HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Accept Resignation of Deputy Registrar Clerk/Discussion of Status of Deputy Registrar Office ME MORANDUM DATE: May 2, 1995 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrato / SUBJECT: Council Agenda Item 6.a. Limited Discussion City Attorney LeFevere and Administrative Assistant Walsh agreed that the personal information provided for in the memos attached to Item 6.a. should not be "public information." It is confidential family information that should not be shared or discussed during the meeting tonight or anytime. For this reason the memos and resignation letter were pulled from the public copy and newspaper copies in the roorn tonight. The deputy registrar transaction counts remained attached and the following message put on the cover sheet: Referenced memos are not provided for public review due to their confidential contents. � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT " - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY'FOR ACl'ION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 2, 4995 AGENDA ITEM: accept Resignation of Deputy Registrar AGENDA SECTION: 'Clerk/Discussion of Status of Deputy Registrar Office New Business PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA 1�i�C�A � � � 1 I C!Y! QTTACHMENTS: Memo to Council and Administrator, _ APPROVED BY: Memo to Administrator, Resignation Letter, Speed Memo Relating to Transaction Counts and Revenues Attached for your consideration is a mema expiaining the events that have occurred relating to the Deputy Registrar office for the City. Included are possible alternatives and the impact they will have on the City and especially on the Finance Department. As outlined in my memo, I feel that the City has two choices: 1) Close the Deputy Registrar office 2) Advertise for a replacement fo� Nancy and keep the Deputy Registrar office open 1 believe that closing the Deputy Registrar office is the decision that makes the most sense for #he City at this time. The services does not pay for itself and even though we have grown tremendously the last few years, the nurnber of our citizens taking advantage of the service has actually decreased. Cutting a service may not be a popular choice but one that I believe, in this case, makes the most sense looking at the overall operations of the City and of the Finance Department. ' Referenced memos are not provided for public review due to their confidential ' contents. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept the resignation of Nancy Vandergon, Deputy Registrar Clerk. Motion to close the Deputy Registrar office run by the City of Rosemount effective Friday, June 2, 1995, and to notify the State of Minnesota of this decision and to notify the citizens of Rosemount through newspaper releases and posting of the decision at City Hall. - OR - Motion to authorize the posting and advertising for the replacement of the Deputy Registrar Clerk. COUNCIL ACTtON: MEMORANDUM DATE: Aprii 26, 1995 TO: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator E.B. McMenomy, Mayor Counciimembers Anderson, Busho, Staats and Wippermann FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director - SUBJECT: Discussion on the operations of the Deputy Registrar On March 6th, I sent a memo to Tom(attached) talking about Nancy Vandergon, the Deputy Registrar Clerk, and the adoption process she was going through. On March 21 st, Nancy gave her resignation to the City, effective Aprii 4th. in her resignation, she asked that we keep the position open if at ail possible until after April 25th, the date of the final adoption hearing. She had to leave employment prior to the 25th because the birth mother requested that Nancy and her husband take the baby prior to the final adoption. it was an awkward position to be put in, but Nancy had little choice but to comply with the mother's wishes. Because of`hesitation on the part of the birth mother and her parents, Nancy requested to leave the position open so that she could retum to her former position if the adoption did not go through. There was no hesitation on my part to do this as ! value Nancy as an employee very highly and wanted to be able to retain her services if things did not work out. Yesterday, Nancy called me to let me know that the adoption went through with no problems and their little daughter is truly theirs. This brings me to the discussion on the Deputy Registrar office. ln normal times, I would probably just ask that Nancy's position be replaced. But there are other circumstances that I believe warrant further discussion. First, as 1 discussed in my March 6th memo, Diana will be (eaving on a parenting leave sometime at the end of May or the beginning of June(she is due June 3rd). Diana and Denise are the only two City employees who have the ability to handle the Deputy Registrar responsiblities. With Diana leaving, Denise wi(1 be the only employee capable of handling those responsibilities in addition to her other responsibilities and some of Diana's as well(in her absence). 