HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Authorize Hiring Process for Engineering Aide CITY OF ROSEMOUNT r EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 5, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Authorize Hiring of a Environmental AGENDA SECTION: Engineer Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA�n A � � ��� City Engineer/Public Works Director ���� ATTACHMENTS: 1992-1993 Memos, Engineering APPROVED BY: � Department Organizational Chart � ���. In the 1995 Storm Water Utility Budget there is again funding for an Environmental Engineer as there has been in the last three budget years. We have not yet filled that position, however we believe it is time to enhance our Staff with this key person. The Engineering Staff, as it exists today, has not been added to in the lasrt five years. An additional person whose main duties will be in the storm water area would greatly improve our ability to review plans and produce in-house plans. One area where we are currently deficient is in the area of checking grading plans in detail, especially in the area of assuring that lot grading plans match the overall grading for a development. Additionally, as the attached memos discuss in more detail, there has been more and more emphasis put on environmental issues by higher governmental bodies. Most of the enforcement of these laws lies with the local unit of government, such as the City. As you know, the City has been dealing with more and more surface water issues in the past two to three years. As we continue to grow the number of issues will continue to increase. The Surface Water Management Plan, which is currently being completed by Bonestroo, will help immensely. However, there will be a continuing number of issues that need to be discussed with residents. The Comprehensive Plan approval was contingent upon the City putting in place a Storm Water Management Ordinance which will be a first priority of this position. , Another area that this person will be dealing with will be the solid waste area. As you know, we are now going to be handling aH of the solid waste and recyoling issues in- house instead of paying Knutson Rubbish to complete. I do not believe this will take too much time, but it will require administration and dealing with the County on a continual basis. The request is to begin the hiring process for this position. It will not impact the ad valorem taxes in any way because it is totally paid for out of the Storm Water Utility Operating Budget. The plan is to have this person on board by February 1, 1996. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE POSTING AND ADVERTISEMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER POSITION. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 _ _ ____ _ ____. _________ ---__--- __... _- _ _ _ ._---�,,s i , i - MEMO TO: UTILITY COMMISSION FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, C1TY ENGINEER RON WASMUND, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 1993 RE: TASK LIST FOR STORM WATER UTtLtTY PERSON BUDGETED FOR 1994 At the present time the Engineering Department handles multiple issues for which the Storm Water Utility should be responsible. These issues range fram answering questions on ponding to reviewing house/lot grading in developments. In the past two years the State and Met Council have initiated programs and laws which require more and more time for storm water and related issues. The following is a list of tasks which a Storm Water Engineer/Technician could immediately perform. They are prioritized in what we consider to be the priority. 1. The Met Council, as part of their review for the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Flan, required that the City put into effect a Storm Water Management Ordinance immediately. This Storm Water Person could immediatefy begin the writing of this ordinance and work with the Planning Department to get it adopted. The Storm Water Ordinance would require that the Best Management Practices (BMP's) and the National Urban Run-off Program (NURP) Guidelines be adopted. When the City adopts the ordinance, it will require extensive time in enforcing this ordinance. 2. The Engineering Staff would be comp(imented and assisted in that this persan would review and recommend changes or additions to the Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan completed by Barr Engineering in 1989. This person would revisw problem areas.and suggest and design solutions to those problems. Two of these problem areas are on tonights agenda. We are aware of many more areas which wilf become issues in the near fu#ure. 3. A Storm Water Technician would review storm drain construction plans and assure that these plans fit in with the Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan and meet City policies. � 4. This Storm Water Person would review the construction grading plans for compliance. They would also inspect the grading construction to assure compliance with the Storm Water Ordinance. , . .. __�_-------______��_,� �______�__���.�, . . � ._ ' _ _."._.•..� f '.:.....'.�.. . .._ . � . .. . . . . ! Memo-Storm Water Person Task 5. The Storm Water Person wouid review house and lot grading plans and assist -- the Buiiding Inspection Department in inspection of those grading pians. 6. The Storm Water Person would work with the Pubiic Works Maintenance Department on writing a Maintenance Policy for our Storm Drainage Facilities and identifying problem areas and recommended solutions. 7. The Storm Water Person would answer homeowners complaints on any of the above grading, storm drain, or house/lot grading complaints. This person would have to work well with the public and offer solutions for the problems. 8. The State of Minnesota passed the Wetland Conservation Act in 1991. What this did is force cities to enhance their wetland conservation. In 1993 a Wetland Poticy and Inventory is suppose to be completed. This has not yet been completed and could be accomplished by this Storm Water Person. This person would also act as the City's liaison with the Board of Water and Soil Resources which fias much more importance due to the Wetlands Conservation Act of 1991. 9. The Storm Water Person could become our liaison with the Ve.rmillion River Management Organization and participate as required. 10. The Storm Water Person would immediatety start work on a Water Quality Plan for the entire City. This is required under the model Storm Water Ordinance required by Met CounciL 11. The Storm Water Person would become our liaison with all Federal, State and County agencies which have to do with storm water including the DNR, the EPA, the MPCA, the Dakota County Soil and Water Resources Board, etc. For your information, during the last year the Federal Environmental Protection Agency now requires a permit for all grading projects of more than 5 acres. This permitting program is being handled in the State of Minnesota by the MPCA. A 5 acre project inctudes a reconstruction of a City street 60' wide for half a mile long such as was undertaken in the past two years on 145th Street. 12. The Storm Water Person would have to stay abreast with the NURP Guidelines and the effects of not following these Guidelines within our storm water system. 2 � .�j:�, r _ �.;_: :::_ :_ - - �Vlemo-Storm Water Person Task 13. A very irriportant task that this Storm Water Person wouid complete would be .- heip educate the citizens of Rosemount on atl of the Storm Water O�dinances, PCA, DNR Guidelines and be our liaison with the public on these matters. 14. The Storm Water/Wetlands Person would assist the Building Inspections Department because of our involvement with the Environmental Regulation Managers Association and its concerns deating with septic tank inspections and the Dakota County Ground Water Ordinances. This is very important within the City in the Keegen Lake area and Birger Pond area. 15. As part of the long range Comprehensive Guide Plan the City has a new "conservancy" area which this Storm Water Person would have to become involved with. This conservancy area wiU be managed through a cooperation with Koch Refinery and our Park and Rec Department. 16. After all the above are complete and under control, this Storm Water Person can continue to modify existing City po(icies and programs and research and initiate new programs, such as "Adopt a Pond" and "Adopt a Catch Basin" programs. These programs invoive almost all the above storm water issues and - works with many of the above agencies and departments. � 3 MEMO TO: RON WASMUND, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR , FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ,j , i DATE: JUNE 23, 1992 RE: 1993 BUDGET REQUEST FOR ENGINEERING AID WETLANDS SPEClALIST In the initiai preparation of the 1993 Budget Worksheets, I requested the budgeting for an Engineering Aid or Wetlands Specialist. The position I have in mind would be the Rosemount representative for all wetland regulations and permitting, water quality regulations and enforcement, grading plan review and erosion control enforcement, and storm sewer plan review plus all permitting and government liaisons between other eight governmental agencies. The recently passed legislation by the Minnesota State Legislature and the Congress (EPA) has put more and more of the burden of wetland and water quality management on the local government unit or LGU. At this time, I've been designated as the local government unit contact person as required under the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 . Because of the demand on my time for contract administration and development utility corrdination, I have not been addressing the subject properly. I do believe this needs to be a permanent full-time position. I have added other water quality duties that reiate to the wetlands management position. Ordinance writing for grading and erosion control for subdivisions is another duty which could be accomplished by this person. Met Council has been somewhat critical of our lack of water quality and erosion control policies and/or ordinances. As society has become more and more stringent on environmental issues, they have forced the National and State governments to enact more stringent rules and regulations for our wetlands and water quality. I do believe Rosemount can be a leader in this area. The City of Eagan has recently initiated a comprehensive storm water quality management program and has a biologist that is in charge of all their wetlands and water quality management programs. The need has come for all growing cities to take a more active role in this area. This is somewhat forced onto cities by higher leveis of government. There are many rules and regulations to keep up on and they are changing year to year. The paperwork involved with all these permitting and wetland management programs is also becoming more and more of a factor. The growing nature of Rosemount does require more and more time from an engineering and public works staff in ensuring that the City does receive quality construction of public facilities. In addition, residents have become more and more assertive in requests for the City to take a hard line or tough stance against abusers of the environment. Therefore, 1 do feel that the request for the wetland specialist is very justified and possible under our current City system. f. �� �N,.r'-al"�l����N.^� D�PAo�-","�NT QRGA":!�"TlONAL �HAaT :4:r, r2•f' ,� ClTY ENG./P W D �;, . �,�,�• tOsmundson) � h���i �,. F ; s�; �:,r� ;��' SECRETARY ��� �i•: �s,: (Dorniclen) ��k ��� 1- ���'. x�;� � � �LS. ty' M�� �°�" �i��� �T��r. . .. . . � � � . . . . . f�'1' . . . � . . . � . i: . . . . . . . . yj���� . . � � � . . � 7+S� . 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