HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Tree City USA Recertification e • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SLfMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 5, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Tree City, USA Recertification Consent PREPARED BY: AGENDA���.�y,./� � � � ' Lacelle Cordes, Programmer, Parks and Recreation f IYI ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: Proposal of application for recertification It is time to apply for our recertification as a distinguished Tree City, USA. Tree City, USA is a award given to those cities who depict an honest and active program to promote the protection of our natural habitat and of our trees . Part of the attachments include a proclamation by the City of Rosemount identifying the last Friday of April to be Arbor Day and the month of May to be Arbor Month. Parks and Recreation staff worked together to complete a variety of programs for Arbor Day, Earth Day and other nature programs over the past year. This proclamation indicates that we would continue with these types of programs and others in promotions of tree planting and protection. It is the Parks and Recreations Department' s intent to join with committees, commissions and other Departments to further enhance our policies relating to the preservation of our trees and to continue to reforest our city. RECOMMENDED AC'I'I�N: Motion to approve the application for recertification for the Tree City, USA award COUNCIL ACTION: � � TREE CITY USA Application for Recertification Mail completed application with requested attachments to your state forester no later than December 3L The TREE CITY USA award is made in recognition of work completed by the city during the calendar year. Please provide information for the year ending. (Some states require information in addition to that requested on this application.Check with your state foresterJ � Mayor of the city of Rosemount , (Title—�fayor or other city officialJ I herewith make application for this community to be officially recertified as a Tree City USA for 1995 � having achieved the standards set forth by The National Arbor Day Foundation as noted below. �Ye�� Standard 1: A Z�ee Board or Department List board members,and meeting dates for the past year;or name of city department and manager. Parks and Recreation Department - Jim Topitzhofer, Director Standard 2:A Community Tree Ordinance Check one: C$Our ordinance as last submitted is unchanged and still in effect. �Our ordinance has been changed.The new version is attached. Standard 3:A Community Forestry Program with an Annual Budget of at Least$2 Per Cap ita Total community forestry expenditures............................................................ , $ 33,500 .................................. Communitypopulation........................................................................................................................... 10,600 Attach annual work plan outlining the work carried out during the past year.Attach breakdown of community forestry expenditures. Standard 4:An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation Date observance was held Thursday, May 18, 1995 . Attach program of activities and/or news coverage.Attach Arbor Day prociamation. Mayor 12/6/95 Signature Title Date Please type or print the following: Mayor or equivalent City Forestry Contact Name: Mayor E.B. McMenomy N�e. Mark Joosten TitIe: Mayor Title: Parks Forester Address: 28�5 145th Street West Address: 28�5 145th Street West City,State,Zip: Rosemount, MN 55068 City,State,Zip: Rosemount, MN 55068 Phone#: 612-423-4411 Phone#: 612-322-2042 NOTE:Application will not be processed without Standard 3 and 4 attachments. Certification (To Be Completed By The State Forester) (Community) The above named community has made formal application to this office.I am pleased to advise you that we reviewed the application and have concluded that,based on the information contained herein,said community is eligible to be recertified as a Tree City USA,for the calendar year,having in my opinion met the four standards of achievement in urban forestry. � Signed State Forester Date Person in State Forester's Office who should receive recognition material: Name: UPSAddress: Title: City,State,Zip: Agency; Phone#• ' _ - . _ _ --- -- ----- ► FORESTRY WORK PLAN / CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1995 Our Arbor Day Celebration, this year, once again, included a joint effort with Dakota Electric Association Utiliry Company. A tree planting ceremony and reception were held at Connemara Park in Rosemount. Dakota Electric donated a Maple Tree, as a memorial for this event, to be planted. Dakota Electric also handed out over 500 seedlings. Connemaza Park was also the sight of Park Improvement Day. Neighbors and Parks Staff joined together on Saturday, May 20, 1995 to plant 5 - 3" shade trees and 6 - 