HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Keystone Request for Variance from County Plat • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 19, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Keystone Request for Variance from AGENDA SECTION: County Plat Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA ��-E�M # b A City Engineer/Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Dakota County Letter, Keystone Letter APPROVED BY: and Map Attached are letters from Dakota County Plat Commission and Keystone Corporation r rding the right- of-way width on County Road 42 for the Keystone Addition Plat. The County is requesting that 100' of half right-of-way be dedicated as part of this Keystone Addition Plat. Their guidelines indicate a six lane need for CSAH 42 in this area which indicates that total right-of- way width should be 200': Currently there is 60' of half right-of-way. The developer is requesting a variance from the County's right-of-way guidelines to provide 70' of half right-of-way plus an additional 15' wide trait and utility easement. The County notes this request must come from the City and not the developer. The improvement necessary for a six lane roadway on CSAH 42, in Staff's opinion, is 20 to 30 years away. The major need at this time is for a right tum lane on CSAH 42 to turn south onto TH 3. The proposed retail and restaurant development on the Keystone site will enhance the need for that turn lane. The developers request for 70' would a(low room for the turn lane and the trail modifications. The modification in the right-of-way does significantly effec# setback line for buildings on the property. The developer feels that a 100' half right-of-way could significantly effect the viability of the proposed development. Per existing County guidelines, the City would be responsible for 45%0 of any future cost of right-of-way acquisition and any improvements necessary. There has been great discussion at the Staff level that eventually CSAH 42 would become a MNDOT roadway. On the same note, any discussion about modifications at TH 3 and CSAH 42 for a separated overpass/underpass across the railroad is just "discussion" at this time. It will take many years and millions of dollars before these improvements would be completed. In addition, any improvements as discussed would affect properties all the way back to Chippendale on both sides of CSAH 42. The Council has two options. One is to request the variance from the County. With this option the County Board may still require the 100' of half right-of-way and could deny the variance. The second option is to not request the variance which would probably seriously effect the proposed development. The development does have to have final approval by City Council at a future date. If the variance is approved by the County, Council could mitigate some future costs by working with the deveioper on the location of buildings on the site. Therefore Staff recommends that Council request the variance from the County right-of-way guidelines. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO SEND A LETTER TO DAKOTA COUNTY REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY GUIDELINES FOR THE KEYSTONE ADDITION. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 GARY H.STEYENSON,R.LS. DA KOTA CO U N T Y �ANo�N aR TION DIRECTOF (612)891-7087 SURVEY&LAND INFORMATION DEPARTMENT APP�E VALLEY,(MtNNESOTA 55124-8579 t 4955 GALAXIE AVENUE ,�,�_�_v.�a� � . . . �.*��� -o . '."?sK:,i-i--�....� � . :...����} . August 21, 1995 City of Rosemount 2875• 145th St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 q'R'; Bud Osmundson, City Engineer RE: KEYSTONE ADDITION Dear Mr. Osmundson: The Dakota County Plat Commission met on August 21, 1995, to consider the iniiiai review for KEYSTONE ADDITION. Said piat is adjacent to CSAH NO. 42 and is, therefore, subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Piat Ordinance. County right of way guidelines require 100 feet of half right of way for a 6 lane divided highway. Projected traffic volumes (AD� indicate a 61ane need for CSAH NO. 42 in this area. The developer is requesting a variance from the County's right of way guidelines to provide 70 feet of half right of way with an additional 15 foot wide trail easement. According to County Board Resolution, the request for the variance must come from the city. The Ordinance requires submittal of the preliminary and final plat before a recommendation is made to the County Board. If the City wishes to request a variance from the guidelines, it should , be made at the time of the preliminary plat review or before. No access is allowed to CSAH NO. 42 and restricted access must be dedicated on the final plat. No worlc shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County ! Highway Department and no permif will be issued until the plat has been filed. Sincer ly, _� Gary H. evenson Dakota County Surveyor 8�Land Information Director Secretary, Plat Commission GHS/vf cc: Thomas Heiberg, Land'Sake Andrew Mack, Senior Planner �,' `,. �S �r�L_��� AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PriMed on Recycled Paper f'«,-,r,,� DC� J���� LAND 'SRKE TEL No .6124317500 Sep 15 ,95 10 � 10 No .001 P .02 `�� �'.,1� ��..l,c���.�� .��.��C�.��_l a.l�' 1����c� C��' �2���MC���N�r �,, {�a�7,�t C�t� • I�.�a�s�;�n«t�s�1., �'li��t�c:��;c7Lu `�5Q6c� � G�'� • �1:'Z'� • '��'Z`� �''� %��. t September 7, 1995 Mayt�r Edward McMenomy ' City of Rpsemount 2875 145th St, West Rosemount, MN SSOG8 Rc: Keyston� Addition(Carlson Tractor&Equipment site) Mr. Nlayor and Cauncilmembers, The Keyst�ne praject is rnaking prc��ress. We have an a�recmetft with MtvDOT ', as to Highway 3 acces�. The ir�otel develnper is anxiaus to prc�ceed. Wc have interest from several restaurant5, but have noi fivalizcd an d�reetnent.with cyur preferrcd restaurant tcnant. We are writin�; tc� you to request that the Cauncii ccynside�••a reyuest Un beh�lf�f Rosemount and Keystone Prc�perties, to the I�akc�ta County 13natd for a va.riance tc� ourrerit Dakata County Ri�;ht of Way guidelines af 104 foat half Itight of Way. Currently � the ane half Right of Way is b0 feet, '1`he acidiLional farty(40)fect is detrirnent.al to the project and is a greater burden than exists alang ihc south side of County Rc�ad 42 Ri�ht af Way east from Ghippendale beyand C:anada ave. to the east. lf ihis additi�nal forty (4U)feet is required a1�n�,the entire counly Road 42 Right of Way, the entirc�r�ject would bc in jeopardy. � � We have su��;ested a seventy (74) foot ane hali'Ri�ht �f Way with a fifteen (1 S} foot utitity and pathway eascment. '�'his proposal, in our judgt��cnt aifows the County enough Right af Way f`or a dot�blc 1eft turn fram cast haund 42 to Ili�;hway 3 nort.h bound, three fluid thru lanes and a ri�ht turn I�ne from�:ounty Raad 42 east bt�und to Highway � south bound, We refer yc�u to ihe C:ounty ltc�a�i 42 Right af Way section of our Planned ('c�mmercial Devclopment Submission da.ted June 1 S, 1995 for further cxplanativn. We have said from the anset, that we feel Qur request is reasonable and the�roject viability has been dependent upon only granting thc seventy{70)foot �ne half Right �f 'Way with thc fifteen (15)fc�at uulity and pathway easement. The proeess requires this request for vari�nce from thc Gouncil so that the P1at Corramittee and p�tentially the Cc�unty Baard can consider the varianc�from eurrent p�licy. Th€lr�k you in advance fc�r your attention tc� this rcquest a;� the redcvel�pment of thi, area and the vision for this maj�r eorruncrcia! intersection wark tcywarcls rcality, Si rely Yours .d �. ��r �- �� � Ronald C. Carlson Presiclent, KeytitUne Properties, LLG �✓.� 6 7 �,"'�',� .����"'''�XiA�,.rC,'�`.r°'�`,�,';14�`ryYY:,.ta+'�k`e.�ra��7�u4� -.�Ni'y�'�'Cf� c,f -�''�1t �:'�1 avY' �>�� . _. . ��.-. . •.. �}(t,.'s� ..'y�'vC�.'�.; �'� °- ?w NF��=4,f.l.�;�` �',,V'.�*`: �:Ss'�.�. �~ � f� .W^ti'.�.,,; „` ' . .. _. .. ..a.._�.�_�,.,.;;�:a.-�.��,.';;:�"wy." �y,°:'.. ��'�3�.�:�".;..r.:�.�. .:�:: , i s�! s'. � _ "s x r'�1 i,r ,,t:t 7°. '`'z'4s +'. i . . . . .. .. . .. ..�.. a�'.1�'1,j ♦.....�'11�.�'�`.''z��i'�"7-'.�`, a ,.'+L. ...1' ':` ,,,, _ . � " E,� .�rt.r. -.,.Y;i.�_ 't f�.ti�.'� � v6;s ' �j,.�:tr_ .:Y�'.;''�- ' .i. .,, �e ♦' :�.. ��'.�:. ..r' c t��f�:i' j. ; �,. . _ '"� � � " � ... . . y± y��': ��''' Y v D . ..: - . . .-� . ; .M �. .'� �6 .i �,,. y: :�}�Yl•,p .". , .... 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T x:.�ffi �^ �^'� ,,,y�°4 �ti .�4 ' � .� o'nm � �d" C' J` Z7^� ., ., .,`�a§ a� � (er J1 -9D0 O w �/' .t f. �'y"�.r �'�'� '��, .��.. .T q�si� �4 �+,.�i � � � w"�X 3.. ,� : O 1. .� f9 1 ,}+. `r w i �.� '4R7 x° � z t /�a �� �...�.x„r� 3 a.. � ? � I -4� ����. T'F ra +Y.r<� .�. � - � //� f.j�°;�.Sv,.` l � . . ��.� ���;:t. . . � ''y r.. � 'Yrr�w� .'�Wr�+' �T a) '.�F�f'� -' / ,..a��'rJ"� /,.,:., . . i � ��. �°w _�i ..' � `��.�„ ,. .... , _.t_r,.,- .a ..Es f, . . . . . .��, _ �/ ' � 1 I . . . . . . . , { . . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ���� ': DAKOTA COUNTY, M]�1NESOTA �Q���- RESOLUTION 1995- �����,,,,, j . - A RE50LUTION APPROVING TI�WEN5MANN NINTH ADDITION . r FINAL CONCEPT ��I.��NNED UNPT DEVELOPMENT AND PRELIMINARY PLAT r�.