HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Chippendale Partners Mixed Use Planned Unit Development Concept , ' City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Ci Councii Meetin Date: December 5,, 1995 Agenda Item: Chippendale Partners Mixed Use Planned Agenda Section: Unit Development: Concept Review OLD BUSINESS Prepared By: Rick Pearson Agenda No: Assistant Planner ITEIYI � 7 A Attachments: Revised Concept Approved By: �� _ -SEE ATTACHED MEMO- Recommended Action: If the City Council finds that the concept for the mi�ced use planned unit development provides the gradient of land uses as specified in the Comprehensive Guide Plan then concept approval should be granted with the following conditions: 1. The quantiry and arrangement of concept designated commercial uses is supported by a mazket study that establishes market absorption capabilities. 2. Access to the interior of the development will only occur via e�cisting cross streets per the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Existing cross streets include Claret Avenue,December Trail and 151st Street West. Access from CSAH 42 will be allowed in accordance with the approval of the Dakota County Platting Commission. 3. A traffic study must be completed that provides recommendations for access and circulation design elements that support access and circulation to be reviewed with the final development plan sequence of the planned unit development process. 4. Commercial development consistent with current minimum ordinance standards is considered to be incompatible with existing adjacent residential land uses,including residential land uses across from public rights-of-way. Therefore,enhanced design techniques shall be required to mitigate the incompatibility. Such design techniques shall include,but not be limited to: A. Increased setbacks for buildings,pazking lots and driveways;pedestrian amenities;landscaping; berming;building layout and circulation plans;hours of operation;limitations of uses that generate excessive amounts of traffic,noise,light,or other objectional impacts. B. Enhanced architectural standards which,at a minimuxn,conform with Section 7.2 A-(2) Commercial Districts and 7.2 A-(5)(a and c)of the Single Family Dwelling Requirements of Ordinance B,the Zoning Ordinance for the north,west and southern perimeter of the Commercial District adjacent to Shannon Parkway; C. All driveways and parking lots in front yards adjacent to right-of-way or residential districts shall be screened from view with landscaping and berming and/or landscaping and grade separation; D. A sign plan that meets current standards and also screens signage from residential districts must be prepared as part of the final development plan; E. A lighting plan must be prepared that shows lighting arranged to deflect the light away from Residential Districts and public streets and limit light intensity at the perimeter of the Commercial District. 5. The pla.nned unit development must conform with requirements set forth in Section 12.2 of the Zoning Ordinance for fmal development plan review and platting requirements as specified by the Subdivision Ordinance. 6. Townhome densities shall be limited to a maximum of six dwelling units per acre. Final PUD plan approval shall not be given until the developer has provided building layout and related site design details. Such design sha11 provide adequate setback and design considerations to provide a gradient transition between the sin le famil detached and sin le famil attached land uses. Council Action: 11-21-95.001 :� � � � CITY OF ROSEMOU NT � za�s-`;��t""`��W�t P.O.Box 510 �'' Everything's Coming Up Rosemounr.►! Rosemo��c,nnrv '; 550b8-O510 Phone:612-423-4411 fax:612-423-5203 TO: Mayor McMenomy, Council Members Anderson, Busho, Staats, Wippermann FROM: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner DATE: December 1, 1995 SUBJ: Chippendale Partners Concept Review for a Mixed Use Planned Unit Development ATTAC�IMENTS: Revised Concept On November'7, 1995, the City Council tabled action regarding the concept proposed by the Chippendale Partners for a mixed use planned unit development south of CSAH 42, between Chippendale Avenue and Shannon Parkway. Residents from surrounding neighborhoods attended both the Council conducted public hearing as well as an informal informational hearing conducted by the Planning Commission. Concerns and issues identified on these occasions as well as three subsequent neighborhood meetings have resulted in a modified concept prepared by the Developer that responds to some of the issues. A common complaint heard at the meetings was the expectation that development would be limited to residential on the McNamara property. The mixed use planned unit development language that guides future development had been explained to several prospective buyers as well as realtors by the Planning Staff over the course of several years. However, discussion in the abstract results in many different interpretations in the absence of a plan, conceptual or otherwise. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ISSUES: The following represents the primary concerns identified by the groups of neighboring residents regarding the concept proposal in the O'Leary's Hills additions adjacent to the south: * The quality of townhouses that would be developed adjacent to the O'Leary's Hills additions and the concern over low-income or subsidized housing. The townhouses should be regulated with a homeowner's association and be owner occupied. * The need for a park to serve the northeastern portion of the O'Leary's Hills additions, higher densities of the proposed townhouses with the added ability to further screen the existing housing. The paxk should not include ball fields or paxking lots. * The service station on block six should be relocated elsewhere and there should bee no commercial south of 151st Street. * Claret Avenue should be terniinated with a cul-de-sac and not provide through connections to CSAH 42 or the commercial uses. � * The "big box" should be eliminated or moved farther north away from the single family housing. Furthermore, doubts were expressed that current and future market conditions would support so much commercial development, let alone the "big box" concept. The suggestion was made that the land east of STH 3 should be developed for commercial use. Printed on recYtled Paper . � � � containing30% . . . post-conwmer marenals. Chippendale/42 Partnership - Miaed Use Concept PUD � December 5, 1995 ' Page Two The Carrallton addition neighborhood north of CSAH 42 and the Wensmann Sixth Addition neighborhood west of Shannon Parkway had many similar concerns that are combined as follows: * The northwest corner should not be developed for commercial use. Housing should be developed across from both CSAH 42 and Shannon Parkway on the western half of the property. * The ondy non-residential use appropriate for the northwest corner would be day care or recreational. * Lighting, noise, litter and increased traffic will tower property values in both neighborhoods and will be especially deirimental to the Wensmann townhouses that have large picture windows and sliding glass doors directly across from the proposed drug store. * Turn-over at Rosemount Market Square was cited as an example of the lack o,f demand for commercial uses. * Commercial development should be started on the east side near the bank only with fuiure phases expanding westwarc� A large "gap"will result from commercial development starting on the west side. * The City should require a higher standard of aesthetics and architecture for commercial development especially in this location: The development should be integrated with a strong central theme. * The commercial development should be pedestrian orientated and focus on specialty shops and boutiques, examples include Wayzata, Stillwater and the SOth and France area of Edina. * Extensive landscaping should be required to screen the residential uses from the commercial development with particular atten�ion given to parking Zots. * No businesses with 24 hour or late night hours should be located near or within view of the residential areas. * The "balance"of uses is much too heavily weighted towards commercial. Insuffrcient residential development will not provide the needed buffering or transition to the residential neighborhoods. * Signage must be carefully controlled to eliminate intrusive effects on residential areas. * The number and quality of townhouses is in question and the possibility that they will eventually become rental housing. * The types of jobs created by retail and"strip commercial"style development are not the kind of "head of household"jobs that the community needs. * Increases of traffic on Shannon Parkway resulting from the commercial development will have a detrimental effect on the Wensmann tawnhouses. Some of these questions were of a general nature and City Staff had the opportunity to respond with answers and explanations to process issues. However, many of the concerns are very real and should be integrated into design solutions as well as the larger question of appropriate land use locations and relationships. CONCEPT REVISION: The revised concept focuses discussion on land use as well as general access ' and circulation issues that will integrate the development with the City's transportation system. Building "footprints" have been removed with only the drug store and day caxe as specific uses. Auto and Food - Service, Commercial and Retail are general enough that the same basic development standards would be applied to all of them. CIItCULATION: Three access points remain at CSAH 42 consistent with current Dakota County Standards of eighth mile spacing for right-in, right-out and quarter mile spacing for full movement intersections. The east-west circulation is maintained with a 151st Street alignment that connects December Trail on the West to 151 st Street on the east side. Claret Avenue provides egress from the O'Leary's Hills area to 151st Street West with an off-set to the full access street connecting to CSAH 42. The of�set will have to be increased to meet minimum City standards. _ � " Chippendale/42 Partnership - Miged Use Concept PUD December 5, 1995 Page Three BLOCK ARRANGEMENT: The most significant change to the concept is the "big box° configuration that was recommended by the Planning Commission. Relocated 151st Street now separates the retail uses from residential and is about 100 feet further north. The area large enough for a stand alone retail use is split by the central north-south street connection to CSAH 42. This street could be vacated if a large enough use were to be established that requires both Retail parcels. The City Engineer is concerned that the presumably private streets that separate the Retail blocks from the Food Service and Auto service blocks are too close to CSAH 42 with a resulting traffic conflict occurring with insufficient vehicle stacking space. Ultimately, the situation causes vehicles to be backed up to the CSAH 42 intersections with traffic blockage a result. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD-MU PLANNED MIXED USE: The Comprehensive Guide Plan acknowledges the 77 acre McNamara property as sensitive because of previous expectations of residential development and close proximity to existing residentialland uses. Planned Unit Development is ca.11ed for so that the area shall be planned as a unit that provides a gradient of land use from higher to lower density. Commercial development is intended to be allowed in sufficient quantity to allow for demonstrated market demand that provides opportunities for commercial uses that complement and extend the downtown but do not replicate the downtown or inhibit full development or redevelopment of the downtown central business district. The PUD process presents an opportunity to create an entry way design element that suggests a "gateway" into the Rosemount commercial districts. The most effective way of creating a "gradient of land use from higher to lower density" is to arrange the land uses in a sequence or order that descends from high to low impact. Commercial to of�ice to multiple housing to attached housing to detached housing is an example a gradient. Concept approval gives the City Council the authority to approve the arrangement of proposed land uses on the site. Once the land uses are arranged to the satisfaction of the City Council, then design techniques can be used to enhance the quality of the development and mitigate negative impacts. The neighborhoods do not consider CSAH 42 and Shannon Parkway to be barriers that protect the integrity of their neighborhoods from the impacts of potential commercial uses that depend on highways and streets for patronage access. Design can mitigate but can not eliminate the impact of traffic increases related to development. Given the e�sting and projected traffic volumes on CSAH 42 and Shannon Parkway, the developers of the Carrollton and Wensmann projects had some responsibility to internally buffer their developments from the busy streets and highways. The PD-Mixed Use section of the Comprehensive Guide Plan indicates the use of existing cross street alignments for traffic management and to eliminate the possibility of access points across from residential districts on local and collector streets. Such access points encourage trai�c movement that impact the residential neighborhoods that could not have been anticipated by the residential developers. Chippendale/42 Partnership - Miaed Use Concept PUD � .� December 5, 1995 � Page Four CONCLUSION: If the City Council finds that the concept for the mixed use planned unit development provides the gradient of land uses as specified in the Comprehensive Guide Plan then concept approval should be granted with the following conditions: 1. The quantity and arrangement of concept designated commercial uses is supported by a market study that establishes market absorption capabilities. 2. Access to the interior of the development will only occur via exisfing cross streets per the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Existing cross streets include Claret Avenue, December Trail and 151 st Street West. Access from CSAH 42 will be allowed in accordance with the approval of the Dakota County Platting Commission. 3. A traffic study must be completed that provides recommendations for access and circulation design elements that support access and circulation to be reviewed with the final development plan sequence of the planned unit development process. 4. Commercial development consistent with current minimum ordinance standards is considered to be incompatible with e�sting adjacent residential land uses, including residential land uses across from public rights-of-way. Therefore, enhanced design techniques shall be required to mitigate the incompatibility. Such design techniques sha11 include, but not be limited to: A. Increased setbacks for buildings, parking lots and driveways; pedestrian amenities; landscaping; berming; building layout and circulation plans; hours of operation; limitations of uses that generate excessive amounts of traffic, noise, light, or other abjectional impacts. B. Enhanced architectural standards which, at a minimum, conform with Section 7.2 A-(2) Commercial Districts and 7.2 A-(5) (a and c) ofthe Single Family Dwelling Requirements of Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance for the north, west and southern perimeter of the Commercial District adjacent to Shannon Parkway; C. All driveways and parking lots in front yards adjacent to right-of-way or residential districts shall be screened from view with landscaping and berming and/or landscaping and grade separation; D. A sign plan that meets current standards and also screens signage from residential districts must be prepared as part of the final development plan; E. A lighting plan must be prepared that shows lighting arranged to deflect the light away from Residential Districts and public streets and limit light intensity at the perimeter of the Commercial District. 5. The planned unit development must conform with requirements set forth in Section 12.2 of the Zoning Ordinance for final development plan review and platting requirements as specified by the Subdivision Ordinance. 6. Townhome densities shall be limited to a maximum of six dwelling units per acre. Final PUD plan approval shall not be given until the developer has provided building layout and related site design details. Such design shall provide adequate setback and design considerations to provide a gradient transition between the single family detached and single family attached land uses. � ' � • � . . • • � g . 