6' pine trees. These trees were planted on a side hill that the neighborhood children had began to use as a "sliding" hill. After many accidents that occurred on this hill, it was decided to prevent the sliding by planting the above mention trees. � Efforts continued by City staff and volunteers to eradicate Buckthorn from Canolls Woods. Carrolls Woods is a 60 acre nature conservatory, which has been overcome by Buckthorn. Many "man" hours have been put in to the cutting, clearing, dragging and chipping of the Buckthom. In October of 1995, the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Staff, the Carrolls Woods Volunteer Committee and 120 National Guardsmen from the Minnesota National Guard Red Bu11 Division, teamed up to put into effect "Operation Woodchuck". This project consisted of the clearing and chipping of 12 acres of land that was overcome by Buckthorn. Reforestation efforts have been put into high gear in Canolls Woods. With the clearing of Buckthorn, there has been many open area in which seedlings and trees have been planted. Classes of 6th graders from Rosemount Middle School planted over 500 seedlings in the spring of 1995. While City Staff planted over 250 seedling in Carrolls Woods. Rosemount Middle School students also planted 20 whips in on of our parks. The whips were donated to the School and the City by Dakota Electric Association. Our nurseries continue to thrive. Much pride and effort is put into maintaining these nurseries by the Parks Staff. Some transplanting and replanting have been done in both of our nurseries. This year, 16 - 6' pine trees and 5 - 2 1/2" shade trees were spaded in at 4 City parks from stock at our nursery. The Local branch of Lutheran Brotherhood also donated and planted 10 shade trees at Erickson Community Square, which is in the process of becoming a main gathering place of Rosernount Residents. The City of Rosemount has also made information regarding trees readily available to Rosemount Citizens. If we are unable to answer their questions, we have established a network of professionals who are them able to help them. � The City of Rosemount has also started a cost share program to prevent the spread of Oak Wilt. Citizens are able to treat trees on their property which have been affected with Oak Wilt and then be reimbursed up to 50% if the total costs for treatment from the Ciry. This cost share program has been made possible by a grant form the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. BUDGET ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE FORESTRY ASPECT OF OUR DEPARTMENT: 1. 50% Parks Forester Salary ($36,362) $18,000 2. 1 Part time Summer Parks maintenance $ 3,004 3. Trees and Shrubs $ 7,000 4. Carrolls Woods, Operation Woodchuck $ 2,740 5. 10% of the Parks Specialists Salary ($28,000} 2 800 TOTAL $33,500 e c CI�"Y OF R Os�MO U1VT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: Minnesota's forest treasures were a significant attraction to early sett3ers because of their usefulness and the beautiful environment they provided; and WHEREAS: Trees are a vi taI resource enriching our lives by purifying air and water, heZping conserve soil and energy, serving as recrea tiona3 se t tings, providing habi ta t for� wi I dI i fe of a1I kinds and making Rosemoun t more 1 i vabl e; and WHEREAS: HLunan activi ties such as construction darrrage and pollution, as we11 as drought, disease and insects, threaten our trees, creating the need for concerted action to ensure the future of Rosemount's trees; and WHEREAS: The next decade wi11 be_ one emphasizing the environment and the citizens or Rosemount wi11 be able to positiveZy impact �he world probZems like "global warming« by 1oca11y planting trees and ensuring that these trees are nurtured, protected and wisely used in the years to ahead; and WHERE'AS: The message of Earth Day whose twen ty fif th anni versary i s thi s year, i s s ti 11 s trong, t ea ching children and adults alike that trees are related to aI1 componen ts of the environmen t - air, wa ter, soil and wildlife; and WHEREAS: Each year on the Iast Friday in Apri1 - Arbor Day - the citizens of Rosemount pay special attention to the wonderful treasure that our trees represent and dedicate thernselves to the continued health of our ci ti es trees. NOW, THEREFORE, I, E.B. McMenomX , Mayor of the City of Rosemount, do hereby proclaim Apri1 28, 1995 to be "ARBOR DAY" and the month of May to be "ARBOR MONTH" In Roserriount, l�T. Further, I urge aIl citizens to become rrcore aware of the importance of trees to their we11 being, to participate in tree planting programs that wi11 ensure a green Rosemount in decades to corcre, and to plant, nurture, protect and wisely use Rosernount's great treasure of trees. �,B• .��_ /� - �-� Mayor E.B. McMenorny �, Da te � � ARBOR �ELEBRATION Thurs� , Ma 18 1995 y y � �:oo �� �onnemara park 13 93 Connemara Trail c wel�ome Jim To�itzho f er Ar�ior Proc�fion Ma�or E.B. 1�icMenomy Tree P�an�in� AII Re f res�iments �O fo�vw y . . . . . . . . . A special fha.nks to Dakofa EIeciric and Sun Current News�a�aers for donatinB the tree seedIin�s and our �rbor Day Tree. Thelr continued su�or� to this event u BreatIy ap�reciated! Rosemount Parks and Recreatian SEaf f , , . � �. �. . � .,� . �e i w. • - � ,. ;.�n . J I. �"►. } . . . . � � �fiL�l } �i. �: � s . ��� �. � . . . . 4' tte i., :� .`+s. � j . .:.� � .~.� � .. i:. . �r 4,i � . '���.�``� .� ; . � �r •..� � � �� � e"'H }i. .} �` t � � *.�. { . .. � I� �� y' �. , . ] �y .q �:. i }a : `I r.( � . . .�� . t �7 �L•� �Fy { 6 � '1 � i.� ��i� lr' . �4, • .. t• � . � `� ; �� �y �� � `„V' . . . . .. ' ..�.. .��� , . ! �S '. . � � . . .t � ! � b � ?# . r x � r; 4. r,� � •,'' t . i�. . , ;!� � . . . � . - �.. ..� . . J t� � • � +: � '� �• R ` � . �` �, • . :� d't� 9�j � , � �� � � ��r � . "'s.• � :+�'4Yf.:?�:Mw.,s'���!'i11iy!'!ti!k� +r .. . �i, ' r',�s ����k'++ii`�A'�, . .!t � .�� � � �� :��J . .�. ' �::,. . . t z�., � �.,� , , ., �..,.T ' �°'` � � ,� ��� . � � �' : ,•.....,.:,, � ,�'; � "``,�..,..,,,. "`` � � .., ,�'"� . 1 ��,�5 y: 4� �ry? '.�� .. �} �. f. . � � . :�� '� �, + � ''i' t� e.; p � / w-+ � �l�ltM�eyw'.e:�� �� ', ,1 �. r�). 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The city `�rill provide baas. �Ie just need people power and maybe a few wagons to pu11 lar�er items. We wili concentrate on cieaning up the westem and northem ed�es of the woods, but if tune pezmits, we can work on other areas of the paric and nei�hborhood. . Join us for a picnic lunch afterwards; tiveather permitting. Drinks will be provzded. Call Janet Larson, �23-17�0, �,��ith any questic�ns. NEWSRELEASE . ( DATE: MAY 10, 1995 FOR IlYIMEDIATE RELEASE: ROSEMOUNT PARK IlVIPROVEN�IT DAY-TREE PLANTING AT CONlv� PARK Rosemount Pazks and Recreation Department is sponsoring a tree planting event at Connemara Park on Saturday, May 20, 1995, 9:U0 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This is a great oppominity for families to take part in Rosemount Park Improvemeat Day. Parks and Recreation staff will provide instruction and trees to be planted by volunteers at Connemara Park. Bring gloves and a shovel. Refreshments will be provided. ( ...... � `�� ��=� C 1 TY O F RO S E M�U N T �el�—°TM�"5�t W�t - :� ' :� P.O.Box 510 � �,% �' Rosemount,MN � .. : ;�.� Everything's Coming Up Rosemount.►! 55068-0510 �A `�,::;' .,�. Phone:612-423-4411 '''"�-"' fax:612-�23-5203 .,.,,��� April 27, 1995 Steven Greeuleaf Rosemount 7aycees 14956 Akron Avenue Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 RE: Earth Day Project Trees for Cans Dear Mr. Greenleaf: t Thank you for your community involvement and promotion for residents to add trees in their yards. I understand you worked with the Green Works or�anization in supplying the seedling trees. . The Parics and Recreation Department appreciates the seedlings which will be used for the Arbor Day celebration on Ma.y 18th in Rosemount. Sincerely, . !.� '1�'' /�� E.B. McMenomy Mayor cc: Lacelle Cordes, Parks Programmer � .,:.�a��x�ewo�. caranw�307s ��oYtenfunierrmiaen.ti.. ARBOR DAY SPEECH (� Jim Topitzhofer May 18, 1995 Greetings citizens, volunteers, City Council and other City Committee and Commission members; welcome to Cannemara Park for the 1995 Rosemount Arbor Day Celebration. We are fortunate to have such a beautiful day for our celebration. My name is Jim Topitzhofer and I serve the City of Rosemount as the Director of Parks and Recreation and Community Center. Please draw your attention to the Tree City USA flag on my right. The City of Rosemount received certification for Tree City USA in 1992 and has retained this certification every year thereafter. We have been awarded this certification for our ongoing tree program. Besides distributing trees to residents on Arbor Day, the City has conducted reforestation projects in Carrolls Woods and other areas of Rosemount. We spend over $12,000 a year in tree related programs. At this time, we are in the process of developing and oak wilt program. Simply stated, we care about our trees. (. The purpose of Tree City USA is to recognize cities that are effectively managing their trees. Gaining and retaining Tree City USA recognition is an award to citizens, volunteers, City staff, and City policy makers who work on behalf of better care of Rosemount's trees. All residents of Rosemount share a sense of pride that our City is a Tree Ciry USA city. Other benefits to our community for responsible tree management are: 1)purifying air and water, 2) helping conserve soil and energy, 3) landscape enhancement, and 4) providing habitat for wildlife. In other words, taking action for responsible tree management adds value to our property and community. Thank you all for participating in this celebration. Please welcome Mayor E.B. McMenomy for the reading of the Arbor Day Proclamation. ;