HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Mosquito Control Video Presentation CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SItPvIMA1tY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCII. MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 7, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: MOSQUITO CONTROL VIDEO AGENDA SECTION: PRE5ENTATION DEPT. HEADS REPORT PREPARED BY: LINDA JF,IVTINI�, AGENDA�D��.� � A ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY I � C � ATTACffiVIENTS: NONE. APPROVED BY: / David French of the Mosquito Control Division and his associate Pete Whebbe requested time to present a nine minute video regarding the operations of the Mosquito Control and their programs. RECOlVIlVIF.NDED ACTION: None. , COUNCIL ACTION: i ��TE: 01-19-95 TINE: 14:b4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PA6E: 1 • PR06RRM AP66 VOUCHER APPROVAL LISTIN6 VER. ,.4.92 BANK: 999 VENDOR: RLl VENDORS WIIL BE REPORTER SEIECTION CRITERIp: Rll RECORDS WIII Bf RfPORTED REF M0. D�TE VENDOR M6NE VEN�IMV ACCOUNT NUNBER TRANSaCTION DESCRIPTION JR�N AMT YENOOR AMT , IN10219 I1-19-95 AfSCNE COUMCII U OUES 191 6FSCNE UNION DUES 33�.5i 661 AFSCME UNION OUES 31.5i 692 AFSCMf UNION OUES 13.51 65i iIFSCME UNION DUES 15.5Q 395.64 IN01118 I1-19-95 AMERICIIM FAMIII' IIFE ASSURAN 4152 111 AFIIIC PREMIUMS 98.31 6!1 AFIAC PREMIUNS �.�8 692 AFIAC PREIIIUMS 1.92 65� AFLRC PREAIUMS .71 1Qb.�1 IN�922@ li-19-95 CENTRAI STATES HERITH 6 IIFE 2331 141 CENTRRI INS PREMIUNS 16.15 16.25 IN6�221 t1-19-95 CITY OF ROSENOUMT 299661 191 FIEX PLBM WITHNOlDIN6S 1,255.$1 611 FIEX PLRN WITHHOIDINGS 139.38 592 FIEX PIAN WITHHOLDIN6S b5.88 65B FIEX PIAN WITNHOLDINGS 51.46 1,443.59 IN81222 91-]9-95 MINNESOTp DEPT. OF REVENUE 924915 181 MN STATE TflX WITNHOlDIN6S 3,546.71 2O1 NN STATE TAX WITNHOLDINGS 124.49 6@1 NN StATE TAX WITHHQLDIN6S 216.8fi 662 MN STRTE TAX WITHHOLDIN6S 92.44 683 NN STATE TAX WITHHOLDIN6S 89.34 55B MN STATE TflX WITNH-0lDIN6S 85.45 �,196.85 IN��223 91-19-95 DAKOTA COUNTY FINANCIAI SERV C(S 191 CRSE C6183156, 469-58-2532 id9.8� 149.00 IN9@22� i1-19-95 fIRST STATE BANK-fEDERAI WJN @l5591 1�1 fEDERAI WITANOLOIHG - EE 8,165.89 181 FICR WITRHOIDING - ER 3,283.19 111 FICA WITHNOLDIN6 - EE 3,283.1b 1@1 NEDICRRE WITHHQlDIN6 - ER 961.81 191 MEDICARE WITHHOLOIN6 - EE 967.81 211 FEDERAI WITHHOIDING - EE 255.22 1A1 FICA WITNNOLDIN6 - ER 136.51 2g1 FICA WITHH4LDIN6 - Ef 136.59 111 MEDICARE WITHNOLDIN6 - ER 31.9� 2g1 MEDIGARE WITHNOLDIN6 - EE 31.94 691 FEDERRI WITHHOlDIN6 - EE 515.39 601 FICA WITNHDLDIN6 - ER 282.95 691 FICR WITNHOLDIN6 - EE 282.95 681 MEDICpRE WITHHOLDIN6 - ER 66.16 611 NEDICARE WITHHOlDIN6 - EE 66.11 6B2 FEDERAI WITNHOIDING - EE 12l.88 692 FICA WITHHOlDIN6 - ER 121.21 662 FICp WITHHOLDIN6 - EE 121.27 592 MEDICARE UITNNOlDIN6 - ER 28.36 692 MEOIChRE WITNHOlDIN6 - Ef 28.36 5@3 FEDERAI WITNNOLOIN6 - EE 199.58 6@3 fICh WITHNOlDIN6 - ER 89.45 603 fICA WITHHOlDIN6 - EE 81.�5 6i3 NEDICARE WITHNOlDIN6 - ER 19.75 693 NEDICARE WITHHQLDIN6 - EE 14.15 � 65� FEDERAI WITHNQIDING - EE 155.68 65@ FICR WITHNOlDIN6 - ER 114.49 65� fICA WITHHOlDIN6 - EE 114.49 65@ MEDICARE WITHNOlDIN6 - ER 41.69 D�TE: 01-19-95 TIME: 14:84 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �� P86E: 2 ' PR06RAN AP66 VOUCHER RPPROVAI LISTIN6 VER. �.l.12 BANK: 999 VENDOR: All YENDORS WIII 8E REPORTED SEIECTION CRITERIfl: �ll RECORDS WIII BE REPO&TED REF M0. DATE VEMDOR N�NE VENJIMY �CCOUNT NUNBER TRANSACTIOM DESCRIPTION TRAN AMT VENOOR RMT IN1122� 41-19-95 fIRST STATE BANK-FEDERAI W�N 1i55m1 651 MEDICARE uITNNOlDIN6 - EE �1.68 19,811.51 IN�6225 11-19-95 ICNA RETIREMfNT TRUST - �51 39Ti 191 45T DEFERREO COMP W�N 37.51 241 451 DEFERRED CONP u�H 12.54 5l.Id INA1226 91-19-95 LAW EMFORCEMENT LABOR SERVIC UMDUES ldi POLICE UNION DUES 225.1i 225.i4 IN14233 91-1s-95 NETROPOIITAN FEDERAI @ANK, F 91-OAr �18 91 O�YS,DUE �/24/95,5.�E 12b,1!l.1/ 691 91 DaYS,DUE 4�2�(95,5.�3 12�,010.1i 6B3 91 DAYS,DUE ��21(95,5.42 3l,eae.!! 68l 91 DRYS,DUE ��24�95,5.�E 26,199.18 612 91 DpYS,DUE 1�2�(95,5.�2 39,1Aa.19 613 91 DBYS,DBE �J24j95,5.4E 80,98�.00 /44,461.00 IN@8221 @1-19-95 NINNESOTA TEANSTERS-IOCAI 32 UNDUES 181 UNION DUES 331.a9 661 UNION DUES 11.30 692 UNION OUES 11.1@ 398.m0 IN/6243 91-1�-95 N.S.P. 13682 1@1-43156-91-381 SIREN #1 6.28 INB8244 81-12-95 21g1 1�1-43169-01-381 SIREN #3 6.28 IN@9245 Q1-11-95 554� 1�1-43160-91-381 SIREA #2 6.28 IN�8246 81-12-95 13991 1�1-43160-91-381 SIREN #12 6.28 IN@1241 91-12-95 13891 1�1-43169-91-381 SIREN #11 6.28 IN�8248 �1-12-95 39�1 161-43161-gi-381 SIREN 15 6.28 IN4@2A9 91-12-95 13�1 isi-43168-@i-381 SIREN #4 6.18 601-4941�-81-381 WEII tl@ Ab8.31 IN88250 @1-12-95 2555 691-49193-01-381 Wfll #3 527.18 IN88251 61-12-95 2815 iB1-4194@-91-38T CITY HAII 1,251.9A IN@6252 91-12-95 13155 181-A3169-Q1-381 SIREN 18 6.28 IN99253 I1-�6-95 14425 19i-41944-�1-381 FIRE NAII 526.73 IN89254 O1-@6-95 1�455 191-119�E-61-381 PUBIIC WORKS 6ARA6E 314.56 3,188.92 IN09232 91-14-95 PEOPLES NaTURpI 6AS COMPANY 731191 1!1 RSNT COMM CTR�N6 ARMORY 1,312.8i lgi-d51�1-01-383 RSMT COMN CTRJN6 ARNORY 2,339.69 659-45139-81-383 RSMT CDMM CTR�N6 pBMORY 2,33l.68 IN�0235 81-11-95 169471 101-d1940-�1-383 fIRE NRII 1,239.87 IN@@236 11-11-95 153386 1@1-+11949-81-383 PUBIIG VIORKS 611RA6E 651.36 IN�023] 11-11-95 169470 li1-11450-11-383 CITY HAlI T45.�3 IN16238 01-11-95 159352 111-�15168-81-383 CNIPPENDALE PRRK BlD6 3I.8A INtB239 91-11-95 �63385 681-19403-91-383 WEII #3 ]5.26 IN�s249 81-ii-95 511312 191-95180-91-383 J�C PARK SHELTER 15�.f7 IN06241 01-11-95 539408 6@1-49408-�1-383 WEII #8 69.13 IM�6211 11-11-95 5479�9 lil-�19�6-01-383 POIE BARN 41KSP 54.12 11,988.85 IN86218 81-19-95 PUBIIC EMPlOYEE RETIREMENT A 725A8A 101 PERA WJH - ER 5,197.�3 161 PERA W�H - EE 4,153.31 211 PERA WjH - ER 1i1.23 2!1 PERA W'H - EE 95.59 691 PERA 61(H - ER 211.16 661 PERp W�N - EE 199.94 � 692 PERA W�N - ER 9m.14 602 PERA W�H - EE 85.69 613 PERA WfH - ER 61.83 693 PERB W�H - EE 51.62 D�TE: I1-19-95 TIME: 14:84 CITY OF ROSENOUNT PA6E: 3 • PR06R�M RP�6 VOUCNER �PPROVpI LISTINfi VER. �.g.02 BANK: 999 VENDORc All VENDORS WIII BE REPORTED SELECTION CRITERIA: All RECOROS WILL BE REPORTED REF N0. DATE VENDOR N�ME VENfIAV �CCOUNT NUMBER TRANSRCTION DESCRIPTIOM TR�N �NT VENDOR �MT IN�l228 11-19-95 PUBIIC EMPLO�EE RETIRENENT A 1251i1 65i PERA W�N — ER 86.63 651 PERA W(N - EE 81.61 10,�22.6� INIi231 i1-19-95 ROSEMOUNT NWTIONAI BAMK 91—DAY 111 91 DA9S,DUE �l2�/95,5.25! 