HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. Keystone Development Concept Planned Unit Development & Preliminary Plat CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MQ�TNESOTA RESOLUTION 1995- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONCEPT FOR A COMMERCIAL PLANNED UIVIT DEVELOPMENT FOR KEYSTONE PROPERTIES LLC W�iEREAS, Richard J. Carlson and Ronald C. Carlson, principal members of a limited lia.bility company known as Keystone Properties, LLC have applied for approval of a mixed use commercial planned unit development on their property located on 5.84 acres at the southwest comer of State _ Trunk Highway 3 and County State Aid Iiighway 42, legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 4, South Rose Park Addition Replat, except that part thereof lying south of a line drawn from a point on the east line of Lot 3, Block 4, distant 360.21 feet south of the northeast corner of said lot 3, thence southea.sterly to a point on the easterly line of said lot 2, distant 260 feet northeasterly of the southeasterly corner of said Lot 2, as measured along the ea:sterly line of said lot 2 and there terminating; also except the north 150 feet of the west 50 feet of said Lot 2, all in Dakota County, Minnesota. Dakota County Parcel Identification Number: 34-71150- 021-04; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount has reviewed the concept planned unit development and passed a motion to recommend approval of that said planned unit development with conditions; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been conducted to hear testimony regarding the concept planned unit development in accordance with Section 12.2 of the City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the concept for the commercial planned unit development requested by Keystone Properties, LLC subject to: , 1. Elirnination of variances with design refinements or meeting fmdings required in Section 12,2 of the Zoning Ordinance to support the variances: 2. Removal of the potential westerly street connection; 3. Conformance with the City of Rosemount Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances for platting and PUD fmal development plan standards. ADOPT'ED this fifth da.y of July, 1995. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by Second by Voted in favor Voted against t�,� arS�.� ,.�r^ '�':� et✓� �,„" r � s°, . n� ,,• � .�. ,'P��t ,r �'`'t^fr� ;��- .,.� .� k .'�� ,��$; �7 k�� .� t�z�, x�a . ,� t. , . �:A -:� ... � ,. .,. ., � . ., s � �. � w . . . . . . �, , .. ; _ .,,; „; ,� r . .z g S 1 ?�'>;:. �„�u , ,«�..< r ' �• . - , , � y.. .,f e s5: ,�. , .. . . �'.«, .., . .,,.fl.. . ^� . . . � � . . . . . ' , ��- , � ��� . � � .. � � . KEYSTONE PLA,NNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ' ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA i BY � KEYSTONE PROPERTIES LLC ' PLA NNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN FRAMEWORK SUBMISSION � 1 1 � � � � � ' JUNE 15, 1995 Prepared By: LAND'SAKE, ING Rea1 Estate Consultant P.O. Box 24127 - � Apple Va11ey, Minnesota � � � ' KEYSTONE PLANNED CONIlV�RCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND ' DESIGN FRAMEWORK SUBMISSION TABLE OF CONTENTS ' A. Project Description: 1. Scope 2. Goals and Objectives ' B. Pro'ect � Owner/Developer: ' C. Property Description: 1. Lega1 description, Property Identification Number 2. Survey ' D. Existin Conditions: g 1. Existing land use ' 2. Guide plan designation 3. Zoning 4. Transportation/Roadways , a) Access b) Right-of-Way 5. Utilities ' 6. Topography ' E. Proposed Planned Unit Development land use: 1. Concept plan: a) Phase I � b) Phase II 2. Roadways/Proposed traffic circulation a) Access ' b) Right-of-Way 3. Utility provisions 4. Preliminary plat , F. T e and character of ro osed structure: YP P P 1. Phase I � a) Motel Site b) Restaurant site 2. Phase II CommerciaURetail ' G. Common Site Elements ' 1. Landscaping 2. Parking lot and Exterior lighting 3. Signage ' a) Building signs b) Monument signs c) Pylon signs � ' ' H. Project Development Team: , 1. Developer-Keystone Properties LLC 2. Project Coordinator and Consultant-Land'Sake, Inc. � 3. Site Plan Consultant and Architect - CNH Architects 4. Civil Engineer and Surveyor-Rehder& Associates, Inc. ' ' � , ' ' � � � � � , , ' , ' 1 Page 1 , A. Project Description 1. Scope � The intent is to encourage the redevelopment of the most significant commercial corner in Rosemount, located at the southwest corner af Dakota County Road 42 and Minnesota Highway 3. The site consists ' of a gross acreage of 5.84 acres. It is anticipated that there will be four(4)parcels developed for commercial use. The desire is to allow the four(4) parcels to possibly develop at different times and under 1 different ownership and still maintain a common unified character and interaction. The exterior treatment of the landscape design and building materials should compliment each other so both continuity of the project � and the individual statement of each property will strengthen the adjacent pa.rcels and Rosemount's County Road 42 business district area. ' 2. Goals and Objectives a) Provide the market place with properly zoned land, served with public utilities at a highly visible location with good accessibility to locate ' commercial ventures that will serve current and future Rosemount commercial needs. � b) Cooperate with the Rosemount Port Authority in the redevelo ment of P a key under-utilized piece of Rosemount commercial property. ' B. Project Owner/Developer The Project Owner/Developer is a locally owned limited liability company: � Keystone Properties, LLC. The principal members of the limited liability company are Richard J. Carlson and Ronald C. Carison of Rosemount Minnesota. � C. Property Description 1. Legal Description Lot 2,Block 4, South Rose Paxk Addition Replat, except that part , thereof lying south of a line drawn from a point on the east line of Lot 3, Block 4, distant 360.21 feet south of the northeast corner of said Lot 3, thence southeasterly to a point on the easterly line of said � Lot 2, distant 260 feet northeasterly of the southeasterly corner of said Lot 2, as measured along the easterly line of said Lot 2 and there terminating; also except the north 150 feet of the west 50 feet of said ' Lot 2, all in Dakota County, Minnesota. , Dakota County Parcel Identification Number: 34-71150-021-04. , ' ' 1 Surve Y � — , �qrophic Survey for. —`—°—°—°��S OF ROSEbtOUM � G �� SI-S F I ti�!��IOt O!$OUiH POSC P�YN h—G�G--�F�—e�r�on furresne0 bY t�e CAY d - -H. Veopkf COf.U.S.W!!1 �� ro•H��tO rh�r!OOM�de. ..— --- ly loeolipn�Oe/o<ary � • . - �Sa-OOOt. �� � A_' __�feec.e�Noor Stote u�qe.ay_. ly w otl �7. E4w1e� ��0(. .B•_�a rwl. � ap. � p i � :zo� c(orn oI,�xc�.w� 1 a i+ ��io.2�Ott1 00058 Mea £XI !NG � � �' � y tl rone�m.rolton opt6�e0 . O TN MB � ^,�^y o�o�m.m. it ine be�e�t a o 4ue oo�y. � �Ee ab.+�. � q,, U \r� � natwon a�x eara..sanx ��.�• . :ost �oanw+cn..' nt Y .:.w..a....i ,a .a y�, 50.0 e�Nf+�m69Md .ru � •.ro..a.w.r�. . ' r• � it1 O .— —� . . ,o.,�.,, � 1 . J � sw—r � � � O ' � a , , � , � h � � C� ; �YA.tAP � �,,,�,,. 2 , „$.�w�zz � x ' '/�. W i � ---µ+-- / . . � � �rT�. � �y . � � �t/ecM1 . � 4l O. P P 1, E U xcaewq fo��e.eeoroM � � CfPT fMl Oo�f fh�reo�+y:�q SovM W • N \ d Cd 3.riJ 9x+�,6a1wf J6Q.71 \ Of k Mence Savf�mxtay b a oanf �� � \)o r.ei,.y.�n�ozie.y d ihe seurn�osic.ry a � ro eo,a.y� w a%d aor a.o�e � dt a� I 50 rcet o�tne wer�50 reet or eo�a I O � � c� �'� `'2 � O !9� � ��_� v "�' �-�. � , �' � �o �I � \`\�b .\ � ce .q� � � —sr n--(�.x»isi �\ � I \d \ , I A � � , � i Page 3 � D. Existing Conditions 1. Existing Land Use � The land is currently serving as the home to Carlson Tractor and Equipment Company. Principally there are three buildings on the site as follows: � a) Tractor and Equipment Company office, showroom, ga.rage building consisting of approximately 20,000 s.f. , b) Storage building- approximately 6,000 s.f. c) Auxiliary storage building- approximately 875 s.f. and a display and , storage axea of approximately 3 acres. 2. Guide Plan Designation ' According to the 1993 version of the yeax 2000 guide plan, the land is designated as commercial use. , 3. Zoning- Current zoning is C-4 General Business . The purpose and intent of this zoning is to accommodate a broad range , , of retail goods and services which serve the entire community. Although not exclusively, businesses in this district are relatively free standing and tend to occupy independent building sites. They depend on good � accessibility, high visibility and relatively large volumes of tr�c and are, therefore, found along major streets. Permitted uses include most commercial ones, including retail activities. There is along list of � pernutted uses, but in general it is substantially all commercial businesses. There is a minimurn lot size in this classification of 20,000 sq. ft. and 120 ft of lot width. There are also minirnum lot size � setbacks of 30 ft. from the front and 10 ft. from the side and rear. There is a maxirnum building height of 35 ft: and rnaximum lot coverage of 75%. Surfaced parking has a front yard setback of 20 ft. and 10 ft. for � side and rear lots. Parking xequirements vary depending upon the use of a particular facility. � 4. Transportation/Roadways a)Access: 1 Current access to the site is by the way of two accesses onto Minnesota Highway 3. The north access point is approxirnately 385 south of the center line of Dakota County Road 42. The � second access point is appro�mately 645 south of the center line of Dakota County Road 42. There is no direct access to Dakota County Road 42. ' b Ri ht-of-Wa : ) g Y 1) Minnesota Highway 3 - observation indicates that the current ' one half road right of way is seventy(70)feet. , � Page 4 � 2) Dakota County Road 42 - The