Refuse Disposai $0 SO 5600 $600 Roadside Debris 603 49500 Ol 389 Other Utility Services $0 5127 51,000 $1,000 Hazardous Materials Disposal 603 49500 Ol 403 Contracted R&M-Other Impr $2,982 $13,641 525,000 $Z5,000 603 49500 Ol 403.1 Dredging&Structure Repair 515,000 603 49500 Ol 403.2 Ditching $10,000 603 49500 Ol 404 Contracted Mach&Equip Repair SO SO $1,000 51,000 Repairs Sent Out 603 49500 Ol 416 Machinery Rental 5120 53,752 S1Q000 510,000 Backhoe,Lowboy,Pumps,eta 603 49500 Ol 421 Depreciation Expense 5154,485 5154,629 SO $� 603 49500 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions 55,281 55,452 $6>000 56,000 VermHlion River WMO(11� 603 49500 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets SO SO 5500 5500 Utility Information 603 49500 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminacs S75 5130 52,000 $2+000 603 495W Ol 437.1 Storm Water Management �1>� 603 49500 Ol 437.2 Hydrocad Training �� 603 49500 Ol 4373 Wetlands Tzaining �� 603 49500 Ol 560 Furniture&Fvctuze Purchases SO SO 5500 $5� 603 49500 Ol 580 Other Equipment Purchases SO SO 52,�0 �>� 603 49500 Ol 586 Computer Equipment Purchases 51,000 SO 51,000 51,000 Hydrocad Software 603 49500 Ol 710 Transfets 582,120 554,000 576,500 $112,000 603 49500 Ol 710.1 1/2 of 1996 P&I Pymts(92B) $74+� 603 49500 Ol 710.2 12 of 1996 P&I Pymts(94B) a��� 603 49501 Ol 221 Equipment Parts SO SO SO 51,000 Shannon Hills 6th Lift Station 603 49501 Ol 381 Electric Utilities SO SO 5U 52,000 Shannon Hills bth Lift Station 603 49502 Ol 221 Equipment Parts 50 SO SO 51,000 Schwarz Pond Lift Station 603 49502 Ol 381 Electric Utilities SO 50 SO 52,000 Schwarz Pond Lift Station PAGE TOTALS S271,208 5286,981 5323,625 5313,825 F[JND TOTAIS S271,208 S286,981 5323,625 5313,825 _____ _____ ______ _�_=__ ______ � STORM WATER OPERATING FUND GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE • Previously, expenditures relating to storm water drainage for operations and maintenance were charged against the Public Works Department in the General Fund. During 1991, a Storm Water utility fee was approved within the Storm Water Enterprise Fund. Expenses relating to storm water drainage are being consolidated in this department to better manage an effective storm water management and water quality program for the community. Rosemount pays approximately $6,000 per year to the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization, one of the largest WMO's in the state. Most of the operating budget is used to pay for large projec#s in which debt is issued(fund transfers), ditching and dredging, and routine maintenance of the storm drain system. In 1996, $7,500 of the budgeted expenses are items that are mandated to the City by a higher authority. These items are marked with an (M) under the Comment section of`the budget worksheets. Page One '� 1996 BUDGET WORKSHEETS , ARENA OPERATING BUDGET � ARENA REVENUES � September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Accouat Obj# De.scription Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 650 36210 00 000 Interest Farnings-Investments $112 E300 5300 650 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings � � $� 650 38060 00 000 Prime Time Ice Fees $113,340 $169,200 5220,000 650 38061 00 000 Non-Prime Time Ice Fee.a 512,249 $24,500 $40d 650 38062 00 000 School District Ice Fees 54,229 $4,300 SO 650 38063 00 000 Open Skating Ice Fecs S'7,020 57,200 $7,200 650 38065 00 000 Other Events-Ice Arena S1>268 $7�500 $� 650 38066 00 000 Advertising Revenue-Ice Arena $9,949 $13,100 $13,100 650 38067 00 000 Skate Shaipening Revenue-Arena 51,832 $1>000 $2,000 650 38068 00 000 Ringette Ice Fee.a $1,124 51,300 $0 650 38069 00 000 Inline Skating Fees 5601 $0 $0 650 38090 00 000 Concessions-Community Center 522,240 55,000 57,000 650 38091 00 Od0 Vending-Community Center 54,644 $10,400 $6,000 650 38095 00 000 Pro Shop Revenues $148 $0 $800 650 39201 00 000 Transfer From General Fund $136,000 �95,500 $105,900 To Subsidize Operations&Debt PAGE TOTAIS �$314,828 $339,600 $363,000 FUND TOTALS $314,828 $339,600 $363,000 � Page`I'wo i 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS . ARENA OPERATING BUDGET ARENA EXPENSES-45130- -� September 5,1995 1995 1996 Object 1996 1994 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actuai Budget Amount Budget Comments 650 45130 101 Salaries&Benefits 542,467 $46,000 $54,200 650 45130 101.1 Park&Rec Director 10%-650;90%-101 650 45130 101.2 Rental Coordinator 15%-650;85%-101 650 45130 101.3 Arena Manager 50%-650;50%-101 650 45130 101.4 Building Attendant(F� 50%-650;50%-101 650 45130 101.5 Payroil Clerk 2S%-650;75%-101,601&602 650 45130 102 Full-Time Overtime 5306 5400 $400 650 45130 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits $79,376 $34,900 $26,500 650 45130 99 103.1 Building Attendants $u1,20(1 650 45130 99 103.2 Skateguard Attendants �6,300 650 45130 Oi 202 Duplicating&Copying Costs $537 $500 $500 650 45130 Ol 207 Training&Instructional Suppiies $0 $100 $200 650 45130 Ol 208 Miscellaneous Supplies $928 $200 $400 650 45130 Ol 209 Other Office Supplies $23 $300 $100 650 45130 Ol 211 Cieaning Supplies 55,845 $2,500 $3,000 650 45130 Ol 212 Motor Fuels S1,854 $1,300 $1,300 650 45130 Ol 216 Chemicals 8t Chemical Produets 5607 $500 $S00 650 45130 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies S36 $500 $800 650 45130 Ol 221 Equipment Parts $1,741 $1,500 $1,800 650 45130 Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies 56,645 $1,800 $1,800 650 45130 Ol 241 Smali Tools S117 $300 $300 650 45130 Ol 242 Minor Equipment s $0 $200 $200 650 45130 Ol 260 Food Eor Resale $10,339 $0 $0 650 45130 Ol 2b5 Other Items for Resale S9S0 $0 $400 650 45130 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees S585 $500 �500 650 45130 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees 53,432 $5,700 �5,700 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 650 45130 Ol 321 Telephone Costs 51,539 $1,000 $1,000 650 45130 Ol 322 Postage Costs S(1 $S00 $300 650 45130 01 331 TravelF,xpense $0 $200 $200 650 45130 Ol 341 Employment Advertising $0 $SOQ $500 650 45130 Ol 349 Other Advertising 5762 SO $0 650 45130 Ol 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO $0 $0 650 45130 Ol 365 Workmen's Comp Insurance 51,598 $5,300 $2,000 650 45130 Ol 369 Other Insurance S4,720 510,000 513,000 650 45130 Ol 381 Electric Utilities 526,564 541,500 $56,000 650 45130 Ol 383 Gas Utilities 511,015 514,000 $16,000 650 45130 Ol 384 Refuse Disposal 51,543 $2>100 $2,100 650 45130 Ol 401 Contracted Building Repairs 5638 $1,200 $1,900 650 45130 Ol 404 Contracted Mach&Equip R&M 5287 $1,200 $1,700 650 45130 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental SO $300 E3W 650 45130 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions 5899 5600 $6U0 MIAMA Dues 650 45130 Ol 437 Conferences 8c Seminars EZtI $200 $200 MIAMA Seminars 650 45130 Ol 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges b160 $300 5500 650 45130 Oi 450 Sales Tax on Purchases S0 $0 $0 650 45130 Ol 601 Bond Principal 51,955 $10,000 a15,000 1992E Bond Issue 650 45130 Ol 611 Bond Interest 587,565 $149,000 $148,500 1992E Bond lssue 650 45130 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent&Admin Fees EO 5800 580� 1992E Bond Issue 650 45130 Ol 710 Transfers 53,199 $3,500 S3,500 To Gen't Eund-Maint Costs PAGE TOTALS 5298,282 5339,400 $363,000 FtJND TOTALS 5298.282 E339,400 5363,000