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"'t�'��.Ti�.���•►�• �♦s•i� , ��-� � �i��'����...�.�rr�r m �.�r:a .�tu iN`-��z W o J.irr� rv�n.iln�� � o o L! ! � u n,o J ��iw e/, -� �-��w �/t , z�� � - D , I� " � c�l)N `J�: �i Tt�JY;7�J a'11�1� b�! � ��_--- � � �_______- .__•-_--_. _- __-..-.._.._�...__._._._.-- � N CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, 112INNESOTA RFSOLUTION 1995- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONCEPT FOR CHII'PENDALE PARTNFiRS MIXED USE PL�STNED IJNIT DEVELOPMENT AND SETTING OUT Tf� CONDITIONS FOR A FINAL DEVELOPNIENT PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has received a concept fvr a mixed use planned unit development for the following legally described property: North 1/2 of the Northeast quarter of Section 31, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota. �V:EIEREAS, on September 26, 1995 the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount recommended approval of the concept for Chippendale Partners Mixed Use Planned Unit Development subject to conditions; and WHEREA5, on November 7, 1995 the City Council held a public hearing to heaz testimony regarding the Concept for the Chippendale Partners mixed use planned unit development, in accordance with the City Zoni.ng Ordinance and State Statutes. NOW, 'TFiEFFFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves to Concept for the Chippendale Partners mixed use planned unit development subject to: 1) The quantity and arrangement of concept designated commercial uses is supported by a market study that esta.blishes market absorption capabilities. 2) Access to the interior of the development will only occur via e�cisting cross streets per the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Existing cross streets include Claret Avenue, December Trail and 151st Street West. Access from CSAH 42 will be allowed in accordance with the approval of the Dakota County Platting Commission. 3) A traffic study must be completed that provides recommendations for access and circulation design elements that support access and circularion to be reviewed with the fmal development plan sequence of the planned unit development process. 4) Commercial development consistent with current minimum ordinance standards is considered to be incompatible with existing adjacent residential land uses inclnding residential land uses across public rights-of-way. Therefore, enhanced design techniques shall be required to mitigate the incompatibility. Such design techniques shall include but not be limited to: A. Increased setbacks for buildings, parking lots and driveways; pedestrian amenities; landscaping; berming; building layout and circulation plans; hours of operation; limitations of uses that generate excessive amounts of traffic, noise, light or other objectionable impacts. B. Enhanced architectural standards which at a minimum conform with Section 7.2 A 2 Commercial Districts and 7.2 A 5 a and c, the Single Family Dwelling Requiremen�s of Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance for the north, west and southern peri.meter of the Commercial district adjacent to Shannon Parkway; C. All driveways and parking lots in front yards adjacent to right-of-way or residential districts shall be screened from view with landscaping aad bermi.ng and/or landscaping and grade separation; D. A sign plan that meets current standards and also screens signage from residential districts must be prepared as part of the final development plan; E. A lighting plan must be prepared that shows lighting ananged to deflect the light away from Residential districts and public streets and limit light intensity at the perimeter of the Commercial district; 5) The planned unit development must conform with requirements set forth in section 12.2 of the Zoning Ordinance for final development plan review and platting requirements as specified by the subdivision ordinance. 6) Townhome densities shall be limited to a maximum of six dwelling uaits per acre. Final PUD plan approval shall not be given until the developer has provided building layout and related site design details. Such design shall provide adequate setback and design considerations to provide a gradient transition between the single family detached and single family attached land uses. . ADOPTED this Sth da.y of December, 1995. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTFST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: , . + ` C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T Z875 C145tH5�t eet West P.O.Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemo��c,Mrv ' ' S50b8-0510 Phone:bt2-423-4411 Fax:612-423•SZ03 TO: Mayor McMenomy, Council Members Anderson, Busho, Staa.ts, Wippermann FROM: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner DATE: December l, 1995 SUBJ: Chippendale Partners Concept Review for a Mixed Use Planned Unit Development ATTAC�IlVIENTS: Revised Concept On November 7, 1995, the City Council tabled action regarding the concept proposed by the Chippendale Partners for a mixed use planned unit development south of CSAH 42, between Chippendale Avenue and Shannon Parkway. Residents from sunounding neighborhoods attended both the Council conducted public hearing as well as an informal informational hearing conducted by the Planning Commission. Concerns and issues identified on these occasions as well as three subsequent neighborhood meetings have resulted in a modified concept prepared by the Developer that responds to some of the issues. A common complaint heard at the meetings was the expectation that development would be limited to residential on the McNamara property. The mixed use planned unit development language that guides future development had been explained to several prospective buyers as well as realtors by the Planning Staff over the course of several years. However, discussion in the abstract results in many different interpretations in the absence of a plan, conceptual or otherwise. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ISSiTES: The following represents the primary concerns identified by the groups of neighboring residents regarding the concept proposal in the O'Leary's Hills additions adjacent to the south: * The quality of townhouses that would be developed adjacent to the OZeary's Hills additions and the concern over low-income or subsidized housing. The townhouses should be regulated with a homeowner's association and be owner occupied. * The need for a park to serve the northeastern portion of the O'Leary's Hills additions, higher densities of the proposed townhouses with the added ability to further screen the existing housing. The park should not include ball fields or parking lots. * The service station on block six should be relocated elsewhere and there should bee no commercial south of 151 st Street. * Claret Avenue should be terminated with a cul-de-sac and not provide through connections to CSAH 42 or the commercial uses. � * The "big box" should be eliminated or moved farther north away from the single family housing. Furthermore, doubts were expressed that current and future market conditions would support so much commercial development, let alone the "big box° concept. The suggestion was made that the land east of STH 3 should be developed for commercial use. Pnnfed on mcycled paper . � � � . � � � � � m taining30% post conwmer matenals. Chippendale/42 Partnership - Miged Use Concept PUD � December 5, 1995 +- . Page Two The Carrollton addition neighborhood north of CSAH 42 and the Wensmann Sixth Addition neighborhood west of Shannon Parkway had many similar concerns that are combined as follows: * The northwest corner should not be developed for commercial use. Housing should be developed across from both CSAH 42 and Shannon Parkway on the western half of the property. * The only non-residential use appropriate for the northwest corner would be day care or recreational. * Lighting, noise, litter and increased traffic will lower property values in both neighborhoods and will be especiatly detrimental to the Wensmann townhouses that have large picture windows and sliding glass doors directly across from the proposed drug store. * Turn-over at Rosemount Market Square was cited as an example of the lack of demand for commercial uses. * Commercial development should be started on the east side near the bank only with,future phases expanding westward. A large "gap"will result from commercial development starting on the west side. * The City should require a higher standard of aesthetics and architecture for commercial development especially in this location. The developmentshould be integrated with a strong central theme. * The commercial development should be pedestrian orientated and focus on specialty shops and boutiques, examples include Wayzata, Stillwater and the SOth and France area of Edina. * Extensrve landscaping should be required to screen the residential uses from the commercial development with particular attention given to parking Zots. * No businesses with 24 hour or late night hours should be located near or within view of the residential areas. * The "balance"of uses is much too heavily weighted towards commercial. Insufficient residential development will not provide the needed buffering or transition to the residential neighborhoods. * Signage must be carefully controlled to eliminate intrusive effects on residential areas. * The mrmber and quality of townhouses is in question and the possibility that they wild eventually become rental housing. * The types of jobs created by retail and"sirip commercial"style development are not the kind of "head of household"jobs that the communiiy needs. * Increases of traffic on Shannon Parkway resulting.from the commercial development will have a detrimental effect on the Wensmann townhouses. Some of these questions were of a general nature and City Staff had the opportunity to respond with answers and explanations to process issues. However, many of the concerns are very real and should be integrated into design solutions as well as the larger question of appropriate land use locations and relationships. CONCEPT REVI5ION: The revised concept focuses discussion on land use as well as general access and circulation issues that will integrate the development with the City's transportation system. Building "footprints" have been removed with only the drug store and day care as specific uses. Auto and Food Service, Commercial and Retail axe general enough that the same basic development standards would be applied to all of them. CIRCULATION: Three access points remain at CSAH 42 consistent with current Dakota County Standards of eighth mile spacing for right-in, right-out and quarter mile spacing for full movement intersections. The east-west circulation is maintained with a 151 st Street alignment that connects December Trail on the West to 151 st Street on the east side. Claret Avenue provides egress from the O'Leary`s Hills axea to 151st Street West with an off-set to the full access street cannecting to CSAH 42. The off-set will have to be increased to meet minimum City standaxds. ' Chippendale/42 Partnership - Mixed Use Concept PUD ` � , December 5, 1995 Page Three BLOCK ARRANGEMENT: The most significant change to the concept is the "big box° configuration that was recommended by the Planning Commission. Relocated 151 st Street now separates the retail uses from residential and is about 100 feet further north. The area large enough for a stand alone retail use is split by the central north-south street connection to CSAH 42. This street could be vacated if a large enough use were to be established that requires both Retail parcels. The City Engineer is concerned that the presumably private streets that separate the Retail blocks from the Food Service and Auto service blocks are too close to CSAH 42 with a resulting traffic conflict occurring with insufficient vehicle stacking space. LJltimately, the situation causes vehicles to be backed up to the CSAH 42 intersections with traffic blockage a result. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD-MU PLANNED M7XED USE: The Comprehensive Guide Plan acknowledges the 77 acre McNamara property as sensitive because of previous expectations of residential development and close proximity to existing residential land uses. Planned Unit Development is called for so that the area shall be planned as a unit that provides a gradient of land use from higher to lower density. _ Commercial development is intended to be allowed in sufficient quantity to allow for demonstrated market demand that provides opportunities for commercial uses that complement and extend the downtown but do not replicate the downtown or inhibit full development or redevelopment of the downtown central business district. The PUD process presents an opportunity to create an entry way design element that suggests a "gateway" into the Rosemount commercial districts. The most effective way of creating a "gradient of land use from higher to lower density" is to arrange the land uses in a sequence or order that descends from high to low impact. Commercial to office to multiple housing to attached housing to detached housing is an example a gradient. Concept approval gives the City Council the authority to approve the arrangement of proposed land uses on the site. Once the land uses are arranged to the satisfaction of the City Council, then design techniques can be used to enhance the quality of the development and mitigate negative impacts. The neighborhoods do not consider CSAH 42 and Shannon Parkway to be barriers that protect the integrity of their neighborhoods from the impacts of potential commercial uses that depend on highways and streets for patronage access. Design can mitigate but can not eliminate the impact of traffic increases related to development. Given the e�sting and projected traffic volumes on CSAH 42 and Shannon Parkway, the developers of the Carrollton and Wensmann projects had some responsibility to internally buffer their developments from the busy streets and highways. The PD-N1�ed Use section of the Comprehensive Guide Plan indicates the use of existing cross street alignments for traffic management and to eliminate the possibility of access points across from residential districts on local and collector streets. Such access points encourage traffic movement that impact the residential neighborhoods that could not have been anticipated by the residential developers. Chippendale/42 Partnership - Mized Use Concept PUD ` December 5, 1995 t- � Page Four CO1vCLUSION: If the City Council finds that the concept for the mixed use planned unit development provides the gradient of land uses as specified in the Comprehensive GuidePlan then concept approval should be granted with the following conditions: 1. The quantity and arrangement of concept designated commercial uses is supported by a market study that establishes market absorption capabilities. 2. Access to the interior of the development will only occur via existing cross streets per the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Existing cross streets include Claret Avenue, December Trail and 151 st Street West. Access from CSAH 42 will be allowed in accordance with the approval of the Dakota County Platting Commission. 3. A traffic study must be completed that provides recommendations for access and circulation design elements that support access and circulation to be reviewed with the final development plan sequence of the planned unit development process. 4. Commercial development consistent with current minimum ordinance standaxds is considered to be incompatible with existing adjacent residential land uses, including residential land uses across from public rights-of-way. Therefore, enhanced design techniques shall be required to mitigate the incompatibility. Such design techniques shall include, but not be limited to: A. Increased setbacks for buildings, parking lots and driveways; pedestrian amenities; landscaping; berming; building layout and circulation plans; hours of operation; limitations of uses that generate excessive amounts of traffic, noise, light, or other objectional impacts. B. Enhanced architectural standards which, at a minimum, conform with Section 7.2 A-(2) Commercial Districts and 7.2 A-(5) (a and c) of the Single Family Dwelling Requirements of Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance for the north, west and southern perimeter of the Commercial District adjacent to Shannon Parkway; C. All driveways and parking lots in front yaxds adjacent to right-of-way or residential districts shall be screened from view with landscaping and berming and/or landscaping and grade separation; D. A sign plan that meets current standaxds and also screens signage from residential districts must be prepared as part of the final development plan; E. A lighting plan must be prepaxed that shows lighting arranged to deflect the light away from Residential Districts and public streets and limit light intensity at the perimeter of the Commercial District. 5. The planned unit development must conform with requirements set forth in Section 12.2 of the Zoning Ordinance for final development plan review and platting requirements as specified by the Subdivision Ordinance. 6. Townhome densities shall be limited to a maximum of s�dwelling units per acre. Final PUD plan approval shall not be given until the developer has provided building layout and related site design details. Such design sha11 provide adequate setback and design considerations to provide a gradient transition between the single family detached and single family attached land uses. m ( _..__._ ------...j.----�-�--- � Nc�L.= -----�---- -------�'�- - a' a � ,�4 ,.«L c ��c.�tic��_..�;; �� , 1 __ � . ¢ ��g M�LE C o�u n t y R o o d �t�2 � r/� �'�-= a M �IC�HT T13� O`dl.Y RlG1-{T7'U�2N UILY --F- � �r-�-�r��.��_ "'�r—��'nir�t � r . �r���1 • •����� •�� � •��• •�_ . M � �.�.�� • • ��=��ss •�� . �• •��. � •.. s.rv .• • . ��•..�... . .e 1c� �[1 n cZ_ a cs,L�a��r��cP tc(�c��t�r.�o��3-c.�-'� �cs�c c c c�. D � •�'J 4" ��--���� "�i �� ���''" U\ �„// �rl�r� �•\ �\ � �• �� � � � �,,���j • n � r � a',� � 7 J r�'t1.� r_ �WL1.�M���...`._� p t#�'`\� 7'Su`�_'�Ce_-�� f � �*C� ,,,�;�\ ,.nc Q. J►��tl�Q"�i r`�, �`- _� -� /"tJ� �-----`_/_"`\-- 1 � h �� : �' �e� 1--�- -�'- � �-- D ' g- -_ .. ,_t� , '� � ; � ' �r: •., . 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E A TNER� . � l � � � R se` o�u .-M nneso, a � . . � � , . , . � • . z , , ' i. i -� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, 1�2QVNESOTA RESOLU'TION 1995- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONCEPT FOR CHIPPENDALE PARTNERS MI��D USE PLANNED TJNIT DEVELOPMENT AND SETTING OUT TI� CONDITIONS FOR A FINAL DEVELOPMII�IT PLAN WHEREAS, the Ciry of Rosemount has received a concept for a mixed use planned unit development for the following legally described property: North 1/2 of the Northeast quarter of Section 31, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, City of Rosemount, Dakota. County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on September 26, 1995 the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount recommended approval of the concept for Chippendale Partners Mixed Use Planned Unit Development subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on November 7, 1995 the City Council held a public hearing to hear testimony regarding the Concept for the Chippendale Partners mi�ced use planned unit development, in accordance with the City Zoni.ng Ordinance and State Sta.tutes. NOW, TI�_RF.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the Ciry of Rosemount hereby approves to Concept for the Chippendale Partners mi�ced use planned unit development subject to: 1) The quantity and arrangement of concept designated commercial uses is supported by a market study that establishes market absorption capabiliries. 2J Access to the interior of the development will only occur via e�usting cross streets per the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Existing cross streets include Claret Avenue, December Trail and 151st Street West. Access from CSAH 42 will be allowed in accordance with the approval of the Dakota County Platting Commission. 3) A traffic study must be completed that provides recommendations for access and circulation design elements that support access and circulation to be reviewed with the fmal development plan sequence of the planned unit development process. 4) Commercial development consistent with current minimum ordinance standards is considered to be incomparible with existing adjacent residential land uses including residentialland uses across public rights-of-way. Therefore, enhanced design techniques shall be required to mitigate the incompatibility. Such design techniques shall include but not be limited to: A. Increased setbacks for buildings, parking lots and driveways; pedestrian amenities; landscaping; berming; building layout and circulation plans; hours of operation; limitations of uses that generate excessive amounts of traffic, noise, light or other objectionable impacts. B. Enhanced architectural standards which at a minimum conform with Section 7.2 A 2 Commercial Districts and 7.2 A 5 a and c, the Single Family Dwelling Requirements of Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance for the north, _ _ __- __ ,. . ._ _ ___ __ _ _ . _:.,_, — ------_---------- ------------- -_--- ---_ _ . _ •-:--.-�-� , . r west and southern perimeter of the Commercial district adjacent to Shannon Parkway; C. All driveways and parking lots in front yards adjacent to right-of-way or residential districts shall be screened from view with landscaping and berming and/or landscaping and grade separation; D. A sign plan that meets current standards and also screens signage from residential districts must be prepared as part of the final development plan; E. A lighting plan must be prepared that shows lighting arranged to deflect the light away from Residential districts and public streets and limit light intensity at the perimeter of the Commercial district; 5) The planned unit development must conform with requirements set forth in section 12.2 of the Zoning Ordinance for final development plan review and platting requirements as specified by the subdivision ordinance. 