HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Receive Bids/Award Contract, Wachter 186A Drainage Outlet Improvements, City Project #257 • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACT10N CITY COUNCiL AIIEETING DATE: May 2, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Bids/Award Contract, Wachter AGENDA SECTION: 186A Drainage Outlet Improvements, City Project #257 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA ��EM tt City Engineer/Public Works Director �.�. � ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation APPROVED BY: Bids were taken for the above referenced project on April 21, 1995 and a tot o four (4) bids were received. The bid of GECA Utilities at 590,100.70 was the low bidder. The Engineer's Estimate was S 120,000. As of this writing, the City has not yet acquired an easement or right-of-entry for the property sauth of CSAH 42 owned by Chippendale 42 Partnership. Mr. Mike McNamara has the controlling interest i.n the Partnecship. At this time Mr. McNamara has submitted a concept plan for development of the property in question. He is not interested at this time in granting the City a right-of-entry or an easement for the storm water outlet necessary for Project No, 257 to go forward until his proposed development is approved. Therefore, my recommendation is to begin condemnation proceedings so that the City can acquire the property. CECA Utilities have been contacted regarding honoring their bid longer than what was specified in the project bid documents. The condemnation proceedings could take at least 90 days from the time that documents are filed at the court. Therefore, it could be 90 - 120 days minimum for the City to have control of an easement for the project to begin. There is always a chance that an easement may be negotiated during this time of condemnation proceedings. The City has had the value of the easement appraised. The permanent easement area is approximately 23,710 square feet with an additional 14,650 square feet of temporary easement foc construction purposes. This total easement area is based on the original plan which consisted of piping the entire length south of CSAH 42 through the property. With the change to a more meandering ditch line the easement would change in value. The total value of the easement is between 50 cents and S3 a square foot. Therefore� the total value of the easement which the City could be liable for would have an estimated top end price of nearly S 100,000. Keeping these items in mind, it is my recommendation to proceed with condemnation proceedings at this point. Also, the bid award should be tabled at this time providing an opportunity to continue negotiations and to possibly award a contract at a later date. If the contractor will not honor his bid after 45 days the project would have to be re-bid. I'm looking for Council direction on this matter. At this time we know the construction costs and possible costs for an easement through the property. Council has the option to do nothing or to direct Staff to continue negotiations and to proceed with condemnation of the easement property. RECOMMENDED ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION: 2 . _ OSd�ett �Ittc. • : < 300 Park Ptace East 5775 wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis.MN 55416-I228 e,,ri121, 1995 6�z-s9s-s��s `�'t' 1-800-753-5775 FAX 595-5774 _ Engineers Architects Planners Surveyors Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Wachter 1$6A Outlet City of Rosemount, MN City Project No. 257 OSM Project No. 5414.00 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Bids were received for the referenced project at 10:00 A.M., April 21, 1995, and were opened and read aloud. A total of four (4) bids were received with one of the bids (F.F. Jedlicki) being non-responsive. CECA Utilities, Inc.,Burnsville, MN submitted the lowest bid in the amount of $90,lOQ.70. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The Engineer's Estimate was $119,868.00. We recommend award of the contract to CECA Utilities, Inc., in the amount of$90,100.7Q. The Bid Tabulation and Bid Extension are enclosed. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, ING _ �/l�v�- - � Brian J. ourassa, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures � c: Bud Osmundson, City of Rosemount . Ce _ H:\St 14.00\CI V tL\CORRES\R£COMM.t7R _�.-. Equal Opportunity Empiover BiD TABULATtON fOR - : : ' WACi�I'fER 186A OUTLET _ CiTY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJECT N0. 257 BIDS OPENED• 10•00 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON : Aprii 21, 1995 . &ASSOCIATES,INC. _ :.. . ;. :: >�: _,.: . 81D.�SECURtT1f`. .. >. .. ... TOTAt:B1D <i: .:: ....,,..,._ . .;..... . , CONTRti�R .::.:: .. ** $90.100.70 CECA U�i�ies, Inc. . _ R Contractin , inc. $108.469.80 Northdale Constructton $109,50212 F.F. Jediicici. Inc. Non-Res onsive Bid I ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ' $119,868.00 i HEREBY CERTiFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT TABULATION OF THE BIDS AS RECEIVED ON: DATE: Apri! 21, 1995 � :__�:�d1����� , BY:-,���, Bud Osmundson, P.E. City Engineer Brian Beurassa, P.E. OSM Project No. 5414.00 �'*Denotes Corrected Fi9ure •\St14A0\SPEC�BID TAS