entire right-of-way for Dakota County Road 42, one hundred twenty(120)feet, came from the subject property back in the 1980's. One half of the current right of � way is sixty(60)feet. 5. Utilities ' The property has available in its northeast corner all the utilities commonly found in the city, mcluding public sanitary and'storm sewer and water. Currently, the facility is not now hooked up to public sewer and water but � rather operates off of a private well and septic system with two tanks. Both intersecting Highway 3 access streets have a bituminaus surfacing with rural ditch storm drainage system. Dakota County Road 42 along the ', north edge of most of the property has concrete curb, gutter, and street lighting with no direct access streets. There is normal electrical service ,' available to the property as well as natural gas. 6. Topography ' The land is very nearly level and is slightly below the grade of the sunounding streets. A large section of the land surrounding the main building is blacktopped for storage and parking purposes. Surrounding , that blacktopped area is just gravel or dirt. However, the land between the main building and State Trunk Highway#3 is very attractively landscaped including a well-kept lawn and a number of bushes and ' � small trees. The entire lot is enclosed with a 6 ft. cyclone fence and, in addition, the blacktopped parking area to the northeast of the building is also enclosed in a mostly cyclone fence. ' The landsca in around arts of the eri he of the ro e is well P g P P P rY P P �Y maintained as are portions of the blacktopped parking area. The total � blacktopping totals approximately 90,000 sq. ft. The fencing totals about 3,000 lineal ft. , 7. Easement Besides standard utility and drainage easements covering the ten(10)feet along all boundaries is an easement of ten(10) feet along the north edge, � running in favor of Cooperative Power Association. � � � - 1 1 � Page 5 , E. Proposed Planned Commercial Develo ment Land Use: P 1. Land use concept plan � a) Phase I -Motel and Restaurant north of east/west private drive b) Phase II- Commercial use � south of easdwest private drive ** Illustrative Site Plan ** , Dated June 2, 1995 � , ' ' ' � , � � , , � : � ' � � I�C��I�`�OO�IL� DC�MC L�OO p�ilf��l�' Cr�TH•A.Y'+C�ll�eC�S ' �I�I�W I!y�WWLS�'�V 0LJ .. . . . .. � . . . . . . . .. (OMM. ND.: `,�5�5 7300 WEST 147th STREEf SUITE 5d4 PARKIN6 ST. PAUL, INNESOTA 55124' DATE: .�JNE 2, I995 �i� �� (612� 431-4433 ' hor�ak uN�rs> � a5 t�sr�Nr V3 (3�5 SE.Ars) sEr+rwC� �05 RETAIL 13,000 SF) 78 �5 � RErAIL/GLINIG/�IGE (AZOO 5F) 25 28 , GOIJNTY ROAD NO A�2 � � � . - _- - - - - - = - = = - =---=---- --- - -- -� I1 -_ -- - i -- - - - POND i`�/ � � j ' t ' TOM THUMB ii t"Z i / / � \.J � � ; � i � i RESTAURANT i i'i i� � � , i i �i j i� 1 •----------- � _ ��� HOTEL � 1 ' • I �_ _� ' , �� � ! / 1 ii � ii ' i m �� , � � � � 'I � � � � V ,r - - - � � , �_��— � -------- , � ,�lC/ � �� � ,, � � � � � _�� � , � , - - - - - - - �I -. - � � ' - - , � , � � � �� i _,,, 'I i � ' , � ' � i� ! �� ' _ � i , � � ' � CLINIC/ i RETAIL RETAIL/ i �FFICE ! � ' , ` ``` '`_ ,\ ` ' � 1 i � � i ' � i � �� � i , ' ' \ `` ` `` ` i _ � _� i � y � ' ' D � I i I �I�� i ��I y , S(��q' i" = lOd-d' � , Page 6 ,' 2. Proposed traf�c circulation a) Proposed access: Full access at Minnesota Highway 3 approximately 500 feet south of the center line of County Road 42 would be the principle , access point into the project. There would be a right turn into the project southbound Minnesota Highway 3, left turn into the project northbound Minnesota Highway 3. � Leaving the site, a right turn onto southbound Hi wa 3 is needed as � Y well as a left turn onto northbound Minnesota Highway 3 from a , proposed east/west private service drive. This service drive will cul-de-sac at the west end initially. It is possible that this roa.d, in the future, could be extended to the west and intersect with Canada Ave., in � line with the road serving the commercial area west of Canada Ave. The property on the north side of the road is generally twice as deep as ' the property on the south side. The internal east/west street will be privately owned. Provisions have been made for the street right of way to be 60 feet, so it is possible that the street could be dedicated at a later ' date. There is no proposed access to Dakota County Road 42. b) Right-of-Way: ' 1) Minnesota Highway 3= There are no plans for additional Right-of-Way along Highway 3. , 2) Dakota Coun Road 42 - At relimin meetin s with Dakota tY P �Y g County Plat Comrnittee officials, they made a suggestion that the ' south one half(1/2) right-of-way should be expanded from si}rty (60)feet to one hundred (100)feet. TI�PROPOSED PLAT ANTICIl'ATES A PROPOSED ONE-HALF (1/2) RIGHT-OF- , WAY OF SEVENTY(70)FEET ALONG WITH GRANTING A FIFTEEN(15)FOOT EASEMENT TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR UTILITY PURPOSES AND A TRAILWAY. This ' arrangement would be similar to the arrangement with Dakota County at Rosemount Market Square about one quarter(1/4) mile west of subject property along County Road 42. The developer � requests that the last ten(10)feet of the easement could also ' qualify for municipal building and parking setback requirements as ' was the case at Rosemount Market Square. The reason for the seventy(70) foot one-half right of way and , fifteen(15) foot easement is that if the right-of-way were expanded to one hundred (100) foot half right-of-way, this would be a greater right-of-way than all of the adjacent properties on the south side of , County Road 42 west to Chippendale Ave. If the properties to the west were to go to the one hundred (100) foot one-half right-of- way, it would require substantial taking such as the Tom Thumb , Convenience Center directly to the west of the subject site since ' , Page 7 its most northerly wall is just ninety-five{95)feet south of County � Road 42 centerline. In addition, Tom Thumb's site plan ha.s approval for pazking ten(10) feet north of the building. Based upon several surveys, such a taking would also interfere with McDonalds' � drive-thru, Hardees' drive-thru, Valvoline Oil's parking and put the right-of-way a foot beyond Holiday Station Store's north wall. A one hundred(100}foot one half right of way taking would ' substantially reduce Keystone's developable property and would underniine the viability of the project. In addition, earlier studies at Rosemount Market Square indicated that in the seventy(70) ' foot one-half right-of-way there is room, assuming slight grade modifications, to construct a double left hand turn lanes, three thru lanes and a right turn lane. ' Therefore , , based upon Keystone s need for developable property and precedent set with other properties and design capabilities, ' the developer respectfully submits that Keystone be measured by a similar standard as several projects in the past and together we accomrnodate future needs with the seventy(70) foot one-half � right-of-way and fifteen(15)foot utility and trailway easement. , 3. Preliminary Grading and Utilities Plan: Page E-3 The property has available in its northeast corner, all the necessary utilities � including public sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water. A) Sanitary sewer: The sanitary sewer invert is appro�cimately twenty(20) ' feet below the surface in the northeast corner of the site. A utility corridor easement across the westerly portion of Lot 1 of the proposed plat will allow the sanitary sewer to run to the proposed private street. This line � will then serve Lots 2,3,and 4 from the private street across another utility easement corridor. 1 B) Storm water: The storm water will use the same utility corridor easements as above. , C) Water: Public water will loop from an existing six(6)inch service near County Road 42 approximately 100 feet east of the west property line at County Road 42 and loop to the private street to serve Lots 3 and 4 and ' back to service Lot 1 and tie into a service appro�mately 150 feet west of the northeast corner of the property. Easements will be provided. � D) Franchised Utilities: These utilities will be available through an easement corridor along the north boundary of Lots 1 and 2 and in the , private street area to serve Lots 3 and 4. 4. Prelimina.ry Plat: Keystone Addition Page E -4 � ' ' —_`�_� ' Preliminary Prot of• 1 � x� s KEYSTONE ADD1T10N sz� . . .. . . - �.;� K - . . . . . . . . � � � � � . .. :..�wxr"?P'.`p^`� . - _ . .. .. . . . , . � N . � . . . �. � NOTES �: � . . . . �'� ,•r . . Bearings shown are�based on�Me plat ot SDUTH ROSE PARK �. . . . . � �, ?� , . ADOIl70N REPL4L �� � � . . . . � . ,�,�$,,,,j . . •�Utdities shown.are from�inforrtwtion fumished�Oy the City ob� � . � �� � � . . . . � Rosemount, Norkhem�States�Power, Proples Gas; U. 5. West . � � ns � � . . - . � � �.+.�.-}.---^--^ � � ond F�ontier Communications onC are�erified where pqssi6le.� . � �� � � .. , . — . .>: _ � .Contact Gopher.5tate 1�for utility lo<ations before any . . construction shall begin.� Phone 454-0002. T� • Bench Mork: �Top ot hydrant 230 feet west of Stote Highway� � � . � . . No. 3 on the souttr side of County Road No. 42. Elevation = � . � . � . � � . . . .. 96225�feet�.. . � . � - . . � . . . � � � . . . � � � . � . . . . . . �. .s Area�= 255A21.s9uore feet(5.854 acres). � . . . . . �� .. � .� .� �s Zoninq; C-4�(Ceneral Commemal). .�. . . � This property s loca[ed in Fload Zo e C�(areo of m n mol �� $�� � � floodi g) Oe� Rood Zone�Panel No�27Q113 00056 Oated ���.. . �. � . . . >'.c=..�� �f ��� .. � � �JuN�16 1980. . � . .� . . . . . .� � �'= x�.17 F �. � . . + Bwidmg sefback. zomng�and flood.zone intomrotion obfained � � �. m.�� from the City of Rosemount Planning Depo�tment. � � � � : � � ('\ ��� � � . �� w This�survey�was PrePa�ed without tha�benefi[of a title poVicy. . � . � �� All recorded easements�may not be shown. .. . . � � '�`5L"a�. .