6) Townhome densities shall be limited to a maximum of six dwelling units per acre. Fina1 PUD plan approval shall not be given until the developer has provided building la.yout and related site design details. Such design shall provide adequate setback and design considera.tions to provide a gradient transition between the single family detached and single family attached land uses. ADOPTED this Sth day of December, 1995. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTFST: Susan M. Wa1sh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: --�__��_�._-. ---- --__ _---- ___ _ __ . _,... . -- - - -_ ____ --- - - -- ----- -� --- -- --� v�i b°�� . �lills 5�� � � � � � �h��� ���ot�b � � � � � � � � �ori�� � � � � �� �of��'d`� �"� � � � �S th�pe�cen�� ��S . , �mtnercial use f aT e�G � �on � to e�s�i $ � �ded�ca� � � �t���Ose � o�la� , e p�rcen�`�' • use. s�tton 1� � resider�tial road IS'p° erc�aL aside for far saUth. T1�e . to�°m� . - too s�t�o� ��e�,�re�,il #,cur���or a sufficient� lnt ta The�ute of �51st stree ess P° . �a��not allow ��pr���sed'�ar,c 2. residefiCial� d(�laret� f a�,�or resid��tial roa t��ectlY t°malozc����, 3. The use a �f�,�f 151st street• ��at vviU con��c in�se�eral �bri���to� �evelap�'►ents �on bord�rs on a roa ���ox r� locat� ro�mY�'to �,s�d deliv.e�'�cks, �, The prol�°sed P�k' T��c1os�P i�;,sem rn�ercial• mercial vehicles, retailtco ��arg��°m in or��th��`rk su�h�� veYiicles� ldre�p�a'�ing �rcial � �vin�et h� cl:v ����; co � �t�x a saf � d to •Sting resid� d t of do�,t�ta�'� p�s h af a sight�����n�� in�bit the foll d�velap��n ,not,e��ug locat�on�'auld - � tkiis �si�crn from oun�of commercial in ��'icien��.rz� 'Th�� �o�n;fQr�s 5' .g�erc,ount. - a,oulc�not al �� n�������i���et�, .�ercial saut�i �� l�lst st�eet , 6, Pla�ing����netcial. ��d��fic s�.udY Frese , �ow�o'n pon studY k�t a�°� � m� , � �I_ no��� $uideli�es• . �, Therehas � �� � �� as sugg�ted Y � � � � � � . 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" � . . . ' . . .. . . . . . . � . .. � . .: ; Coneerns not�d b� the C�'Leary Hills 5th neighbarhoc�d ��s�� 1. The pereenta:ge of lan�. dedicated to commerciai use fax exceeds the per- centage of lar�d set asic�:e fQr residennal use: , ,� �, 2. �'he route of 151st street curves too far south. The roaa is pt�sitioned too. close to existing residential anci does nQt allow for a sufficient irans�tion to commercial. 3.. The.use of a minor resiclential rQad (Clare�} as a prc�posed acces�paint to - several retai� develt�pm�nts t�ff af 151st street. 4. The propc�sed par�3oc�tio� borders on a road that will connect,c�i.rectly t4 major retailfeorrirnereia:l. This close pro�mity to a major road brings to mind several conce�ns, suc�i as: • fast-rnc�ving vehicles and large cc�mmercial vehicles, i.e,, semi's and delive trucks park � � Present a s���y hazard to child�en playin� ir�oF near tt�e • no�enough of a�ight break between e�cisti.r.�g residential and com- ' merciai : . : 5. The amaunt c�f comm�.rcial in this lcjcation would inhibit the f-u11 develt�p= ment of dovvutown Ro�emount. > � � � � �i. Placing comrnercial sQuth af 151 st street would nQt allrnv for a suf�irient ' t�ansitian frorn town.hQmes to co�nmercial. 7. There has not been a mark�t absQrptian s�udy and a traffic study pre- ser�ted to �h.e council yet as suggested b�PD-h�U guidelines. � - ��� _ . � ���� t��z � /2����� � _ a � � � � rc� � � f� ,T�t�.C'''t'�i A p ... � � q � �� � � .. . . -� .�� �y.. � _ - .�. . � �(O ��"5�.� � �Z.n.J i �',�j 1.J - � � ��S��'� . ------�-----� --�---- - � � . . ' � -------__ - --_ . _------ -- ---- - ,� �ti. - � ,� ., __ _ . : _ � , __ �U�AC�C� ,' _ ---- i/t3 1J,�_G �. C��,: n t ./ r� o C �� ¢_ —�------Kt�,F:`,,,., �`S :�.�. ____._------ _ 2'a'r .:2`. :�.= . 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C��C►'4��to thc Ci'�Y�,3 uscs�n�lu P���h&bv�sibili�`I• w�t et�• FROM LpRKIN HOFFMAN 17TH FL 12.05. 1995 15:21 P. 3 LARKIN,I�OFFMAN,DALY&LINDORLN�LTD. Mayor E.B.McMenomy Rosemount City Council December 5, 1995 page 2 . The Conce t Plas� submitted bY the Partn�rsbip has been modified in a�n'u�n�tlPlan sa sfies the p address concarn5 raised by the Ctty Coun�l��llows��d residents. P City's critetia for Concept Plan approval ' gs usable o en space for passive and active r�creation use,including a"tot lat" as rec�uested by . Provid P residents. . e Plan eam lies with the specific intcnt af the Cit3''s Co�r►Prehe�sive Plan and Scoping Cem�itte� 'I'h P report for mixed use developra�nt. the Cit to develop a larger complement of eommercial r�tail uses,��n�festtues . The�'lan vv�ll allow Y �o r�ate rotect�ve des g additicnal high quality housing,to support future growth,with app p P ta minirnize impacts on surrounding r�sidential uses. in under a lanned unit development(PUD),the Partnership and then ity��h��ng • ay praceed g p be�nefli ciaries of a project that is mare creative aad provides a bettcr liv1ng,war S �p en�vir4nment for the City and rts residenta. ectfu�l ask�'or the City Council's support of the Partncrship's revise�Ce of he PartnersY�ip'sk 'We resp Y forwaYd to v�►ar�i�B eaoperativcly with the City�nd its residents on the next s g �pp3icat�On f�r the proposed Proje�t. ' erely, � Peter J� �oyl�,f LA�RYCIl�,HOFFMAN,DALY&LINDC�It�N,I�td. cc: Mike McNamara Attact�lr►ent Q168010,Q1 � . . FROM LARKIN H�FFMAN 17TH FL 1:_..05. 1995 15:21 P. 4 • � p IOlUl ' ' � r • sn �annon Par .kWa. 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