HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Proposed Lease/Purchase CIP Items � � � City of Rosemount Executive Summary For Action CITY COIJNCII. MEETING DATE: 7ANUARY 17, 1995 AGENDA ITFM: PROPOSED LEASE/PURCHASE CIP AGENDA SECTION: ITIIVIS NEW BUSINFSS PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, AGENDA ��R . � � � CITY ADMINISTRATOR �V� ATTACHMENTS: Nov. 17 Memo - Lease, FBS Letter, Nov. 17 APPROVED BY: Memo - PC Purchase, Police Memo, Public Works Equipment Requisitions Memo During budget discussions a number of capital equipment items were identified that need replacement or to be purchased in 1995. Attached is a memorandum which identif'ies fifteen items that are recommended to be purchased in 1995. Staff has uutiated discussions with financial lenders and attached is one proposal of the terms and their recommendation on the length of fmancing. The proposed financing would be three separate periods of rime: Semi-Annual Term Interest Rate Debt Service Pmt. 3 Year Financing 6.87% $23,970.27 5 Year Financing 6.93% $12.843.14 10 Year Financing 6.98% $65,376.61 Total $102,190.02 Department heads will be in attendance to address City Council questions concerning the listed equipment. If the City Council continues to support the concept of a lease purchase staff will move forward on completing the financial terms of a lease purchase and bring it to the Ciry Council for approval on February 7, 1995. RECONIlVIENDED ACTION: MOTION to direct staff to continue working on a lease purchase and bring it to City Council on February 7, 1995. COUNCIL ACTION: MEMORANDUM DATE: November 17, 1994 T0: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator Scott Aker, Fire Chief Lyle Knutsen, Police Chief � Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director I Jim Topitzhofer, Park & Rec Director ' Sue Walsh, Administrative Assistant Ron Wasmund, Community Development Director FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director ' SUBJECT: Proposed Lease/Purchase CIP Items After yesterday's discussions, I have put together a list of potential items that we will be taking to the Council for their consideration in doing a lease/purchase in 1995. Please review this list carefully and let either Tom or me know if there is something listed incorrectly or if there is something omitted that should have been included. 1) PC Replacements and Network Upgrades (95-201) S 32,000 2) 3 Police Vehicle Replacements (95-401) 47,000 3) Computer Upgrade and MDT's for Squad Cars (95-402) 35,000 4) 2 Mobile Squad Radios {96-402) 2,000 5) 13 Portable Radios for Officers (96-403) 9,000 6) 2 Traffic Radar Units (96-404) 3,000 7) Aerial Fire Truck (95-501) 600,000 8) Opticom(Pre-Emption/Traffic) (95-503) 60,000 9) Vehicle Hoist (95-703) 8,000 10) 3/4 Ton 4x4 Pickup (95-727) 20,000 11) 1 Ton 4x4 Pickup (95-728) 30,000 12� Single Axle Dump Truck with Plow & Sander (95-729) 100,000 13) Loader Replacement (95-730) 170,000 14) 18' Mower(Replaces 15' Mower) (95-738} 38,000 15) Plow for Existing Tandem Dump Truck (No Number) 11,000 Total $1,165,000 ,JAN-10-1995 16�08 FROM FBS INVESTMENT SVCS TO 94235203 P.02i64 .. . FBS Inves#�ner� ' ' �ervi�es, lrtc. M�mD�r NA5D 3 31PC � �o�o s�w�a,sm sa� � January l U, 1995 1�6nne�pori�MN 5&W2 ' . Mr. Jefr May r inance Direc2or City of Kosemount 2875 145th Street Rosemount, yiinnesota SSUG$ RE: Financin� Seenarios under Tax-Exempt�.eases Purchase A�reements for Capitai Expenditures in 199a Dear Nir. 11r1ay: On behalf of F$S Investment Services, inc., I wouid like to thar�k you for a�ain giving u.s the opportunity to provide fmancin� alternatives as they relate ta capital expenditures under a tax-excmpt lease purchase financing proaram_ We believe that we will be able to s�rvice your needs in the most timely and cost effective manner available to you in today's tax-exempt marketplace. Following is the breakdown of recommended financin� terms for the capital expenditures that you provided to us late last week. Tl�is is our suggested course of' tinancin�, but may be altered to meet ihe On�Oin� budget demands o� the City of �.osemount. RECQ14ntiIEN'DED CAPITAL EXP�NDITURES FOR THREE(3)YEAR FINA�YCING TERIVI Equi ment No.