¢T., . " ��z��r aF � U � ��y%' S L . . � . � /abfV13Olt��CO��� .��� V i'�L'\. � � : � � . . . � . . . . . ���",'��Y��vi , t�� . . . . 7" . ��, � � +z � ,� - 50. �n�r�s��wK.aa.,,e r� �. �r. �acz r u� . . . . � . � . . �.� . [�y � � � � . ��r' l . � . � � wer .qT � . , � a � �.� i � � � �� � _ ° -t- —_._.. N � � 5 I ` ` .W.� � I i - { � � �� ,� � , vrcrNrn� r►� . . � . �� . � � �.� �� � - . . . . SecBon 32..Townshrp 115.�Ron4e 32 . . . . . . ... � .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . �n � � � No Scale �. .. � . . OWNER/SUBDfVIDER - . � � . . . � . � � � � . . �... Keystone�Properties. LLC '.; � . . � . . . � . :Box 69� . . .�+Li � . � . . . . � . � � t5725 SoutM Robert Traii �- ;� i �` � � � � .� � � .. Rosemount. Mlnnesota 55068 . . �. Phone: 423-2222 . . . . � � . � .SURVEYORJENGINEER � �`� � �z'PoaWe � .. . . LEGAL DESCRIPAON��. . . . � � � � Rehder&Assotiates, Inc. ��.,:� r �; � � � � Lot 2, Bbck 4, SOUTH ROSE PARK.ADQlTION REPLfi'f, occording.ta fhe recarded � � � . � . � 3440 Federvl Drive �`� �,x,�, � � � plat thereof, Oakato County,�Minrresota, EXCEPT thof pad Mereof'{ying So�lh bf � � � �. Eagan, Minnesota 55722 � - - � .. � . � o�line dmwn.from o poinf an the�east tirre�of�lot�3, soid Block�4,�.distant 360.2�I � , �� _ . � �y.�': - � . �feet�S th-of the northeast comer of said Lof 3;tlKnce Southeosterty to a point on � . Phona: 452-5051. ��.1, �; � � the easterty tine of saiE Lot 2,��distant 260.00 feet�NoRheosterly o(fhe soulheosteAy �Z��t� �� . corner of said Lot 2,�as measured along [he eosterty tine of sad LoY�2,.and . . . . . � � there��terminatrng,ANQ EXCfPT the North 150 feet of the West 50.feet of soid . . . . ... . .. . .. �. . Lot 2. � . . . � . . � � � � . � . .. �+.. I �� , k I "�� t I .. � ��� �^�: � � . . .. . . . � . . . � � .� r� � � �. � ��.t. �I � . . . . � . � . �. i.J . . .. ��`'i`� '�,�� ��� � - � .. � � � �� � �. . . . . � � . � � � rq � � ��� �.�:�: � � . ,� ,�, � � .. . � � � . �rq .f hereby ceRi£y tbat this preliminary plat was prepored by me or under my � . . � ''� �� �,�y�" �direct supervision ond that I am.o duly Reqistered�Lond Surveyor under tfia �. �;� taws of tbe Stote of`�Minnesota �,�� �Dated fhis�25th day of 0.loy, 7995. � � .REffOER&ASSOCIATES, 7NC. � `�T� . � _� ���, �+1 � .I \ �Nv�n R. Rehder, Land Sorveyor . . . . ( � . . .. � Minnesota RegisVation No. 13295 . . . . �i . . .. . . . . . .� � �Rewsed:June 23, i995 .. . . �� � � ��� �� � � 1 � � . . . . . . . . . � . � . � . � .��ItY . . . . � , Rehder and Associates, fnc. ClVll ENGWEERS AND lAND SURVEYORS . . . . � � . . � . � � � � � � � . 3460�Fetleral Drive�. Suite 2b0 . Eagan.M�nne>ota .Phone(612)�132-5051 �. . � . ' . � .� . . . � � . � JOB: 954-727�4.0t6 FILE:�95-722� . � . . , �,�...a�. � — — ��--_ —��—� � _ �� �F� � ��� M iB'-5( �� To0 96.90� . � Inr.91�.90 � � � . . �, . . . zr M ar—s . � — � � . . . . � 4b �:�/ . � . . . . . .. IS�-W . 1 sx.r�xce — — � �� �� ` p 961. l ASZ' ST . . . lVRD SI�ME � . . � . . AVBLC RWO � . . SY� . _ . . _ � m.. � �[ri� ���UCi MH ioi o�rz � E%SiiNG 1Y WNTARY SfWFR.� � COxSIAUCf INSIDE�ROI+. . �. . b �G� .. � � � � . � 15 c�ut RacK . . � . . � . . . ti �..�,o. i b N � / L 1 ROCK CONSTRUC7iQN iRANCE Ci "°S� � o zo �o eo tzo � � � Scale in Feet �� � � � � � . . �� � �� � � � . . .. .. . .. . . � � � � _ � � . ''� �. , .. . � � � . ..� � � � � � � � ��� . . . . . .. W• �D Nwp1F . . . . . � . � . . � . . . � ce■ PIpPo6ED CA7CN 8tW � � . ,,,v a mrnos�a n+nawr �.. . . . . �� � � w e �PROPOgD CqE NIU£ .. rE�� PROP03�D FliV1fD t1D �� PROPOBED CO/tf01Mt . . . . . . . � � � . . . �a�� PIdOWC6fD HEVAION � . . . . . . . � . � � � . � .� � � P/IOPO6FD COtlp9E.7E. . . . . � � � � � � � � . � . � � . . . �. �� . . . � . . . . . . � . . . . . PNOPOEfD STqW SEYQt . PNOP09ED 54MIA9Y SHIBt � .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . �SLT FFLCE � . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. � . . . . � 6 .�. SOl BOfRNi� . .. . . . —► DRMI�AE NidNY � � . � . � . . � � . � � � —W—�� � .. —S—EMSlBiC SlfNfiYiY SEIER .. . ' . . . � . . . . � —sr—E706fMY6 SIOPY 9E11Qt. . . � � � � . . . . . . . � . . � . . � � � � —c—E7BIMC BUItlFD GS(!IE . .. . � � � . . . . . . . � � � . —E—E7�!!16 BI�D @EIRPoC WE . � . . . . , � . . � . � . . . � . � . —r—E70S71n0 BtNNFD 7EtPPlpNE!NE- . �� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —rv—09STM0.BUHED 7@flT9qt1 IfE � . . . . . . .. . . . . . . --�'— E764fMG WNIWR ... � � . . � � � . . . � . � .. . .�,sesto Fb4FW @EMaO!!. . . . . � � . � . � . . � � � � . . � � � � � � CuorE Post. . . . . . � .�.. . . . � . . . . , . � � . . 5 sqn � . . Fv0 �Power PoN . W�f Light Pole E �ectiical hanetortner� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . i0 �Tdeplqne PeCestd� . , . . � � . . � . . . . � � . �� . . . . . . PRE�lM1NARY , � and Associates, lnc. GRADlNG & UT1lITY PtAN aacn�m�s�wu w�ro su�s KEYSTONE PROPERTlES o�,�• s�s�o .�.►�,�5r,,zz CITY OF ROSEMOUNT . � � ... � . 612-452-3057 • Fac 612-152-9797 � -rz�4.ofa orHwnyc r� �su�acz.owc SHEET C1 � : , Page 10 ' F- Type and Character of Expected Structures ' l. Phase L Color photograph of a property similar to proposed property: See next page a) Motel site- Approximately 1.3 5 acres. , We believe that there is a market in Rosemount for a limited-service motel. Therefore, with this in mind, we believe that a fundamental element of the Keystone Project is a site for a motel. A successful hoteVmotel developer '� : has researched the market for a motel and believes a motel ranging in size from 35 to 45 guest rooms would be successful in 1996 and beyond. The service level at the motel would be "limited service", which basically � means the motel would have a variety of guest rooms with no on site restaurant facilities. The motel would serve a complimentary continental breakfast each morning. The facility would have an enclosed swimming ' pool and sauna to be used by the guests. We expect the structure to be a two (2) story wood frame building with a ' vaulted ceiling in the lobby area. The exterior of the building would be a combination of commercial building materials (cedar exterior, shutters, � wood facia, wood or aluminum soffits and asphalt shingles)with brick as an accent material. We envision a wall sign or signs advertising the business that adhere to the 1995 signage code. The site would be � landscaped and well lighted, with the project uniform light pole and fixture and have parking that would be sufficient to accommodate one parking sta11 per guest room and parking for the employees. There may be ' opportunities to have shared parking and cross easements with the adjacent proposed restaurant. . , b) Sit-down restaurant site - Approximately 2 acres. We believe that this property with it's visibility, proposed access and daily trai�c exposure would be an excellent site for a sit down restaurant. , We see this structure being 4,500 to 7,000 square feet. We expect the structure to be a one(1) story building. The exterior of the building would be a combination of commercial building rnaterials with a fair amount of � brick. The site wouid be well landscaped and well lighted, with a project uniform light pole and fixture. There may be opportunities to have shared parking and cross easement with the adjacent proposed motel site. , 2. Phase II CommerciaURetail -Appro�mately 2.3 acres ' We believe that this area could be two free-standing structures, or it could house a small shopping center. We expect the structure/structures to be ' ' one (1) story in height. The e�erior of the building(s)would be a combination of commercia,l building materials, with a fair arnount of brick. The site would be well landscaped and well lighted, with the project , uniform light pole and fixture. There may be opportunities to have shaxed parking and cross easements if there are two structures. , 'h. .w -- -- , �,, -- .� I . � ���� � �.� � � , � � _ � � � ., �.. �.�..... ; -- , , � , � �� � ' ,;. � � � I �p4 ;I �� � I� � � � � ;i s �r �e �uimn�.v� ,.. '�s �; . : . .. a i *:.. I�,�.� . . . . - .... .:;� n11111����1. ,.� • ' � . . i � �� . ,. �� �,`' . ,� ' . . ,:: �' ; .._ � i '� �.{ �. � . .,,... t i � - . _ � ��. ��.. : � � ,.,,,,�,:. , . ....... ' . s � . ... . r w � ..e..�,: .,.,�.,.. ��IP ' . ��. °c�� e�.::��. ., , .„,«.�.� w li �li�' ' ��i � �Y�y,"� �1��:.. . . .y��, I "^F y�m w � . 1 µ, a.. ' � \^�. ,� .., :'„yp�i�� w„ �r i � �. ������I� �� Il� � �� � i I ,, I i�i" . ,,:�" � u ��;t iin;�������� � in i �� , � ��"iU� � � d ��� �, _ ,�, ��. ,��r�� �� � � � ��� � , i���� , �''' "�ilCi•���I�ji�i�i _ .. . y���� �V�I���i� � � � � h. I �j ;�N� e�l�^i , . . � � � � �" � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � s � r ' Page 11 G. Common Site Elements ' 1. Signage a) Building signs: Corporate logos, emblems, shields, and similaz identifying devices shall be permitted, provided they fall within the sign , ordinance of the City of Rosemount and are approved hy the developer. ' b) Pylon sign; The Owner/Developer wishes to have the option to coordinate with the users a pylon sign, not in excess of thirty five(35) feet, to accommodate signs for up to four(4)businesses, but not less � than two(2). This multiple user sign will inform the public particularly of those businesses that locate in the second phase of the project. If a business chooses to have it's own pylon sign, it may not exceed twenty-five � (25) feet in height and must meet the City of Rosemount sign ordinance provisions. A business will not be allowed to have its own twenty-five (25) foot pylon sign and be located on the thirty-five(35)foot multiple ' user pylon sign. c) Monument sign: In the event a user chooses to be part of a multi-tenant , pylon sign( "b" above), they may have an owner/developer approved uniformed monument sign in front of their entrance. � d) Directional signage: If a particular business has the need for directional signs, such as for drive-thru facilities, these shall be pernutted as long as they are approved by the City of Rosemount. ' 2. Landscaping The project sha11 have a landscape plan which incorporates the appropriate , plant material and could include overstory trees(linden, ash, hawthorns, ma.ples, oa.ks), conifers( firs, pines, spruce), ornamental trees(crabapple, ' hawthorns, maples, Jap. tree lilac) and other related materials. This will allow the overall streetscape planting to occur in a unified manner. Timing for planting will coincide with the development of each phase of the ' development, Plantings for the interior of each or a11 of the project shall relate to the ' varieties used throughout the site. Particular attention should be given to provide an interesting blend of seasonal color, mass and texture throughout the project. ' ' 3• Parking Lot Exterior Lighting The project is a commercial project so lighting is an important ingredient. The intent is to provide a sense of security to the employees and guests of , the operating business and to enhance the appearance of the project's environment during the dark hours. An equally important criteria is to be , respectful of our neighbors with parking lot lights that do not glare beyond the project but concentrate the light on the site. , ' Page 12 ' Lighting fixtures shall be developer-approved type with a dark bronze painted finish or approved equal. The fixtures will be supported by � aluminum poles with dark bronze painted finish or approved equal. The lamps sha11 be developer approved as well. � � , ' , � � , , � ' ' r � � � I p age 13 H. Project Developing Team I 1 D eveloper: Keystone Properties r P.O. Box 69 Rosemount, MN 55068 Phone: 423-2222 ' Fax: 423-4551 � Principals: Ron C. Carlson Richaxd J. Carlson � 2• Project Coordinator and Consultant: Land'Sake, Inc. , P.O. Box 24127 Apple Valley, MN 55124 Phone: 431-7500 ' Fax: 431-7512 Principal: � Tom Heiberg 3. Site Plan Consulta.nt and Architect: ' CNH Architects 7300 W. 147th St. Suite 504 � ' Apple Valley, MN 55124 Phone: 431-4433 ' F�: 431-3 883 Principle: ' John Natwick 4. Civil Engineer a.nd Surveyor: ' Rehder& Associates 3440 Federal Drive Suite 240 ' Eagan, MN 55122 Phone: 452-5051 Fa�: 452-9797 , Princi le : p s Surveying- A1 Rehder , Engineering - John Krausert , , r � anr Hn�L ���� O c p O��M O� N T 2875-145th Street West [ f1 P.O.Box 510 � � Rosemount,MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! s5o6a-o5�o � �� � Phone:612-423-4411 ��� PU�I1C NO�1Ce Fax:612-423•5203 � �� � � KEYSTONE PROPERI'IES LLC � Beystone Addition Commercial Concept Planned Unit Developmen and Preliminar3' Plat . ' pUBLIC MEE'TING NOTICE: The public and all in�eon Tuesda eSJune 2'7 1995a in�the Council Chambers the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemoun m•� or as soon thereafter as possible. This Public of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, at 6:30 p. Meeting provides an opportunity for initial public comment regarding an application from Keystone Properties LLC for Commercial Concept Ph��n held by C ty Counc l�as lis ed belowA Th�ommercial Preliminary Plat prior to the formal public g Keystone Addition is proposed to be situated on appro SouthiRobert Trail)gand culrrently occup ed by the southwest intersection of County Road 42 and STH 3 ( Carlson Tractor Inc. Construction Equipment Sales andn alil land useessues,ew 11 det gmine a lssion, in its capacity as a recommending body to the City Council o recommendation for approval or denial of this request which is described in the official notice below. ' � � � Official Notice * � � TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS AE1tEBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemhe Councl Chambers of the City Hall, consider the item listed below on Wednesday, July 5, 1995, m � 2875 145th Street West, beginninb at 8:00 p•m•, or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearing ' listed below pertains to the property generally locatedrat�thHi�hwa e3 (South Robert Trail)SeThe p�oposed County State Aid Highway 42 (CSAH42) and State T S Y Keystone Commercial Planned Unit Development consists of appro}cimately 5.84 acres and legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 4, Sonth Rose Park Addition Replat, except that part �e fe�.1y�nth to the f a line drawn from a point on the East Line of Lot 3, Biock 4, distant 360 northeast corner of said Lot 3, thence Southeasterly to a point on the easterly line of said Lot 2, distant 260 feet Northeasterly of the southeasterly corner of said Lot 2, as measured along the Easterly line of said Lot 2 and there terminating; also except the north 1S0 feet of the west 50 feet of said Lot 2, all in Dakota County, lVlinnesota. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a request from Keystone Propee of sa d f operty in oefour (4) Concept Planned Unit Development and preliminary plat for redevelopm P commercial uses consisting of a proposed motel, restaurant, and retail and/or office uses. Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend and be heard at this meeting on wP��da�• �alv 5 1995 at 8•00_t�,�. Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the Planning Department. ' Dated this 20th day of June, 1995. �� , '" _��j . . .u..L - . . Su n M. W sh, City Clerk City of Rosemount � ,,���,�����oa�. ' Dakota County, Minnesota �«��,�,:e 7J; �M[t�m5 '�.IIMt�l. r' ,� . _ ' PnbliC NOtice Rosemount Town Pages ������ Kepstone Addltlam Commerdai Concept AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION �"�U���� Kristin Franck,bein dul sworn, on oath sa s thaz she is an authorized �B�C MBBTING NOT[CS: 7yp pybgo and a�( g y y . ��.���..����, p: � agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The ���s�.a�arm.a��r�� Rosemount Town Pa es, and has full knowled e of the facts wluch are `�'�'�"'�'�"'°�°'°�'°ire"°��°� �� g g CitrHau.287slasmsaeecWa�:uf:3��,:wo..a..om . stated below: 'd"'�u�• '���ma r�aa�: • opporta�q*Eor imNal pabtln:eommsoc ropr�n�ana , .: (A)The newspaper has cflmplied with all of the requirements cflnsdtuting � �m�x,�.,�,���� R ualif'ication as a le al news a er, as rovided b Minnesota. Statues ���Dnt�����d��r•�� `� q g P P P Y aaa�uoo r.elim;o„y p�,c yri�w ua r�mat p.bu�. - � 331A.02,331AA ther applicable laws,as amended. �1�eecing haid by.Qtty Co�neil as g�ted be[ow, �re„ : {B)The printed ���i�,��C` �'��"0O0 n�����,�a ', ����„e�y s.s��.��t��a u�e .., a.�.e;��a�or co.�,xQ,a aa.oa szx r ' (SaumRatieaT+mq.oa�tb,�br 9�e�l.oa T�ewr loa.Camtreco[on HqaiPment Saks sod Se�viioe " Ca.9ta. 7Le Pismina C�on.in ib aaprity a a � ��E�dY to�a(5ty Camc�7 w a11 Lod a�e which is atta.ched, was cut from the columns af said newspaper,and was ;„�.,q,;u a�,�,,�a�,��« printed and published once each week for successive ������~m�L������'� eeks; it was first published on Friday, the ��� day of ° =�' �`�`- � , 19�_ and was thereafter printed and ppblished on � "'O1��••• e ery Friday, to and including Friday, the ��'_t_day of �row�oMrrnr.�rcoNcaRrr. , �, , 19�; and nnted below is a co of the ' ''" "' � � " � '� P � PY xorics rs HSResY c�v�y a��c�wo��r ub��� � lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby �Y°f�a*'+111wIdaPobhal�wooaader We ikm luoed below ou Wet6�sdq,JW7 5,199Sr iu 16e' acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition �„�u ce,me�n�r,b,�,�H,�,,�,s,4s�sa� and publication of the noflce: v�.�•1�Siming at&00 p.m.,or u sppu thweatter y pwubk. The publia hweint Nqed 6olav penaim W We ProP�rtr�lacated u we mahwat qaad�mt u tLe ' � �rs��.���n �u��e c�y snee a�a fs�..y a2�csa[�42� ma s�.x rmw�t�ae�.r s�so.m x�e���. �r�, ` � �1 propowd Keystone Commerciat PLoned Unit B .iL . ,���.���Y�. Deyelopmaot coniw of a Y'r��"`r '� �ra�„vaa�.r�,:�.oe�s.sa.�.ma Tide:Typesetter i.o�a,sio�t�,sooin xo..r.�t�aa�aoo�. i. • ezapt tbat part theemt I�Ina soat6-ot a Iine d awn ' ubs ribed and sworn to before me an this�_day �°'"'�����d��B��,� � �so.zi ua soa�w.w.-aa�r.,�a.va r.oc�,. ; ._r'L� .•� , mwee suotne.uery w.pW�on me.rt���m»ot , �% � nid Lot 2,distant 36i Get Nortb�asterty ot t6e maoethe�ta'I7 rnrner ot rW Fa!3,as a�rcd^a�o� ' ✓ Hmterl9 pw o[raW Lot 2 rmd tare terml� atro empt t6e nar16 330 Geet u[t6�w�SC feat o[arW Notaty Public ��••u��acow�ehnneo.or., ,��,,� .« i - ' i ��asm�:n�s�b�:�� ; x�r.wne e.epatie..u.c f�:comm�3s1 c,00ap� ! , �IDI��Z` Plaaned Uuit Devalopmene and preYminery plat t� �edevelopment of aid propxty i�o Parr(4)oommeroial aee+000dping of a Prqio�ed mo�al.�.md� aodla offix ma. �ao�wL�nf w y+cat au this iwe ae iurUed to su�d md be heard u t6is mea9ng on Weae�tn�7en s.io� - : at 8:l0 o.m_ Formal wrivan oo�enu w�7[dso be , DEANNE K. ELBERT `�pOed��tOf�°�tins�+k• r�t«�a sn - NOTARY PUBUC—IyONNESOTA �������g��O�' ' � , .;; MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 1-37•pp paeed�isyp��p.���lgq�, hl Soan M.WaW� Sasm I�L WaL6,aty t7edc Qq of Raemoaot bJ23 ���� OF R�SEM��R?Ac�,�N G�TY MMARY EXEGv�,vE Sv 5 �CS��N� � , 5, �9g �1Dp S �v y pGE Heacin9 , G pA.�E; P�biic Nc„MEET�N me�t �m��ary Piat � CpU pe�e\op &p�ei � ,�} C�� StOne iopme�t a'G�NDA��� EN�A,�EM�ned v�;t Deve AG �ept p� AppR�vE� gY: Con PeaCs°n RE� gY: R's���P,anner � s��n Me�°' ��it A s� �s ned pR�p AS . plarn�n9 Book t Co�R'er�ar�ous �ses A,�'CP►CHMENts� pV� � a con�eptte lots tO� the v �est�n9 appat t 1create sePara �eA pl r Ron Ca��and a p�e��{o the P'v.D•• 3�5 patcons a�d M ith seat�n9 {Odri�e th�OU9h� . de�elo ses a�e Prop°Sed vv a F°�c U 4 u�it h°�e1 foot reStaU qua�e fe�ficetb�'1d+n9• .�he minor t fo� �_ a 4�50p s4ua�9 0.