HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Amendmet to Parks Liquor Ordinance � � ; ClTY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL DATE: April 4, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Amendment to Parks Liquor Ordinance AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzliofer, Parks and Recreation and AGENDA��A � Community Center Director. �V� ATTACHMENTS: Amended Ordinance, Revised Parks Permit. APPROVED BY: The Parks and Recreation Committee has reviewed the current parks liquor ordinance and recommends several changes. I have attached the amended ordinance with additions underlined and subtractions struck out. Our department has received numerous requests from park shelter renters wanting to offer, not sell, atcoholic beverages at their event. Such requests are for family reunions, picnics, and other social functions. Because alcohol consumption is not permitted at any Rosemount park other than Erickson Park, we are constantly turning customers away, referring them to nearby cities which allow alcohol in parks for such purposes. The City currently allows alcohol to be sold bv permit at Erickson Park. Our recommendation is to allow alcoholic beverages by permit, not to be sold, in parks which feature shelters. These parks are Schwarz, Camfield, Jaycee, and Connemara. We estimate an increased park rental revenue of $2,000 per annum if alcohol is offered by permit in these parks. Mr. John Simicek,the City's risk management consultant, has participated in the development of this policy change. Mr. Simicek has offered suggestions to reduce the City's risk including: 1) Require the renter to complete a permit indicating the renters intentions of serving alcoholic beverages. 2) Require the renter to indicate home owners insurance carrier(for individual) or general liability carrier (for business or organization) on the permit. 3) Do not allow alcoholic beverages to be sold in any park other than Erickson. Mr. John Simicek will be present to answer questions regarding the risk of the recommendation. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. XVI.30, PERTAINING TO THE CONSUMPTION AND POSSESSION OF LIaUOR IN CITY PARKS, AMENDING ROSEMOUNT CITY CODE SECTION 4-3-10. COUNCIL ACTION: � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. XVI.30 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CONSUMPTION AND POSSESSION OF LIQUOR IN CTTY PARKS; AMENDING ROSEMOUNT CITY CODE SECTION 4-3-10. T'HE CITY COUNCII. OF 'TF� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Rosemount City Code Section 4-3-10 is amended as follows; 4-3-10: LIQUOR RESTRICTIONS: A. Possession and Consumption Restricted. The possession and/or consumption of liquor in any city park shall be prohibited except as provided in 4-3-1OB. B. Use in Parks. , , � � . . . . � > > e�r-S�� Wine and 3.2 percent malt liq,uor, as defined in iVlinnesota. Statutes, section 340A.101, may be possessed or consumed, but onlx in the followin� cit�narks or areas of city Darks; 1. All areas of Erickson Park. 'I 2. City Pazks with shelters. � nermit onlX;, obtained through the Parks and,Recreation Department, provided that consumption and nossession of bcer and wine is limited to areas within 50 feet of a shelter. � No glass bottles are allowed in the Parks C. Sale of Liquor in Erickson Park. With the approval of the City Council, a license may be issued for the sale of 3.2% malt liquor as defined in �4� �l.i. Minnesota Statutes, section 340A.101, only in Erickson Park_� � . If a license is • . e issued, it must be posted in a conspicuous place in the premises selling the 3.2% malt liquor. Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance is effective the day following its publication. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemount this fourth (4th) day of April, 1995. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor I' Susan Walsh, City Clerk Date of Publication: Effective Date: • � ��YRKS RESERVATION ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION FO RM FO R PICN I CS �3885 Souih Robert Traii Rosemount, MN 55068-3438 (Please complete both sides of this form.) (612) 322-6000 PARK: Fo�a��eE use onr�� coAres ais�r�uucea::t�. DATE(S) OF USE: 19 Parks Qept �tec QepttF�eid.S�perv�so�; TIMEfS) OF USE: _�ol�ce ` Equipment/lCey f:heckaut ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: PURPOSE FOR USE OF FACILITY: NAME OF ORGANIZATIONIGROUP: Name of Organization's Representative: Name of Second Contact Person: Address: Address: City/Zip: City/Zip: Home Phone #: Home Phone #: Work Phone #: Work Phone #: SPECIAL REaUESTS: 1. Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages: ❑ IS NOT ALLOWED ❑ IS ALLOWED �(with additiona/information) *Name of Home Owners Insurance Carrier (rndividua/sJ *General Liability Insurance Carrier (business or organization) *Agent's Name *Agent`s Phone Number 2. Additional Portable Toilet: ❑ NOT REQUIRED ❑ RE�.UIRED iordered by Parks and Recreation) A minimum of one (1) portable toilet must be ordered for events (picnics, etc.) that have an estimated attendance of 100 people or more. The fee is 545.00. 