# 4mourit PC Replacements and Network Up�,rades 95-201 $ ;2,000 3 Pofice Vehicle Replacements 95-401 47,OOQ Computer Upgrade and MDT's for Squad Cars 95-402 � 35,000 2 il�iobile Sc�uad Radios 96-4Q2 2,000 13 Portable Radios far Officer �6-403 9,000 2 Traffic Radar Un.its 96-4Q4 __3,000 Total (3 Year) - �128,Q00 investment products are not FDIC Ipsured,dre not depo5its ot,obHgaUons of or guaranised by FBS (nvestment Services,tnc.,the bdnk,0�any of their afflilates dnd inwlve investment rfsks,tnClUding possibie toss of the principat invested. F'�S fnvestment ServlCes,Mc.is a whopy owned subsidiary of FrsE Bank Natlorrdt AssoCidtion. Minne3pol+s Office: 104 Soulh Ffth Street,Mnneapdis,MinnesoNa St Paut pffice:332 Minnesota Strcc�t,Saint Paul,Minnesota 'JAN-1�-1995 16�08 FROM FBS INVESTMENT SUCS TO 94235203 P.03iO4 Letter w Mr.Jctf Mar � • Page 2 � January lU, lyJS • RECQitiIlViENDED CAPTTAL EXPENDTI'URES FUR FIVE(5)YEAR FINANCING TERvi • Equi�ment � N�. # A�mount �Tehic3e Hoist 95-703 $ 8,044 3/�T'on 4x4 Pictcup 95-727 ?0,000 1 Ton 4x4 Pickup 95-728 ;0,000 • 18' Mower(Repiace 15' Mower) 9�-738 38,000 Plow for Existin�Tandem Dump Truck n/a 11_000 'i'otal (S Year) �107,UUU RECON�NUED CAPITAL EXPEl�TDTTURES FOR TEIV(10)YEAK FINAYCING TER.'�� �quipment 1'0. # Amonnt Aerial Fire Tcuc� 9�-SO1 5600,000 Opticom (Pre-emptionlTraffic) 95-503 60,000 Sin�Ie Axte Dump Truck �v/Plow& Sander 95-7?9 I00,000 Loader Replacement 95-730 174,000 'l'atal (10 Year) �930,OOa ,�►s you requested, we have also e�ca.mined currcnt market interest rates far the abo�;e transactions. We would propose that you use the foiiowing information as a benchmark of what may be avaitable if these transactians were to price today. We would welcome the opportunity to give yau firm interest rate and financin� quotes as the transactions approach. Following are current market interest rates and the resultina semi-annual debt service payments based on the three, five and ten year financing scen�rios: C:UR�tENT NIA:R��T I�YTEREST RATES AND DEBT SERVTCE P�lY1�I�TS Ynte:'�St $�mi-3l]11U�i1 Term R::te Debt Service Pmt. ' 3 Year Financina 6_S7% � 2i,970.27 x � : `�l��'��.� 5 YearFinancing 6.93% 12,843.14 x �. : �S', ���''�� 10 Year FinancinD 6.98% 65.�76.b 1 �c � = �;�� ���,j�. Total � - $I42,190.02 1��� 3YJ. 3`� ��-� 3 Y.�S — � ��� �t35_� ,,�,� s �r.-�. S -- i 3 �� � �3 .a z JAN-10-1995 16�09 FROM FBS INVESTMENT SVCS 70 942352�3 P.04iO4 Letter to Mr.1�:tt M�3 Fagc 3 lanuary 1U, 19�J5 As iilustrated, the yieid curve is rclativcly flat This results in very small inter�t rate spreads betwesn the three, fvc and ten year scenarios. Fortunately, it appears as though the bulk of youc fuia.ncing may be done under the ten year f nancing, which will resuit ia considerable interest cost savinas. Wc hope this infonnation is helpful as you go forward with your budgetin� pro�;ess. Again, we would bc happy to provide you with a fum quotes as your financing . needs approach. . Please feel free to cali me with any questions andlor comments yau may have regardin�this information. . Respectfully submitted, �� � l ���'•�• 9y[� / Christine K. Hau�en Public Finance Officer . TOTAL P.�4 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 17, 1994 TO: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: PC Purchases Proposed Under Lease/Purchase for 1995 The following items are included in the $32,000 figure for PC Replacements and Network Upgrades to be considered for the 1995 Lease/Purchase of CIP Items: 1) $21,000 - 11 new 486DX2-66 PCs These PC's would replace all of the existing XT and 286 PCs that we currently have that people are trying to use. We talked about upgrading PCs and saving costs, but these machines are not upgradable(at least not economically). In the future, as technology changes, hopefully the machines that we will have after these replacements will allow us to change motherboards versus replacing whole machines. 2) $ 2,000 - Lotus CC:Mail (E-Mail) for City Hall This is the package that the Community Center is currently using and the one that I would recommend so thaf we have a consistency in as many of our software packages as possible. Jim and Lisa have both spoken very highly on the positive effects that E-Mail has had in the operations of their department. 