61�1l1.11 20� 91 ORVS,DUE 4J2�/95,5.25i 31,I1i.i1 2Q5 91 OAYS,UUE �f24�95,5.25i 51,l11.11 3!3 91 DilYS,OUE ��2�j95,5.25i 30,116.4� 315 91 DA9S,DUE 1f2�j95,5,15i 19o,1il.li 338 91 DAYS,OUE ��29j95,5.25t 99,110.14 6�2 91 DAYS,DUE ��24�95,5.252 111,OQ1.l1 55@,489.0@ INQG229 a1-19-95 USCN DEFERREO COMP PlAN 23111 1�1 DEFERRED COMP W�H 2,�11.11 2g1 DEfERRED COMP WJN 35.09 661 DEFERREO CONP bIJH 54.25 692 DEFERRED COMP N�H 23.25 2,513.62 IM8023� �1-19-95 USCM DEFERREO CONP PLAN 2338 i�i DEFERRED CONP YfN — PjT'ERS U J.49 650 DEFERRED CONP WJH — PfT'ERS 198.I5 346.1� ' IN@9231 g1-19-95 WNMICNAELS IINITED JAN 181-41818-91-319 FIEX ADMIN fEES 59.li 50.0� **TOTAL VOUCHERS t0 8E PAIDt 1895,251.93 .�.,��x...x..xx.�x.*.,�.xx�:� . . ' APPROVfD BY: * : . x*:*.x�.:*:�:*..x..*x.*xx.x Metropaiitan Mosquito Control District lYlission Other 1VIMCD Activities The goal of the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District ' " `� � � ' The 1VIMCD prov'rdes a nurnber of different services.Each (MMCD)is.to sixppress mosquito transmitted disease and . poo� � one focuses on a particularmosquito or ir�sect. � reduce annoyance levels of masquitoes and gnats to enhance Ec�c�s �nu�r The LaCrosse Encephalitis Preventio�Program controls your outdoar_enjoyment., — - " � -- - the mosquito that transmits�the vin�s that causes LaGrosse MOSqUttOe5 arid M1�lnesotanS " encephalitis in children. This masquito develops in water- , PUPn �uu�r e�ae�iNo filled containers like o�d tires,bu�kets;cans, and tree ho�es. Mosquitoes transmit a variety of diseases in Minnesota �� F�oM PUP� ` including LaCrosse encephalitis, western equine encephali- The adult mosquito develops in the pupal c�se, similar to a Ernphasis is p�aced on public education and breeding site tis, a.nd dog heartworm (which;does not a.ffect humans). moth in its cocoon. When the adult is fully formed, it reduction. Addit'ionally,rnosquitoes:can occur in nurnbers great enough ` emerges from tfie pupal case, dries its wings, and flies off to The Cattail Mosquito Program controls th� aggressive ' to be discomforting to people and animals. repeaYthe cyele. mosquito that emerges from c�ttail marshes just before the Minnesota's geQgraphy was affected by glaciatibn which left MMCD Control StrategieS Fourth of July. numerous depressions in the land. Spring and surnmer rains Of the �0 different mosquito species in Minnesota, the The Black Fly Program controls biting gnats which devel- fill these basins providing ample mosquito habitat. ' pistrict directs its efforts at opl�those 15 species which use op iri the rivers and streams in the metropolitan area< Because we love to be outdoors in the sumrner, we ut our- people for fbod and species�hat vector diseases. p The Lyme Disease Programl identifies areas.in the District selves in the-mosquito's environment.We have all become Ernphasis is placed on controlling larvae� while they are where deer ticks, the Lyme disease carrier, are present. ` familiax with fihe mosquito's buzz while camping, fi'shing,' in the water: Mosquito producing wetlands are located, Info�rnaYion is shared with the Minnesota Department of `garderiing, golfing,`or playing so£tbalT. - sampled, and prit�ritized aecording to mosquito productivity. Health and other agencies for further action. Out fOI'BIOOd � ��� � T`he most produ�tiv� sit�s�are tre�ted using an environrnen- � � ��� � ��� � � � �� � � �� � tally compatible approach�. Two types of biological�control I)Ol�lar5��and�Sense � �� � Only ferriale��mosquitoes bite. The blood you��donate pro- �� �� � � � �� � � The MMGD encom �asses 7 metxo olitan counties; 2.3 mil�-� �- �� ��� � � rnaterials are�used. The dry form of Bac�llus thuring�iensis� � p �� � � vides prote�ns nec�ssary �ox the'produ�tion o£�arge batches ` lion eo re 1i�in in an ar��c�f 2,�00 s �iar��iles b�nefit of e s. Su ars in lant 'uices are used b both ma�es and var. israelensis, a natural soil bacteria, is applied either by P P g q gg b P J Y : from the ro rams. � hand oi�by a helicopter, lVlethoprene, an in�ect growth regu- P � - �� �- � � females fc�r flight ener�y: , lator, is applied as either a briquet or as a pellet. Real estate taxes provide the fur�ds for the program.The vari- After the female has mated, taken blood, and her eggs have . et of services rovided b the�VIMCD costs a ro ert matured, she flies off to find the erf�ct lace to la her Localized adult�nosqurto control is dane to reduce Y P Y P P Y p p y mosquito annoyance and disease vector popnlations. owner with an $8D,DQ0 house less than$4.00 per year. eggs. She searches for areas that are either wet or are subject - ° to flooding such as river flood plains,waodland p�ols, Treatments are done on request,primarily in and araund pf the $10 inillion annual'budget, 93%goes directly into . : . . park and recreation:areas and for ci�ie events: People can field programs, en�ironmental studies,and quality assu`r- marshes, and even grassy depressions. if conditions are right, a single fem�le can lay betweeri�0-250 eggs in a site. call the Adulticide Information Line(643-8383) for details ance. on where treatments will be done€or t��at particular day. VF�ater is crucial for continuing the mosq�tto life cycle. After Adult mosqu'ito control maferials are permethrin and �'or more inforrnation on specific MMCD materials and rainfall covers eggs, immature mosquitoes (larvae)hatch resmethrin which axe similar to a natural botanical insecti- activities, pleas�call 645-9149. :within seconds. Tliey remain in the water a�c�feed; after cic�e that is the extract of a chrysai�themurn flower. Ad�lt several days they trans�orm into pupae which do not feed. rrlosqu�to control is:less than 5%of the Distr�ct's program. ' , . '' Metropolitan Mosquito Control Commission �99� _ Metropolitan . � � � � Steve Loeding, Chair : Dakota M�Sqult� �Q��r�l . Dennis Hegberg, Vice Chair Washington � � Dick Wedell, Secretary Ramsey D1S�Y'jCt ' RobertBnrman ........ .....:... .:....... ......:.. ..:.....:..Anoka > Margaret Langfield Anoka Fol med 1958 Dave'McCauley Anoka John Siegfried ......... ......:: ......... .....................Carver . $ob Je�sen.... ......... . ........ .......... .... ....Dakota Metropolitan Counties Working Together to Reduce Insect Dee Richards Dakota . Transmitted Disease and Annoyance ` Sandra Hzlary. .....:.. ......... .......:: ............:.....Hennepin _ Randy Johnson Hennepin Mike�pat Hennepin ..... John Finley... .....,:. ........ ........ ........ . ... .Rams�y : ����9�Q��j�� � �al 1�Torgard. � Ramsey � � :� � � . � , ;� � �� � � Ray Foslid.�.::....... .... ......����..... ....... ....�.:. ....�..........Scott ��� �� � � � - � � � � � �: Dick Underferth Scott . , Dave Engstrom........ ......::. .......^. ......,:.....Washington , , � The M�etropolitat�1VIosquito Cantrol Commission is made up of erecte�d county commissioners appointed��b���their � � � � � � � � � ��� � � , � � �� � � respective county b�ards to�serve one year terr�s.The � � � � `. � � � � � � �, � Gomr�iSsion sets policy arid provi€les direction�for�the � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � Distri�t.�� � � � � � �~ � ��f� �A��� � � � � - � � , ��� � 0�11�0` , � A Technical�dviso�y Board composed of r�p�esentatives '� _ � - � � f r o m g a v e r n m e n t a g e n c i e s a n d c o n c e rn e d c i t i�e n g r o u p s � o reviews tYie�Dis�rict progra�and pravides�ecommendations �� A � ,_..,��� � � ' � � � � � � � � � �� � ��� � �� � �36 �ears of Ser�ice ��� � � to the eornmission. ,� � � �� � M�" � �� �� A`Scientiffc Peer Review�'anel, an independent panel of�� � � �, � � . �� � ��� � - � �� Joseph F.�Sanzone, I�ir�ctor �� � � � experts, directs research investigating poten�ial�enviranmental , � Q��' �� � � � � ��� �� � � � � ��� � � �� �� � � ���� ���� � � � ��� im acts on wetlands`from control measures used b the ` � � � ` T�You Want Moie Infor3nat�ori ConEact,�vlIVICII�--- P . , , , _ Y �n � � ` : 209��Jniversity_A�re.�est, 1VI�VICD..I�o �ign�fieant negat�ve i�npa�t��have been found�to °�":� � �� � -� � � ��� St. P�ul 1V�N 55104 - 34�1 � date. � � �� � ° � �� •� ;: , �� � � �� � � , �� �enerai Inforrnation: (612)fi45-9149 � � , � � � ,� The�.yme Disease Ticl�Advisory Board, made up of local � � �, �� � � � ��� Adult Mosquito Control Informatxon. 64�-8383 scienhsts and agency representat�ves with Ly�e disease Q '•� � o , '�DD use M�nnese�xe�ay se���e expertise, rneets annually to inclepe�dently review MMCD ° r� � � � ` �ti�l�surveillance work and provide in�ut�fdr future studies.��� �.°� ��� � � � �� � �A.}�rmat�ve�ction�r�ploye�. c� , -•� � �� Avai�able,in alter�rzte formdts. _ - - _ �, o � , � � -�.c� v� � aa - - , ' . `p� � : �`M�N pR �t p r • , PR� % . .. ; - - . �tsM aNS oN - .. , d _._ __ W E p�Dt i; � � - - �� ---- �Z,s.so N99•�.���a w• - '; �y�NtH = . _: 5 F� �pG• � _al . 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