HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda � > —� �• t �, i ..�: �.,�a �, ., .� _ r. � ;,� .,€ ��x � � �s.�.., ,'" 7��7 ����1 �'c�.i�..�CO�C��.rV�" ��7 �� � � DECII�ER 5, 1995 C�,,,�I L�5 t i � '�E'_-- �.�:�o S 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order/Pled e of Alle ' ce ������� g � 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Council, Staff, Audience 3. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTSBUSINESS a. Appointment Process for Councilmember Vacancy b. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of November 21, 1995 Regular City Council Meeting b. Minutes of Special Meeting November 29, 1995 City Council c. Approval of Bills Listi.ng d. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits for 1995 e. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits for 1996 f. Tree City USA Recertification — 9� g_ Gambling Premises License Renewai for VFW � q j h. 1996 CDBG Fund Allocation Resolution �qa Resolutions Setting 1996 Levies and Budgets —' 93 j. Payment #2, Diamond Path Trunk Watermain, Project 267 ��'%� k. Payment #6, Biscayne Avenue Impravements, Project 249 1. Renewal of Liquor Licenses for 1996 m. Authorize Hiring Process for Engineering Aide n. Authorize Hiring Process for Public Works Maintenance Employee o. Set Public Hearing for Lance 7ohnson Mining Permit for December 19, 1995 p. Set Public Hearing for Marley Danner Mining Pemut for December 19, 1995 q• 8:00 P.M. PUBLIC I3EARINGS _ t,��,�e� 5. PUBLIC HEARING - Fastbridge Townhomes Planned Unit Development - Final Development Plan, Preliminary Plat and Rezoning a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action � I�1 q�qS 6. PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendment a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action -j�, I�l9`�5 7. OLD BUSINESS -- ��'a. Chippendale Partners Mixed Use Planned Unit Development Concept b. Livable Communities Act c. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment: Increased Setbacks Along Major Streets, Highways, and Railroads d> �hinr� -t- �u�c�i�t��trm �ise,us�ior> �> �rire �-1a-�i�or� PRoP@��/ 8.. NE�BUSINESS a. MPCA/Koch Refinmg Task Force Appointment �- Kcw;n Carro[I b. c. 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS 10. AD70URNMENT