3) $ 9,000 - New File Server, Old File Server Configured to a Work Station and Another Ethemet Concentrator Our file server has been upgraded once and other smaU changes have been made to try and improve its performance. We have reached a point where the money would be better spent getting a new file server that is equipped and configured properly to give us the perFormance that we need. The cost to take the old file server and make it into a work station is very minimal and gives us another good work station to boot. Also, all of the new PC's would be equipped with Ethernet cards versus � the current Arcnei-cards. This is another migration we are making to increase the performance of the network. In getting the Ethernet cards, we will have to purchase another Ethernet hub that all of the E#hemet network cables will tie into. After this is done, we will have abcut half of our PC's on Ethernet and the other half on Arcnet. R03EMOIINT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D II M TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator EROM: Elliel Knutsen, Chief of Police �� RE: Lease/Purchase Recommendation (C.I.P. ) DATE: November 17, 1994 The following items are being requested to be included in the 1995 Lease Purchase CIP Proposal. , PIN: ITEM: COST: PIN95-402 Computer Programs $35,000. 00 5 Mobile Data Terminals - Needed to update communications in patrol vehicles by allowing officers to have direct access to State records without tying up airtime and more importantly, allows officers to receive printed confidential information from the State, Eagan dispatch and other officers without returning to the station. 1 TI990 Computer Base Drive - needed to replace our main Enfors base station which has been in use for over 12 years and is in need of constant repair. This replacement unit would be a used 2 year old refurbished model. PIN95-401 Replacement squads $47,�000.00 3 Squad Cars - On going need to replace some of the squads. Two squads will have over 100,000 miles during the first half of 1995 and plans to replace three other squads in 1996 will have to be considered. PIN96-402 Mobile Squad Radios $1,384.50 2 Mobile Squad Radios - Needed to replace the radios in the Lieutenant's and the CS0's squads. Both radios are old and operating poorly. PIN96-403 Portable Radio Replacements $8,819.26 13 Portable Radios - Needed to replace all of the officers hand held radios that are over 8 years old and outdated. The radios in use today do not scan other frequencies whereas when the radio is in use, the officer cannot be contacted on a different channel. Page 2 PIN96-405 Traffic Radar Units $2,864.84 2 Traffic Radar IInits - There is a need to replace the traffic radar unit in the sergeants squad. The calibration of this 14 year old unit is questionable and cannot be used. The radar unit in squad #20 is due for replacement because it is over 12 years old and is losing the range capability. (NOTE) The Minnesota State Patrol recommends replacement of radar units every 5 years. Total cost of the above five programs - $95, 068. 60 MEMO TO: TOM BURT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGtNEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: NOVEMBER 15, 1994 RE: EQUIPMENT REQUISITIONS 1995 - 1998 The foilowing is a list of equipment that the Public Works Department is requesting for 1995, followed by a future years request. The first 9 items are all high priority items which have the same priority ranking and cannot be dismissed lightly. All of the items are required to maintain the City's present service levels. Five items, the loader, the single-axle truck & plow, the plow for the existing tandem truck, the one ton pickup and the 3/4 ton pickup are all snowplow related items which are required immediately to keep up our present service level which at this time is marginal compared to other cities. ESTIMATED C.I.P. # DESCRIPTION REPLACEMENT GOST 1. 95-730 Replace 1974 John Deere Loader with new $170,000 loader and plow. The John Deere is totally undependable and right now needs a 520,000-525,000 overhaul 2. 95-729 Add a new single-axle dump truck with plow S 100,000 & sander. Required due to additional street mileage. 3. Buy a plow for existing tandem which is $11,000 already equipped with sander and rigging for plow. Never bought plow. WiQ use on east side (added CR 38) to reduce amount of down time for re-loading salt & sand. 4. 95-728 Replace 1986 Chevrolet 3/4 ton 4x4 with $30,000 plow with new 1 ton 4 wheel drive with dump box & plow. Existing 1986 is due for major repairs, not dependable Equipment Requisitions 1995-1998 ESTIMATED C.I.P. # DESCRIPTION REPLACEMENT COST 5. 95-727 Replace 1975 Dodge 3/4 ton 4x4 with new 520,000 3l4 ton 4 wheel drive pickup with plow. ` Existing 1975 is due for major repairs and is old Fire Department grass rig. , 6. 95-703 Additional vehicle hoist so that 2 pieces of $8,000 � equipment can be worked on simultaneously. This is a mobile piece of equipment similar to our present hoist 7. 95-707 Replace existing 125 psi air compressor S 17,OQ0 (A.C.) with new 185 psi A.C. Cannot get parts for existing-manufacturer is out of business and it is worn out. Used for street repair, watermain breaks. 8. 95-738 Replace 1988 15' Howard mower with new 538,000 . 18' mower. Existing requires major work on decks and engine. Additional parks to mow (Wensmann, Erickson). 9. 95-701 Replace 6' John Deere and Ford mowers with lease for 2 new mowers as per attached quote from Polfus Equipment. No cost in 1995 due to trade in of John Deere & Ford. Will budget lease costs in 1996 and 1997 budgets. 2 Equipment Requisitions � 1995-1998 The following two items are in the Pubiic Works requests for 1995 but could possibly be delayed until 1996. ESTIMATED C.I.P. # DESCRIPTION REPLACEMENT COST 1. 95-705 Bobcat trailer.. This would be an additional 56,000 trailer to haul bobcat to project locations with pickups. Presently have to use "LowBoy" which requires single-axle dump truck to haul and Class A license. Will increase efficient use of time. 2. 95-735 Replace existing herbicide sprayer. Pull 53,000 behind tractor type for park use. Cannot get parts for existing. In addition, the tank on the "old" jetter truck needs replacing ASAP. This is estimated to cost S 10,000. Since this truck is primarily used for instatling ice on the outside rinks, I am requesting that this be paid for out of Park Dedication Funds, and not "compete" with other equipment. Burnsville just purchased a truck specifically for rink watering for 584,000. . As a reminder, the approved Utility C.I.P. Budget includes the purchase of a combination Jetter/Vac Truck in 1995 which is to be paid for from Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Core Funds, thereby not affecting the C.I.P. items from the General Levy Budget. 3 Equipment Requisitions 1995-1998 ' 1996 and Beyond The following is a list of equipment items requested for 1996 thru 1998: ESTIMATED C.I.P. # DESCRIPTtON REPLACEMENT COST 1. 96- Replacement of {#208) 1985 Ford Single- S 100,000 Axle Dump Truck and plow with new Single- axle dump truck and plow. The 10 year old truck is due for costly major repairs within the next year. 2. 96-702 Replacement of existing 1988 Asphalt Roller $22,000 with a new 2'/z ton roller. Existing roller is too small and does a poor job of compacting when using paver. 3. 96-703 Replacement of 1987 "Bobcat" with new 525,000 skid-steer loader. Existing will be at a point of costly repairs. 4. 97-702 Replacement of "Tac" trailer. Used for 525,000 hauling "Tac" for bituminous pavement repair. Replaces existing traiier which is worn out. Would like to move to 1996. 5. 97-713 Replacement of 1989 Ford 1 ton pickup & $22,000 plow with 1 ton pickup and plow. Would like to move to 1996 due to needed body work on 1989 modeL 6. 99-7�8 Replacement of 1990 "Howard" 18' mower 540,000 with 18' mower. This item has to be moved up to 1997 at least. Existing is already requiring costly repairs. Wi(I have additional parks to mow by 1997. 4 Equipment Requisitions 1995-1998 ESTIMATED C.I.P. # DESCRIPTION REPLACEMENT GOST 7. 98-713 Replacement of 1971 Fuei tanks and pumps 560,000 with new tanks and pumps. Required by State Law by end of year 1998. Have 525,788 in encumbered funds. Public Works Department recommends replacement immediately due to condition of existing facilities. Should not wait until 1998. , 5 .:•; j� . .... �. .. � .• • ' �rs�errr.nrc. . . � ms trs�s�.w. ' 11a..me�.r.tAN� � • 1�t2J?St274 /�GflUGtWIT/i „� . . ATWt1Rlf� August 30, 1994 City of Rosemouht . � E3ox S10 � Rosemount. Mn 55068 • Rich Tr�anks far letting us demo the John Deere F1145 moWer'" last week. Listed here are some flgures bn e teese program for the c1ty. 1'his program is designed to reduce dot�m time by provlding moWers that are rotated every . � tWo years or less. The units Will be covered under the manufacturer's �' Warranty for the full �ix years of the program. F935 tractton untt �}' ��d ���' 72 moW�r �3UUU.t�O F 1145 trac t 1 on un i t C 4wd� � 2 ��''`� 72 moWer �35U0.00: Lrade: F93S tractlon unit/moWer -�300U.UU��� �� Ford tractlon unit/mo�rer -�7000.00 This Would be the �ost per unit per year rotating each untt at � least every other year �or a s1x year period. You may use your trade in units to off- set �the rentat costs. . The 'rental for the lst year for both untts Would be $1 , 2nd year Would be $3000.00, 3rd year �6500.OU, etc. If you have any ques�tions, please �all . Sincerely • J Milt Karnick 0� � �� � � . �s� � � ' � � � , ,, . _ _