- . . � . � � . . . . � . , WI3EEREAS, the City of Rosemount has received a proposal for a final residential planned unit development and preliminary plat for the following legally described properties: The East 440.0 feet of the West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 lying Northwesterly of State Aid Road No. 42 (Now Dodd Boulevard), Section 30, Township 115, Range 19,according to the Government Survey thereof, except the North 379.50 feet thereof; and That part of the West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 115, Range 19, lying North of Dodd Boulevard, except the East 440.0 feet, except those parts platted as Shannon Park lst Addition and Limerick Way, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, according to the Government Survep thereof. WHEREAS, on August 1, 1995 the City Council of the City of Rosemount approved of the concept for a residential planned unit development on property currently referred to as "The Dodd Triangle"; and WHEREAS, on August 22, 1995 the Planning Commission of tl�e City of Rosemount recommended approval of the final concept for a residential planned unit development and preliminary plat on property currently referred to as "The Dodd Triangle"; and WHEREAS, the proposal is in conformance with the R-2 Single Family Residential District densiry standards; and WHEREAS, on September 19, 1995 the City Council held a public hearing in accordance with the City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance and State Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the final concept plan for the residential planned unit development and preliminary plat on property as legally described above subject to: 1. incorporation of engineering recommendations relative to grading and utilities plans and ponding capacity into the final development plan; 2. execution of a pre-assessment agreement to provide funds in the amount of$65,070 for the developer's share of future improvements on Dodd Blvd with the provision that should the City acquire Outlot C for public use, the amount would be reduced to $44,670.00; 3. execution of a pre-assessment agreement to provide funds in the amount of$6,365.00 for the Developer's share of trunk water main improvements if the water main is installed as a public (chap. 429)improvement or the Developer will be reimbursed for oversizing of the trunk water main from core funds if the water main is privately installed; 4. execution of a pre-assessmentagreement to provide funds in the amount of$21,054.00 for the Developer's share of future trail improvements on Dodd Blvd., with the provision that should the City acquire Outlot C for public use, the escrow amount would be reduced to $14,450.00; 5. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) dedication of$50 per dwelling unit totalling $5,550, with the provision that should the City acquire Outlot C for public use, the GIS dedication fee would : be reduced to $4,950; 6. dedication of 1.4 acres of property for park development with the balance of park dedication paid in cash at the time of final plat approval; 7. adoption of a PUD and Master Subdivision Development agreement to identify and guide future phases of development and guarantee approved variances as appropriate; and S. adaption of findings to support variances via PUD and that the Developer eliminate variances wherever possible through design modifications. ' NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in the event of the successful conclusion of a referendum to acquire and develop property for public use, the Ciry Council of the City of Rosemount determines that the previously mentioned conditions be revised to read as follows: 1. incorporation of engineering recommendations relative to grading and utilities plans and ponding capacity into the final development plan; 2. execution of a pre-assessment agreement to provide funds in the amount of$6,365 for the Developer's share of trunk water main improvements if the trunk water main is installed as a public (chap. 429) improvement, or the Developer will be reimbursed for oversizing from core funds if the water main is privately installed; 3. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) dedication of$50.00 per dwelling unit totalling $4,950; 4. dedication of 1.4 acres of property for park development with the balance of park dedication paid in cash at the time of final plat approval; 5. adoption of a PUD and Master Subdivision Development Agreement to identify and guide the future phases of development and approve final plats with guarantees of approved variances as appropriate; 6. adoption of findings to support variances via PUD consistent with section 12.2 of the Zoning Ordinance; and uchase agreement for the sale to the City of Outlot C for a purchase price of 4,000, $5 ,120 of which will be provided by waiving pre-assessment amounts of$44,670.00 or t _H�veloper's share of improvements on Dodd Blvd. in addition to $14,450.00 for the Develop ',s share of trail improvements on Dodd Blvd. � ' ADOPTED this 19th day of September, 1995. � E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ' ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: