HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. McKnight Foundation Grant Update and Resolution , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CI'TY COUNCII. MEETING DATE: May 2, 1995 : AGENDA ITEM: MCI{IVIGHT FOUNDATION GRANT AGENDA SECTION: UPDATE AND RESOLUTION OLD BUSINF_SS PREPARED BY: JANIIE STECKART, AGENDA NO. RESOURCE COORDINATOR �TEM � � � ATTACffiVIENTS: MCI�NIGHT FOUNDATION GRANT APPROVED BY: APPLICATION, RE50LUTION On February 21, 1995,`after the denial of the State of Minnesota Innovation Grant, the City council directed staff to continue to seek funding for an on-site family service center to be located near Rosemount Greens and Cimarron Village. A prea.pplication letter was sent to the McKnight Foundation and, after meeting their criteria, the McKnight Foundation invited the City of Rosemount to apply for grant monies. The grant application was submitted on March 30, 1995, on behalf of the Rosemount Partnership Program, (RPP), with the City of Rosemount as the applicant organization. A copy of the grant application is attached. A grant interview was called by Louis Hohifeld, grant reviewer for McKnight Foundaxion, on April 1l, 1995, and was attended by Sheila Klassen, Ron Wasmund, Jim Topitzhofer, and myself. Mr. Hohlfeld asked several questions of us and left us feeling very hopeful that he would recommend approval of our request. He state that being asked to apply after meeting the prea.pplication criteria was passing the first major test. However, since the McKnight Foundation does not ordinarily graut building funds to governmental agencies, he did request the,City Council confirm its support to use the building for family service needs as outlined in the grant application. Upon City Council approval of the resolution, a copy will be faxed to Mr. Hohlfeld by May 5, 1995, so he can include it in his recommendaxion. We should hear by June 8 or 9, 1995, of the McKnight Foundation board decision. As Mr. Hohifeld stated, if the McKnight Foundation grants our request of $50,000, another foundation will be more than likely to grant the additional funds needed to construct the building. The $50,000 is within the 20% cap on capital projects set by the McKnight Founda.tion. Mr. Hohifeld was impressed with the level of participation in the RPP's initiatives from the member agencies, including the City of Rosemount, and from the collaborating agencies. He was particularly impressed with the level of citizen involvement. He may call upon the RPP to help him work with a rural community facing similar issues. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning the grant application or other RPP initiatives. RECOMIVIENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve the Resolution Confirming Support and Use of the � Proposed Family Service Center and to instruct staff to fax a copy of the resolution to the McKnight Foundation no later than May 5, 1995. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAgOTA COUNTY, 1VIIlvNESUTA' : RESOLUTION 1995- _ A RESOLUTION COrfl+'Ilt1VIING SUPPORT AND USE OF 1'HE PROPOSED FAMII.Y SERVICE CENTER : WHF�REAS, the City Council of Rosemount has taken a proactive, preventive appraach to managing the City's social issues by supporting the initiatives of the Rosemount Partnership : P��� �d �AS, the City Council of Rosemount has instructed City staff to continue to apply for funding for the constzuction of an on-site family service center, which is a Rosemount Partnership Program initiative; and WHEREAS, City staff, on behalf of the Rosemount Partnership program, has submitted a grant application to the McKnight Foundation requesting funds to construct the family service center; and V � +AS, the McKnight Foundation has requested, as part of the grant application review process, confumation from the City Council of Rosemount that the use of the family service center would be for the purposes stated in the grant applicarion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that it supports the on-site family service center that would effectively and efficiently deliver family services provided by the Rosemount Partnership Program and its collaborators to the disadvantaged families of the community as stated in the gra.nt applica.tion. ADOPTED this 2nd day of May, 1995. E. B. McMenomy, Ma.yor ATTFST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: r • . - .. . . � . . . � . � � . � � � . . - . � .. . . .. . . � .. �_ �3 : ,,a� a,�► : .. _ �r + � •y ., —` ` • �' - 1 ` � cC � 1�( 1 � �' \ (�, \�► ,-�v� ' •r �. � '-F� � ' ^_ t � i ��\`, !� � /.• ` ' � � � ' .l I �� �. ��r F. � ( '� � ``\\ � � � � t f�. � �� � � � � U. ��� /-� �2 _.r ! \ �. \ , � � � � � �. 1 � l r. � � � / � s ° '� . � j� �� \�'� � / / � �' — J• � i_� \ 3 � � f _ �,� """ � i � o��S, ;;._ � � � , ` � r �� � � 1 ' � o _- � ��\ �� � � 1 � i 1� I � �--c� � � � � ,�� � \ - � r � \ _ ;' f� 4 •� � ,� � ,o �, 1 , � 4 � � �i�� :�� :�, �� �� � _ _ � � r � � ;, �-,_! �. ` ' , -� ' , ��,, ` -, � - ..� -� � ,. 4 \ i � `�' . . � .� , � � I / / � \�`��\ ,� `� f . .�. � "♦ � � �! � � t • ,} � ��,`.� y , + �; �.. / �� � �r � � � \ E " .�, ,;, ;-� - -- , ., i------ \ � t ' ` � ` — ' { j , ` �6 ' � _' � —� � _ �' � � � ��� > < < i -� _ i / �" ! • � i a �. i . _ � � /s=' �� ��. . � t r � , 1 1� � � � �`_ � ,"-�-� _ � �� `'� � � l �+ i � ,� � - � � '1 �' ( y ` I`I / .� j \ '4 ��`�-.� ` \��, \ A t � \ � 1 1 Z . `•� \ r � 1 i � \,-� t � � , ',\ � �� � y / � — `: � _ � � �. � � � - � ^ , � , ,- - - ` � �.�;,� . } ` 1c�t �. i 1 ( �� ( _ / � _y `r � , � � � ,' ! .� � t�� �� �� -. �` o ` ` `..` i _ p� -_ �� � � i ��' � r �S i . . - : '- - - -4 ��: i� � r � V , � . ` � ;, . � N � !1 ! � � ��\ ' 1 ' , � ro � � � '�i t . �" . � t �� � . . � �� � �� � �.' 00 � � � I ''.! � _ ..�...� .��� � � , � � �� , , �:i , , _ � - � � �, . - ���� : t .� �, ,� _ _ , . �!� t ;, i ► , � �- ,��...� � � i � � _ t �� � ' " � ' i' r , � i ' � �` � � a— � `, - � r i � o � . , � � � �—, � � ; � � � Q , , . , p; . t L-- ti � � 1 � - ^ � . ��� ,� � � r� � : _ _- r � � � � ,�, . _�i � � r � _ � �! r.� � ; � �.� _ -�, �� ' '� - _ ' .� -�-- �• i � y,_. � � ��- - - - - - __=---- -=,-� _ �.....---�- _ - " � .--___-.� .- -- - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '�Nc1�y1 c``otyc�d�S � :. . A � ,. • ._,�-----''-� � ., _ . . . . - '•-:;,�,-_. . ' , . . Cl-rY aF ��o��n�oc�� � �_��� ����,� _ �� Everything�'s Coming tlp ttosemour�tt! ss�e,osta . plqnc�12-423�i411 Eaac 6iZ-423-SID3 The I1�Icgni:gi�t F'vnndaiion Graat App�ication ` :. : Cover Sheet . , A�i�nt: : City of Rosemount . . . 2875 I45th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Fxe�, iv nfficp!'�: E.B. Mc.�Ylenomy, Mayor (612) 322-2003 Thomas D. Burt, City Admi.nistrator _ (612) 322-2003 ��EPrs�n; Ron Wasmund, Community Deveiopment Dir�tor (612) 322-2020 �cc�l Ypar- January 1 to December 31 aanually $��e� AmnLnt; _ . $50,000 j�irn�c nf Rea�est; The City of Rosemount as the lead organization in the Rosemount Partnership pzogram is s�idng ttus gTant as a portion af the funding to create a Fam�1y Service Center. This ser`+ice center will be utilized to more effeetiveiy and efficiently deliver fam�y services to disadvanta;ed families of the community. ��hmittai D�te Niarch 30, 1995 � �a��� �� 1 �.�.�..,�. , • � � -�. TY OF ROSEMOUNT ��5-°g��� �� P.O.Bax 5IQ Raseserounc.AAN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount.►! g5a�:o5ia , anoc�5�z-�t3.•u�t Fax:512-�23-5103 March 30, 1995 McKnight Foundation 9b Ms. Christine Ganziin, Grant�Iana�er Suite 600, TCF Tower 12I South Ei;hth Street M'ianeapolis, MN 55402 Re: Request No. 95-173 Dear l�is. Ganzlin: On behalf of the Rosemount Partnerslup Program (RPP) I want to t�ank you for the apponunity to apply for funding. We are requesting one time funding of�50,000 to heip constiuct an on site family service c�ater. This buiidi.n;would provide the adequate spa�e needed for the more effective and efficient delivery of a variery of sociai services to the residenu of several low income, subsidized housing units in the tar�et neighborhood. In addition, it would provide space for area youth to interact in positive ways and the �rounds around the bu�lding w�l provide play areas for the many chiidren living in the taraet area. The ;�ant requested would cover the constiuction period of the buildin�. If yon have any questions regardin� this pro)ect, Piease feel fre� to contact me at 322-2006 or Ron Wasmund, Communiry Development Director at 322-2020. Sincerely, �/,� ��i�'G L' 1�"•�• /"`-' E.B. McMenomy Thomas D. Burt Mayor Ciry Administrator .i.� . . . � . . � � � . . � � �.�fanlarc4d0+a' . :enpwr!tJ0'ti Oo�feonww�w�nMXx. 2 DESCRIPTION OF ORCANIZATION AND PROJECT The City of Rosernoucrt is ac�ting as the appticant for this request on behalf of the Rosemourrt Partnership Program (RPP} which is made up of four other partner arganizations: Community Ac�tion Council, Dakota Altiance for Prevefrtion, 'Dakota Caurrty Extension Sefvice, and the Rosemourrt Aciivi�des Program. Atso, indiv�duai members come from the communiiy at large. The RPP is not a formal organization - and does rtot have an ppecating budg�t This partnership was formed a few years ago at the urging of the Rosemount Activities Program whicf� is a grass roots organilation compris2�3 of the residents of one of the low-income, subsidized mu(ti-famiiy housing units located in the target neighborhood. Ti�rough their ir�fluence and effiorts they have brought an awareness to the circumstances within their neighbofiood. Therefore, the RPP is a resident ins�ired and directed effiort to halt the detenoration of a ccmmunity (iving environment characterized by poverty, isolation, and violence. The RPP has a clear emphasis on involvement and empowering famiiies and �e cammunity to heip themszlves and re�ognize the nead to buiid on the cap�iiifij, s�iils, and assets of the youth and families. Focus is not on the deficits, weaknesses, and probiems. T'nis resiliency-�a�ed cailaboration focus�s as much on buiiding prote��on as eradicating risks, on utiiizing strengths and asszts as treating probiems, and on cultivating healthy attri�utes as dis�ouraging dangerous behaviors. During our monthiy meetings we have discuss2d the effe�ts of violence, poverty and the lack ofi youth a�tivi�es on those in need as well as on the entire community. To that end, the City, on behalf of the RPP, applied for and w2s awarded a two-year (Jan. `95 through Dec. `96) Prevention and lntervention grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety to hire a Community Resource Coordinator to woric closely with the residents of the target ne':ghborhood, help them access the variety of services availabi� to them, and con�inue to acquire funding for the initiatives of the RPP. This position has recentiy been filled as a contract employee of the City of Rosemount To create a situation where the Coordnator can better interact with the peopie in need of services, funds from this grant wiit aiso aliow us to rent space to temporarily house the Coordinator on-site in a rental unit or in a nearby strip ma(i. This o�-site location wouid also be used as satei(ite office space for various sociaf agencies to utilize in the delivery ofi their Services. 'fhe RPP is aslcing a loca( business . _ � � owner�o rent the RPP a portion of a strip mait that was recentty vacated. (f an �g�reemerrt c�n be ceaci�ed it wauld 6e on a short tecm basis as the ownec has plans to expand his restaurant irito that area The RPP has atso requested:the use of a rerrtal : unit in one af the housing comp�exes and has yet to receive a response. Even if the response is a positive one, this wouid be a temporary situation sa as not to _ pefmanecrtiy take a unit off the maricet for a famiiy in need of a home. Should-no . �mporary oific� space be found, the Caordinator wiit be housed in the Rosemourrt Community Center which is severa! mites from the target ne'sghborhood. Howevec, the need for an on-site family service center can be sesn in looking at the growth of Ros2mount ar�d the development of tf�e target nesghborhood. The C+ty of Rosemount is in transition from a rural, independent community to an urban. interdependent community. The City has experienced a popuiation growth of 28°a in the last three years, with a total population of around 12,000. E:ght moderate and 1ow income rent�! housing develQpments are located in a one quarter square mile triangte of land and are increasingly oc�upied by former inner-city residents who have left the ur�an cente� The availability of affordable housing, not the availa�iiity of ne�assary support s2rvicas, dete�rr►ined where these famiiies relocated. Sixty-one percent of . thes� houszhoid are singie parent families compared to ninetesn percent for the tota! city of Ros2mount Nineteen pescent of the chiidren in the neighbofiood are chifdren of color compared with 5.5°o for the entire cifiJ. The 502 residents of tMe neighborhood are impacted by violence and crime to a much greate� degre� than the wider community. The City of Roszmount Police De�artment recorded 546 calls made to ti�is neighborhood compared with 5�31 calls for the remainder of the city from August, 1gg3, to Ju(y, 1994. While residents of this target neigh6orhood comprise anly 4.5% of the city population, they require more than 9% of the poiice res�onses. Residences and commercial property surrounding tt�e target neighbofiood are adverseiy impacted by the leve! of poverty, lack of recrea�ona! facili�es, and positive activities to engage youth. Schooi personnel and residents report canfiicts and the resuits of the unmet needs in the neighborhood are also carried into the school setting. Currentiy on-site services are provided on an irregular basis through mobile units or through the use of a resident's unit. Both of these units are inadequate in size to property provide services. Through RPP discussions it has been determined to better 4 � . , . se�ve the target neighborhood a permanent� an-site buiiding is needed. This famiiy service center wiit ailow for ces�traiize�f sefvic.es there�y creating a mare accessibie, e�eeciivve and cost efficiecrt method af bringing services to the resides�ts wha ne�d them. At best, �t wiil eliminate, and at least, wiii reduce, the impacts'of the bamers faced by peopie living in poverty. The buitding wii[ aiso provide space for youth to i�act in positive ways. Ti'te grounds arou�d the building wiii provide the necessary piay areas far the many cf'rildren living in the target area. l.ong-term we hope to develop s�{f- sufficiency through education and program development We hope to reduce crime by making the living environment tess conducive to gang related activities and more conducive to a positive, holistic, culturatly diverse community attitude. We hope to reduce cns� to the community by providing better citizans through educa�on and preven�on of substance abuse and vioiesit activities among families. Ti'�e overall quality of life is expected to increasz not oniy for the target neighborhood, but for the entire city as well. Various options have been explored to provide spac� for the famiiy servic� cente� and, as expiaine�, would be temporary at bes� Also, in 1 na3, a reierendum to buiid a fire station in tt�e targe# neighborhood whict� wouid have provided meefing rooms for such cammunity us2 as be�ng propos2d here was deieated. Tne Gity is curren�y pursuing another fire station referendum, but the recfesign has eliminated the community mee�ng rooms and passage by the votecs is yet to be de#ermined. On behalf of the Rpp, the City was also the appiicant of a State of Minnesota innovation and Cooperation grant to buiid an on-site famiiy service center. Tiiis grant, unfortunately, was denied. The RPP has also initiated severai youth activities in cooperation with the Ros2mount Park and Recreation Departrnent and lSD 196. Thes2 include middle school teen nights and summer activities for at risfc youth. Individual members have started community service projects which include a neighborhood garden, a poster making group for elementary age youth, and a performance group, ali of which focus on the residents of the target neighborhood. The RPP is also networked with a ISD 196 through a Famiiy Services Collaborative Grant. The goal af this is to improve self-sufficiency of ISD 196 students and families . _ . � . 5 .� � � t . in need throu9h an �nte9ra�d crisis prevention support system that provides visibie, acxessibie, immediate, and usec#riendiy se�vices. This wiii be done at.the famiiy sefvice center through use of a computerized haok-up ta Sc�ool 0istrict and Dakota County services. The Community Resource�Caardinator-wiii be trained on how to tieact� those in need of service how to access the information. A(sa, a ftexible emergency fund wilt be avaiiab(e through this grant for famiiies in need of immediate . cash assistance. The FtPP wiil act as Rosemount's advisory board to the Family Service Coitaborative ' COLLABORATtVE SEAVtCE SUPFORT Each of tne s2svice providing partners will deliver sefvices at the famiiy servicn center based upon that partner's experfisz. The Community Action Counc;I (CAC) provides famiiy support workes pragrams, services to women and ci�ildren experiencing violencn, ir�formation and referrai servicns, and self-sufficienc�f s2rvices. The CAG � plans to provide in-kind servic�s vaiued at ��,575.00 ayear. The Dakota Ailiance for Prevention (DAP), a substance abuse awareness and assis�nce program,`provides educational programs and assists with arranging treatment for those desiring treatrnent The QAP plans to provide in-kind services valued at �680.00 a year. Ti�e .- Dakota Counry Extension Servic� provides services such as a mobile ciassroom to faciiitate community education in nutrition, chiid deve(opment, and conftict resolution to neighborhocds, famiiies, and you�. By providing ttiese services in a perm�nent building, the mobile unit cauid be used more frequentiy in another Dakota County city. This agency will pravide in-kind services valued at 14,450.00 a year. The Rosemount Ac�tivities Program provides volunteefs for family activi#es within the target neighborfiood and for community outreach projects in addition to the inva(uable knowiedge of what is needed to improve the quality of life for famiiies living in poverty. The'sr in-kind cantribution is vaIued at a conservafive $10,?20.00 a year. The City of Rosemount will continue to provide technical support, coordinate services through the � Community Resource Coordinator, and provide Park and Recreation activities to the target neigh6orhood. In addition to the RPP, there are several other agencies on the ready to assist the targeted poputation at the on-site resource building. One such agency is the Community Action Program (CAP) of Carver, Scott, and Dakota Counties 6 whicf� has committed �3500.Q0 a year tio bring the Head Start program to the target nesghbofioad Other seniices include, but are not limited ro employmerrt counseling by the Dakota Caunty Technical Center; earty chiidhaad famiiy education, filtoring and study groups provided by ISO ta6, and the Outreach for Young Entrepreneelrships : pcovided by K�ch Refinery. The in-kind doilar amaunt of`�!1 these services is difFc�slt to c�icuiate, but wiil add greatly to the vaiue of services provided ro the residesrts in need. A more compiete list of coilaborators taken from the Prevention and Intervention , _ Grant has been enclosed. OUTCOME EVALUATiON The outcomes of these endeavors wiii be measu�ed by the inc�eased number of peflpie the individua! agencies can reach. We expe�t to s� better scf�ool pe�formancn of the students, less police calis to the neighborhood, and (ess vandalism. Over a two year period we hope to ses a 30°a inc:eas� in target neigh�orhood participation in Park and Recreation Programs; 2Q%4 increase in loca! financial support for youth and famiiy acctivities; 20% increase in Rosemount citizen/leadersl�ip parrticipation; 30% reduction in vioient or drug related po(ic� caiis. We hope the self-sufficiency of the target residerrts wiit improve by a 30°'a reduction in resident mobiiity, 25°'a reduction in residential financial crisis, e.g. eviction; 25°'a reduction in resident involvement with Juvenile Justice or Chiid Protection System; and 20°'0 of youth participate in community voluntear, youth service leaming, job training, or job shadowing opportunities. Focus groups made up of youth and adults from the target area will be formed to provide an empowering approach to issues of barriers, inclusiveness, and prevention. lnfarmation wiil be callected at the family service center and reported to the RPP. The Community Resource Coordinator wiU submit quarte�iy reports of setvice activities, service Ievels and volunteer opportunities to the RPP for discussion and evaluation. DESlGN ANQ COST OFBUILDING AND LAND The design and construction of the family resource baiiding wiD be done by the Dakota County Technical Genter with input from the Rosemount Partnership Program. The .� � � � � � � . center wiii donate �45,000.00 in-kind senrice. Preliminary discussians have de#ertnined a buiiding size of 1500 square fesi with one large multi-purpose room; one � tyya private spaces for counseling, immunirations, and delivery of services from the coitaborative agencies; bathrooms for both adults and chiidren. Buiiding fumishings shautd inc3ude room dividers; tahtes and chairs; refirigeratqr; and off'cce equipment and supplies. Tt'�e outside space shouid inciude piayground equipmerit; bas�cettrail courts; : benches; picnic ta�ies; green space; (andscaping; and parkiRg. The buiiding and grounds must meet the American Qi�abiiities Aci (ADA) requirements. The 1ocation has been iderrtified and a purchas2 price has been agreed to by the owner The pakota County HRA has expressed intecest in purct�asing the land at the detecmined : cost of $175,000 for the 4.7 acres which wiii accommodate not oniy the famiiy secvice cerrter and grounds, �ut aiso phase I of an affordabfe singie-€amiiy attached residesrtial development . The cost of the construc�tion, improvements, and getting ti�e 6uilding and grounds ready to provide servi�es is estimated at�2�0,000. Of that amourrt, the $5o,000 McKnight Foundation Crant would cover �35,Q00 for building construc�on, $5000 for grading, and $10,000 for foundations and foo�ings. The City of Rosemount - wii( provide �150,000 for sanitary sewer, storm se�aer, landscaping, road access, par�cing area, and utili�es inctuding e(ectr'ici�jr, natura( gas, water, phone, and cabie. The remaining �50,000 wiii be requested from Koch Re�nery, USPCi/Rosemourrt Trust Fund, Ros�mount Jayc�es, and other foundations such as the Genera! Miils ' Foundation and the Deluxe Fvunda�on. Thes2 funds wouid provide for games courts, playground equipment, benches, fumishing the building, and office suppiies. OPERATINC COSTS OF THE BUILDING The City of Rosemount as the app(icant organizatian wiii accept ownership of the buiiding, and, therefore, accept the costs of maintaining the buiiding, the grounds, and the parking lot. The amount for operating costs is approximately $5Q00.00 a year, itemized monthly as fo(tows: $100.00 for buiiding and equipment repairs; $112.00 for efe�tricity; �100.00 for gas; and �100.00 for sewer and water. To help with these expenses, CAP and CAC have each agreed to pay �1000.00 a year as the on-site building in which to provide their services is within their poiicy to strengthen their - presence in tYie community 2s defined by#he community. 8 , APPllCANT ORCANIZATtON The City af Rosemourrt is a thicd-�ing 0akota Caunty subur� af the Minneapoiis-SL Pau! Metropolitan area. Ouc major saurce of funding is from a generai tax Ievy whicfi is �4,484,000 for 1955. Ouc tota! operating budget for 1�s5 is �6.71�,400.00. Rasemourrt is a statutory ciiy with a mayor and 4 counaImem6ers elected at large. Eieections are staggered having the mayor and two of the four counciimember positions up fior election evesy two years. The ci�y staifi is managed by a ci�j/ administrator appoirrted by t�e city counciL We are a rurai community making a trans�ion to an urban community. As our popuiation becomes more socia[ly and economically diversified, we fes! it is wise to put in place a policy for helpirtg our e�lished : residents and our new residents maKe that transition. Historicaily, providing human sesvices to residents has been the function of the counties where cities are located. However, even though a city of our size is often not recognized as having to deai with sociai issues, we realize it must take a feaderst�ip ro(e in this area. A city's quality of t'�fie and ecQnomic health is oniy as strong as alt of its neighoorf�oods. Whiie tradi�onal Park and R�:ea�on services such as athietics, field trips, and tiny tot programs have aiways bean a budgeted function of that department, the initiative of outreac"� s�cial services is a new, yet natural evc(ution for the departme:�t to take. We fee( the best approach to this endeavor is through the pubtic and private networfcing as mvdeleti by the RPP. Through this ne�lworking we wiii avoid dup(ication and campefition amoRg s2rvice agencies and, thereby, create an effective and efficient delivery system for the people thesz services are meant to heip. ; _ . .� ���. 9 �� . KEY tNDiViDUALS C1ty of Rosemcunt: _ E.B. McMenomy is the Mayor of Ros2mount t�e'was reele�ted tio a tv+ro year tenn in November of 1 gg4. He is a rea! estate apPraiser and broker with his offices t"ocated in fiasemourrt. He is a life tong residerrt of the City. He has a BA in pubiic re�ations. , Phone: 423-1160. � Thomas D. Burt is the ciiy administrator for the Gity of Ros�maunt He was appoirrted by the City Council in tnn4. Before coming to Ros2rriount, he was the City Manager for the Cifij of St. Anthony. He has 15 years exgerience in city managemertt and p(anning with degrees in urban studies and e�onomics. Fhorte: 322 2006. Ron Wasmund is the Community Development Director for the City of Rosemount and wili be the (ead person on this cans�ruction proje�t He oversees the economic development division, the pianning divis:on, the building inspe��an division and the zoninglcode er►forcement division_ He has been with the City since 1585 serving in several capacities. He has been in pu�fic empioyment sinca t°71 and has an educational bacicground in construction management and civii engineering. Phone: 322-202Q. Rosemount Partnership Program: � St�eila Klassen is a founding member of the RPP and acts as the faciiitator and organizer. She is a past Ftosemount Gity Councii member, former cf�air of the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, an alumni of the Biandin Leadership Program, and has organized severa! community events. She is a community education instructor with (SD 196 working with efementary and middie school students. She aiso has a managerial, cust�mer service, and programming background in the banking industry. - Phone: 423-4391. Lucinda Adams is the current chair of RAP and aisa a founding member of the RPP. She is currently attending school at inver Hilis Community Coliege where she is in a . _ � 10 work-study pro9ram. She has had�everal wark expeflenc�, mast recerrtly as a bank : s�odc transter verifier. Phone: 423-5122. • Maciiyn Metman-is an exfiension educator with Dakata Ccwny Extensian Service. She is that agency's rep�ese�rtative to the APP. She has a masters des,�rree in Horne Economics and Nutrition Education, is an associate pcofessor in nutrition, food, aczd heatth at the U of M, and is supecvisor af the Extension Servic� teacf�ing staff and the mobiie unit that curren�y services the�target neighbort►ood. She has been with trte Extension Service since 199Q. Phone: 463-3302 Shannon Bailey is CACs representative to the RPP She has a 8A in Children and Famiiy Services and has been with the CAC since 1985 where she is currerrtly the Qirector of Programs and Services. Before that she worked as a chiid advocate and chiidren's program coordinator for the CACs B. Robert Le�Nis House: Phone: 431- �7Q3. Sue Geh2 is a preven�on specialist wifih DAP and serves on the RPP. She has a masters degree in Counseling Psychology and has been in the cammunity based chemical hea[th prevention field for 25 years. Si�e has also worked in vocational rehabiiitation counseling and hea(th care administration. Phone: 5�2-3�OS. James Topitzhofer is the Park and Recreation Director for the City of Rosemount and is the City's representa�ve to the RPP He has been with the City since 19s3 before which he was manager of the city community center in Shoreview. He has a bacicground of working with youth, adults, and families on several levels with many branches of the YMCA. He has a masters degre� in business education. Phone: 322-6003. Jamie Ste�kart was recentiy hired as a Community Resaurce Coordinator with funds from a Prevention and intervention Grant whicf� ends December of i 99fi. As a contract emp(oyee of the City of Rosemount he wi1( regort directly to the Paric and Recreation Director, but wiii work under the guidance of the RPP. His duties include interacting with the residents of the targe# neighborhood, organizing recreationat and socia! opportunities for youth, coordinating delivery of sacial secvices, acquiring 11 . . continued funding for APP irri�iatives ihraugh grarrts and donations, and reporting outcomes fio the RPP. tie has a masters degree in soaa[:work and was previousiy emptayed by the Minneapotis Urban Corps where he acquired extiensive experience with d'iverse RoPuiations. Phorte: 322-600o. Other Caita6oratcrs: Mary Suitivan is the Executive Directbc of CAP for Scott, Carvec, and Dakota courrties. She has been in human services for 25 years and has been ir�votved with wide vaciety of programming. Having dealt with the issues of poverty she has besn a�ie to advocate for those in nead and affect change in public and private policies. Phone: 4°6-2125. Doug Webster is the Secondary P�ssistant Dire�tor of the Dakota County Te�hnicai Cen#er in lntermediate Scnool District 917- He wilt supeniise the program with appropriate (icensed staff overs2sing the students that design and construct the buiiding. He has been in aitemative education since 1 S71 serving as a teacher, counselor, and administrator. Phone: 423-8210. ., .. :;tiY , . . , 12 F�: . Pri.wention and Inter9e�rtioa Grant awarded to C'�ty of'�ouirt by State of 11�1'innesota Deparhnent of PubL'c Safety F�rnt Z : catr�aoRaroa c:r�a�T TYP�OE GRGAN1ZATiCN NAME'OF SE�YiC�THAT KEY�(+tTACT ORCOLLA80RATIVE OA;��ANIZATION CI�t��AN��� PF�SaN AND : OR CaLLAB�RATNE WILi.OF� �. - .PHONE NiIMBE�. �ca�u�itY Kc�R�Q . o�i�t tarY�t ��a� C21!!d Cats . � Ca�nmuNtY ac�on Ca�tntcutfty Aeta�autu� Fa�t1Y�p�t� S�on Baltsy rooa�aom� ��-� ��� . af�s rMerv�n�a� ���,���p� Catntitcuzi3Y C�cia�toas �ad Llie C�c{ats Mitry,!o Heiatr.rs 8si 72�� .Ptoc�adon olRaers C�snut�ttY�e�saSioR Rosamouctt��s�Racaatla:t -Statf suppos't Jlca Tooi�riot� -?�#e��tttit�lStTattan 3T-8Q03 . Oistrid 148 Carcimcuuty �?raaram su�cri Ram 52ngh �ucstion s�-'�a7 Caurny servicas Ses Rcihilc 3taaiiti� Cammunitv carrsCfons F_scty a�ikfhooC S�tt-Carver-Oaiccta GF -�feactsss8d Mary Suluvan A�snc� 458-2785 -�ti:F��as�es Marfatta Rica 88:r387�c Esnplcymeni � FourtdatlacLs U.fi.P.C.l.Rasamnuni Tncst FundlnQ for 3uDafes� C T�stea��� Fursd ��� s23�848 F{eati2�Providers - � Hausfaq Cakcta Couaty HRA(Hcctsftt4 Prc�tam stsp�crt b RedaveloFrrzacit Auinodty) Cimmsmn Tcv,mt:acsses Lazv lrscame hausis►a& D ram suaooR 1'� ' � " '. . � • caw�eoRanort c»a�' - � {Cacrtlauedl : -r�rp�oF oRc,aNizanoa: ru�+aE oF s�vcc�n�aT : �r caNTAcr CR COLLASCRATNE ORGANtZATIONt GRGANQATIONg P�OiH_AND OR t'�LLASORATNE WIL!C rrz.� PHaNL NUMBE�Z Bakota Casss�/�� ��!°b C!�Smif� Ltb�a�f�s at�y ttcns 4�Z-4aCa ,. Raaamaurt Pcitca De�t- Ferscs:a!safesy.� E�tei Knutsan. Loeai law sataccaRcer�i prevoc�:cn Froar�ms, C.�taf ncaaram�cccd '�23-+'181 at Rcsarno�nt F�sCai manaQamarsL Tom Hurs. {,�i uNts at Qovemmant � �rarn sisp�t A+dmfnisustor 3i Z f II{�3 Metttai heaittt lindast Cantst f�tucs������ 888-7�ZiDFY Ne(ghbar#taads Rosamour.t A�ivtiias P�grara Aduit�yQ.:th volur'.•eers. Lu�.�Ca ACatns. (R�p� onQaina G1air neigttbcmcod aee�s 423-5�� assessmer.t�olarnirta Psrnnts Farsai Camrnus:fcatioa Parent aCucat'on� ��Srrautr. Netwack ��°� �osEmount MidCle Sc�aa! 42�-'d62 ptsvention Oakota.�iliance tar Tec.�tn{cai assistanca: Sus Gah2 Preven#on focs qrau�trainfn�; 5�•3t CS yauth;eaders.�ip; � ¢areni sup�ort ISO tfr8 Psreat eQucstian� Don BrundaQe StIDC:.R 423-'773 Pubttc heattri Gaicata County PabUc Hastittt C Nca.tmm �untzaticris.0 Dtra�ac aCarsait. t$tated senrius �� 5�-31 Q�4 ' Relipious I Shepherd of ttta Vattey Aduli b yc�ih vaiunteecs. Chrts Irolar.d Churc.'� croaram succort <�Z-8�5� Sanio�c!lzsns ( 14 � . � COLLaBaRATION CSiART (Cantinusd� TYP�OF OE�ANiZATtON NAME OF S�VtC�.i THAT K�Y CLINTACT OR C�JLLASORATNE ORGANIZAZION ORGANQATION3 PE�t30N AND . : OR C.t3LLA8aRATNE : WILL OFr'c.� PF1�NE NUNtBII� � uakaca ca�r Te�,tc�r �aopa�aav.va� co�w.cstsc : � a�cp�te4 423821C c�tsttn�ctt oi � Petttiaaactt bWidla4 . SAannoa Patic�.'sr�ec�taty Psc�t�rct suFPo�. Z'��s• 4�-T87a Rasscnccu►t�eatantary Ot�-stte stuCy�r�'�, LLta Ha�ast. proQtacn supFcst Rrinc�ai 423-788� Rcasrncc�nt MiCCle SCicoi Prcgrarn s:Yxri l.arry i..ecs�t Frfncipst 4�3-75i0 T�aaspottaucn MlRnesota Vallay Transtt Publtc;tsnranatlan to Cathy Bcssizo. . �Qray tec:c calieqa. C�cmafsstnner qtttrttat�aI ueas 4Z3-48d8 VIClm's serricas 8.RobeR Lsw+s t-fausa Qocnesttc vtotence ,teaa Mac�ar�d praventicrt aC�:ntica S 452-7"�88 w-�snseitrta Volunteet ( Ya�rth and yocrth-sa�vfna Dakota County�xenston �amity e�ucadcrt:s�if- Msdlyn Hesnta� sufftdanc�trainlrsq 483�33Q2 4H Youtri Lsaders;�l� Youth resiiieacf Macy Duru.�ssntt davetacrnert 463-33Q2 r.co�.� . � -15 . �� ��� � ����� Loot�for Class Amraeedoru 2Mwsatatsd mstde COdaT's • . ptlp �e Seafoa � -«.. -� 1 - . � . .. - ., _ ... �, _ ._. . Rosemou�nt a�proves rezoning to r��uce de�sit�%�"� . � ,.- _ � ..t:. :�-.�, . : . � .. .. Bp Deb Scfiewe� • � ...+':-�CTian�es 18=acre parc�l t� 1�..�. ��Fats L�ta�aia& •staawriur . ... . . _.:� .. . sanas��c�iu be a�s�est�aosi_ • ••'=:»:�--.�.. • . _•.__, . . . , .". ' _.._ Gve thiug:o have fianpea.You �¢' Rosemouat ia �g ta sta}r``��ttte•nuasber of serrice require- thiag'.iangening ont•.here or b don't�rant to ?ut(ai:ordable " � afiead of poneadal deveiopsaeas �..m�ts."9aid 3iesard ?earson. tomeckiag relaud:o cf�ac ar+ea. �hooa�sqj alI ia oae apot IEmakes.-: by rrmoinq an i8-ace gareet af aatiisc�t plaaner,at:he�rfarca Curreas:y, ;.here are aever.�I for beaer pa6lic ttousiag aad �'laadoffh'haaaoaPariway. . -Zlmeeaas�-• affordabie howing develop- man aF a blend•(of housiag = Ia a aaanimoiis deeision, TIu area aanuat4 °or about meats ia cye area Ia an iaser- throughoas:he ctyj.- • aoaaal members wud to rezoae 10 pereent of'he diyrs poIiee view,Peanon said rezoninq',.t'e Pearsoa pr000aed rhe ecuncl tha lued bordered�y Shaaaoa rails eaea qear,Pearsan said.Bo- nadeveIoped Iand wauId allaw elsanqe tha laad from it4 current - Farkway.I45tts Stmc sad Dodd tweea dugnst 2993 aad lnly the citp to dispene fatare davd• maitiplo-faasily aad ag=icsitursl Boaievard.The pnrpoaa of the 1984, the Police Deoarta:ent oQments arcund ehe city rdt�er derigaatioa to aiagIe family res- move wes:o'seep a haadls an fieided 546 caiLs to che neighbor- thaa conaeaerating Lke�ia aae ideatial (aIlowing� 3iz !o I2 ' :,pooaiadon da�t� • � fiood. In an iaur�iew, LL. asea.The�ove ia aomechinq homen per aceL :.::'�e dty'sas a pareeuIar ia- Dwayne s'�uhns said tfie calls ehat falls ia li::e witk c.s'e dt7/e •• =-taestiartmaiagtitis beeansa of were eitl�er us znsconse w somo- comprehensive gstide ylan. ZONE:To Page L^.?i• �Zone: Rosemount to look at scatterin� multi-fa�nily housinb FromPa�elA poRxdbyRPP6ee:tuseitfitswell cials sho�.ed the residenes edCar.oll's�laimabyexgLiiaing with our initiative+:sfie said.'I KI feel tl:e city is sk��u ot��c c�ey�t��a. �4e mwre is a pcoadire approuh. • Shauldsnfesendu.-aforafire feel ttte atq is makinq a giaat sneuid:�ensidents'arerevery 'IF�re do not rema�to R•2 and acaaoapass tbis faIl,same of�4e sup in calriag eare aF pm6leass ,making a giani Step in pieased sboae it' the referendnm doeaa:pass, Taad aHI be r�mned:o atIow r.4e eke aeighborlsoed is seeiag.' taking care of problems &ieaazc Car:oil,wfio owrss aI- t�ea xe are smdc with a�sall aaasO�o[ihestation on L4e RPP ia a eoalitioa oF resi- most:;acea of L4e Iaad,spoke pieer of c'�3(ma1Ct Cam�y)prep- eoeaer of Dodd Banievard aad deats, private organizations, the neighborhood is an;^•t:hs zsroaiag.He uid it er.p,'I� said.'Somt de+reiapev Shaaaon Par7csvay. aad dtq,�ouacq aaa sehaoi aEti- Seeing." aouaded like tae ctq wss rn3ue- eomu alanQ aad sn=e baek;o $he�7a$Iatsaa,Rosemouat daIs One pragrsm the ;roup ��eila�assen u'��e mniag w it eould save the saz:e sWatioa we're ia aow.• saidsat aad s member aF:he �worked oa was Qt:�sq a mmmu- mcney,alluding to ehe dty�a in• The Citp Couaal aod Pisn- .Rasemnoat PartaenIsip ?zo- nity serriw eaordinstor — tarnt ia psuc'sasin6 par:oE tha niag Com^�:�-�oa�iII took st gam.s�idshtstaadt 6eaiad:�a mmet6iag tbac was approved by aeiYhborkood rnideacs were tlie land if�se Grs statioa referea- Qeaca�mnitiplt fam��r hosu• • � the eonaeil�ar3ier ttu�mons'a. ace�origiaally rsising conar.a ds�passss ing_oae� ia ather sreas of�4e R'ha eemaiag to�-2 u sup- Ia aa interia+�,�assess said a6aut:lte:oain�When cry otTi• Staqar:.3.Stcl�teaomy cefut- eie;Psa:son said. 16 . , ' .:_-•----�...-: . --• . • _ . - • � IA Appie Wltey/Aasemount,Ea9a�Sun�:urrentlWednesday.'Marrh 29.t995 ' � _ • '::L. ' � �..:� . :. � . . . . .:...a_� " . _:�. ��: . . .._. . . . . p��1�N . • • simplp Iike giviag a free ric�e ta develap- : �_—��—� meat iatez�ests- � � , . . Ot,�ters�tave usedreveaue firom T'IF pra-, t �Q l� ��r�l� ��� . ]ects for dnbious purgases cace the flri_giaal ' . � :boads were gaid aff �.��ei Y `i� �• ��.u��i ��- `� Rest, DFL-New Eope, ane of �p t�ce authors of a reform biII in t�he House cf .' '. g,epresentatzves,poiats out that RAc�ester • Some ccmmuaities sesm to paint the �sed TIF'fuads to piaat trees oa ci�baule- ' goals of providing affordable housiag aad vards. , ' - preserviag suburbaa qualitY of Iife as mu- T�ayers in that �tp mi�i have fa- tua]Ip e.u�usive. � _ . � �vared suc� e.Ypeadit.irns — if the�d I�d • A recr�t move bp Rosemoua�,hoareve; . the chaace ta vo�e an them. offers hape that or�cials are tr�iag to make . : But under the curre3t sqstem,thev had the two War�together ao sap ia the�ai� -_ At a mesiing Iast wee�, the Cii-� Coun- That'� one oi yhe re:oz�s caniaiaed in ci1,an�rave� a measurs that wouic� rezoae e oae of its most papulated areas, Iimiiin; tlze bill bac?�z3 by Res aad thrm�other Ieg furc.�er mulLi-uui�de�re?apmeat. isiators. . . The mo�re was basad on a growi:.g recag- Ot�er provisio�s wauld inceasa sc�Saol nitioa that�ny problems asso�azed with dis�ic},.� iaput iata Z'� decisiaas, same- • affordabie housino are really the result of thiaa manp have requested ior qears. eanc�at:a�:a� taa much of it in c��ain �noiher would require �iies to doc�s- areas. mert inc:easzs ia e�3laymeat or the prop- Sca��re3-�ite aziordable housiaQ pefl- e�y`a.Y�ase��at waL:Id result from a Z'IF� ple ar2 rea.iizia; tvor.ks much �D@LL21" than Prnjec�. ThZi, taa, seems entrely resoa- lar;e s��e-3ite projec*.s. able. • � ��;z�i in miad,Rosemouai pla.naers go�veve; some provisioas seem trou- � toak noie that the area sur:aunded by b�g� ��u�ing o�e`�at amouats to aia..k- � Saanaon Par?�vay, IQSch Street a�d Dodd �g re�oac�ive c'a�ages to same e.�s�ng ; � Boulevard contains muc.�. of the �iy's af- �a�.eame�ts. � _ ' fordable reatal units. It aL;o accounts for 10 perceat of�the Ci�es ou;hi to be able to mest e.�sting j a commi�ents wi�out interierence from ! ci�'s polic�responses. - gv res;;,icting the type of deveiopment the s�a.te. in,tlze area, Ros2�ount o�cials are tight- TIF ciearly has helped many cities .eniag the reins before problems spin out of broaden their tas b�e aad secure nzuc�- : cantroL - nesded new jobs. : That is the kind of feresightedness for. . • A system Iike thzt probably doesn't aeed which��ies are to be appIauded. • �• .. �-•:� too muc?�tia�ering By dis�e.*sing multiple-famx�y dwe�lin;s ' �� ��ile some fiae-tunino c?eariy is ia acoss the city, Rosernouat is inte;rating order,the Le�sIaiz�e shouid ta�e care aat lower-iacome residents throunhaut the -^�d�a��a�����has be�a so valu- . . communit�rather�thaa confining them�to :;;ahle to locai cammnai�es. � : ' . . � �their oaa corner=–cr rsjecting ProPosals.'.` {-- � . � . . . . to pIac�the�anpwhere in_the eitp. = :. .: . . That aporoach is viable aad seasitive to�_. resideats'needs. . •"' - '. .� c . .� � • It's important, though, that aff�cials _ doa't stop there,but continue to pursue op- portunzties far rreatin; more a$'ordable " housiag,.fihe need for which is a metrotvide probie�—not just one lef�for inaer cities� to tac.�?e. . 17 . � 1TY OF ROSEMOUNT a`„""" : �;,� 28T5-t4Sdt Surtei� ; C P.O.Bax S1G ' : Roserno�tti�IYN1 :. �� E�ieryrhing's Coming Up Rosemountt! s�asio .a,...; : ah�o12�4Z3..ui1 '� : Fa�e 61 Z-�23•5203 : _ F'inaucial InfOrmatioa _ The attached budget outiines the cast for consuuction of the site and building. It is arranged in a fashion to ciearly identify where the funding is anticiQated from for each phase � of the constiuction. Consuuction of the�•site includes extendiag sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and watermain appmximateiy 1,000 feet from che west to the site. It aiso includes ;radin; and ` paving an access driveway and paricing azea near the bu�ding. The area immediateiy around the bu�lding pad must be ;raded to provide a;entie slope away from the floor fleight of the bwlding erniy providing pmper draina;e as weil as acc�.ssibility. The buildin; will be wood frarne construction finished witti a maintenanc� fz� exterior of permanent siding and asphait roof shingles. The interior will be finishe� with painted sh�trocic walls and caipeting in the merting rooms. Plumbing fixrures for both adults and chilciren in a facility for both aendezs is currentiy planned. Floors and walls in the restroom fac�lities w�I be of a washabie finish. A aas-fireci forced air furaac� will heat the facility with provisions for future addition of air conditioni.n;, if nec�sary. The grounds will be reszored after construction witi� the installarion of sod, shrubbery, perermial flowers, and overstary si�ade trees. A half-court basicetball court and lar�e muscie devetopment play equipment are also planned on site. In addition, picnic tables for summer lunches and benches for parents to sit on while ci�ildren are playin; will be added with additional procesds from other a ant efforts. It is anticipated we will acquire the site upon notification of successfui fundin� from the Mc.Knight Foundation. The site will be purchased wit� money from the collaborative paztnez, Dakora County HRA. Once the site is acquired, design and biddin; for the utility construction will begin by the city. Construction of the utilities is tentativeiy pianned for fall of I995. Design and construction of the building will be;in fall quarter at Dakota County Teciuucai College. The bu�ding is anticipated to be completed by summer quarter of 1996. It will then be moved from in-kind service from a local crane and enaineerin; company. The foundarion will be constructed on site in the spring of 199b and ready for the buildin; when it is relocated from the tect�uiiral college in the summer of 1996. The payment w�l be made to the techniral colle;e from NicKni�ht funds after desia is complete, but before construction begins. All consuuction should be compiete by fall of 1996. The city's portion of the project financin, will come from total budges revenue collected throu;h ad valorem taYes. � ���� �� ��� . 13 .� �ji v,f Rosemvunt _ De�ed Consi�nu�oa Budget : for ' Fam�p Resource Ce�ter . , CONS"TRUCTION BiTDG�'T Da�orra Da�arra CocrrrrY � McS.�r[cxr� Crnt oF Cotrtv�rlr 'TEcaMc.�u. O� . � Lnv�I� GRar+r I Ros�cocm�r� ffit�i Cor.r.�sE G�.vrs� To�rai. � � Laad.�cquisitioa I S 175,OOQ � ( I S I15,000 ; � Bu�diag Consttuc�on S 35,000 � I I S 45,000 I S 80,000 ; � Grading � �,� I I I I I � 5�� � Saaitar7 Sewer I S 30,000 � _ f I I S 30,000 i SLocar Sewex � � IS,fl00 ` I � ` S IS'000 � Wate�rmaia l S I8,000 I I I I a 18,� � IIe�tricitp, Gas,Phone, Cable � 15,000 j I ` I S L5,000 � Faundation and Footin� � 10,000 � I I S l0,OQ0 � Acc�.ss Drive&Parkias Lot ' $ 47,000 ` � � 4?,000 ! ����g S 25'OOp � ( S 25,000 I Park Grade&P1ay Equipment I I S 25,000 S ZS,Q00 Game Courts $ 6'000 S 6'000 ` Benches &Tables � 4,000 S 4,000 ' Furnishin� ( S IS,000 S 15,4Q0 � ( � � � i I I T4'r.�. S 50,004 S L0,000 ( � 17�,000 S�5,008 $50,000 S 470,000 � ,.. , ,c, ' .. . � l-�: oF RosE�no��-r �_���� � P.O.8ox 510 R�snoun�AAN Everytfting's Coming Up Rosemournd! swba-0s�o Phonc 512-4Z3-44t 1 : Fa�61Z�23•5203 OPEIt�17NG eOS'TS:OF THE BIIbDIl�G '', The C'ity of Bosemrn�nt as the a�PP�ica�o����'���g� and, �ore, ac�t the costs of m�mng the bmTd"nng, t�te groemds: �g The amou�fvr operating costs is approximatic:iy SS,U00.00 a year, itemized monthly as �d ' ' $I I2.00 fvr elec�ricity; �100.00 for gas, foIlows: SI00.00 for bu�ding ���P�� aad$I40.00 for sewer and wa,ter. To heip with these�xpeuses, CAP and CAC have each agr�ed to pay 51,000.00 a year to the opeiating costs as the on-site bulding in which to : provide their services is within their policy L� stseagthen their pr�sence in the community as defined by�e community- . � �a�+� �� �� 20 _ , - . . ' ' CITY OF R4SEN[Q1.,�1�IT �-���►� P.Q 8aac 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemoun�!! �i� • Pha+c 612-4Z3•44t t Fa�6TZ�tZ3 5203 _ : LEGAL DOCUME'NTS _ T���'�*'_�st� : T3e City of Rosemount is an incorporated sratutory city as guided by]�i'inaesota S�, Chapter 412. Rosemount incoiporaied in 19'7'Z as a merger of ti�e v�7lage and township. 'The City is governed by a mayor and council formulated by five elected officials. We are : consequentiy r�cogaized as a tax exempt nan-profit rn�ganization by both state and federal governments. ['n incii Cnm.rnositinn Mayor. E.B. Mcil�lenomy Councii Members: Joan Anderson Cathy Busho James Staats Dennis Wippermann 9ud.it Enciosed is a copy of our 1993 certified audit. The auditing firm of Boeckermann Heinen and ` Mayer annually audit the city's financial records. �aa�� � �,� I ��� 21 i