HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of April 18, 1995 Regular City Council Meeting � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS � REGULAR MEETING APRIL 18, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, April 18, 1995 at 7:35 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Wippermann, Staats and Busho present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, Administrative Assistant Walsh, Communiry Development Director Wasmund, Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer, Assistant Planner Pearson, Community Development Department Intern McKnight, Public Works Director Osmundson, Finance Director May, Police Chief Knutsen and Fire Chief Aker. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilmember Anderson requested that Consent Agenda Item 4. i. Fire Department Pay Increases be pulled for discussion at New Business (9.a.). The finance payroll clerk, Jane Gilb, submitted her resignation on April 17, 1995. Staff is requesting Council's acceptance of this resignation and authorization for posting and advertising for her replacement. The Mayor placed this as Item 4. m. Administrative Assistant Walsh submitted additional information for the Fire Department Pay Increases. Finance Director May submitted a written resignation for consideration. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Consent Agenda after pulling Item 4.i. Fire . Department Pay Increases and adding Item 4.m. Receive Resignation of Payroll � Clerk/Authorize Posting and Advertising of Position. Second by Anderson. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. Ciry Administrator Burt reviewed the process used for the Requests For Proposals on the proposed fire station. Eight architectural firms replied and four were selected for interviews. The Fire Chief, Public Works Director, Community Development Director and City Administrator conducted interviews on April 3, 1995. Staff recommended Vetter Johnson Architects, Inc. which had past experience with referendum proceedings and fire stations. The Minnesota Senate has issued a tax freeze which may restrict proceeding with a referendum. Vetter Johnson Architect, Inc. will be directed to begin immediately, charging an hourly rate not to exceed $9000. If the referendum is approved the architect would receive 7.5% of the construction costs for their fee. The Fire Service Task Force will be involved with the referendum process. MOTION by McMenomy to authorize the Mayor and �ity �4dministrator on behalf of the City to enter into an agreement with Vetter Johnson Architects, Inc. for architectural services for a new fire station. Second by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McNienomy. Nays: None. Mark Vetter of Vetter Johnson Architects, Inc. thanked Council and staff for selecting their firm for the proposed fire station. Vetter said they look forward to working with the residents and that they will be good listeners. They plan a kick off session and will get perimeters arranged early for presentations to the community. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING -• APRII. 18, 1995 Public Works Director/City Engineer Osmundson discussed the White Lake Acres outlet in which the water level has been rising for several years. Dan Lockler, Mr. Manseau, and Mr. Erdrich attended the meeting and agreed with the finclings of Osmundson. Residents gave permission to have a survey taken to determine the original water flow plan. The water flow seems to have changed since the construction of Bicardi Avenue built in the late 1960's. Necessary easements andlor Rights Of Entry will be determined and the information brought back to Council in a month. Community Development Director Wasmund presented the Graffiti Ordinance for discussion. Wasmund noted that vandalism has made it necessary to develop this ordinance. Quick removal seems to be the only detenent and so helps control the wide spread vandalism. Education of youth and the public of the consequences of unlawful graffiti is included with this ordinance. A police investigation would be included, cleanup, restitution, and court proceedings. Police Chief Knutsen reported that in the past month the middle school, high school, a cemetery, and a homeowner have had graffiti damage. Earlier the railroad bridge on Hwy 3 near 160th Street had graffiti damage. Councilmember Staats asked for wording changes which would include "intent" with possession of materials used for graffiti damage. City Attorney LeFevere agreed. Council consensus was in favor of the Graffiti Ordinance. Mayor McMenomy opened the Public Hearing for the Kuznia-Ped Bituminous Roadways 1995 Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal. The recording secretary noted that the published, posted, and mailed �davits were on file. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed the renewal request of Gregg Dambroten, Project Manager for Bituminous Roadways, Inc. on the property_of Otto Ped and Grace Kuznia property. Staff updated the agreement. The Planning Commission recommends its approval. There were no public comments offered. MOTION by Wippermann to close the Public Hearing for the Kuznia-Ped Bituminous Roadways 1995 Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1995 RENEWAL OF TIiE MINERAL EXTRACTION PERMIT FOR PED- KUZ.'vIA/BITiJNIINOUS ROADWAYS. Second by Staats. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy opened the Public Hearing for the Fast Track Ordinance Text Amendment. The recording secretary noted that the publishetl, posted, and mailed affidavits were on file. Assistant Planner Pearson explained the Fast Track Ordinance Text Amendment. This would encourage new commercial development and expansion of existing businesses by speeding up-# -..- ,� the planning process by about 45 days and it guarantees higher building standards. The ' 2 . ROSEMOUNT CITY PitOCEEDINGS ' REGULAR MEETING APRII. 18, 1995 Planning Commission unanimously recommended its approval. There were no public comments offered. MOTION by Busho to close the Public Hearing for the Fast Track Ordinance Text Amendment. Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson. Nays: None. MOTION by Anderson to approve ORDINANCE N0. B-53 AN ORDINANCE AN�.NDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE BY PROVIDING FOR AN ACCELERATED REVIEW PROCESS AND BUII.DING AND 5ITE PLANS AND ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL SITE AND BUII.DING DESIGN STANDARDS FOR THE BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT and the Summary Publication of the Ordinance as provided for by state law. Second by Busho. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. Assistant Planner Pearson said that City Attorney LeFevere, the Planning Commission, and the Parks and Recreation Committee worked with Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer to clarify the language and make the Park Dedication Ordinance more user friendly. No increases were recommended. The language was put into conformance with state statutes. All the above mentioned groups recommend its approval. MOTION by Wippermann to close the Public Hearing for Park Dedication: subdivision Ordinance (Ord. XVII.4) Text Amendment. Second by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt ORDINANCE NO. XVII.103 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.4 RELATING TO PARK DEDICATION. Second by Staats. Ayes: Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Councilmember Anderson noted that discussion was requested on the Fire Department pay increases because of budget restraints now and since the agreement was for five yeazs Anderson voiced concerns of pledging amounts that far in the future. Administrative Assistant Walsh said she appreciated Councilmember Anderson's concerns. Walsh provided additional information on sunounding city's fire department pay. Each fire department is organized differently so comparisons can be difficult. The salary plan was proposed and recommended by Fire Department membership. It would allow the fire department to have an increase for 1995 and the 1995 salaries would not increase for the next four years. Fire Chief Scot Aker informed the Council that the proposed salary plan would be a cost savings over the next five years as opposed to possibly asking for annuat adjustments on a yearly basis. Council asked for clarification on several issues by the Fire Chief and City Attorney. 3 .ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS _ REGULAR MEETING ' APRIL 18, 1995 MOTION by McMenomy to approve the fire department pay increases which will not be increased prior to the year 2000. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: Anderson. MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn the meeting. Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson. Nays: None. The meeti.ng was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1995-10. 4