HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.p. Rechtziget Appeal of Variance Denial: Set Public Hearing . City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Couacil Meeting Date: May 16 1995 Ageada Item: Rechtzigel Appeal of Variance Ageada Sectioa: Denial: Set Public Hearing CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By: Richard Pearson Ag���� � Assistant Planner �.� Attachments: Public Hearing Notice; Approved By: Mailing List. On May 9 , 1995 the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, denied variances requested by JoAnn and Marlin Rechtzigel, 14727 Clayton Avenue East. The variances for lot width and side yard setbacks were needed to approve an agricultural lot division that would have created a new parcel for their house and a large shed separate from the rest of their farm buildings . The public hearing for the agricultural subdivision is scheduled for May 16, 1995 . Staff recommends that this publie hearing be opened and continued until June 6, 1995 so that the appeal can be heard. The agricultural division is conditioned on the variances; therefore, the City Council would have to overturn the denial in order to approve the division. Recommeaded Actioa: A MOTION to schedule a public hearing for Tuesday, June 6, 1995 at 8 :00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, to hear testimony regarding the request from JoAnn and Marlin Rechtzigel, property owners, for consideration of an appeal of denied variances for their property located at 14727 Clayton Avenue East. City Council Action: OS-16-95.001 , . CtTY OF ROSEMOU NT z8�5`;TMt"A�etW�t P.O.Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!� R5 o6aos�oN �: . Phone;612-423-4411 Fax:b12-4Z3-5203 Pu.blic Notice A,PPEAL OF VARIANCE DENIA,L - RECHTZIGEL PROPERTY 14727 Clayton Avenue East, Rosemount, MN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, Tune 6, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street R�est, beginning at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. This public hearing pertains to property located at 14727 Clayton Avenue East, legally described as follows: - The Southeast Quarter (SEl/�) of Section 25, Township 1 I5, Range 19, Dakota Couinty, Minnesota> lying easterly of the westerly right-of-way line of the former Chicago and Northwestern Transportation Company railroad. Subject to easements for rights-of-way for State Highway No. 52 and Dakota County Road No. 42. The purpose of this hearing is to consider an appeal of a variance denial decision made by the Board of Appeals and Adjustments as specified in Section 15.3 of Ordinance B - Ciry of Rosemount Zoning Ordinarcce. Persons wishing to comment on this issue are invited to attend and be heard at the Tuesd�X.,. ,Tune 6. 1995 Ciry Council Meeting at 8:00 p.m. Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date, Please forward all comments and inquiries to the PTanning Division of the Community Development Department. Dated this 16th day of May, 1995. Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk : City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � v���ed a�recvded Pw�� rontainm,¢30"= !wsttonwmrr materials. 34 02500 010 01 34 02500 010 06 34 02500 011 07 DENNIS D. &GAYLE OZMENT DANIEL G. CLARKE MYRON E. &RUTH L. NAPPER 3275 145TH ST. E. 3405 145TH ST. E. 3381 145TH ST. E. ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5909 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5915 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5917 34 02500 012�7 34 02500 011 14 34 02500 012 14 KENNETH &BARBARA ANGERMAN DALE&MARLYS J. HELWIG DAVID A JR LANDGREBE 1351 23RD ST.W 8851 BACARDI AVE.W. 3175 145TH ST. E. HASTINGS MN 55033-3244 INVER GROVE HGTS MN 55077 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5919 34 65900 010 01 34 65900 020 01 34 65900 030 01 GLENN W. &VEFtA KASSUBE ROLLAND J. &DIANNE SACHS GARRY G. &DARLENE KASSUBE 3147 145TH ST E 3155 145TH ST. E. 3151 145TH ST. E. ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5919 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5919 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-5919 34 03000 010 40 34 03000 013 35 34 03000 010 69 THE SOLBERG CONST CO. MARLIN &JO ANN RECHTZIGEL EAF�L&GERDA KNODT 13245 CLAYTON AVE. 14727 CL.AYTON AVE E 15150 CLAYTON AVE E ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-2720 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-2214 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-2234 REGENTS OF U OF M 34 03600 010 01 C/0 REAL ESTATE OFFICE EARL&ALLEN BESTER SHOPS BLDG, STE 101 VIC WENZEL&COUNTY DRUG 16549 145TH ST. 319 15TH AV SE RAIDED TRAILOR ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455-0199 §,� � p t�� � . � � . . . - � � � � . . � � . � . :� y�{ E�'d,� . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . CITY 0F ROSEMOU NT z8�5-`,nt"A�tWest : P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U Rosemount�! Rosemour,r,MN Y 9� 9 P 55o6s-os�o Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTED HEARING NOTICE TO CONSIDER AN OFF-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE FOR ROSEMOUNT LIQUORS, INC. STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) § CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) - I, Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On May 3rd, 1995, I posted at Rosemount City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, a copy of the attached Notice of Public Hearing to consider a off-sale intoxicating liquor license for Rosemount Liquors, Inc., at 15070 Chippendale Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1995. /J / S, M. W , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this tj �R day of May, 1995. � � i � ; � � � � , . . �' a.,�� otary Public . DONNA L.t�UtIVTt13 NOTARY PUBUC—MI�N�ESQtA t�,,DAKOCT,�A C.��OUNTY � �„�«,o�,����,Pa� . � � '�'7�•�w�•3�s� tontaining 30"b � � posPconsumer materiais. � ,4� .� b CITY OF ROSEMOUNT z875—��TMHA��tWest. ,. P.Q.Box510 ry Ever thin s Comin U Rosemount!! Rosemo�nt,MN y g" 9 p 5506&0510 Phone:612-423-441 i Fax:612-423-5203 NOTICE OF` PUBLIC HEARING for OFF-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 16, 1995, at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, located at 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota. The public hearing is being held to consider an Application for Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License presented by Rosemount Liquors, Inc. to sell intoxicating malt liquor at 15070 Chippendale Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota. This business is currently known as Macs' Bottle Shop. � Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to this item will be heard at this meeting. Written comments will be accepted up to the time of the hearing and will be included in the discussion at this hearing. DATED this 3rd day of May, 1995. z � _ /' ���-�1;,0� � � � � � S an M. sh City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Prinred on retycled paper � � . . � conWining30% � . posttronsumer mareriab. , � Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kristin Franck,being duly sworn, on oath says that she is an authorized � agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has full lrnowledge of the facts which are stated belowc NOTICE OF (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting PUBLIC HEABING qualif'ication as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota. Statues for 331A.02,331A.07 and other applicable laws,as auienc�e:c�,,\ OFF-SALE INTOXICATIlVG (B)The printed � �Q,��c �C�.'!':_r�r, v.��^��^L� LIQUOR LICENSE � N01TCS L4 B&RSBY GIVBN,that t6e Qty Couucal af tia 6ry of Roxmoent.M'imewta.will bold a pubHa - � Kesring on Tuad�.,.Map 16.1995.at 5:00 pm.,or at won which is attached, was cut from the columns of said new er,and was '�"°°f"`°'�''�°�m'���►���a�r �� Ha11,located at 2875-145th Street Weat,Rwemo�y printed and published once each week for j �,_ successive *��� weeks; it was first. published on Friday, the _��_ day of �����;,,,�8�,������� = , 19''�h and was thereafter printed and published on f�o�c sve,�toxc�s�;qti«c;��pn,�n�a� ever Fric�a , to and includin Frida , the ��� da of �s�mo cm�`�`°°"'r°``�°`v'°`°°""ti°��°"h'�°� y Y g y _ y �A,�.R��.�. �. ��-.�;�;_�A, , 19 �C�; and printed below is a copy of the °o"°�������M���s�. ° lower case a'l�habet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby ��r��a�w�,�a w;m n��„�. acknowled ed as bein the size and kind of�M e used in the com idon "`m`vi°°e�"'&"b'"�°°& W��•�u . g g . . `'Y . . . . .� . . i�nciude�a'm�the°dw�onaztLi.�m°gandwiutie�... . . . and publicadon of the notice: g. DATED this 3rd day oPMay,199A abcdef8hijkl�op�gstuvwxYc _ , -`�J '�"-t._ ���� ( /d Sa�m�M.WaLh . . . �. � $y:� `�_�-�1...���'�.:`:�.�_�`..:�.y�.�\�.. . � .. . . . Saa°�,� . . � . . Title:Typesetter s�s,. n�«.��� Subscribed and sworn to before me on this:�daY of� 19 -��.. Notazy Public ; AFFIDAVIT CONNtE E. FIFAREK NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES t-3t-00