1f we do hire a replacement for Nancy, we are looking at a training period of 4 to 6 months unless we can find someone with prior Deputy experience. When Nancy was hired Denise worked with her almost exclusively during her training period as did Diana work with Denise back in 1989 when Denise was hired. With Diana being gone, it just isn't going to work having Denise training exclusively with a new pe�son. Denise will be busy with all of the utility billing responsiblities, all of the office supply responsibilities, most of the insurance responsiblities, and a great deal of the accounts payable responsibilities. These are the main reasons, along with the monetary issues that I Page 2 presented in my March 6th memo, that l am recommending to ciose the Deputy : Registrar window. Since the time of my original memo, Jane Giib, our payroU cierk, has given her resignation(effective May 12th). The Council authorized the replacement process for that position and we hope to have a candidate for hiring back to the Council on May 16th, but probably more realistically, June 6th. Assuming a two to three week termination notice being given to that candidate's former employer, we couid be looking at being without someone in that position from May 15th to as long as the 1 st of Juiy. This is going to push additional duties towards Denise, further restrictin her 9 abi(ity to perform: Deputy Registrar duties, much less train someone in to Ieam those duties. With Nancy being gone, Janie leaving May 12th and Diana possibly leaving anytime between now and the beginning of June, our department is looking at going from 4 1/2 employees(including myself) to 2 for a period of a month to a month and a half. I have discussed with Tom the possiblity of hiring a temporary person to fill in for a short period of time and I am looking into that possibility right now. l am not a big fan of temporaries, especially because of our accounting differences in govemment, but at this point I do not see a lot of other options. rwill be assuming some of Janie's and Diana's responsibilities, but with my work on the 1994 audit and on the 1996 budget, my time wiil really be limited. The reason I brought up the issue of Janie leaving is to further reinforce my arguments for closing the Deputy Registrar window. Granted, we are looking at a 2 to 3 month period of time, but what if Diana takes her parenting leave, comes back and gives her resignation so that she can stay home with her new baby. It has already happened once here in the last year so it is not unrealistic to think that it could happen again. 2 to 3 months could tum into 5 to 6 months. Ultimately, our department would survive, but I do not think that it is fair to Denise or to myself to go through something that may be unnecessary. Two years ago, when Nancy was hired, much discussion took place regarding the Deputy Registrar office and its operations. It took over 6 months for the Council to agree to hire Nancy and then only if we opened the Deputy window on Saturday momings for a trial period. After 3 months and virtually no Saturday customers, we went back to our normal City hours. I have attached for you a speed memo that Denise gave me showing our transaction count and #he doltars it translated into for the City's General Operating Fund. We have the lowest transaction count of any Deputy Registrar office in the metropolitan area and our transaction count has actually decreased over the last few years even though our population has increased greatly. This is really not our fault, because most every other office has at least one or two auto dealerships to draw from that drastically increases their transaction counts, and ultimately, their revenue. We provide a limited service to our citizens that is costing all Page 3 : : of the taxpayers money even though they do not receive or take advarrtage of the benefit being pravided. One additional thing that l have not discussed is 'Nancy's fixed assets responsibilities. : Nancy was the person that was primarity responsible for taking care of all the duties pertaining to fixed assets. Those responsibiiities wilt now have to be shifted to an already thin staff. I have looked into the possibility of contracting with the firm that did :` our original inventory and who supplied us with our software to assume many of the fixed asset responsibilities. This is something else that I wiil bring to the Councii at a future date that certainly merits serious consideration. If this is not an option that the Council would consider, it means that if we did hire a repiacement for Nancy that that person would have to be hired to do fixed assets as well as Deputy Reigstrar. Nancy was an outstanding employee who could handle both duties but we may not be so lucky the next time. Also, I had mentioned in my March 6th memo that 1 would look into the possibili�ly of suspending the operations of the Deputy Registrar for an extended period of time. We contacted the State about this and were told that it would not be an option. We were told that we must maintain our current hours of operation or close the office completely. Closing the office would be a permanent move as the State would not : allow another office to open in Rosemount because of the locations of other offices in the immediate area. This also has been discussed in the past and at the time it was feit that the service was one tha# should not be cut. I feel that the situation has changed and tha# naw may be an appropriate time to consider the closing of our Deputy Registrar office. _ The following are the options as I see them, with my recommendation being the first listed: 1) Accept Nancy's resignation and do not replace the position, rather close the Deputy Registrar office effective one month from today on Friday, June 2, 1995. This will give us the opportunity to post the announcement at City Hall for one month and also to get some kind of announcement into the local papers for publication before the closing date. 2) Accept Nancy's resignation and move to authorize the replacement process for her position. I am strongly opposed to this option for the reasons listed previously in this memo and in my prior mema I believe that by keeping the Deputy Registrar office open and hiring a replacement for Nancy will put extreme hardships on the operations of our department which will utimately affect alt other departments. If this option is the chosen course of action, I believe the only way we will be able to complete the absoluteiy minimum amount of work necessary would be to hire additional temporary staff. . � . . . .. . . .. F MEMORANDUM DATE: March 6, 1995 : TO: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrat+or FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: Deputy Registrar Office As you are aware, Nancy Vandergon is in the process of adopting a baby. The birth mother fias had the baby and Nancy and her husband could receive the baby in as little as three weeks if everything goes as scheduled. Final adoption is a couple of months away right now, which means that nothing is absolutely guaranteed until that time. Nancy has indicated to me that if everything goes as planned, she will probably take at least a year off from working. If this happens it puts my department in a real dilemma as we will be short Nancy and Diana will also be leaving on a parenting leave sometime around the end of May or the beginning of June when she has her baby. If everything works out for Nancy, I would like to look at the possibility of closing the Deputy Registrar office run by the City. Finding an experienced replacement for Nancy would be almost impossible and expecting Denise to train in a new employee while already being asked to picic up additional responsibilities of Diana's while she is gone is not fair to Denise or to our department. The Deputy Registrar position is a very detailed, technical position that takes someone who has no exposure to the responsibilities a minimum of 4 to 6 months to pick up. Nancy had no Deputy experience but did have the luxury of being able to work extra hours and have both - Denise and Diana available to train with. The Deputy Registrar office does not make money or even break even. The City takes in approximately $25,000 a year in revenues that pays for a 1/2 time position and part of Denise's salary in addition to other miscellaneous expenses. The office does not pay rent or other overhead costs, but if thase kind of things were factoned in the losses would be even higher. The last time these issues were discussed was when Nancy was hired. At ihat time, the Council felt that the service provided to the citizens should not be discontinued, no matter what the cost. I feel that Nancy's possible departure brings up an opportune time to revisit the issue and a critical time for our department's operations. _ . Page 2 : IfAy recommenda�ons at this time are as follows: _ t) If Nancy does not leave, operations stay just as they are. : 2) ifi Nancy does leave(and only aiter the adoption is fina�, the Deputy Registrar office shouid be closed as soon as legally possible gnring the public ample _ : notice of our closing, but especiatiy before Diana leaves on her parenting leave. It is importarrt to note, that because ofi the rules of the State regarding operations ofi Deputy Registrar offices, if we ciose our office we wouid never . qualifiy to reopen the office at a later date. ,3) If closing the Deputy Registrar office permanently is not acceptabie to the Council, we could look into the possibii'ity of suspending operations for an extended period of time. We checked with the Sta#e an this and were told that it has never been done before and probably would not be an option, although they will discuss the issue further. D�ID Date: March Zl, 1995 . � . To: Jeff Ma.y , - _ From: Nancy Vande=gon Subject: Resignation With this memo I am giving my two week notification of termi.nation of my employment with the City of Rosemount. My ].ast day of work will be April 3, 1995 . As you know, the reason for my leaving is for the adoption of a baby. This adoption will not be fina.l until after the court date on April 25, 1.995 . For this reason, I would appreciate it if my position could be held open until April 25th. I wi1l notify you immediately after that d.a.te whether the adoption has gone through. If the adoption does not work out, I would like to retain my position and have my longevi.ty kept intact. Thank you. `f� G(,ILGt, a . T�: ' F � � R� ���(/'�'Q' t/"�'rt��'t�"' M ' � �.,�, ,�,,,k��,,.: � _ � .a•.�r�k+��.�-'+" �W s�'.,. � _ .y �.� 4���'O� �� � . . E� . , _ _ V���� � ,�,_'�.�� . ,�._.,.��DA�c�,� .�P - �; . =�� - .A,.: �:,.v...- -� .,� _..�` MESSAGE t,yU:(l�a, � � �' : < � : ,� % q — �' � � � _. � 5 g _ � �, �/ _ �' 'i3a �i c�g SIGNED Rf PLY � � l;6(,(.;�t�;�,ci. = a = �` � � _ � a�. SIGNED DATE SENO PARTS i AND 31NTACT. CARBOhI�ESS SPEEL?ISET REDIFORM, PAQT 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPIY. 4S472/4P472 POLYPAK(50 SETS) -�---•--