� 13����(Ketai1 �r ° the pCOP�south`Nestec� et t� 2�. a reta,,0 S,a aCe f��t ci1 S ass°��ate�{in`►�'e'�ts• f,ed dri�e�ay�st 4 a 4�20 �1s the �a��a��th des�g�ed with a m°d n�ept em� deta e1im��ate e re-des�9 0{ the �° iste atta�hed m es �an be �c sh�v`d b n� a PrO�a1 r°�a� ��ns e Set b a�k�aciava C e {oot ha�c e ��C�ulat�o n re c o m me�a o m me�e a sp�s s�o{ t� e 4�2�p s A e a�d e n mm�s s r o ot�o n s t O si d e r a b 1 �m e n t o th a te fr�nta9 ��;n9 C° The m �t of �°� the a��9 1an�'n9 �r e g5 the p�a ��acy P 1 a t• S the r e s� �ega r d i n 9 t��e� t h e P �,me�t t o P 2�� 19 e PreUm �ame a o�cet�s alterna ecn alig Canad� p� �D as �e11 e omt,�►e�deea �vith Scu de sa�• �e ter�y �Cin9 Ua� a1te�na t N e �th the SCo,�,iss►ens on f�o�`d a e{vtvre S�tyet e�����a g n�in9 Stceet U1a ceco,�`ec'D �g6 Prope� pROv,N�,-�NE C p�a Westm,ssion `N° the �'S S��U�'10N Ap Co�' otent�a� to D � P RE a�cess p Cess P°int• �P P�enu e a� , Mp.��p�.i T� A D p`p,� F�R K DEO p G T i pE E��P M�N�; A N pRE�1M��P R Y EN D RE��MM `�S��NE V�NG�N� ' PV� F�R KE T1�N APPRo D�p� A RESO`v A M�T,��p1�I�EN�' DEVE UNG1t- P`C?��N� C� < �F R�SF,1�I0� pTp, , CI't'YC��Ty,l��s� D��TA ��L��N 199� CF-pT F�R PR��G T D��p�� OLtJ'��N � � T�F.S LLC ted A� C1AL PZ'���PD1ZOp� bers �f a� � A C�N'I FOR�YSTONE �,nem �a,l of a�� C�lson� P�cip��for a�r a�tes at the have 5• `�' ally �lson �dR°Do d�cties, Z'I'o e�J lOp tedK ghw 9 c42� leg ��h�d 1• C �eystone� on thei�Pr p S�te A1d V�'H E,�'AS� any k no`�''n as t de velopme�t 3 �d Coun�`J 1 �g South liabi]�tY comp �ed u� ��gh°aay �;thereOf Y21 feet use commet�ial P of s�te T� , . n R��`t' ex�ePt thatqp,� dis� t 360. est �or�et ck t o�the sousc b� follows� dditio as RoSe p�k A east�e of Z-Oso thla tes1Y ou�eas erly ��g�o de south o�t on the en�e of e s a �t 2�Blocka�fto� a p e� o f Said lote�n rtbeasterly t�d there D�o County� of a line d e no�;heast corn distant 260 t rly �e of s f d�d�t 2, all v� sooth of th S�d lot 2� the eas p feet o e �f 15p feet of the aest 5 . 4-�1150-021-04� �'d easterly � �easuYed as c t said T'Oc�t tre ri°�'h tion Nu�ber• 3 bas reviewed t�d pl�ed �S� esoCou�ty Y�cel identifica the Ciry of R°�e d a�proval°f that 5 M�" D��� . g Comn'1 sea a�,otion to recom , g the conc�P�g V�'H�-�p'S� the plan� and Pas d reg�� ount Z° �elopme�t �' testi�'°ny• of Rosem plann�°ot ment witl� ��'��tionS� �ducted to hear 2 o f the City u�t d e v e l P h a s b een �'O it h S e c tion 12' 5� a p e�ga�cord��e w of Rosem°u��' ubli�h of the Ciril d b9 Q�'HE�'p' • develop�1en r ueste 1��°�t the Clty C�u� de�elopme�t � .�ed� � P u prciu���e' BE IT o�� commet�ial P� �.,��gs r�A W, T�F.���he conc�Pt f .�t to: re.��ements °h���ces: . �. �d N� appioves LLC sub� desi� ott,t lo�a�o � hereby opexties� ��es with d��ce to su��on; ,,�3 access ��eS for -Keystone Pr�a�on of vaxi S prdin E� 12 2 of tre Z�a�teTly stx�on�Ppr°va1 of the d Z,o�g 1• gection �e poten T�sport� a subdivision� oval of inent of osemp°1°t stan�ds• 2• Rem eso�D�� the Cl� �f R ent pl� 3• Co o�m�ce w��.��deuelopm 4. pla�ing aa'd p h �y of 1uly, 1995• Mayor �OpTE� tlus� E.B M.cMen°my� AT�ST. Susan M y�,alsh r ' Ci�Y Clerk Mo�Oned b Y V�r�� favor _. Voted ag�ns S�Ond gY t R�s�p� ��'� . CI'� ���'1"Y�r��� D��TA C �N 1995" �Lp,T R��L� p��%�,,,�Y- �p p,T A�'pR��OI35 F�g�LL • 'te,d p,R�,S�L�,�II.�C' C�p 1 p'R�p'��� �em�ers °val°� � FpR�Ys� lson, p��ip� foY a�p�� cons'Ste�'t te gon�d C� C 1,LC�a�e apprty �a m�st�4�er of Sta d.� C�lson��e ptope�t.ies� of trei�Pr°�t tre south fou�a 5' 5��cr� n as Key the Sub�visi t�5.84 a��es des�rib�as south a�'HE�AomP�y �acomm°�`te t de�elop�ehway 42, leg�y �the�'°f 192 g feet vab��� plat to la�ea u� te �d xlg ex��t trat p ais�'r 360 rhe pr tlim �on��er�i�a Cou�tY Sta` lat, 4, t on 1 e 3 k p,ddition�of y�t 3�hl�s erly t,o �e�rly �°�e� °f ����1ighway ut�gose p� the east� then�e $�� of the SOu e te��ating� � 2,blO�k 4' f onl a P°�r o sa►ia 1'O�'��no��'eastea Lot 2 �d��D�°�C�� tY t t 2, o a 1v'f a�`Nn rthea`s�t Zedi.s�e ea�erly �fee of �d� South� e of s�d �ong t tre aest 5 eastesly � meas��� feet of 50'021_��� �d �o�t 2� as 1 ��t the n°�" �umbeY: 3�'�1 as reuiewea th�� plat M�e s o�• Y�cel�ae�t�'ic a t i o n it�J °�Rose�f�at sai d P r e 1 u n D� C°U'�t y rolssio °f t h e C en a T�v a s y °�` � g C�� on�.o �ecomm d P p �d�g tbe pYelim� S, tihe p d pa S�a m�� e� �°�Ro g �unt' tes em �asy 41aS�d �ondUcted r°o the C�� �� Rosem°°�t este,d ar co� on �as n ce of u itr �� ub��hea�g Subdiyi io�°��� Counc�l of�u�lae�elop�ent�eA �l��orman�e witr t�e OLVES>> tho�mer�ial p�ed p�'t�c� BE��lat f°� the c Z`����re prelvr��ulpj�t to: ���eer; ana SUb�visl�'� hW� eS�L b those� t Zou� �ul d p C C�J g e� ereby apo�o�e ope�M�Lo�' u�� lanS o o°�' the bY�eyS ro�by cltng�d licable City R Stern s�eet �2o f t�o fron�ge c 1 APpiovaJof �`itr�a� oftrewe �� ofl A�P �ce eleCion a rn� 3., C°�2acices� �ati��luding a pro�islo�'°f ord� to tre p � � lot• ge�isio�s bou��aesrerti 4• the aay fo t,be Sp°t� witY► sig�t°f 1�aY°r �day °f 1�1y' 199 cMen°Yny� �o�D t�s fift �B,l�i A�T Su,� M R'als� ' Motion� b , C'itY Clerk , y v�r�� favor '�oted ag�nst S���nd by , � ��TY O� RO S�'V 1�!�,,' N T 2875 C145tHS�t eet Wes2 P.O.Box 510 Rosemount,MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55oba-osio �a�` Phone:612-423•4411 Fax:612-423-5203 TO: Planning Commission � FROM: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner DATE: June 23, 1995 SUBJ: June 27, 1995 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item 9a. SA. KEYSTONE DEVELOPMENT: PLTBLIC HEARING- CONCEPT COMNIERCIAL PLANNED UrTIT DEVELOPMENT &PRELINIINARY PLAT Keystone Development, a partnership formed by Ron and Rich Carlson is requesting approval of a mixed use commercial planned unit development (PUD) for the redevelopment of their property at the southwest comer of STH 3 South Robert Trail and CSAH 42. The property consists of approximately 5.8 acres and is the current location of Carlson Tractor and Equipment Company. The property is in the C-4 General Commercial Zoning District and as such the proposed uses are consistent with the zoning district. In addition, the uses are consistent with the commercial land use designation of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. A TIF District Plan and Development Agreement have been approved by the Port Authority and City Council in support of hotel, restaurant, and retail use redevelopment of the site. PROPOSED COMIVIERCIAL USES: Four separate commercial uses are proposed on the site: 1. Hotel containing 44 units (see attached color photo copy); 2. Restaurant of 4,500 sq. ft. with seating for 315 patrons; 3. A free standing building with 13,000 sq. ft. for retail use with a drive-through feature; and, 4. A free standing building of 4,200 sq. ft. for one of three possible uses: (1) a clinic, (2) more retail or (3) office. These four buildings and associated parking will be platted into separate lots with access from STH 3 via a public street or private common driveway. A('['FSS & CIRCLTLATION: The proposed connection to STH 3 is approximately 400 feet south of the intersection of CSAH 42 and STH 3. The Minnesota.Department of Transportation (MnD01� has the authority to approve access to STH 3. MnDOT has reviewed earlier proposals and has recommended that the access be along the southerly property line (see attached letter). The City currently has separaxion criteria for local and collector streets. The street may be classified as a local street which would cause the City to defer the intersection location decision to MnDOT. As a result, the City will be reviewing the proposal on the basis of the internal relationships of the various uses within the PUD and issues resulting from application of local ordinance standards as well as issues identified during the public review process. � Printed on recvdnl VaNer ranroimq¢30°.. ;WSt-f��t�l:T2/.��'.'�`�r,11�. June 27, 1995 Planning Commission Reviews ' Beystone Commercial Concept PUD ' Page Two The proposed street is indicated as a cul-de-sac with potential for future connections to the western property line. The extended street would align with the private street that provides access from Canada Avenue to McDonalds, Dairy Queen, Pizza Hut and Rosemount Market Square. The potential for tra.ffic volumes utilizing this private street relationship is redundant with the design of 151st Street and Canada Avenue and creates conflicts with intersection spacing criteria used by MnDOT as well as Dakota. County. Therefore, the future street extension west from the cul-de-sac is not recommended. The hotel, restaurant and larger retail building have lots that front along the cul-de-sac street. The hotel and resta.urant are inter connected via the parking lot design which splits a north-south maneuvering lane. This will require variance via the PUD fmdings. The two uses south of the cul-de-sac have the same inter connected relationship, except that the westerly building has no access or frontage of its own unless the street is extended to the west which is not recommended. Ft.A�-ruvG IssuEs: The southwestern lot intended for the clinic/retail/office use will have to be redesigned to have frontage along the cul-de-sac right-of-way in order to meet standards. This will enhance access opportunities that would intensify the desirability of locating businesses on this parcel. The other three lots meet or exceed minunum platting requirements. P�vG: The indicated parking is sufficient to meet standards with the exception of the 13,000 sq. ft. retail. 78 spaces are required based upon the standard of 6 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. of stand alone retail space and only 65 have been provided. A variance would be needed to allow the 13 parking stall deficiency. Elimination of the drive-through feature would not provide enough parking to satisfy the requirement. TS�'f_TF S TMMARY: T'ne overall PUD has enough green space to meet the 75% maximum lot coverage standard. However, the proximity of the hotei and several parking areas to the cul-de-sac will cause a perception of congestion. The cul-de-sac should be designed as a public street even if it is only a private driveway. The turn around is only 25 feet from the hotel and contributes to the appearance of congestion. As a public right-of-way (ROW), the southeast corner building and six parking stalls would be nonconforming and require variances. Other variances include: * The 13,000 sq. ft. retail building for 13 parking stalls. * Side yard setbacks for maneuvering and parking along the northem, southern and western property line. * Platting of the clinic/retaiUoffice lot without frontage on a public street. * Side yard setbacks for the two shared parking lots on ether side of the cul-de-sac. , � June 27, 1995 Planning Commission Reviews Beystone Commercial Concept PUD Page Three The Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Guide Plan contains several policies that particularly relate to some of the above-mentioned issues; Section V(A) - 8: 7. To ensure that convenient parking is provided in appropriate locarions and in sufficient amounts to satisfy parking demands; 8. To encourage shared parking, wherever practicable, to minimize excessive hard surface land covera.ge; 10. To minimize the number and ma,Yimi�e the spacing of street and driveway accesses to major streets from business areas. FINDINGS: In approving the Concept plan, the Planning Commission must fmd as follows and forward its fmdings to the City Council. 1. The Plan provides sufficient useable open space and evidences aa substantial preservation of natural features to warrant the granting of variances through Planned Unit Development. The proposal is essentially a redevelopment with the opportuniry to create amenities and naturalistic features with landscaping and ponding that will be required for storn2 water management. 2. The Plan complies with the intent of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The land use designation is commercial and the proposal does therefore comply with the intent of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. The proposed development will not be detrimental to surrounding properkies. Elimination of all variances related to side lot line setbacks and adherence to minimum landscaping standards should provide reasonable protection to existing and ficture adjacent land uses. 4. The Plan is more crearive and will provide a better living, working, or shopping environment than is possible under strict ordinance requirements. Yariances granted in consideration with the abovementioned policies excerpted,fi-orn the Comprehensive Guide Plan may support the fourth,f'inding. Recommended Action: MOTION to recommend approval of the concept for the Keystone commercial planned unit development subject to: 1) elimination of variances with design refinements or meeting findings required in section 12.2 of the zoning ordinanee to support the variances; 2) removal of the potential westerly street connection; 3) Minnesota Department of Transportation approval of the STH 3 access location or redesign of the access point and on site circulation design in accordance with determinations by MnDOT; and 4) conformance with the City of Rosemount Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances for platting and PUD final development plan standards. - AND - A MOTION to recommend appproval of the preliminary plat for the Keystone commercial development subject to: 1) approval by MnUOT; 2) approval of grading and utility plans by the city engineer; 3) in conformance with all applicable City of Rosemount zoning and subdivision ordinance; and 4) revisions to the plat including the deletion of the western street connecting the cul-de-sac with the westem boundary, and provision of a minirnum of 120 feet of frontage on a i . [�C��I��'O�][� DCMC�OG°��iJC�� Cr1�•�Y'��ll�+e��"S ( °���� 7300 WEST 147th STREEf SUITE 504 , GGMM. NO.: J51� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55124 DATE: aJNE 2, I`,�95 P'���' (612) 431-4433 �,� ��� � norE�aa uNirs) as as �sra�tx�Nr i/3 (3�5 sE.Ars) �anN� ice ( �rAi� i3.000 sF� �a � RETAIL/GLINIG/OFFIGE (4200 5F) 25 Z8 ' GOUNTY RDAD ND 42 . - - - - - -�_ .� --=- - - - - - ------ -- = —-- - --- -� ' -_ - -- - -� - i , , �� � � i P�ND � ' T�M THUMB �� r�1 • 4 � �'"`'�' r �/ l.J � i � � � ( RESTAURANT i� �� i , ' .'II ! �1 / . �� � �� � ' ------------ i H�TEL � . .. . � -_ _ � � � � � �; � � , , �� , , i �� , �� � � m i '' � '� �� � ' ° �� � _ _ _ _ �� _ _ _ _ _ _ - - �- _ � � 1 - - _ � - � - � a � , , �� �- , - � �� � � , , _ � --_ _ _ _ _ ,�� �-��. -� - - - -� , ,� � � � t.. ' � �� � � '� i ` ' � � � �� i , �� � �� � � , � � , i � , ' � RETAIL% i RETAIL i OFFICE ! � i � ` =_ `` _ ' . I l I , I � � 1 � _ � ` � � i ' { � -�- � -- �� / .. � I � J � ' I 1 1 ' t _ i � �i r� ���N � S�i(�1' I"" = IOd—d' �� � � Minnesata Department ot Transportation '���' MetroQviitan flivision � �"� w����a�a�ng . � t500 wesz county Road Bz '`j.�� Roseville,Nlinnesoca 55113 June l, 1995 Rick Pearson planning Department City of Rosemount p0 Box 510 Rosemount iYIIv S�Ob8-O510 Dear Ric'.c Pearson: SUBJECT: Keystone De��e?opment Site Concept Revie:�� S�95-032 Southwest quadrant of TH 3 & CSAH 4� Rosemount, Da.�ota County CS 1921 The Minnesota Department of Transporta.tion (Nin/DOT) has reviewed the Keystone Development concept plan. We find the proposal acceptable for further development with consideration of the followin� comments. • One access requirin� both riaht turn and left turn lanes may be permitterl at the south prope:ty line. The cost oi these improvements will be the responsibiiity of the developer, the city or both.' L'pon request l�in/DOT will provide a layout showina how the turn lanes may be built. Addirional right of way may be ne�ried from this site to accomplish the cons�uc�on. A request and any questians may be dirz�ted to Bruc� Kasmer of our Traific section at 779-5196. Plans and proposals for improvements to TH 3 at this Iocation must be ca�rdinated with r.he Da.kota Cour__ry Highway Departmeat. • b1n/DOT recommends that all possibilities for site access from Canada Avenue be pursued and if not accomplishabie today be preservesi for the future. The distance from the CSAH 42—TH 3 intersection ta access at the south property line does not provide adequate spacinQ to best mana�e traffic to and from the site. Consequently, we believe this access will have a hi�h probability far problems. We are particulariy concerned about the potential for safety problems if the development generates a lar�e volume of turnin� traffic. To miti�ate any prablem that may develop it may be necessary to restrict movements. An alternative to access at TH 3 may be very valuable not only the safety and operation of the highway, but to the operation of businesses on this site as well. An Equal Opportuniry Emptoyer • •Y Rics Pearson 7une 1, 1995 Page two • In addition to an access pe:mit, any use of, or work within Mn/DOT right of way will require an approved l�In/DOT pezmit. Lars Impola, of our permits office, may be contacte�i at �82-1�7 for information re�arding the permit process. • When site and drainage plans are developed additional Mn1DOT review �uill be necessary to identify any othe: issues. If you have any questions re�arding this revie�N please cantact me at 582-1387. Since:e?y, � :'�' �'/ C.. ; 1��U��� ,�v� � � � Cyrus Knutson Transportation Planner c: Tom Heiber�, Land'Sake Pete Sorenson, Dakota Counry ���rq Minnesota Department of Transportation � -IVletropoiitan �ivision � Waters Edge Building � � 1500 West County Road B2 pF Roseville,Minnesota 55113 June 1, 1995 Bud Osmundson Public Works Director City of Rosemount PO Box 510 Rosemount MN 55068-0510 Dear Bud Osmundson; SUBJECT: Trunk Highway 3 Access CSAH 42 to 160th Street Rosemount, Dakota County CS 1921 This is a summary of Minnesota Department of Transportation's (NIn/DOT) re�arding our recent discussion of access issues for the section of Trunk Highway 3 between CSAH �2 to 160th Street following our recent meeting. Given the various constraints and objectives outlined in the conespondence between the city and Mn/DOT, we believe that the most prudent options for access to the east side of the highway are either development of a east le� at the TH 3—Canada Avenue intersection or the addition of public access between 160th Street and the railroad underpass in the locale of the existing private access. We recommend that either of these be pursued as alternatives to one another. We can provide assistance in further identifying issues, objectives and requirements related to these locations. Our position regarding the movie theater access request has not changed. Requirements for the �arlson Tractor—Keystan� Deve�oFment s:te aceess is cuverzd in a separate letter responding to a concept proposal. We are available to continue discussion these issues. If you have any questions please contact me at 582-1387. Sincerely, G1� �v � `, � �-� G� �z� � Cyrus Knutson Transportation Planner c: Pete Sorenson, Dakota County An Equal Opportunity Employer JOHN �. HOF.SCHLER, P.A. __ ATTORNEY AT LAW 420 PII,LSBURY CENTLR 200 SOLTTH SL�CTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS,MINN�SOTA 55402 FACSIMII.E(612) 337-9220 (612) 337-9292 June 14, 1995 Mr. Tom Heiberg Land'Sake Suite 130 7570 W. 147th Street Appi�� Vaiiey, M� ��i24 Dear Mr. Heiberg: You have asked me for a summary of Minnesota law regarding an abutting property owner's access rights to a state highway. An abutting property owner has an easement for access to state highways which is a property right that cannot be taken or damaged for a public use or restriction without payment of just compensation. Burnquist v. Cook, 220 Minn. 48, 19 N.W. 2d 394, 397-98 (1945}. Stated another way, the abutter has a right to "reasonably convenient and suitable" access to the highway unless the state moves to condemn and compensate the abutter for that access. See e. ., Hendrickson v. State, 267 Minn. 436, 127 N.W. 2d 165 (1964); Johnson v. City of Plymouth, 263 N:W. 2d 603 (Minn. 1978). The gavernment has the right to regulat2 the number, size, location, and circuity of an abutter's access points in furtheranc� of public safety and welfare considerations. But if these regulations deprive the owner of"reasonable" or"reasonable convenient and suitable" access, they represent a taking for which compensation must be paid. Johnson, supra. What constitutes °reasonable access" is a question of fact to be determined in light of the circumstances peculiar to each case. �d. In any event the alternative access provided or proposed by the government cannot be "unreasonably circuitous". See Gibson v. Commissioner of Mighways, 178 N.W. 2d 727 ir� tl,e casE af the Caiis�� prop�rty i� the Sauthwcst quaarani of C�uniy Road 42 ana S�i-i #� with which you are concemed, you have indicated that MNDOT would like the property owner to close its two existing access points on STH #3 and locate a new access point 635 feet south of the property's northerly line along County Road 42. After reviewing the applicable cases, I believe such a requirement is clearly unreasonable for the following reasons. 1.) The present access points at 340 feet and 590 feet south'of County Road 42 centerline have existed for many years and have presented no safety problems. 2.) Because of the Soo Line tracks east of STH #3, there is no materia! traffic generated by the land opposite the Carlson property along STH #3. 3.) You have Groposed a single new access point 400 feet south of County Road 42 that will serve the entire 665 feet of the Carlson property that abuts STH #3. This is more than a city block from the 42/3 intersection and it as almast 2/3 along the Carlson property. There is no entry to STH #3 from the opposite side of the road to affect the location of this access point. �jgh\t 81\05�061495.cor � Tom Heiberg June 14, 1995 Page 2. —' 4.) You indicate that the County does not wish to allow any access to County Road 42. Thus, the proposed access to STH #3 would be the only access point for over 7 acres of land. Locating that single access point in the far southeast corner of the property is unreasonable , and unnecessary. Such an extreme entry point destroys the developability of the southeriy portion of the property. It requires a circuitous access to the northerly portion. 5.) The United States Supreme Court has recently tightened up on the ability of public bodies to restrict access or make exactions from landowners as a price for appro�al of plats and development plans. I am sure the City and County will be sensitive to the fact that the law is moving away from them in this regard. I suggest that you make a cfear preliminary proposal to the C+ty and County and thereby force them to tz,! you �N41�thn!' they wi!! ����v,r raas��ab�� access cr w�eiher they arz ��epared to compensate the Carlson's fior the damages they would sustain by a taking of such an access. The MNDOT request will turn out to be no more than that when MNDOT is asked to cover the cost of the taking. I trust that the appropriate local officials will then recognize their duty to act reasonably and not require the Carlsons to use a circuitous and remote method of access. If you have further questions, please feel free to calL rs very truly, JV�'_ _`f J n G. Haeschler cc: Ron Carlson �.Wjgh1181\05�061495.car �o rE : (.�r,L rT Y 0�L fj-Ns MEMO �v a� i� ���> TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGINEER DOUG LITTERER, CIVIL ENGINEER DATE: J U N E 28, 1995 RE: KEYSTONE DEVELOPMENT:CONCEPT P.U.D. & PRELIMINARY PLAT Attached are utility base maps showing approximate locations of watermains,sanitary sewer and storm sewer in the proximity of the Carlson Tractor property. The following comments from the Public Works Department regarding this site are as follows � 1. WATERMAIN-At the present time there is a 16"watermain at the south side of CSAH 42 which connects to a 12"on Canada Avenue. The Comprehensive Water System Plan shows that a 12" loop should be placed southerly along TH 3 when this area develops. We are recommending that this 12" be constructed in the TH 3 right-of-way southerly of CSAH 42 to complete the loop to the Canada Avenue intersection with TH 3. Because aheavy use commercial area is proposed,the installation of 12"watermain would be the Developer's responsibility. The Carlson site could be served off of this new line. 2. SANITARY SEWER-Currently the Carlson Tractor building is on a septic system. Any redevelopment should obtain sanitary sewer service by extending a line from the 12"extension at the northeast corner of the site. This could be done in combination or separately from the previously mentioned watermain proposal. 3. STORM DRAINAGE-The site is currently served by overland run-off to the northeast and northwest corners of the property. The run-off to the northeast corner is picked up by the City storm sewer system with an 18" pipe. The run-off to the northwest corner flows over the bike path and into the gutter of CSAH 42. The water in the gutter flows west and eventually ends up flowing into a catch basin at Canada Av. A previous proposal provided pond storage of 0.1 acre-feet for the 5.84 acre site. The Public Works Department requests that at minimum of 1.8 acre-feet of storage be provided for the current proposal. Please resubmit storm drainage calculations for the latest proposaL As you are aware,this all enters the Chippendale Avenue trunk storm sewer and drains to Wachter Lake. This area has been studied in the past and decisions will need to be made regarding the trunk system. 4. STREETS-Street design will need to meet City standards. Minimum cul-de-sac diameter is 90' for a residential street. 5. EASEMENTS-Drainage and utility easements will be needed on property lines and over utilities that will belong to the City. Property lines shall run through the pond. A ponding easement will be needed over the pond to the HWL of the pond. attachments carlson2.wpd CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, b2[I�iNESOTA RESOLUTION 1995- � A RESOLUTION APPROVIl�TG A CONCEPT FOR A COI�ZMF.RCIAL PLANNED ITNIT DEVELOPTZFNT FOR KEYSTONE PROPERTIES LLC QV:EIEREAS, Richard 7. Carlson and Ronald C. Carlson, principal members of a limited liability company known as Keystone Properties, LLC have applied for approval of a mixed use commercial planned unit development on their property located on 5.84 acres at the southwest corner of State Trunk Highway 3 and County State Aid Highway 42, legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 4, South Rose Park Addition Replat, except that part thereof lying south of a line drawn from a point on the ea.st line of Lot 3, Block 4, distant 360.21 feet south of the northeast corner of said lot 3, thence southeasterly to a point on the easterly line of said lot 2, distant 260 feet northeasterly of the southeasterly comer of said Lot 2, as measured along the ea.sterly line of said lot 2 and there terminating; also except the north 150 feet of the west 50 feet of said Lot 2, all in Dakota County, Minnesota. Dakota. County Parcel Identification Number: 34-7ll50- 021-04; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount has reviewed the concept planned unit development and passed a motion to recommend approval of that said planned unit development with conditions; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been conducted to hear testimony regarding the concept planned unit development in accordance with Section 12.2 of the City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. NOW, T�iEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the concept for the commercial planned unit development requested by Keystone Properties, LLC subject to: , 1. Elimination of variances with design refinements or meeting findings required in Section 12.2 of the Zoning Ordinance to support the variances: --z—�����a1 of the potential westerly street connection; 3. Conformance with the City of Rosemount Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances for platting and PUD final development plan standards. �' �A-d¢� G�c� 3.� AD PTED this fifth day of July, 1995. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTFST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by Second by Voted in favor Voted against � , , �� . ��ki{�n� � � . C 1 TY O F RO S E M O U N T Z875 C145tHSt eet West P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U ROSemOunt.►� Rosemount,MN y g� g p 55068-0510 Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice Phone:612•423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 WAYNE TRANSPORT INC./KOCH REFINING CO. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amer�dment Concept Planned Unit Development Rezoning Petition Preliminary Plat STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DABOTA ) SS CrrY oF Ros�ourrr ) 5usan M. Wa1sh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On June 7, 1995, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a Public I3earing for consideration of a request from Koch Refining Co. for a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment, concept planned unit development, rezoning, and preliminary plat to accommodate the relocation of Wayne Transport Inc. to a Koch-owned site within the City of Rosemount, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. . . F � �L. ,.