HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of June 20, 1995 Regular and Special City Council Meetings f�- � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, June 20, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers at City Ha11, 2875 - 145th Street West. Ma.yor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Busho, Staats, and Wippermann present. Staff present included City Administrator Burt, Public Works Director Osmundson, Community Development Director Wasmund, Parks and Recreation Director Topitzhofer, Senior Planner Ma.ck, Assistant Planner Pea.rson, and City Attorney LeFevere. Ma.yor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The consent agenda was amended by adding McAndrews speed limit under new business and pulling item 4.G. "No Parking" on 130tk Street for discussion under new business. Public Works Director Osmundson explained that because of a number of complaints on the disrepair of sidewalks in the older part of Rosemount, funds have been encumbered for a repair project this year. Staff has identified the areas to be repa.ired and has estimated that the project will cost approxirriately $20,000. Requests for contractor quotations will be sent out. Osmundson requested that council consider the fact that some of these sidewalks will be replaced during the Cameo Avenue reconstruction project ne�rt year and advised that it may not make sense to repair those sidewalks this year. Sta.�ff assured the city council that the Cameo Avenue project was a number one priority in the 1996 budget and should take place. Council directed staff to repair the Cameo Avenue sidewalks in-house with asphalt patching and replace the other sidewalk panels identified as needing repair. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the consent agenda with the removal of item 4.G. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: Anderson,Wippermann,McMenomy, Staats,Busho. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed staff correspondence regarding the 30-lot Shannon Meadows Concept PUDlPreliminary Plat. Councilmembers discussed the need to study whether a sma11 easement can be obtained for a trail between some of the lots to Hawkins Pond. Staff advised that the Pazks and Recreation Committee will be asked to study this issue for recommendations. Also discussed was whether the detention pond designated on the grading plan is sufficient to support flooding concerns regarding ma.intenance of Block 3, Lot 3 with its panhandle design, and whether the PUD will regulate fences on the double fronted lots. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the concept for Shannon Meadows Residential Planned Unit Development subject to: 1) relocation of utilities and approval of grading and utility plans by the City Engineer, 2) granting approval of the minor variances to lot dimensional standards in accordance with fin�ings established in Section 12.2D of the City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance; 3) conformance with the City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance requirements for final development plan review for Planned Unit Development per Section 12.2; and 4) conformance with the City of Rosemount Subdivision requirements for preliminary and final plat. , _� ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 1995 Mayor McMenomy called for a three minute recess. Meeting reconvened at 8:01 p.m. Mayor McMenomy opened the Public Hearing for the Eastbridge PUD Amendment Request. The recording secretary advised that the affidavits of posted and mailed notice were on file. Senior Planner Mack provided an overview of CMC's request to amend the Eastbridge PUD condition requiring execution of an agreement with CP Rail to relocate their spur line to Greif Brothers. Because most of the other conditions listed in the PUD have been met, this amendment would allow CMC to proceed with final platting of their project. Mack explained that the majority of the Planning Cornmission felt that this agreement is critical to the overall PUD project design and therefore the amendment should be denied. Staff also recommended retaining the condition as a means of ensuring that the spur line relocation issue will be resolved. Staxements were heard from the following audience members: Harry Willcox, 14674 Danville Avenue W., requested clarification regarding the size and zoning classification of Outlot E on the preliminary plat and voiced concern that the city should not get in the middle of the conflict between CMC and the Soo Line Railroad. Renee Stevenson, 14600 Cameo Avenue, questioned whether the spur line would be relocated at CMC's expense or with city assistance, specifically TIF assistance. Glen Sexton, Director of Construction for CMC, presented arguments for the approval of the PUD amendment. Larry Adelson, General Counsel for CMC, explained CMC's relationship with the Soo Line. John Lamaureaux, Project Manager for CMC, explained that CMC has completed a preliminary report analyzing the noise levels near the spur line at Greif Brothers. Mr. Lamoureaux advised that the noise levels � are well below MPCA standards. Mr. Lamoureaux also showed pictures of other developments near ra.ilroad tracks. Arlyn Cope, 14700 South Robert Trail, commented on the train traffic and noise levels behind hisbusiness. Rich Stauder, Assistant Piant Manager for Greif Brothers, refuted rumors that Greif Brothers has not been cooperative. Ge�a1d Mattson, 15335 Danbury Avenue, stated that the aty should put business interests first and should consider the needs of Crreif Brothers. Marie Jensen, 14325 Cameo Avenue (representing SOS Machine Company, Inc.), expressed the company's concern on the impact the development could have on Greif Brothers. 2 .7 � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDING5 REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 1995 ' Reid Hansen, 12490 Canada Court (legal counsel representing CMC) reviewed conditions set out for the PUD and presented arguments for approving the PUD amendment. MOTION by McMenomy to close the Public Hearing. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: McMenomy, 5taa.ts,Busho, Anderson,Wippermann. Nays: 0. Mayor McMenomy called for a three minute recess. The meeting reconvened at 9:14 p.m. After council discussion, a majority concurred that approval of the final plat needs to be contingent upon an agreement in place that the railroad spur be relocated. MOTION by Anderson directing the City Attorney to prepare findings of fact consistent with denial of the request to amend the Eastbridge PUD Final Development Plan approval condition requiring execution of an agreement with the CP Rail providing for the relocation of the railroad spur. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: Busho, Anderson,Wippermann. Nays: Staats,McMenomy. Public Works Director Osmundson informed the cauncil that streets in the Motz Addition have begun alligator cracking and are in need of a structural overlay, which would be in lieu of sealcoating or total reconstruction. The estimated cost of the project is approximately $25,000 to $30,000. Osmundson recommended that the improvements be done, but requested that council direct staff on how to pay for the project. It was explained that the Assessment Policy stipulates that 75 percent of the cost of such a project should be assessed to the residents in the area of the project. After discussion, council concurred that 75 percent was too high and after reviewing other cities' policies regarding assessments, agreed that 35 percent was a more realistic figure. Staff was directed to figure an appropriate maximum amount of assessment and make a recommendation at the ne�meeting. Osmundson advised that staffwould also present the feasibility report, plans and specs, and a recommendation to set the public hearing for July 18, at the ne�rt meeting. Parks and Recreation Director Topitzhofer advised that the Rosemount Historical Preservation is requesting approval to relocate the old Baptist church to the northeast portion of Schwarz Park and lease the land that it sits on from the city. Once relocated the church will be refurbished and used as a chapel, historical information center, and will display historical relics. Topitzhofer explained that the historical society is expecting to raise funds for the project but would like some city staff assistance, i.e. technical support. Council favored the project but voiced concerns regarding the amount of staff time used for the project, assurance that safeguards will be built into the lease agreement to address maintenance responsibility of the facility, and the timing of sewer and water to the building. Staff was directed to work with legal counsel and the Rosemount Historical Preservation on a lease agreement and present it to the Parks and Recreation Committee. ., Councilmember Wippermann advised that he has been contacted by McAndrews Road residents regarding the recent speed limit change from 50 m.p.h. to 55 m.p.h. and explained that they are dissastisfied with the change. Wippermann questioned staff on what recourse the city has to ask the county to revert back to the old speed limit. Staff advised that the county has done speed studies which justified the speed limit change. When staff inquired about changing back to the 3 j � fw ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 1995 original speed limit, county staff was not open to the suggestion. City Administrator Burt recommended that a letter from the mayor be sent to Commissioner Loeding requesting that the speed limit be changed. Council agreed that the letter should request that the speed limit be reduced to 45 m.p.h. Councilmember Staats requested that "No Parking" signs be posted on the west side of Bolivia Avenue, 150 feet north of 130th Street along with the other signs on 130th Street. MOTION by Anderson to adopt an amended resolution directing placement of"No Parking" signs along 130th Street between Trunk Highway 3 and Bolivia Avenue and the west side of Bolivia Avenue 150 feet north of 130th Street. SECOND by Staa.ts. Ayes: Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0. MOTION by Busho to adjourn. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 10:28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary Y fl 4 ♦ ' ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 20, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, June 20, 1995, at 6:00 p.m. in the council chambers at city hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Bushq Staats, and Wippermann present. Staff present included City Administrator Burt. The purpose of the meeting was to hold interviews for the port authority commissioner vacancy left open by the resignation of JeffMoser. City Council interviewed the following applicants: Ken Ingram, Alvin Meyer, Robert Thompson, and Jeff Casper. MOTION by Anderson to offer the position of Port Authority Commissioner to Jeff Caspar. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION by Busho to adjourn. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Burt City Administrator � ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNC�PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING JLTNE 20, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, June 20, 1995, at 6:00 p.m. in the council chambers at city ha11, 2875 - 145th Street West. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Busho, Staats, and Wipperrnann present. Staff present included City Administrator Burt. The purpose of the meeting was to hold interviews for the port authority commissioner vacancy left open by the resignation of JeffMoser. City Council interviewed the following applicants: Ken Ingram, Alvin Meyer;Robert Thornpson, and Jeff Casper. MOTION by Anderson to offer the position of Port Authority Commissioner to Jeff Caspar. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION by Busho to adjourn: SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes:, 5. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Burt City Admirustrator _;, {