3. Other: FOR�FF[CE.ItS�i QNLlf:i THIS FACILITY PROVIDES: ❑ Portable Toilets ❑ Indoor Toilets ❑ Electricity RESERVATION FEES: Item Initials Date Received Amount Check # DATE Form was ISSUED DATE Form was RECEIVED Reservation of Park Resident (non-refundable) S 15.00 # Non-Resident fnon-refundable) S25.00 # Reservation of ERICKSON PARK with shelter for picnics/special events Resident (non-refundable) 550.00 # Non-Resident (non-refundable) $100.00 # Reservation of ERICKSON PARK without shelter for picnics/special events Resident (non-refundab/e) $15.00 # Non-Resident (non-refundable) 525.00 # Reservation of JAYCEE PARK with shelter for picnics Resident (non-refundab/e1 550.00 # Non-Resident (non-refundab/e/ S 100.00 # Reservation of JAYCEE PARK without shelter for picnics Resident (non-refundable) $15.00 # Non-Resident (non-refundab/e) $25.00 # Extra Portable Toilet(s) at S45.00 Quantity S # Keys for Erickson Park and Jaycee Park can be checked out one (1) day prior to the picnic/planned event. Keys must be returned within one i1) working day following your picnic/planned event. Date key ISSUED: To: Date key RETURNED: By: a � r , ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS RESERVATIONS FOR PICNICS PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS The Rosemount Park System has the following policies regarding parks. Review the park ordinance for more details. 1. N� glass containers are permitted in the parks. 2. This form must be in the possession of the user at all times while in the park and made available to park personnel or police upon request. 3. Trash must be picked up before leaving the park. 4. Charcoal fires permitted in barbecue grills only. NO WOOD FIRES ALLOWED! 5. Motorized vehicles are arohibited in the parks off of parking lot areas. 6. The animal ordinance is to be enforced. Highlights from the city ordinance are as follows: RESTRAINT: (Ord. XIV.9, 7-5-89) A dog or cat is said to be under restraint if it is controlled by a leash; if it is under voice or signal command of a competent person, providing that the dog or cat will obey such voice or signal command, if it is within the limits of the owners property, or while it is confined within a vehicle being driven or parked in the street. A dog or cat is considered to be under restraint on park property only when it is controlled with the user of a leash no Ionger than ten feet (10 ft.) or when it is under voice or signal command in the exercise areas designated by the City. SANITATION: (7-46-8) All persons in control of an animal on park property shall have in his/her possession at all times an apparatus which can be used for cleaning up feces and/or a bag for proper disposal of the feces. The person in controf of an animal is responsible for picking up his/her animal's feces and disposing of it properly. 7. NON-RESIDENT POLICY: Non-residents may reserve a park under the following criteria. a. Reservations are not guaranteed until two weeks prior to the date being requested for a particular park. If a Rosemount resident request to reserve the same park two or more weeks prior to the reserved date, the resident's request will supersede the non-resident's request. b. If a non-resident requests to reserve a park within two weeks or less than the requested reservation date, he/she � has equal opportunity for guaranteed reservation. ,.: _ ; ; Tt�>:P'EF�SON.MAKfNC RES�ERVATICIN < ' ` k uriderstartd.l.arn futTy�esponsi�fe €or the cond�xct af the peap�te involved xn;th�s plan�ed ewent ;Th�s inctudes �he `. use:af alcahal. I:f authorization is nat qiven in tfiis request fur;atcof�o!!i�consttrnption I wiN be respoRsi6[e to:proh�bit �ts use byi,peopte invotved in this reguest. <t also iindersiancf that � arri respons�bl�for the safe artd proper use af t�e �eserved faciiity as per;t�e purpose af the �equest. I t�eiderstand t�s faci[ity is rta be left in proper state of cieanliness and tack of darnages. �4n inspection Qf the r�sErued facility vuilt be;made by a membeF of th�<Parks and Recreation staff the fallowing work:day. f h�ve read and fully understand this form as wetl as the attached material regarding the Rasemount Par[� Ordinances perta�ning,to facility use requirements and regu(ations. 1 ttnderstand that no refunds will be lissued due ta[nctement weathesi IT IS PREFERRED THAT THIS FORM BE RETURNED TO THE RECREATION OFFICE FIVE (5) BUSlNESS DAYS PRtOR TO THE DATE BEING REQUESTED. Pavment must accompanv this form in order for the reservation date to be confirmed. SIGNATURE OF PERSON RESERVING PARK DATE APPROVED BY TITLE DATE nls\pkreserv.fr2('9 51 . ' " , � : . � . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � . _'' ORDINANCE NO. XVI.30 . ; r.� AN ORDINANCE RELATIIVG TO THE CONSUII�'T'ION AND POSSFSSION OF LIQUOR IN CI'TY PARKS; ASr1ENDING ROSEMOUNT CTTY CODE SECTION 4-3-10. TI�CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDAIl�TS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Rosemount City Code Section 4-3-10 is amended as follows: 4-3-10: LIQUOR RESTRICTIONS: A. �ossession and ConsumFtion Restricted. The possession and/or consumption of liquor in any city park shall be prohibited except as provided in 4-3-1OB. B. Sjse in Parks. , , � 4 � , . . . . . . 7 . , �, � • � f � � � . . ��: Wine and 3 2 percent malt li�uor as defined in Minnesota Statutes section 340A 101 mav be possessed or consumed, but o�in the followin,�tX narks or areas of citv nazks: 1. All areas of Erickson Park. 2, �ty Parks with shelters � veT it only obtained throu�h the Parks and Recreation De�artment�rovided that consumntion_and Qossession of beer and wine is limited to areas withm 50 feet of a shelter. � No�lass bottles are allowed in the Parks C. Sale of Liquor in Erickson Park. With the approval of the City Council, a license may be issued for the sale of 3.2 Y malt liquor as defined in Minnesota Statutes section 340A.101, only in Erickson Park_, --•'�� : . If a license is . � • ► issued, it must be posted in a conspicuous place in the premises selling the 3.296 malt liquor. Section 2. Fffc�tive Date. This ordinance is effective the day following its publication. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemount this fourth (4th) day of April, 1995. L+�►-. , E.B. McMenomy, Mayor � san Walsh ity Clerk Date of Publication: Effective Date: