HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment : Setback and Lot Dimension Standards CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SUb�iRY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 5, 1995 AGENDA IT$M: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment: AGENDA SECTION: � Setback and Lot Dimension Standards OLD BUSINESS � � PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, Assistant Planner � AGENDA �Z�.�n/� � � � i ( I 1 11/1 � ATTACF�SENTS: Revised Draft Ordinance, ( APPROVED BY: � � Executive Summary of Aug. 15, 95 � , I The City Council tabled action regarding this proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment on August 15, 1995 . The action was a result of concerns about clarity and a lack of support for the sections regarding pipelines. Staff has modified the attached amendment with the benefit of direction provided by the City Council on August 15, 1995 . All references to pipelines have been eliminated and the ordinance has been simplified in form wherever possible to eliminate redundancies. The revisions were made with the assistance of City Attorney Charlie LeFevere. Staff feels confident that previous ambiguities have been eliminated as a result. One additional change has been ma.de. The lot width increases have been eliminated in the AG, AG-P and RR districts because of the large minimum lot sizes. � RECOb�lENDED ACTION: MOTION to adopt A ORDINANCE B-55 AM�1'DING � � ORDINANCE B, SECTION 7 .2 SIIPPLEMENTARY YARD REGIILATIONS. � � � COUNCIL ACTION: i � � � ' City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-55 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING SUPPLEMENTARY YARD REGULATIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT�MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: ', SECTION I. Section 7.2 SUPPLEMENTARY REGLILATIONS: C. ..�u�plementary Yard Reg�lations of Ordinance B - Ciry of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to include as follows: 6. 5cope: The following supplementary yard regulations shall only apply to lots platted or developments granted preliminary plat approval after adoption of this ordinance. a. Principal structures shall be set back a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any easement boundary on a lot or a parcel of land that abuts or is traversed by an easement intended for or containing high power electrical transmission. b. Where a yard has been required to provide for a buffer yard, earthen berm or planting strip for the purpose of screening views and reducing noise levels in residential areas, principal and accessory building setbacks will be increased sufficiently or as necessary so that the building area shall be outside the buffer yard, earthen berm, or planting strip. c. The following table defines dimension standards that shall apply when property is adjacent to railroad, collector street, minor arterial, principal arterial rights-of-way; and easements for high voltage transmission lines (HVTL): Minimum Yards � Miilimtllll LOt SiZe (feet) rincipal Bldg ccessory Bldgs ariflng/Driveways� DISTRICT I WID'I'H'K I AREA�` I DEPTH�` SIDE&REAR SIDE&REAR�` SIDE cYi[KEAR I AG,AG-P,&RR Collector Street Right-of-Way N/A 2.5 acres N/A 50 50 25 � i Minoc Arteriat Right-of-Way/ I � Railroad Right-of-Way/HVTL N/A 2.5 acres I N/A 60 60 35 � Princi al Arterial Ri ht-of-Wa � N/A 2.5 acres N/A 70 70 45 I R Y&R=2{sfj Collector Street Right-of-Way 100 � N/A I 145 50 35/50 30 � Minor Arterial Right-of-Way/ 110 I N/A 155 60 45�60 `b I Railroad Right-of-WaylHVTL Princi al Arterial Ri ht-of-Wa 120 � N/A 165 70 55/70 50 R 2(3+F} Collector Street Right-of-Way 140 N/A 170 50 30 30 i Minor Arterial Right-of-Way! 150 N!A 180 60 d0 40 � Railroad Right-of-Way/HVTL ( Principal Arterial Right-of-Way 160 � N/A 190 70 50 50 � R-3&R-4 , _ � Collector Street Right-of-Way 170 � N/A 170 50 30 30 � Minor Arteriai Right-of-Way/ 180 N/A 1&0 60 40 d0 Railroad Right-of-Way/HVTL Princi al Arterial Ri ht-of-Wa 190 � N/A 190 70 50 50 C-1,**C-3&C-4 Collector Street Right-of-Way 140 � N/A N/A 30 N/A 30 Minor Aiterial Right-of-Way/ ` 150 N/A I NJA 40 N/A 40 ' Railroad Right-of-Way/HVTL � � Principai Arterial Right-of-Way 160 � N!A I N!A 50 N!A 50 � ' ' N/A does not supplant pr�viously specifred dirnensions in Sectiort�1 •• Bufferyards or increases in yard area in C-1 Drstrict shall be in addition to maximum zorte area specified in Section 7.1 SEC'rioN II. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication - i according to law. Formally acted upon by the Council of the City of Rosemount this day of , 1995. This Ordinance is effective from and after its publication date. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 1995. � oraM6-ii � � � Page o ✓°'� City of Rosemount Erecutive Summary for Action Ci Council Meetin Date: Au ust 15 1995 Agenda Item: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment: Agenda Section: Setback and Lot Dimension Stanc�ards PUBLIC HEARING Prepared By: Rick Pearson Agend��Q: Assistant Planner �� # - � � Attachments: Draft Ordinance; Public Notice. �pproved By: This amendment has been prepared with the objective of increasing standards for setbacks along highways and railroads for residential and commercial uses. Recent residential development along the south side of CSAH 42 provided an example of the current minimum requirements for development. This Amendment was discussed on several occasions by the Planning Commission and recommended for approval on July 11, 1995. The amendment will increase building setbacks and conespondingly, require increased lot sizes along highways and collector streets. The amendment accomplishes the same along (overhead) high power transmission easements and pipelines. Similar amendments were recommended two years ago. They were part of a lazger package of amendments that failed to receive enough votes for adoption. The need for the increased standards was questioned as well as the variety of ordinances that were recommended at the time. Maximum density reductions in the R-2 and R-3 Residential Districts have since been accomplished via separate amendments. Also not included is the previously recommended specific performance criteria for landscape buffer yazds. Recommended Action: MOTION to adopt Ordinance B- , An ordinance amending Ordinance B Section 7.2 Supplementary Yard Regulations. Council �ction: 08-15-95.001