�/ 1��� � . r Su M. W sh City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this � of , 1995. � r DONNA 1..tl�E!liNTlf4# otary Public f�TARY PUBUC-#� OAKOTA CX'�tla'f'Y r�y cornn►.E�a�►..m.st,a000� s � Printed on recyclyd paper . . . � . � � containing 30 G . . postronsume martrials. f CITY HALL C 1 TY O F RO S E l�ll O U N T Z8�5—,45th Sj�ee�West P.O.Box 510 Rosemount,MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount.►! s5o6a-o5io ' � �� . . Phone:612-423-4411 ��" Pub��(,' NO�iCe � � Fax:612-423-5203 � WAyNE TRANSPORT INC./KOCH REFINING CO. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Concept Planned Unit Development Rezoning Petition preliininary Plat PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE: The public and all interested parties are invited to a Public Meeting held by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount on Tuesrlay, June 13, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, at 6:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. This Public Meeting provides an opportunity for initial public comment regarding applications from Koch Refmina Co., in the interest of the Wayne Transport Inc. trucking facility, for a Minor Guide Plan Amendment, Concept Planned Unit Development, Rezoning Petition, and Preliminary Plat for property situated near the northwesterly comer of County State Aid 42 and State Trunk Highway 52 prior to the formal public hearing held by City Council as listed below. The Planning Commission, in its capacity as a recommending body to the City Council on all land use issues, will determine a recommendation for approval or denial of this request which is described in the official notice below. '� '� * Official Notice * * � TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a Public Hearing to consider the item listed below on Wednesday, July 5, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearina listed below_pertains to an approximate 55-acre parcel which abuts State Trunk Highway 52, between County Road 38 and County Highway 42. The purpose of this hearing is in consideration of a proposal from Koch Refining Co., property owner, for a industrial use Concept Planned Unit Development, preliminary plat, and rezoning of a 45-acre parcel from AG Agriculture to IG General Industrial. The proposed site consists of two metes and bounds described parcels, one 10-acre parcel and one 45-acre parcel, located in the northwest quadrant of US 52 and CSAH 42. The property owners are also proposing a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to include said property within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). Koch Refining Co. has indicated their desire to purchase the existing Wayne Transport Inc. property located in the City of Inver Grove Heights and relocating the trucking facility to their site which is adjacent and immediately south of their existing refinery facility in the Pine Bend Industrial Area. Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend and be heard at this meeting on YVednesdav Tulv 5 1995 at 8:02p.m. Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the Planning DepaRment. Dated this 6th day of June, 19 95. � � � , �;,.: •�. .��.�� z� Su an M. W sh, City Clerk City of Rosemount � ;� ��'� Dakota County, Minnesota t 1 KQCH REFINING/WAYNE TRANSPORT INC.: 34-BSJ00-OO-Oi O-Oi 34-6SJOO-OZO-O'i Ma�uNc�usT GLENN W&VERA KASSUBE ROLLAND J&DIANNE SACHS 3147 145TH ST E 3155 145TH ST E ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5919 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5919 34-65900-030-01 34-02500-012-07 34-02500-011-07 GARRY G &DARLENE KASSUBE KENNETH &BARBARA ANGERMAN MYRON E &RUTH L NAPPER 3151 145TH ST E j351 23RD ST W 3381 145TH ST E ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5919 HASTINGS MN 55033-3244 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5917 34-02500-010-06 34-02500-011-14 34-02500-012-14 DANIEL G CLARKE DALE &MARLYS J HELWIG DAVID A LANDGREBE JR 3405 145TH ST E 8951 BACARDI AV W 3175 145TH ST E ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5915 INVER GROVE HEIGHTS MN 55077 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5919 34-02500-010-75 34-02500-010-85 34-02500-010-90 MARLIN W&JOANN RECHTZIGEL CONNY R &CHRISTEINE WENZEL VICTOR A&BERNICE J WENZEL 14727 CLAYTON AV E CAROLYN L HICKMAN 2829 145TH ST E ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-2214 2829 145TH ST E ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5923 34-03000-010-25 34-03000-013-35 34-03000-010-40 34-03000-010-30 THE MARCELLA LEWIS TRUST THE SOLBERG CONST CO RAHN FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 22 DAVIOT LANE 13245 CLAYTON AV 3855 145TH ST E HIWASSE AR 72739 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-2720 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 34-03000-010-50 34-02500-010-25 34-02500-010-30 HANS J ABRAHAMSEN RUBY&HELEN WALDOW AND ELROY E &NORMA I SELL 1700 BELLOWS NORMA SELL 2975 145TH ST E ST PAUL MN 55118-3805 3110 140TH ST E FiOSEMOUNT MN 55068-5921 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-2835 _ � Rosemount Town Pages PuWwic N�ce �{ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION wA�:�sro�r INc.� Y � Kristin Franck,bein dul sworn, on oath sa s that she is an authorized KocH REFINING co. - � $ Y Y C�prehensive Gaide Pl�Ammd`me� agent and empioyee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Concept Planned ilntt De�elopffient t Rosemount Tawn Pages, and has full knowledge of the facts wluch are $��P��� � stated below: • ��� {A)The newspaper has complied:with all of the requirements constituting rvsL�c M$arixc xorica: �Pauu�ma,n ualification as a le al news a er, as ovided b Minnesota Staxues '°"`"a0ed°�°°°'°"°""d`°°p°�;`n'"'",�u,'°u, 9 g P P PI' Y �r�mog c���of�c�ty���� 331A.Q2,331A.O�an�ather applicable laws,as amended. '�r,J°�la;�s,;��c��u�,�r m� cvry t�tav.�rs las�sa��w�.u�a p.m,ar...� �B)'Tue printed u ��t r � i;� C� uxn.�:�.��. �..���s�.;ae.m oppormnity Por initial poblio comment msarding ' applications fiem Koch Re6niog Ca.m t6s ioCiest oY ths ' :W�us Tiaoe�ort Inc.tmddng f�iNry,br�a Mma Gatde . PJan Ameo�ent.CoaosPt Planned Umt Devebp�ea6. �'. Rezoning Petihoa sud PreL'mivary Pht Por prapetty �' � which is attached, was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was �w�����,.��o�rs�tia � 42 and Siab 7kunk FHghway 52 priar oo W¢fomsi pobtic printed and published once each week for successive ,,,�,;n8,,�,d,������,,;,�,,�,,,, .�,�8 ! �+eeks; it was fi,�st published on Friday, the �� day of ���.�nitscapncitya�a�tdiosbo�rWt6¢ City Counal.�all tand oae iaa.v,will deteimioe a J��.�4 , 19"� and was thereafter printed d published on n��s�r�ap�o��a�;��e uri:��� ' �e ery Friday, to and i �}�ding Friday, the ��_day of w��g�������a��• ' � ___, 19�=�; and printed below is a copy of the *'**O�cialNotice*'�s lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby TpWHOMITMAYCONCBRN: acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition - �'- NOTICS IS HERBBY GIVSN.tLs_CSty Cwoti7 a�the and publication of the nodce: c;�,,�R«�,m���;u�w a r�,r�x�,w� �he iocm ustea beto.v on we��y.Juh s.199s,iu itie Council C6ambers of tha���IaU.2�,751.�StL Srrxt i abcdefglrijklumopqratuvwxYc Wa4.begineing at 8:00 p. �i��as woo�tLeceatlu m . � �, Awdbb. 1Le poblia heecing litaed beba peRmm.l$�au � .��� , ` `� .�'��-+V�� a�umate SS,a�re parcel y ch abats Suta Tianlc � By ,�±•.�.�. �.`� ����� Hi wa 52.between Coant Road 38 and Cooat • Title:'I�ypeseuer ��"""�'4� . :"' i The pnrpou of t6is beariug ia io ewsiduadoo of s Sub cribed and sworn to before me on r�is �.�_aay �'°'��°s''�`�°`°g���°"'°��" i iadustriai ox Coucept Planried UniiDevelop�n4 Of � r+�1��r r�4 ana tezodcg oFa 4saae pmora sum pa � � � Agrioalwrc to I(�Geo�at Indostdat. 1be propo�nd dte � . 19 �u or�o,���a t��a��m,� , . . laaerapar«ranawsas-aere�parxl.locatee`tnlee . . ` natLwat qmdiant of US 52 md CSAH 42'1Lie piapwty ! C . owoers�seaLopropomnga�CompreheoriwGoide.Plsn �:� � � NO�P11�I1C . �.��n�atU�nol�ade nss��d pmperty withtn the � ' . � . � ������.... Co.has indicated eLeir deeire to perduse tLe exist[na Ws�me 7k�at Ina.praperrty boated'in t6s�qr dlm�a �'" IDA�IT Gxove FkiBhb aod tebatin8�6e:ttadoag 4a'liy'to ILdr 1 site whic7�ia adjacem 3ud immetliately sontD of their existingmLtwtyhcilit��intlaePine,Beud�dostoial1liau i CONNIE E. FIFAREK ��titnga�etoe��eae�.a�amw�m � NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA �1�1�d��+��8°°wed°�.hM1 i 19�5 ! MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 131-00 $t E:00 Q.m. Formal written comments will also be � �..... acapted prior to the m«ting date. Pkase fbiwud all: ( : �oo�and ioqniries w ILe Pmming Depa�ent . .. .i Dated�his 6th day ofJwa.1945. ;i� , >;N Susau M.WaLh, ! s�n�w,ru,c�y c�ac _ at�of xa.emma . Dakas Com�v."t�!'wmao�a 614 , � Y • - .� �i7yt4t���; . . . '...1 �'�. . � 4 C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T z875 C145tHSAt eet West P.O.Box 510 Ever I'rllll s Comin U ROSE'17)Oulltll Rosemount,MN y g� g P 55068-0510 Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice Pnone:6,z-423-44„ Fax:612-423-5203 KEYSTONE COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNTT DEVELOPMENT&PRELIlVIINARY PLAT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CrrY oF Rosn�otnv�r ) Susan M. Wa1sh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qu�ed Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On June 21, 1995, acting on behalf of the said Ciry, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing for consideration of an amendment to the Eastbridge Planned Unit Development, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons fisted on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the pla.ce of mailing and the places so addressed. �.�r.� S M. alsh City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this � of , 1995. . , �_�— ������� Notary Public na�coTa courrrir � �r co�.�.s,�.a�,�ova� . . . � Printed on recYcled paper . con(ainin.430?'� posFconwmer malerials.