HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendment - City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Ci Council Meetin Date: December 5. 1995 Agenda Item: Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Text Agenda Section: Amendments PUBLIC HEARINGS Prepared By: Rick Pearson Agen� Assistant Planner �� # Attachments: Draft Ordinance Text Amendments Approved By: �;�//,�- This public hearing is required to amend the zoning and subdivision ordinances to shift public I!, hearings from the City Council to the Planning Commission meetings. Much discussion has occuned regarding this proposed change. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendments on November 14, 1995. Additional discussion occurred on November 28, 1995 in light of concerns identified by the City Council on November 21, and also during a workshop discussion that was held concerning the conducting of ineetings and public hearings. Of primary concern is the scheduling of Planning Commission meetings and anticipated public hearings. The Planning Commission acknowledges that accessibility to the public is vital to the hearing process and a majority of the Commission is in support of a new schedule for Planning Commission Meetings: 5:30 p.m. Optional Work session times for informal discussion items with no oi�icial actions or recommendations. 6:30 p.m. New starting time for regular meeting. 7:00 p.m. New starting time for scheduled public hearings. All Pla.nning Commission conducted public hearings will now be scheduled for 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible in response to the City Council's concern for consistency with regaxd to scheduled public heaxings. Another change will be the ability for required public hearings to be automatically set by City Staff ' 'n tin the Ci Council consent ine the rocess b elum a u on recei t of a lications. This will streaml p y $ tY P P pP item preparation that had been used previously that often resulted in delays. There are many good reasons to sometimes delay a project review, but in light of the "si�y day law", City Staff is forced to think of ways to eliminate delays wherever possible. Recommended Action: A MOTION to adopt a Zoning Ordinance Te�Amendment that will shift public hearings from the City Council to the Planning Commission for Planned Unit Developments and Ordinance Amendments; and -AND- A MOTION to adopt a Subdivision Ordinance amendment that will shift public hearings from the Ci Council to the Plannin Commission for Prelimin Plat. Council Action: 11-21-95.004 � ; _ .._ _., __ _-__----,� ',, ` �1R.f�'!' November 2, 1995 City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- (55) Art Ottn�r�vcE AMErtnnvG Oitn�tatvcE B CTTY OF ROSEI�tOUNT ZONIl�iG ORDINAI�ICE j2EG�RDII`TG CTTY COUNCII.AUTHORIZaTION FOR SPECIFIC FfJBLIC HEARIl`iGS TO BE HELD BY TSE PL�iI�iNING COMIYIISSION THE CiTY COUNCII.OF THE C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT,iI�IINNESOT�ORDAINS aS FOLLOWS: SEGTION I. Section 12Z PUD PRocEnu�: C. ronc�pt Review of Ordinunce B- City of Rosenwunt Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: � Conce�t Review �jpon rec�iR.t a complete application includin�sunnorting informatiorL the �i Administrator or the Citv 4dmuustrator's d - imee shall set a date for a nublic heann�for *�***�a� review of the PUD The a�plicant shall make a nresentanon of a nronosed PUD at a Rublic heann¢before the Planning Commission The Plannin�Commission shall recommend ��r-va1 revision reannlicatio� or denial of the Conce�t Plan. . , . , , I SECTION II. Section 12.2 PUD P1tocEnintE: E. Concent Plan Review-Public Fiearin�of Ordinance B- Ci1y of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: E Final Develonment Plan Review-The a�nlicant shall orevare a Final Develo�ment Plan for the � ��Qnosed develpgment and shall prepaze�a�}uc and wntten matenat as follows (20 cooiesl. �P�" � SECfION III. Section 12.2 PUD P�tocEDux�:H. Public Hearing of Ordinance B- City of �OSQmountZoning Ordinacnce is amended to read as follows: H Public Hearing-Final Develo�ment Plan/Rezonin�: Annlicant shall make a nresentation of the Final Develo�**�Pnt plan/Rezonings at a pubhc heanne conducted bv the Plarnun� � Commission The Citv Council shall consider the recommendation of the Planrun�CommissiQn and testimonv from the nublic hearing and either annrove or denv the nlan. e n an is , � �pvroved the City and the�vlicant w�enter into a develoument aQreement ureoazed bv the ('itc� Reauested chany in the Final Develo�ment Plan after annroval has been�ranted will � re�uire submis�;^^ rtf an amended,plan document a revised nlat(if annhcablel_ an amended ' develonment a�reement and a review process mcorporafang the nublic heann�uirements. ' '' e chan es are mir�or enough to be authonzed bv admuustrative directive. � , , SECTION IV. Section 16.2 Procedures: D• ��biic Heaning of Ordinance B- City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: j� Pubiic'T "T ,-^o^�**'Pn rn rhis Ordinance shai_i be considered Lmtil a_Fublic hearin�has + • ' ' Ala nin 0 m� l0II ri0 ' ' the Citv's o cial newsuaver a*1 a�*+Pn t101 days pnor to the heann�. �a�l O�D�['-Ji�aitcu u. �,,,o.,,;.,��P„� affe�--nr�g chang.,e_ ,n�orLn_g dist_n_cts sh�l reaure mailed no#���to each nronertv �,u��-���--� - ,,•_���within ree hundred fiflv feet(350' of the aiP�'+P� �rovertv owner. However_ zonin� S��".u,e� in the AQri.culhlre Asriculture Preserves and R n i r ma led notice to each nrovertv owner wrthui one fourth('/41 mile o the affected Fro��. The i � hall use its available records to determine the names an resses e wne F ��ue to �ive notice to individuai nropertv owners or defPcts Ln the not�ce shall not invalidate the r PedinEs nrovided a bona fide attempt was made to comolv vv�th t e e r vi i n�. . � . � ., � , � , . � � , ' V � . SEGTION V. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. " . goanally acted upon by the Council of the City of Rosemount this day of ___ . 1995. This Ordinance is effective from and after its publication date. C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B.McMenomy,Mayor _ ATTEST: Susan M.Walsh,City Clerk :,. Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 1995. o�a�s. e�� � � DRAF�' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. XVII.103 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE REGARDIIVG CITY COUNCII. AUTHORIZATION FOR SPECIFIC PUBLIC HEARINGS TO BE HELD BY TF� PLANNIlVG CONIMISSION TI-� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, 1�ffiVNESOTA ORDAII�tS AS FOLLOWS: SUBD.3.2 PRFi�NARY PLAT PROCEDURFS of Ordinance XVII.4 - City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance is ammended to read as follows: a. Application and Fee. The subdivider or owner shall file with the �e Ciry Clerk +P�twent 20 copies of the preliminary plat and such supplementary information as may be required and a cash fee . in the amount established by resolution. In addition, to the application and fee, the subdivider shall be required to prepay all planning, engineering and legal expenses incuned by the �''�a-C�for. the review of said request, based on an estimate. c. Public Hearing. The Planning Commission shall submit a recommendation to the � C�Council within sixty (60) days of receipt of the application. The��e �Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the Preliminary Plat after notice of the time and place thereof has been published once in the official newspaper at least ten (10) days before the day of the hearing. T'he �lag�-City Council shall act to approve or disapprove the preliminary plat. If disapproves, the reasons for disapproval shall be set forth in the Minutes of the Council. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Formally acted upon by the Council of the City of Rosemount this _ day of ,1995. This Ordinance is effective from and after its publication date. City of Rosemount � E.B.McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk ' Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 1995.