HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.l. Payment #8 & Final - West Ridge 5th and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Projects #242 and #248 . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 19, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #8 & Final - West Ridge 5th & AGENDA SECTION: Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, Consent City Projects #242 & #248 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO City Engineer/Public Works Director ���M # ATTACHMENTS: Payment #8 & Final Voucher APPROVED BY: Change Order No. 1 This item requests the eighth and final payment to Hydrocon, Inc. in the amount of 521,294.96 for construction on City Project No. 242, West Ridge 5th Addition and City Project No. 248, Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. The original contract amount was 5289,252.00. Total construction cost, including this final payment is 5302,134.75. The final payment is 4.5% over the contract amount. Total construction cost includes extra work as detailed in Change Order No. 1 . Upon final payment, a two year warranty period begins (until September 19, 1997) on the street and utilities. The City also accepts these facilities for perpetual maintenance. Attached is a copy of the payment voucher and Change Order No. 1 for your information. Staff recommends approval of this eighth and final payment request and acceptance of , the streets and utilities for perpetual maintenance. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #8 INCLUDING CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 AND FINAL TO HYDROCON, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF 521,294.96 FOR THE WEST RIDGE 5TH AND SHANNON POND 3RD ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NOS. 242 & 248 AND TO ACCEPT THE STREET AND UTILITIES FOR PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE. COUNCIL ACTION: 7 • 09/1�/95 14:58 F_� SEH ST. PAUL �JOOli01� - � ll/IEMtJRANt�UM Q ST.PAUL.Mfv u MlNnlE.3PD41S,MN fl ST.CLOLlQ.MN ❑ CN(PPE4VA FqLLS,Wf Gi MAOfS�N, Wl TO: Bud Osmundson,Ciry Engzneer/17irector of Publie Works FROM- David F- Simons.F.�. DAT�: September 14, 1995 RL-: Rosemount,Nlinnesota 'West Ridge 5th Additiaz�and Shannozt Pond 3rd Addition City Project Nos.242&2�8 SEH No.A,-ROSEM9�03.02 and�,-�tC7$L•M9403.03 Attaclled is A.ppli�ation for T�ayment No.S (final) for the above refezenced project. The�vmbined amount due bei�veen the two projects is $21,294.9b. This brings the total am�unt eazzted to $302,134.75 whickt is abant 14�%of the total contract axx►ount. Part c�f the 4%ov�rage was due to unanticzpated modifications,repairs a�nd/ar adjustments that had to be�nnade ta existing utiliti�s in tlt�project area. The other part af the overage was due fa trucku�.g of granular borraw onto the site for the purpose of bringing the streets up to grade. The streets were left low by tt►e developers. All punch Iist items have been completed,and the City has conducted a final walkthru. Of the�2Z,294.96 dv.e this appiication,$12,550.3Q is attiibutable to West Y2idge 5th Addition(242), and the remaining$8,744.66 xs attributable to Sharuton Pond 3zd Addition{Z�g}. The detailed cost split calculations are also attached. We recammend that the final payment be appro'ved,but that fh.e paym�nt be held b�r the City until z�ll licn waivers and IGI34�orrns a�e received. Please call me if you have any questiox�s. �bP Post-it'Fax Note 7671 0� q,��,..,c� �a r Attachments �a F� � co.��. � �„r., ca. � ' pnone� .�22� b.Z.- ar,o�e�► �� _..�G.� F�x �� ._. �.03 F�. b � 2!� 09/13/95 14:59 F�Y SEH ST. P9UL �J002:01�, ; crrx o�nos�ou�r � APPLIC4TION F�R Y'AYMEN'x' NO.8 (kZNAL) CITY PROJECT NO: 242 8r 248 SEH FILE NQ- �1-ItQ$E11�9403.02&9403.03 PR(7JECT: WEST RZDGE 5TI�t1DDN. &SH.A.N�Vt�N'POND 3RD ADDN. CONTRACTOR: H�dracan,ln.c. CQNTRA.CT DAT�: P.O.Box 129 APPL.ICATIQNDATE: Sep�1$1995 Narth Bxanch,MN 55456 �OR PE�2IOD ENDING: Sept�r�ber 1.�,1995 ?atal Coz�tract Amount $289,252.Q0 Total Amount Earned $ 297;�16.63 Material Suatably Stored on$ite, Not Tncorporated.into Work $ Contract Change Order No. 1 Percent Ct�mplete 100%, $ 4,�Z8.I2 Contract Change Order No. Percent Camplete � Conkract Change Order No_ � Percent Coxx�plete $ GR�SS?,MC7UN'T DUE . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . � 302,13�.75 I�SS 0%RETATi�TAG� . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . $ O.OQ A�OtJNT DLJE TG DA'Z'�. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .• -- . . . .. . . . $ 302,134.75 LESS PRE'VTOUS?,�PPLICr1TYON . . ... .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . $ 280,$39.79 ANIOUNT DTJE'I�IIS APP�ICATION . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . $ 21,294.96 AZ'I'ROVED: Bud Osmundson City Engineer/Di�zector af Public Wor�Cs • 09/13�'95 15:01 F�.Y SEH ST. P�UL �IOU7%"01� � CHANCE C3J�DFR � 3335 VADNAlS CENTER QR71/E,2a4 SEH GENTER,ST PAUL,AAN 5517Q B12 490-2000 80Q 325-2�55 � AACMITECTURE - INGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • TRAIVSPf7A1'ATlON City of Rosemount 9/I�/9S OWNER DATE 242 and 248 T OWNEA'S PROJECT NO. GHANGE ORDER NO. West Rid�e 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd ,�sdditian A-ZtOSEM9403.02 &.03 PROJECT DESCAIPTION 5EH NO. 1"he fpllawing changes shaJ!be made to the contraet documents: Description: Add�,418.12 to the contract amaunt. - Purpose of Change Order_ Ta campensate confractor for. additional granular borrc►w tllat was zequixed on the project. The street grades�vere le[�low by the deveiopers azid gxanular borrow had to be hauled in to bzting the strects up to grade. BBsis af Cost: ■Actual ❑Estimated: Attachments (lisf supporting documents) CONTRACT STATUS Trme �� 5o Days Substan#al Qriginaf Confracf 60 Oays Fnal ,�289„2S2 00 Nef Change Prior C. O.'s = to - N/A N/A Change fhis C. O N/A 4,418.i2 50�ays Substaniiat Revised Contracf 60 Days Final $293,670.12 Recommended forApprovai: ShOrt ElliOtt HBtfCIrICkSOJ7 ItlC. ey Recammertded forApproval: Cliy E�fe'�1n�1' 8y Agreed to by Contractor.• Approved tor Owner: BY BY T1TLE BY Dlstrl SHORT ELLIOn�t�CtOr 2 pwner 1 Profecl RepreSantdtivp 1 SEN dlflce 1 INENDR/CK50N tNC. MINNEAPOLlS,MN ST.CLOUD,MN GHfPPEWA FRLLS, W! MA0150N,W! LSKE CCUMY,!N EOUAt OPPORTUNt7Y E1GtPl.OYER