HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. County Road 46 Resolution . ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 5, 1995 A►GENDA ITEM: County Road 46 Resolution AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA ��� A � � � City Engineer/Public Works Director ���� J ATTACHMENTS: Letter from County Board. Resolution APPROVED BY: Members of the Dakota County Staff and the Commissioners and affected Cities of Apple Valley, Lakeville, Rosemount, Coates and Empire Township have met periodically as a County Road 46 Task Force to discuss the alignment for County Road 46 through the affected Cities and University of Minnesota properties. The Task Force agreed that the County Road 46 alignment should continue on 160th Street as has been discussed for many years. As a result, the County Commissioners have requested that the affected Cities support the County in working with the University of Minnesota to accept an alignment for County Road 46 along 160th Street through the University property. The attached resolution supports that request. I have added to the County prepared resolution a line in the second paragraph regarding the construction of County Road 46 on the 160th Street alignment between Pilot Knob and State Trunk Highway 3. From past discussion with Council I believe that this part of County Road 46 does have your support. I am unsure if the County purposefully or inadvertently left this segment out of the discussion. Staff recommends the adoption of the resolution and will be available for any discussion and questions which Council may have. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT THE 160TH STREET ALIGNMENT OF COUNTY ROAD 46 BETWEEN TRUNK HIGHWAY 52 AND CSAH 31, PILOT KNOB ROAD. COUNCIL ACTION: 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1995 - A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT THE 160TH STREET ALIGNMENT OF COUNTY ROAD 46 BETWEEN TRUNK HIGHWAY 52 AND CSAH 31, PILOT KNOB ROAD WHEREAS, the construction of County Road 46 from Trunk Highway 52 to Trunk Highway 3 in Rosemount/Empire Township (CP46-07) is important in meeting the transportation needs of Dakota County and its communities; and WHEREAS, coupled with the construction of County Road 46 interchange with I-35W and the reconstruction of County Road 46 along the 160th Street alignment in Apple Valley and Lakeville, and the construction of County Road 46 on the 160th Street alignment between Pilot Knob ICSAH 31) and State Trunk Highway 3, the construction of County Road 46 from Trunk Highway 52 in Coates to Trunk Highway 3 in Rosemount/Empire Township will provide an important east-west connection across Dakota County which will benefit all central Dakota County communities; and WHEREAS, CP46-07 is in the proposed 1996-2000 Capital Improvement Program for Dakota County; and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Agreement was negotiated between Dakota County and the University of Minnesota in 1989 for developing a roadway corridor on 160th Street between Trunk Highway 52 and Trunk Highway 3, but the University did not approve the negotiated agreement until 1993; and WHEREAS, because the agreement negotiated was based upon information and costs as estimated in 1989 and the estimated project costs exceeded previous budgeted amounts due to the special conditions required by the University of Minnesota and the delay in the University in entering into the agreement, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners on December 20, 1994 rescinded the agreement previously negotiated with the University of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, a County Road 46 Task Force was formed by the County, the Cities of Coates and Rosemount, and Empire TownsY�jp in August 1994 to consider acceptable alternatives; and WHEREAS, the County Road 46 Task Force reached a consensus for the preferred corridor for County Road 46 between Trunk Highway 52 and Trunk Highway 3; and WHEREAS, the support of all communities who wifl be benefited by the County Road 46 projects is desired; and RESOLUTION 1995 - WHEREAS, the County Road 46 project potentially is a strong candidate for funding under the Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA/STP), for which the application period begins in the Fall of 1995. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Rosemount supports the consensus of the County Road 46 Task Force that County Road 46 between Trunk Highway 52 and Trunk Highway 3 be constructed on the 160th Street alignment, except that the alignment be shifted to the south for its intersection with Trunk Highway 52 in Coates and that Trunk Highway 3 be shifted easterly at 160th Street in Rosemount; and BE IT FURTHER RESOIVED, that the County Road 46 alignment remain on 160th Street between Biscayne Avenue and Akron Avenue; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Rosemount seeks the support of the University of Minnesota Board of Regents for this alignment through the University of Minnesota's property in the City of Rosemount and Empire Township without conditions for grade separated crossings where Station Trail and Akron Avenue cross the County Road and relocation of the Veterinary Medicine Research Center; and BE IT FURTHER RESOI.VED, that the City of Rosemount supports the development of an application for ISTEA/STP funding for CP46-07 and CP46-08 tCSAH 31 to TH3) by Dakota County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in cooperation with the County, other affected cities, and Empire Township, the City of Rosemount authorizes its representatives to present this position to the University of Minnesota's Board of Regents and to engage in such other activities (e.g., a corridor tour) which support the position of the County, the affected cities and Empire Township. ADOPTED this 5th day of September, 1995. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 2 08i28i95 1�:55 DAK�TA C�UNTY—�ESTERN SERU. CTR. 0�2 � A' �A ���� �C��„�I�,I�Y OF�ICE OF TN� COUNTY Bt�ARD I i (R7:2}43H-d474 ��� vaKOTn�GOUNl'Y GOVERNMENT COMP��x 1590 NVW.55�MASTItJG$.MINN�SOTA 55033-2372 �uf�� ���� � Jruty 28, I99S The I�Qnorabie�.T3. 1VZCIVIenOi�)�+ Nt�yar of Rosemvu�t Ro3ctnbunt City I-iall 2875 ��15th Strect, W�st P.t�. �ox S10 Rose�nount? Niimaesata SSOG8 Dettr�a.yar McMenonry: With your support, Daicota County has been seeking tp deveto�Cou�ity��id�d 46 as ari east-west connection across the County. We believe, as we 1r.ttow you do, that this will have i�npartant benefits for Rasemount. Gaunty I�3i�hway P�-a,jeLt 45-07 propases to construct a twa-�an�raa��x►ay fram TI� S� in �aates to 'Z'H 3 in],tosemount. This pro�eat must cross praperty owned by tl�e University of l�r�innesota in �osemount and Empire Tpwns}up. Daicota Caut�ty ti�s been working to re�ch an agreement witli the University oF�innesota on �n alignment for this praject since 19�9. Altht�u�an initaal agrecment was reached, ihe Univ�rsit� delay�d si�ning the a�;reement far four years and tho special canditions imppsed by the Univers�ty added an esiim�.ted $1.8 million to the canstruetion eosts oftl�e project, We believe t1Yac ihe continued deveto�ment af Gaunty ltoad 46 witl provide an im�ortant �as�- w�,st rout� across Dakota Caunty wluch will serve the citiz,ens of Farminbton, �pple Va[ley, Burnsville, Hastings, at�d Lak.eville, as w�i( as the directl�impacted comrnunities of Coates, Rasem�unt, and�inpire'Z'awnship. CP 4G-07 becomes mcreasingly more itnpartant as the County�toad 46 interchai��e with I-35W and ths seg�nent af fihe roadway between Ap�te Vailey and Lakevil(e is c��x�pleted. �urther, we believe that the CP 4G-07 project is a strong c���didate for fede�-al funding. Intertnodal Surface Transportation��ciency Act(ISTEA,) apptic�tians wii! be prepared be�inning in the�all af 1995. � We roqucst tl�e continaed suppu�-t of the Cicy qf Rosemount in wo�rking witl�us to convince the YJniuersity of 1V,Einnesota to accept an alignment for CP 4U-Q7 along 160th Streei throu�;l� the University prapeny. We ask xhat your City Cauncil consider and adopt ti�e attacl2ed resolution at a meetin�during Au�ust. A clear cons�nsus of affected co�t�i��unittes r�vill be extren�ely'helpful in workin�w�th the University oPMi��nesota's Z3oard a�Re�ents io reach a resalution to itiis matter. 1�Ve lzope tv be able to conduct a tour for Regents, legislators, and att�ers in eariy September. Your sup�ort wi�l help to make tf�is possible. �' . �. r�j��ed o�rtecyaeu repa� � hN�dU��onroaruNiTY EMPLOYER 08i28i95 10:55 DAKOTA COUNTY—WESTERN SERV. CTR. �03 s ' If yau would like furcher infot7m�tion about this project and our efforts, pteass�canLa,ct Lou Breimhurst, the Director of the Physicat Deveiopment riivisidn, at 891-7d00 ar Dave Everds, the County Enginee�`, at$9!-7 Z 02. Thatil�you for your co�isideration of our t'equest. We loak�'orward to the continuod suppo�#of the City af�t.osemount. Sincerely, � �� 30SEPH A..HAR.RIS, Chair Dakata Cauaty IIoard a�f Commissianers cc : Member�, �oard s�f Cammissioners �randt]tichardsot�, Cc�unty Administ�rator Lou�3reimhu�st, DirtGtor, Physical I7evelopmenl: �ave�verds, County Engineer Torn x3urt, City Adnviustralar,�t,asemot,tz�:t ,: �