HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. 1996 Community Landfill Abatement Funding Application � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 5, 1995 , AGENDA ITEM: 1996 Community Landfiii AGENDA SECTION: Abatement Funding Application CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: David J. McKnight AGEND )� ]� Intern ��� � `T i ATTACHMENTS: Application; Resolution APPROVED BY: The attached application will be submitted to Dakota County with your approval. Rosemount has submitted and received funding for this program since 1988. The County makes these funds available to cities to help defray the cost of administering a recycling program. Next years funding amount is 511,266, a complete budget is attached with the application. Although I hav� shown money in the community share section of the budget I am sure that the city can administer the program with the money from the county. There will be an increase in the amount of activity that the city performs, but this should not involve city funding. An innovation grant has also been applied for in this grant for the purpose of purchasing recycling containers for each of the softball fields. These abatement funds are an essential part of our program operation. Rosemount has had a very successful recycling program in the past. Residents have voluntarily recycled over 50% of all waste generated which is very good in comparison to other cities in the county. 1 encourage your continued support and recommend approval of the attached resolution. RECOMMENDED ACTION: A MOT10N TO ADOPT A RESO�UTION AUTHORIZING APPUCATION TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR FUNDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1996 LANDFILL ABATEMENT PROGRAM. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1995- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR FUNDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1996 LANDFILL ABATEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, according to the Dakota County Comrnunity Landfill Abatement Program Guidelines as established in 1988 and amended in 1989, the City of Rosemount must submit a funding allocation and funding application to receive funding for the City's 1996 Landfill Abatement Program; and WHEREAS,the City of Rosemount established and desires to maintain a landfill abatement program which promotes recycling, reduction, and reuse opportunities in the community and encourages landfill abatement; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the 1996 Landfill Abatement Funding Application authorizing the necessary signatures thereon and its distribution to Dakota County. ADOPTED this Sth day of September, 1995. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: ATTACHMENT A 1996 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT FUNDING APPLICATION Clty/TOWtlShlp: ROSEMOUNT Date SUbf111tt@Cl: SEPTEriBER 6. 1995 Address: p� Rnx s�n Program Period: 1/1/96 to 12/31/96 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550b$ I. If this is a multi-community project, please list all participating communities and the lead community or agency for the project, and attach a copy of the Joint Powers Agreement. I!. Please o�ovide a brief oven�iew of 19g6 �batement a�tivities; indicated whether these are a continuation of existing programs expansion of existing programs; or new programs: (If more�-- space is needed use extra sheet.) THE ROSEriOUNT SOLID WASTE PROGRAM WILL BE A CONTINUATION OF A PROJECT THAT WAS STARTED IN 1988. RESIDENTS WILL AGAIN BE ENCOURAGED AND EDUCATED ON THE RECYCLE/ REUSE/REDUCE BENEFITS. ALL CITY FACILITIES WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE BINS IN PLACE FOR COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLE MATERIAL. ALL PARKS WILL CONTINUE TO PROMOTE RECYCLING BY PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLES IN SEPERATE CONTAINERS. THE EDUCATION OF RESIDENTS WILL AGAIN BE A TOP PRIORITY OF THE ROSEMOUNT SOLID WASTE PROGRAM. 7 Iil. Complete the following section for ali applicabie activities, whether a continuation or expansion of existing activities or new activities for 1996. - A. Curbside Collection of Recyclables: . 1. Number of households to be served: ��Rn 2. Frequency of collection: weekly x bi-weekly other 3. Number of Residential Recycling Haulers: 8 4. Materials collected (mark all that apply): newspaper x mixed paper x food cans x beverage cans x glass x plastics x used oil x magazines x corrugate_� other (specify) BATTERIES. JUNK MAIL 5. Expected abatement from curbside: 60o tons. B. Drop off Center for Recyclable Materials: 1. For each drop-off center please provide: a. Operator: Address Days/Hours of Operation: �Aaterials Collected: b. Operator: Address: Days/Hours of Operation: Materials Collected: 2. Expected abatement from Drop Offs: �5-655 tons. 8 C. Multi Family Recyciing 1. Total number of units served: 300 � 2. Total number of buiidings served: lo 3. frequency of collectionlcollection method(s) used (description): 4. Materials collected (mark all that apply): newspaper x mixed paper x food cans X beverage cans x glass X plastics X magazines X cardboard x used oil X other (specify) 5. Expected abatement from multi family units: 45-655 tons. D. Yard Waste Program 1. Please provide a brief description of the community's role in yard waste collectian. ROSEMOUNT RESIDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO LEAVE GRASS CLTPPINGS AND YARD WASTE IN THEIR YARDS OR TO TAKE THEM TO ONE OF THE DAKOTA COUNTY COMPOST SITES. RESIDENTS MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THEIR HAULER TO HAVE THEM TAKE YARD* 2. Drop off: (Complete the following only if this is a community owned/operated yard waste collection site). Location: Hours Fees 3. Expected yard waste abatement in 1996. (curbside/drop of�: 90 tons. *WASTE TO THE APPROPRIATE FACILITIES. THEY MAY ALSO TAKE IT TO THE JOINT- OPERATED FACILITY IN LAKEVILLE. 9 E. Describe any independent commercial/industrial recycling activities you will undertake in 1996 (this is not a required program). F. Describe your communities public education/promotional activities that will be unde�taken in 1996. - residential: a minimum of one written communications must be sent to each household in 1996. THERE WILL BE AT LEAST ONE HOUSEHOLD MAILING CONSISTING OF PROMOTIONAL I13FORMATION SENT TO EACH RESIDENCE IN ROSEMOUNT. - community presentations: a minimum of 7 presentations must be made in 1996. THE CITY WILL BE ASSUMING THE DUTIES OF PROVIDING THE SEVEN COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS FOR SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS. - commereial/industrial: . attend one waste management assistance visit conducted by . County staff, or attend one commerciat waste reduction/recycling seminar if the busine�ses attending �r� in you� community. G. Describe your community's in-house recycling program and your community's procurement program. THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CONTINUES TO PROVIDE THE OPPORTUNTTY FOR RECYCLING OF MATERIALS BY EMPLOYEES. EPSPLOYEES ARE UPDATED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR ON THE MOST RECENT INFO AFFECTING THE RECYCLING PROGRAM. ALL CITY FAGILITIES, INCLUDING PARKS, HAVE BINS LOCATED AT THEM. H. For cities over 5,000 population, describe your community's waste reduction efforts and how your community's procurement policies make use of materials made from recycled products. Cities and townships with populations less than 5,000 are not required respond to this section. CITY STAFF"CONTINUES TO MAKE THE PURCHASE OF PiATERIALS MADE. WITH RECYCLED PRODUCTS A PRIORITY. ALL DEPARTMNETS ARE AWARE OF THIS PRIORITY THAT HAS BEEN SET BY THE SOLTD WASTE PROGRAM. WASTE REDUCTION HAS BEGOME A KEY POINT FOR THE CITY AND ITS RESIDEN� L 1996 Innovation Project Funding Describe your community's proposed use of 1996 Special Project Funding amount. Eligible expenditures are listed in Section C. Innovation Proiects �P9- 3)- THE CITY PROP�SES TO PURCHASE SPECIAL RECYCLING BINS TO BE PLACED IN PARKS WITA SOFTBALL�BASEBALL FIELDS. THESE AREAS ARE HIGHLY USED IN THE SPRING AND STJMMER MONTHS AND THE NEED FOR THIS TYPE OF EQUIPMENT I$ HIGH. THESE BINS WOULD HELP INCREASE THE AMOUNT"OF RECYCLING IN THE CITY. 10 lV. Work Plan (Attach if necessary). Dakota County will distribute any approved funding in two equai payments, provided communities meet specified development objectives. Please provide a work plan for 1996 and highlight the objectives to be met by the following dates: o June 15 ALL CURRENT PROGRAMS WILL BE MAINTAINED. AT LEAST FOUR OF THE COrt�NNITY PRESENTATIONS WILL BE COMPLETED BY THIS DATE. AT LEAST ONE MAILING WILL HAVE BEEN SENT OUT TO ROSEMOUNT RESIDENTS. o December 31 ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRANT WILL HAVE BEEN MET INCLUDING THE REMAINING THREE COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS. 11 V. Budget January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 County Community Share Share TOTAL Administrative Costs: Direct Salaries $4017 $4oh� �gg77 Direct Mileage $ 132 S 102 ��3� Direct Membership/Training & Subscriptions $ 250 $ 0 $ 0 Consultant Services and/or Temporary Help '�- $3045 $3045 Software -�- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Other Promotional Education: Printing Costs $4136 fiini s �5:�� Distribution Costs $2000 $1000 �3000 Advertisements -�- -0- -0- Videos JBillboards -�- -0- -0- Promotional Items S 199 '-0- -0- Special Events (Displays, Performance fees, Etc. ) -n- -8- -�_ Other -0- -o- . -9- Innovation P�ojects: Please List Below $ 533 -0- $ 533 TOTAL $11,266 * $9,222 $20,243 Requested from County*'�: $ $11,266 * Unexpended 1996 funds may not be carried over to 1997. ** Request may not exceed that amount shown on the Maximum Reimbursement Schedule (including Innovation Funding) - Attachment D. 12